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1. afford /əˈfɔːd/(v): có khả năng chi trả
2. attitude /ˈætɪtjuːd/(n): thái độ
3. bless /bles/ (v): cầu nguyện
4. brand name /ˈbrænd neɪm/(n.phr): hàng hiệu
5. browse /braʊz/ (v): tìm kiếm thông tin trên mạng
6. burden /ˈbɜːdn/(n): gánh nặng
7. casual /ˈkæʒuəl/(a): thường, bình thường, thông thường
8. change one’s mind /tʃeɪndʒ – maɪnd/(idm): thay đổi quan điểm
9. childcare /ˈtʃaɪldkeə(r)/(n): việc chăm sóc con cái
10. comfortable /ˈkʌmftəbl/(a): thoải mái, dễ chịu
11. compassion /kəmˈpæʃn/(n): lòng thương, lòng trắc ẩn
12. conflict /ˈkɒnflɪkt/(n): xung đột
13. conservative /kənˈsɜːvətɪv/ (a): bảo thủ
14. control /kənˈtrəʊl/(v): kiểm soát
15. curfew /ˈkɜːfjuː/(n): hạn thời gian về nhà, lệnh giới nghiêm
16. current /ˈkʌrənt/ (a): ngày nay, hiện nay
17. disapproval /ˌdɪsəˈpruːvl/ (n): sự không tán thành, phản đối
18. dye /daɪ/ (v): nhuộm
19. elegant /ˈelɪɡənt/(a): thanh lịch, tao nhã
20. experienced /ɪkˈspɪəriənst/(a): có kinh nghiệm
21. extended family /ɪkˌstendɪd ˈfæməli/(n.p): gia đình đa thế hệ
22. extracurricular /ˌekstrə kəˈrɪkjələ(r)/(a): ngoại khóa, thuộc về ngoại khóa
23. fashionable /ˈfæʃnəbl/(a): thời trang, hợp mốt
24. financial /faɪˈnænʃl/ (a): thuộc về tài chính
25. flashy /ˈflæʃi/(a): diện, hào nhoáng
26. follow in one’s footstep: theo bước, nối bước
27. forbid /fəˈbɪd/(v): cấm, ngăn cấm
28. force /fɔːs/(v): bắt buộc, buộc phải
29. frustrating /frʌˈstreɪtɪŋ/(a): gây khó chịu, bực mình
30. generation gap /dəˌdʒenəˈreɪʃn ɡæp/(n.p): khoảng cách giữa các thế hệ
31. hairstyle /ˈheəstaɪl/ (n): kiểu tóc
32. impose /ɪmˈpəʊz/(v) on somebody: áp đặt lên ai đó
33. interact /ˌɪntərˈækt/(v): tương tác, giao tiếp
34. judge /dʒʌdʒ/(v): phán xét, đánh giá
35. junk food /ˈdʒʌŋk fuːd/(n.p): đồ ăn vặt

English 11

36. mature /məˈtʃʊə(r)/ (a): trưởng thành, chín chắn

37. multi-generational /ˌmʌlti – ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃənl/(a): đa thế hệ, nhiều thế hệ
38. norm /nɔːm/(n): sự chuẩn mực
39. nuclear family /ˌnjuːkliəˈfæməli/(n.p): gia đình hạt nhân
40. obey /əˈbeɪ/(v): vâng lời, tuân theo
41. objection /əbˈdʒekʃn/(n): sự phản đối, phản kháng
42. open –minded /ˌəʊpən ˈmaɪndɪd/(a): thoáng, cởi mở
43. outweigh /ˌaʊtˈweɪ/(v): vượt hơn hẳn, nhiều hơn
44. pierce /pɪəs/(v): xâu khuyên (tai, mũi,..)
45. prayer /preə(r)/ (n): lời cầu nguyện, lời thỉnh cầu
46. pressure /ˈpreʃə(r)/(n): áp lực, sự thúc bách
47. privacy /ˈprɪvəsi/(n): sự riêng tư
48. relaxation /ˌriːlækˈseɪʃn/ (n): sự nghỉ ngơi, giải trí
49. respect /rɪˈspekt/ (v): tôn trọng
50. respectful /rɪˈspektfl/ (a): có thái độ tôn trọng
51. responsible /rɪˈspɒnsəbl/ (a): có trách nhiệm
52. right /raɪt/(n): quyền, quyền lợi
53. rude /ruːd/ (a):thô lỗ, lố lăng
54. sibling /ˈsɪblɪŋ/ (n):anh/chị/em ruột
55. skinny (of clothes) /ˈskɪni/ (a): bó sát, ôm sát
56. soft drink /ˌsɒft ˈdrɪŋk/(n.phr): nước ngọt, nước uống có gas
57. spit /spɪt/ (v):khạc nhổ
58. state-owned/ˌsteɪt – /əʊnd/(adj): thuộc về nhà nước
59. studious (a): chăm chỉ, siêng năng
60. stuff /stʌf/ (n):thứ, món, đồ
61. swear /sweə(r)/ (v): thề, chửi thề
62. table manners /ˈteɪbl mænəz/ (n.p): cung cách
63. taste /teɪst/ (n) in: thị hiếu về
64. tight /taɪt/ (a): bó sát, ôm sát
65. trend /trend/ (n): xu thế, xu hướng
66. upset /ʌpˈset/ (a): không vui, buồn chán, lo lắng, bối rối
67. value /ˈvæljuː/ (n): giá trị
68. viewpoint /ˈvjuːpɔɪnt/ (n): quan điểm
69. work out (phr.v): tìm ra
1. Should – Ought to – Had better
* Form: should/ ought to + V(bare -inf): nên làm gì
Hình thức phủ định của should là should not (shouldn't); của ought to là ought not to (oughtn't) to; của had
better là had better not.
Chúng ta dùng should, ought to để đưa ra ý kiến của chúng ta về việc gì đó hoặc đưa ra lời khuyên cho ai
đó (give our opinions about something or advice to somebody). Trong hầu hết các trường hợp thì chúng ta
có thể dùng ought to thay thế cho should.
E.g: You should/ ought to finish your homework before you go out.
English 11

Tuy nhiên có sự khác biệt nhỏ giữa should và ought to:

- "Should" thường được dùng khi chúng ta muốn biểu đạt quan điểm, ý kiến cá nhân
E.g: I think you should see him. (Tôi nghĩ bạn nên gặp anh ta.)
- "Ought to" thường được dùng khi nói đến điều luật, nhiệm vụ, quy định
E.g: They ought to follow the school's policy, or they will get expelled. (Họ nên tuân theo chính sách của
trường học, hoặc là họ sẽ bị đuổi ra khỏi trường.)
- "Should" thường được dùng trong các câu hỏi hơn "ought to", đặc biệt là trong loại câu hỏi WH- questions
E.g: What should I do if I have any problems? (Tôi nên làm gì nếu tôi gặp vấn đề?)
- Should/ Ought to +have + PP: lẽ ra đã nên làm gì
Diễn tả một điều gì đó lẽ ra đã nên hoặc phải xảy ra trong quá khứ nhưng thực tế đã không xảy ra trong quá
khứ vì lý do nào đó
E.g: I should have gone to the post office this morning. (Lẽ ra sáng nay tôi phải đi bưu điện.)
 tôi đã không đi
Diễn tả sự đáng tiếc, hối hận đã không làm việc gì đó (express regret that something was not done)
I failed the exam. I should have studied harder. (Tôi đã thi trượt. Đáng lẽ ra tôi nên chăm học hơn.)
- Chúng ta có thể dùng cụm was/were supposed to V để thay thế cho should have pp
E.g: She was supposed to go/ should have gone to the party last night.
* Form: Had better + V: nên, tốt hơn nên làm gì (Had better ='d better)
- Had better: cũng dùng khi cho lời khuyên, hay diễn đạt điều gì đó tốt nhất nên làm. Had better được dùng
để cho lời khuyên về sự vật sự việc, tình huống cụ thể, còn lời khuyên chung chúng ta nên sử dụng "ought
to" hoặc "should"
E.g: It's cold today. You'd better wear a coat when you go out. (Hôm nay trời lạnh. Tốt hơn là bạn nên mặc
áo khoác khi đi ra ngoài  một tình huống đặc biệt)
- Had better đặc biệt được dùng để đưa ra lời khuyên mang tính cấp bách, cảnh báo và đe dọa
E.g: You had better be on time or you will be punished. (Bạn nên đúng giờ hoặc nếu không bạn sẽ bị trừng
2. Must- Have (Got) to
"Must" và "Have (got) to" đều có nghĩa là "phải": để chỉ sự bắt buộc hay cần thiết phải làm một việc gì đó
(express obligation or the need to do sth)
E.g: I must/ have to go out now.
Must và have (got) to có thể dùng để thay thế cho nhau nhưng đôi khi giữa chúng có sự khác nhau:
- Must: mang tính chất cá nhân, để diễn tả sự bắt buộc đến từ người nói, cảm giác của cá nhân mình (chủ
quan). Người nói thấy việc đó cần thiết phải làm
E.g: I really must give up smoking (Tôi thực sự phải bỏ thuốc.)
- Have (got) to: không mang tính chất cá nhân, để diễn tả sự bắt buộc đến từ các yếu tố ngoại cảnh bên
ngoài như luật lệ, quy định (sự bắt buộc mang tính khách quan- external obligation).
E.g: You can't turn right here. You have to turn left. (because of the traffic system)
Have got to ~ have to nhưng have got to thường được dùng trong ngôn ngữ nói (informal)
Have to Have got to
I/you/we/they have to I/you/we/they have got to I/you/we/they
I/you/we/they don't have to haven't got to
Do I/you/we/they have to...? Have I/you/we/they got to...?
Nếu have được tỉnh lược 've thì chúng ta phải có "got"
E.g: They've got to be changed. (không được dùng They've to be changed)

English 11

Trong thì quá khứ đơn, chúng ta thường dùng "had to" hơn là "had got to"
- Must có thể được dùng để nói về hiện tại và tương lai, nhưng không được dùng ở quá khứ. Thay vào đó, ta
phải dùng had to (have to dùng được ở tất cả các thì)
E.g: I must go to school now.
I must go to school tomorrow. /I will have to go to school tomorrow.
I had to go to school yesterday.
Nếu không chắc chắn nên dùng từ nào thì thông thường để "an toàn" hơn ta nên dùng have
- Must còn dùng để đưa ra sự suy luận dựa vào lập luận logic
E.g: She must be upstairs. We've looked everywhere else. (Cô ta chắc là ở trên tầng. Chúng tôi đã tìm mọi
nơi khác.)
- Must + be/ feel + adj: để bày tỏ sự thấu hiểu cảm giác của ai đó
E.g: You must be tired after that trip. (Bạn chắc hẳn rất mệt sau chuyến đi đó.)
Mustn't và Don't have to
Must not (mustn't) khác hoàn toàn với don't/ doesn't have to
+ Mustn't: không được làm gì đó (chỉ sự cấm đoán)
E.g: You mustn't tell the truth. (Bạn không được phép nói ra sự thật)
+ Don't have to = Don't need to: không cần làm gì, không phải làm gì (nhưng bạn có thể làm nếu bạn muốn)
E.g: You don't have to get up early. (Bạn không cần thức dậy sớm đâu.)
- Must + have + PP: chắc hẳn đã, hẳn là
Diễn tả sự suy đoán hay kết luận logic dựa vào thực tế ở quá khứ (to draw a conclusion about something
happened in the past)
E.g: Mary passed the exam with flying colors. She must have studied hard. (Mary đã thi đậu với kết quả
cao. Cô ấy chắc hẳn đã học chăm chỉ.)
 Must + have been + Ving: chắc hẳn lúc ấy đang
E.g: I didn't hear the doorbell. I must have been gardening behind the house. (Tôi đã không nghe thấy
chuông cửa. Chắc hẳn lúc ấy tôi đang làm vườn phía sau nhà.)
Bài 1: Choose the best option in the bracket to complete the sentences.
1. Yesterday I (must/ mustn't/ had to) finish my English project.
2. He will (must/ have to/ has to) wait in line like everyone else.
3. We (must be/ mustn't / have to) on time for work.
4. We (have to not/ must/ mustn't) forget to take the chicken out of the freezer.
5. If you are under 15, you (have/ must/ mustn't) to get your parents' permission.
6. Your child may (have to/ had to/ must) try on a few different sizes.
7. The doctor (must/ mustn't/ have to) get here as soon as he can.
8. Do you (have to/ must/ mustn't) work next weekend?
9. Bicyclists (mustn't/ must/ has to) remember to signal when they turn.
10. Susan, you (mustn't/ must/ have to) leave your clothes all over the floor like this.

Bài 2: Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to complete the following sentences.
1. You__________use your mobile phone in the exam.
A. oughtn't to B. mustn't C. don't have to D. shouldn't
2. My grandparents live in the suburb. Therefore, whenever we visit them, we__________a bus.
A. must take B. should take C. have to be taken D. have to take
English 11

3. We__________smoke on the bus.

A. mustn't B. can't C. needn't D. mightn't
4. There are a lot of tickets left, so you__________pay for the tickets in advance.
A. mustn't B. won't C. should D. don't have to
5. You__________eat plenty of fruit or vegetables every day because they are good for your health.
A. oughtn't to B. mustn't C. don't have to D. should
6. You__________wash the car. I had it done yesterday.
A. mustn't B. needn't C. must D. may not
7. She is a good teacher; thus, I think you__________to ask her for some advice.
A. oughtn't B. must C. have D. ought
8. It's a secret. You__________let anyone know about it.
A. mustn't B. needn't C. mightn't D. may not
9. Vietnamese school students nowadays__________ wear uniform.
A. have to B. need to C. should D. could
10. We__________open the lion's cage. It is contrary to zoo regulations.
A. must B. mustn't C. needn't D. should
11. When swimming in the pool, children__________ be accompanied by their parents.
A. should B. must C. don't have to D. have to
12. If you want to maintain a good relationship, you__________behave impolitely like that.
A. ought to not B. ought not to C. mustn't D. don't have
13. This drink isn't beneficial for health. You__________drink it too much
A. should B. ought to not C. ought not to D. mustn't
14. This warning sign says that you__________step on the grass.
A. shouldn't B. mustn't C. don't have to D. ought not to
15. I think you__________do exercise regularly in order to keep in shape.
A. must B. should
C. ought to D. Both B and C are correct
16. My motorbike broke down yesterday, so I__________catch a taxi to school.
A. should B. ought C. must D. has better
17. You look exhausted. You__________take a rest instead of working overtime.
A. should B. ought C. must D. has better
18. Those audiences__________show their tickets before entering the concert hall.
A. have to B. must C. ought to D. don't have to
19. The children__________spend too much time watching TV.
A. mustn't B. ought to not
C. shouldn't D. Both B and c are correct
20. If you have a bad headache, you__________see the doctor.
A. had better B. must C. ought D. have better

Bài 3: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of
the following questions.
1. (A) I will leave here early (B) because (C) I must (D) studying for my exam.
2. I (A) stayed up (B) late last night because I (C) mustn't go to school (D) on Sunday.

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3. We (A) ought to not play football (B) as (C) it's raining (D) outside.
4. You (A) mustn't (B) to drive a car (C) if you (D) don't have a driving licence.
5. If you (A) want some useful (B) advice, you (C) have better talk to your parents (D) about your problem.
6. Yesterday I (A) must (B) stay (C) at home (D) due to the bad storm.
7. Because of his (A) poverty, he (B) has to (C) struggling to (D) make ends meet.
8. (A) According to the rules (B) of this game, you (C) don't have to (D) drop the ball.
9. This competition is (A) optional, so we (B) not (C) have to take part in (D) it.
10. My (A) advice is you (B) have to consider carefully (C) before (D) making the final decision.

Bài 4: Fill in the blanks with "must" or "have to".

1. Professor Quang told me today that I__________give in that assignment by Friday at the latest.
2. Mark! This is a one way street. You__________turn back and use Le Loi Street.
3. My back has been hurting for weeks. I __________go to the doctor's.
4. My company said that if I want this promotion, I__________go to the doctor's for a thorough medical
check-up first.
5. I went to see "Titanic" at the cinema last night. What a great film! You__________go and see it!
6. Linda, thanks for everything. It was a great party. I__________go now. My husband is waiting for me
7. I am taking out a bank loan this month. I__________pay a lot of taxes all together.
8. The local council is really strict about protecting that piece of lawn! You__________walk around it!

Bài 5: Fill in the blanks with affirmative or negative forms of "must or have to/ has to".
1. You really__________stop driving so fast or you'll have an accident!
2. I can give you my bike, so you__________buy a new one.
3. They__________be in a hurry, because they have got more than enough time.
4. I really__________remember to post that letter before five o'clock.
5. Tomorrow is Sunday. You__________get up very early.
6. This room is a mess. I really__________find time to clean it!
7. You__________wear a tie if you want to go to that restaurant. It's one of their rules!
8. I am broke. I__________borrow some money to buy a car.
9. You__________stop smoking. It is very harmful.
10. Mr. Dickson is travelling abroad this summer, so he__________get his passport soon.
11. All the students__________obey the school rules.
12. You__________speak too loud, the baby is sleeping.
13. Students__________look at their notes during the test.
14. I have a terrible headache, so I__________leave early.
15. Snow has blocked the roads. We__________stay here until it's cleared.

Bài 6: Rewrite each sentence using the word(s) in the brackets.

1. I am not allowed to go out in the evening, (mustn't)
 I ____________________.
2. It is a good idea for US to take an umbrella with US when we go out. (should)
 We ____________________.

English 11

3. It is necessary for young people to plan for their future, (have to)
 Young people ____________________.
4. Ms. Hoa is in charge of cleaning the floor every day. (has to)
 Ms. Hoa ____________________.
5. Tim doesn't get permission to use that computer, (mustn't)
 Tim ____________________.

Bài 7: Rewrite the following sentences using modals.

1. Smoking is not allowed in the hospital.
 You ____________________.
2. It isn't necessary for you to book the tickets.
 You ____________________.
3. You are not allowed to park here.
 You ____________________.
4. It is better for parents to take time to understand their children.
 Parents had ____________________.
5. If I were you, I would buy this house.
 You ____________________.
Bài 8: Choose the best option in the bracket to complete the sentences.
1. Look at my new mobile phone. It (must / can) play movies!
2. What's your new phone number? I (can't / mustn't) remember it.
3. Can you change my appointment? I'm busy so I (won't be able to / don't have to) come at eight o'clock
4. Jane (can / must) be in the office now. I saw her go in 5 minutes ago.
5. My wallet's gone! Someone (can / must) have stolen it!
6. (You've got / You're allowed) to show your driving licence when you rent a car.
7. Take your time. We (can't / don't have to) be there until seven.
8. We're late. (We'd better/ We might) hurry up.
9. You (couldn't / aren't allowed) to drive without a licence in the UK.
10. Are you hungry? (I make/ I’ll make) something for you.
Bài 9: Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to complete the following sentences.
1. __________I have a look at those shoes, please?
A. Would B. Should C. Could D. Must
2. We__________pay for the tickets because my mother won them.
A. didn't have to B. couldn't C. mustn't D. hadn't to
3. You really__________make such a fuss about the old clothes you are wearing!
A. won't B. can't C. mightn't D. shouldn't
4. I hope we__________find the cinema easily.
A. should B. might C. can D. could
5. We couldn't find a hotel room so we__________sleep in the car.
A. might B. should C. had to D. could
6. We'd love to__________afford a trip to South America.

English 11

A. will have to B. be able to C. have to D. can

7. She could__________in the garage when we arrived. That might be why she didn't hear the bell.

A. work B. be worked C. have been working D. be working

8. You'll__________tell the police that your house was broken into.
A. should B. must C. have to D. had to

Bài 10: Choose the best option to complete the sentences.

1. When we were at school we (ought to/ had to/ must) wear a uniform.
2. You (don't have to/ mustn't/ ought not to) be an expert to use the basic functions of program.
3. You (should/ must/'ve got) to tell her that you are her mother.
4. You (were supposed to/ had got to/ must) go to the meeting. Why didn't you go?
5. I (mustn't/ don't have to/ shouldn't) wear glasses. I still can see perfectly well.
6. We went to bed right after dinner because we (had to/must/should) get up early the following day.
7. We (must/ can't/ should to) go for a drink one day.
8. You (hadn't to/ didn't have to/ shouldn't) take any money. I have enough for both of us.
9. What are you doing? You (don't have to/ aren't supposed to/ ought not) be here!
10. We (shouldn't/ weren't allowed to/ mustn't) talk to each other because it was an exam.

Bài 11: Fill in the blanks with "couldn't/ have to/ might/ must/ ought to /shouldn't".
1. It's very cold today. Do you think it__________snow later?
2. You__________leave your door unlocked when you go out.
3. They__________have filled the car with petrol before they set off.
4. You don't__________pick me up at the station. I can get a taxi.
5. This is impossible, it__________be a mistake!
6. Tom__________have seen me because he walked past without saying "Hello".

Bài 12: Fill in the blanks with "must/ might/ can't"

1. Your mother__________be a great cook. You are always so keen to get back home to eat!
2. I don't know why I am so tired these days. I__________be working too hard. Or maybe I am not sleeping
too well.
3. Do you know where Mike is? He__________be out - his car keys are on the table.
4. You seem to know everything about the theatre. You__________go every week.
5. To give the promotion to David was silly. He__________ know much about this company after only a
year working here.
6. Go and look in the kitchen for your gloves. They__________be in there.
7. Oh, the phone is ringing. Answer it. It__________be Lisa. She always rings at this time.
8. Bob has been drinking that whiskey since early this afternoon. He__________be totally drunk by now.
9. That couple__________think much of this film. They're leaving already - after only 20 minutes!
10. That's the second new car they have bought this year. They__________be very rich!
Bài 13: Fill in the blanks with "must/ can't/ could/ may/ might" There may be more than one correct
answer for each question.
1. I'm sure she is here - I can see her car in front of the building.
She__________be here. I can see her car in front of the building.
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2. They're coming this week but I don't know which day.

They__________be coming tomorrow.
3. I'm not sure I'm going to pass the exam. I don't feel very confident.
I __________pass the exam. I don't feel very confident.
4. I've bought a lottery ticket. There's a chance I'll become a millionaire!
I__________become a millionaire!
5. I'm sure she doesn't speak French very well - she's only lived in Paris for a few weeks.
She__________speak French very well. She's only lived in Paris for a few weeks.
6. My key's not in my pocket or on my desk so I'm sure it's in the drawer.
My key's not in my pocket or on my desk so it__________be in the drawer.
7. Someone told me that Tim was in New York but I saw him yesterday so I'm sure he's not
abroad. Tim__________be abroad.
8. You got the job? That's great. I'm sure you're delighted.
You got the job? That's great. You__________be delighted.
9. They told me to prepare the project by tomorrow but it's almost impossible to have it done so fast.
I__________finish it by tomorrow if I stay at work all night, but I'm not sure.
10. I asked them to send the goods as soon as possible; we__________receive them by the end of the week
if the post is fast.

Bài 14: Choose one of the following to complete the sentences.

must have might have should have can't have

1. Tom__________gone on holiday. I saw him in the company this morning.

2. Nobody answered the phone at the clinic. It__________closed early.
3. I__________revised more for my exams. I think I'll fail!
4. Alex looks really pleased with herself. She__________passed her driving test this morning.
5. I can't believe Mike hasn't arrived yet. He__________caught the wrong train.
6. His number was busy all night - he__________been on the phone continuously for hours.
7. It__________been Tim I saw at the party. He didn't recognise me at all.

Bài 15: Use "could (n't) have/ should(n't) have/ must(n't) have" to complete the sentence.
1. Your house looks very nice. You__________spent a lot of time painting it.
2. John went running in the rain. He__________gotten sick.
3. It was so dark that he fell down the stairs. He__________fixed the light.
4. Daisy__________gone by bus. Why did she walk?
5. I called him but nobody answered. He__________gone out.
6. You__________cleaned the floor. It looks so clean.
7. Nam__________stolen the car. He was with me all the time.
8. My bicycle is broken. I__________ridden it down the stairs.
9. Tom looks happy. I think he__________gotten a new job.
10. The chocolate cake is all gone! Someone__________eaten it.
English 11

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each
1. A. bought B. daughter C. cough D. sight
2. A. sure B. soup C. sugar D. machine
3. A. but B. bury C. nut D. young
4. A. measure B. decision C. permission D. pleasure
5. A. dose B. chose C. close D. lose
6. A. position B. oasis C. desert D. resort
7. A. stone B. zone C. phone D. none
8. A. give B. five C. hive D. dive
9. A. switch B. stomach C. match D. catch
10. A. study B. ready C. puppy D. occupy
II. Pick out the words whose main stressed syllable is different from the rest.
1. A. facility B. characterize C. irrational D. variety
2. A. agreement B. elephant C. mineral D. violent
3. A. professor B. typical C. accountant D. develop
4. A. electrician B. majority C. appropriate D. traditional
5. A. decay B. vanish C. attack D. depend
I. Choose the odd one out.
1. trend sibling prayer afford
2. casual rude conflict studious
3. sibling obey norm attitude
4. elegant comfortable frustrating trend
5. trivial dye browse afford
6. conflict burden norm mature
7. rude skinny tight pierce
8. curfew flashy value trend
9. attitude tight skinny rude
10. interact swear spit studious
II. Complete the sentences using the given words.
mustn't don't have to should ought
1. You ____________________________ type your essay but if you want, you can do it.
2. I ____________________________ go home too late. My parents are very strict.

English 11

3. She is an expert adviser; thus, I think you ____________________________ to ask her for some advice.
4. You _____________________________ ask your teacher if you don't understand the lesson.
shouldn't have to ought not must
5. I ____________________________ finish homework before going to class. My teacher is rather strict.
6. We ____________________________ show respect to our parents.
7. I think you ____________________________ stay up late because it is not good for your health.
8. If you want to help your friend, you _____________________________ to do her homework. Instead,
you should show her how to do it by herself.
III. Choose one of the two bold words which best completes the sentences.
1. It's cold. You should/shouldn't turn on the fan.
2. You ought not to/ought to do homework before you go out with your friends.
3. You should/shouldn't eat plenty of fruit or vegetables every day in order to keep healthy.
4. You must/mustn't eat in the class.
5. You ought to/ought not to drink a lot of water every day.
6. I must/have to submit my homework before 12 o'clock because the deadline is 12 o'clock.
7. I must/have to stay at home to take care of my children.
8. My friend says: "You don't have to/mustn't drink champagne. You can have a coke or fruit juice
9. You don't have to/mustn't drink if you're going to drive afterwards.
10. You don't have to/mustn't pick up Tom at the airport because Judy will pick him up.
IV. Fill in the gaps with "must" and "have to". Use the negative form if necessary.
1. Tomorrow is Mai's birthday. I _____________________ buy a present for her.
2. We might _____________________ leave earlier than we expected.
3. If you feel better, you _____________________ take medicine any more.
4. I _____________________ leave home at 6:00 because I have an appointment at 7:00.
5. You _____________________ eat a lot before doing the exercise. If you do, you might get into some
trouble with your stomach.
6. We couldn't find a better present so we ______________________ choose this one.
7. If you are a member of the club, you _____________________ pay to use these facilities because they
are included in the membership fee.
8. I had the flu, so I _____________________ stay in the bed for two days.
9. If you are under 18 years old, you _____________________ ride a motorbike.
10. All students _____________________ wear uniforms on Mondays.
V. Choose the best options to fill in the blanks.
1. You will get into trouble if you come back home after the ____.
A. norm B. curfew C. value
2. She doesn't want to waste her money on clothes, so she ignores the ____ fashion trend.
English 11

A. comfortable B. current C. mature

3. When you ride a motorbike, you must ____ the general road rules.
A. judge B. force C. obey
4. I decided to get my nose ____ last week.
A. pierced B. forbade C. afforded
5. Instead of ____ someone by their appearance, you should get to know them better.
A. swearing B. judging C. controlling
6. Having two children in a family is becoming the ____ in some Asian countries.
A. norm B. privacy C. conflict
7. For a change, why don't you ____ your hair red?
A. control B. force C. dye
8. My parents do not want me to wear ____ dresses because they think that they aren't suitable for my age.
A. tight B. casual C. rude
9. I don't understand why you like ____ clothes. They are too bright and young for your age.
A. flashy B. fashionable C. comfortable
10. She whispered a ____ that her sibling wouldn't die.
A. sibiling B. burden C. prayer
VI. Complete the following sentences using the given words.
elegant trivial compared forbid
frustrating afford conflict interacts
1. His conservative character would frequently bring him into _________________________ with others.
2. She is really beautiful in that ______________________ dress.
3. The challenges I must face were nothing ______________________ to yours.
4. It is ______________________ that I must be responsible for all what they did.
5. I have no time to care about such ______________________ things.
6. My parents _______________________ me to be rude to others.
7. It is really interesting to see how everyone ______________________ in the party.
8. It's hard to believe that she can ______________________ a new house on her salary.

VII. Match each phrase on the left with its definition on the right.
1. Extended family A. A big family that includes not only the parents and children, but also
grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins, all living under the same roof.

2. Generation gap B. A family that consists of parents and children.

3. Nuclear family C. The difference in attitudes or behaviors between younger and older age
groups, which can cause a lack of understanding.

English 11

4. Extracurricular activity D. The rules of behavior that are typically accepted while people are eating at
the table.
5. Viewpoint E. An activity that can be done by students but not a part of school or college

6. Table manners F. A person's opinion about the subjects.

VIII. Fill in each blank with the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. The elderly are more _______________________________ about their eating habit.
2. They raised serious _________________________ to the proposal. (OBJECT)
3. Thanks to his _________________________, every misunderstanding is cleared up. (OPEN MINDED)
4. He shouldn't treat his parents __________________________. (DISRESPECT)
5. My wife is _________________________ for cooking meals. (RESPONSIBILITY)
6. Teenagers like catching up with __________________________ clothes, which puts a financial burden
on their parents. (FASHION)
7. We are in need of _________________________ professionals for this subject. (EXPERIENCE)
8. There are at least three ___________________ living under the same roof in my family.
IX. Complete the following sentences using the given words.
change your mind impose good taste in
bridge the gap follows in
1. If you want to succeed in that aspect, you must _________________________.
2. I don't want to _________________________ my decisions on my children.
3. Open communication can ___________________________ between parents and children.
4. She _________________________ her mother's footsteps, becoming a doctor.
5. The fashion designer has exercised _________________________ her use of various colors and patterns.
state-owned open-minded work out
financial burden homestay
6. She must shoulder the _________________________ after her husband's death.
7. Scientists are discussing to _________________________ the best solution to this problem.
8. We recommend _________________________ for students who want to live with local families.
9. Parents tend to be more _________________________ about the children's hairstyles.
10. After graduating from his university, he wants to have a job in a _________________________
X. Choose the best options to fill in the blanks.
1. This plan can't be carried out because of the widespread public ____.
A. relaxation B. disapproval C. perception

English 11

2. It is not ____ to wear these trousers at the moment.

A. experienced B. fashionable C. conservative
3. You should weigh up the pros and cons of the ____ living.
A. objection B. responsible C. multi-generational
4. It is important for parents to respect children's ____.
A. privacy B. relaxation C. rudeness
5. The advantages of this plan ____ its disadvantages.
A. disrespect B. outweigh C. work out
I. Read and do the tasks below.
The generation gap, which refers to a broad difference between one generation and another,
especially between young people and their parents, usually leads to numerous conflicts. Such family
conflicts can seriously threaten the relationship between parents and children at times.
It goes without saying that, however old their children are, parents still regard them as small kids
and keep in mind that their offspring are too young to protect themselves cautiously or have wise choices.
Therefore, they tend to make a great attempt to help their children to discover the outside world.
Nevertheless, they forget that as children grow up, they want to be more independent and develop their own
identity by creating their own opinions, thoughts, styles and values about life.
One common issue that drives conflicts is the clothes of teenagers. While teens are keen on wearing
fashionable clothes which try to catch up with the youth trends, parents who value traditional clothes
believe that those kinds of attire violate the rules and the norms of the society. It becomes worse when the
expensive brand name clothes teens choose seem to be beyond the financial capacity of parents.
Another reason contributing to conflicts is the interest in choosing a career path or education
between parents and teenagers. Young people are told that they have the world at their feet and that
dazzling future opportunities are just waiting for them to seize. However, their parents try to impose their
choices of university or career on them regardless of their children's preference.
Indeed, conflicts between parents and children are the everlasting family phenomena. It seems that
the best way to solve the matter is open communication to create mutual trust and understanding.
Task 1. Decide whether the following statements are True, False or Not Given.
1. According to the passage, the relationship between parents and children is
not easily destroyed by the family conflicts.
2. As children get older, parents let them live on their own way and do what
they are interested in.
3. Teenagers try to please their parents by wearing traditional clothes.
4. Parents want children to follow their wishes in deciding the education and
future jobs.
5. Some parents indulge their children with expensive brand name clothes.
6. In order to bridge the gap between the old generation and the younger one,
English 11

open communication to promote mutual understanding is the vital key.

Task 2. Choose the best answers for the following questions.
1. Why do most parents still treat their teenage children like small kids?
A. Because children usually make mistakes
B. Because they think that children are too young to live independently.
C. Because they think that children can't protect themselves well.
2. The word "offspring" in the second paragraph refers to ____.
A. parents B. children C. mind
3. What do parents usually do to help their children as they are young?
A. They prepare everything for their children.
B. They take care of their children carefully.
C. They encourage their children to explore the outside world.
4. Which kinds of clothes do teenagers want to wear?
A. latest fashionable clothes B. casual clothes C. shiny trousers and tight tops
5. According to the passage, what are parents' viewpoints about the teenagers' clothes?
A. Teenagers' clothes get the latest teen fashion trends.
B. Teenagers' clothes are too short and ripped.
C. Teenagers' clothes are contrary to the accepted standards and values of the society.
6. Why do teenagers want to choose their university or career?
A. They want to explore the world on their own.
B. They want to decide their future by themselves.
C. Both A and B are correct.
7. The word "seize" in the fourth paragraph is closest in meaning to ____.
A. catch B. choose C. find
8. Which can be the best title for the passage?
A. Where do parent-child conflicts come from?
B. How are children different from their parents?
C. How do we bridge the generation gap?
II. Read Lan's letter about her family rules and select the best option for each blank.
do morning exercise keep my room tidy help around
respect swear go out
88 Lang Street
Hanoi, Vietnam
June 12th, 2017
Dear Sam,

English 11

Hi! How are you? I'm overjoyed that you're going to stay with my family in one month. In the
previous letter, you asked me about our family rules and now, I will tell you about them. Each family has
its own rules and mine has a few. Here are some rules of my family. My parents want me to (1.)
with the housework and other home duties as they think that all family members should share housework.
What's more, they tell me to take my studies seriously. They said that learning is very important and it has
great influence on my future. Other rules in my family are that I should (2.) _______________________
every day to stay fit and healthy and always (3.) _______________________. Apart from these, I am not
to (4.) _______________________ late in the evening because this is dangerous. Last but not least, they
ask me to (5.) _______________________ elderly and forbid me to (6.) _______________________. I
think that family rules play an integral role in helping family members understand one another and improve
their own behaviors. If you have any questions, please let me know. I hope you will enjoy your time in
Vietnam. I'm looking forward to meeting you.
Lots of love,
III. Fill in each blank with one suitable word.
by differences generational younger
comparison history because to
A generation gap
A generation gap is a popular term used to describe big (1) __________________ between people
of a younger generation and their elders. This can be defined as occurring "when older and (2)
people do not understand each other (3) _____________________ of their different experiences, opinions,
habits and behavior." Although some (4) _____________________ differences have existed throughout (5)
_____________________, during this era differences between the two generations grew significantly in (6)
_____________________ with previous times, particularly with respect (7) _____________________ such
matters as musical tastes, fashion, drug use, culture and politics. This may have been magnified (8)
_____________________ the unprecedented size of the young Baby Boomer generation, which gave it
unprecedented power, influence, and willingness to rebel against social norms.
I. Complete the sentences without changing the meaning.
1. They think that it is a good idea for me to do voluntary work. (I)
2. They insist that I should come home at 9 o'clock every night. (make)
3. It is very important for us to do well at school. (must)
English 11

4. It is not necessary for me to agree with everything my parents say. (not have)
5. My parents never let me forget to do my homework. (remind)
6. They always refuse to allow me to stay overnight at my friend's house. (never let)
7. My mother expects me to work as a teacher like her. (It is my mother's wish)
8. I can go out with my friends at the weekend. (allow)
II. Rewrite each sentence using the word(s) in the brackets, without changing its meaning.
1. If I were you, I would spend more time talking with my children. (should)
2. John doesn't get permission to use that computer. (mustn't)
3. It is necessary that people who work here leave by 6 p.m. (must)
4. Every staff isn't allowed to smoke or eat in the office. (mustn't)
5. Customers are advised to check their luggage before leaving the airport. (ought to)
6. It is forbidden for students to cheat in the exam. (mustn't)
7. Ms. Ly is in charge of cleaning the floor every day. (has to)
English 11

8. You are not allowed to take photographs in the museum. (mustn't)

9. It would be a good idea for you to share the housework with your mother. (ought to)
10. It is not necessary for Jack to call Ben today. (doesn't have to)
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each
1. A. adopt B. involve C. stroll D. follow
2. A. exist B. mind C. inspire D. provide
3. A. refusal B. music C. student D. studying
4. A. lecturer B. medium C. inventor D. president
5. A. teach B. cheer C. characterize D. watch
II. Pick out the words whose main stressed syllable is different from the rest.
1. A. actor B. commit C. fashion D. motion
2. A. education B. industrial C. intelligent D. traditional
3. A. industry B. refugee C. magazine D. Japanese
4. A. freedom B. contact C. furnish D. disturb
5. A. independence B. impractical C. education D. entertainment
I. Fill in each blank with the given word.
nuclear family generation gap hairstyle
school children junk food
1. Why is there a __________________________ between parents and children?
2. Why are soft drinks and __________________________ not good for our health?
3. Do you think _____________________________ should wear uniforms?
4. Is the __________________________ the perfect type of family?
5. Have your parents ever complained about your __________________________?
II. Complete the following sentences. Use affirmative or negative of "must".
1. You __________________________ study harder to get better marks.
2. The boy is only twelve years old. He ___________________________ ride a motorbike.
3. Jimmy, you __________________________ bite nails.

