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International Journal of Fatigue 30 (2008) 767–778

Fatigue performance of pre-strained pipes with girth weld defects:

Full-scale experiments and analyses
T.A. Netto *, M.I. Lourenço, A. Botto
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro COPPE – Ocean Engineering Department, P.O. Box 68508, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

Received 12 January 2007; accepted 15 July 2007

Available online 27 July 2007


The local deformation mechanism of pre-strained welded joints with defects was studied in the first part of this work. [Netto TA,
Botto A, Lourenço MI. Fatigue performance of pre-strained pipes with girth weld defects: Local deformation mechanisms under bend-
ing. Int J Fatigue (2007), doi:10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2007.08.001]. It was shown that highly localized strains may develop at the tip of these
defects, depending on their type (lack of fusion and lack of penetration) and size. Different levels of pre-straining do affect the fracture
mechanics material parameters and subsequently can deteriorate the fatigue performance of these joints under operational cyclic loads.
Here, the fatigue lives of pre-strained joints with different defects were obtained experimentally by means of full-scale specimens. Sub-
sequently, both a finite element model and an algorithm based on linear fracture mechanics that accounts for the changes in the material
properties due to pre-straining were used to estimate the fatigue life of typical joints. The results were compared and used to suggest
guidelines to the development of weld acceptance criteria of reeled steel catenary risers.
 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Reeling; Plastically strained pipes; SCR; Riser fatigue; Weld defects

1. Introduction straightening of the pipe during the laying process.

Although this is common practice for static flowlines, there
The cost-effective development of deep and ultra-deep is currently limited information available on the effect of
water discoveries, in general, is through the deployment plastic deformation on girth welds intended for use in
of a floating production system. There are currently a num- dynamic applications.
ber of different options for floating production units, how- Fatigue life predictions based on S–N curves and frac-
ever they all require a system of risers to transfer the ture mechanics approaches can be employed in the preli-
production fluids from the seabed to the production plat- minary stages of the design. Nevertheless, the necessary
form. Consequently, risers are critical and expensive com- confidence to establish a consistent planning for SCR’s
ponents within a floating production field development. installations using reel methods should be built upon lab-
Steel catenary risers (SCRs) installed by the reel-lay oratory fatigue tests using full-scale pipes and realistic
method offer potential for great economy [1,2], since con- girth welding processes. In order to assess the possible
ventional laying methods offer welding, inspection and field detrimental effect of such installation procedures into
joint coating taking place off-shore simultaneously with the the riser fatigue performance, welded segments of pipes
installation procedures. Reeled SCRs are welded on-shore. must be plastically deformed prior to the cyclic loading
This installation techniques involve controlled bending and test.
Hutt and Frazer [3] described full-scale fatigue tests car-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +55 21 2562 7791; fax: +55 21 2562 7793. ried out to investigate the effects of plastic strain on the
E-mail address: (T.A. Netto). fatigue performance of metallic risers. Tested pipes were

0142-1123/$ - see front matter  2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
768 T.A. Netto et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 30 (2008) 767–778

welded with conventional methods and radial friction weld. Material: API 5L X60;
Results showed that radial friction welded joints can pro- Diameter (D): 219.08 mm (8.625 in.);
vide improved fatigue performance, since the welding pro- Thickness (t): 15.06 mm (0.593 in.);
cess is automatic and there is less risk of unknown defects. Length (L): 5.2 m.
Venkataraman [4] summarized important considerations in
reeled riser design. He concluded that reeled risers, when
properly engineered and qualified, are feasible and cost- The full-scale test program included a bending simulator
effective for deepwater applications, even for dynamic ser- and a fatigue test rig. Test procedures were planed to sim-
vices. Ernest et al. [5] propose a methodology to perform ulate installation and life-time operation conditions of
structural reliability analysis of pipes subjected to reeling. SCRs. The specimens were first tested on the bending appa-
They concluded that total amount of crack extension after ratus, described in the first part of this work, and then
reeling process simulation seems to be completely under fatigue, as described in detail below.
accounted by the R-curve, without fatigue effects.
The first part of this work described the full-scale test 2.1. Bending simulator
program that simulates SCR’s installations using reel
method. Tested specimens were intentionally manufactured The bending simulator was designed to induce plastic
with lack of fusion (LF) and lack of penetration (LP), two deformations in pipes through bending and reverse bend-
different common weld defects. The bending simulator ing over rigid surfaces similarly to what occurs during some
induces plastic deformations in pipes similarly to what installation procedures. It is composed of a main steel
occurs during installation procedures. Moreover, finite ele- structure and dies with variable radii of curvature that
ment models were developed to reproduce the physical are driven by two hydraulic actuators.
experiments and then used to conduct a parametric study A schematic view of the experimental setup is shown
in which type and size of the defects were varied. Guided in Fig. 1. The pipe is placed between the bending and
by the experimental observations and numerical analyses the straightening dies. They are mounted on two rails
of the localized strain that occurs in the vicinity of the where they can slide on back and forth. The pipe ends
defects during reeling, a series of tests were performed in are attached to extension bars that react against one
order to determine the da/dN curve of virgin and pre- roller assembly on each side when the actuators apply
strained test specimens made of typical weld and base force on the tools. The roller assemblies are designed to
materials. allow translation and rotation of the end extensions when
This work describes the fatigue analyses and full-scale the pipe specimens are being bent and/or straightened.
experiments on 8.625 in (2.08 mm) outside diameter pipes The sliding motion of the tools is driven by hydraulic
and girth welds with induced lack of fusion and lack of actuators provided with a servo-valve in a closed-loop
penetration defects that have been recently carried out at control system.
COPPE/UFRJ. A fatigue rig, designed to produce a rota- When the actuators distend, the pipe is bent over the
tive bending test, is described. The fatigue lives of reeled bending die. Similarly, the pipe is straightened when the
joints with different defects are calculated independently actuators move back slightly beyond their original posi-
with the aid of a finite element model and, alternatively, tion. In all experiments, the radii of curvature of the reel-
by an algorithm based on linear fracture mechanics theory, ing and straightening tools were 6 m and 30 m,
specially developed for this purpose. The changes in the respectively.
material properties due to pre-straining are incorporated A complete description of the apparatus and the exper-
in the analyses in order to verify their detrimental effect imental procedure can be found in the first part of this
on the fatigue life of reeled pipes. The results are compared work.
with the full-scale test results and a parametric study of LP
and LF defect dimensions is presented. 2.2. Fatigue test rig

2. Full-scale experiments 2.2.1. Main characteristics

Experiments on pipes with 8.625 in external diameter The main characteristics of the apparatus are as follows:
were used as base cases to describe the experimental pro- Maximum length of the 6 m (including end
gram and later the analyses performed. Four specimens specimens: connections);
having one girth weld each, made using GTAW and Maximum external diameter 324 mm (12.75 in.);
SMAW processes for root and filling, respectively were of specimens:
manufactured with different weld flaws, such as lack of Maximum bending moment: approx. 600 KN m
fusion and lack of penetration. One more specimen was (5.3 · 106 lb in.);
manufactured using the same procedure, but without weld Maximum axial tension: 2000 KN (4.5 · 105 lb);
defects. Nominal material and geometric parameters of the Test frequency range: 5–15 Hz.
specimens were the following:
T.A. Netto et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 30 (2008) 767–778 769

Fig. 1. Bending apparatus.

2.2.2. Experimental procedure Fig. 2, a is the distance between the end supports and the
The designed test setup was based on a four-point bend- ‘‘point’’ loads). As a result, any given material fiber in this
ing rotating test method. Typically, rotating bending fati- region will experience, in the static configuration, longitu-
gue tests are conducted on smooth, small-diameter dinal bending stress rb that is tensile in the region below
cylindrical bar specimens, but they have also been per- the longitudinal neutral axis and compressive in the other
formed on drill pipe specimens with a diameter of side (Eq. (1)).
114 mm (4.5 in.) [6]. Alternatively, resonance frequency M z y F y ‘y
based apparatus has been used to test 324 mm (12.75 in.) rb ¼  ¼ ð1Þ
Iz Iz
diameter steel pipes with welded joints [3].
A typical small-scale rotating bending test setup is where y is the vertical distance between the material fiber
shown in Fig. 2. To simulate fatigue loading, the middle and the neutral axis and Iz is the moment of inertia of
region of the specimen (length equal to L) is subjected to the cross-section with respect to z. The material is then sub-
a constant bending moment (Mz). This is accomplished jected to cyclic bending loading by rotating the specimen
by simply supporting the specimen at each end, and then about its longitudinal axis. As the specimen rotates, each
applying transverse loads of equal magnitude (Fy) at two material fiber around the cross-sections alternates between
points that are equally spaced apart from each end (in compression and tension, thus creating cyclic stress load-
ing. In addition to bending fatigue loads, mean axial ten-
sion (Fx) can also be applied to the specimen. In the
static configuration, the magnitude of the superimposed
longitudinal stresses in each fiber is given by Eq. (2).
F x F y ‘y
rx ¼  ð2Þ
A Iz
where A is the area of the cross-section. As the specimen
rotates, rx alternates between high tension and low tension.
The mean stress rm is determined by the axial force being
applied to the specimen, whereas the stress range rr is con-
trolled by the bending load.
After assembled in the apparatus and before the fatigue
test, four strain gages are mounted in the weld and base
Fig. 2. Small-scale bending fatigue test setup. metal regions of the specimens. The selected loads for the
770 T.A. Netto et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 30 (2008) 767–778

