Human Resources Management Plan

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Human Resources Management Plan

7.1 Project Information

Project Name: Laboratory Development Plan

Location: Mechanical Engineering Building at the University of Alberta
Project Manager: Shannon MacDonald

7.2 Human Resources Assumptions

Assumptions made during the development of the Human Resource Plan


I. The schedules of the laboratory technicians will remain available as was

communicated to the project team by the technicians themselves.
II. The laboratory technician certified, experienced, and responsible for
operating the crane will be available as promised.
III. The laboratory technicians who have been contacted by the project team
will remain employees of the University of Alberta during the entire span of
the project.
IV. The researchers involved and working under Dr. Lipsett will not take any
extended leaves of absence or permanently relocate during the relocation
phase of the project.
V. Researchers have accurately catalogued their needs, equipment, and

7.3 Human Resource Constraints

The human resources that will be utilized during the course of the project will
include Dr. Lipsett, the project manager (Shannon MacDonald), the project
team, laboratory technicians, a cleaning service, and research students under
Dr Lipsett. Each individual group of human resources has various constraints
which need to be considered.

7.3.1 Project Owner (Dr. Lipsett)

The project owner, Dr. Lipsett, has a flexible schedule. The

constraint lies in quantity of time he is able to spend with the project
team on a weekly basis which is limited to a few hours. This
requires the team to be prepared with concise questions resulting in
high efficiency low duration meeting.

7.3.2 Project Manager and Project Team:

The project manager as well as the project team have considerable

commitments to academic pursuits; work related responsibilities, as
well as other personal commitments. A detailed weekly schedule
outlining unavoidable academic work, industry work, and personal
commitments can be found in Appendix X. The project manager as
well as the project team will be unavailable after April 13, 2011. The
project manager and the project team are limited by the amount of
face to face meeting times available.

7.3.3 Laboratory Technicians

The laboratory technicians are available to the project team within

regular work hours and are not permitted to work overtime at the
University of Alberta. The laboratory technicians are also
unavailable during weekends and on statutory holidays. Lunch
breaks as well as regularly scheduled coffee breaks will also be
taken at designated times for predetermined durations. These
policies are set by and comply with the Canadian labour code as
well as University of Alberta employee policies. Laboratory
personnel handle a wide range of projects at the University of
Alberta and so advanced notice of requirements is necessary. The
demanding schedules of the laboratory technicians limit their work
contribution. The laboratory technician’s work is primarily based on
a batch work structure and so the project team will need to
schedule and utilize the technicians accordingly.

7.3.4 Research Students:

Research students directly affected will require advanced notice of

all migration related activities. Researchers will require windows of
allocated time in which they are able to relocate their materials and
tools. The laboratory space allocated to a researcher is to be work
ready upon that student’s relocation window. This is required to
ensure minimal disruption to the researchers schedule and
provides appropriate accommodations for the researcher to work.
7.4 Human Resources Risk issues

It has been found necessary to address issues such as human resource

shortages, employee transfers, and employee promotions. The project team,
working with the University of Alberta, has been assured that staff will be made
available regardless of the aforementioned. These reassurances have
minimized the associated human resource risk. The labour intensive phase of
the migration process has been scheduled to occur after the end of the
semester. This is advantageous as the amount of constrains and demands on
the laboratory technicians is lowered during this period time. The risk has also
been minimized through the allocation of funds to a reserve dedicated for short
term labour subcontracting in the event University assets are unavailable. The
project team members as well as the project manager have all signed an
agreement stating that the project will be completed before any member is
released of his or her responsibilities.

7.5 Project Human Resources Need

The human resources required have been divided into the categories. Each
category summarizes the number of individuals required, the skills of the
individuals, and how to acquire the right people.

7.5.1 Initial laboratory cleanout

During this phase of the project the primary laboratory which the
researchers are being relocated to will be cleared of all non-essential
equipment, furnishings, laboratory experiments, and infrastructure.
This will require two technicians with little skill due the nature of the
items being moved. The technicians will be provided by the University
of Alberta.

7.5.2 Secondary Detailed Cleaning

Secondary cleaning will involve mopping, dusting, and wiping down

tables along with various other small activities. The work will require
two individuals with basic cleaning skills. The work is to be
subcontracted to a cleaning agency approved by the University of
7.5.3 Infrastructure Setup

The laboratory has most on the required infrastructure in place. The

additional infrastructure will be installed by the laboratory technicians.
Electrical certification is required as well as experience with wall
mounting shelving and various other fixtures to brick. The technicians
will be provided by the University of Alberta.

7.5.4 Heavy Laboratory Equipment and Furnishing Relocation

A few pieces of heavy equipment are being relocated. The heaviest

piece of equipment will require five laboratory technicians with at
least one technician who is certified to operate the mechanical
engineering crane. The remainder of the large equipment can be
transported with pallet jacks. University of Alberta will supply the
crane as well as the operator.

7.5.5 Small Equipment, Tools, Experiments, and Furnishings

The researchers themselves will be responsible for relocating small

furnishings and their own experiments and possessions. This will
involve all eight current researchers and will require basic skills, dolly
usage, and the ability to lift 45 kilograms.

7.6 Time table/Schedule

The activity schedule is as follows and includes the duration of the activities
along with human resource release times.

7.6.1 Initial laboratory cleanout

Once all of the marked and or indicated items have been removed
from the laboratory and relocated to their designated locations both
human resources can released. The duration of the task will require 8
hours from both technicians.

7.6.2 Secondary Detailed Cleaning

The sub-contractors (Bee-Clean) will be required to supply two

individuals to perform detailed cleaning amounting to 4 hours of work
for each cleaner in the new laboratory. An additional 2 hours from
each cleaner will be required in the old laboratory leaving the space
move in ready. After both laboratories have been cleaned, both
human resources will be released.

7.6.3 Infrastructure Setup

Infrastructure setup will require two laboratory technicians, one with

electrical certification. The duration of work will require 8 hours, or a
full working day to complete. The assets can then be released.

7.6.4 Heavy Laboratory Equipment and Furnishing Relocation

The large and heavy equipment relocation will require a total of five
technicians and labourers. One crane certified technician to operate
the crane and the rest of the individuals to support the safe relocation
of equipment. The laboratory technicians will also be relocating all of
the large furniture such as desks. All five assets will be required for
one full working day and can be released thereafter. Desks

7.6.5 Small Equipment, Tools, Experiments, and Furnishings

A total of eight researchers are being relocated. Each researcher will

be relocating their own pieces of small equipment, tools,
experiments, and furnishings. The relocation will be done in groups of
two researchers. Each individual will assist the other with oversized
objects. The duration of time to move both researchers’ items will
consume 8 hours. After completion both researchers will be released.

7.7 Recognition and Awards

Work shall be recognized at the laboratory commissioning. The event will

provide each member who voluntarily attends pizza and refreshments and will
also highlight the accomplishments of those involved. Recognition will be given
to work which has been completed within the allotted time and a safe manner.
7.8 Compliance with Human Resources Rules

All human resource rules have been assessed and will be adhered to. Working
conditions, risks, work durations, and breaks all conform to the rules and
regulations set by Occupational Health and Safety as well as University of
Alberta. A detailed list of expectations will be provided to each human resource
and will be monitored throughout the project. These expectations includes
prioritizing the safety of both human resources and the public. Work being
completed is to be done so in a manner that satisfies the project manager and
to the best ability of the human resource. Any incidents, deficiencies and other
events will be promptly brought to the attention of the project manager. Unsafe
work practices will not be tolerated and work that is unsafe work is not to be

7.9 Team Building Effort

To promote a sense of ownership for the project, tasks have been delegated to
those individuals who volunteer for them. This allows individuals to work within
their fields of interest as much as possible making the work more enjoyable.
Work has also been distributed in a manner which allows pairs of team
members to work together towards common milestones. This promotes an
atmosphere of teamwork and cooperation.

7.10 Training Needs

Basic lifting techniques will be briefly reviewed with the researchers to ensure
all lifting in done in a safe manner. This training will not add any significant cost
to the project. The remainder of the human assets have been certified and

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