English 11

4. My classmate is very ill. She __________________________ see a doctor as soon as possible.

5. Your hands are dirty. You __________________________ wash them before meal.
6. We __________________________ brush our teeth at least once a day.
7. Children __________________________ play with dangerous objects like knives and matches.
8. Students __________________________ use mobile phones during the test.
9. Babies ___________________________ go to bed early.
10. You ____________________________ be impolite to elderly people.
III. Complete the following sentences. Use affirmative or negative of "have to".
1. Secretaries ____________________________ answer the phone. That is a part of their job.
2. Jason and Linda are on holiday. They __________________________ go to school today
3. He __________________________ come if he doesn't want to join with us.
4. You __________________________ worry about me! I am ok now.
5. Lam __________________________ leave her house at 6.30 a.m. in order to get to her school at 7 a.m.
6. All the students __________________________ obey the school rules.
7. Today she doesn't have the literature lesson, so she __________________________ bring her literature
8. I __________________________ take these books back to the school library on time or I will get a fine.
9. There is a lift in this building, so we __________________________ climb the stairs.
10. Susan doesn't like her new job. Sometimes she __________________________ work at weekends.
IV. Complete the following sentences. Use affirmative or negative of "ought to".
1. You ___________________________ study harder to get better marks.
2. They __________________________ be angry. It isn't good for their health.
3. A: It's so cold.
B: You __________________________ put on your thick coat before going out.
4. If somebody steals your wallet, you __________________________ tell the police.
5. You __________________________ buy that meat. It doesn't look fresh enough.
6. She __________________________ stay up too late at night as she may feel tired in the morning.
7. Candidates ___________________________ wear shorts and a T-shirt to a job interview.
8. It's raining. If you don't want your dress to get wet, you __________________________ take an
9. You are driving too fast. You __________________________ slow down.
10. Lisa __________________________ treat her younger sister badly. It makes her very unhappy.
V. Choose the incorrect underlined part in the following sentences.
1. You (A) have to (B) made sure that children (C) don't play outside alone.
2. You (A) mustn't (B) uses the motorbike without a driver's license. It's (C) against the law.
3. Drivers (A) haven't (B) to stop at (C) yellow traffic lights.

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4. You (A) ought (B) to taking him (C) to the emergency room.
5. During the lesson, (A) does you (B) have (C) to listen to your teacher carefully and take notes quickly.
6. Students (A) don't have to (B) consume (C) food or drink in the class or in the library.
7. Get out of the grass! (A) You (B) must walk on the grass (C) here.
8. The baby (A) is sleeping. (B) You (C) don't have to shout.
9. Lien, we (A) must (B) are (C) quicker or we will miss the last train to Hai Phong city.
10. You (A) have to (B) feed the dog. (C) I've already fed it.

VI. Cross out the wrong part in the following sentences.

1. You don't have to/ must eat anything you don't like.
2. If you don't want to have a sore throat, you don't have to/ oughtn't to drink too much iced water.
3. Flight attendants have to/ mustn't take care of passengers on the plane.
4. During the lesson, students don't have to/ mustn't leave class without the teacher's permission.
5. Her mother cooks for her, so she herself doesn't have to/mustn't cook.
6. Smokers don't have to/ mustn't smoke in public places. This is stated in a new law.
7. Drinks are free for today. It means that you don't have to/mustn't pay money for drinks today.
8. Kelvin won the lottery last year, so he doesn't have to/mustn't work now.
9. According to the company regulations, staff have to/ must finish their work with highest efficiency.
10. To be healthy, we mustn't/ ought to eat healthful food and do the exercise regularly.

I. Read the text and do the following task.
Types of Families
A family is a group of people that have a common ancestor. They usually live together in the same
house. Although it is a fact that not all families are the same, they can be categorized into different types.
A nuclear family consists of parents and their children living together. In many countries in Europe
and North American this is the most common form of family. There are three types of nuclear families. In
the first type the father works and the mother cares for the children. In the second type, the mother works
and the father stays at home with the children. In the third type of family, both parents work. This last type
of family is the most common in the USA and Canada.
In an extended family, different family members such as grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins
live together. In many areas of the world, such as Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Latin America, and
Southern Europe, this type of family is common.
Recently in some countries, couples are choosing to have only one child. These types of families are
called single child families. Some people believe that children raised in these kinds of families are spoilt,
selfish and lonely. But research doesn't support this.

English 11

Some families have no children at all. The couples that make up these families sometimes make the
choice not to have children because they want to have more free time. Some couples choose not to have
children for financial reasons.
Families with only one parent are called single parent families. There are several causes of these
types of families. The first reason is divorce. Another reason is that the one of the parent dies, leaving the
surviving parent widowed. Additionally, some parents never get married in the first place.
When the husband or wife in a marriage brings children with them from a past marriage, this is
called a blended or reconstituted family. This type of family has become more common due to the increase
in divorces. For some children this kind of family can be good because there are two parents, instead of just
one. But there can also be some difficulties as the two new families try to become one.
As the basis of all societies, families of all types are very important. This is true now and will be
true in the future as well.

Match each description of a family on the left with a type of family on the right.
1. Two years ago Darrel and Tanya got married. Before they got married Childless Family
Darrel had three sons and Tanya had a daughter. Now they all live together.
2. Hiroshi's wife died several years ago of cancer. He now raises his two Blended Family
sons Tomo and Taiki by himself.

3. Jose and Maria live with their 3 children. They also live with their Single Child Family
parents, an uncle and an aunt.
4. Husband and wife Dalee and Meegung have been married for two years. Nuclear Family
They are both very successful business people and don't have any children.
5. Harry and his wife Jane have been married for six years. They have one Extended Family
daughter named Melissa.
6. Jack and Betty, who have been married for over 15 years, have two Single Parent Family
children named Daniel and Chirstine.
II. Read the text and answer the questions.
Teenagers today are undergoing lots of changes. They are between the ages of 13 to 19. Many of
them are undergoing physical and emotional changes. These are the stages in the teenagers that are
The teenage life is full of happiness, sadness, enjoyment and it can be interesting too. This is
because in the teenage life that a teenager is subjected to physical growth, hormonal changes and even
dilemmas. They may be in a stage of conflict like undergoing puppy love. This is only a normal part of life.
Making friends is part and parcel of a teenager's life. The teenager should enjoy life by making
friends with peers and participate in healthy activities such as camping, picnic, kayaking, swimming and so
on. Through friends, a teenager learns to joke, laugh and play to release stress and tension. By making
friends, the teenager learns to sweeten his or her joys and even eases the bitterness of life's downtime.

English 11

Many teenagers are very conscious of their physical outlook. It is at this part of their life that beauty
strikes as the main self-image. They love to follow up with the latest trends for dressing, hairstyle and even
look good with their physical image. Some girls and boys go on a crash diet to slim down in order to look
attractive. Others may suffer from acne and pimples that may scar their external beauty.
Another stage in a teenager is the teenager's love life. There are chemical changes in the body and
so the teenager tends to have a sense of feelings for the opposite sex. They will experience love and
rejection. These sometimes will affect their studies.
Parents tend to play a role in a teenager's life. Parents today are overly concern over their children's
well-being. They like to control their freedom and have a say what the teenagers do. Hence, we have cases
of disagreements, disputes, quarrels and even runaways from homes among some teenage girls.
There are also negative problems that may pop out during a teenage life. A teenager is not well
guided may fall into the wrong path. Some teenagers are involved in drugs trafflicking, smoking, drinking
and smuggling of illegal products into the country. Others tend to vent their anger by vandalizing public
property. We have those with no regard and respect for the elders.
The mass media has an influence over the lives of many teenagers. Violent action movies, obscene
shows and pornography surfed from the Internet can bring a disastrous effect on a teenager's life. There will
be more harm than good if nothing is done.
1. From paragraph 1
(a) What is the age range of a teenager?
(b) What are the changes that a teenager undergoes?
2. From paragraph 2
(a) Why is it that a teenage life is full of ups and downs?
(b) What kind of conflict does a teenage face?
3. From paragraph 3
List activities that a teenager can get involved in.
4. From paragraph 4
What are the things that a teenager likes to keep up to date with?
English 11

5. From paragraph 8
State why parents are worried about their teenagers. Answer in your own words.
III. Read an article about how to make a list of family rules and answer reading comprehension
Family Rules
Would you like to have a boss who didn't specify what the rules were in your work place but
punished you if you broke these unknown rules? You would feel pretty frustrated, wouldn't you? That's
how children feel when they are punished for breaking rules that have never been explained to them.
Family rules are necessary to make clear what is expected of children and to outline punishments for
misbehavior and rewards for good behavior.
When creating a list of family rules remember to be specific both in what is expected and the
punishment or reward. Gather the family together when creating the list of family rules. Involve children in
the creation of the rules and get their input as to appropriate rewards or punishments. Explain to children
why youd like to include certain rules. They'll accept them more if they understand that they are for their
own benefit and safety.
You can create the list of rules in the form of a contract which all family members sign. Before
completing the contract make sure that all family members are in agreement as to the wording of the rules
and the punishments or rewards for each rule.
Once the rules have been created, remember to be consistent with their enforcement. The list of
rules doesn't mean anything unless it is consistently enforced.
1. Why do we need a list of family rules?
2. Why should we explain to children the reason behind the rules?
3. Who should sign the family rules contract?
4. What could happen if you don't consistently enforce the rules?
IV. Read and fill in the blanks.
English 11

recognize dangers generation acting understand

individuals according along control teens
(1. ___________________) to the results of a survey in USA WEEKEND Magazine, there isn't
really a generation gap. The magazine's "Teens & Parents" survey shows that today's generation of young
people generally get (2. ___________________) well with their parents and appreciate the way they're
being raised. Most feel that their parents (3. ___________________) them, and they believe their parents
consider family as the No. 1 priority in their lives. Although more than a third of (4. _________________)
have something in their rooms they would like to keep secret from their parents, it is usually nothing more
harmful than a diary or a CD.
Such results may seem surprising in the context of the violent events that people hear about in the
media. Maybe because of the things they hear, parents worry that their own kids might get out of (5.
______________) once they reach the teenage years. However, the facts in the survey should make us feel
better. The survey shows us that today's teens are loving and sensible. They are certainly happier than the
angry people in the teenage stereotypes we all know about. True, some teenagers are very angry, and we
need to (6. ____________) their needs, but the great majority of teens are not like that at all.
In contrast to some stereotypes, most teens believe they must be understanding about differences
among (7. ________________). Many of them volunteer for community service with disadvantaged
people. When they talk about themselves, their friends and their families, they sound positive and proud.
Generally, these are very nice kids.
Is this spirit of harmony a change from the past? Only a generation ago, parent child relations were
described as the "(8. _______________) gap". Yet even then, things were not so bad. Most kids in the
1960s and 1970s shared their parents' basic values.
Perhaps, however, it is true that American families are growing closer at the beginning of this new
millennium. Perhaps there is less to fight about, and the (9. ______________) of drug abuse and other
unacceptable behavior are now well known. Perhaps, compared to the impersonal world outside the home, a
young person's family is like a friendly shelter, not a prison. And perhaps parents are (10.
_______________) more like parents than they did 20 or 30 years ago.
I. Rewrite the following sentences and add the available modal verbs to the appropriate position.
1. If you go swimming in the sea, you wear a life jacket. (ought to)
2. I will tell you my secret, but you tell anyone. (mustn't)
3. You spend too much time playing computer games. You stop that. (must)
4. Phuong loves chocolate, but she eat too much, or she will gain weight. (oughtn't to)

English 11

5. We wear helmets when we ride a motorbike. (have to)
6. I book the tickets in advance. (don't have to)
7. Alia, you say rude words like that. (mustn't)
8. We play table tennis. We can play chess instead. (don't have to)
9. Children put their hands into sockets. That is very dangerous. (mustn't)
10. Doctors sometimes work at the weekends and on national holidays. (have to)
II. Rewrite sentences with the same meaning as sentences given, using the given words and the
correct form of modal verbs in parentheses.
1. I advise him to stop wasting money on lottery. (ought to)
2. It's necessary for you to finish your homework before going to bed. (must)
3. It isn't necessary for you to bring food and drink for lunch. (have to)
4. Fishing is not allowed in this park. (must)
5. Every receptionist in our hotel is obliged to wear a uniform. (have to)
Every receptionist in our hotel

English 11

6. It's forbidden to sell cigarettes to children. (must not)

7. It's optional for waiters to wear a tie. (have to)
8. His doctor advises him not to drink too much alcohol. (ought to)
9. It's obligatory for every employee to keep the company's information secret. (have to)
Every employee
10. Teachers advise me to study English to get a good job. (ought to)
I ___________________________________________________________________________________
Exercise 1. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.
1. A. access B. afford C. brochure D. casual
2. A. behaviour B. determined C. counselor D. decisive
3. A. donate B. compare C. campaign D. flashy
4. A. experience B. mobility C. independent D. prioritise
5. A. romantic B. solution C. protective D. elegant
6. A. legal B. obey C. forbid D. impose
7. A. constitution B. disrespectful C. sympathetic D. elongated
8. A. generational B. interpersonal C. discrimination D. nationality
9. A. studious B. unite C. mature D. involve
10. A. frustrating B. charity C. impairment D. infectious
Exercise 2. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
11. I live in a/an ____ with my parents and my elder sister in the coastal area.
A. extended family B. nuclear family
C. extended house D. nuclear house
12. One advantage of living in a/an ____ is to strengthen relationship between young children and adults.
A. nuclear family B. nuclear house

English 11

C. extended family D. extended house

13. In my opinion, family members are responsible for ____.
A. the housework B. the chores C. homework D. A and B
14. My grandpa is the most conservative person in my family. He never ____ about way of life.
A. gives his opinion B. changes his mind
C. gives his view D. keeps in mind
15. After graduating from university, I want to ____ my father's footsteps.
A. follow in B. succeed in C. go after D. keep up
16. In a nuclear family, both mother and father have responsibility for housekeeping and ____.
A. child care B. homework C. childcare D. generation gap
17. Four generations living in the same roof will have different ____ of lifestyle.
A. gaps B. rules C. manners D. viewpoints
18. Luckily, my parents are always willing to listen to my new ideas. They're very ____.
A. narrow-minded B. open-minded C. elegant D. careful
19. My mother ____ me from going home after 10 p.m. every day.
A. forbids B. allows C. lets D. All are correct
20. Anna often dresses ____ when going to the parties in order to attract her friends' attention.
A. plainly B. properly C. flashily D. soberly
21. We're surprised by Joe's ____ every Monday. He changes it at least 4 times a month.
A. hairstyle B. lifestyle C. viewpoint D. manner
22. I rarely eat ____ and drink ____ because they're not food for health.
A. snack/energy drink B. fast food/juice C. fruit/alcoholic drink D. junk food/soft drink
23. Generation ____ is the difference in the thoughts and viewpoints amongst generations living together.
A. distance B. gap C. space. D. All are correct
24. I was tired and couldn't ____ on doing my research project properly.
A. concentrate B. look C. pay attention D. Both A and C
25. My parents don't let me get married until I graduate from university and they never ____ their mind
about that.
A. keep B. impose C. focus D. change
26. The ____ arises when Jack and his parents have considerable disagreement on his choice of university.
A. discrimination B. conflict C. agreement D. gap
27. I do morning exercise and play volleyball regularly so as to keep ____ and be healthier.
A. fit B. good shape C. healthy D. strong
28. Since the family law was implemented, domestic violence has been a rare ____ in this area.
A. happen B. taking place C. occurrence D. happenstance
29. My father used to ____ a lot of challenges before establishing his own insurance company.

English 11

A. provide B. enjoy C. give D. face

30. I wish I could do something to reduce financial ____ on my parents.
A. capital B. burden C. limit D. gap
Exercise 3. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
31. Despite being a kid, Tuan always helps his mother do the chores every day.
A. homework B. works C. housework D. house duties
32. When I was a child, my mother used to teach me table manners.
A. etiquette B. rule C. problem D. norm
33. Many parents find it hard to understand their children when they are teenagers.
A. adults B. elders C. adolescents D. kids
34. There're many problems which are unavoidable when living in an extended family.
A. profits B. issues C. views D. merits
35. Mary has a strong desire to make independent decisions.
A. dependent B. self-confident C. self-confessed D. self-determining
36. My mother mistakenly believes that my fashion style breaks the norm of society.
A. routine B. barrier C. rule D. conflict
37. I always look at this matter from a different viewpoint.
A. point of view B. view from point C. idea D. opinion
38. We find it unattractive when dress flashily.
A. luxuriantly B. ostentatiously C. cheaply D. fashionably
39. Consuming too much junk food increases the risk of obesity.
A. decrease B. reduce C. rise D. raise
40. I feel extremely depressed as conflict occurs frequently amongst generations in my family.
A. comes on B. comes up C. comes in D. comes into
Exercise 4. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
41. If you live in an extended family, you'll have great joy and get support of other members.
A. close family B. traditional family C. nuclear family D. large family
42. Our mother encourages us to be open-minded about new opinions and experiences
A. optimistic B. elegant C. close-knit D. narrow-minded
43. Domestic violence is strictly forbidden all over the world.
A. permitted B. limited C. restricted D. prohibited
44. Jane found herself in conflict with her parents over her future career.
A. disagreement B. harmony C. controversy D. fighting
45. I can't concentrate on my work because of the noise caused by my children.

English 11

A. focus B. abandon C. neglect D. allow

46. My grandpa's point of view about marriage remains conservative.
A. progressive B. traditional C. retrogressive D. conventional
47. Finally, I decide to follow in my father's footsteps to work in state-owned enterprise.
A. private-owned B. public limited C. privately-owned D. government-owned
48. My grandma usually takes care of us when my parents are away on business.
A. follows B. abandons C. concerns D. bothers
49. We greatly respect my teacher for all of the best things that she brought to us.
A. look up to B. look forwards C. look for D. look down on
50. I regretted not to buy those trendy shoes through lack of money.
A. shortage B. abundance C. scarcity D. deficiency
Exercise 5. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
51. All students ____ wear uniforms at school because it is a rule.
A. should B. have to C. ought to D. must
52. You ____ finish your homework before you go to bed.
A. must B. have to C. should D. ought to
53. This drink isn't beneficial for health. You ____ drink it too much.
A. should B. ought to not C. ought not to D. mustn't
54. This warning sign indicates that you ____ step on the grass.
A. shouldn't B. mustn't C. don't have to D. ought not to
55. I think you ____ do exercise regularly in order to keep your body in good shape.
A. must B. should C. ought to D. Both B and C
56. I will lend you some money, but you ____ pay it back to me next week.
A. should B. have to C. must D. mustn't
57. Hoa ____ feed the cats because her mother has done it already.
A. has to B. doesn't have to C. must D. Both A and C
58. Those audiences ____ show their tickets before entering the concert hall.
A. have to B. must C. ought to D. don't have to
59. The children ____ spend too much time playing computer games.
A. mustn't B. ought to not C . shouldn't D. Both B and C
60. In case you're suffered from the injury, you ____ see the doctor today.
A. had better B. must C. ought D. have better
61. Water park is free for kids under 6 years old, so you ____ pay money for your son.
A. have to B. mustn't C. should D. don't have to

English 11

62. You look totally exhausted. You ____ take a rest instead of working overtime.
A. should B. ought C. must D. has better
63. Anyone ____ have a passport, even a visa when travelling all around the world.
A. ought to B. must C. should D. has to
64. In the peak season, travellers ____ book their accommodation in advance.
A. have to B. must C. should D. ought
65. My car broke down yesterday, so I ____ catch a taxi to the office.
A. have to B. had better C. had to D. has to
66. We ____ eat as much fruit as possible in order to get enough vitamins for our bodies.
A. had better B. should C. ought to D. All are correct
67. You ____ tell anyone what I've revealed to you. It's still a secret.
A. mustn't B. had better not C. ought not to D. don't have to
68. If you still want to maintain this relationship, you ____ behave improperly like that.
A. ought to not B. ought not to C. mustn't D. don't have to
69. When playing or swimming in the pool, children ____ be accompanied by their parents.
A. should B. must C. don't have to D. have to
70. We ____ go to work by car. Sky train is a wise choice during rush hour.
A. ought to B. mustn't C. shouldn't D. have to
Exercise 6. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each
of the following questions.
71. I will leave the party early because I must studying for my exam.

72. I stayed up late last night because I mustn't go to school on Sunday.

73. We ought to not play football as it's raining outside.
74. You mustn't to drive a car if you don't have a driving licence.
75. If you want some useful advice, you have better talk to your parents about your problem.
76. I had stay at home 3 days due to snowing heavily.
77. Because of his poverty, he has to struggling to make ends meet.
78. According to the rules of this game, you had better not drop the ball.

English 11

79. If you want to get a higher mark in the next test, you have better put more effort into vocabulary.
80. We shouldn't make an appointment with this doctor. You can see him whenever you want.
81. Look at the sky, it is going to rain. Thus, you must bring along a raincoat.
82. I ought to go home now because I don't want to walk in the dark.
83. As our teacher said yesterday, we ought to not worry about the mid-term test. Take it easy.
84. This competition is optional, so we not have to take part in it.
85. Despite having a little chance to win, you should give up your dream of becoming a star.
86. The professor told me that we should give this assignment in by Thursday at the latest.
87. What you should do now is to make slides for the presentation tomorrow as we have a little time left.
88. You have to apply for this position as soon as possible since it has only three vacancies.
89. Ms. Anna will give a fascinating lecture at 8 a.m., so you should be here at 7.45 to check in.
90. My advice is you have to consider carefully before making the final decision.
Exercise 7. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following
91. Would you mind if I opened the windows? It's too stuffy in here.
A. Yes, of course. B. No, please do. C. I think it is OK. D. You look so tired.
92. Could you show me how to get to the nearest train station from here?
A. I'm not certain but it's maybe at the end of the street.
B. I totally agree with you.
C. Sorry, I never know you.
D. I'm busy. now.
93. From my point of view, all family members should share the chores equally.

English 11

A. It's a breathtaking view. B. You lied to me.

C. But you're right. D. There's no doubt about it.
94. I've been awarded a scholarship to Harvard University.
A. Just kidding! B. It's up to you. C. Good job! D. Same to you. Thanks!
95. Don't forget to finish your homework before class.
A. I'll do it later. B. Not much. C. It's quite difficult. D. Thank you for reminding me.
96. Thanks a lot for helping me fix the car yesterday.
A. I'd love to. B. You're welcome. C. Of course not. D. I like it.
97. I've seen John at the workshop on communication skills.
A. I see. I'll call him.
B. The workshop was very useful.
C. That can't be John because he's in Paris now.
D. No, I don't think so.
98. How do I sign up for the psychology course?
A. You need to fill in the online application form first.
B. It's not yours.
C. The course was full.
D. Your deadline is May 15.
99. What's about going to the waterpark?
A. That's a good idea. B. That's right. C. Of course! D. I'm sorry I can't.
100. Hi, I'd like to buy three tickets for the Lost in Fear.
A. How many tickets? B. I'm sorry. They were sold out.
C. We don't like this film. D. You should see other interesting films.
101. Do you enjoy buying souvenirs?
A. No, I don't. B. No, thank you! C. Never mind. D. No, I am not.
102. Which show would you like to watch, madam?
A. Here you are! B. No, thanks. C. I am sorry. D. Pardon?
103. What did you do on Sunday?
A. No way! B. Not much. C. It was great. D. I don't care.
104. I love listening to rock n' roll. How about you?
A. I can't stand it. B. I can't help it. C. I can't do it. D. I can't wait for it.
105. What's wrong with the shirt you bought last week?
A. Oh! What a beautiful shirt! B.I wore it last night.
C. The zip has come off. D. I've the receipt.

English 11

Exercise 8. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Fathers in today families are spending more time with their children than at any point in the past 100
years. (106) ____ the number of hours the average woman spends at home with her children has
declined since the early 1900s, as more and more women enter the workforce, there has been a
decrease in the number of children per family and an increase in (107) ____ attention to each child.
As a result, mothers today in the United States, (108) ____ those who work part- or full-time, spend
almost twice as much time with each child as mothers did in the 1920s. People (109) ____ raised
children in the 1940s and 1950s typically report that their own adult children and grandchildren
communicate far better with their kids and spend more time (110) ____ with homework than they
America's children are also safer today than they've (111) ____ been. An infant was four times more
likely to die in the 1950s than today. A parent then was 27 per cent more likely to lose an older teen
(112) ____ death.
If we look back over the last millennium, we can see that families have always been diverse. In each
period, families have solved one set of problems only to face new (113) ____. What works for a
family in one economic and cultural setting doesn't work for a family in another. What's helpful
(114) ____ one stage of a family's life may be (115) ____ at the next stage. If there is one lesson to
be (116) ____ from the last millennium of family history, it's that families always have to (117)
____ with a changing world.
106. A. Although B. However C. Unless D. Besides
107. A. isolated B. individual C. unique D. single
108. A. adding B. counting C. taking D. including
109. A. whom B. which C. who D. when
110. A. helping B. to help C. help D. on help
111. A. never B. already C. ever D. just
112. A. in B. for C. to D. with
113. A. challanger B. challenges C. challenging D. challenged
114. A. at B. for C. in D. by
115. A. destruction B. destroying C. destroyed D. destructive
116. A. drawing B. drawn C. draw D. drew
117. A. put up B. live up C. go up D. catch up
Exercise 9. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions.
Stella McCartney was born in 1972, the daughter of pop star Sir Paul McCartney. She is the
youngest of three sisters. One sister is a potter and the other sister does the same job as their mother
used to do - she works as a photographer. Stella's brother, James, is a musician. Stella first hit the
newspaper headlines in 1995 when she graduated in fashion design from art college. At her final
show, her clothes were modeled by her friends, Naomi Campbell and Kate Moss, both well-known
English 11

models. Unsurprisingly, the student show became front-page news around the world. Stella hadn't
been in the news before as a fashion designer but she had spent time working in the fashion world
since she was fifteen. In March 1997, Stella went to work for the fashion house Chloe. People said
the famous fashion house had given her the job because of her surname and her famous parents but
Stella soon showed how good she was. She designs clothes which she would like to wear herself,
although she's not a model, and many famous models and actors choose to wear them. In 2001
Stella started her own fashion house and has since opened stores around the world and won many
prizes. A lifelong vegetarian, McCartney does not use any leather or fur in her design. Instead, she
uses silk, wool and other animal-derived fabrics.
118. Which of the following is NOT true about Stella's family?
A. She has three sisters. B. One of her sisters is a photographer.
C. She is the youngest. D. Her father is a famous singer.
119. Stella, Naomi Campbell and Kate Moss ____.
A. met for the first time at her fashion show B. are very famous fashion models
C. had been friends before 1995 D. all performed at the final show in 1995
120. Which of the following is TRUE about the show?
A. Everyone was surprised when Stella's show was successful.
B. The models performed clothes designed by Stella.
C. The show was the last show of Stella.
D. There was no one famous appearing in the show.
121. Stella thinks about the kinds of clothes that ____.
A. famous people like to wear B. she likes to wear
C. well-known models perform beautifully D. bring her prizes
122. The word “lifelong” in the passage is closest in meaning to ____.
A. permanent B. inconstant C. temporary D. changing
Exercise 10. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer
to each of the questions.
In American, although most men still do less housework than their wives, that gap has been halved
since the 1960s. Today, 41 per cent of couples say they share childcare equally, compared with 25
percent in 1985. Men's greater involvement at home is good for their relationships with their
spouses, and also good for their children. Hands-on fathers make better parents than men who let
their wives do all the nurturing and childcare. They raise sons who are more expressive and
daughters who are more likely to do well in school - especially in math and science.
In 1900, life expectancy in the United States was 47 years, and only four per cent of the population
was 65 or older. Today, life expectancy is 76 years, and by 2025, it is estimated about 20 per cent of
the U.S. population will be 65 or older. For the first time, a generation of adults must plan for the
needs of both their parents and their children. Most Americans are responding with remarkable
grace. One in four households gives the equivalent of a full day a week or more in unpaid care to an
aging relative, and more than half say they expect to do so in the next 10 years. Older people are
English 11

less likely to be impoverished or incapacitated by illness than in the past, and have more opportunity
to develop a relationship with their grandchildren.
Even some of the choices that worry people the most are turning out to be manageable. Divorce
rates are likely to remain high, and in many cases marital breakdown causes serious problems for
both adults and kids. Yet when parents minimize conflict, family bonds can be maintained. And
many families are doing this. More non-custodial parents are staying in touch with their children.
Child-support receipts are rising. A lower proportion of children from divorced families are
exhibiting problems than in earlier decades. And stepfamilies are learning to maximize children's
access to supportive adults rather than cutting them off from one side of the family.
123. Which of the following can be the most suitable heading for paragraph 1?
A. Men's involvement at home
B. Benefits of men's involvement at home
C. Drawbacks of men's involvement at home
D. Children studying math and science
124. Nowadays, ____ of men help take care of children.
A. 50% B. 41% C. 25% D. 20%
125. According to the writer, old people in the USA ____.
A. are experiencing a shorter life expectancy
B. receive less care from their children than they used to
C. have better relationships with their children and grandchildren
D. may live in worst living conditions
126. Which of the following is NOT true about divorce rates in the USA?
A. They will still be high.
B. They can cause problems for both parents and children.
C. More problems are caused by children from divorced families.
D. Children are encouraged to meet their separate parents.
127. The word "equivalent” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ____.
A. comparable B. opposed C. dissimilar D . constrasting
128. The word "manageable” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ____.
A. difficult B. challenging C. demanding D. easy
129. The word “this” in the paragraph 3 refers to ____.
A. getting divorced B. minimizing conflict
C. causing problems to kids D. maintaining bonds
130. According to the writer, the future of American family life can be ____.
A. positive B. negative C. unchanged D. unpredictable

English 11

Exercise 11. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of
the following questions.
131. Nobody in the class is as tall as Mike.
A. Everybody in the class is taller than Mike.
B. Somebody in the class may be shorter than Mike.
C. Mike is the tallest student in the class.
D. Mike may be taller than most students in the class.
132. I haven't got enough money to buy a new car.
A. I need more money to buy a new car.
B. I don't want to spend more money on a new car.
C. A new car is not something I really need.
D. Money is not the most essential issue to buy a new car.
133. I am really keen on playing sports.
A. I am a big fan of sports. B. Playing sports makes me sick.
C. I am not really into sports. D. I can't stand sports.
134. “I will come back home soon,” he said.
A. He advised to come back home soon.
B. He offered to come back home soon.
C. He promised to come back home soon.
D. He suggested that he should come back home soon.
135. He prevented his close friend from telling the truth.
A. He forbade his close friend to tell the truth.
B. He allowed his close friend to tell the truth.
C. He ordered his close friend to tell the truth.
D. He paid his close friend to tell the truth.
Exercise 12. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of
sentences in the following questions.
136. My brother speaks too loud. It is really annoying.
A. My brother is speaking too loud.
B. My brother likes to speak too loud.
C. My brother feels annoyed when he can't speak too loud.
D. My brother is always speaking too loud.
137. There is always conflict between parents and children. However, they still should talk and share things
with each other.
A. Although there is always conflict between parents and children, they still should talk and share
things with each other.

English 11

B. There is always conflict between parents and children, so they still should talk and share things
with each other.
C. Unless there is always conflict between parents and children, they still should talk and share
things with each other.
D. Not only there is always conflict between parents and children, but they still should talk and
share things with each other.
138. Your parents will help you with the problem. You should tell them the story.
A. Because your parents will help you with the problem, you should tell them the story.
B. Your parents will help you with the problem since you should tell them the story.
C. If your parents will help you with the problem, you should tell them the story.
D. Your parents will help you with the problem because you should tell them the story.
139. Unemployment rate is high. This makes many children move back to their parents' house.
A. Many children move back to their parents' house, which makes high unemployment rate.
B. High unemployment rate forces many children to move back to their parents' house.
C. Moving back to their parents' house suggests that the unemployment rate is high.
D. It is necessary to move back to your parents' house if unemployment rate is high.
140. She is an honest person. She is also a very friendly one.
A. She is an honest but friendly person.
B. She is not only an honest but also a very friendly person.
C. Though she is a honest person, she is friendly.
D. Being honest is necessary to become friendly.

argument /ˈɑːɡjumənt/ (n.) sự tranh cãi, sự tranh luận
relationship /rɪ'leɪʃnʃɪp/ (n.) mối quan hệ, mối liên hệ
romantic relationship /rəʊˈmæntɪk rɪ'leɪʃnʃɪp/ (n. phr.) mối quan hệ lãng mạn
be in a relationship /bi ɪn ə rɪ'leɪʃnʃɪp/ (v. phr.) hẹn hò, có mối quan hệ tình cảm
betray /bɪ'treɪ/ (v.) phản bội, lừa dối, phụ lòng tin)
break up (with someone) /breɪk ʌp/ (phr. v.) chia tay
concentrate (on) /'kɒnsntreɪt/ (v) tập trung
counsellor /ˈkaʊnsələ(r)/ (n.) người khuyên bảo, cố vấn
date /deɪt/ (n.) cuộc hẹn hò, sự hẹn gặp
English 11

emotional /ɪ'məʊʃənl/ (adj.) cảm động, cảm xúc

lend an ear /lend ən ɪə(r)/ (v. phr.) lắng nghe và thấu hiểu
opposite-sex /ˈɒpəzɪt seks/ (adj.) khác giới
quit school /kwɪt sku:l/ (v. phr.) bỏ học
reconcile (with someone) /ˈreknsaɪl/ (v) làm hòa, giảng hòa
single-sex school /ˈsɪŋgl seks sku:l/ (n. phr.) trường học một giới (trường nữ
sinh, trường nam sinh)
sympathetic /ˌsɪmpəˈθetɪk/ (adj.) đồng cảm, thông cảm
achievement /ə'tʃi:vmənt/ (n.) thành tích, thành tựu
appearance /ə'pɪərəns/ (n.) diện mạo, vẻ bề ngoài
community /kəˈmju:nəti/ (n.) cộng đồng
confidence /ˈkɒnfɪdəns/ (n.) sự tin tưởng, sự tin cậy
contribution /ˌkɒntrɪˈbju:ʃn/ (n.) sự đóng góp
engage /ɪnˈgeɪdʒ/ (v.) thu hút (sự chú ý...), giành được
(tình cảm...)
enthusiastic /ɪnˌθju:zi'æstɪk/ (adj.) nhiệt tình, hào hứng
initiative /ɪ'nɪʃətɪv/ (n.) bước khởi đầu, sự khởi xướng
matchmaking /'mætʃmeɪkɪŋ/ (n.) sự làm mối
on good terms (with someone) /ɒn gʊd tɜ:mz/ (idiom) có quan hệ tốt với ai
oppose /ə'pəʊz/ (v.) chống đối, phản đối
permission /pə'mɪʃn/ (n.) sự cho phép, sự chấp nhận
persuade /pə'sweɪd/ (v.) thuyết phục
potential /pə'tenʃl/ (adj.) tiềm năng, tiềm tàng
psychologist /saɪ'kɒlədʒɪst/ (n.) nhà tâm lý học
reaction /ri'ækʃn/ (n.) sự phản ứng
tension /'tenʃn/ (n) sự căng thẳng, tình trạng căng
turn into /tɜ:n 'ɪntu:/ (phr. v.) biến thành, trở thành


1. Định nghĩa
Động từ nối (Linking verbs) là các động từ dùng để diễn tả trạng thái / bản chất của chủ ngữ thay vì
miêu tả hành động của chủ ngữ.
2. Cấu trúc

English 11

Form: S + linking verbs + Complement (Adj/ N)

3. Ví dụ
- Hung looks happy. ("look" là động từ nối; "happy" là tính từ làm bổ ngữ cho chủ ngữ "Hung")
- The football match was exciting. ("was" là động từ nối; "good" là tính từ làm bổ ngữ)
- Lan becomes the president of this club. ("become" là động từ nối, "the president of this club"

cụm danh từ làm bổ ngữ)
Những động từ nối thường gặp là:

be (thì, là, ở) become (trở nên) remain (vẫn) stay (vẫn)

appear (dường như) seem (dường như) sound (nghe có vẻ) taste (có vị)
feel (cảm thấy) look (trông có vẻ) smell (có mùi) get (trở nên)
prove (tỏ ra) grow (trở nên) turn (trở nên)
4. Lưu ý
- Phía sau động từ nối là tính từ chứ không phải trạng từ.
E.g: She feels unhappy.
- Động từ nối không được chia ở dạng tiếp diễn

English 11

Một số động từ ở phía trên có thể làm chức năng là động từ nối (linking verbs) hoặc là động từ thường
(ordinary verbs).
E.g 1:
- She looks angry. (Cô ấy trông có vẻ tức giận). "look" là động từ nối
- She looks at the man angrily. (Cô ấy nhìn vào người đàn ông một cách giận dữ.) "look" là động
từ thường
E.g 2:
- The food tastes delicious. (Thức ăn ngon quá.) "taste" là động từ nối
- They tasted the food. (Họ đã nếm thức ăn.) "taste" là động từ thường
E.g 3:
- This house smells musty. (Ngôi nhà có mùi mốc.) "smell" là động từ nối
- The woman is smelling the flowers gingerly. (Người phụ nữ đang ngửi hương thơm của hoa một cách
thận trọng.) "smell" là động từ thường

Bài 1: Underline the linking verb in each sentence.