desired stress range and mean stress are then applied to the loads are applied at two points equally spaced from the
specimen, which is subsequently rotated as in the actual end supports by two identical transverse load frame assem-
fatigue test, but to a limited number of cycles. The strains blies. These loads cause a constant bending moment in the
are recorded and the data is later processed in order to mid section of the specimen where the girth weld is located.
obtain the actual stresses acting on the specimen. If neces- As the pipe rotates, metal fibers move from the compres-
sary, then, the loads initially applied are corrected to match sion to the tension zone, thus causing metal fatigue. The
the desired test load parameters. nominal stress amplitude is calculated as shown in Eq.
Most tests were carried out either until 107 cycles or (2). Mean stress is simulated by tensioning the specimen
until detection of a through-crack. Through-cracks were with the aid of a hydraulic actuator acting on one end of
consistently detected in their initial stages with the aid of the specimen, while the other end is axially restrained.
a sealed rubber membrane placed around the region of The primary features of each load frame include a cus-
the girth weld, and inflated with air to a pressure of around tom-made hydraulic actuator, a 10 liter accumulator, a
15 psi (100 kPa). Since a sudden loss of pressure might indi- load roller assembly equipped with two tapered roller bear-
cate presence of material through-cracking, the external ings, and a load ring that is mounted onto the specimen
surface of the membrane was constantly monitored by an through wedges (Fig. 4). Additionally, the frames are each
optical sensor linked to the data acquisition and control instrumented with a linear variable displacement trans-
system. In case of membrane deflation, the experiment former (LVDT) to monitor the vertical displacement and
was automatically shutdown for further inspection of the a load cell to monitor and control the applied load. Both
leak. Generally, through-cracks detected by this manner are connected to the computerized data acquisition and
were not apparent by simple visual inspection. Further closed-loop control system.
inspection with liquid dye penetrating usually sufficed to A positive displacement pump provided with an elec-
identify the failure regions. tronic servo-valve supplies hydraulic pressure to the cylin-
der and accumulator system that, in turn, applies load to
2.2.3. Experimental setup the ring through the roller assembly that is connected to
A schematic view of the apparatus is shown in Fig. 3. It the actuator by a hinge. The hydraulic accumulators are
includes a steel structure with two transverse load frame designed to insure that nearly constant flexural loads are
assemblies equipped with hydraulic actuators, one hydrau- applied to the pipe, i.e., they are flexible enough to account
lic actuator for tensioning, two end support assemblies pro- for slight variations in pipe stiffness or changes in deflection
vided with axial and radial bearings, two hydraulic pumps, that could be caused by pipe or setup imperfections.
one driving mechanism to rotate the specimen (electrical The load rollers and rings are torch cut from steel plates
motor, timing belt, and pulleys), assorted instrumentation and then machined to a circular shape. They are through-
(load cells, LVDT’s, pressure transducers, etc.), and a com- hardened by the conventional convection oven hardening
puterized data acquisition and closed-loop control system. process to provide a long-lasting bearing surface for trans-
Although the size of both the experimental setup and ferring the load to the specimen. Each roller is supported
test specimens introduces unique problems related to the on steel roller shafts that are aligned parallel to each other
testing technique, the principle is similar to the small-scale when mounted on the load roller assembly. The load rings
rotating bending test. The pipe specimen is assembled to are fit onto the pipe specimen by multiple sets of adjustable
form a beam. The welded connection is at the center of this wedges, as shown in Fig. 4. The steel wedges are machined
beam, which is simply supported at the ends. Transverse to act as a rigid interface between the ring and the pipe.

Fig. 3. Fatigue test rig.

T.A. Netto et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 30 (2008) 767–778 771

Fig. 5. Detail of the grips.

surface of the pipe, applying tension to the specimen by fric-

tion. The axial displacement is monitored using an LVDT
mounted on the steel structure, whereas the applied load
is prescribed via a closed-loop control system.
Both ends consist of sealed casings with one radial and
one axial roller bearing immersed in a cooling hydraulic
Fig. 4. Transverse load frame assembly. fluid, thus allowing the pipe to rotate about its own axis
freely. While one end is attached to the steel frame, the
The wedges and the load rings have matching beveled sides
other end is connected to the tensioning hydraulic actuator
that allow exact fit. The wedges are also shaped as circular
through a shaft and hinge, and is allowed to move in the
arcs, so that they mate to both the pipe specimen and to the
axial direction to account for the deformation of the spec-
circular load rings.
imen during the test.
The pipes as manufactured are neither uniformly circular
A schematic view of the driving mechanism is shown in
nor necessarily straight. Manufacturing flaws such as out-of
Fig. 6. The specimen rotation is driven by a constant tor-
roundness and welding misalignment are inevitable and
que, 440 V, 3-phase, 93 kW (125 HP) electric motor. Tor-
unpredictable for each pipe specimen. These variations in
que is transmitted to the specimen through timing belt
the geometry of the pipe can cause differences between the
and pulleys in a rate of 1:2. The timing belt is made of rub-
axis of rotation of the apparatus and the axis of the speci-
berized fabric and steel wire, having teeth that fit into
men. As a result, the cross-sections of the pipe specimen
grooves cut in the periphery of the pulleys. Consequently,
behave like rotating eccentric circles. This problem is gener-
power is transmitted at a constant angular-velocity ratio,
ally referred as ‘‘sweep’’. Manufacturing tolerances and
with no slippage. Speeds can be varied with the aid of an
pipe sweep combine to shift the center of mass away from
electronic frequency inverter connected in a closed-loop
the horizontal axis of rotation, causing unbalanced inertial
control system.
forces that can possibly create operational problems (e.g.,
The number of cycles for each test is measured by an
excessive vibration). These problems are overcome by prop-
electronic optical device linked to the data acquisition
erly mounting the load ring and wedge assembly. By adjust-
ing the wedges, the load rings are positioned as circles
concentric to the horizontal axis of rotation. Mass is bal-
anced by attaching additional wedges between the pipe
and ring until the specimen has no preferred direction of
motion or position. The load rings and wedges are designed
to account for a maximum sweep of 50 mm.
A second hydraulic system composed by a positive dis-
placement pump equipped with an electronic servo-valve,
a 20 liter accumulator, and a custom-made hydraulic actu-
ator is used for tensioning the specimens. The piston passes
through a compression load cell mounted inside a connec-
tor with no interference. Its end is threaded to a robust ring
that is pulled against the load cell. The load cell, in turn,
transmits the axial tension to a shaft through the connector
body and the end support assembly. The other end of the
shaft has a conical shape and squared cross-sections that
slide through four hardened grips. The grips are circular
on the external toothed surfaces that contact the inner pipe,
and straight conical on the opposite side (Fig. 5). As the cyl-
inder pulls the connector, the shaft tends to move outwards,
making the grips open up. The grips then act on the inner Fig. 6. Driving mechanism.
772 T.A. Netto et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 30 (2008) 767–778

Table 1
Specimen parameters and fatigue test results
Specimen Defect Defect Fatigue test stresses Nf
type dimensions
a c rm ra(MPa)
(mm) (mm) (MPa)
PLP1 LP 5.3 17.0 64.7 83.2 643,266
PLP2 LP 5.8 15.9 65.0 107.9 494,002
PLF1 LF 1.2 26.1 64.7 192.50 97,373
PLF2 LF 1.4 17.5 64.0 221.40 53,287
PND – – – 64.8 172.3 515287

