Tardive Dyskinesia in The Era of Typical and Atypi

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Tardive Dyskinesia in the Era of Typical and Atypical Antipsychotics. Part 1:

Pathophysiology and Mechanisms of Induction

Article  in  Canadian journal of psychiatry. Revue canadienne de psychiatrie · September 2005

DOI: 10.1177/070674370505000907 · Source: PubMed


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5 authors, including:

Howard C Margolese Pr Guy Chouinard

McGill University Health Centre Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology Program, Faculty of Medicine, McGill Universit…


Theodore Kolivakis
McGill University


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Review Paper

Tardive Dyskinesia in the Era of Typical and Atypical

Antipsychotics. Part 1: Pathophysiology and
Mechanisms of Induction
Howard C Margolese, MD, CM, MSc, FRCPC1, Guy Chouinard, MD, MSc, FRCPC2,
Theodore T Kolivakis, MD, CM, FRCPC3, Linda Beauclair, MD, FRCPC4, Robert Miller, PhD5

Objective: Tardive dyskinesia (TD) is the principal adverse effect of long-term treatment
with conventional antipsychotic agents. Several mechanisms may exist for this
phenomenon. Mechanisms for the lower incidence of TD with atypical antipsychotics also
remain to be fully understood. We undertook to explore and better understand these
Methods: We conducted a comprehensive review of TD pathophysiology literature from
January 1, 1965, to January 31, 2004, using the terms tardive dyskinesia, neuroleptics,
antipsychotics, pathophysiology, and mechanisms. Additional articles were obtained by
searching the bibliographies of relevant references. Articles were considered if they
contributed to the current understanding of the pathophysiology of TD.
Results: Current TD vulnerability models include genetic vulnerability, disease-related
vulnerability, and decreased functional reserve. Mechanisms of TD induction include
prolonged blockade of postsynaptic dopamine receptors, postsynaptic dopamine
hypersensitivity, damage to striatal GABA interneurons, and damage of striatal cholinergic
interneurons. Atypical antipsychotics may cause less TD because they have less impact on
the basal ganglia and are less likely to cause postsynaptic dopamine hypersensitivity.
Conclusion: Although the ultimate model for TD is not yet understood, it is plausible that
several of these vulnerabilities and mechanisms act together to produce TD. The lower
incidence of TD with atypical antipsychotics has helped to elucidate the mechanisms
of TD.
(Can J Psychiatry 2005; 50:541–547)
Information on funding and support and author affiliations appears at the end of the article.

Clinical Implications
· Mechanisms of TD induction include prolonged blockade of postsynaptic dopamine receptors,
postsynaptic dopamine hypersensitivity, damage to striatal GABA interneurons, and damage
of striatal cholinergic interneurons.
· Atypical antipsychotics may cause less TD because they have less impact on the basal ganglia
and are less likely to cause postsynaptic dopamine hypersensitivity.

· The ultimate model for TD is not yet understood, and as a result, it remains a complex