1. At the hospital, the sick woman's face turned blue.
2. These potatoes tasted awful.
3. The boy was injured during the soccer match.
4. My parents sounded unhappy after the news.
5. At the park, I feel happy.

Bài 2: Fill in the blanks with the suitable words below.

looks sounds tastes become feel

1. I uncomfortable when living here.

2. The food delicious.
3. Lan very nice in that pink skirt.
4. - Lisa: How about going to the movies tonight?
- Mark: That great!
5. I want to a talented football player like Messi.

Bài 3: Decide whether the underlined part in each of the following sentences is an "ordinary verb"
or a "linking verb".
1. Miss Lan is smelling the flowers that her students has just given to her.
2. My mother tasted this soup carefully.
3. Alex looks more beautiful when wearing this shirt.
4. Mary's grandmother used to look after her carefully when she was a child.
5. I want to become a good doctor after graduating from university.
English 11

6. The weather here is getting worse and worse.

7. If you want to stay healthy, you should take exercise regularly.
8. I decide to stay at a friend's house in Nha Trang for several days.
9. When my son grows older, he will understand what I do for him.
10. My father seems exhausted after a long working day on the farm.
Bài 4: Choose the best answer in the brackets complete the sentences.
1. What's wrong with you? You look (unhappy/unhappily) today.
2. He (sudden/ suddenly) appeared in the meeting.
3. I taste the soup very careful/carefully. Don't worry!
4. My wife appeared (calm/ calmly) after the news.
5. He is shouting at his son. He seemed very (angry/angrily).
6. I think the food smells (terrible/terribly). You should throw it away.
7. This plant grows (quickly/quick) if it absorbs enough water.
8. His resignation was very (surprising/ surprisingly).
9. The doctor checked my legs (carefully/careful) to see if there were any injuries.
10. She is looking at the picture (attentive/attentively).
Bài 5: Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

1. Can you help me? I for my shoes now.

A. look B. am looking C. looked
2. The sky brighter after the storm.
A. is growing B. grows C. grow
3. At the moment, he calm.
A. remains B. remained C. is remaining
4. To determine who is the winner of the competition, the examiners candidates dishes now.
A. taste B. tasted C. are tasting
5. She upset after hearing the exam result.
A. seem B. seems C. is seeming
6. Listen! His story interesting.
A. sounds B. is sounding C. sound
7. She at a hotel when she visits Vietnam.
A. will stay B. stays C. stayed
8. He really unhappy when you mention his baldness.
A. gets B. got C. is getting
9. The situation unchanged in the past few years.
A. is remaining B. remained C. has remained
10. The boy sad today.
A. is B. was C. is being

Câu chẻ (Cleft sentences) được dùng để nhấn mạnh một thành phần của câu như chủ ngữ, tân ngữ hay

English 11

trạng từ
4. It cleft sentences (Câu chẻ với it)
* Form: It + be (is/ was) + emphasized word/ phrase (từ/ cụm từ được nhấn mạnh)+ relative clause
(that/who/which clause)
E.g: It was in 2008 that we first met each other. (Chính vào năm 2008 chúng tôi đã gặp nhau lần đầu
Note: Các đại từ who, which có thể được dùng để thay thế cho "that". When và where cũng có thể được
sử dụng (informal English), nhưng how và why thì không thể thay thế cho "that" trong câu chẻ.
E.g: It was last Saturday that/ when we played badminton.
It was in New York that/ where she met him.
a. Emphasis on subject (Nhấn mạnh vào chủ ngữ)
E.g: Tom took Mary to the party on Sunday.
It was Tom that took Mary to the party on Sunday.
b. Emphasis on object (Nhấn mạnh vào tân ngữ)
E.g: Tom took Mary to the party on Sunday.
It was Mary that Tom took to the party on Saturday.
c. Emphasis on adverbial (Nhắn mạnh vào trạng ngữ)
E.g: Tom took Mary to the party on Sunday.
It was on Sunday that Tom took Mary to the party.
d. Emphasis on prepositional phrase (Nhấn mạnh vào cụm giới từ)
E.g: Tom took Mary to the party on Sunday.
It was to the party that Tom took Mary on Sunday.
5. Wh_ cleft sentences
* Form: Wh_clause (What clause) + be + emphasized word/ phrase
E.g: They gave me some gifts.
What they was some gifts.
All he wanted to do as he was growing up was play tennis. (= the only thing he wanted to do): Điều
duy nhất anh ta đã muốn làm khi anh ta trưởng thành là chơi quần vợt. Thỉnh thoảng chúng ta có thể
dùng "all" thay cho "what".
What ~ The thing(s) that
Sau mệnh đề what, động từ to be thường được chia ở dạng số ít (is/ was). Tuy nhiên, thỉnh thoảng hình
thức số nhiều (are/ were) có thể được sử dụng trước danh từ số nhiều.
E.g: What I hope to see is/ are children who are successful in their studies.
- Chúng ta có thể đặt mệnh đề what ở đầu hoặc cuối câu.
E.g: What makes me happy is his love. / His love is what makes me happy. (Điều mà làm tôi hạnh phúc
là tình yêu của anh ấy.)
Để nhấn mạnh vào một hành động (action), chúng ta dùng cấu trúc: What + S + hình thức của động từ
do + be + (to) + infinitive
E.g: What Tom did was (to) Mary to the party.
English 11


1. (A) That (B) was Tim (C) who (D) went to hospital last week.
2. It was (A) in Nha Trang (B) that I first (C) meet (D) my wife.
3. It (A) is (B) in 2010 (C) that I (D) graduated from university.
4. It (A) was (B) on New Year's Eve (C) who my sister (D) broke up with her boyfriend.
5. It (A) was her husband (B) who (C) dropped out of his university and (D) setted up his business.

Bài 9: Complete each gap with one of the words in the box. Where necessary (but only where
necessary) add that.
day person place reason thing way

1. The you really need to speak to is Mike, the guy standing by the fire.
2. One I've asked you here today is to talk about last week's sales.
3. The really got my goal was that he never even apologized.
4. The main I want to talk to you is to discuss your future.
5. The it works is that you press this button here and hey presto!
6. The we got married was the happiest day of my life.
7. One I'll never forget is Ba Na Hills.
8. The you need to remember is that he's only a child.
9. The impressed me the most was Mary; she really knew her stuff.
10. One to get it through the door is to put it on its end.
11. The made the most lasting impression was the Temple of Literature.
12. The works best for me is to write down new words in context.
Bài 10: Rearrange the words to make a complete sentence.
1. missed/ what/ friends/ old/ I/ was/ all/ my/.

2. my/ what/ was/l/ that/ passport/ happened/ lost/.

3. the/ most/ that/ me/ surprised/ was/ thing/ price/ the/.

4. it/ only/ relax/ I/ weekends/ is/ at/ that/ the/ can/.

5. happened/ apologize / that/ all/ was/ had I to/ I.


Bài 11: Choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
1. What's the matter with you? You look .
A. happily B. sadly C. unhappy D. unhappily

English 11

2. I have been very up to this point, but I am going to lose my temper if you don't find my
luggage immediately.
A. impatiently B. impatient C. patient D. patiently
3. Sarah grew from the hours of overtime at work. It became quite that she needed
a long vacation.
A. tired/obvious B. tired/obviously
C. tiredly/obvious D. tiredly/obviously
4. These watermelons were sweet.
A. excepting B. exception C. exceptional D. exceptionally
5. You can't blame an automaker for wanting to design a car that looks , even if it doesn't have
what it takes under the hood.
A. fast B. fastly C. quickness D. quickly
6. The young girl sing .
A. amazing good B. amazing well
C. amazingly good D. amazingly well
7. She said she would become a actress .
A. famous/quick B. famous/quickly
C. famously/quick D. famously/quickly
8. The skies became as the moon moved between the Earth and the Sun.
A. surprising dark B. surprising darkly
C. surprisingly dark D. surprisingly darkly
9. Healthy relationships allow both partners to feel supported and connected but still feel .
A. dependence B. dependent C. depending D. independent
10. Talking to professional counsellors who are trained to help people to process feelings, can be most
A. beneficial B. beneficially C. beneficiary D. benefit

Bài 12: Choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each
of the following questions.
1. The chef (A) tasted the meat (B) cautious before (C) carefully serving it to his (D) special guest.
2. The doctor (A) checked the leg (B) carefully to (C) see if there were any (D) brokenly bones.
3. After (A) being closed for (B) a long period of time, the house (C) became dirty and (D) smelled
4. Tim (A) has lived in Vietnam (B) for several years. He (C) knows the culture (D) very good.
5. I (A) feel both (B) excited and (C) nervously because I have got a (D) date with Daisy tomorrow.
6. The (A) humid weather (B) made it (C) difficultly to enjoy the (D) tropical beach.
7. It was in a (A) warm and cosy coffee shop (B) in where they (C) had their (D) first date.
8. Tom's parents (A) are not pleased because he (B) does not study (C) hardly and (D) seriously enough.
9. The food was (A) good with (B) reasonable price, (C) but the service was (D) slowly.
10. (A) It is his dishonesty (B) what I (C) dislike (D) the most.

English 11

Bài 13: Choose the best answer in the brackets to complete the sentences.
1. Tom spoke (confident/confidently) to the audience urging them to elect him president of the union. He
knew he had a (good/well) chance of winning the election.
2. Alex (quick/ quickly) ate her lunch. She knew the meeting was (important/ importantly) and she didn't
want to be late.
3. The entrance examination is (extreme/ extremely) challenging. Very few people make it into the
(prestigious/ prestigiously) medical school.
4. Although Lisa speaks (soft/ softly) and seems quite (timid/ timidly), she is the leading expert in her
field. Don't underestimate her abilities.
5. After the medieval cathedral was (tragic/ tragically) burnt down last year, the city (quick/ quickly)
rebuilt it stone for stone. It looks exactly the same as it did before the fire.
6. The tomato plants grew (quick/ quickly) in the rich soil. Mrs. Brown intended to use the homegrown
tomatoes to make her (delicious/ deliciously) tempting lasagna.
7. Mr. Michael (generous/ generously) donated $ 1,000,000 to the law school's scholarship fund. With
this money, they will be able to help low-income students cope with the (increasing/ increasingly) cost of
8. Tim is (good/ well) known for his sense of humor. Last Saturday, when he told the joke about the
fireman and the school teacher, everybody there started laughing (uncontrollable/ uncontrollably).
Bài 14: Fill each gap with ONE suitable word.
a. What I liked most about the movie (1) the music.
b. What she (2) was (3) look for another job.
c. (4) I said (5) that she was a bit late and she bit my head off.
d. What (6) then (7) that all hell broke loose.
e. All that has happened is (8) the police (9) given me a warning.
f. (10) really annoys me (11) that he's always right.
g. All I (12) (13) to ask for a clean cup, and the waiter went berserk.
h. What (14) happened was that she'd completely forgotten about it.
i. Your attitude is exactly (15) I wanted to talk to you about.
Bài 15: Rewrite the following sentences using the words given in bold.
1. We just need 3 minutes to fix it. (all)

2. I'm not questioning her dedication, (isn't)

3. Those men are totally ruthless, (what)

4. We inherited everything except the garden, (only thing)

5. You know the shop assistant told me exactly the same thing, (that's)

English 11

6. We're cleaning the house, (doing)

Bài 16: Complete the sentences as cleft sentences focusing on the underlined phrases and including
any words in bold. After It's, only use that where necessary.
1. I really enjoy a long walk in the country.
It's .
What .
(is) A long walk .
2. I dislike his rudeness the most.
What .
(what) His rudeness .
It's .
3. His sense of irony makes me laugh.
(what) His .
It's .
What .

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1 A. achievement B. appearance C. enthusiastic D. initiative
2 A. confidence B. achievement C. engage D. permission
3. A. potential B. psychologist C. oppose D. contribution
4. A. initiative B. confidence C. enthusiastic D. tension
5 A. reaction B. achievement C. matchmaking D. enthusiastic
II. Choose the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress.
1. A. commercial B. constructive C. essential D. national
2. A. copy B. remove C. notice D. cancel
3. A. curriculum B. economics C. hesitation D. calculation
4. A. interact B. specify C. illustrate D. fertilize
5. A. territorial B. economic C. considerate D. continental
6. A. realistic B. oceanic C. economy D. biology
7. A. prediction B. rehearsal C. essential D. industry
8. A. maximum B. vacancy C. terrorist D. investment
9. A. vertical B. contractual C. domestic D. outstanding
10. A. emergency B. alternative C. expensively D. geothermal
English 11

I. Match the word/ phrase with its definition.

1. romantic relationship A. to listen to someone with patience and sympathy
2. lend an ear B. kind to people who are hurt or sad, showing that you understand
and care about their problems
3. sympathetic C. a relationship based on love and emotional attraction
4. argument D. to end a relationship, a company, etc.
5. break up (with someone) E. become friends again after conflicts or arguments
6. be reconciled (with someone) F. a conversation or discussion in which people disagree, often angrily
II. Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word in the bracket.
1. My teacher is very caring and _______________________________________. (SYMPHATHY)
2. She had an argument with one of her close friend, but she's managed to be
3. When you have a romantic relationship, you're having a relationship based on love and
attraction. (EMOTION)
4. I thought my friend _____________________________ my trust when she told others my secret.
5. My parents always worry that I am in a ______________________ with Nam, my close friend.
6. My best friend and I had an ___________________________ because she had revealed my secret.
7. My parents and teachers are always telling me that I have to ____________________________ on my
III. Choose the right words to describe the pictures.
break up (with someone) be in a relationship lend an ear
concentrate on argument single-sex school

1. __________________________ 2. __________________________ 3. __________________________

4. __________________________ 5. __________________________ 6. __________________________

English 11

IV. Choose and fill in the blanks with correct words.

potential tension reactions oppose
a romantic relationship permission on good terms psychologist
1. In my class, the girls are ________________________________ with all the boys except me.
2. We need to get our parents' ______________________ to take part in the English Speaking Contest in
Hanoi next month.
3. They will select ____________________________ matches and help the two people meet face to face.
4. He was not willing to talk to a _____________________________.
5. Does the counselor agree with Ha's _________________________?
6. The __________________________ between Minh and his parents is because they always judge his friends
by their appearances.
7. My grandmother thinks friendship between a boy and a girl will turn into
8. Should parents strongly ___________________________ their children's romantic relationships?
V. Put the given words into the right column.
become seem remain taste јumр
sound dance feel run laugh
grow climb are smell
Action Verbs Linking verbs Both

VI. Complete the sentences using the given words.

become appears sounds grow
felt seemed looks getting
1. She __________________________ so beautiful in that white dress.
2. A: What about going to the Italian restaurant?
B: That _______________________ great!
3. She wants to ________________ a fashion designer like Victoria Beckham in the future.
4. I ______________________ painful in my stomach after eating that cake.
5. It ______________________ interesting that he didn't like anything except that bowl
6. Teenagers like to make their own choice when they ______________________ older.
7. Turn on the fan. It is _____________________ hotter and hotter.
8. That Super Junior _____________________ suddenly at the end of concert makes its fans overjoyed.
VII. Decide whether the bold part in each of the following sentences is an “action verb” or a “linking
1. July is smelling the flowers her boyfriend has given to her.

English 11

A. action verb B. linking verb

2. My mother appeared exhausted after a hard day working on the paddy field.
A. action verb B. linking verb
3. Jane looks more beautiful when tying her hair.
A. action verb B. linking verb
4. Maria's grandmother used to look after her carefully when she was small.
A. action verb B. linking verb
5. He wants to become an inspiring teacher after graduating from his university.
A. action verb B. linking verb
6. The worldwide economic situation is getting worse and worse.
A. action verb B. linking verb
7. If you want to stay healthy, you should follow the doctor's advice.
A. action verb B. linking verb
8. She is going to stay at a friend's house in Ha Long Bay for 3days.
A. action verb B. linking verb
9. When my daughter grows older, she will understand what I do for her.
A. action verb B. linking verb
10. My aunt tasted this soup carefully.
A. action verb B. linking verb
VIII. Choose the suitable word to complete each sentence.
1. What's the matter with you? You look happy/happily today.
2. He appears very excited/excitedly when looking at her.
3. I taste the soup very careful/carefully. Don't worry!
4. John appeared sudden/suddenly behind us and said hello to us.
5. He is shouting at his friend. He seems very angry/angrily.
6. A: Why do you smell the milk?
B: Because it smells terrible/terribly. You should throw it away.
7. This plan grows quickly/quick if it absorbs enough water.
8. He kept talking and his friends seemed annoyedly/annoyed.
9. The doctor checked my legs carefully/careful to see if there were any injuries.
10. She is looking for the colored pens serious/seriously because she needs them now.
X. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.
1. Can you help me? I (look) ____ for my pen now.
A. look B. am looking C. looked
2. The sky (grow) ____ brighter after the heavy rain.
A. is growing B. grows C. grow
3. At present, I (remain) ____ calm.

English 11

A. remain B. remained C. is remaining

4. To decide the winner of the competition, the examiners (taste) ____ candidates' dishes now.
A. taste B. tasted C. are tasting
5. What's the matter with Mary? She (seem) ____ upset.
A. seem B. seems C. is seeming
6. Listen! Her story (sound) ____ interesting.
A. sounds B. is sounding C. sound
7. She (stay) ____ at one of her penpal friends' houses when she visits Vietnam.
A. is staying B. stays C. stayed
8. The room (get) ____ quiet when teachers entered.
A. gets B. got C. is getting
9. The situation (remain) ____ unchanged in the past 20 years.
A. remains B. remained C. has remained
10. John (be) ____ impolite today.
A. is B. was C. is being
X. Find EIGHT mistakes in the use of linking verbs in this text.
(1) Maria and I stayed ready for the party on Sunday morning. (2) Suddenly, Maria smelt extremely
tired and her face stayed pale. (3) I sounded so scared that I did not know what to do but took her to the nearby
clinic. (4) The doctor said that her health condition was remaining worse and worse and asked me what she
had eaten the night before. (5) Maria ate the soup I bought at the restaurant but both of us had no idea that in
that soup, there was a lot of shrimp powder to which she became allergically. (6) After one-hour treatment, her
health condition gets stable. (7) Now I taste relieved as she looks like better.
1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________5. __________ 6.
________ 7. _______ 8. ________
XI. Match parts of the sentences to make correct ones.
1. It is her sad story A. that makes me cry.
2. It was Peter B. that she had a date with Jim.
3. It was in the Italian restaurant C. who she broke up with.
4. It was speaking skill D. that attracts me a lot.
5. It is her small dog E. that she found the most difficult in learning English.
6. It is at 8 o'clock F. that there is weather news.
XII. Complete the following sentences using the given phrases.
the man on the schoolyard on weekends
the lovely cat on the way to school after I left my house
my close friends the strong storm my mom the letter
1. It was _________________________ that my younger sister wanted to buy.
2. It was _________________________ that I realized that family had played an integral role in my life.
English 11

3. It was _________________________ who was arrested by the police two days ago
4. It is ___________________________ that I meet my English teacher.
5. It is _________________________ that we play football very happily.
6. It was _________________________ that blew out some roofs of houses in the village.
7. It was _________________________ that I received from my mother last week.
8. It is _________________________ that we often have picnics.
9. It is _________________________ who always stand by me when I get into some trouble.
10. It is _________________________ who takes responsibility for cooking in my family.
XIII. Choose the underlined part that is incorrect in the following sentences.
1. That was Jim who went to hospital last month.
A. That B. was C. who D. went
2. It was in Paris that I first meet my wife.
A. in B. Paris C. that D. meet
3. It is in 2010 that my life turned over a new leaf.
A. is B. that C. turned D. leaf
4. It was on New Year's Eve who Mary broke up with her boyfriend.
A. was B. on C. who D. broke up with
5. It was her brother who dropped out of his university and setted up his business.
A. was B. who C. dropped D. setted up
XIV. Choose the correct sentence that is written using the underlined part and cleft sentence with “It”.
1. He spent his summer vacation in Da Lat.
A. It is in Da Lat that he spent his summer vacation.
B. It was in Da Lat that he spent his summer vacation.
C. It is in Da Lat that he spends his summer vacation.
D. It was in Da Lat where he spends his summer vacation.
2. Candidates all over the world took part in the competition with great enthusiasm.
A. It is great enthusiasm that candidates all over the world took part in the competition.
B. It was great enthusiasm that candidates all over the world took part in the competition.
C. It was with great enthusiasm that candidates all over the world took part in the competition.
D. It is with great enthusiasm which candidates all over the world take part the competition.
3. He gains impressive achievements at the age of 20.
A. It is at the age of 20 that he gains impressive achievements.
B. It was at the age of 20 that he gains impressive achievements.
C. It is at the age of 20 that he gained impressive achievements.
D. It was at the age of 20 that he gained impressive achievements.
4. Mary made a great contribution to her husband's success.
A. It is Mary who made a great contribution to her husband's success.

English 11

B. It was Mary who makes a great contribution to her husband's success.

C. It was Mary who made a great contribution for her husband's success.
D. It was Mary who made a great contribution to her husband's success.
5. Most parents are willing to lend their ear to their children.
A. They are their children that most parents are willing to lend their ear to.
B. It is their children that most parents are willing to lend their ear to.
C. They are their children that most parents are willing to lend their ear.
D. It is their children that most parents are willing to lend their ear.
I. Reading comprehension on Online Dating and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).
It has long been seen as a less romantic way of meeting Mr Right. But finding love over the internet is
a good way of meeting a marriage partner, research has showed. It found that one in five of those who have
used dating sites to find their perfect partner have gone on to marry someone they met over the web.
The study, by consumer group Which?, also revealed that more than half of the 1,504 people
questioned had been on a date with someone they met in cyberspace. Sixty-two per cent agreed that it was
easier to meet someone on a dating site than in other ways, such as in a pub or club, or through friends. At the
same time, the under 35s were more likely to know someone who had been on a date or had a long-term
relationship with someone they met through online dating.
Jess Ross, editor of, said: 'Online dating is revolutionising the way people meet each
other. Switching the computer on could be the first step to success!
According to industry surveys, more than 22 million people visited dating websites in 2007, and more
than two million Britons are signed up to singles sites.
Of the 147 couples who took part in the study, 61 per cent said their relationships had high levels of
these three components. The researchers also found that men were more likely to find true love on the internet
than women.
Dr Jeff Gavin, who led the team, said: “To date, there has been no systematic study of love in the
context of relationships formed via online dating sites. “But with the popularity of online dating, it is
imperative we understand the factors that influence satisfaction in relationships formed in this way."
Charlotte Harper, of, said: 'We were thrilled to find so many of our former members have
found love. 'It supports our belief that the internet does in fact encourage old-fashioned courtship.
Statements (T) (F)
1. Online dating is seen as modern romance.
2. Research has shown that online dating is not a good way of meeting people.
3. Most people who took part in the survey said it is easier to meet people online than
4. Jess Ross thinks online dating is changing the way people meet each other.
5. Less than 20 million people visited dating websites in 2007.

English 11

6. Women are more likely to find their ideal partner online than men.
7. Many members of have found love.
II. Read the passage and complete the task that follow.
In our modern life, we can watch television or surf the Internet to find out about what is happening
around the world but our neighborhood can be a place we never really know. A survey has been conducted to
find out some people's thought of talking with their neighbors. Here came the results:
We had been living here for five years and had never really got to know our neighbors. Then a
tremendous hurricane came and crashed our house. Our neighbors came round to offer us food and help. When
finally recovering, we still lived in the same neighborhood and never spoke to our neighbors. I don't know
My neighbor went to work on the same route with me. I passed over her every morning when walking
to work but never said hello. One morning I said "hello", then a "good morning" and a friendly smile were
exchanged between us for the next week. But then, she changed her way to work. I feel that some neighbors
may prefer being left undisturbed.
I think it's very nice to come up and talk with your neighbors. Take me as an example. I commute to
work every day by bus. One day, I saw Harry on the station platform. We exchanged nods and smiles and
eventually he came up to me and said hello. He told me that he had been my new neighbor for three weeks but
I didn't even know. We started chatting since then and got to know each other better. Then, guess what? We
are now engaged and are getting married next year.
Write the letter A, B or C that indicates the person next to their description/ opinion below.
1. ______________________ suffered from a natural disaster.
2. ______________________ is in a relationship with one of her neighbors.
3. ______________________ thinks that some people may find talking with neighbors annoying
4. ______________________ once went to work on the same route with her neighbor.
5. ______________________ thinks positively about talking with neighbors.
6. ______________________ walks to work.
7. ______________________ got help from the neighbors.
8. ______________________ uses public transportation to work.
III. Read the passage and complete the tasks that follow.
Huyen Anh is introducing herself and her closest friends.
Many people consider me sociable because I am keen on taking part in community activities. I find it
easy to start a conversation and get on well with different kinds of people, so I have numerous friends. Among
them, Tram Anh, Minh and Bich are my closest ones.
Tram Anh is the tallest girl in my group. She looks beautiful with a straight nose, long black hair, fair
skin and dimples. She is interested in helping the poor and the disabled. She volunteers to teach English at the
local orphanage every Sunday. She also spends a lot of time helping other classmates to improve their English.
English 11

She is so gentle and generous that her teachers and friends adore her. Besides, she is a diligent student who
always gets good marks.
Similar to Tram Anh, Minh is very outgoing and warm-hearted. He enjoys participating in social
activities, such as blood donation and environmental protection campaigns. He is quite talkative and
humorous, so he is sometimes regarded as a class clown who always makes others laugh by telling jokes and
pretending to do silly things. His jokes, however, sometimes annoy his friends. He also receives many
compliments from teachers for being so intelligent and hard-working. He is not only our class's star soccer
player but also a talented amateur singer.
Unlike Tram Anh and Minh, Bich is quite shy in public. At break time, she enjoys staying in the
classroom to finish her homework before going home. Also, she likes the quiet and peaceful atmosphere of the
school library. In her free time, she prefers reading books and helping her mother prepare meals.
Although each of us has different personalities, we share a number of common hobbies and have a lot
of fun together. I find myself lucky to have them as my intimate friends.
Task 1. Answer the following questions by choosing the correct options.
1. How many friends is Huyen Anh talking about?
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4
2. What is Huyen Anh like?
A. She is a sociable girl. B. She is quite reserved in public. C. She is talkative.
3. What does Tram Anh look like?
A. She is tall and beautiful.
B. She enjoys helping the poor and the disabled.
C. She is so gentle and generous.
4. Tram Anh and Minh, ____.
A. sing quite well B. are sociable and helpful C. are talkative and humorous
5. What does Bich love doing in her free time?
A. Doing her homework B. Studying in the library C. Reading and helping her mother
Task 2. Decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).
6. It is hard for Huyen Anh to start the conversation with someone.
7. Tram Anh teaches orphans English on Saturdays.
8. Minh's jokes can be annoying to his friends sometimes.
9. Minh can play soccer very well.
10. Bich never does her homework during break time.
IV. Read the passage and do the task that follows/do the tasks that follow.
Generally, friendship exists for three reasons: virtue; usefulness; or pleasure. When virtue is the reason,
friendship exists for the sake of friendship; where both like each other and cherish each other for some
creditable values in the other's personality. You know that you would even die to swear your friendship for
that person. You also know that the other would make you live than die for him/her regardless of intelligence,
handsomeness, utility or the capability of giving pleasure.

English 11

A friendship of the second kind is formed for the practical value of it. How useful so and so is to me?
What can I benefit from him? Will he use his reputation and influence to fetch me a good job? Thus a person
may maintain relationship for practical, professional, and political reasons. However, once we do away with
the usefulness, the friendship eventually dies.
Friendship of the third kind is formed essentially on account of the pleasure the relationship can give.
He is a joker. The moment he enters, you forget all your worries. She is cute, intelligent and charming. The
very notion that she is your friend makes you feel proud. The point rests here: How good is he/she in giving
me pleasure physically, emotionally, mentally and materially?
Now to the question: Which of the three is good? The second type is good, yet since basing on utility,
it falls short of longevity and quality. The third type is good too, but how long one enjoys only pleasure in
life? But the first type, virtue-based friendship is fantastic for this reason: it lasts till the end of this universe.
1. From paragraph 1, we can infer that ____.
A. Real friendship does not count one person's cleverness, appearance, utility and his/her aptitude for
creating fun.
B. You have to die in order to prove your friendship.
C. Personality is not an important factor in choosing a friend.
D. There are two main motives for friendship.
2. Which of the following has the closet meaning to “do away with” in paragraph 2?
A. kill B. escape C. get rid of D. ask for
3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the reading passage?
A. Friendship basing on the capacity for creating pleasure still possesses some uncertainty
B. Friendship requires a lot of patience and efforts from both sides
C. Friendship usually does not last long if it is built on materialistic need
D. Virtue-based friendship's core is a friend's creditable traits in his or her personality
4. Synonym(s) of utility in paragraph 4 can be found in:
A. paragraph 1 B. paragraph 2 C. paragraph 3 D. paragraph 4
5. Which kind of friendship is most unshakable?
A. The first B. The second C. The third D. Not mentioned
I. Rewrite each sentence with the word in brackets to emphasize the underlined part.
1. We had a wonderful party in the garden. (that)
2. Mary is very depressed about the result of the examination. (who)
3. The boys play football in the schoolyard every afternoon. (that)

English 11

4. The poor girl won first prize in the singing competition. (that)
5. My friend gave me a present at my birthday party. (that)
6. We really enjoy doing volunteer work. (that)
7. Hung is in the romantic relationship with Mai. (who)
8. He bought two houses on Nguyen Trai Street at the age of 25. (that)
9. Students usually ask the teacher a lot of interesting questions. (who)
10. My mom is making some cakes for our dinner. (that)
II. Reorder the words to make complete sentences.
1. It/ he/ his/ that/ changed/ father's/ a/ after/ was/ death / lot./ himself
2. going/ to/ am/ I/ the / Tokyo/ that/ in / It/ is/ holiday./ spend
3. USA/ 2008/ got/It/ the / married./ in/ settled/ down/ he/ was/ that/ in/ and
4. that/ It/ mom/ was/ their/ gave / on/ wedding / anniversary / dad/ diamond/ ring./ my/ my/ a
5. some/ It/ in / boyfriend/ me/ took / beautiful/ photos/ my/ was / who/ for/ Japan.
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each
1. A. lake B. plane C. plan D. state
2. A. tiny B. tiger C. tin D. time
3. A. planet B. animal C. man D. decay
4. A. season B. sometimes C. sea D. stop
5. A. thing B. threaten C. thought D. than
II. Pick out the words whose main stressed syllable is different from the rest.

English 11

1. A. obey B. disuse C. broaden D. invest

2. A. consumption B. advertise C. influence D. history
3. A. development B. responsible C. reinforcement D. spontaneous
4. A. chemical B. element C. attention D. tropical
5. A. decay B. exist C. timber D. supply
I. Choose the best options to complete the following sentences.
1. ____ is a decisive factor in giving up smoking.
A. Determined B. Determination C. Time management D. Reaction
2. It is your ____ that determines how fast you achieve your goal and how well you acquire a skill or
A. tension B. reliability C. expense D. attitude
3. Men are often attracted by ____ girls in heavy make-up.
A. flash B. flashlight C. flashy D. flashily
4. He____ as girls change their clothes.
A. bridges the gap B. changes his mind C. betrays D. reacts
5. With the outstanding talent and skills, he is one of the most ____ candidates for the presidency.
A. flashy B. mature C. potential D. trivial
II. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the given words.
1. The he asks the same question again and again is so _________________________ (FRUSTRATE).
2. Parents can put their trust in Ms Lan because she is an _______________________ teacher
3. The naughty boy denied _______________________________ (RESPECT) his Math teacher.
4. Finally, after much effort, he gained a lot of ____________________ (ACHIEVE) in protecting wild
5. Having too many children puts a lot of ________________________ (FINANCE) burdens on poor parents
in rural areas.
III. Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to the given sentence(s).
1. Peter's parents don't allow him to play computer games or chat online.
A. Peter mustn't play computer games or chat online. B. Peter doesn't have to play computer games or
chat online.
C. Peter's parents oughtn’t to allow him to play computer games or chat online.
2. It is advisable that you call Mrs. Brown to make an appointment in advance before you get to her office.
A. You have to call Mrs. Brown to make an appointment in advance before you get to her office.
B. Mrs Brown advises you to make an appointment in advance before you get to her office.
C. You should call Mrs. Brown to make an appointment in advance before you get to her office
3. Ben always gets poor marks in Geography, but he is very good at German.
A. It is Geography that Ben always gets good marks in. B. It's German that Ben is very good at.
English 11

C. Ben excels at both Geography and German.

4. John considers Julie intelligent while most of us don't.
A. It is Julie who most of us consider to be intelligent. B. It was John who considered Julie intelligent.
C. It's Julie who John considers intelligent.
5. Van was surprised because she lost five kilos in two weeks.
A. Van surprised as she gained five kilos in two weeks. B. Van is surprised that she can lose weight.
C. Van was surprised to lose five kilos in 2 weeks.
6. Jane finds it hard to start a new relationship after the break-up.
A. It's not easy for Jane to start a new relationship after the break-up.
B. It's always hard to start a relationship with Jane. C. It's hard to believe that Jane starts a new relationship soon
after the break-up.
7. We can't change the result of the test. It's impossible.
A. It's possible for us to change the result of the test. B. It's impossible for us to change the result of the
C. It's likely that we will change the result of the test.
8. Judy and I are amazed that Anna is willing to help us decorate the classroom.
A. Judy and I are amazed at Anna's willingness to help us decorate the classroom.
B. Judy and I are amazed that Anna's unwilling to help us decorate the classroom.
C. Judy and I aren't amazed at Anna's unwillingness to help us decorate the classroom.
IV. Choose the underlined part which is incorrect.
1. Nancy said you didn't need to buy her anything for her birthday, but I think you ought at least get her some
flowers or a little bottle of perfume.
A. didn't B. to buy C. ought D. or
2. After three hours of discussion, all the members of the committee felt happily about the decision.
A. After B. all C. felt D. happily
3. She was so happy because her request participated in the international youth's meeting was granted.
A. was B. happy C. participated D. granted
4. You don't have to do your homework on Saturday morning. That way you have the rest of the weekend free.
A. don't have to B. on C. That way D. free
5. All the interviewees appeared nervously before the start of the interview, but after that they seemed very
A. interviewees B. nervously C. seemed D. happy
6. It is my purse who I have been looking for for two hours, but I haven't found it.
A. is B. who C. two hours D. it
7. Mark isn't good at public speaking so it's difficult of him to make a speech in front of thousands of people.
A. good B. so C. of D. thousands
8. You have to be horrible to your older sister. It makes her very sad.

English 11

A. have to B. be C. makes D. sad

I. Choose the best answers to the following questions.
In many aspects of life, effective communication skills are extremely important. With good
communication skills, people can enjoy better interpersonal relationships with friends and family. The
following are some guides that can help you improve your communication skills.
Learn to listen
Listening is not the same as hearing you should learn to listen not only to the words being spoken but
also how they are being spoken and the non-verbal messages sent with them. You shouldn't think about what
to say next while listening; instead clear your mind and focus on the message being received. Your friends,
colleagues and other acquaintances will appreciate your good listening skills.
Try to understand other people's emotions
To understand other people's emotions, you should be sympathetic to other people's misfortunes and
congratulate them on their achievements. To do this, you need to be aware of what is going on in other
people's lives. It's crucial to maintain eye contact and do not be afraid to ask others for their opinions as this
will help to make them feel valued.
It's advised that you offer words and actions of encouragement, as well as praise, to others, which make
other people feel welcome, valued and appreciated in your communications. If you let others know that they
are valued, they are much more likely to give you their best. You should also try to ensure that everyone get
involved in an interaction or conversation by using effective body language and open questions.
1. What is the best title for the passage?
A. Benefits of owning effective communication skills B. Ways to improve communication skills
C. Behaviours of a good listener
2. Why are effective communication skills important in our lives?
A. They help us enjoy a calm state of mind. B. They help us catch people's attention.
C. They help us build good interpersonal relationships with others.
3. What should listeners do while someone is speaking?
A. Listen attentively to what is being spoken and how it is delivered. B. Think of what should be
spoken next.
C. Only pay attention to the words being spoken, not the non-verbal messages sent with them.
4. According to the writer, what is the way to feel other people's emotions?
A. We should show sympathy for other people's bad luck. B. We should express congratulations on other
people's success. C. Both A and B are correct.
5. What should we do to involve everyone in an interaction or conversation?
A. Discourage them through words and actions. B. Use body language and open questions.
C. Let others feel valued and appreciated.
I. Complete the following letter using the given words.
English 11

scholarship grateful hearing date enquire

Dear Mr. Bill Weston,
I am writing to (1) ______________ about your English courses which is advertised in ‘English
I've just received the result of the IELTS exam, with an overall band score of 6.0. That wasn't a
satisfying result because I need 7.0 in order to apply for a (2) ________________ to study abroad. I was
wondering how I can improve my English skills quickly when I saw your advertisement. I realized that my
speaking and writing skills are not as good as listening and reading ones.
Could you please tell me if you have any advanced courses aiming at speaking or writing skill
available? What (3) ______________ does the course start and how much does it cost? I would be (4)
if you could send me more information about the course, including teacher's information and course duration.
Thank you very much for your time.
I look forward to (5) ___________________ from you.
Hoa Nguyen
II. Reorder the words or phrases to make complete sentences.
1. me/ to/ lend/ a / parents/ ear/ are/ My/ willing/ sympathetic/
2. my/ be/ with/ that/ you'll / staying/ I'm/ know/ family/ to/ for/ weeks/ happy
3. have/ me/ know/ questions / let/ any/ Please/ if/ you
Test 3

Exercise 1. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. amazing B. charge C. female D. taste
2. A. break B. breath C. thread D. tread
3. A. enough B. plough C. rough D. tough
4. A. believes B. dreams C. girls D. parents
5. A. kissed B. laughed C. looked D. loved
Exercise 2. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position
of the primary stress in each of the following questions.
6. A. campaign B. female C. humour D. partner

English 11

7. A. advice B. contact C. mature D. maintain

8. A. favourite B. recommend C. understand D. volunteer
9. A. argument B. counsellor C. reconcile D. romantic
10. A. comfortable B. preservative C. relationship D. significant
Exercise 3. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
11. I was shocked to find out my boyfriend had cheated on me.
A. angry B. pleased C. upset D. worried
12. He was furious with himself for letting things get out of control.
A. angry B. confused C. sad D. surprised
13. Mary and John have a lot in common.
A. live together B. spend lots of time together
C. share similar ideas D. share accommodation
14. She felt unsafe and insecure in love.
A. anxious B. calm C. silly D. unlucky
15. I am now reconciled with two of my estranged siblings - not just my older brother, but my sister, whom I
hadn't spoken to for 17 years.
A. contactable B. harmonised C. opposed D. truthful
16. When couples encounter problems or issues, they may wonder when it is appropriate to visit a marriage
A. advisor B. director C. professor D. trainer
17. He doesn't completely trust online partners, as they usually hide their real identity.
A. argument B. decision C. opinion D. personality
18. Sometimes, in order to get things done, you have to take the initiative.
A. make the last decision B. make important changes
C. raise the first idea D. sacrifice for others
19. From the moment they met, he was completely attracted by her.
A. accepted B. fascinated C. influenced D. rejected
20. She was so happy when he got down on bended knee and popped the question.
A. asked her out B. asked her to be on a date
C. asked her to give him some money D. asked her to marry him
21. Gary didn't always see eye to eye with his father, and this is where the honesty shows through.
A. agree with B. be truthful with C. look up to D. take after
22. Some parents strongly oppose their children's romantic relationship.
A. assist B. forbid C. ignore D. preserve
Exercise 4. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
English 11

23. I was really depressed about his winning the election, like a lot of people.
A. fed up B. pessimistic C. satisfied D. unhappy
24. Miss Walker was a mature lady when she married.
A. annoyed B. childish C. energetic D. sensitive
25. Students are advised to tune out distractions and focus on study.
A. avoid B. forget C. neglect D. regard
26. Don't confess your love to your friends unless you know they feel the same way.
A. admit B. conceal C. declare D. expose
27. Among friends again, we may be happy to confide our innermost secrets.
A. admit B. conceal C. hint D. reveal
28 Most of us, even with every communication option possible, drift apart from friends.
A. be independent B. be associated C. be isolated D. be separated
29. Then the strangest thing happens - Will and Marcus strike up an unusual friendship.
A. cover up B. give up C. make up D. remain
30. He'll give Joe a red rose and a lovey-dovey poem he wrote.
A. lovesick B. romantic C. tragic D. wild
31. Feel free to bring along your significant other to the party.
A. dear B. foe C. mate D. spouse
32. I look up to my father for my whole life.
A. depend on B. disapprove C. disrespect D. underestimate
33. He's a wonderful example of a kind-hearted person with good judgement.
A. inhuman B. tolerant C. generous D. sympathetic
34. The situation seemed hopeless and desperation filled them both with anger.
A. pessimistic B. pointless C. promising D. useless
Exercise 5. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
35. I don't know what to say to break the ____ with someone I've just met at the party.
A. air B. ice C. leg D. rule
36. Their close friendship ____ a romantic relationship.
A. brings about B. puts up C. takes over D. turns into
37. It's time I ____ and raised a family.
A. carried on B. grew up C. settled down D. worked out
38. They fell ____ because they disagreed on the care of their young son.
A. apart B. away C. out D. over
39. All the three boys seem to fall ____ over heels in love with her.
A. head B. heart C. mind D. soul
40. She says she has kissed and ____ up with Nigel, and the reunion was a fun night.
A. caught B. done C. made D. took

English 11

41. Due to financial conflict over years, they decided to get ____.
A. divorced B. engaged C. married D. proposed
42. Many husbands and wives can't remember why they ever got ____ in the first place because they no longer
have anything in common.
A. divorced B. engaged C. married D. proposed
43. We started ____ out together before we realised we were in love.
A. asking B. eating C. going D. hanging
44. Parents are always willing to lend a sympathetic ____ to their children when they have problems.
A. hand B. ear C. eye D. paw
45. I have a ____ on a classmate who is very near and dear to me.
A. crush B. desire C. flame D. passion
46. Jane arranged for me to go on a/an ____ date with a guy from her office.
A. blind B. group C. online D. speed
47. ____ dating involves couples going out together. It gives you the chance to see how your date interacts
with other people.
A. Blind B. Group C. Online D. Speed
48. If you are lucky, it will be love at first ____.
A. look B. see C. sight D. site
49. When you start dating somebody regularly, we say that you are ____ somebody.
A. knowing B. looking C. seeing D. viewing
50. His youngest daughter was the ____ of his eye.
A. apple B. honey C. sweet D. strawberry
Exercise 6. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
51. What's the matter? You look ____.
A. happily B. sadly C. unhappy D. unhappily
52. I have been very ____ up to this point, but I am going to lose my temper if you don't find my baggage
A. impatiently B. impatient C. patient D. patiently
53. You seem more ____ now.
A. relaxed B. relax C. relaxing D. relaxingly
54. These watermelons were ____ sweet.
A. excepting B. exception C. exceptional D. exceptionally
55. The cake tastes ____.
A. good B. goodly C. well D. badly
56. That kitten's fur ____ so soft.
A. looks B. sounds C. smells D. tastes

English 11

57. The waves crashed on the shore where they ____ cool on my hot feet.
A. appeared B. felt C. looked D. sounded
58. The milk went ____ within seven days from opening.
A. bad B. badly C. best D. well
59. You can't blame an automaker for wanting to design a car that looks ____, even if it doesn't have what it
takes under the hood.
A. fast B. fastly C. quick D. quickly
60. My darling, you looked ____ in that dress.
A. beauty B. beautify C. beautiful D. beautifully
61. She looked ____ around for a weapon.
A. desperate B. desperating C. desperately D. desperation
62. Nicole grew ____ from the hours of overtime at work. It became quite ____ that she needed a long
A. tired/obvious B. tired/obviously C. tiredly/obvious D. tiredly/obviously
63. The young girl sing ____.
A. amazing good B. amazing well C. amazingly good D. amazingly well
64. She said she would become a ____ singer ____.
A. famous/quick B. famous/quickly C. famously/quick D. famously/quickly
65. The skies became ____ as the moon moved between the Earth and the Sun.
A. surprising dark B. surprising darkly C. surprisingly dark D. surprisingly darkly
66. Although my best friend now lives in Da Nang, we still try to keep in touch ____ each other.
A. for B. on C. up to D. with
67. They said it was a great chance to form new friendships and enjoy each other's ____.
A. companion B. companionable C. companionship D. company
68. Terry has been carrying a torch for Liz for years, but she seems not ____.
A. been noticed B. notice C. noticing D. to notice
69. Many parents are worried that their children will get involved ____ a romantic relationship in their teenage
A. for B. in C. on D. with
70. Some people are meant to fall in love ____ each other but not meant to be together.
A. for B. in C. on D. with
71. Healthy relationships allow both partners to feel supported and connected but still feel ____.
A. dependence B. dependent C. depending D. independent
72. Warmth, ____, and understanding should cost nothing in any country.
A. sympathy B. sympathetic C. sympathise D. sympathising
73. Talking to professional counsellors who are trained to help people to process feelings, can be most ____.
A. beneficial B. beneficially C. beneficiary D. benefit

English 11

74. If you have feeling for someone, then you have worked up the ____ to ask them out.
A. encourage B. encouragement C. courage D. courageous
Exercise 7. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
75. The chef tasted the meat cautious before carefully serving it to his special guest.
76. The doctor felt the leg carefully to see if there were any brokenly bones.
77. After being closed for a long period of time, the house became dirty and smelled awfully.
78. All the members of the committee felt happily about the ultimate decision.
79. Sophie has lived in Thailand for several years. She knows the culture very good.
80. I feel both excited and nervously because I have got a date with Lara tomorrow.
81. The humid weather made it difficultly to enjoy the tropical beach.
82. It was a warm and cosy coffee shop in where they had their first date.
83. Jerry's parents are not pleased because he does not study hardly and seriously enough.
84. I wonder how you felt when you broke up from your ex-girlfriend.
85. Most important, I can quickly either start or end an online relationship whenever I want.

86. The food was good with reasonable price, but the service was slowly.
87. According to Kate's parents' viewpoint, she is never mature enough to be in love.
88. It is his dishonesty what I dislike the most.
89. My students are not so good at Mathematics but they study English good.
90. They are accustomed to share every sorrow and mirth with each other.

English 11


Exercise 8. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following
91. “Are you ready? The school bus is leaving.” – “Yes, just a minute. ____”
A. No longer. B. I'm coming. C. I'd be OK. D. I'm leaving.
92. “Hi, Jenny. Where are you going?” – “Sorry, Mike. I can't stop now. ____”
A. Of course not! B. Oops! C. See you. D. Watch out!
93. “Were you in school yesterday?” – “No, ____”
A. I was not sure. B. I was free. C. I was absent. D. It was boring
94. “Do you mind if I sit next to you?” – “____”
A. Don't mention it. B. My pleasure. C. No, not at all. D. Yes, why not?
95. “Your new dress looks fantastic!” – “Thanks, ____”
A. I bought it at Daisy's. B. I'd rather not. C. It's up to you. D. You can say that again.
96. “Do you feel like going to the prom with me?” – “ ____”
A. I feel very bored. B. That would be great. C. Yes, congratulations. D. You're welcome.
97. "I'm afraid there is no real friendship between boys and girls!”
- “____, Mommy. We are just good friends.”
A. Don't mention it B. Don't worry C. I hope so D. Of course not
98. “I think students must go to single sex schools.” – “No, ____”
A. I totally approve. B. I disagree. C. How amazing D. What a pity.
99. “Didn't you feel tired of being alone?” – “____”
A. Of course not. B. No, thanks. C. Sounds boring. D. No, why not?
100. “What's wrong with you?” – “____”
A. Thank you. B. I'm having a headache.
C. You are welcome. D. Yes, I was tired yesterday.
101. “You look so sad. ____” – “I couldn't have my parent's permission.”
A. Can you help me? B. How do you deal with it?
C. What's the problem? D. What should I do?
102. “I can't understand why my parents don't allow me to play with boys.” – “____”
A. Me also. B. Me either. C. Me neither. D. Me too
103. “Why don't we talk to Mr Green first? I think he can help.” – “____”
A. Good idea. B. I understand. C. Yes, thanks. D. You are wrong.
104. “Hello. ____” – “Hello. Hold on please. I get you through.”
A. Can I meet Mr Green? B. Can I take Mr Green's number?
C. May I speak to Mr Green? D. Where is Mr Green's room?
105. "Can you help Carol to persuade her parents?” – “____”
A. I think so. B. Not completely. C. Yes, I'm afraid not. D. Why not?

English 11

Exercise 9. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
In a healthy relationship, both partners respect, trust and embrace (106) ____ differences. Both partners
are able to communicate (107) ____ their needs and listen to their partner, and work to resolve conflict
in a rational and (108) ____ way. But maintaining a healthy relationship (109) ____ for skills many
young people are never taught. A lack of these skills, and (110) ____ up in a society that sometimes
celebrates violence or in a community that experiences a high (111) ____ of violence, can lead to
unhealthy and even violent relationships among youth.
Dating violence (112) ____ psychological or emotional violence, such as controlling behaviours or
jealousy; physical violence, such as hitting or punching. More than 20 per cent of all adolescents report
having experienced (113) ____ psychological or physical violence from an intimate partner - and
underreporting remains a concern.
Adolescents, (114) ____ older adolescents, often have romantic relationships, which are long-term,
serious, and intimate. Society has a responsibility to provide young people with the resources, skills,
and space (115) ____ to safeguard their physical and emotional well being in these relationships.
Youth-serving professionals, educators, and parents can help young people in need access services to
(116) ____ dating abuse victimisation. Research also has shown that programmes intended to prevent
dating violence can be (117) ____.
106. A. another's B. each another's C. each other's D. one another's
107. A. effective B. effectively C. effectiveness D. ineffective
108. A. non-violent B. violently C. violent D. violence
109. A. asks B. calls C. looks D. requires
110. A. bringing B. growing C. raising D. taking
111. A. amount B. number C. rate D. scale
12. A. comprises B. consists C. contains D. includes
113. A. both B. either C. neither D. whether
114. A. especial B. especially C. special D. specially
115. A. necessitating B. necessarily C. necessary D. necessity
116. A. address B. confess C. deny D. obey
117. A. succeed B. success C. successful D. successfully
Exercise 10. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions.
Let's see if you can correctly answer the following question: At what age are Latter-day Saint youth
allowed to date? Of course, you probably immediately said, "16". OK, then, how about this one: At
what age are you allowed to have a boyfriend or girlfriend? You may be thinking, “Um, 16. Didn't I
just answer that?" Well, if that was your answer, then, even though you aced the first question, you
missed the second one. Just because you can date when you turn 16 doesn't mean you should
immediately start looking for a steady boyfriend or girlfriend.

English 11

For decades, prophets have preached that youth who are in no position to marry should not pair off
exclusively. For instance, President Hinckley (1910-2008) said, "When you are young, do not get
involved in steady dating. When you reach an age where you think of marriage, then is the time to
become so involved. But you boys who are in high school don't need this, and neither do the girls”. So
what does this counsel really mean, and what are the reasons for it?
To begin with, there are two different types of dating: casual dating and steady (or serious) dating. The
distinction between the two has to do with exclusivity. With casual dating, there is no exclusivity. The
two people aren't “a couple” or “an item”, and they don't refer to each other as a “boyfriend” or
“girlfriend”. They don't pair off. People who are casually dating are simply friends. This is the kind of
dating the Church encourages you to do after you turn 16. You should put aside a need to find a “one
and only”. If you're dating casually, you don't expect a relationship to become a romance. You have
fun; you do a variety of things with a variety of people. On the other hand, steady dating means the
couple is exclusive with one another. They expect each other not to date anyone else or to be
emotionally or physically close with other people. Couples who date seriously consider the future,
because there is a real possibility they could stay together. This is the kind of dating the Church
encourages young adults (generally, people in their 20s) to progress toward, because that's the age
when they should be thinking of marrying.
You should avoid becoming exclusive as teenagers, because an exclusive relationship requires a high
level of commitment from both partners, and you're not in a position to make that kind of commitment
as teens – neither emotionally, physically, nor in terms of your future plans. As President Boyd K.
Packer, President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, has said to youth, “Avoid steady dating.
Steady dating is courtship, and surely the beginning of courtship ought to be delayed until you have
emerged from your teens”.
118. It can be inferred from the first paragraph that ____.
A. dating doesn't mean having exclusive boyfriend or girlfriend
B. teenagers are supposed to have a steady boyfriend or girlfriend
C. teenagers date as many boyfriends or girlfriends as they can
D. young people shouldn't be allowed to date at 16
119. The word “aced” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ____.
A. gave up B. misled C. succeeded in D. understood
120. According to the passage, what is NOT true about casual dating?
A. You can be friend with each other. B. You don't pair off exclusively.
C. You find your "one and only”. D. You meet different kinds of people.
121. It is stated in the passage that steady dating ____.
A. includes a variety of things with a variety of people
B. is courtship that you ought to have in your teens
C. requires hardly any commitment
D. suits people who are in their 20s
122. Which of the following would serve as the best title for the passage?
A. At what age are young people allowed to date?
English 11

B. Casual dating or steady dating.

C. Make your teenage dating by keeping it casual.
D. Popular kinds of dating for teenagers.
Exercise 11. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions.
It has long been seen as a less romantic way of meeting Mr Right. But finding love over the Internet is
a good way of meeting a marriage partner, research has showed. It found that one in five of those who
have used dating sites to find their perfect partner have gone on to marry someone they met over the
web. The study, by consumer group Which?, also revealed that more than half of the 1,504 people
questioned had been on a date with someone they met in cyberspace. Sixty-two per cent agreed that it
was easier to meet someone on a dating site than in other ways, such as in a pub or club, or through
friends. At the same time, the under-35s were more likely to know someone who had been on a date or
had a long-term relationship with someone they met through online dating. The survey also found that and Dating Direct were the most popular dating websites.
Jess Ross, editor of, said: “Online dating is revolutionising the way people meet each
other. Switching the computer on could be the first step to success.” According to industry surveys,
more than 22 million people visited dating websites in 2007, and more than two million Britons are
signed up to singles sites. Previous research has shown that couples who get to know each other via
emails are more likely to see each other again after their first date. Two years ago, a study by Bath
University revealed that those who met on dating websites were 94 per cent more likely to see each
other after their first meeting than other couples. The researchers studied relationships formed on
online dating website over a six-month period. They found that consummate love -
described as a balance of passion, intimacy and commitment - was evident at around 12 months into a
relationship. Of the 147 couples who took part in the study, 61 per cent said their relationships had
high levels of these components. The researchers also found that men were more likely to find true
love on the Internet than women. Some 67 per cent of men but just 57 per cent of women said they had
experienced consummate love with an online partner.
Companionate love - a relationship with high levels of intimacy and commitment, but lower levels of
passion - was the next most frequently experienced form of love, exhibited by 16 per cent of the study
group. Dr Jeff Gavin, who led the team, said: “To date, there has been no systematic study of love in
the context-of relationships formed via online dating sites. But with the popularity of online dating, it is
imperative we understand the factors that influence satisfaction in relationships formed in this way.”
Charlotte Harper, of, said: “We were thrilled to find so many of our former members have
found love. It supports our belief that the Internet does in fact encourage old-fashioned courtship.”
123. According to the passage, online dating is seen as ____.
A. a modern romantic way of dating B. an economical way of dating
C. the fastest way to find a soul mate D. a great change in the way people meet
124. The words “cyberspace” in paragraph 2 probably means ____.
A. dating agency B. group dating C. online network D. school club
125. According to the passage, the number of people taking part in a study by Bath University was ____.

English 11

A. more than 1500 B. more than 750 C. about 150 D. about 300
126. The words “systematic" in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to ____.
A. efficient B. fixed C. flexible D. insecure
127. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Consummate love has higher levels of passion than companionate love.
B. Less than 20 million people visited dating websites in 2007.
C. Many members of have found love.
D. Men are more likely to find their ideal partner online than women.
128. The word “imperative” in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to ____.
A. crucial B. minor C. optional D. useless
129. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Many couples got married within 12 months since their first meeting.
B. Men were more likely to visit dating websites than women.
C. The number of single people in Britons reduced owing to online dating.
D. Many people had a long-term relationship through online dating.
130. Which of the following would serve as the best title for the passage?
A. Internet does in fact encourage old-fashioned courtship.
B. Online dating - a good way of meeting people.
C. Online dating is showed to help you find your perfect partner.
D. The revolution of online dating is alarming.
Exercise 12. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.
131. I have to take the responsibility.
A. It's I am that responsible. B. It is I who am responsible.
C. It is me who am responsible. D. It's that me is responsible.
132. It was her story that made me cry.
A. I was made crying by her story. B. I was made to cry by her story.
C. Her story made me crying. D. Her story made me to cry.
133. It is unlikely that he will come on time.
A. He is unlikely to come early. B. It is likely that he will not come too late.
C. It looks as if he will come late. D. It seems that he will come lately.
134. He became successful as a professional writer at the age of 20.
A. He did not succeed as a professional writer until he was 20.
B. He did not write professionally until he succeeded at the age of 20.
C. He succeeded as a professional writer until he was 20.
D. He wrote professionally until he became successful at the age of 20.

English 11

135. Mai: “Why don't we ask Mr Brown for help?”

A. Mai asked why they did not ask Mr Brown for help.
B. Mai begged Mr Brown for help to find the reason.
C. Mai suggested that they should ask Mr Brown for help.
D. Mai wanted to know why Mr Brown did not help.
Exercise 13. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences
in the following questions.
136. John lied to Linda. She didn't know the reason.
A. Linda didn't believe that John lied to her. B. Linda didn't know how John lied to her.
C. Linda didn't know that John lied to her. D. Linda didn't know what John lied for.
137. Billy did not find his cat in the garden. He found it in the garage.
A. It was the garden and garage that Billy found his cat.
B. It wasn't the garden that Billy did not find his cat.
C. It wasn't the garden but the garage that Billy found his cat.
D. Billy could not find his cat anywhere, even in the garage.
138. She is so attractive. Many boys run after her.
A. So attractive is shę many boys that run after her.
B. So attractive is she that many boys run after her.
C. So attractive she is that many boys run after her.
D. So that attractive she is many boys run after her.
139. You can feel more at ease by taking part in group dating. It's the only way.
A. By taking part in group dating can you only feel more at ease.
B. Only by taking part in group dating can you feel more at ease.
C. The only way you is by taking part in group dating can feel more at ease.
D. The way you can feel more at ease is taking part in only group dating.
140. Mary broke up with her boyfriend. She couldn't stand his complaining.
A. Although Mary broke up with her boyfriend, she couldn't stand his complaining.
B. Mary broke up with her boyfriend because she couldn't stand his complaining.
C. Mary broke up with her boyfriend; however, she couldn't stand his complaining.
D. Mary broke up with her boyfriend in case she couldn't stand his complaining.


Sống tự lập
1.confident /ˈkɒnfɪdənt/ (a): tự tin
2. cope with /kəʊp/ (v): đương đầu với
3. decisive /dɪˈsaɪsɪv/ (a): quyết đooán
English 11

4. determined /dɪˈtɜːmɪnd/(a): quyết tâm

5. housekeeping /ˈhaʊskiːpɪŋ/ (n): công việc gia đình, việc nhà
6. humanitarian /hjuːˌmænɪˈteəriən/ (a): nhân đạo
7. interpersonal /ˌɪntəˈpɜːsənl/ (a): liên nhân
8. motivated/ˈməʊtɪveɪtɪd/ (a): có động lực, động cơ, tích cực
9. prioritise /praɪˈɒrətaɪz/ (v): ưu tiên
10. reliable /rɪˈlaɪəbl/(a): có thể tin cậy được
11. self-discipline /ˌself ˈdɪsəplɪn/ (n): tinh thần tự giác
12. self-esteem /ˌself ɪˈstiːm/ (n): tự tôn, tự trọng
13. self-reliant /ˌself rɪˈlaɪənt/ (n): tự lực
14. strive /straɪv/ (v): cố gắng, nỗ lực
15. time management /taɪmˈmænɪdʒmənt/ (n.p): quản lý thời gian
16. well-informed /ˌwel ɪnˈfɔːmd/ (a): thạo tin, hiểu biết
17. wisely /ˈwaɪzli/ (adv): (một cách) khôn ngoan
18. protective /prəˈtektɪv/ (adj): che chở, bảo vệ
Grammar :

1. To-infinitives after adjectives
* Form 1: Noun/ Pronoun + linking verb + adjective + to -infinitive
Chúng ta dùng động từ nguyên mẫu có "to" sau một số tính từ để miêu tả cảm xúc của ai đó liên quan
đến hành động được diễn tả, tức là "ai đó thấy thế nào khi làm gì đó".
Các tính từ được sử dụng trong cấu trúc này là:

afraid content glad sad

amazed delighted grateful shocked
anxious determined happy lucky sorry
ashamed disappointed pleased surprised
bound eager proud terrified
careful eligible ready
certain frightened reluctant
- I am afraid to go out alone.
- The boy is lucky to be born in a rich family.
- They are happy to see their old friends again.
Những động từ "to hear, to see, to learn, to discover, to find" thường được sử dụng sau một số tính từ
như "glad, happy, delighted, disappointed, surprised, sorry".
- She is glad to hear that news.

English 11

- They are surprised to learn that their daughter had quit her job.
* Form 2: It + linking verb + adjective (+ for somebody) + to -infinitive
Chúng ta có thể sử dụng cấu trúc với chủ ngữ "it" để đưa ra bình luận, đánh giá tính chất của hành động.
Các tính từ được sử dụng trong cấu trúc này là: easy, difficult, hard, interesting, boring, nice, great,
good, possible, impossible, likely, important, necessary, unreasonable.
- It is impossible for me to finish the report on time.
- It was necessary to go there.
* Form 3: It + linking verb + adjective + of somebody + to -infinitive
Các tính từ được sử dụng trong cấu trúc này với giới từ "of" là các tính từ miêu tả cách cư xử hoặc khả
năng của ai đó: right, wrong, nice, kind, clever, intelligent, silly, stupid
- It is kind of you to help me.
- It was silly of her to spend all her money.
2. To-infinitives after nouns
* Form 1: Noun + to -infinitive
Chúng ta dùng động từ nguyên mẫu có "to" sau 1 số danh từ trừu tượng để nói về những hành động mà
chúng liên quan.
Các danh từ thường gặp trong dạng này là:

ability chance failure permission reminder

advice choice goal plan request
agreement decision intention preparation requirement
ambition demand motivation promise suggestion
anxiety desire need proposal tendency
appeal determination offer recommendation way
arrangement dream opportunity refusal willingness
attempt eagerness order reluctance wish
- My decision to close the company was a difficult one to make.
- They gave me an opportunity to escape.
- I have a desire to live abroad.
Lưu ý: Sau danh từ "way" ta có thể dùng "of V-ing" hoặc "to infinitive"
E.g: There is noway of stopping/to stop him from talking in class.
* Form 2: It + linking verb + noun phrase (+ for somebody) + to -infinitive

English 11

- It is a difficult question to answer.

- It would be a pity for us to lose such a good player.
Ngoài ra, ta có thể dùng cụm danh từ (noun phrase + to infinitive) để diễn tả sự cần thiết hoặc khả năng
làm gì.
- There is a lot of work to do on the farm. (= There is a lot of work that we need to do on the farm.)
- Let's get something to eat. (= Let's get something that we can eat.)
Bài 1: Fill in the blanks with the suitable words from the box.
delighted shocked bound about hesitant sorry

1. He was very to go back there after what had happened.

2. I'm to have to say this, but we're going to have to let you go.
3. She was to hear the news of his death. He was so young!
4. He was to learn that he had been promoted.
5. You're to do well because you are intelligent.
6. They're to have a baby. It's due any day now.

Bài 2: Fill in the blanks with the suitable words from the box.

ashamed motivated happy astonished likely

lucky keen proud ready determined
1. I'm to be able to give you the good news that you've all passed.
2. She was so to get this job. It's really great.
3. Linda is really to be the mother of such a successful young man.
4. Is everybody to go? The bus is waiting outside.
5. Sarah is very to win this race. Her practice times were excellent.
6. She may have messed this one up, but she's to do better next time.
7. He was to discover that women didn't always fall for his smarmy charm.
8. He's to go back there after what he did and said.
9. He's very to go in for this competition. He thinks he has a good chance.
10. My cousin doesn't seem to be to do anything with his life.

Bài 3: Fill in the blanks with the suitable words from the box.
fortunate reluctant relieved surprised afraid eager careful upset

English 11

1. He was very not to say anything about the divorce to his mother.
2. She was rather to hear I had broken her favourite vase.
3. She's very to move to another city when she has so many friends here.
4. He was very to find out that he didn't have to go to court.
5. We were very to see him at the hotel with his secretary.
6. She was to start work as soon as possible.
7. I was very to have had parents who gave me a lot of encouragement.
8. I'm to go in there; you know what he's like.

Bài 4: Fill in the blanks with the suitable words from the box.
unhappy ashamed able due angry unable

1. Mark was very to discover that his wife was having an affair.
2. They were very to learn that their daughter was in trouble.
3. The report is to be published next week.
4. It's great! We were to find a real holiday bargain.
5. I am to say that I can't remember your name.
6. We regret we are to extend your overdraft.

Bài 5: Fill in the blanks with "for" or "of".

1. It was really stupid you to get involved.
2. It's unusual him to behave in this way.
3. It was necessary us to solve this question as soon as possible.
4. It is wrong him to get so angry over such a little thing.
5. Isn't it possible you to arrive on time occasionally?
6. It's hard her to make a living from her business.
7. It was so clever you to think of doing it like that.
8. It was important him to realise how serious this was.
9. It was right her to complain. I'd have done the same.
10. It is so kind you to look after the children for the afternoon.

Bài 6: Complete the sentences using the given phrases in the box.

desire to get offer to help opportunity to improve

decision to drop plan to move

English 11

1. We were surprised at his US with the project.

2. Her out of school is a difficult one to make.
3. Studying in the USA gives you an your English skills.
4. It was his a good job that motivated him to study Chinese.
5. Susan's to California made her parents angry.

Bài 7: Rewrite the sentences, using the nouns in brackets and a to -infinitive phrase.
1. I know how to deal with the problem. (way)
I know .
2. It's surprising that Mai can speak five foreign languages. (ability)
Mai's .
3. The students were not allowed to use materials in the examination room. (permission)
The students couldn't .
He tried very hard to overcome difficulties and that makes us surprised. (effort) His .
4. We didn't know that Mark was going to change his job. (plan)
We didn't know .
5. That she decided to participate in the contest surprised all of us. (decision)
Her .

Bài 8: Choose the best answer

1. I was not allowed to stay outside overnight.
A. I didn't have to stay outside overnight.
B. I had no permission to stay outside overnight.
2. Don't expect that everyone will agree with you. That is unreasonable.
A. Everyone is reasonable to agree with you.
B. It is unreasonable to expect that everyone will agree with you.
3. Watch this film. It is very useful.
A. It is very useful to watch this film.
B. Watch this film is very useful.
4. My sister is able to solve every problem quickly.
A. My sister has the ability to solve every problem quickly.
B. It is hard for my sister to solve every problem quickly.
5. We can't find a suitable candidate for this position. That is difficult.
A. It is difficult for US to find a suitable candidate for this position.
B. It was difficult for US to find a suitable candidate for this position.
6. She has determination to achieve the goal.

English 11

A. It was her determination that helped her achieve the goal.

B. She is determined to achieve the goal.
7. I don't know how to use this washing machine.
A. I don't know the way how to use this machine.
B. I don't know the way to use this washing machine.
8. Don't touch that button. It is dangerous.
A. It is dangerous not to touch that button.
B. It is dangerous to touch that button.

Bài 9: Complete the letter by choosing the best answer in brackets.

Dear Daisy,
My parents and I are (1) (glad, disappointed, sad) to know that you passed the final exam with flying
colors. Congratulations! I think that with your excellence, your (2) (decisive, dream, advice) to become a
good doctor will come true.
My younger sister was really (3) (surprised, ability, determined) to receive a hair curling machine from
you on her birthday and she asked me to say "thank you" to you. However, she doesn't know the (4)
(chance, way, permission) to use that machine. It seems (5) (difficult, chance, easy) for her to use it.
I am excited that you're going to visit my beautiful city. I want to show you my (6) (willing,
willingness, demand) to take you to famous places.
We're looking forward to seeing you. It will be (7) (nice, unreasonable, necessity) for me to welcome
you to my house.
Write me soon and confirm your arrival date and time.
Bài 10: Fill in the blank with the correct form of the given words (use n/adj+ to V)
1. I am the result of the exam too late, (disappointment, receive)
2. It is important for you confidence in yourself, (having)
3. Her the secret causes a lot of trouble for her. (fail, kept)
4. It was her abroad that inspires her to study hard, (motivate, lived)
5. Mary is one of the most excellent students in her class, (happiness, became)
6. It is (luck, have) good friends.
7. Her competitor is not good, which increases her the champion, (chance, became)
8. It is rude of him when his mouth is full of food, (speaker)
Bài 11: Rewrite the following sentences using "noun/ adj + to V" and the given words in brackets.
1. Lan is excited that she wins the first prize in the competition. (excited)
2. My wife was very surprised when she heard that I had won a lottery. (surprised)
English 11

3. I was very happy that I met my old friends again. (happy)

4. He is determined that he can find the best solution to this problem. (determined)
5. The room needs cleaning by Ms. Brown this afternoon. (necessary)
6. She finds it interesting to study and listen to music at the same time. (interesting)
Bài 12: Rewrite the following sentences using "noun + to V" and the given words in brackets.
1. They want to beat US, but that seems unrealistic. (goal)
2. Tim always tries hard to finish his homework on time. (effort)
3. Nobody knew that she had always wanted to become a teacher. (dream)
4. She has a lot of friends because she's willing to help others unconditionally. (because of, willingness)
5.She decided to take part in the contest. (decision)

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each
1. A. few B. new C. threw D. knew
2. A. weight B. height C. eight D. vein
3. A. wanted B. helped C. wicked D. naked
4. A. intermediate B. immediate C. medium D. medicine
5. A. uncertain B. unbeatable C. unanimous D. undone
6. A. shield B. cement C. executive D. spill
7. A. hasty B. nasty C. tasty D. wastage
8. A. prestige B. village C. advantage D. heritage
9. A. scheme B. parachute C. architect D. psychology
10. A. visit B. site C. invite D. decide
II. Choose the word which is different from the other in the position of primary stress.
1. A. sovereignty B. edition C. advantage D. enrichment
2. A. commit B. open C. index D. preview
3. A. candidate B. habitat C. wilderness D. attendance
4. A. recipe B. candidate C. instrument D. commitment

English 11

5. A. conceal B. contain C. converse D. conquer

6. A. integral B. terrific C. museum D. cathedral
7. A. architectural B. cosmopolitan C. appreciative D. archeologist
8. A. compulsory B. compliment C. methodical D. certificate
9. A. endanger B. catastrophe C. opponent D. vulnerable
10. A. economics B. engineering C. information D. geography
III. Choose the word whose part of speech is different from the others.
1. A. accurate B. approach C. communicate D. contribute
2. A. enquire B. enroll C. expense D. approach
3. A. foolish B. entrance C. motivated D. overcome
4. A. priority B. motivated C. time management D. expense
5. A. protective B. prioritize C. overcome D. enquire
I. Match words with their definitions.
1. sell-discipline A. the belief and confidence in your own ability and value
2. self-esteem B. the ability to make yourself do what you know you should do although you do
not want to do
3. self-reliant C. doing everything on your own without others' help
4. assignment D. a task or piece of work that somebody is given to do
5. reliability E. a choice you make after thinking and talking about what is the best thing to do
6. decision F. the quality of being able to be trusted to do what somebody wants or needs
II. Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word in the brackets.
1. Being too ___________________ on his mother makes me have a bad impression on him.
2. She is ____________________________ to become a director of that company. (DETERMINATION)
3. You should think it over before making that ____________________________. (DECIDE)
4. My ___________________________ for this girl grows daily. (ADMIRE)
5. Before watching TV. I must finish all of these __________________________. (ASSIGN)
6. Family plays an important role in establishing children's ___________________________. (ESTEEM )
7. How can you know that he is a ____________________________ man? (RELIABILITY)
III. Choose the best answer.
1. In order to have a great essay, you should look for useful information from ____ sources.
A. well informed B. reliable C. determined
2. My cousin is a very ____ person because he has a lot of knowledge about current topics and particular
A. determined B. decisive C. well-informed
3. She is the most ____ woman in the world I have ever known. When she makes a firm decision to do
something, she will never give up or let someone prevent her.
A. determined B. independent C. accurate
English 11

4. Being ____ is a vital skill for people who want to take more control of their lives and reach their goal on
their own.
A. independent B. decisive C. reliable
5. The teacher ____ a different task to each student at the beginning of the term.
A. assigned B. admired C. reminded
6. Many teenagers ____ heavily on their parents, so they cannot live independently.
A. admire B. rely C. decide
7. Your education background is a ____ factor for your future career.
A. motivated B. well-informed C. decisive
IV. Fill in the gaps with suitable prepositions.
1. It's time for you to stop relying ____ your parents.
A. on B. in C. at
2. She strives ____ a balance between studies and relationships.
A. on B. at C. for
3. Aptitude and motivation contribute enormously ____ the success of learning a language.
A. to B. in C. for
4. Yoga and meditation help to improve the ability to cope ____ stress and anxiety.
A. about B. with C. for
5. That situation placed me ____ a loss, which I will never forget.
A. on B. in C. at
6. He must have suffered ____ flu for a long time.
A. from B. at C. in
V. Complete the sentences using the given words/ phrases.
enroll approaching expense enquired
am at a loss priority overcoming cope with
1. To __________________________________ these problems, you must be well-prepared.
2. I _________________________________ when running across my boyfriend in the street.
3. If you want to be a good leader, ________________________________ these challenges is essential.
4. Finding somewhere to live is now my top ______________________________.
5. Tom invests a great _______________________ in this project in hope that he can be successful.
6. Jane _________________________ a lot about the reading assignment.
7. We could see the train _______________________ in the distance.
8. Please tell me about the course as soon as possible so that I can ___________________________ early.
VI. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
1. It is necessary ____ for that book.
A. to look B. looking C. look
2. It is very simple to ____ this machine.
A. to use B. used C. use
3. She was excited ____ a letter from her mother last week.
A. to receive B. receive C. receiving
English 11

4. We are very surprised to ____ Peter at the party.

A. seeing B. see C. seen
5. Your handwriting is ____.
A. hard to read B. hard for reading C. hardly to read
6. She has the ____ well with work pressure.
A. able to cope B. ability for coping C. ability to cope
7. Susan made a great effort ____ all homework before the deadline but it was in vain.
A. for accomplishment B. to accomplish C. accomplish
8. Jack harbors an ambition ____ an inspiring teacher
A. being B. be C. to be
9. It is important ____ us to hand in the report on time.
A. to B. for C. of
10. It is ____ of him to help the poor.
A. generous B. generously C. generosity
VII. Complete the sentences using the given phrases.
offer to help dangerous to go decision to drop
difficult to follow hard to believe desire to get
easy to understand chance to improve plan to move necessary to wait
1. A: Turn right, then left, go ahead and then left again.
B: It is _________________________________ your directions. Can you tell me more details?
2. A: Do you make out what the teacher has just said?
B: Yes, I do. It is quite ____________________________.
3. A: Mary has just received first prize in the competition.
B: It is ____________________________. Mary said that she had done it terribly.
4. A: It is 9 o'clock. Can we start now?
B: It is ____________________________ for the marketing manager. I think that he is on the way here.
5. A: Stop! Susan. It is ____________________________ near the tiger cage.
B: Oh! Thanks a lot. You save my life.
6. We were surprised at his ______________________________ with the project.
7. Her ____________________________ out of school is a difficult one to make.
8. Studying in England gives you a ____________________________ your English skills.
9. It was his ____________________________ a good job that motivated him to study Japanese.
10. Sandy's ____________________________ to Madrid bothered her parents.
VIII. Fill in each gap with the correct form of the given words (use n./adj. to V)
1. I am ____________________________ the result of the exam too late. (disappointment, receive)
2. It is important for you ____________________________ confidence in yourself. (having)
3. Her ____________________________ the secret causes a lot of trouble for her (fail, kept)
4. It was her ____________________________ abroad that inspires her to study hard. (motivate, lived)
5. Mary is ___________________________ one of the most excellent students in her class. (happiness,
English 11

6. It's ____________________________ a good friend. (luck, have)

7. Her competitor is ill, which increases her ____________________________ the champion. (chance,
8. It is rude of him ____________________________ when his mouth is full of food. (speaker)
IX. Complete the letter by choosing the appropriate adjectives or nouns.
willingness difficult nice glad
way dream hard surprised
Dear Mary, My parents and I are (1) _____________________ to know that you passed the end-of-
term examination. Congratulations! I think that with your excellence, your (2) _____________________ to
become a good doctor will come true.
My younger sister was really (3) _____________________ to receive a hair curling machine from
you on her birthday and she asked me to say "thank you to you However, she doesn't know the (4)
_____________________ to use that machine. It seems (5) _____________________ for her to use it.
I was relieved that your mother had recovered after a serious surgery. It was (6)
to believe that she had to suffer from a severe disease for a long period of time. Please give her my love.
I am excited that you're going to visit my beautiful city. I want to show you my (7)
_____________________ to take you to famous places.
We're looking forward to seeing you. It will be (8) _____________________ for me to welcome
you to my house.
Write me soon and confirm your arrival date and time.
Love, Sam.
X. Choose the sentence that is best rewritten from the given one(s).
1. You should bring an umbrella with you. That is necessary.
A. It is necessary to bring an umbrella with you.
B. It is necessary of you to bring an umbrella.
2. I was not allowed to stay outside overnight.
A. I didn't have to stay outside overnight.
B. I had no permission to stay outside overnight.
3. Don't expect that everyone will agree with you. That is unreasonable.
A. Everyone is reasonable to agree with you.
B. It is unreasonable to expect that everyone will agree with you.
4. She has determination to achieve the goal.
A. It was her determination that helped her achieve the goal.
B. She is determined to achieve the goal.
5. We can't know exactly what will happen in 20 years. That is impossible.
A. It is impossible to know exactly what will happen in 20 years.
B. It is impossible of us to know exactly what will happen in 20 years.
6. Watch this video. It is very useful.
A. It is very useful to watch this video.

English 11

B. Watch this video is very useful.

7. My sister is able to solve every problem quickly.
A. My sister has the ability to solve every problem quickly.
B. It is hard for my sister to solve every problem quickly.
8. Don't touch that button. It is dangerous.
A. It is dangerous not to touch that button.
B. It is dangerous to touch that button.
9. We can't find a suitable candidate for this position. That is difficult.
A. It is difficult for us to find a suitable candidate for this position.
B. It was difficult for us to find a suitable candidate for this position.
10. I don't know how to use this washing machine.
A. I don't know the way how to use this machine.
B. I don't know the way to use this washing machine.
I. Read the text and do the tasks below.
Many young people strive to be independent. That means you are able to take care of yourself, and
you don't have to rely on anyone else. However, to live independently, you need a number of life skills in
order not to depend on your parents and older brothers or sisters. One of the most important skills is time
management which can help you build your confidence and self-esteem. With good time management
skills, you can perform your daily tasks, including your responsibilities at school and at home with pleasing
results. Moreover, you will not feel stressed when exam dates are approaching. These skills can also help
you act more independently and responsibly, get better grades at school and have more time for your family
and friends.
Developing time-management skills is not as challenging as you may think. Firstly, make a plan for
things you need to do, including appointments and deadlines. Using a diary or apps on mobile devices will
remind you of what you need to accomplish and when you need to accomplish it. Secondly, prioritize your
activities. You need to decide which tasks are the most urgent and important and then, concentrate on these
first. This way, you may not be at a loss to deal with too much work at the same time. Thirdly, develop
routines because routines, when established, take less time for you to do your tasks.
Time management skills are not hard to develop; once you master them, you will find out that they
are great keys to success and you can become independent.
Task 1. Decide whether the following statements are True, False or Not Given.
1. Not only young people try to be independent.
2. People will be independent when they are mature.
3. Time-management is the only thing you need to be independent.
4. Teenagers can have more confidence and self-esteem when they are good at managing their time.
5. Good time-management can help teenagers get better grades at school.
Task 2. Choose the best answers for the following questions.
1. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Young people need a lot of life skills to be independent.
B. Teenagers can have more confidence and self-esteem if they have good time-management skills.

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C. Mastering time-management skills can bring many benefits and there are three steps to develop
2. Which of the following is not mentioned as benefits of good time-management?
A. Be more confident and self-esteemed.
B. Complete the daily tasks with the best result.
C. Get better grades at school and have more time for other activities.
3. How can you prioritize your activities?
A. Make schedule for things you need to do.
B. Concentrate on the most urgent and important tasks first.
C. Try to establish routines.
4. What does the word accomplish mean?
A. Complete B. Involve C. Duty
5. What is the author's viewpoint on developing time-management skills?
A. It's hard but you can master it well.
B. It's very challenging to build.
C. It's easier to master than people think.
II. Fill in each blank with a suitable word in the box.
reasonable confidence independent Encourage alone
complete worth set giving reward
Helping your child to become an independent learner One of the most important learning skills you
can help your child to develop is to become an (1.) __________________ learner. Children who are more
independent learners tend to have more self-confidence and have a greater sense that they are in control of
their learning. Encouraging independent learning can happen from a young age, but it can be hard for
parents who are not trained teachers to know when they are (2.) __________________ too much help and
when they are not giving enough. If you regularly help your child with their homework, there are a few
simple steps you can take to help your child become more independent learners.
✓Help your child to answer the first question or two in an activity then allow them to do the next
ones by themselves. (3.) ___________________ them to get the answer themselves, but if they are
struggling it may help them to point out how you would find the answer.
✓ Negotiate a time limit on how long they think it will take them to finish the rest of the activity to
help them stay focused on their work. Perhaps even (4.) __________________ a timer on your phone and
encourage them to 'race' the clock. The time limit should be (5.) __________________ so that children can
complete the activity with neat writing.
✓If your child is used to your presence when they (6.) __________________ their homework,
gradually move away from them over a period of time. Helping them to start their homework and then
moving to sit nearby but not with them while they finished can give them the comfort of you being there
but encourage them to complete the work by themselves. Over time you can put more distance between you
until they are able to work (7.) ____________________ while you are able to get on with other things you
might need to do.
✓ Set aside time after your child has finished their homework to spend some time alone and
focused on them. You could play a game together or read a story. It's a good (8.) __________________ for
having finished their work by themselves. Most importantly, be firm. If your child won't try to work
English 11

independently or is fussing over something that they can do quite easily when you are there, let them know
that you have (9.) _____________________ in their ability to do it by themselves but you won't help them
unless they really need it. It can be hard to say ‘no, but it is (10.) ___________________ seeing them
become more confident and self-assured as learners and people.
III. Read through the text below, answer the questions below.
Scottish Independence The majority of people in Scotland are in favour breaking away from the rest
of the UK and becoming independent, according to a poll taken just before the 300th anniversary of the Act
of Union, which united Scotland and England.
A pair of Acts of Parliament, passed in 1706 and 1707 that came into effect on May 1, 1707, created
Great Britain. The parliaments of both countries were dissolved, and replaced by a new Parliament of Great
Britain in Westminster, London.
The poll showed support for independence for Scotland is running at 51%. This is the first time
since 1998 that support for separation has passed 50%, and the first time since devolution gave power to the
country in 1999. Six months before elections for the Scottish Parliament, these poll results come as good
news to the Scottish Nationalist Party, who are hoping to make progress against Labour and further the
cause of an independent Scotland.
Many people have become disillusioned with devolution, and believe that the Scottish Parliament
has failed to deliver what they had hoped it would; only a tenth have no opinion. In fact, only 39% of those
polled want to keep things as they are.
1. Scotland and England ____.
A. have always been united. B. want to break up the union.
C. have been united for a long time. D. were united by war.
2. Great Britain ____.
A. was formed by an Act of Parliament in 1706.
B. was formed by two Acts of Parliament in 1707.
C. was formed by an Act of Parliament that came into effect on May 1st 1707.
D. was formed by Acts of Parliament that came into effect on May 1st 1707.
3. People who want indepence for Scotland ____.
A. are the vast majority. B. are in the minority.
C. are the slight majority. D. have decreased in number since devolution.
4. The majority of people wanted independence for the first time ____.
A. before devolution. B. in 1999.
C. after devolution. D. before and after independence.
5. The results of the poll are good news ____.
A. for Labour. B. for both parties.
C. for the Scottish Nationalist Party. D. for devolution.
6. Most people's opinions of devolution ____.
A. have gone up. B. have gone down.
C. are the same. D. make progress against Labour.
7. The number of people who want to keep things as they are ____.
A. is greater than those that don't know. B. is smaller than those that don't know.

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C. is increasing D. is the majority.

I. Rewrite each sentence using "noun/ adj + to V" and the given word in brackets.
1. She is excited that she gets first prize in the competition. (excited)
2. My mother was very surprised when she heard that I had won a lottery. (surprised)
3. I was very happy that I met my long-lost friend again. (happy)
4. She is determined that she can find the best solution for this serious problem. (determined)
5. That room needs cleaning by Ms. Laura this afternoon. (necessary)
6. Linda finds it interesting to study and listen to music at the same time. (interesting)
7. Mary is kind because she helps the poor and the disabled. (kind)
8. Peter is clever when he chooses to work in Nancy's team. (clever)
9. Finally, she decided to take part in the talk show for young people. (decision)
10. Mark always tries to finish his homework on time. (attempt)
II. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning, using the given words.
1. It's a long time since he last called me.
He hasn't
2. When did he get the job?
How long ago
3. I advise you to book a table in advance.

English 11

If I
4. I don't want to tell them the secret.
I would rather
5. If I improved my English speaking skill, I would easily get that job.
6. We wanted to get good seats so we arrived early.
In order
7. It took her nearly an hour to do the crossword.
She spent
8. The policeman made him confess after three days.
He was
9. Nga finds Maths easier than Physics.
Physics is not
10. I advise you to see a doctor.
You ought
III. Write these sentences in another way beginning as shown.
1. It's difficult to understand him.
He is difficult to understand.
2. It's easy to use this machine.
This machine is
3. It was very difficult to open the window.
The window
4. It's impossible to translate some words.
Some words
5. It's expensive to maintain a car.
6. It's not safe to stand on that chair.

English 11

IV. Complete the second sentences. Use the adjective in brackets and “to…” as in the example.
1. I couldn't answer the question.
(difficult) It was a difficult question to answer.
2. Everybody makes that mistake.
(easy) It's an
3. I like living in this place.
(nice) It's a
4. We enjoyed watching the game.
(good) It was a
V. Make a new sentence beginning "It ...". Use one of these adjectives each time.
careless inconsiderate kind nice
1. Sue has offered to help me.
It's kind of Sue to offer to help me.
2. You make the same mistake again and again.
3. Dan and Jenny invited me to stay with them. They are so nice.
4. The neighbours make so much noise at night. They are so inconsiderate.
VI. Use the following words to complete these sentences.
sorry/hear glad/hear pleased/get surprised/see
1. We were pleased to get your letter last week.
2. I got your message. I _____________________________ that you're keeping well.
3. We ____________________________________ Paula at the party. We didn't expect her to come.
4. I _____________________________________ that your mother isn't well. I hope she gets better soon.
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each
1. A. adopt B. involve C. stroll D. follow
2. A. exist B. mind C. inspire D. provide
3. A refusal B. music C. student D. studying

English 11

4. A. lecturer B. medium C. inventor D. president

5. A teach B. cheer C. characterize D. watch
II. Pick out the words whose main stressed syllable is different from the rest.
1. A. actor B. commit C. fashion D. motion
2. A. education B. industrial C. intelligent D. traditional
3. A. industry B. refugee C. magazine D. Japanese
4. A. freedom B. contact C. furnish D. disturb
5. A. independence B. impractical C. education D. entertainment
I. Choose the best options to complete the following sentences.
1. We could not ____ my kid in that course because the class was full.
A. send B. enroll C. afford D. interact
2. All members in my family share the ____.
A. homework B. norm C. objection D. housekeeping
3. The new chairman's policy ____ much to the development of our city.
A. outweighs B. works out C. contributes D. breaks up
4. Those who have strong ____ skills are able to get on well with most types of people.
A. personal B. interpersonal C. matchmaking D. potential
5. An example of ____ is when a child doesn't need anyone to remind him of what to do.
A. self-discipline B. self-esteem C. self-employment D. self-educated
II. Complete the following sentences using the given words.
confident relationship independent reconciled argument
1. They had a/an ______________________________ life, so they can decide everything on their own.
2. Before breaking up, Mai Anh and Nam had a serious ___________________________.
3. We cannot be ______________________ because he can't forgive me for my fault.
4. It's very important to teach students to become ______________________ and strong-willed.
5. Getting involved in a romantic ___________________ does not sound right for you now. You are too
III. Choose the options that best fit the blanks.
1. According to the doctor's advice, April ____ overuse antibiotics and stay up after midnight.
A. should B. must C. shouldn't D. oughtn't
2. It ____ my carelessness that caused me a lot of problems in my life and my work.
A. is B. was C. has been D. will be
3. Every student ____ be disrespectful to their teachers in any circumstances.
A. mustn't B. doesn't have to C. don't have to D. ought to
4. I can get up late, enjoy a cup of tea while listening to my favourite piece of music on Sunday because I
____ work that day.
A. have to B. must C. ought not to D. don't have to
5. You ____ work in front of a computer screen for too long. It isn't good for your eyesight as well as your
English 11

A. shouldn't B. should C. don't have to D. have to

6. These flowers smell ____. I'll buy them for my girlfriend's birthday.
A. please B. pleased C. pleasant D. pleasantly
7. When John ____ older, he'll probably be mature enough to decide his own life.
A. sounds B. looks C. smells D. gets
8. It is in a luxury restaurant ____ the thirtieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Brown is held.
A. that B. what C. when D. who
IV. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the given word(s).
1. His boss seems (angrily) _______________________ today, so he avoids adding fuel to the fire.
2. It (be) ________________________ Van Anh who I always share my stories with.
3. I was (amaze) ____________________ to hear that their close friendship turned into a romantic
4. It's impossible for her (take) _______________________ care of her twins and her mother-in-law.
5. Laura's very surprised at her kids' offer (doing) _______________________ the dishes.
6. It is unreasonable (expectation) _______________________ everyone in this world to be kind to you.
7. Instead of forcing children to do things in a very controlling way, parents (ought, explanation)
________________________________ what they expect them to do and why.
8. Most teens become (depress) ________________________ if their romantic relationship ends.
I. Decide whether the following statements are True, False or Not given.
Graduating from high school is one of the most important milestones in your life. It's when you have
to decide whether you should go to university or you should stop going to school and get a job or attend a
vocational training course. Each system has its own focus, style of learning and unique strengths to offer,
which can make choosing the right option for you a challenge. The most important factors to consider are
your strengths and your interests. If you have a specific career in mind like one in medicine or science,
going to university is the best choice, because these jobs really need the academic knowledge only a
university education can give you. However, if you simply want to enter higher education because you
believe that a degree will open doors for you once you enter the job market, you should think it over. You
can go straight into a job and take evening classes to gain qualifications. If you start work and take a break
to study when you are older, you can save your money for your studies and get practical experience. Now
it's time for you to make an important decision.
1. High school graduation marks a turning point in a person's life.
A. True B. False C. Not given
2. Most people choose to go to university after finishing high school instead of starting to work.
A. True B. False C. Not given
3. If a person wants to become a physician, going to university is the best choice.
A. True B. False C. Not given
4. If someone only thinks of obtaining a degree as a privilege in the job market, they can land a job and take
evening classes to gain qualifications.
A. True B. False C. Not given

English 11

5. The writer knows some people get a job after graduating from high school and then come back to their
studies later in their lives.
A. True B. False C. Not given
I. Complete the letter by choosing the appropriate word.
take to help to visit unchanged pay homage to
Dear Barbara, I'm so glad to hear about your plan (1) __________________ Vietnam this summer
vacation and your eagerness to know about some general family rules for teenagers in Vietnam. I've just
told my parents about your forthcoming trip, and they said they are very happy to welcome you to our
house. About some Vietnamese family rules for teens, I think that there are three most crucial ones that
family members, especially teenagers are expected to follow.
First of all, respecting the elderly is the most noticeable family tradition or value. From early ages,
children are taught to (2) __________________ their parents and other older people. Parents themselves set
good examples for their children by looking after their old-aged parents and providing them with both
financial and emotional support.
Secondly, it's expected that adolescents help their parents around with the housework and other
home duties. Teens can help cook meals, do the washing up, tidy up the house or (3)
____________________ care of younger siblings. Those who live in the countryside are sometimes
required to work on the farm with their parents to support the family.
Last but not least, children are supposed to perform well at school. Most Vietnamese people believe
that education is the only weapon to combat poverty and change a person's life, so parents want their
children to study hard in the hope of a bright future. Then children may have a better chance (4)
_________________ their parents in return.
Life is changing day by day, and family rules are changing as well. However, in my view, the three
mentioned rules remain (5) __________________in our culture. I hope this information is useful to you. If
you have any questions, please let me know.
I look forward to seeing you in Vietnam!
Lots of love, Gia Han
II. Rewrite each sentence without changing its meaning, using the given word(s)in brackets.
1. Tim doesn’t have to agree with everything his parents say. (It, necessary)
2. My parents always refuse to allow me to stay out late. (never, let)
3. She has a lot of friends because she’s willing to help others unconditionally. (because of, willingness)
Test 3
Exercise 1. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the
other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. lake B. bay C. cane D. lack
2. A. lurk B. luck C. but D. putt
3. A. stopped B. expected C. finished D. faced

English 11

4. A. thoughtful B. threaten C. therefore D. thin

5. A. grease B. sympathy C. horse D. rose
Exercise 2. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.
6. A. reliable B. independent C. responsible D. decisiveness
7. A. difficult B. confident C. critical D. important
8. A. permission B. well-informed C. activity D. effective
9. A. routine B. problem C. lonely D. hygiene
10. A. laundry B. punish C. depend D. reason
Exercise 3. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
11. When getting into troubles, Jack never ____ on other people for help. He always solves them on his
A. determines B. influences C. relies D. manages
12. He suffered ____ serious depression after losing his beloved pet.
A. in B. from C. with D. for
13. It was essential for him to be financially ____ of his parents, so he decided to find a part-time job.
A. dependent B. independent C. dependable D. undependable
14. Thanks to many investors, my dream to set up my own trading company came ____.
A. exactly B. real C. right D. true
15. His dedication to the educational charity was truly ____.
A. admirable B. reliable C. critical D. disapproving
16. The director informed that no candidates ____ all the criteria for the administrative position.
A. completed B. fulfilled C. achieved D. suited
17. ____ time-management skill is a core requirement for this job.
A. Solving B. Adapting C. Developing D. Mastering
18. I was encouraged to ____ for the grandest prize in the dancing competition.
A. try B. strive C. reach D. achieve
19. We're punished for not submitting our outline on time as the task ____ was too difficult.
A. assigned B. done C. taken D. reminded
20. That Tom is ____ of finishing the research project prior to the deadline satisfied our manager.
A. able B. skillful C. capable D. talented
21. We've divided the group report into three parts and you're ____ for the conclusion one.
A. responsible B. irresponsible C. response D. responsive
22. You should make a list of things to do and ____ them if you want to work effectively.
A. do B. arrange C. prioritise D. approach
English 11

23. Despite my parents' disagreement, I'm ____ to drop out of university and establish my own business.
A. determined B. confident C. successful D. All are correct
24. He ____ me about the lecture yesterday. Otherwise, I would have missed it completely.
A. demanded B. approached C. said D. reminded
25. The government must take ____ action against environmental pollution.
A. important B. unstable C. decisive D. soft
26. When being assigned difficult exercises, Lan always ____ to complete them without any help from her
A. wants B. manages C. desires D. Finds
27. Our enterprise is seeking for candidates who are ____ and hard-working.
A. reliant B. reliance C. unreliable D. reliable
28. ____ communication skill plays an important role in career success.
A. Personal B. Individual C. Interpersonal D. Interactive
29. In spite of being the new resident in this area, he always tries to ____ with his neighbours.
A. catch up B. go in C. put up D. get along well
30. If you choose to study abroad, you have to live ____ from home.
A. on B. away C. in D. up
Exercise 4. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
31. I'm totally exhausted after having finished successive assignments in only a week.
A. Jobs B. works C. exercises D. problems
32. He is truly a reliable friend. He will always be with me and never let me down.
A. mean B. independent C. decisive D. dependable
33. At last, Huong made a determined effort to get a scholarship so that he could have chance to study
A. tenacious B. serious C. unresolved D. necessary
34. In spite of poverty and dreadful conditions, they still manage to keep their self-respect.
A. self-reliant B. self-restraint C. self-esteem D. self-assured
35. All students are revising carefully, for the final test is approaching soon.
A. going fast B. reaching fast C. coming near D. getting near
36. John is an admirable person as he isn't influenced by other people's opinions when making decision to
do something.
A. relied B. impacted C. decided D. assigned
37. The prom is permitted providing that everyone behaves responsibly.
A. honestly B. imperfectly C. sensitively D. sensibly
38. Don't worry! The answer to this quiz is on the back page.
A. treatment B. method C. solution D. way
English 11

39. It is lazy of him for not doing his homework every day.
A. idle B. hard C. busy D. diligent
40. The government found it very difficult to cope with the rising unemployment.
A. try B. manage C. reduce D. increase
Exercise 5. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
41. Nam is considered to be the best student in our class because he's not only good at learning but also
well-informed about everything around the world.
A. perfectly-informed B. badly-informed C. bad-informed D. ill-informed
42. Tommy was fired owing to his arrogant manner.
A. humble B. overconfident C. superior D. haughty
43. The maintenance of this company is dependent on international investment.
A. affective B. self-reliant C. self-restricted D. reliant
44. With his remarkable ability, Lam can deal with this problem effectively.
A. uneffectively B. inefficiently C. ineffectively D. unefficiently
45. The physical therapy helped Jim overcome his fear of height.
A. overwhelm B. control C. neglect D. conquer
46. At first, he was reluctant to help us. However, after persuading for a long time, he agreed to play the
guitar at our tea-shop.
A. hesitate B. willing C eager D. keen
47. Stop being mean to everyone or you'll have no friends.
A. unkind B. cruel C. miserable D. kind
48. My parents seemed fully satisfied with the result of my entrance exam.
A. pleased B. contented C. disappointed D. joyful
49. After a long time working incessantly, all my efforts ended in failure.
A. success B. collapse C. breakdown D. loser
50. This reference book is essential material for us to prepare for the next assignment.
A. necessary B. dispensable C. vital D. fundamental
Exercise 6. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
51. My parents are glad ____ my success in finding a job after graduation.
A. to see B. seeing C. see D. saw
52. It isn't ____ for him to take charge of the financial burden on his family.
A. boring B. expensive C. easy D. mind
53. My teacher always gives me advice ____ suitable career in the future.
A. choosing B. to choose C. choose D. not to choose
English 11

54. We're ____ to announce that you were selected to be our new faculty manager.
A. happily B. unhappy C. happiness D. happy
55. It is unnecessary for ____ to do this task. It's not ours.
A. we B. us C. they D. our
56. She left a message with a request ____ in the contract.
A. not to sign B. not sign C. to not sign D. don't sign
57. I found it truly ____ to hear that Mr. Kim had been appointed to the committee.
A. surprise B. surprised C. surprising D. surprisingly
58. Don't be afraid ____ me if you have any further queries.
A. not to ask B. asking C. to asking D. to ask
59. It's ____ for us to submit the project on time as it's really difficult.
A. possible B. simple C. impossible D. Both B and C
60. It would be unreasonable ____ him ____ you money if you didn't pay it back.
A. to expect/lend B. to expect/to lend C. expect/to lend D. expecting/lend
61. His ability ____ mathematics in a short time is wholly admirable.
A. not to work out B. work out C. to work out D. working out
62. We're disappointed ____ that our sales have declined sharply in the last 2 months.
A. to hear B. to heard C. not to hear D. hearing
63. After failing many times in ____ a new dish, she made a decision ____.
A. creating/giving up B. to create/to give up C. to create/give up D. creating/to
give up
64. My father made a determined effort ____ a new company.
A. to setting up B. to set up C. setting up D. set up
65. It is ____ for him to enjoy the party because he's fairly busy now.
A. unlike B. likeable C. likely D. unlikely
66. I'm sorry ____ that your enterprise has been declared bankrupt.
A. to hear B. for hearing C. hear D. All are correct
67. I feel very proud ____ an important part of the English club.
A. to be B. of be C. being D. is
68. It is great that you ____ for my organization. I hope you'll gain more experience here.
A. to work B. working C. can work D. works
69. We appreciated more opportunities ____ part in the story-telling contest.
A. giving/to take B. to give/taking C. given/to take D. being given/to take
70. Thank you for your kind offer ____ a dinner at your apartment. It was excellent.
A. having B. to have C. had D. have

English 11

Exercise 7. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of
the following questions.
71. She was amazing to find that no one died in the tragic accident yesterday.
72. His driving ambition was entering one of the top universities in the city.
73. It is particularly interested to explore the mystery of the universe.
74. Your success in learning depends on your willing to acquire new knowledge.
75. We haven't made a plan not to travel overseas yet as I'm very busy with my work.
76. It was lucky for us that we able to enjoy the concert.
77. His parents are very sadly to see that Binh doesn't usually do his homework.
78. The factory was refused permit to expand because of lack of money.
79. It is imperative finish all the practice tests by next week since our teacher will give marks for them.
80. He is a real coward because of his anxiety encountering with problems.
81. Look at those dark clouds, it is possibly to rain.
82. In this project, your responsibility is search for information about environmental pollution as much as
83.Lan is looking forward to return to her country after finishing four-year university in America.
84. They were entirely confident that everything will go as planned.
85. Having goal to crowned champion, they had practiced ceaselessly and they succeeded.
86. In the peak season, you are advisable booking your accommodation in advance.
87. It is necessary for you to clean the floor as our mother has done it already.

English 11

88. We only have 5 minutes left, Peter. There's no need dressing up.
89. Unless you keep a map, you're sure get lost in the city.

90. This adventure game is not suitable for children not to play because they're too small.
Exercise 8. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following
exchanges. 91. “What does your younger sister look like?” – “____”
A. She likes a secondary student. B. My sister is a university student.
C. She's very kind and hard working. D. She's tall and thin with long hair.
92. “Could I leave a message for your manager?” – “____”
A. Sure. B. Of course not. C. He's busy now. D. He's off work today.
93. “How often do you have your teeth checked?” – “____”
A. Two months. B. Not much. C. Rarely. D. They're checked carefully.
94. "Many happy returns!” –“____”
A. Wish you all the best. B. Thanks. C. Same to you. D. Not at all.
95. “How long have you learnt Japanese?” – “____”
A. For 2005. B. I learnt it at my university.
C. Since I was 10. D. It lasted 3 months.
96. "Is it going to rain tomorrow?” – “____”
A. I think not. B. I bet. C. Just a moment. D. I don't hope so.
97. "You look very pretty in this dress." – “____”
A. It's so nice of you to say that. B. Yes, it is fairly expensive.
C. I see what you mean. D. Thanks for your wish.
98. “Huy hasn't finished his assignment, has he?" – “____”
A. Yes, he has. He hasn't finished it yet. B. Yes, he hasn't. He's too lazy.
C. No, he has in spite of being a good student. D. No, he hasn't because of his illness.
99. “When will our factory be expanded?” – “____”
A. It was expanded in 1996. B. It depends on our director's decision.
C. I didn't hear about it. D. That's good news.
100. “You're late again, Peter.” – “____”
A. It's none of your business. B. Only 5 minutes left.
C. I'm sorry. My car was broken this morning. D. I expect not to be fired.

English 11

101. “I'm meeting some friends for a meal in town tomorrow. Fancy joining us?” – “____”
A. That's fine. B. What's the time now?
C. I am not sure. What time? D. Fine. I won't!
102. "Can you give me some information about the city?” – “____”
A. Great. Thanks very much. B. No. I'm afraid not.
C. I can't help doing it. D. Certainly.
103. “Excuse me. I have a reservation for tonight.” – “____”
A. Just a moment, please, while I check. B. I liked that one, too.
C. Wonderful! I'd like to hear some of your ideas. D. What's up?
104. "Don't forget. We are invited out to dinner tonight.” – “____”
A. Oh, I almost forgot. B. It's so unforgettable.
C. OK, I'll try it first. D. I remember you.
105. Dr. Jonas can see you next Thursday. Do you prefer morning or afternoon?
A. That would be fine. B. Morning is best for me.
C. I am looking forward to seeing you. D. Thank you very much.
Exercise 9. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Would you like to learn to rock climb? Or spend time working at an animal sanctuary? That's (106)
____ Andrea Black and Jenny Smith are doing as part of their Duke of Edinburgh Award
programme. The award encourages young people to do (107) ____ cultural, social and adventure
activities in their (108) ____ time. The Queen's husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, started the award
in 1956. He started it (109) ____ he wanted young people to learn to help themselves and other
The award is for people aged 14-25, and there are three levels: Bronze, for those aged 14 or over,
Silver for over 15s, and Gold for over 16s. You have to complete four activities to (110) ____ the
– go on an (111) ____ (e.g. hiking, kayaking or climbing)
– learn a new practical or social skill (anything from painting to podcasting!)
– take (112) ____ a physical challenge (e.g. learn or improve at a sport)
– do (113) ____ work helping people or the environment (e.g. work with disabled or elderly people,
or (114) money for a charity).
Young people usually do the award at a Duke of Edinburgh club at their school or at a local (115)
____ group. They (116) ____ what they are going to do, and write a plan. It usually takes (117)
____ one and three years to finish an award.
106. A. what B. why C. which D. when
107. A. excited B. exciting C. excitement D. excite
108. A. idle B. journey C. waiting D. free
English 11

109. A. therefore B. but C. because D. if

110. A. compete B. accept C. realize D. achieve
111. A. expenditure B. expense C. expedition D. expect
112. A. on B. in C. away D. after
113. A. volunteer B. voluntary C. volunteering D. volunteered
114. A. lift B. increase C. raise D. advance
115. A. youth B. young C. immature D. immaturity
116. A. decide B. are deciding C. decided D. had decided
117. A. from B. in C. during D. between
Exercise 10. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer
to each of the questions.
The skills needed to succeed in college are very different from those required in high school.
In addition to study skills that may be new to students, there will also be everyday living skills that
students may not have had to use before.
Students should:
– know how to handle everyday living skills such as doing laundry, paying bills, balancing a
checkbook, cooking, getting the oil changed in the car, etc.
– be familiar and compliant with medical needs concerning medication and health problems. If
ongoing medical and/or psychological treatment is needed, arrangements should be made in
advance to continue that care while the student is away at college.
– understand that the environmental, academic, and social structure provided by parents and
teachers will not be in place in college. With this lack of structure comes an increased need for
responsibility in decision-making and goal-setting.
– know how to interact appropriately with instructors, college staff, roommates, and peers.
Appropriate social interaction and communication are essential at the college level of education.
– be comfortable asking for help when needed. The transition from high school to college can be
overwhelming socially and academically. Students should know when they need help and should be
able to reach out and ask for that help.
118. According to the writer, if students want to have medical treatment, they should ____.
A. be away B. be familiar with medical needs
C. make arrangements D. meet their parents
119. The word “ongoing" is closest in meaning to ____.
A. continuing B. short-term C. brief D. little
120. College students should be aware that ____.
A. everything in college will be different B. parents and teachers are not in college
C. structures must be provided by parents D. structures must be provided by teachers
121. Which of the following is NOT true about college life?
A. It is essential to have good communication skills.
English 11

B. Students must be responsible for their own decisions.

C. Students should know some living skills.
D. Students should not ask for help.
122. The word “overwhelming” is closest in meaning to ____.
A. simple B. confusing C. manageable D. easy
Exercise 11. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer
to each of the questions.
Read about some alternative schools of thought…
One school in Hampshire, UK, offers 24-hour teaching. The children can decide when or if they
come to school. The school is open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., for 364 days a year and provides online
teaching throughout the night. The idea is that pupils don't have to come to school and they can
decide when they want to study. Cheryl Heron, the head teacher, said “Some students learn better at
night. Some students learn better in the morning.” Cheryl believes that if children are bored, they
will not come to school. “Why must teaching only be conducted in a classroom? You can teach a
child without him ever coming to school.”
Steiner schools encourage creativity and free thinking so children can study art, music and
gardening as well as science and history. They don’t have to learn to read and write at an early age.
At some Steiner schools the teachers can’t use textbooks. They talk to the children, who learn by
listening. Every morning the children have to go to special music and movement classes called
“eurhythmy”, which help them learn to concentrate. Very young children learn foreign languages
through music and song. Another difference from traditional schools is that at Steiner schools you
don't have to do any tests or exams.
A child learning music with the Suzuki method has to start as young as possible. Even two-year-old
children can learn to play difficult pieces of classical music, often on the violin. They do this by
watching and listening. They learn by copying, just like they learn their mother tongue. The child
has to join in, but doesn't have to get it right. “They soon learn that they mustn't stop every time they
make a mistake. They just carry on,” said one Suzuki trainer. The children have to practise for hours
every day and they give performances once a week, so they learn quickly. “The parents must be
involved too,” said the trainer, “or it just doesn't work.”
123. Which of the following is NOT true about 24-hour teaching?
A. Students can come to school from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.
B. Students can study online at night.
C. Students can choose the time to study.
D. Some students need to study in the morning and some need to study at night.
124. According to Cheryl Heron, teaching ____.
A. should happen throughout the night B. is not necessarily carried out in class
C. is for children who will not come to school D. must be around the year
125. Steiner schools don't ____.
English 11

A. encourage children's creativity and free thinking

B. allow teachers to teach things out of textbooks
C. teach reading and writing to young children
D. teach music to children
126. Which of the following is TRUE about Steiner schools?
A. They are different from traditional schools.
B. Young children are not taught foreign languages.
C. Students must concentrate on music.
D. Students have to do exams and tests.
127. Which of the following is the most suitable title for the third paragraph?
A. Traditional ways of teaching B. 24-hour teaching
C. Learn by listening D. Starting young
128. Students learning music with Suzuki method ____.
A. must learn difficult music . B. like to learn their mother tongue
C. stop when they make mistakes D. start at an early age
129. The word “this” in paragraph 3 refers to ____.
A. starting as young as possible B. the violin
C. playing difficult pieces of music D. learning their mother tongue
130. The word “involved” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ____.
A. engaged B. encouraging C. accepting D. rejecting
Exercise 12. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of
the following questions.
131. I am looking forward to seeing you.
A. I don't have time to see you. B. I will try to find some time to see you.
C. I should find some time to see you. D. I am expecting to see you.
132. I haven't got used to Indian food although I have lived here for three months.
A. I still find it strange to eat Indian food though I have lived here for three months.
B. Eating Indian food is one of the habits when I lived in Indian three months ago.
C. Because I still live in India, I find Indian food strange to eat.
D. I have to eat Indian food to get used to eat as I have to live in India.
133. “Don't touch the hot cooker," my mother said.
A. My mother promised me to touch the hot cooker.
B. My mother warned me not to touch the hot cooker.
C. My mother suggested me not touching the hot cooker.
D. My mother reminded me of touching the hot cooker.

English 11

134. Stop giving me a hard time, I could not do anything about it.
A. Don't make me feel guilty because I couldn't do anything about it.
B. I could not do anything about it because I am going through a hard time.
C. Going through a hard time doesn't help me do anything about it.
D. I couldn't do anything about it so I would stop.
135. I hope you stay in touch with me even when you are back to the U.S.A.
A. I want you to stay with me and not to come back to the U.S.A.
B. I hope to meet you in the U.S.A.
C. I want us to be connected even if you are in the U.S.A.
D. I want to stay close to you so I will come to the U.S.A.
Exercise 13. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of
sentences in the following questions.
136. Tom reviewed the lessons carefully. He could finish the test very well.
A. Tom reviewed the lessons carefully whereas he could finish the test very well.
B. Tom reviewed the lessons carefully; therefore he could finish the test very well.
C. If Tom reviewed the lessons carefully, he could finish the test very well.
D. Although Tom reviewed the lessons carefully, he could finish the test very well.
137. There are many things I have to do before going home. Cleaning, packing and saying goodbye to you
are some.
A. If I can do anything before going home, I will do the cleaning, packing and say goodbye to you.
B. Although I want to do many things before going home, I have done cleaning, packing and said
goodbye to you.
C. There are many things I have to do before going home including cleaning, packing and saying
goodbye to you.
D. Cleaning, packing and saying goodbye to you are everything I have to do before going home.
138. The room became hotter and hotter. I had to take off my sweater.
A. Unless the room became hotter and hotter, I had to take off my sweater.
B. Although the room became hotter and hotter, I had to take off my sweater.
C. The room became hotter and hotter but I had to take off my sweater.
D. The room became hotter and hotter so I had to take off my sweater.
139. He worked the whole night last night. His eyes are red now.
A. If he didn't work the whole night, his eyes wouldn't be red now.
B. Unless he worked the whole night last night, his eyes were red now.
C. If he hadn't worked the whole night last night, his eyes wouldn't be red now.
D. He worked the whole night last night otherwise his eyes were red now.
140. It might be my opinion. My mother is the best cook in the world.
A. People said that my mother is the best cook in the world.
English 11

B. In my opinion, my mother is the best cook in the world.

C. My mother is believed to be the best cook in the world.
D. I am not so sure about the fact that my mother is the best cook in the world.

Quan tâm đến những người cần sự giúp đỡ
1.access /ˈækses/(v): tiếp cận, sử dụng
+ accessible /əkˈsesəbl/ (adj): có thể tiếp cận, sử dụng
2. barrier /ˈbæriə(r)/(n): rào cản, chướng ngại vật
3. blind /blaɪnd/(adj): mù, không nhìn thấy được
4. campaign /kæmˈpeɪn/(n): chiến dịch
5. care /keə(r)/ (n, v): (sự) chăm sóc, chăm nom
6. charity /ˈtʃærəti/ (n): hội từ thiện
7. cognitive /ˈkɒɡnətɪv/(a): liên quan đến nhận thức
8. coordination /kəʊˌɔːdɪˈneɪʃn/(n): sự hợp tác
9. deaf /def/(a): điếc, không nghe được
10. disability /ˌdɪsəˈbɪləti/(n): sự ốm yếu, tàn tật
11. disable /dɪsˈeɪbl/(n,a): không có khả năng sử dụng chân tay, tàn tật
12. discrimination/dɪˌskrɪmɪˈneɪʃn/ (n): sự phân biệt đối xử
13. disrespectful /ˌdɪsrɪˈspektfl/(a): thiếu tôn trọng
14. donate /dəʊˈneɪt/(v): quyên góp, tặng
15. dumb /dʌm/ (a): câm, không nói được
16. fracture /ˈfræktʃə(r)/ (n): (chỗ) gãy (xương)
17. healthcare /ˈhelθ keə(r)/(a): với mục đích chăm sóc sức khỏe
18. hearing /ˈhɪərɪŋ/(n): thính giác, nghe
19. impaired /ɪmˈpeəd/(a): bị làm hỏng, bị làm suy yếu
+ impairment /ɪmˈpeəmənt/ (n): sự suy yếu, hư hại, hư hỏng
20. independent /ˌɪndɪˈpendənt/(a): độc lập, không phụ thuộc
21. integrate /ˈɪntɪɡreɪt/ (v): hòa nhập, hội nhập
22. involve /ɪnˈvɒlv/ (v): để tâm trí vào việc gì
23. mobility /məʊˈbɪləti/(n): tính lưu động, di động
24. physical /ˈfɪzɪkl/(a): thuộc về cơ thể, thể chất
25. solution /səˈluːʃn/ (n): giải pháp, cách giải quyết
26. suffer /ˈsʌfə(r)/ (v): trải qua hoặc chịu đựng ( cái gì khó chịu)
27. support /səˈpɔːt/ (n, v): (sự) ủng hộ, khuyến khích
29. talent /ˈtælənt/ (n):tài năng, người có tài

English 11

Grammar :
1.The past simple tense (Thì quá khứ đơn)
a. Cấu trúc (Form)

Affirmative (Khẳng định) Negative (Phủ định) Interrogative (Nghi vấn)

S + V (past) (+ O) S + did not/ didn't + V(bare - inf) Did + S + V(bare-inf) (+ O)?
(+ O)
They went to the cinema last They didn't go to the cinema last Did they go to the cinema last
night. night. night?

b. Cách dùng (Use)

- Diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra và kết thúc tại một thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ (finished actions or
E.g: I saw him at the airport yesterday. (Hôm qua tôi đã nhìn thấy anh ấy ở sân bay.)
My aunt sent me a letter two days ago. (Cách đây 2 ngày cô tôi đã gửi thư cho tôi.)
- Diễn tả hành động lặp đi lặp lại trong quá khứ (repeated actions)
E.g: I played soccer three times a week when I was at school. (Lúc tôi còn đi học thì tôi đã chơi bóng đá
3 lần một tuần.)
She went to Paris twice last year. (Năm ngoái cô ấy đến Pari 2 lần.)
- Diễn tả thói quen trong quá khứ (past habits)
E.g: She visited her parents every Sunday. (Vào mỗi Chủ nhật thì cô ấy đã đến thăm bố mẹ.)
We often went swimming every afternoon. (Vào mỗi buổi chiều thì chúng tôi đã thường đi bơi.)
- Diễn tả tình trạng hay tình huống trong quá khứ
E.g: Did you have a car when you were young? (Có phải bạn có ô tô khi bạn còn trẻ không?)
- Diễn tả một chuỗi hành động xảy ra liên tiếp nhau trong quá khứ (sequences of actions)
E.g: He ran to the car, jumped in and raced off into the night. (Anh ta chạy ra xe, nhảy vào trong và lao
vào màn đêm).
c. Các cụm từ thời gian (Time phrases)
Một số cụm từ thời gian được dùng trong thì quá khứ đơn: yesterday, last night/week/month/ year, etc.,
two days/ weeks/months ago, etc., in 2000, at that moment, then, suddenly, when

2. The present perfect simple tense (Thì hiện tại hoàn thành)
a. Cấu trúc (Form)

Affirmative (Khẳng định) Negative (Phủ định) Interrogative (Nghi van)

S + have/ has + pp (past S + have/ has + not + pp + (O) Have/ Has + S + pp + (O)?
participle) + (O)

She has bought this house. She hasn't bought this house. Has she bought this house?

English 11

b.Cách dùng (use)

Diễn tả hành động xảy ra và hoàn thành ở một thời điểm không xác định trong quá khứ. (actions
completed at an unspecific time in the past)
E.g: She has traveled around the world. (Cô ấy đã đi du lịch khắp thế giới.)
- Diễn tả hành động đã hoàn thành rồi nhưng kết quả vẫn còn ở hiện tại (completed actions with a result
in the present)
E.g: Look! He has dyed his hair red. (Nhìn kìa! Anh ta đã nhuộm tóc thành màu đỏ.)
- Diễn tả hành động bắt đầu trong quá khứ và còn tiếp tục đến hiện tại (actions that started in the past
and have continued until now)
E.g: I have learnt/ learned English for 15 years. (Tôi đã học tiếng Anh được 15 năm rồi.)
- Diễn tả hành động xảy ra tại một thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ nhưng vào thời điểm nói hành động
đó vẫn chưa hoàn thành (actions at a specified time which are not complete at the time of speaking)
→ Cách dùng này thường gặp với trạng từ thời gian như this morning/ afternoon,...
E.g: I have read four books so far this morning.
- Diễn tả một hành động lặp lại nhiều lần cho đến thời điểm hiện tại, chúng ta thường thấy các từ đi kèm
ở cách dùng này như sau:
Several times/hours/days/weeks/months/years, etc
E.g: I have watched this film several times.
❖ Note:
- Sau cấu trúc so sánh hơn nhất ta dùng thì hiện tại hoàn thành.
It is the most interesting book that I have ever read.
- Sau cấu trúc: This/It is the first/second... time, phải dùng thì hiện tại hoàn thành.
This is the first time I have eaten this kind of food.
b. Time phrases (Các cụm từ thời gian)
Các từ/ cụm từ thời gian thường gặp trong thì này như:
- already (đã ...rồi), never (chưa bao giờ), ever (đã từng), yet (chưa), just (vừa mới), (cho đến bây giờ),
recently (gần đây), lately (gần đây),
- so far/ up to now/ up to present (cho tới bây giờ), in / over + the past/ last + thời gian: trong...... qua
- for + khoảng thời gian (for 2 days: trong khoảng 2 ngày)
- since + mốc thời gian: kể từ. ... (since 2000: từ năm 2000)
Nếu sau "since" là một mệnh đề thì mệnh đề trước since ta chia thì hiện tại hoàn thành còn mệnh đề sau
since chia thì quá khứ đơn.
E.g: I have taught English since I graduated from University.
* Vị trí của các trạng từ trong thì hiện tại hoàn thành:
- already, never, ever, just: sau "have/ has" và đứng trước động từ phân từ II.
- already: cũng có thể đứng cuối câu.
- yet: đứng cuối câu, và thường được sử dụng trong câu phủ định và nghi vấn.
- so far, recently, lately, up to present, up to this moment, in/ over + the past/ last + thời gian: Có thể
đứng đầu hoặc cuối câu.

English 11

E.g: have bought this house recently. (Gần đây tôi đã mua ngôi nhà này.)


Bài 1: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences.
1. The students English last week.
A. studies B. to study C. studied D. study
2. Did you ride a bicycle ?
A. every day B. at this time C. this morning D. tomorrow
3. They lazy last week.
A. are B. had C. were D. have
4. The fisherman a big fish yesterday.
A. to catch B. catch C. catching D. caught
5. His brother to England last year.
A. went B. go C. going D. to go
6. Tim to school this morning.
A. goes B. did goes C. go D. didn't go
7. Did they basketball yesterday?
A. played B. play C. to play D. plays
8. We our homework last night.
A. do B. does C. doing D.did
9. Hung sad yesterday.
A. had B. is C. was D. has
10. He in the pool last Sunday.
A. swam B. swim C. swims D. swimming

Bài 2: Are the underlined parts of the sentences right or wrong? Correct them where necessary.
1. Here's some news! Tim's closed his store. OK
2. I don't have my bike right now. I've lent it to Alex.
3. Where has Richard gone to school as a child?
4. Who has made the first TV?
5. Corruption has become a big issue in Brazil.
6. His math book isn't here. He's forgotten it at school.
7. My great grandfather has worked in a paper mill.
8. The internet has gone down so I can't send emails.
9. Elvis has been the singer who has sold many albums in the past.

Bài 3: Choose the best answer in brackets.

1. Actually I had supper with my brother (lately/ last night).
2. I haven't seen Linda (for/ since) a long time. How is she?
3. What have you been doing (yesterday/ today)?

English 11

4. It's ages (since/ ago) I last went to the cinema.

5. I've been trying to sell my car (for the last time/ for ages).
6. I can't remember (how long/ when) I've had this car.
7. Bin hasn't been to London (when/ since) we went there last year.
8. I've written to Sally (last week/ recently).
9. I've been living here (since/ for/ in) the end of last year.
10. Have you eaten Chinese food (before/ already)?

Bài 4: Fill in the blank using the following adverbs.

already never always yet ever for since

1. She is a cold, unfeeling woman, she has showed any affection.

2. her husband's death, Alex has become a cold-blooded woman.
3. Tim doesn't want to go to Paris as he has been there.
4. They have been engaged two months.
5. The young boy hasn't eaten his dinner .
6. I've been a warm-hearted person. And you?
7. She has been laughing she saw that woman.
Bài 5: Put the verbs into the simple tense.
On Thursday, the children (1. talk) about a day out together in the country. The next
morning, they (2. go) to the country with their two dogs and (3. play) together.
Tim and David (4. have) some kites. Some time later the dogs _ (5. be) not there, so
they (6. call) them and (7. look) for them in the forest. After half an hour the
children (8. find) them and(9. take) them back. Charlie (10. be) very happy to
see them again. At lunch time Mike (11. go) to the bikes and (12. fetch) the
basket with some meat sandwiches. Then they (13. play) football. Mike and
David (14. win). In the evening they (15. ride) home.

Bài 6: Choose the best answer in brackets (either the past simple or present perfect tense).
1. Did you like the cartoon "Tom and Jerry"? I (did not see/ haven't seen) it yet.
2. Tom is a very close friend of mine. We (know/ have known) each other for years.
3. Do you know what time Lisa (left/ has left) the office?
4. You (were/have been) lateforworktoomanytimesthisyear. If you're not careful, you will be sacked.
5. I (had/ have had) a few financial problems last year but this year things are getting better.
6. We had a foreign friend from Thailand who (never saw/ has never seen) the sea so we're taking him to
a beach this weekend.
7. Since I started working here I (became/ have become) more experienced at dealing with problems.
8. I can't remember the last time I (went/ have been) to the cinema.
Bài 7: Put the verbs in the brackets into either the past simple or present perfect tense.
1. "How long have you lived here?" "I (live) here since 2000."
2. He lived in London for two years and then he (go) to Edinburgh.
English 11

3. (you/see) the moon last night?

4. Shakespeare (write) a lot of plays.
5. My brother (write) several books. He has just finished his latest.
6. I (not see) him for five years. I wonder where he is.
7. He (not smoke) for one month. He is trying to give it up.
8. He (compose) some pieces of music when he worked in New York.
9. "When (he/arrive)?""He arrived at 3 o'clock."
10. I read his books when I was at school. I (enjoy) them very much.
11. I can't go out because I (not finish) my work yet.
12. "I (never/drink) wine". "Well, have some now!"
13. Here are your shoes. I (just/clean) them.
14. I left home at 9.00 a.m and I (get) here at 8.00p.m.
15. I (meet) him last May.
Bài 8: Rewrite the following sentences.
1. This is the first time he visited Ha Long Bay.
He has .
2. She started working here last year.
She has .
3. We began eating lunch when it started to rain.
We have .
4. I last had my hair cut when she left me.
I haven't .
5. The last time he met me was 5 months ago.
He hasn't .
6. It is a long time since we last met.
We haven't .
7. When did you have this computer?
How long ?
8. This is the first time I had such a delicious meal.
I haven't .
9. I haven't gone to work for a month.
The last .
10. I haven't talked to him for 5 days.
=> It is .


Bài 9: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences.
1. Last month, the Youth Union a campaign to help students with disabilities.
A. has launched B. launched C. was launched D. was launching
2. Lately, a gang of enterprising New Zealanders an incredible scheme to raise awareness of
depression and mental health issues.

English 11

A. has introduced B. had introduced C. introduced D. was introduced

3. The boy across the narrow canal in ten minutes to find himself out of danger several years
A. swum B. was swum C. swam D. had swam
4. I to help students at a special school twice since I finished grade 11.
A. have volunteered B. had volunteered
C. was volunteering D. volunteered
5. It is now over seventy years since Lindbergh across the Atlantic.
A. has been flying B. flew C. had flown D. has flown
6. We won't go out before we the homework.
A. finish B. will have finished C. will finish D. finished
7. Although he was on the whole very suspicious of the project, Mr Hung to cooperate.
A. didn't promise B. promised C. has promised D. hasn't promised
8. Even though Susan was totally opposed to the project, she that it would increase job
opportunities for the local people.
A. had agreed B. agreed C. was agreed D. would agree.
9. When he ten years old, he the National Institute for the Blind in Paris.
A. was/entered B. was/was entering
C. was/was entered D. was/would enter
10. In the past ten years, he more than 100 bicycles to needy students in Central Vietnam.
A. gave B. has given C. has been given D. has been giving
11. Nam the idea of giving sweaters and warm clothes to the poor just a couple of weeks
ago, shortly after the beginning of the rainy season.
A. came up with B. comes up with
C. has come up with D. was coming up with
12. In the past, health care in some rural areas of this country by only a small number of
doctors and nurses.
A. is provided B. provided C. provides D. was provided
13. Neither Mike nor his brothers to school because their father teaches them at home.
A. have never been B. has ever been C. have ever been D. ever went
14. Not until we the school for children with disabilities how they overcome
A. had visited/have we known B. visited/had we known
C. visited/did we know D. have visited/did we know
15. Until now I more than 1000 stamps.
A. collected B. collect C. am collecting D. have collected
Bài 10: Choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each
of the following questions.
1. (A) The annual increase in the (B) world's population (C) has peaked at (D) about 88 million in the late

English 11

2. (A) Overpopulation is (B) one of the main factors that leads to (C) poor, (D) illiteracy, and social evils.
3. The teacher (A) said that (B) about 10 children (C) need special help (D) in reading skills.
4. Youth Newspaper (A) donated book collections (B) to two (C) mountainous schools in (D) northern
Vietnam lately.
5. Vina Capital Foundation's Heartbeat Vietnam (A) has performed 5,000 free heart (B) surgery for kids
(C) across the country (D) for the last ten years.
6. A Hoi An-based charity organisation (A) gave free milk to (B) poor, ailing, and (C) disabled children
in the central province of Quang Nam (D) on last Wednesday.
7. Although Marie Curie had (A) very little money (B) to live on, (C) but she went to Paris to realise her
dream of (D) a scientific career.
8. Albert Einstein, (A) the father of modern physics, could not read until he (B) was eight, but that (C)
hasn't stopped him (D) from becoming one of the greatest scientists of our time

Bài 11: Put the verbs in the brackets into either the past simple or present perfect tense.
1. Tim: How many times (you/try) to pass your driving test?
Mike: Three times so far.
2. When (you/go) to Ho Chi Minh City?
3. You look different, (you/have) a haircut?
4. I (not/see) David at all this week. I don't even know where he is.
5. Tim: (you/speak) to Peter yet?
Mike: Not yet.
6. When (you/start) your job?
7. I (move) house three times in the last five years.
8. My sister (be) to New York three times and she's going again next month.
9. The US President (be) in our country last year.
10. He (visit) this village three times in the last two years.

Bài 12: Put the verbs in the brackets into either the past simple or present perfect tense.
1. I (have) a problem with my computer yesterday.
2. We (already see) that movie, but I will go with you again if you want me to.
3. We (be) in Tim's room when the storm (begin).
4. I (not begin) my homework yet.
5. He (not sleep) for three nights, even though he (go) to bed early yesterday
6. My father (never forget) my birthday.
7. They (travel) around the world last summer.
8. They (decide) this at a meeting some days ago.

9. (You ever be) to New York?

English 11

10. I know Hanoi City well. I (live) there for three years when I was a student.
11. Michael does not have much money so he (not buy) a car yet.
12. We (have) a good time at the party last weekend.
13. Look at that. Someone (break) my motorbike.
14. Emily (just finish) packing her bags.
15. The plane (land) ten minutes ago.
16. I (do) all the housework. Everything is clean now.
17. When (Columbus discover) the New World?
18. We (not visit) him since last weekend.
19. She feels great. She (lose) five pounds since Christmas.
20. The last time I (play) tennis was four years ago.

Bài 13: Fill in the blank using either the Present Perfect or the Simple Past.
Last week I (meet) an old lady called Brown. She (be) eighty-two. She
(be) a beggar. She (talk) to me and I (hear) the story of her
entire life. I (feel) so sad when she (finish) it that I almost (cry). As
I (feel) sorry for her, I (give) Brown some money.
This morning something wonderful and amazing (happen) to me. I (meet)
Brown again, but, my goodness, she (be) different. She told me the following.
Since you (give) me that money my life (change) completely. With the money
you (give) me I (buy) a lottery ticket and I (win). I (buy) myself a
house where I'm living now. I (just buy) some new clothes, a TV set... you can't imagine how
happy I am!
I (be) so astonished that I couldn't even say a word. I (follow) her and ...
surprise! She had bought me a yellow Ferrari.

Bài 14: Put the verbs in the brackets into either the past simple or present perfect tense.
1. A: Did you like the movie "The Lord of the Rings?"
B: I don't know. I (see, never) that movie.
2. Nam (arrive) in New York a week ago.
3. My best friend and I (know) each other for over fifteen years. We still get together once a
4. He is a fantastic writer. He (write) ten very creative short stories in the last year. One day,
he'll be as famous as Hemingway.
5. I (have, not) this much fun since I (be) a kid.
6. Things (change) a great deal at this company. When we first _ (start) working here three
years ago, the company (have, only) ten employees. Since then, we (expand) to
include more than 2000 full-time workers.
7. I (tell) him to stay on the path while he was hiking, but he (wander) off into
the forest and (be) was bitten by a snake.

English 11

8. Listen Daniel, I don't care if you (miss) the bus this morning. You (be) late
for work too many times. You are fired!
9. Mike is from Colorado, which is hundreds of miles from the coast, so he (see, never) the
ocean. He should come with us to Miami.
10. How sad! Mr. David (dream) of going to California before he died, but he didn't make it.
He (see, never) the ocean.
11. In the last hundred years, traveling (become) much easier and very comfortable. In the
19th century, it (take) two or three months to cross North America by covered wagon. The
trip (be) very rough and often dangerous. Things (change) a great deal in the last
hundred and fifty years. Now you can fly from New York to Los Angeles in a matter of hours.
12. John, I can't believe how much you (change) since the last time I (see) you.
You (grow) at least a foot!
13. This tree (be) planted by the settlers who (found) our city over four hundred
years ago.
14. This mountain (be, never) climbed by anyone. Several mountaineers (try) to reach
the top, but nobody (succeed, ever) . The climb is extremely difficult and many people (die)
trying to reach the summit.
15. I (visit, never) Africa, but I (travel) to South America several times. The last
time I (go) to South America, I (visit) Brazil and Peru. I (spend) two
weeks in the Amazon, hiked for a week near Machu Picchu, and (fly) over the Nazca Lines.

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each
1. A. comfort B. hobby C. knowledge D. popular
2. A. about B. announce C. cough D. shout
3. A. hood B. hook C. stood D. tool
4. A. done B. gone C. mum D. won
5. A. coup B. group C. soup D. tough
6. A. filled B. landed C. suited D. wicked
7. A. cloth B. clothe C. with D. without
8. A. cease B. chase C. increase D. raise
9. A. beds B. doors C. students D. plays
10. A. gypsy B. huge C. piggy D. strange
II. Pick out the words whose main stressed syllable is different from the rest.
1. A. silent B. children C. village D. advice
2. A. important B. performance C. silently D. permission

English 11

3. A. efficient B. flowery C. flourishing D. gramophone

4. A. inhabitant B. initiate C. engineering D. ingenious
5. A. content B. advice C. promise D. admire
II1. Put the given words into the right group.
visual deaf donate launch campaign
blind dumb disabled talent cognitive impairments
Disabilities Others

IV. Choose the suitable word to complete the sentence.

1. Last week we interviewed some volunteers who had worked with disabled/disabilities students.
2. There are more devices to enable people with impairments/physical disabilities to travel around.
3. These are students with various visual, hearing/deaf, physical and cognitive impairments.
4. We need to help disabled students to become independent and integrate/launch in the community.
5. The students in our class have charity/donated more than 50 gifts.
V. Complete the sentences using the given words.
impairments voluntary visual volunteers support
1. People with physical ________________________________ have difficulty climbing stairs.
2. This special school helps students with _________________________ impairments to learn Braille.
3. Many _________________________ have taken part in our programmes since the campaign was launched.
4. We have launched various services to __________________________ people with learning disabilities.
5. We completed a ________________________ project for our community center a month ago.
VI. Fill in each gap with the past simple or the present perfect form of the given word(s).
1. Last night I (lose) __________________________ my keys. I had to call my flatmate to let me in.
2. I (lose) __________________________ my keys. Can you help me look for them?
3. He (live) _____________________ with his great grandmother for a few years - she died when he was
4. She and her best friends (know) ___________________________ each other for over fifteen years. They
still get together once a week.
5. A: What's wrong?
B: I (break) __________________________ a glass.
6. She (be) __________________________ a teacher for ten years, and she still enjoys it.
7. How many times (she/ go) __________________________ to the cinema last month?
8. Aunt to Jonny: Jonny, I can't believe how much you've changed since the last time I saw you. You (grow)
__________________________ at least a foot!
9. A: How long (you/ live) __________________________ in Paris?
English 11

B: Twenty years. We came back to live in England in 2010.

10. A: How long (you/ live) __________________________ in Japan?
B: Four years. And we really like it here.
VII. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one.
1. The company last won a trophy 20 years ago.
The company hasn't won a trophy
2. The club has been successful for three years.
The club started to be successful
3. The team last won a home game in September.
The team hasn't won a home game
4. Peter hasn't scored a goal for 2 months.
Peter last scored a goal
5. The club started to play in this stadium in 2010.
The club has played in this stadium
6. She became the marketing manager 4 months ago.
She has been the marketing manager
7. Lien last visited a centre for children with cognitive impairments two weeks ago.
Lien hasn't visited a centre for children with cognitive impairments
8. His sister got injured three weeks ago, and she's still in hospital now.
His sister has been injured
VIII. Choose the suitable word to complete each sentence.
1. Last year I volunteered to teach at a school for people with hearing impairments and launched/have
launched a campaign to help them.
2. A: How many times did you try/have you tried to pass your driving test?
B: Three times so far.
3. A: I can't send my e-mails because my computer's broken.
B: How long was your computer/has your computer been broken?
A: About a week. I'm going to take it back to the shop when I have time.
4. A: I went to Japan on holiday last year.
B: How long were you/have you been there?

English 11

A: Only two weeks. It wasn't really long enough to see everything.

5. A: When did he arrive/has he arrived?
B: He arrived at 2 o'clock.
6. A: Why don't you want to play football with us this weekend?
B: I broke/have broken my leg.
7. A: I never drank/have never drunk whiskey.
B: Have some now.
8. My best friend, Linh went to Canana two years ago, but I wasn't/haven't been there so far.
IX. Decide whether the underlined parts in the following sentences are Correct or Incorrect in terms of
1. When I turned on the radio yesterday, I heard a song that was popular when I was in high school.
A. Correct B. Incorrect
2. Ben has had a beautiful house near the beach for more than 20 years, but he sold it about five years ago.
A. Correct B. Incorrect
3. The US president has visited our country three times in the last two years.
A. Correct B. Incorrect
4. Look! There is so much food left. Nobody has eaten anything.
A. Correct B. Incorrect
5. We had a nice honeymoon in Budapest a few days ago but the journey to this beautiful city was exhausting
as we have spent ten hours sitting on the train.
A. Correct B. Incorrect
6. I watched fireworks on New Year's Eve twice - once last year and once this year. I hope I can watch it next
A. Correct B. Incorrect
7. How often did you go on holiday when you were a child?
A. Correct B. Incorrect
8. John joined our team as a novice since last summer. Today he's promoted as the leader.
A. Correct B. Incorrect
X. Give the correct forms of the verbs in brackets using simple past or present perfect.
1. The floor looks dirty. I'm sure you (not clean up) ________________________________________.
2. (you/enjoy) ________________________________ the party last night?
3. My bicycle isn't here. I think someone (just take) ________________________________ it.
4. They (know) ________________________________ each other since they were children.
5. They are the most kind-hearted people he (ever meet) ________________________________.
6. He was late yesterday because he (be) ________________________________ stuck in the traffic jam.
7. Last year, he (donate) ________________________________ 99% of his fortune to charitable

English 11

8. I (be) _________________________________ a member of this non-profit organization since 1996.

9. She (make) ________________________________ many new friends since she joined this English club.
10. Last month I (feel) ________________________________ happy when I cooked a meal for the elderly at
a nursing home.
XI. Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).
1. Mother: I want to prepare dinner. (you/ wash) _________________________________ the dishes yet?
2. Daughter: I (wash) _________________________________ the dishes yesterday, but I (have / not)
_________________________________ the time yet to do it today.
3. Mother: (you/do/yet) _________________________________ your homework _____________?
4. Daughter: No, I (come / just) ___________________________________ home from school.
5. Mother: You (come) _________________________________ home from school two hours ago!
6. Daughter: Well, but my friend Lucy (call) ________________________________ when I (arrive)
________________________________ and I (finish / just) ______________________________ the phone
7. Mother: (you/ see / not) ___________________________________ Lucy at school in the morning?
8. Daughter: Yes, but we (have / not) ________________________________ time to talk then.
XII. Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).
1. I (cycle /just) ________________________________ 50 km.
2. I (cycle) ________________________________ 100 km last week.
3. I (write) _________________________________ an essay yesterday.
4. I (write / already) ________________________________ two essays this term.
5. I (ring/just) ________________________________ my friend.
6. I (ring) ________________________________ my friend 10 minutes ago.
7. Two days ago, I (watch) ________________________________ a Madonna concert on TV.
8. I (see / already) ________________________________ Madonna live in concert.
9. I (spend) ________________________________ my summer holiday in Australia last year.
10. I (be/not) ________________________________ to Australia yet.
XIII. Put the verbs into the correct tense in the following dialogue (simple past or present perfect
1. A: (you / be / ever) _____________________________ to London?
2. B: Yes, I (be) _____________________________ there three times.
3. A: When (be) _____________________________ the last time you (be) _______________________ there?
4. B: Last summer. I (spend) _____________________________ two weeks in Brighton with my parents and
we (go) ____________________________ to London one weekend.
5. (you/ like) _____________________________ it?
6. Oh yes. We really (have) _____________________________ a great time in London.
7. Lucky you! I (be / never) ______________________________ to London.
XIV. Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).
English 11

1. A: (you / try / ever) _____________________________ haggis?

2. B: Oh, yes!
3. A: How often (you / eat) _____________________________ haggis yet?
4. B: Two times exactly.
5. A: When (you / eat / first) _____________________________ haggis?
6. B: That (be) ________________ in 2005. We (have) ______________ a Scottish festival in our town and
they also (sell) _______________________ traditional Scottish food. So I (buy) __________________
7. A: (you / like) _____________________________ it?
8. B: It (be / not) _____________________________ too bad. And I (know / not)
________________________ anything about haggis then.
9. A: When (you / find out) _____________________________?
10. B: When I (be) __________________________ in Scotland in 2007. I (go) _________________________
to a restaurant and (order) _____________________________ haggis. Afterwards, the waiter (tell)
_____________________________ me about haggis: it's the heart, liver and lungs of a sheep, boiled in the
animal's stomach. Well, I (eat / never) _____________________________ haggis again since then.
XV. Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).
1. A: (you / play / ever) _____________________________ the new computer game?
2. B: No, not yet. I only (buy) _____________________________ it yesterday and I (have / not)
_____________________________ the time yet.
3. A: (you / go) _____________________________ to the cinema last night?
4. B: Yes. I (be) _______________________ there with Sue and Louis. (you / be)
to the cinema recently?
5. A: I last (go) _______________________ to the cinema two weeks ago.
6. B: So you (see / not) _______________________ the new action film yet.
7. A: No, unfortunately not. (you / enjoy) _______________________ it?
8. B: Oh, I really (love) ________________________ it. But Sue (like / not) _______________________ it -
too much action!
9. A: But why (you / take) _______________________ her with you? She (tell) _______________________
me last week that she (hate) _______________________ action films.
XVI. Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).
1. I (just / finish) _______________________ my homework.
2. Mary (already / write) _______________________ five letters.
3. Tom (move) _______________________ to this town in 1994.
4. My friend (be) _______________________ in Canada two years ago.
5. I (not / be) _________________________ to Canada so far.
6. I (already / travel) _______________________ to London a couple of times.

English 11

7. Last week, Mary and Paul (go) _______________________ to the cinema.

8. I can't take any pictures because I (not / buy) ________________________ a new film yet.
9. (they / spend) _______________________ their holiday in New Zealand last summer?
10. (you / ever / see) _______________________ a whale?
I. Read the passage and answer the following questions.
Each summer, the Winant and Clayton Volunteer program sends a group of Americans to volunteer in
London for seven weeks and provides housing and a small stipend to help defray the high cost of living. After
seven weeks of volunteering, participants have two weeks to travel independently before returning to London
to evaluate the program and get their flight back to the United States.
The application includes a few short essays, a series of questions about the type of placement one
would prefer, and an informal interview with former volunteers that gives applicants a chance to find out more
about the program.
Deciding to participate takes a small leap of faith. The roster of volunteer placements and housing
options can change from year to year and volunteers can't choose their placement in advance. But once you're
accepted you instantly feel that you've joined a close-knit group. The volunteer coordinator is in frequent
contact through mailings and e-mails to help you prepare for the trip, and there is a daylong orientation in New
York that bring all the volunteers together before departure for London.
1. How long do a group of Americans volunteer in London?
A. two weeks B. each summer C. seven weeks D. three weeks
2. What does the Winant and Clayton Volunteer program provide them with?
A. housing and a small stipend B. a few short essays
C. transportation D. foods and clothes
3. Which of the following is NOT included in the application?
A. A series of questions about the type of placement one would prefer
B. An informal interview with former volunteers
C. A few short essays
D. The roster of volunteer placements
4. What can the volunteers do after seven weeks of volunteering?
A. They can have two weeks to travel independently
B. They can have two weeks to evaluate the program
C. They can return to London
D. They can get their flight back to the United States
5. How does the volunteer coordinator keep in contact with you?
A. Through television and newspapers B. Through telephone and e-mails
C. Through mailings and e-mails D. Through radio and cell phone
II. Read the following passage and choose the best option.

English 11

The United States has been criticized for its treatment of its elderly citizens. Although in many other
countries the elderly usually live with their children's family, many older Americans live alone, without the
close companionship of their children. This situation is sometimes blamed on the "selfishness" of the young
generation, but a closer look shows that many of the elderly prefer to maintain their independent lives.
Research on the situation of the elderly in America has shown that while grandparents are delighted to be
visited periodically by their children and grandchildren, they prefer to continue living in the surroundings that
they are familiar with. This suggests that children should permit their parents to live alone if they wish to, and
should encourage them to maintain close ties to the rest of the family.
Another surprising result of the research on the elderly in the United States has been the very positive
influence which pets have been found to have on the elderly people that they live with. It has been shown that
elderly people who care for small pets, such as cats and dogs, live longer, are healthier, and have better
attitudes towards their lives than similar elderly people without these companions.
1. Many elderly Americans live ____.
A. without satisfaction. B. by themselves.
C. a lonely life. D. a simple life.
2. What do some people see as the cause of this situation?
A. The society of the USA treats its elderly people as troubles.
B. The young people usually trouble the elderly of their own.
C. The government concerns hardly about the elderly people.
D. The young people are too selfish.
3. Many of the elderly Americans want to ____.
A. keep living in their well-known places and conditions.
B. remain with the grandchildren in their houses.
C. remove to their sons' or daughters' homes.
D. live with their friends in their hometown.
4. The author advises the young people to ____.
A. keep close ties with the elderly of their own.
B. let the elderly of their families live by themselves.
C. permit their elderly relatives to raise some pets.
D. respect the wishes of their elderly parents.
5. The author's main thought is that ____.
A. the elderly who care for some pets live together.
B. the social practice in the USA makes the elderly live alone.
C. the elderly people should have better attitudes towards their lives.
D. it is a social tradition that the elderly Americans enjoy the self-directing lives.
III. Fill in each blank with a suitable word in the box.
treatment social retirement elderly aspects
physical aging needs pensioners on

English 11

There are many (1) __________________ that are involved in taking care of (2)
___________________ or aged people. Those who have the responsibility of taking care of the aged need to
be aware of the various needs and requirements that the elderly have.
Elderly individuals who live (3) ____________________ their own, without the support of anyone,
may have a certain amount of financial needs. Such people need to fend for themselves for everything,
including food, groceries, medicines etc. (4) ____________________ have the benefit of a steady source of
monthly income. Those who do not have any pension or other source of income would have to live entirely on
their saving or through special senior citizens' government financial schemes or donations from charitable
It is natural that elderly people prefer staying at home in their old age. This brings the benefit of
familiar surroundings and people around them. The homes of such people may be modified to accommodate
their changing needs. There is the added benefit of familiar neighbours in the event of an emergency.
Transportation is quick and easier for elderly people residing in areas that are familiar to them.
Health services are the most important requirement when it comes to elderly (5)
Elderly people have age-related health issues. This is a normal part of life and cannot be avoided. Proper care
and nursing facilities go a long way in keeping most of these health issues in check and also preventing them
from causing any serious harm. Regular medical check-ups are useful to monitor the health or the elderly and
also to anticipate potential future issues. Regular medical check ups also help in identifying serious health
problems at the initial stage when (6) ___________________ has a greater chance of success.
As people age, their digestive systems gradually starts to weaken. Elderly people often find that they
have difficulty digesting certain foods. It is important to realize that diet has to change to accommodate the
reduced ability of the body. It may be okay to over-indulge with regards to food when young. But for the
elderly, a nutritious and balanced diet made up of foodstuffs that the digestive system is able to accept is of
utmost importance. Very often, the diet needs to be altered taking into consideration the medicines that are
consumed each day.
For the elderly whose mobility has been affected due to (7) ____________________, a certain amount
of assistance in the daily routines becomes a necessity. It may not be possible for a family member to be
present the whole day. Home nurses are the latest professionals to have appeared on the career list. For those
elderly who need assistance in basic activities like walking, eating, bathing and dressing a home nurse is an
invaluable companion.
The elderly have (8) ___________________ needs too. Being debilitated by age is no reason for the
elderly to be confined to themselves or in their rooms. Modern medicine recognises as fact that the elderly,
just as ordinary people, need to feel wanted, cared for and loved. The world over, kind-hearted people take
turns to give companionship to the elderly. Oftentimes, just physical proximity is enough comfort for the
elderly. Some read to them and some others chat with them.
(9) ___________________ comfort for the elderly differs from the needs of the young. As an example,
air-conditioning may be looked upon as a necessity for the young. Yet, for an aged body, it may be very
Considering all that has been said, is it any wonder that care homes have become a billion dollar
industry? Not every business is about profits. Care homes serve an important purpose in modern society.
English 11

Nursing homes, care homes, (10) ___________________ villages and retirement communities are just some
of the forms that organised elderly care has taken. In the United States alone, this industry was worth USD 17
billion in 2010.
IV. Read the text and decide the following statements are True or False.
As you are reading this text, someone in your country has been affected by the AIDS crisis. People in
every part of the world have been affected by the AIDS pandemic. Every nation in the world has had to take
steps to address it. According to a recent United Nations estimate, 38.5 million people across the globe are
infected with HIV-AIDS.
Because AIDS has had such far-reaching effects, in the year 2000, for the first time in the history of the
United Nations, the Security Council took up a health issue - HIV-AIDS. The world body declared the spread
of the virus a global emergency, a threat to peace and security in Africa, the continent that has been the hardest
hit by the disease. The AIDS virus was considered no less destructive than warfare itself. In the year 2000,
armed conflict took the lives of 2,000 people in Africa, while the AIDS virus claimed the lives of 2 million.
World-wide, the effect of the spreading AIDS virus has created 16.6 million orphans, 90 per cent of
whom are in sub-Saharan Africa, a region where the crisis has been particularly deadly. Because so many have
died, the very infrastructure of the region is endangered. So many people who play key roles in society -
doctors, teachers, farmers - are dying of AIDS.
What is the United Nations doing to address the AIDS crisis? UN-AIDS and its agencies have brought
some innovative ways of spreading the message that, first, people need to overcome the stigma of AIDS so
they can come forward to learn about prevention, diagnosis and treatment. One way to transmit this message is
by providing education and AIDS awareness training to local community members whose work brings them
into regular contact with other members. One such local community member is Paul Lopez, a hairdresser in
Mexico City. Paul's clients tend to confide in him, their regular hairdresser. Therefore, he was trained by a
UN-AIDS programme to dispense advice about testing and treatment of HIV-AIDS. Now, along with advice
about beauty, Paul tells clients how they can protect themselves from the AIDS virus or where they can go for
treatment should they need it.
Another crisis that United Nations programmes address is the crisis of care produced by the
overwhelming number of AIDS orphans, 95 per cent of whom are in sub-Saharan Africa, where the spread of
AIDS has been particularly lethal. Normally, when a child's parents die of AIDS, other family members, such
as uncles and aunts, will take responsibility for the orphaned child. But because there are such
increasing numbers of AIDS orphans and because the economic resources of some communities are so limited,
it is increasingly difficult to find adults who can take in extra children. Often, children live by themselves in
their deceased parents' home, surviving as well as they can.
A typical case is fourteen year-old Justin of Malawi, who has to care for his 10-year-old brother and
nine-year-old sister. Justin says it is very hard to find enough to eat although he does his best to support
himself and his siblings through his job carrying food for merchants. Since Justin and his siblings have no one
to take them in, they continue to live by themselves in their deceased parents' home. United Nations and its
agencies such as UNICEF sends aid workers and mobilizes community-based volunteer groups to go to the
homes or orphaned children with daily supplies of food, money and advice on how to spend it. The aid
workers also know the necessity of encouraging the children to go to school. Children's chances of completing
their education are cut in half once they become orphans.

English 11

In the Ugandan village of Kalong, for example, a tragic scene that is all too common in rural villages
took place: six-year-old Nakeyeyune cried as the elders decided who would take custody of her six-month-old
brother and other young siblings after both his parents had died from AIDS-related causes. In Uganda, one
quarter of all families are caring for AIDS orphans. The poverty of many rural families makes it difficult for
them to take responsibility for more children.
One way the United Nations helps single and foster parents to raise income levels is by fostering
micro-credit cooperatives in rural villages. Micro-credit programmes allow traditional craft-makers and
farmers to form cooperatives and sell more of what they produce. The increased incomes enable single and
adoptive fosterparents to raise their income levels so they can support orphaned children. Such programmes
have been especially successful among single mothers.
1. Only a few parts of the world have been affected by the AIDS crisis.
2. In this writing, over 40 million people in the world are affected with HIV-AIDS.
3. The Security Council had often dealt with medical issues.
4. The Secretary-General said the AIDS crisis could not compare with the devastating effects of war.
5. There are a total of 13 million orphans in the world.
6. UN aid workers take jobs as hairdressers and farmers in local communities to help fight the spread of AIDS.
7. Orphans never live alone in any country.
8. Sometimes AIDS orphans have to work to support younger brothers and sisters.
9. UNICEF aid workers bring food, money, and advice to the orphans.
10. In Uganda (at this writing) 25 per cent of families take care of AIDS orphans.
11. Families who take care of orphans have enough resources to do so easily.
12. The United Nations has sponsored micro-credit cooperatives to help guardians support orphaned children.
I. Write a sentence with the given words so that it has similar meaning to the given sentence. Use the
past simple or the present perfect.
1. This is the first time Mary has had a tablet.
Mary/ have/ never/ a tablet/ before
2. We haven't seen Mark since last week.
The last time/ we/ see/ Mark/ be/ last week
3. Nick joined a golf club a year ago.
Nick/ be/ a member of a golf club/ a year
4. Mr. Diamond lives in Singapore. He moved there in 2010.
Mr. Diamond/ live/ in Singapore/ 2010
5. I have attended an English course for three weeks.

English 11

I/ start/ an English course/ three weeks

6. Phuong is still working on her homework.
Phuong/ not/ finish/ her homework/ yet
7. We haven't played tennis for a month.
We/ last/ play/ tennis/ a month
8. Mr. Phil is a swimmer. He started swimming when he was five years old.
Mr. Phil/ be/ a swimmer/ he/ be/ five
II. Write recommendations to improve accessibility for disabled people, using the words and phrases
given. Change the word forms, if necessary.
1. consider / ways / make / day-to-day life / easier /.
2. help / people with disabilities / engage / hobbies / activities /.
3. change / the way / think / act towards / people in need /.
4. improve / home safety / provide / friendly environment / disabled people/.
5. remove / barriers / stop / disabled / contribute / the community/.
6. provide / people / hearing impairments / with / suitable / hearing aids /.
III. Make sentences from the words in brackets. Use the present perfect or past simple.
1. it/ not/ rain/ this week) → It hasn't rained this week.
2. (the weather/ be/ cold/ recently)
The weather
3. (it/ cold/ last week)
4. (I/ not/ read/ a newspaper yesterday)
5. (I/ not/ read/ a newspaper today)

English 11

6. (Emily/ earn/a lot of money/ this year)
7. (she/ not/ earn/ so much/ last year)
8. (you/ have/ a holiday recently?)
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each
1. A. chores B. brothers C. boys D. students
2. A. crocodile B. signature C. dine D. dinosaur
3. A. apple B. basic C. transit D. tramp
4. A. chimney B. chemical C. chilly D. china
5. A. chick B. service C. textile D. fabric
II. Pick out the words whose main stressed syllable is different from the rest.
1. A. oceanic B. advantageous C. compulsory D. influential
2. A. inflation B. maximum C. applicant D. character
3. A. compulsory B. biography C. curriculum D. admirable
4. A. struggle B. anxious C. confide D. comfort
5. A. teacher B. lesson C. action D. police
I. Complete the sentences using the given words.
integrate campaign donate cognitive blind
1. He found it very difficult to __________________________ himself into a society whose culture is too
different from his own.
2. We've received a lot of expressions of support for our ___________________________________.
3. When you ______________________________ money, you should help the poor not the rich.
4. ____________________________ impairment can cause problems with a person's thinking,
communication, understanding or memory.
5. Physical movement is one of the biggest challenges for ________________________________ people.
II. Complete the following sentences using the given words.
1. When you encounter someone who is being rude or ________________________, it's hard to know how to
2. Thanks to your ______________________ today we are able to help disabled children in the
neighbourhood. (DONATE)
English 11

3. Getting treatment for __________________________ loss can greatly improve quality of life for
individuals affected. (HEAR)
4. Visual ________________________ cause issues with eyesight that can interfere with students' academic
success. (IMPAIR)
5. This organization's main aim is to help disabled people to overcome their _________________________.
III. Choose the options that best fit the blanks.
1. The boy from Brazil ____ to be the best dancer in the group.
A. appears B. to appear C. is appearing
2. He doesn't earn much money, so he ____ a car yet.
A. isn't having B. didn't have C. hasn't had
3. Bob can't stand not ____ Mary each day because she is an indispensable part of his life.
A. see B. to see C. seeing
4. These boys are so talented. They have been able to play musical instruments since they ____ five.
A. are B. were C. have been
5. Yesterday, John ____ home, ____ his suitcase and ____ to bed early.
A. was arriving - unpacking - going B. arrived - unpacked - went C. has arrived - unpacked - gone
6. It's no use ____ to persuade him when he is in a bad mood.
A. tried B. trying C. to try
7. How many times ____ to ring her back this morning? - Three times
so far.
A. do you try B. did you try C. have you tried
8. Bean ____ Laura an apology because he left her to marry another girl without giving a clear explanation.
A. owns B. owes C. owing
IV. Decide whether the underlined part in each of the following is Correct or Incorrect.
1. Betty deserves be the team leader because she really puts her mind to her work and gets on well with her
A. Correct B. Incorrect
2. We lived in Bangkok for ten months but we've been in London for the last three years.
A. Correct B. Incorrect
3. Mom: Hello.
Son: Hi Mum, it's me. I want to say I've just arrived at Boston safely and everything is fine.
A. Correct B. Incorrect
4. Lead a happy life isn't as easy as a pie because it depends on many factors.
A. Correct B. Incorrect
5. Shall we go to the cinema? I haven't been there since last month.
A. Correct B. Incorrect

English 11

6. Visiting Gardens by the Bay and Botanic Gardens are a must if you are on a Singapore city tour.
A. Correct B. Incorrect
7. We are having a mini-discussion on a member state of ASEAN during our tomorrow's English lesson.
A. Correct B. Incorrect
8. Although the chicken soup Linda cooked isn't tasting good, I still feel thankful for her care.
A. Correct B. Incorrect
I. Decide whether the following statements are True, False or Not given.
Children with disabilities often have difficulties fulfilling tasks at school or in their daily life.
However, nowadays their life seems to be easier with the help of technology. Assistive technology brings them
devices that help them to perform activities.
Audio players and recorders may help these children to be able to listen to the words as they read them
on the page. Many e-books have audio files, and smartphones and tablet computers come with text-to-speech
software that can read aloud anything on children's screen. If they struggle with writing or taking notes, an
audio recorder can capture what the teacher says in class so the child can listen to it again at home.
Talking calculators and large-display calculators might be useful for people with visual impairments. A
talking calculator has built-in speech output to read the numbers, symbols and operation keys aloud. It can
help people confirm that they have pressed the correct keys.
If children have trouble with writing, try using plastic pencil grips or a computer. Basic word
processing programs come with features that can help with spelling and grammar issues. Speech recognition
software allows children to speak and have the text appear on the screen.
1. The life of disabled children is less hard with technology.
A. True B. False C. Not given
2. Text-to-speech software can help students with cognitive impairment to learn more easily.
A. True B. False C. Not given
3. Children can use an audio recorder to help them catch what the teacher says in class.
A. True B. False C. Not given
4. People with hearing impairments might need help of talking calculators.
A. True B. False C. Not given
5. Speech recognition software help disabled students by reading aloud what appear on the screen.
A. True B. False C. Not given
I. Complete the sentences by choosing the appropriate word(s).
has salty visiting visitors beautiful white
1. When you go to Thailand, the first thing you should do is
the ancient temples.
2. The combination of sweet, sour, hot and ______________________ flavours makes Thai cuisine so distinct.

English 11

3. With over 13,000 islands, Indonesia has something unique to offer to all sorts of
4. From the ______________________ sands of Bali, to the vibrant capital city of Jakarta, to the untouched
lands of Sumatra, you can always find something different in Indonesia.
5. Situated in the midst of the Asia Pacific region, Malaysia ________________________ a strategic location
and a year-round tropical climate.
II. Reorder the words or phrases to make complete sentences.
1. square/ of/ land/ has/ a/ kilometers/ Cambodia/ area/ 181,035
2. the/ is/ kip/ unit/ currency/ in/ The/ Laos/ Lao
3. spoken/ is/ Standard/ The/ official/ language/ in/ Brunei/ Malay

Exercise 1. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. deafening B. frightening C. happening D. threatening
2. A. secondary B. complimentary C. vocabulary D. supplementary
3. A. idiot B. idea C. idol D. ideal
4. A. police B. policy C. polite D. pollute
5. A. preferable B. preference C. preferably D. preferential
Exercise 2. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position
of the primary stress in each of the following questions.
6. A. disrespectful B. independent C. physically D. understanding
7. A. donate B. impair C. mental D. support
8. A. campaign B. hearing C. slogan D. talent
9. A. community B. energetic C. enthusiast D. participate
10. A. cognitive B. volunteer C. medical D. physical
Exercise 3. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
11. The Braille alphabet has been one of the greatest ____ in human history.
A. invention B. inventions C. inventors D. inventive
12. Everyone can help the needy by making a ____ to a charity organisation.
A. donate B. donation C. donor D. donating
13. We couldn't hear anything because of the ____ noise of the drums the next-door neighbours were playing.
A. deaf B. deafen C. deafening D. deafness
English 11

14. ____ believe that some of the happiest people in the world are those who help to bring happiness to others.
A. Voluntary B. Voluntarily C. Volunteer D. Volunteers
15. During summer holidays, university students are willing to take part in providing education for children in
remote and ____ areas.
A. mountain B. mountainous C. mountaineer D. mountaineering
16. People with disabilities always need to be ____ after.
A. asked B. cared C. looked D. taken
17. The lottery winner was willing to spend a considerable sum of money to ____ to charity to help those in
A. give away B. give in C. give back D. give up
18. The volunteer team ____ students with various visual, hearing, physical and cognitive impairments every
two months to give them both financial and spiritual support.
A. call back B. call off C. call on D. call out
19. If one wants to take part in volunteer organisations such as Green Summer Camp, Green Saturday
Movement, Blood Donor..., he/she will have to ____ an application form.
A. fill in B. find out C. log on D. send off
20. An organisation for Educational Development co-operated with our school to____ free English classes for
the poor in the area.
A. put away B. put off C. set off D. set up
21. Children with cognitive impairments may have ____ in learning basic skills like reading, writing, or
problem solving.
A. ability B. determination C. difficulty D. refusal
22. After the visit to that special school, we ____ friends with some students with reading disabilities.
A. acquainted B. had C. made D. realised
23. The Convention for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities came into 3rd May 2008.
A. action B. force C. truth D. reality
24. Elderly housebound patients are often those most in ____ of pharmacy services.
A. case B. need C. time D. trouble
25. The Youth Union in our school has decided to launch a/an ____ to raise funds for local charities.
A. activity B. announcement C. campaign D. decision
26. Many experts believe that noise is the main cause of approximately half of all cases of ____ loss.
A. cognitive B. hearing C. mental D. visual
27. Allowing your child to get involved in ____ activities at school is a wise choice to develop team-working
skills, people skills, and more.
A. academic B. entertaining C. extracurricular D. physical
28. ASL (American Sign Language), a language that is expressed through the hands and face and is perceived
through the eyes, is every useful for the ____.
A. blind B. mentally disabled C. dump D. mentally retarded

English 11

29. A hearing aid or deaf aid is a device which is ____ to improve hearing.
A. designed B. designation C. designing D. to design
30. The ____ in that country are waiting for food aid from the UN.
A. handicapped B. hungry C. sick D. unemployed
31. He has not developed mentally as much as others at the same age. He's ____.
A. mentally alert B. mentally ill C. mentally retarded D. mentally restricted
32. One aim of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities is to further ____ awareness of disability
A. raise B. rise C. increase D. pull
33. Traditionally, it was family members within the extended family who took ____ for elderly care.
A. advantages B. care C. responsibility D. time
34. ____ children get sick four times as often as children in permanent homes and also suffer from anxiety and
depression at a higher rate than stably housed children.
A. Ill-educated B. Homeless C. Homely D. Weak
35. Talented students with a disability should be helped to become independent, ____ in the society and
achieve success at school.
A. contribute B. integrate C. involve D. socialise
36. Precisely when the first wheeled chairs were invented and used for ____ persons is unknown.
A. disabled B. poor C. unhappy D. unemployed
37. Many students with visual impairments in regular schools cannot participate in school activities, thereby
being left ____.
A. again B. lonely C. behind D. over
38. Many people who took part in the fight ____ illiteracy considered it an honourable job to help others.
A. against B. back C. for D. with
39. The aim of the LIVE project is to train students from developing ____.
A. nations B. nationalists C. nationalities D. nationalism
40. Every donation, regardless of size, helps to rebuild communities that are hit by ____ natural.
A. attacks B. damages C. disasters D. issues
Exercise 4. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
41. Young college and university students participate in helping the poor who have suffered badly in wars or
natural disasters.
A. get involved in B. interfere with C. join hands D. come into
42. They give care and comfort to the disadvantaged and handicapped children and help them to get over
A. accept B. face C. overcome D. take
43. At first, there was a lot of opposition from the parents of the disabled children as they were not under the
impression that their children could learn anything at all.

English 11

A. didn't believe B. didn't report C. didn't declare D. didn't support

44. Every year, the United Nations set up an activity to call for world-wide support for the rights and well-
being of disabled people.
A. apply for B. ask for C. care for D. persist in
45. That homeless child would have died if we hadn't been able to find a suitable blood donor.
A. giver B. maker C. taker D. sender
Exercise 5. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
46. Sadly, many non-disabled people have negative attitudes toward children with cognitive impairments in
developing countries.
A. helpless B. disappointing C. pessimistic D. positive
47. Little Mary had a disadvantaged childhood with little education and money.
A. difficult B. poor C. prosperous D. starving
48. According to WHO, many disabled people still face challenges, discrimination, poverty, and limited access
to education, employment, and healthcare.
A. controlled B. inadequate C. short D. unrestricted
49. The theme of the upcoming conference is to remove barriers to create an inclusive and accessible society
for all.
A. abolish B. stick to C. get rid of D. keep
50. Most of these children come from large and poor families, which prevent them from having proper
A. convenient B. desired C. inappropriate D. useful
Exercise 6. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
51. Last Sunday, the Youth Union ____ a campaign to help students with disabilities.
A. has launched B. launched C. was launched D. was launching
52. Recently, a gang of enterprising New Zealanders ____ an incredible scheme to raise awareness of
depression and mental health issues.
A. has introduced B. had introduced C. introduced D. was introduced
53. Last Sunday, Texas-based game-fans The Speed Gamers ____ in a charity activity to donate money to
relief organisations.
A. have participated B. participated C. had participated D. were
54. The Real Life Super Hero Project is a gathering of men and women who ____ forces to better their
A. have joined B. are joining C. will join D. are joined
55. The famous physicist Albert Einstein ____ for a $1 to $5 donation before scribbling his name on a piece of
parchment, and ____every cent to various charities.

English 11

A. asked/donated B. had asked/donated C. has asked/donated D. asked/donating

56. Former special education teacher Ashman, 74, involved in fundraising 20 years ago.
A. got B. has got C. had got D. has been getting
57. When his mum ____, he ____ that, as well as enjoying doing it, he ____ to give something back to the
Dorothy House Hospice Care.
A had died decided/has wanted B. died/has decided/has wanted
C. died/decided/wanted D. died/decided/had wanted
58. This year, so far, we ____ £ 16,000 and are still counting.
A. are raising B. have been raised C. have raised D. raised
59. Hughes, 26, a sports therapist, ____ 53 marathons in 53 days in 53 different UK cities.
A. completed B. had completed C. would complete D. was complete
60. My plan ____ to raise awareness, especially for young people, of the importance of keeping fit for the past
two months.
A. are B. has been C. have been D. was
61. I'm a keen golfer and I ____ three golfing days that ____ £6,000, £8,000 and £5,000 last year.
A. organised/raised B. were organising/raised
C. have organised/raised D. organised/have raised
62. I ____ to help students at a special school twice since I finished grade 11.
A. have volunteered B. had volunteered C. was volunteering D. volunteered
63. It is now over seventy years since Lindbergh ____ across the Atlantic.
A. has been flying B. flew C. had flown D. has flown
64. Since every penny of the grant ____ spent on equipment, we started looking for volunteers to do the
A. had been B. would have been C. have been D. was
65. - When will Mary be able to leave hospital?
- Don't be so impatient. We cannot release her before we ____ the last test.
A. have completed B. will have completed C. will complete D. completed
66. You should try to follow the lecture without asking questions unless you ____ something important.
A. would miss B. will miss C. had missed D. have missed
67. Although at that time my knowledge of German was very poor, I ____ most of what they said about how
to help people with mental disorders.
A. understood B. have understood C. had understood D. didn't understand
68. One thing should be made quite clear: there can't be any last-minute changes once the programme ____
approved by all the people involved.
A. will be B. will have been C. has been D. had been
69. Although he was on the whole very suspicious of the project, Mr Adams ____ to cooperate.
A. didn't promise B. promised C. has promised D. hasn't promised

English 11

70. Even though Lady Sarah was totally opposed to the project, she ____ that it would increase job
opportunities for the local people.
A. had agreed B. agreed C. was agreed D. would agree.
71. When he ____ ten years old. Louis Braille ____ the National Institute for the Blind in Paris.
A. was/entered B. was/was entering C. was/was entered D. was/would enter
72. "How many aid packages ____ so far?” - "Ten”.
A. do you prepare B. did you prepare C. have you prepared D. had you prepared
73. In over ten years, he ____ more than 100 bicycles to needy students in Central Viet Nam.
A. gave B. has given C. has been given D. has been giving
74. Tan ____ the idea of giving sweaters and warm clothes to the poor just a couple of weeks ago, shortly after
the beginning of the rainy season.
A. came up with B. comes up with C. has come up with D. was coming up with
75. In the past, health care in some rural areas of this country ____ by only a small number of doctors and
A. is provided B. provided C. provides D. was provided
76. Never ____ more people ____ in charity work than now.
A. do/participate B. did/participate C. have/participated D. had/participated
77. Neither Phillips nor his brothers ____ to school because their father teaches them at home.
A. have never been B. has ever been C. have ever been D. ever went
78. Not until we the school for children with disabilities ____ how they overcome difficulties.
A. had visited/did we know B. visited/had we known
C. visited/did we know D. have visited/did we know
79. The boy ____ across the narrow canal in ten minutes to find himself out of danger.
A. swum B. was swum C. swam D. had swam
80. A group of young Vietnamese in the north-central province of Nghe An ____ a free bread box dedicated to
poor blue-collar workers.
A. have set up B. sets up C. had set up D. have been setting up
Exercise 7. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
81. The annual increase in the world's population has peaked at about 88 million in the late 1980s.
82. Overpopulation is one of the main factors that leads to poor, illiteracy, and social evils.
83. The teacher said that about 10 children need special help in reading skills.
84. Youth Newspaper lately donated book collections to two mountainous schools in northern Viet Nam.
85. Vina Capital Foundation's Heartbeat Viet Nam has performed 5,000 free heart surgery for kids across the
English 11

country for the last ten years.
86. A Hoi An-based charity organisation gave free milk to poor, ailing, and disabled children in the central
province of Quang Nam on last Wednesday.
87. Although Marie Curie had very little money to live on, but she went to Paris to realise her dream of
a scientific career.
88. Albert Einstein, the father of modern physics, could not read until he was eight, but that hasn't stopped him
from becoming one of the greatest scientists of our time.
89. In Thomas Edison's early life, he has been thought to have a learning disability and he could not read till
was twelve.
90. Beethoven is the greatest German composer and musician who is deaf in the later part of his life.
Exercise 8. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following
exchanges. 91. - "Shall we join the Green Summer Camp after the semester finishes?”
- “____”
A. That's a great idea! B. They're very good! C. Not at all! D. No, let's!
92. “Thanks for your support for our campaign!" – “____”
A. I don't bother. B. That'll be fine for me. C. It's my pleasure. D. That's a nuisance.
93. "Why don't we send them some textbooks, newspapers and picture books?" – “____”
A. Great idea! What meaningful gifts! B. No, they are not available.
C. We're sorry to hear this. D. You should agree with us.
94. “As far as I know, doing charity work is a really helpful thing for everyone in the society." – “____”
A. That sounds great. B. I couldn't agree with you more.
C. I'll take part in this campaign. D. That's fine for me.
95 "If I were you, I would collect this waste paper for a charity activity at school." – “____”
A. I guess I should. B. It doesn't matter. C. I don't agree. D. It's a waste of money

English 11

96. "Guess what? I've been recruited to be a member of Green Dream Volunteer Group." – “____”
A. Good luck next time! B. It doesn't make sense to me.
C. That's the least thing I could do for you. D. That's great! Congratulations!
97. "Mom, may I go away to Quang Binh at the weekends to help the unlucky people there?" – “____”
A. Never mind. Your first priority is to study. B. No way, you've run out of time.
C. No, of course, I won't. D. Yes, of course. That's a good thing to do.
98. “____” - “No, that would be fine."
A. Are you writing your essay on how to help the disabled?
B. Could you allow me to read your essay on how to help the disabled?
C. Do you mind if I have a look at your essay on how to help the disabled?
D. Would you correct your essay on how to help the disabled?
99. “Oh, this suitcase is really heavy, and my back is killing me!" – “____”
A. I sometimes have a backache. B. Oh, thanks for your help.
C. It's very good of you to do that. D. Shall I carry it for you?
100. “Let's join hands to help the lonely elderly in our neighbourhood!” – “____”
A. By all means, we can't. B. It's true for now.
C. You're welcome! D. Yes, let's plan on it.
101. "What a charitable deed you have, Mary!" – “____”
A. I don't like your sayings. B. It's nice of you to say so.
C. You are a liar. D. Thank you very much, I'm afraid.
102." Can you tell me the way to Hoa Binh Orphanage?" – “____”
A. It's about two kilometres. B. It opens at nine o'clock.
C. Go straight and turn to the first left. D. You can walk or go there by taxi.
103. "Can students from other schools join “Special Christmas Gifts” campaign, Maria?" - "____”
A. Great idea! What a meaningful gift!
B. Oh, how can they lend us a hand?
C. It is very kind of you to say so.
D. Sure, a few other schools have already joined us.
104. "How often do you visit the nursing home for the elderly?" – “____”
A. Every two weeks. B. From that bus stop over there.
C. Much often. D. Twice or three times.
105. "Would you mind helping me with the heavy boxes?" – “____”
A. My Gosh! B. Not at all. C. What a pity! D. Yes, I would
Exercise 9. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

English 11

Humanitarian Dorothea Dix was born in Hampden, Maine, in 1802. At the age of 19, she established a
school for girls, the Dix Mansion School, in Boston, but had to close it in 1835 due to her poor health.
She wrote and published the first of many books for children in 1824. In 1841, Dix accepted an
invitation to teach classes at a prison in East Cambridge, Massachusetts. She was deeply disturbed by
the sight of mentally-ill persons thrown in the jail and treated like criminals. For the next eighteen
months, she toured Massachusetts institutions where other mental patients were confined and reported
the shocking conditions she found to the state legislature. When improvements followed in
Massachusetts, she turned her attention to the neighbouring states and then to the West and South.
Dix's work was interrupted by the Civil War; she served as superintendent of women hospital nurses
for the federal government.
Dix saw special hospitals for the mentally-ill built in some fifteen states. Although her plan to obtain
public land for her cause failed, she aroused concern for the problem of mental illnesses all over the
United States as well as in Canada and Europe.
Dix's success was due to her independent and thorough research, her gentle but persistent manner, and
her ability to secure the help of powerful and wealthy supporters.
106. In what year was the Dix Mansion School closed?
A. 1802 B. 1824 C. 1835 D. 1841
107. Why did Dorothea Dix first go to a prison?
A. She was convicted of a crime. B. She taught classes there.
C. She was sent there by the state legislature. D. She was doing research for a book.
108. Where was Dorothea Dix first able to bring about reforms in the treatment of the mentally-ill?
A. Canada B. Europe C. Massachusetts D. The West and the South
109. The word "confined" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ____.
A. restricted B. treated C. cared for D. supported
110. Dorothea Dix was NOT successful in her attempt to ____.
A. arouse concern for the mentally-ill B. become superintendent of nurses
C. obtain public lands D. publish books for children
Exercise 10. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions.
All over the country, young people are entering a world of homelessness and poverty, according to a
recent report by the housing group, Shelter.
Nearly 150,000 young people aged between sixteen and twenty-five will become homeless this year,
says Shelter. Some of the young homeless may sleep out in the open in such places as the "cardboard
city” in London, where people of all ages sleep in the open air in their only homes - cardboard boxes.
Others may find accommodation in shelters run by voluntary organisations or get a place in a hostel,
which gives them board up to ten weeks.
But who are these people? Those who are seeking a roof over their heads are mostly not runaways but
“throwaways" - people who have been thrown out of their homes or forced to leave because of parental
divorce, an unsympathetic step-parent or one of many other reasons.

English 11

Take the case of one sixteen-year-old schoolgirl, Alice. She did not come from a poor home and had
just passed her exams with good results. The Shelter team met her in a hostel where she was doing her
physics homework. Her parents had thrown her out of her home for no other reason that she wanted to
do Science Advanced Level Exams - which her parents refused her permission to do, saying that
studying sciences was unladylike!
Shelter says that the government's laws do nothing to help these youngsters. Rising rents, the shortage
of cheap housing and the cut in benefits for young people under the age of twenty-five are causing a
national problem, according to Shelter. The recent changes in the benefit laws mean that someone aged
between sixteen and twenty-five gets less than older people and they can only claim state help if they
prove that they left home for a good reason.
Shelter believes that because of the major cuts in benefits to young people, more and more are being
forced to sleep on the streets. Shelter also points out that if you are homeless, you can't get a job
because employers will not hire someone without a permanent address; and if you can't get a job, you
are homeless because you don't have any money to pay for accommodation. It's an impossible
111. According to a recent report by Shelter, it appears that ____.
A. hostels are too full to offer accommodation to homeless young people
B. more and more young people all over the world are finding themselves homeless
C. nearly 150,000 young people live out in the open
D. young homeless people live in places like "cardboard city”
112. The word “Others” in paragraph 2 refers to ____.
A. people of all ages B.young people
C. the young homeless D. voluntary organisations
113. Most young people become homeless because ____.
A. circumstances make it impossible for them to live at home
B. they do not want to live with a divorced parent
C. they have run away from home
D. they have thrown away any chances of living at home by behaving badly
114. Why was Alice turned out of her home?
A. Her parents didn't agree with what she wanted to do.
B. She didn't want to study for her Advanced Level Exams.
C. She had not obtained high marks in her exams.
D. She refused to do her homework in the evening.
115. According to the passage, “benefits" are ____.
A. extra wages for part-time workers B. gifts of food and clothing
C. laws about distributing money D. subsidies for those in need
116. The changes in the system of benefits mean that ____.
A. anyone under twenty-five and not living at home will receive help with food and accommodation

English 11

B. the under twenty-fives can claim money only if they have left home
C. young people do not receive as much money as those over twenty-five
D. young people cannot claim money unless they are under sixteen or over twenty-five
117. According to Shelter, once young people have been forced onto the streets, ____.
A. their benefits will be severely cut B. they will find it difficult to find work
C. they will never go back home again D. they will encourage their friends to do the same
118. The word "permanent" in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to ____.
A. flexible B. obvious C. stable D. simple
Exercise 11. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Beethoven is widely regarded as one of the greatest composers in history. He gave his first public (119)
____ as a pianist when he was only 8 years old. He studied in Vienna (120) ____ the guidance of
Mozart. By his mid-twenties he (121) ____ a name for himself as a great pianist known for
unpredictable and brilliant improvisations. In 1796, Beethoven began losing his hearing. (122) ____ his
illness, he involved himself in his work and (123) ____ some of the greatest works of music.
Beethoven's finest works are also the finest works of their kind in music history: the 9th Symphony, the
5th Piano Concerto, the Violin Concerto, the Late Quartets, and his Missa Solemnis. And be achieved
all these despite being completely (124) ____ for the last 25 he years or so of his life.
119. A. perform B. performance C. performing D. performer
120. A. on B. for C. behind D. under
121. A. had earned B. earned C. has earned D. was earning
122. A. In case of B. Instead of C. In order to D. In spite of
123. A. did B. created C. painted D. learned
124. A. deaf B. mute C. blind D. sick
Exercise 12. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Percy Ross was born in 1916 in Michigan. His parents has come to the USA from Latvia and Russia
and the family were poor. But Percy soon showed a talent (125) ____ business and made a fortune in
the fur trade and auction business. Then disaster struck and he (126) ____ all his money. But he soon
made a fortune again - this time by (127) ____ plastic bags. In 1969, he sold his plastic bag company
for millions of dollars.
Ross started giving away in 1977: he gave $50,000 to 50 Vietnamese refugees so that they could make
a new home in the USA. (128) ____ he held a Christmas party for 1,050 poor children in the American
town of Minneapolis. Ross bought a bike for every one of the 1,050 children at the party.
After these first experiences of giving money away, Ross decided to do it on a (129) ____ basis. He
started a newspaper column called ‘Thanks a Million’. and later a radio show, in order to give away his
money. It took years, but Ross finally (130) ____ in giving away his entire fortune.

English 11

125. A. for B. of C. on D. with

126. A. threw B. wasted C. lost D. sent
127. A. manufacture B. manufacturing C. manufacturer D. manufactured
128. A. But B. Then C. Yet D. Though
129. A. frequent B. usual C. occasional D. regular
130. A. interested B. invested C. succeeded D. tried
Exercise 13. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.
131. ""We'll give four million glasses of milk to thousands of disadvantaged children this year,” a dairy giant
in Ha Noi said.
A. A dairy giant in Ha Noi wanted to give four million glasses of milk to thousands of disadvantaged
children this year.
B. A dairy giant in Ha Noi suggested giving four million glasses of milk to thousands of disadvantaged
children that year.
C. A dairy giant in Ha Noi promised to give four million glasses of milk to thousands of disadvantaged
children that year.
D. A dairy giant in Ha Noi ordered to give four million glasses of milk to thousands of disadvantaged
children that year.
132. Hundreds of students in Can Tho crafted 800 paper lanterns for poor children in the last Mid-Autumn
A. Both the students and poor children in Can Tho crafted 800 paper lanterns in the last Mid-Autumn
B. 800 paper lanterns were crafted for poor children in the last Mid-Autumn Festival by hundreds of
students in Can Tho.
C.Hundreds of students in Can Tho had 800 paper lanterns made for poor children in the last Mid-
Autumn Festival.
D. Thanks to hundreds of students in Can Tho, poor children made 800 paper lanterns in the last Mid-
Autumn Festival.
133. Both disabled and non-disabled people can contribute to our community by doing voluntary work.
A. Doing voluntary work can make contribution to our community by both disabled and non-disabled
B. Either disabled or non-disabled people can make voluntary contribution to our community.
C. Not only disabled people but also non-disabled ones can contribute to our community by doing
voluntary work.
D. With voluntary work, our community can contribute a lot thanks to both disabled and non-disabled
134. Last week, a team of foreign volunteers launched a campaign to help students with disabilities.
A. Last week, a team of foreign volunteers set up a campaign for students with disabilities to join in.
English 11

B. Last week, students with disabilities volunteered to launch a campaign with the help of a team of
foreign volunteers.
C. Last week, both a team of foreign volunteers and students with disabilities launched a campaign.
D. Last week, a campaign was launched to help students with disabilities by a team of foreign
135. Two European philanthropists have spent more than a year walking from their continent to Asia to raise
funds for needy children in Viet Nam.
A. Funds were raised for needy children in Viet Nam by a one-year-walk from their continent to Asia
by two European philanthropists.
B. In order to raise funds for needy children in Viet Nam, two European philanthropists have spent
more than a year walking from their continent to Asia.
C. Two European philanthropists have been walking from their continent to Asia for more than a year
because of needy children in Viet Nam.
D. Two European philanthropists walked from their continent to Asia more than a year ago to raise
funds for needy children in Viet Nam.
Exercise 14. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences
in the following questions.
136. The program about the campaign drew the participation of 25 companies and sponsors in the city. It was
broadcast live on HTV9 channel last night.
A. Although it was broadcast live on HTV9 channel last night, the program about the campaign only
drew the participation of 25 companies and sponsors in the city.
B. The program about the campaign, which was broadcast live on HTV9 channel last night, drew the
participation of 25 companies and sponsors in the city.
C. The program about the campaign not only drew the participation of 25 companies and sponsors in
the city but it was also broadcast live on HTV9 channel last night.
D. The program about the campaign was broadcast live on HTV9 channel last night in order to draw
the participation of 25 companies and sponsors in the city.
137. A Vietnamese ex-student of Oxford University has established a foundation. This aims to construct
bridges to facilitate travel in isolated communities.
A. A Vietnamese ex-student of Oxford University has established a foundation to construct bridges to
facilitate travel in isolated communities.
B. A Vietnamese ex-student of Oxford University who has established a foundation constructed
bridges to facilitate travel in isolated communities.
C. Bridges are constructed to facilitate travel in isolated communities by a Vietnamese ex-student of
Oxford University who has established a foundation.
D. If a Vietnamese ex-student of Oxford University has established a foundation, he will construct
bridges to facilitate travel in isolated communities.
138. A man in Quang Nam has launched a solo effort to fundraise for a young girl. Her parents died in a tragic
waterway accident.

English 11

A. A man in Quang Nam whose parents died in a tragic waterway accident has launched a solo effort
to fundraise for a young girl.
B. A man in Quang Nam has launched a solo effort to fundraise for a young girl whose parents died in
a tragic waterway accident.
C. In order to fundraise for a young girl, a man whose parents died in a tragic waterway accident has
launched a solo effort.
D. When a man in Quang Nam has launched a solo effort to fundraise for a young girl, her parents died
in a tragic waterway accident.
139. They wanted to provide clarity and publicity. Therefore, they listed all donors' names along with their
amount of contribution and their photos.
A. In order to list all donors' names along with their amount of contribution and their photos, they
wanted to provide clarity and publicity.
B. Only when they provided clarity and publicity did they list all donors' names along with their
amount of contribution and their photos.
C. They either provided clarity and publicity or listed all donors' names along with their amount of
contribution and their photos.
D. They provided clarity and publicity by listing all donors' names along with their amount of
contribution and their photos.
140. Niggli first visited Viet Nam in 1999. He has been a generous sponsor of underprivileged Vietnamese
children since then.
A. Before visiting Viet Nam in 1999, Niggli has been a generous sponsor of underprivileged
Vietnamese children.
B. Niggli has been a generous sponsor of underprivileged Vietnamese children since his first visit to
Viet Nam in 1999.
C. Niggli first visited Viet Nam in 1999 when he has been a generous sponsor of underprivileged
Vietnamese children.
D. When he first visited Viet Nam in 1999, Niggli had been a generous sponsor of underprivileged
Vietnamese children.



Trở thành một phần của Asean
1.assistance /əˈsɪstəns/(n): sự giúp đỡ
2. association /əˌsəʊʃiˈeɪʃn/(n): hội, hiệp hội
3. behaviour /bɪˈheɪvjə(r)/ (n): tư cách đạo đức, hành vi, cách cư xử
4. bend /bend/ (v): uốn cong
5. benefit /ˈbenɪfɪt/(n): lợi ích
English 11

6. bloc /blɒk/ (n): khối

7. brochure /ˈbrəʊʃə(r)/(n): sách mỏng ( thông tin/ quảng cáo về cái gì)
8. charm /tʃɑːm/(n): sự quyến rũ
9. charter /ˈtʃɑːtə(r)/(n): hiến chương
10. constitution/ˌkɒnstɪˈtjuːʃn/ (n): hiếp pháp
11. delicate /ˈdelɪkət/(a): mềm mại, thanh nhã
12. digest /daɪˈdʒest/ (v): tiêu hóa
13. economy /ɪˈkɒnəmi/(n): nền kinh tế
+ economic /ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk/(a): thuộc về kinh tế
14. elongated /ˈiːlɒŋɡeɪtɪd/ (a): thon dài
15. external /ɪkˈstɜːnl/(a): ở ngoài, bên ngoài
16. govern/ˈɡʌvn/ (v): cai trị, nắm quyền
17. graceful /ˈɡreɪsfl/(a): duyên dáng
18. identity /aɪˈdentəti/ (n): bản sắc
19. in accordance with/əˈkɔːdns/: phù hợp với
20. infectious/ɪnˈfekʃəs/ (a): lây nhiễm
21. inner /ˈɪnə(r)/(a): bên trong
22. interference /ˌɪntəˈfɪərəns/(n): sự can thiệp
23. legal /ˈliːɡl/(a): (thuộc) pháp lý, hợp pháp
24. maintain /meɪnˈteɪn/(v): duy trì
25. motto /ˈmɒtəʊ/ (n): phương châm, khẩu hiệu
26. official /əˈfɪʃl/(a): chính thức
27. outer /ˈaʊtə(r)/(a): bên ngoài
28. progress/ˈprəʊɡres/ (n): sự tiến bộ
29. rank /ræŋk/ (n): thứ hạn
30. stability /stəˈbɪləti/(n): sự ổn định
31. theory /ˈθɪəri/ (n): học thuyết, lý thuyết
32. vision /ˈvɪʒn/ (n): tầm nhìn
33. project /ˈprɒdʒekt/(n): đề án, dự án, kế hoạch
34.quiz /kwɪz/(v): kiểm tra, đố
1. Định nghĩa
Danh động từ là hình thức động từ thêm đuôi "ing", có chức năng như danh từ.
2. Chức năng
Danh động từ thường được dùng để:
- Làm chủ ngữ trong câu:
E.g: Doing exercise regularly is very good for our health.
- Làm tân ngữ đứng sau một số động từ: avoid, appreciate, admit, consider, deny, detest, enjoy, fancy,
mind, finish, imagine, resume, forgive, practice, resent, keep, tolerate, risk, postpone, suggest,
E.g: He practices speaking English every day.

English 11

- Làm tân ngữ đứng sau một số cụm từ: it's (not) worth..., it's (no) use/ good..., in addition to, can't
help, can't bear, can't stand...
E.g: It's worth buying an expensive ticket to this concert.
- Đứng sau các cụm động từ (phrasal verbs): give up, put off, keep on, be opposed to, face up to, be
against, look forward to, be interested in, be/get used to, see about, care for...
E.g: I get used to getting up early.
Một số cấu trúc:
* V + O/ tính từ sở hữu + Ving

Những động từ hay gặp trong dạng này là appreciate, detest, (dis)approve of, (dis)like, hate, love, object to,
forget, imagine, remember, think of, resent, recall
I appreciate him looking after me so well.
I appreciate his looking after me so well, (more formal)
Lưu ý: Chúng ta chỉ sử dụng hình thức sở hữu khi nói về người và chúng ta cũng không sử dụng hình
thức sở hữu nếu tân ngữ phức tạp.
I remember the horse winning the race. (the horse là tân ngữ chỉ vật)
I like Peter and his sister showing me around. (không nói Peter's and his sister's)
*V + to V/Ving
Những động từ hay gặp là start, begin, not bother, cease, continue
E.g: I started to do/ doing the test.
* V + giới từ (prep) + Ving
a. Giới từ to
Những động từ hay gặp là adapt, adjust, admit, look forward, own up, resort, confess, object
E.g: I look forward to seeing him.
b. Giới từ by
Những động từ hay gặp là begin, close, end, finish (off/up), open, start (off/ out)
E.g: Can you begin by doing the housework?
c. giới từ on
Những động từ hay gặp là concentrate, count, depend, focus, insist, rely
E.g: I concentrate on doing the exercise.
d. Giới từ of
Những động từ hay gặp là approve, hear, know, speak, talk, tell
E.g: Have you ever heard of (anyone) getting arrested for gossiping before?
e. Giới từ from trong cấu trúc V + O + from + Ving
Những động từ hay gặp là deter, discourage, keep, prevent, prohibit, stop
E.g: The storm prevented us from going camping.
* V (feel, hear, notice, observe, overhear, see, watch) + Ving/V (bare-inf)

English 11

E.g: I heard him singing a song. (Ving để chỉ hành động đang tiếp diễn người nói chỉ biết được một
phần của hành động)
I heard him sing a song. (bare-inf để chỉ hành động đã hoàn tất người nói biết được toàn bộ hành
* V (dare/ help) + V bare-inf/ to V
E.g: I dare (to) say goodbye to him.
Nếu sau dare có tân ngữ thì chúng ta chỉ dùng to V
E.g: I dared her to cross the river.
* V (make, have, let) + O + V bare-inf
E.g: I let my son go out with his friends.

* V + O + to V
Những động từ thường gặp là advise, allow, believe, cause, command, enable, encourage, force, invite,
order, persuade, remind, show, teach, tell, warn
E.g: I advised him to stop smoking.
* V + to V
Những động từ thường gặp là decide, agree, consent, fail, hope, manage, offer, pretend, refuse, start,
threaten, volunteer, guarantee
E.g: I hope to see you soon.
She decided to move here.
* V + prep + O + to V
a. Giới từ for
Những động từ thường gặp là advertise, arrange, apply, campaign, plan, wait
E.g: I arranged for Linda to stay in New York.
b. Giới từ at
Những động từ thường gặp là go on, keep on, scream, shout, yell
E.g: He shouted at the girl to open the door.
c. Giới từ on
Những động từ thường gặp là count, depend, prevail, rely
E.g: I depend on you to find the best solution.
d. Giới từ to
Những động từ thường gặp là appeal, gesture, motion, signal
E.g: She signalled to the man to open the windows.
Một số động từ có thể đi cùng với cả động từ nguyên thể có "to" và V-ing, nhưng có sự khác nhau về ý
Stop V-ing: dừng làm gì (dừng hẳn)
Stop to V: dừng lại để làm việc gì
English 11

- Stop smoking: dừng hút thuốc

- Stop to talk: dừng lại để nói chuyện
Remember/forget/regret to V: nhớ/quên/tiếc sẽ phải làm gì (ở hiện tại - tương lai)
Remember/forget/regret V-ing: nhớ/quên/hối tiếc đã làm gì (ở quá khứ)
E.g: I regret to inform you that the train was cancelled. (Tôi rất tiếc phải báo tin cho anh rằng chuyến tàu
đã bị hủy.)
- She remembers seeing him. (Tôi nhớ đã gặp anh ấy.)
Try to V: cố gắng làm gì
Try V-ing: thử làm gì
E.g: I try to pass the exam. (Tôi cố gắng vượt qua kỳ thi.)
- You should try wearing this hat. (Bạn nên thử đội chiếc mũ này.)
Prefer V-ing to V-ing
Prefer + to V + rather than (V)
E.g: I prefer staying at home to going out.
- I prefer to stay at home rather than go out.
Mean to V: Có ý định làm gì.
Mean V-ing: Có nghĩa là gì.
E.g: He doesn't mean to prevent you from doing that. (Anh ấy không có ý ngăn cản bạn làm việc đó.)
- This sign means not going into. (Biển báo này có ý nghĩa là không được đi vào trong.)
Need to V: cần làm gì
Need V-ing: cần được làm gì (= need to be done)
E.g: I need to clean the house.
- Your hair needs cutting. (= Your hair needs to be cut.)
Used to V: đã từng/thường làm gì trong quá khứ (bây giờ không làm nữa)
Be/Get used to V-ing: quen với việc gì (ở hiện tại)
E.g: I used to get up early when I was young. (Tôi đã từng dậy sớm khi còn trẻ.)
I'm used to getting up early. (Tôi quen với việc dậy sớm rồi)
Advise/ recommend /allow/permit + O + to V: khuyên/cho phép ai làm gì.
Advise/ recommend /allow/permit + V-ing: khuyên/cho phép làm gì.
E.g: They don't allow us to go out.
- They don't allow going out.
- We are allowed to go out. (bị động)


Bài 1: Decide if the Gerund in the following sentences used as a subject, object or as a complement?
1. Swimming is great fun.
2. She hates staying out at night.
3. Fishing is my hobby.

English 11

4. Smoking is bad for your health.

5. Do you enjoy cooking?
6. Climbing can be dangerous.
7. Doing housework is boring.
8. My favourite activity is using my computer.
9. Why don't you like ironing?
10. What he really likes is going on foot.

Bài 2: Choose the best answer in brackets.

1. Remember (checking/ to check) your answer before handing in your exam paper.
2. I remember (putting/ to put) the money in the top drawer, but it's not there now.
3. He needs (working/ to work) harder if he wants to make progress.
4. It's difficult problem. It needs (thinking/ to think) about very carefully.
5. I think Nam meant (breaking/ to break) that glass. It didn't look like an accident.
6. If we want to get there by 7.00, that means (getting/ to get) up before 5.00.
7. Can you help me (getting/ to get) the dinner ready?
8. He looks so funny. Whenever I see him, I can't help (smiling/ to smile).
9. I advise (taking/ to take) more exercise.
10. I'd advise you (taking/ to take) more exercise.

Bài 3: Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

1. It was very dangerous. We couldn't risk her alone.
A. leave B. leaving C. to leave D. left
2. I had the roof yesterday.
A. to repair B. repaired C. repairing D. repair
3. We let our son up late at weekends.
A. staying B. stay C. to stay D. stayed
4. The children were eager their parents.
A. to see B. see C. seeing D. saw
5. He'd rather at home.
A. to stay B. staying C. stayed D. stay
6. Nam is very humorous. His joke makes me a lot.
A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughing D. laughed
7. They saw him the agreement.
A. sign B. to sign C. to signing D. signed
8. It's necessary for her back home before 10 p.m.
A. coming B. come C. came D. to come
9. They would go to Ho Chi Minh City by plane than travel by train.
A. like B. rather C. prefer D. better
10. The boss allows going home early.

English 11

A. us to go B. us go C. us going D. us to going
11. 1 remember him in London.
A. meet B. to meet C. meeting D. to meeting
12. He avoids underwear at that shop.
A. buy B. to buy C. bought D. buying
13. The girls agreed the cake equally.
A. to be divided B. to divide C. dividing D. divide
14. She expected for the job, but she wasn't.
A. to select B. selected C. selecting D. to be selected
15. David finished his homework and then he went to the party with George and Bill.
A. do B. to be done C. to do D. doing
16. Please don't forget the baby. She needs to eat every two hours.
A. feeding B. fed C. to feed D. to be fed
17. Mr.Tim wants to his office.
A. that come B. you coming C. you come D. you to come
1. What about for a walk?
A. go B. going C. to go D. gone
2. at the audience, the contestant gave her answer with confidence.
A. Looking B. To look C. Have look D. Look
3. The thief admitted the money.
A. to steal B. stealing C. have stolen D. stolen
4. She decided to Ho Chi Minh city.
A. to move B. moving C. have moved D. move
5. We are very happy about your all the assignments before the deadline.
A. being completed B. completed C. having completed D. to complete
6. all the rules of chess, the contestants started to play the first game.
A. Learn B To learn C. Had learned D. Having learned
7. He had better this book again.
A. to reading B to read C. read D. to having read
8. I hate a child .
A. see/crying B. see/ cry C. seeing/ to cry D. seeing/ cry
9. The police accused him of fire to the building but he denied in the area on the
night of the fire.
A. setting/ be B. setting/ having been
C. set/ be D. set/ having been
10. Passing the kitchen, he stopped a larqe qlass of water.
A. to drink B. drink C. drinking D. to drinking
11. They stopped when the teacher came in.
A. talk B. to talk C. talking D. to talking
12. I regret you that the model you want is out of stock.

English 11

A. tell B. to tell C. telling D. to telling

13. I didn't regret a year travelling around the world.
A. spend B. to spend C. spending D. to spending

Bài 4: Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct form.

1. We encouraged him (succeed in) (become) a top player.
2. It's no good (force) her to go with us.
3. I promised (care) for the dog but I'm not much good at (babysit).
4. The people thanked me for (offer) (help) them.
5. He begged her (not accuse) him of (ruin) her hairstyle by (try)
(kiss) her.
6. It is not worth (help) her (do) the job.
7. I let my son (choose) between (fly) and (take) the train.
8. The film was really worth (see) so we made Daisy (go) to the movies with us.
9. He forced us (accept) his offer by (raise) it by 10%.
10. Normally I enjoy (go) out but today I'd prefer (stay) indoors.
11. His wife promised (not object) to his (smoke).
12. We continued (eat) after the interruption.
13. I am not in the habit of (smoke) in the office.
14. Mary reminded me (finish) my work on time.
15. He'd better (get) used to (work) harder.
16. lam capable of (stand) on my head and (play) the saxophone.
17. You'd better (start) digging the garden.
18. I expected him (pick) up these papers.
19. The Romans were quite happy about Hannibal (not attack) Rome.
20. It was interesting (watch) my cat (play).


1. Định nghĩa
Động từ chỉ trạng thái (State verbs) mô tả 1 trạng thái hay tình trạng mang tính ổn định, không thay đổi và
kéo dài trong một thời gian nhất định. Động từ chỉ trạng thái thường không được dùng trong thì tiếp diễn.
E.g: I know that ASEAN is an organization which consists often countries located in Southeast Asia.
2. Các động từ chỉ trạng thái phổ biến
- Các động từ chỉ quan điểm, nhận thức: believe, think, know, remember, doubt, guess, regret, realise,
- Các động từ bảy tỏ tâm trạng, cảm xúc: like, hope, prefer, want, wish, desire, seem, feel
- Các động từ tri giác: see, smell, hear, taste, sound
- Các động từ khác: be, have, consist, belong, concern, depend, deserve, include, matter, own, owe
Các động từ không thể hiện trạng thái gọi là action verbs, thường mang nghĩa 1 hành động Tuy nhiên, có
một số động từ trạng thái đôi khi được dùng ở dạng tiếp diễn để mô tả một tình huống tạm thời hoặc một
điều gì đó xảy ra ở một thời điểm xung quanh hiện tại. Một số động từ vừa là động từ chỉ trạng thái (state
verbs) vừa là động từ chỉ hành động (action verbs) phụ thuộc vào nghĩa của chúng.
English 11

- think
I think that he is a good person. (Tôi nghĩ rằng anh ấy là một người tốt.) "think" là "state verb":
có ý nghĩ nào đó
I am thinking about my next summer holiday. (Tôi đã nghĩ về kì nghỉ mùa hè sắp tới của mình.)
"think" là "action verb": suy nghĩ, xem xét trong đầu (mental process)
- have
I have two big houses. (Tôi có hai ngôi nhà lớn.) "have" là "state verb": có, sở hữu (= own,
I am having lunch with my friend. (Tôi đang ăn trưa với bạn.) "have" là "action verb" (= eat)
- see
I see what you mean. (Tôi hiểu ý của bạn.) "see" là "state verb": hiểu (= understand)
I am seeing my boyfriend. (Tôi đang đi gặp bạn trai tôi.) => "see" lờ "action verb": gặp gỡ (= meet)
Bài 5: Decide whether the following English verbs are action verbs, state verbs, or can be both
action and state verbs.

enjoy play read burn

weigh matter feel measure
mind contain prefer agree
smell look hear worry

Bài 6: Decide whether the following sentences are correct or incorrect.

1. Are they having a wonderful time?
2. I am thinking you are a good person.
3. It is tasting good.
4. You are looking great.
5. He's been working since this morning.
6. He's having a big house.
7. The food tastes good.
8. They are looking at the photo album.
9. They are designing a robot.
10. She is liking him very much.

Bài 7: Choose the best answer in brackets to complete the following sentences.
1. Do you the answer? (depend on, know, include)
2. Tom dessert every day. (has, eats, possesses)
3. I good about the race's outcome, (am, were, feel)
4. She her father, (imagines, resembles, walks with)
5. Do you they will win? (think, involve, promise)
6. They really everything you did for them, (include, appreciate, dislike)
English 11

7. I think the examiner was with my speech, (involved, measured, satisfied)

8. Can you the coffee brewing? (feel, smell, dislike)
9. I still a lot of money on my student loans, (deserve, owe, involve)
10. You more shoes than anyone else I know! (dislike, suppose, have)
Bài 8: Put the verbs into the present simple or present continuous tense.
1. I (know) the answer.
2. The boy (look) at the TV now.
3. This cake (taste) delicious.
4. My father (not, own) a car.
5. I (wear) a blue sweater today.
6. Ann (seem) a little angry today.
7. Many people (do) yoga in the park right now.
8. He (think) that English is easy.
9. Kelly (love) my brother now.
10. My sister (not/talk) on the phone at the moment.
Bài 9: the verbs in the brackets in the correct form.
1. We have taught our children (wash) their hands before (eat).
2. (write) letters is more boring than (phone).
3. Mark decided (have) a break from work.
4. I refused (speak) with her.
5. We agreed (meet) him at the airport.
6. There is no sense in (earn) more money than you can (spend).
7. They made us (leave) the campsite after (make) such a mess.
8. Do you mind (work) overtime?
9. She doesn't how (fry) a steak.
10. The doctor made him (promise) (reduce) his (smoke).
11. Don't let them (cross) that dangerous road on their own.
12. What about (have) a drink?
13. They accused him of (break) the window.
14. They'd rather (go) to Hue than to Hanoi.
15. There was a very good reason for (not believe) in what she said.
16. I don't know what (believe) anymore.
17. Remember (phone) Sally tomorrow - OK I won't forget.
18. Most teachers insist on their students (do) the homework.
19. Why not (spend) our holiday in Da Lat this year?
20. She is always the last person (arrive).

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each
English 11

1. A. turn B. burn C. curtain D. bury

2. A. massage B. carriage C. voyage D. dosage
3. A. chemist B. champagne C. chaos D. chiropodist
4. A. chair B. cheap C. chorus D. child
5. A. though B. comb C. only D. gone
6. A. afterwards B. advise C. agree D. allow
7. A. bear B. beard C. pear D. tear (v)
8. A. find B. bite C. since D. drive
9. A. breath B. breathe C. thank D. threat
10. A. took B. book C. shoe D. would
II. Pick out the words whose main stressed syllable is different from the rest.
1. A. event B. prefer C. accent D. refer
2. A. pagoda B. animal C. elephant D. architect
3. A. suggest B. report C. career D. profit
4. A. equipment B. cultural C. primary D. organize
5. A. cancer B. rubbish C. species D. begin
III. Read the following sentences and choose the correct intonation.
1. How many members does ASEAN have?
A. Rising intonation B. Falling intonation
2. Do you know its aims and purposes?
A. Rising intonation B. Falling intonation
3. How do ASEAN members help each other?
A. Rising intonation B. Falling intonation
4. Do you remember its main principles?
A. Rising intonation B. Falling intonation
5. Mai applied for the Singapore Scholarship.
A. Rising intonation B. Falling intonation
6. Is the culture of Vietnam one of the oldest in the region?
A. Rising intonation B. Falling intonation
7. Dragons and turtles are important symbols in Vietnamese culture.
A. Rising intonation B. Falling intonation
8. There are 54 ethnic groups living in Vietnam.
A. Rising intonation B. Falling intonation
9. How often is the ASEAN Para Games held?
A. Rising intonation B. Falling intonation
10. Is English the official language in Singapore?
A. Rising intonation B. Falling intonation
I. Match each country with its capital city.
1. Brunei Darussalam A. Kuala Lumpur

English 11

2. Cambodia B. Vientiane
3. Indonesia C. Phnom Penh
4. Laos D. Bandar Seri Begawan
5. Malaysia E. Jakarta
II. Match each country with its flat.
1. Myanmar

2. Philippines

3. Singapore

4. Thailand

5. Malaysia

III. Match the word with its definition.
1. Association A. an advantage that something gives you; a helpful and useful effect that something has
2. Benefit B. an official group of people who have joined together for a particular purpose
3. Charter C. a written statement of the principles and aims of an organization
4. Dominate D. serious and very important; affecting the most central and important parts of something
5. Fundamental E. to control or have a lot of influence over somebody/ something
6. Interference F. the act of getting involved in and trying to influence a situation that does not concern
IV. Put the stative verbs into the right column.

English 11

own consist hope taste feel sound have

hate think agree love see include know
hear belong wish guess smell believe

Senses Opinions Emotions Possession

V. Complete the sentences using the given words.

cooperation economy maintain principle bend bloc
1. After his fall he complained that he couldn't ____________________________ his back properly.
2. As I know the European Union is a powerful trading _______________________.
3. The agreement would give new solidity to military _____________________ between the two countries.
4. ASEAN would rank as the eighth largest _______________________ in the world if it were a single
5. They find it difficult to ________________________ such high interest rates.
6. The general _____________________ is that education should be available to all children up to the age of
VI. Match the two halves of a sentence to have a correct one.
1. My parents never stop quizzing me A. for closer cooperation among the member states.
2. I've read that ASEAN focuses on improving B. about where I go at night.
member states' economies
3. As the constitution of ASEAN, the charter sets out C. and maintaining regional peace and stability.
the rules
4. ASEAN started a programme of economic D. and will have a chance to study at universities in
5. I hope that Vietnamese athletes will dominate E. cooperation in the late 1970s.
6. Several talented students have been awarded the F. the next ASEAN Schools Games.
Singapore Scholarship
VII. Match the word and its definition.
1. Brochure A. the system of laws and basic principles that a state, a country or an
organization is governed by
2. Conference B. a small magazine or book containing pictures and information about
something or advertising something
3. Constitution C. a large official meeting, usually lasting for a few days, at which people with
the same work or interests come together to discuss their views
4. Identity D. a short sentence or phrase that expresses the aims and beliefs of a person, a
group, an institution, etc. and is used as a rule of behaviour

English 11

5. Motto E. the characteristics, feelings or beliefs that distinguish people from others
6. Progress F. the process of improving or developing, or of getting nearer to achieving or
completing something
VIII. Complete the sentences using the given words.
graceful official elongated dispute in accordance with external
1. Both domestic and _______________________ factors are believed to have played a role in this improved
2. She looks so _________________________ and fashionable in this picture.
3. Children usually have to act ______________________________ their parents' wishes.
4. Germany's Angela Merkel will hold an _________________________ meeting of European prime
ministers on 27 August.
5. The employees have been in __________________________ with the managers for two weeks.
6. Shaped like an _______________________ “S”, Vietnam stretches the length of the Indochinese Peninsula
and extends across two climatic zones.
IX. Match two halves of a sentence to have a correct one.
1. The motto of Vietnam is A. Malaysia is famous worldwide for its natural
2. The ASEAN countries wish to promote B. “Independence - Freedom – Happiness”.
3. Ranked the 10th most-visited country in the world, C. economic growth, social progress and cultural
4. ASEAN stands for the Association of Southeast D. their brochure about ASEAN member states.
Asian Nations
5. Do you know when Vietnam became E. and it was formed on August 8th 1967.
6. He is seeing his classmates in an hour to discuss F. an official member of ASEAN?
X. Match the sentences with the corresponding pictures.
1. She always dreams of becoming a famous model.

2. I can't avoid catching a cold in winter.

3. He loves reading more than anything else.


English 11

4. Taking photos is one of her leisure activities.

5. My daughter practises painting every day.

6. She imagines flying in the sky.

7. Tom has just finished cooking his own breakfast.

8. He regrets making me sad.

XI. Complete the sentences using the given words.
doing reviewing laughing lending
setting visiting eating packing
1. I can't help ____________________________ when I watch videos of Mr. Bean.
2. Linda dreams of _________________________ up her own business.
3. He is interested in ___________________________ noodles cooked by his grandma.
4. Nam suggests _________________________ a quiz on ASEAN countries.
5. He insisted on __________________________ his luggage on his own.
6. Do you mind ___________________________ me some money?
7. They carry on ___________________________ the lessons carefully before the end-of-term exam.
8. It's worth ___________________________ this museum.
XII. Choose the suitable word to complete each sentence.
1. Visiting/Visitting centers for orphans or disabled people is something that I usually do at the weekends.
2. The main aim of this cultural exchange program is promoting/promoteing a lasting friendship between the
two nations.
3. Buying a new home often cause/causes people great anxiety.
4. Most of the time, swiming/swimming at the beach is safe.

English 11

5. Paul really enjoyed/forgived being the editor of the yearbook at his high school.
6. Jim's job involves take/taking complaints from dissatisfied customers.
7. Peter was rather a lazy student, and he tended to avoid playing/studying whenever he could.
8. Laura keeps apologising for not being/being able to hand in her reports on time.
XIII. Fill in each gap with the correct form of one of the given words.
wait smile waste finish
be win break prohibit
1. ________________________________ laughs from audiences is a priceless gift to actors and actresses.
2. She concentrates on ______________________________ the easy parts of the exam paper first.
3. Reading English books and watching American television shows ________________________ good ways
to improve your English vocabulary.
4. There's no point in _______________________ too much money creating a flashy look.
5. I can't bear ______________________ in a long queue to buy discounted items.
6. They succeed in ______________________ the world records in weightlifting.
7. Marie always enjoys ______________________ at the camera and making her friends happy.
8. ______________________ the use of cell phones during the lessons is a new rule proposed by the principal.
XIV. Complete the sentences using the given words.
owns hope realize thinks
smells want weigh see
1. Jim's cousin ______________________ several luxurious restaurants and five-star hotels.
2. I don't ______________________ how much my best friend has changed recently.
3. The final exam is coming. I ______________________ you pass it with flying colours.
4. I ______________________ what you mean. You don't need to explain more.
5. A: I'm so hungry.
B: Do you ______________________ a sandwich?
6. Mary insists on loving Peter because she _______________________ he is a good guy.
7. Don't eat that cake. It ______________________ awful.
8. Mark, you ______________________ 80 kilos. You should eat less chocolate.
XV. Choose the best option to complete each of the following sentences.
1. I ____ a multilingual dictionary. Use it if you need to look up a new word in any languages.
A. have B. is having C. owe
2. The students at the back of the room ____ you. Can you speak louder?
A. hear B. can't hear C. are not hearing
3. Is Alan over there? He ____ old and tired. Is he sick?
A. looks B. looked C. is looking
4. She ____ the soup in the kitchen when the telephone rang.
A. tasted B. is tasting C. was tasting
5. She ____ him for quite a long time. They are good friends.
A. knows B. has known C. has been knowing
6. I ____ a little boy in the room. He is sleeping on the sofa.

English 11

A. see B. is seeing C. saw

7. I bet that your bag ____ a ton. There are too many books in it.
A. weighs B. weight C. weighed
8. A: Hello. Please put me through to the manager.
B: Could you call a little later? He ____ a meeting now.
A. has B. is having C. has had
XVI. Decide whether the underlined parts in the following sentences are Correct or Incorrect.
1. Peter, I believe you can do better if you join our team. Please spend more time thinking about our offer.
A. Correct B. Incorrect
2. The chef always tastes every dish before he serves it to make sure that it tastes delicious.
A. Correct B. Incorrect
3. We intend to have a picnic this weekend, but it is depending on what the weather's like at the weekend.
A. Correct B. Incorrect
4. This ancient clock has been belonging to that museum since 2000, and now it's still on display there.
A. Correct B. Incorrect
5. I am seeing my teacher this Friday, so I can't go out with you that day.
A. Correct B. Incorrect
6. I was being hopeful at the beginning of the season, but now I don't think that Liverpool will be the
A. Correct B. Incorrect
7. I don't want to have a fight about that matter. Just forget it! It isn't mattering.
A. Correct B. Incorrect
8. Tim deserves a raise because he is such a dedicated employee who is willing to work overtime to finish
A. Correct B. Incorrect
XVII. Fill in each gap with the correct form of the given word(s).
1. The thief looked into his rear-view mirror and (realise) ____________________________ that he was being
followed by a police car.
2. Mark (taste) ____________________________ the wine when suddenly the fire alarm went off. He spilled
wine all over his shirt.
3. Although Tom is ill, he (know) ____________________________ what's happening around him.
4. Why don't you braid your hair? You (look) ____________________________ better if you do so.
5. I'm telling you the truth. Why (you/ not/believe) ____________________________ me?
6. Can we go somewhere else? I (hate) ____________________________ this place. It's so boring.
7. My son (seem) ____________________________ nervous when I asked him who had broken the window.
8. Bob (want) ______________________________ a car for a long time, but he hasn't had enough money to
afford one.
9. They are really rich, but they always seem unhappy. I (doubt) ____________________________ that
money can't bring them happiness.
10. In 2010, the team (consist) ____________________________ of ten founding members, but now it
expands to include more than thirty members.

English 11

I. Read the extract from a short brochure introducing Indonesia. Match the subheadings (A-E) with the
paragraphs (1-5)
A. Economy B. Sports C. Area and population
D. Culture E. Tourist attractions
__________ (1) Indonesia has about 17,508 islands. It covers a land area of 1,904,569km? With a
population of over 237 million people, Indonesia is the world's fourth most populous country. The capital city
is Jakarta and the official language is Indonesian.
__________ (2) