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Grace McDonald

Week 2: (5/17/2021 – 5/23/2021)

Monday (5/17/2021): 9:00 am – 5:00 pm; 8 hours

Today, I began corresponding with Carrie Mapp to plan my assignments for the day and

the remainder of the week. I worked on INSIGHTS recruitment until 11 am. At 11 am I had a

meeting with Carrie Mapp and a few other interns to discuss our plan of action. Since I had

already worked a week before the other interns, it was planned to share my excel sheet with

the other INSIGHTS ambassadors to avoid duplicated work. The meeting lasted until 1 pm which

addressed any questions about our responsibilities along with more extended guidance on our

roles. Once I shared the excel, I color coordinated and organized the excel sheet. After this, I

continued to work on finding contacts and emailing them.

Tuesday (5/18/2021): 8:30 am – 3:00 pm; 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm; 8 hours

I started the morning finishing where I left off with my contacts with the Alumnae AOII

Chapters. I also followed up with Cherie Hurt about recruitment efforts with Warren Baptist

Church. I continued to contact healthcare settings since I have previously found information to

contact this setting. I followed up with Catie McCauley who is on the executive staff for the

Metro Augusta YMCAs because I had already made contact with the YMCAs in Augusta. I made

sure to log on my excel and noted it on the previous one with other ambassador to avoid

duplicating contact too soon. I learned about the ability to make customized QR codes if it is

desired so the Arthritis Foundation can send this information back to the organization. Once

250 surveys are completed, we are able to give the INSIGHTS back to them. I communicated

with one of the interns about formatting and email language. At 1:30 I spoke with Stacy

Courtnay about progress and the approach taken when making phone calls to organizations. I
Grace McDonald

continued to reach out to contacts and add information to the excel sheet. I took a break from

my work then resumed my work to complete 8 hours for the day.

Wednesday (5/19/2021): 7:30 am – 3:30 pm; 8 hours

I began the day corresponding with interns by email and I also created a GroupMe so we

could communicate effectively. The Ronald McDonald House in Augusta was a nonprofit I

emailed about our INSIGHTS assessments and was informed today that they would be able to

put our INISGHTS digital flyers on their monitors for families to see. I sent this information to

Stacy Courtnay since another INSIGHTS Ambassador was in contact with the Ronald McDonald

House in Atlanta. For that reason, we combined resources and contacts to plan for future

contact. I also gave the RMHC in Augusta more information about the Arthritis Foundation. I

began adding contacts and contacting more retirement communities and heard back from the

Claiborne at West Lake which is a senior living community. We began communicating about the

opportunities of the Arthritis Foundation within this facility. Towards the end of the day, I

began researching potential contacts for eye doctors since arthritis may vision too and made a

plan for contacts to reach tomorrow. I updated Ms. Mapp at the end of the day about my


Thursday (5/20/2021): 8:00 am – 10:00 am; 10:45 am – 4:45 pm; 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm; 9 hours

I began the day looking over emails that I have received after I finished my day working

yesterday. Stacy Courtnay asked me to reach out to a church located in Atlanta, so I did this

morning. In addition to this, I maintained contact with the interns assisting with the Arthritis

Foundation. I logged this on my excel sheet and continued to log contacts of ophthalmologists

since arthritis may impact the eyes. I made a new tab to begin my research and the fill the gap
Grace McDonald

we were missing in our contacts. I reached out to these offices via email like other contacts I

have previously collected information on. Throughout the remainder of my hours, I organized

contacts in the excel sheet, added contacts, and made requests.

At 7:00 pm there was a VIM exclusive VIP preview for those who wanted to learn about

the new application that the Arthritis Foundation is launching. It was informational and gave

insights of their pain initiative. I really enjoyed hearing from the panel along with those

impacted by arthritis. I have been reading a lot about arthritis but is different when you hear

the information, and it’s impacts by those who actually have arthritis!

Friday (5/21/2021): 11:30 – 12:30; 1

Today, I communicated with my supervisor about my hours for the week and our plan

for next week to increase the number of hours to make up for today and last week. I plan to

increase the days I work by including next weekend. I also checked my email for responses for

contacts and cleaned up my excel sheet so it would be easy to evaluate when I began my hours

again Monday.

Weekly Hours: 34

Total Hours to date: 61.5

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