Key Words: antipsychotics, extrapyramidal symptoms, psychosis, schizophrenia,

tardive dyskinesia

Can J Psychiatry, Vol 50, No 9, August 2005 W 541

The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry—Review Paper

or many years, conventional antipsychotics were the stan- TD is strongly associated with a history of conventional
F dard treatment for schizophrenia, but use of these agents
was often associated with the development of acute move-
antipsychotic use and usually occurs after several years of
treatment; however, TD can also occur after short-term
ment disorders, including parkinsonism, akathisia, and exposure to conventional antipsychotic drugs. In fact, per-
dystonia with short-term exposure and TD generally after sistent TD can occur in patients treated with conventional
long-term use (1). Since TD can lead to unintelligible antipsychotics, even at low dosages, for as few as 2
speech (2), respiratory distress with diaphragmatic involve- months (11,12).
ment, and falls, it is often associated with shame, guilt, anger,
and depression. In patients whose psychosis is well con- Pathophysiology
trolled, TD can limit reintegration into society or the The pathophysiology of TD is complex and remains to be
workforce (3,4). Because atypical antipsychotics have a lower fully elucidated (13). Multiple models have been proposed to
propensity to cause TD, TD is less actively researched since assimilate the disparate research findings and properly evalu-
the introduction of atypical antipsychotics; thus most of the ate the impact of atypical antipsychotics on TD.
articles included in this review date from prior to 2000. Atypi-
cal antipsychotics are, however, not benign and may lead to One example that attempts to unify the wide range of clinical
metabolic side effects in some patients (5). Nonetheless, atyp- findings with TD is the stress–diathesis model. The stressor is
ical antipsychotics allow for effective control of schizophre- the type, dosage, and duration of antipsychotic (or other medi-
nia symptoms with a lower incidence of TD. cation) used; the diathesis is any condition that increases sus-
ceptibility to developing a movement disorder, including
Clinical Manifestations underlying motor abnormalities inherent in schizophrenia,
TD is characterized by involuntary, repetitive, purposeless genetic predisposition for movement disorders in general, or
movements that vary in localization and form and occur in 8 brain degeneration (such as the aging process) (14–16).
main areas: tongue, jaw, lips, face, trunk, upper extremities, This paper is particularly focused on the stress component of
lower extremities, and respiratory system (6,7). The progres- this equation, but the diathesis merits a closer look. How can
sion of TD varies, and although it may be persistent, the we reconcile the fact that certain patients do not develop TD
course of the disease often waxes and wanes with mild-to- despite many years of treatment with conventional
moderate symptoms and thereafter has a range of mild-to- antipsychotics, while others develop TD after brief exposure
severe symptoms with possible periods of spontaneous to low dosages of atypical antipsychotics? In this section, we
remission (7,8). discuss the factors that work synergistically to produce TD in
a vulnerable subpopulation of patients with schizophrenia.
The diagnosis of TD is one of exclusion through an assess- Disease-Related Vulnerability
ment of symptoms, clinical course, and diagnostic studies (9). SD is defined as abnormal involuntary movements in patients
TD must be differentiated from other neurologic disorders who have never been exposed to antipsychotics. Crane
with similar manifestations, including Tourette syndrome, assessed 150 chronic male patients in Turkish mental hospi-
chronic motor tic disorder, Huntington’s chorea, Sydenham’s tals (17), most of whom had schizophrenia, before
chorea, Wilson’s disease, Meige’s syndrome (for example, antipsychotics were widely used. None of the patients had
cranial dystonia), and the spontaneous movements in the abnormal involuntary movements that were compatible with
elderly referred to as oral lingual dyskinesias and senile TD. However, Chatterjee and others found a high prevalence
chorea (10). of EPS (16.9%) among antipsychotic-naive patients with
schizophrenia (related to negative symptoms and poorer out-
Abbreviations used in this article come) (18). The same researchers found that a poor response
5-HT Serotonin to treatment of a first episode of psychosis is an important fac-
EPS extrapyramidal symptoms tor in the development of TD (19). The authors proposed that
ESRS Extrapyramidal Symptom Rating Scale
there may be a disease-related vulnerability to TD revealed
with antipsychotic exposure. Ismail and others examined
GABA gamma-aminobutyric acid
younger patients with schizophrenia and some of their unaf-
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
fected siblings and found that TD-like dyskinesia was present
PET positron emission tomography
in 28.5% of siblings (20). This finding led the authors to con-
SD spontaneous dyskinesia clude that TD-like dyskinesia may have neurodevelopmental
TD tardive dyskinesia antecedents. Anatomical and imaging studies to localize the
relevant regions of the brain have been revealing. McCreadie

W Can J Psychiatry, Vol 50, No 9, August 2005
Tardive Dyskinesia in the Era of Typical and Atypical Antipsychotics. Part 1: Pathophysiology and Mechanisms of Induction

