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To Make: 4 ½ liters
Get ready to cook:
1. Chop the bones into small pieces and
remove any fat or marrow.
2. Wash and peel the vegetables. Leave them
whole for white stock and chop them for
brown stock.
3. Prepare a bunch of herbs (bouquet garni).

1 kg. Raw, meaty Bones, chopped into small pieces
5 liters Water
Onion, Carrot, Celery, Leeks (Whole for White Stock and chopped for Brown
Bunch of Herbs (Bouquet garni)

Chef’s Note:
 Always treat a stock with respect and never allow it to become a dumping
ground for any odds and ends of food.

Cooking Instructions for White Stock:

1. Place the bones in a large pot, cover with cold water and bring to the boil.
2. As soon as the water comes to the boil, take pot to the sink and drain away
the water.
3. Wash the bones and clean the pot.
4. Return the bones to the pot, cover them with water and bring them back to the
boil again.
5. Reduce the heat so that the water is simmering gently.
6. Skim the surface to remove any scum as and when required. Also wipe round
the top and inside of the pot.
7. After 2–3 hours add the vegetables and the bunch of herbs.
8. Simmer for 3–4 hours, skimming regularly.
9. When the cooking is finished, skim the stock again and strain it.

Adding the vegetables and

Covering the bones with water.
Chef’s Note:
You can add the following to
the brown stock:
 Squashed tomatoes and
washed mushroom
 A calf’s foot and/or a
knuckle of bacon. Straining the stock.
Cooking Instructions for the Brown Stock:
1. Brown the chopped bones well on all sides. You can do this by frying them in
a little fat or oil in a frying pan, or by roasting them in a hot oven.
2. Strain off any fat and place the bones in a large pot.
3. If there is any sediment in the bottom of the frying pan or roasting tray, brown
this and then deglaze (swill out) the pan with ½ litre of boiling water.
4. Simmer for a few minutes and then add this liquid to the bones.
5. Cover the bones with cold water and bring it to the boil.
6. Reduce the heat so that the water is simmering gently.
7. Simmer for 2–3 hours, skimming the surface to remove any scum as and
when required.
8. Fry the vegetables in a little fat or oil until brown. Drain off any fat and add
them to the bones with the bunch of herbs.
9. Simmer for 3–4 hours, skimming regularly.
10. When the cooking is finished, skim the stock again and strain it.

Chef’s Note:
Storage suggestion:
 If you are going to keep the stock, cool it quickly, pour it into a suitable
container and put it in the fridge.

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