2.3. Fatigue test results

Table 1 shows the five full-scale specimens tested. Defect Fig. 8. da/dN curves for base metal.
type and sizing, fatigue test loads and number of cycles
until failure are also tabulated. The nomenclature applied
here is identical to the one used in the first part of this mechanics parameters of weld and base metal were
work, where a means defect height in the case of lack of obtained experimentally for three different levels of pre-
penetration or half of the defect height in case of lack of straining: 2.5%, 5%, and 7.5%. The maximum value of
fusion and c means half of defect length in all cases. The 10% was avoided due to difficulties to manufacture the cou-
dimensions reported were obtained from the fractography pon. These results are reproduced in Figs. 7 and 8 for bet-
analyses of the specimen after fatigue test. ter clarity and completeness. Paris law approximation of
Eq. (3) was fit to the individual set of data. The parameters
3. Fracture mechanics tests C and m are listed in the figures for da/dN in mm/cycle and
DK in MPa mm1/2.
As emphasized in the first part of this study, the influ-
da m
ence of the reeling process on the da/dNxDK curve and ¼ CðDKÞ ð3Þ
subsequently on the fatigue performance of the welded
joints must be considered. Assuredly, the material changes
imposed during reeling/straightening influence the crack 4. Analyses
propagation velocity. Further, since the pipe had weld
defects prior to the reeling, the strain intensity should vary In this paper, a more complex model than the one devel-
significantly throughout the remaining ligament. It was oped in the previous study was used to reproduce initial
shown that values of longitudinal strain obtained for lack cracks nucleated in the defect regions. It was employed to
of penetration defects vary from a maximum of 10% near perform fracture mechanics analyses that were used,
the crack face to around 2.8% close to the external surface together with the material parameters obtained experimen-
of the pipe. This last value is similar to the analytical strain tally, to estimate the fatigue life of welded joints with differ-
value calculated for an 8 in. pipe without defects reeled ent defects and pre-straining histories. The numerical
over a reel with R = 6 m. Based on these results, fracture estimated and experimentally obtained fatigue lives were
also compared with analytical predictions obtained with a
specific algorithm developed using fracture mechanics sim-
plified solutions.
The nominal pipe geometric parameter D = 219.08 mm
and thickness (t = 15.06 mm) were adopted. Two types of
defects were induced in the numerical model: lack of pene-
tration and lack of fusion. Initial out-of-roundness, thick-
ness eccentricity, weld misalignment and residual stresses
may vary from specimen to specimen, but were not consid-
ered in the analyses for simplicity.
The fatigue life predictions correlated well with the
experimental results. A one to one correlation was avoided
due to the natural variability in fatigue test results. Never-
theless, and despite of the reduced number of experiments,
the results evidenced a clear trend which was also repro-
duced by the model. The numerical and analytical proce-
Fig. 7. da/dN curves for weld metal. dures and a parametric study are presented hereafter.
T.A. Netto et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 30 (2008) 767–778 773

4.1. Numerical model

A fracture mechanics approach was used to estimate the

fatigue life of the welded joints. LP and LF defects were
considered as initial cracks and the stress intensity factors
along their edges were calculated with the aid of a linear
elastic finite element model (i.e., small-scale yielding was
assumed). The pipe, including the defected weld region,
was discretized with three-dimensional, 20-node, quadratic
brick elements. The number of integration points per ele-
ment was 20, i.e., a full integration scheme was used. A
refined mesh was needed due to the resulting singular stress
state at the crack tips. This was obtained by collapsing
together two edges of the elements around the crack tips
(Fig. 9). The node distribution of these elements was such
that their mapping to a fixed master element generated a
singular stress field around the crack tips. As described in
detail by Hussain et al. [7], the resulting singularity is of
the form r(1/2), where r is the radial distance of a given
point with respect to the crack tip.
Since the singular stress state is obtained artificially, the
stress values around the crack tip don’t have physical
meaning. Nevertheless, this procedure allows accurate cal- Fig. 10. Schematic view of the weld region with (a) LP and (b) LF defects.
culation of the stress intensity factor using linear elastic
modeling with consequent minimum computational time.
The pipe length was twice the nominal diameter. This
reduced length was considered enough to apply the edge
loading without affecting the stress field at the weld region.
A schematic view of the weld region with LP and LF
defects is shown in Fig. 10. The curved shape at the weld
root was intentionally made to better reproduce the actual
cases. In the experimental tests it was observed that, in the
case of LP defects, cracks nucleated at either side of the
lower boundary between weld material and HAZ (see
Fig. 18). Thus, singular elements were placed around this
region for the calculation of the stress intensity factor.

Fig. 11. Entire mash for fatigue analysis.

For LF cases, singular elements were placed around the

top and bottom of the defect, i.e., the defect was treated
as an initial crack itself. Figs. 11–13 show typical meshes
used for both cases.
As in the previous model, the edge nodes were kinemat-
ically coupled to a reference node at x1 = x2 = x3 = 0. Full-
reversed cyclic bending load was then applied on the pipe
by prescribing bending load on the reference node.
A J-integral contour integral formulation was used to
Fig. 9. Singular 3D element. calculate the stress intensity factor at the crack tips. The
774 T.A. Netto et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 30 (2008) 767–778

from one crack face to the opposite crack face. These rings
of elements were defined recursively to surround all previ-
ous contours.
The J-integral should be independent of the domain
used, but J-integral estimates from different rings may vary
because of the approximate nature of the finite element
solution. Strong variation in these estimates, commonly
called domain dependence or contour dependence, indi-
cates a need for mesh refinement. For all models used, at
least 6 element rings were used and the calculated stress
intensity factor for each ring did not differ more then 4%.
For a given stress range, fatigue crack growth and num-
ber of cycles until failure (Nf) were evaluated in a simplified
manner, as follows:
The stress intensity factor range (DK) was calculated
Fig. 12. Detail of the LP defect region. considering the initial crack size (in the analyses, we consid-
ered a0 = 2 and 3 mm for LP and 2.a0 = 2 and 3 mm for
LF). pffiffiffiffiffiffi
We assumed DK ¼ Dr paQ where the function of
geometry Q is independent of the crack size a. This approx-
imation was deemed reasonable after calculating DK for
different crack sizes (for both LP and LF) up to 0.8 t.
The maximum deviation from the initial values (a = a0)
was only 11.6%.
By integrating the Paris Law Eq. (6), it is possible to
make a quantitative prediction of the number of cycles
until failure:
Z ac
Nf ¼ m ð6Þ
a0 CðDKÞ
where ac, the maximum allowable crack size, is the least be-
tween 0.8 t or (KIC/Qrmax)2/p. In any case, we assumed
Fig. 13. Detail of the LF defect region. that if a > ac the residual number of cycles until failure
was relatively very small, either due to increasing plastic
deformation ahead of the propagation front (ductile tear-
J-integral is usually used in rate-independent quasi-static ing) or as a result of fast fracture (i.e., the critical stress
fracture analysis to characterize the energy release associ- intensity value KC, set here for simplicity to be equal to
ated with crack growth. It is represented by the Eq. (4) KIC, was reached).
where W is the strain energy density, T is the traction vec-
tor, u is the displacement field and C is an arbitrary contour 4.2. Fracture mechanics algorithm
around the tip of the crack.
Z   Based on analytic formulations, developed for elliptical
du and semi-elliptical flaws, the variation of the SIF during the
J¼ W dy  T ds ð4Þ
C dx crack propagation can be assessed. These formulations are
The J-integral is related to the stress intensity factor by able to take in account the stress variation through the pipe
means of Eq. (5) witch is valid for plane strain, axisymmet- thickness. An algorithm was developed using the solutions
ric and three- dimensional models with linear material for the factor of geometry obtained from the API-579 and
response. BS-7910 standards. The solutions for semi-elliptical and
elliptical cracks were obtained from handbooks and
ð1  m2 Þ 2 numerical modeling of curved shells.
J¼ KI ð5Þ
Several contour integral evaluations are possible at each 4.2.1. Flaw characterization
location along the crack front. In a finite element model Flaw characterization rules allow existing or postulated
each evaluation can be thought of as the virtual motion crack geometry to be modeled by a geometrically simpler
of a block of material surrounding the crack tip. Each such one in order to make the actual crack geometry more ame-
block is defined by contours: each contour is a ring of ele- nable to fracture mechanics analysis. The rules are neces-
ments completely surrounding the crack tip or crack front sarily conservative and intended to lead to idealized crack
T.A. Netto et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 30 (2008) 767–778 775

is a function of geometry and dimensions of the crack is

obtained, it’s possible to calculate the SIF for mode I inte-
grating Eq. (7).
Z a
KI ¼ hðx; aÞrðxÞdx ð7Þ

In the case of surface cracks with semi-elliptical shape in

cylinders, Shen and Glinka [11] present the equations used
in the algorithm.
Regarding the embedded flows, the solutions of Sih [12]
Fig. 14. (a) Surface and (b) embedded defect characterization.
were used.

geometries that are more severe than the actual crack 4.2.3. Flaw recategorization
geometry they represent. Fig. 14 shows the general proce- Flaw recategorization is required for two situations:
dure used on the characterization of surface and embedded when an embedded flaw, during its propagation, reaches
flaws. This procedure resulted on simplified dimensions for a region close to the surface, the algorithm recategorizes
the lack of penetration and lack of fusion weld defects. it as a surface flow; or when a deep surface flaw presents
In general, the crack length is easy to be obtained. If the a small remaining ligament. In this case, the algorithm
flaw is oriented perpendicular to the plane of the maximum recategorizes it as a through-wall flaw.
principal tensile stress in the component, then the flaw The assumed flaw dimensions are modified as follows.
length to be used in calculations is merely the one measured An embedded flaw should be recategorized to a surface
with non-destructive tests. However, if the flaw does not flaw when d/t < 0.2 (see Fig. 15a). The length and depth
lay upon a principal plane, then an equivalent flaw dimen- of the surface flaw are given by Eqs. (8) and (9):
sion with a mode I orientation should be inferred. The 2cs ¼ 2ci þ 2d ð8Þ
more adequate procedure, recommended by both stan-
dards, consists on projecting the flaw onto the plane of as ¼ 2ai þ d ð9Þ
the maximum principal stress. In case of uncertainty about A surface flaw should be recategorized as a through-
which principal direction could be used (biaxial load), both thickness flaw when a/t > 0.8 (see Fig. 15b). The length
directions should be analyzed in order to determine the of the through-wall flaw is given by Eq. (10):
critic one.
2cp ¼ 2cs þ 2ðt  as Þ ð10Þ
The length and depth of the lack of penetration defects
were perpendicular to the axial direction. However, the Note that the crack length is increased in each case by
depth of the lack of fusion defects was not aligned with twice the ligament dimension. When the plastic strain on
the radial direction, since this defect laid upon the bezel the remaining ligament is large, the flaw can grow to the
wall. So, a relative defect depth, referred to the mode I, free surface by ductile tearing, in this case the flaw might
was calculated for the lack of fusion defect. also extend in the length direction.

4.2.2. Stress intensity factor (SIF) 4.2.4. Algorithm development

Analytical solutions for SIF calculations of elliptical and FORTRAN 95 was used to develop the algorithms. The
semi-elliptical cracks are well documented in the literature applications were then compiled as Windows Dynamic
[8]. Nevertheless, these solutions are presented for two Link Libraries (DLL). A friendly interface was structured
cases of stress distribution through the thickness: uniform using DELPHI 7. This interface allows the user to visualize
and linear. BS-7910 and API-579 standards bring a com- and change the analysis necessary variables, to follow the
pendium of tabled solutions for the geometry factor con- fatigue life calculation process and to check the final results
sidering a large range of relation between axes of the
In the case of tubular welded structures, situations as
misalignment, thickness variations, residual stresses and
the material properties variation on the welded region
may lead to a more complex stress variation through the
thickness. The stress distribution can be obtained using
numerical models or empirical and semi-empirical
The weight functions proposed initially by Bueckner [9]
and studied by Rice [10] helps to deal with these complex
stress states. Considering the complex stress distribution
represented by r(x), once the weight function h(x,a), which Fig. 15. (a) Embedded and (b) surface flow recategorization.
776 T.A. Netto et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 30 (2008) 767–778

of the analysis. The application developed using DELPHI Table 2

interacts with the algorithms developed using FORTRAN Standard S–N curves
and storied in the libraries. The following steps describe the S–N curve A m
application operation. The user enters with the defect type, E 4.16 · 1011
initial dimensions of the defect and the pipe dimensions. F2 1.72 · 1011 3.0
Then the fatigue propagation law parameters must be pro- X0 2.5 · 1013 3.74
vided. The algorithm integrates numerically the Paris law.
During the numerical integration, crack dimensions and to Eq. (12), whose constants A and m can be found on
the SIF value are recalculated at each cycle, i.e., at each Table 2 for stresses in MPa.
cycle, the SIF is calculated and the weight functions (Eq.
N ¼ A  S m ð12Þ
(7)) are used to extend this calculation to a complex stress
state as described. The number of cycles is computed until Hutt and Frazer [3] present a series of tests performed
the crack becomes through-wall. The conditions to crack with conventionally welded pipe joints. A set of 12 in. pipe
recategorization are checked at each cycle and, if necessary, specimens (outside diameter of 323.9 mm and wall thick-
the procedures described (Eqs. (8)–(10)) are applied. The ness of 17.5 mm) were manufactured with API X65 steel
parameters of the forth degree Eq. (11) may be provided with standard vertical down SMAW welded joints. The
to represent the stress variation r(x) through the thickness. welds were all inspected using both ultrasonic and radiog-
 x x2 x3 x4 raphy and approved on the basis of standard pipeline weld-
rðxÞ ¼ r0 þ r1 þ r2 þ r3 þ r4 ð11Þ ing acceptance criteria. Eight of these specimens were
t t t t
passed through the pipe lay system of a reel-lay vessel, thus
subjected to plastic strain and straightening cycles.
5. Experimental correlation Specimens were fatigue tested on a resonance rig. This
rig applies rotating bending loads at a resonant frequency
Good correlation results between experimental full-scale of approximately 30 Hz. No mean stress was imposed dur-
tests and both numerical model and algorithm were ing the tests.
obtained. Best results were correlated to the use of da/dN Due to the similarity of test procedure and pipe material
curves for weld material with pre-straining level of 7.5%. with respect to the tests performed on this work, those fati-
The S–N curve of Fig. 16 presents a complete compari- gue test results for the eight plastically deformed pipes are
son between experiments, numerical calculations and algo- presented together on Fig. 16.
rithm results. Figure also shows curves E, F2 and X 0 , Better results were, in general, obtained for lack of pen-
commonly used on offshore structures projects. These etration defects. The worst result observed is related to a
curves are defined through tests with non notched speci- lack of fusion defect. There are different possible reasons
mens where the defect nucleation step is considered. for this. The misalignment between welded sections was
Despite they were plotted together with fracture mechanics not modeled and might contribute for the discrepancy
based results, the comparison should be understood as between results. This particular full-scale model with worst
merely qualitative. results revealed an elevated level of misalignment (approx.
The showed S–N design curves showed refer to a partic- 15%). Other reason is associated with the procedure used to
ular project demand related to fatigue. BSI [13] and DNV calculate the number of cycles. The geometric parameter in
[14] standards present the formulations of E and F2 curves, the numerical modeling was considered constant during the
while X 0 curve may be found on API [15] standards. The crack propagation. When a lack of fusion defect is closer to
curves were plotted until the limit of 107 cycles according the outer surface, it can be reached first. At this moment,
the geometric parameter may suffer considerable variation,
contributing for the discrepancies.
The flaw recategorization and the stress intensity factor
reevaluation at each cycle are key characteristics of the
algorithm, allowing consistent evaluation of the crack geo-
metric changes during its propagation.
The developed algorithm, despite its geometric simplifi-
cations, turned out to be a quick and viable tool when
allied with well selected da/dN curves. These curves must
represent the material with its changes associated to pre-
strains. Other advantages of the algorithm are related to
the cost-effective use. It dispenses the use of expensive finite
elements software.
The conservatism level is noticeably different between
methodologies. As expected, all algorithm results were
Fig. 16. Correlation between analysis and experiments. more conservative than numerical analysis. When used as
T.A. Netto et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 30 (2008) 767–778 777

a project tool, this may be considered as an additional


6. Parametric study

A parametric study was performed with typical defects of

lack of fusion and lack of penetration. Both numerical
model and algorithm were used and compared. This study
also contributes to understand the effect of material pre-
straining on the welded joints fatigue life. The same 8 in.
pipe mentioned in item 2 was modeled and two defect
dimensions were considered: lack of fusion with 2 and
3 mm depth and 20 mm length and lack of penetration also
with 2 and 3 mm depth and 20 mm length. Five different lev-
els of load were applied: 50, 78, 110, 190 e 300 MPa. Addi- Fig. 19. Pre-straining effect on LP defects.
tionally, mean stress (R = 0.5) was considered, in order to
avoid compression of the crack faces throughout the cyclic
load. The numerical results are summarized in Figs. 17
and 18. As reference, they are plotted in S–N diagram for-
mat together with design curves currently used in practice.
The effect of material pre-straining is illustrated in
Fig. 19 (lack of penetration) and Fig. 20 (lack of fusion).
The detrimental effect on the fatigue performance due to
the deterioration of the fracture mechanics properties is
clear, especially for lower values of Dr. For example, the

Fig. 20. Pre-straining effect on LF defects.

numerically calculated number of cycles until failure for

Dr = 190 MPa using raw material properties is 7.89 · 106.
For 2.5%, 5% and 7.5% this value drops 36.8%, 49.3%, e
59.2%, respectively. The corresponding relative reductions
in fatigue lives for Dr = 78 MPa are 72.5%, 75.0% e
76.8%. For better comparison, dashed lines were fit to
the data corresponding to raw and 7.5% pre-strained mate-
Fig. 17. S–N curves obtained with numerical modeling of LP defect. rial. The figures show small difference between the two
models. For instance, if we calculate the fatigue life drop
for Dr = 78 MPa using the algorithm, the obtained values
will be 71.4%, 74.6% e 76.2%. These values are very close to
the ones obtained numerically.

7. Concluding remarks

The fatigue performance of reeled risers was studied

through combined experiments and analyses. Full-scale
experiments, FE and analytical calculations of the types
described above are viable options. FE calculations and
analytical modeling have shown similar results, proving
that the algorithm is a good project tool. Approximate
S–N design curves such as the ones considered in this study
are very useful for parametric studies when the problem
Fig. 18. S–N curves obtained with numerical modeling of LF defect. parameters are still not well defined. However, their use
778 T.A. Netto et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 30 (2008) 767–778

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