Table 1 Proposed mechanisms of TD induction by 29), no TD was observed in drug-naive schizophrenia

conventional antipsychotics patients (28).
A. Postsynaptic dopamine receptor hypersensitivity Genetic Vulnerability
· All antipsychotics block dopamine receptors (36,37). Genetic vulnerability to dyskinetic movement disorders is
· Many nonantipsychotic medications that block dopa- distributed in the general population; therefore, conceivably,
mine have also been associated with TD (38).
even a low dosage of an antipsychotic may lead patients at
· Increasing dopaminergic blockade suppresses TD (al-
beit temporarily) (39). high genetic risk to express the dyskinesia phenotype. The
· A relation exists between long-standing EPS and the search for genetic markers that predict such risk contin-
later development of TD (7,47). ues (30,31).
· PET data show that D2 binding is increased after
long-term antipsychotic treatment in humans (40). (The Decreased Functional Reserve
degree of D2 upregulation likely corresponds to the pro-
pensity for TD to develop.) In addition to schizophrenia, other processes (for example,
B. Damage to striatal GABA-containing neurons aging and head trauma) acting on the central nervous system
· Decreased activity of glutamic acid decarboxylase in increase the risk for TD. Generally speaking, these processes
the substantia nigra, globus pallidus, and subthalamic decrease the functional reserve of the systems involved in
nucleus in monkeys and rats with antipsychotic-induced
oral movements (41). motor control; relatively small insults may therefore have a
· Decreased number of striatal neurons in rats after substantial impact. Hence, elderly patients are particularly
long-term antipsychotic treatment (41). vulnerable to the adverse effects of conventional
· Antipsychotic-induced degeneration of striatal-pallidal antipsychotics (32,33).
or striatal-nigral GABA-aminergic pathways, or both
(42,43) .
C. Damage or degeneration of striatal cholinergic interneurons Mechanisms of Antipsychotic Induction of TD
caused by prolonged overactivation of striatal cholinergic Many mechanisms have been proposed to explain how
neurons when released from dopaminergic inhibition after
antipsychotics are administered (44). antipsychotics induce TD. The most prominent theory impli-
D. Prolonged blockade of postsynaptic dopamine receptors cates postsynaptic dopamine receptor hypersensitivity. This
(36,37,45). model predicts that long-standing blockade of dopamine in
· Increased dopamine formation of free-radical metabo- the nigrostriatal pathway receptors leads to possibly perma-
lites (46).
nent receptor hypersensitivity (Table 1) (34–47).
· Increased excitatory glutaminergic transmission from
prefrontal cortex to striatum (46). Damage to striatal GABA-containing neurons has also been
cited in the pathophysiology of TD, as revealed in reports
that show decreased activity of glutamic acid decarboxylase
in the substantia nigra, globus pallidus, and subthalamic
nucleus in monkeys and rats with antipsychotic-induced oral
and colleagues studied chronically ill patients who had movements and a decreased number of striatal neurons in
schizophrenia and no previous exposure to antipsychotics and rats after long-term antipsychotic treatment (Table 1) (41).
found that a significant portion had dyskinesia associated with Such findings are consistent with the degeneration of
enlargement of the left lentiform nucleus (21). The authors striatopallidal and striatonigral GABA-aminergic pathways
proposed that patients with dyskinesia and striatal pathology that occur in response to antipsychotic therapy; however,
who have never been treated with antipsychotics may repre- human studies using GABA agonists have shown only mini-
sent a subgroup of patients with schizophrenia. mal effects (42,43).
PET and single-photon emission computed tomographic stud- Miller and Chouinardproposed that TD occurs in response to
ies involving schizophrenia patients with no previous exposure the damage or degeneration of striatal cholinergic
to antipsychotic medication demonstrate elevated synthesis of interneurons (44) (Table 1). The most direct evidence for
dopamine in the striatum (22,23)—although Dao-Castellana these proposals can come only from pathologic studies of
and others report negative findings (23)—increased postmortem brains in appropriate clinical groups. Thus far, no
amphetamine-induced dopamine release (24–26), and published studies address these issues in a specific way. How-
increased baseline occupancy of dopamine D2 receptors (27). ever, Holt and colleagues showed a loss of cholinergic
This line of evidence argues for a dysfunction in striatal interneurons in striata obtained from patients with schizo-
dopaminergic transmission that precedes exposure to phrenia (48). Most of the brains in this study were obtained
antipsychotics and is likely associated with the schizophrenia from patients extensively treated with antipsychotics before
illness process per se or to psychosis in general (28). In this lat- death. Although no clinical data are available in this study
est study, which used a standardized rating scale (the ESRS, indicating whether these patients displayed symptoms of TD

Can J Psychiatry, Vol 50, No 9, August 2005 W 543

The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry—Review Paper

or antipsychotic-resistant psychosis, the observed cholinergic general, act on the mesolimbic (A10) rather than on the
cell loss might have given rise to one of these syndromes com- nigrostriatal (A9) dopamine pathways (likely mediated by
monly associated with schizophrenia, rather than with psy- 5-HT2 antagonism) and modulate dopaminergic transmission
chosis or schizophrenia itself (28). through loose binding at the D2 receptor. For a more thorough
Several studies in animals have reported that cholinergic cells review regarding mechanism of action of antipsychotics, sev-
(or the marker enzyme choline acetyl transferase) in the eral excellent articles exist in the literature (36,45). Atypical
striatum are lost or reduced in amount after prolonged regimes agents that bind loosely to D2 receptors and block 5-HT2
of haloperidol and fluphenazine (49,50). Recently, Grimm receptors will likely be associated with the lowest incidence of
and others showed that prolonged haloperidol treatment in TD and may even demonstrate a protective effect in patients at
rats led to cholinergic cell loss in the specific areas of the increased risk for spontaneous dyskinesia (caused by genetic,
striatum related to oral movements (51). This result may pro- neurodevelopmental, or age-related factors), a beneficial
vide an animal model to explain why TD in humans is most effect in patients with established TD and altered neurotrans-
commonly a motor disorder of orofacial musculature. mitter systems (such as dopaminergic hypersensitivity), and a
temporary masking of damage caused by conventional
Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy provides supporting antipsychotics. This could also partly be due to spontaneous
evidence for the cholinergic hypothesis. This method allows remission of TD from conventional antipsychotic withdrawal;
quantification of choline, the precursor of acetylcholine, in it is difficult to determine the exact effect without
specific brain structures. Choline reuptake leads to the accu- placebo-controlled trials.
mulation of choline in cholinergic neurons before its conver-
sion to the transmitter; an excess of choline in brain tissue will Clozapine, quetiapine, ziprasidone, olanzapine, and
signify a loss of cholinergic neurons. Using this method, risperidone (< 6 mg daily) exert a favourable effect on TD by
investigators have shown that, in schizophrenia, choline lev- several possible mechanisms (57–60). It is likely that these
els in the basal ganglia are greater than normal (52). Ando and mechanisms (such as suppression, spontaneous improvement,
others produced further results with this method (53), imply- and direct effect on pathophysiology) act together at different
ing that choline levels in the lenticular nucleus are higher in periods during treatment and to differing degrees along with
schizophrenia patients with TD than in those without the other yet unrecognized mechanisms. Of these mechanisms,
syndrome. support for direct effect against the pathophysiology of TD,
possibly by decreasing dopamine receptor sensitivity, is
Apart from such methods for assessing cholinergic processes
found, because the decrease in TD over time is dosage-
in the striatum, clinical trials with cholinergic agents in
dependent (57,59). The theory that this is due to dosage-
patients with TD could provide indirect evidence related to
dependent suppression similar to that associated with
the cholinergic hypothesis (44). Caroff and colleagues
conventional antipsychotics (58) is not supported, because
showed that the anticholinesterase donepezil was effective
some TD symptoms are stable or remain at a low level over
against the symptoms of TD (54,55). Since choline, the pre-
time when treated with atypical antipsychotics. In addition,
cursor of acetylcholine, was not effective, Caroff and others
PET data show weak D2 binding (for clozapine) in the
regarded their evidence as support for the hypothesis of Miller
nigrostriatal tract, not strong D2 binding, as predicted by this
and Chouinard. However, a recent metaanalysis concluded
theory (37,60).
that trials of cholinergic agents in the treatment of TD con-
ducted to date have insufficient statistical power to reach a The structural brain abnormalities seen in patients with
firm conclusion about the drugs’ effectiveness (56). This area schizophrenia and TD are poorly understood at this time (61);
of research may be clarified when cholinergic agents effective whereas some abnormalities are reversible, there appears to
against specific muscarinic receptors are tested in patients be a threshold beyond which they may be persistent, even if
with TD. current management strategies are undertaken (62). The mul-
tiple receptor antagonist atypical antipsychotics seem to exert
Atypical Antipsychotics and TD neuroprotective therapeutic effects that permit them to have
Although receptor-binding profiles vary among atypical superior therapeutic activity for many of our patients. Cloning
antipsychotics, they all antagonize dopamine and serotonin of human receptors has permitted a better understanding of
receptors to some degree. Whether other receptor binding is the mechanism of action of antipsychotics and has helped to
involved in either TD onset or TD amelioration is not known. define atypicality. The D2 blocking effect does not permit a
It is clear, however, that atypical antipsychotics are associated differentiation between antipsychotics, rather, blockade of
with the least risk of causing structural damage and provoking other receptors helps to define atypicality (63). Atypicality is
persistent, dynamic alterations in neurotransmitter systems defined by 2 properties shared by all atypical antipsychotics:
involved in motor control. Atypical antipsychotics, in n e u r o p r o te c tiv e ef f e c ts o n co r tic a l to x ic ity a n d

W Can J Psychiatry, Vol 50, No 9, August 2005
Tardive Dyskinesia in the Era of Typical and Atypical Antipsychotics. Part 1: Pathophysiology and Mechanisms of Induction

extrapyramidal toxicity caused by classical antipsychotics volume caused by classical antipsychotics seen among
and multiple receptor antagonism (64–66). approximately 10% of the patients in these MRI studies.

Atypical antipsychotics exert therapeutic effects by simulta-

neously acting at levels considered efficacious in humans on
more than 10 receptors that are now directly or indirectly TD remains a complex disorder because its mechanism is not
implicated in schizophrenia (67). There are numerous studies yet fully understood. Current TD vulnerability models, which
in both humans and animals that demonstrate neuroprotective are not mutually exclusive but rather complementary, include
effects of atypical antipsychotics (68–74). From this perspec- genetic vulnerability, disease-related vulnerability, and
tive, the most studied medications are clozapine, risperidone, decreased functional reserve. Mechanisms of TD induction
and olanzapine. Three studies review the results obtained to by typical antipsychotics include prolonged blockade of
date in patients with schizophrenia (68–72). Frazier and col- postsynaptic dopamine receptors, postsynaptic dopamine
leagues revealed that caudate volume increased after expo- hypersensitivity, damage to striatal GABA neurons, and dam-
sure to typical antipsychotics in childhood-onset age to striatal cholinergic neurons. Although one unifying
schizophrenia patients (68). After 2 years of treatment with theory may ultimately be discovered, current understanding
clozapine, caudate volume, which was larger on the first scan, suggests that several of these mechanisms may coexist to pro-
had diminished to reveal no difference between subjects and duce TD or that different mechanisms may predominate in
control subjects on the second scan. Lang and colleagues different patients or patient populations. Atypical
failed to demonstrate a difference in first-episode schizophre- antipsychotics may be associated with a lower risk of TD by
nia patients among volumes of the lenticular, caudate, and decreasing striatal dopamine receptor sensitivity, either indi-
front wall of the amygdala (basal ganglia), compared with rectly through serotonin or directly by looser binding to the D2
healthy control subjects (69). In chronically treated patients, receptor. Further, compared with typical antipsychotics,
caudate, putamen, and globus-pallidus volumes were signifi- atypicals are less likely to cause changes in basal ganglia vol-
cantly larger than in first-episode patients and control sub- ume; thus, they are less likely to damage cells directly
jects. In first-episode schizophrenia patients treated with involved in the pathophysiology of TD. Understanding of the
risperidone, lenticular, caudate, and front wall of the pathophysiology of TD has made significant advances with
amygdala (that is, basal ganglia) volumes were unchanged our understanding of atypical antipsychotic mechanisms of
after one year of treatment (69). In the study by Gur and col- action and our exploration of their lower propensity to cause
leagues, no difference in subcortical volume was observed TD. However, the full elucidation of the mechanisms of TD
between patients treated for the first time with an remains to be discovered.
antipsychotic and healthy control subjects, except on
thalamus volume (70). In these same patients, changes in vol- Funding and Support
umes did not correlate with the intensity of negative symp- Howard C Margolese is a paid speaker for Eli-Lilly, Astra Zeneca,
and Janssen. He is a consultant for Janssen and Biovail. Guy
toms, whereas an augmentation in thalamus and putamen Chouinard receives research support from Janssen and Pfizer and
volume correlated with the intensity of positive symptoms. In is a consultant for Pfizer, Janssen, Neuro 3 D, Solvay, and
this same study (70), larger putamen and pallidum volumes Organon. He is a paid speaker for Eli Lilly. Theodore T Kolivakis
is a consultant for Janssen Ortho, Oryx Pharmaceuticals, Biovail,
were observed among patients previously treated with
Eli Lilly, and Astra Zeneca. He has received speaker honoraria
antipsychotics, compared with healthy control subjects and from Oryx Pharmaceuticals, Eli Lilly, and Wyeth. He was sup -
first-episode patients. Among previously treated patients, ported by a Fellowship from the Canadian Society for Clinical
high-dose classical antipsychotics led to increased caudate, Pharmacology and by a grant from McGill Friends for Research.
Linda Beauclair receives research support from Janssen, Pfizer,
putamen, and thalamus volumes, whereas high-dosage and Organon. Robert Miller receives conference planning support
atypical antipsychotics led only to increased thalamus from Eli Lilly (New Zealand).
volume (70).

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Résumé : La dyskinésie tardive à l’ère des antipsychotiques typiques et atypiques.

1re partie : la pathophysiologie et les mécanismes d’induction
Objectif : La dyskinésie tardive (DT) est le principal effet indésirable d’un traitement à long terme aux agents
antipsychotiques classiques. Un certain nombre de mécanismes peuvent expliquer ce phénomène. Les
mécanismes d’incidence plus faible de la DT avec les antipsychotiques atypiques ne sont pas non plus encore
complètement compris. Nous avons entrepris d’explorer et de mieux comprendre ces mécanismes.
Méthodes : Nous avons mené une revue exhaustive de la documentation sur la pathophysiologie de la DT, du
1er janvier 1965 au 31 janvier 2004, à l’aide des mots clés dyskinésie tardive, neuroleptiques, antipsychotiques,
pathophysiologie et mécanismes. Des articles additionnels ont été obtenus en recherchant les bibliographies
d’études pertinentes. Les articles étaient retenus s’ils contribuaient à la compréhension actuelle de la
pathophysiologie de la DT.
Résultats : Les modèles actuels de vulnérabilité à la DT comprennent la vulnérabilité génétique, la vulnérabilité
liée à la maladie, et une réserve fonctionnelle réduite. Les mécanismes d’induction de la DT incluent le blocage
prolongé des récepteurs de la dopamine postsynaptiques, l’hypersensibilité de la dopamine postsynaptique, des
interneurones GABA striataux endommagés, et des interneurones cholinergiques striataux endommagés. Les
antipsychotiques atypiques peuvent causer moins de DT parce qu’ils ont moins d’effet sur les noyaux gris
centraux et sont moins susceptibles de causer l’hypersensibilité de la dopamine postsynaptique.
Conclusion : Même si le modèle définitif de la DT n’est pas encore compris, il est plausible que plusieurs de
ces vulnérabilités et mécanismes agissent de concert pour produire la DT. L’incidence plus faible de la DT avec
les antipsychotiques atypiques a contribué à élucider les mécanismes de la DT.

Can J Psychiatry, Vol 50, No 9, August 2005 W 547

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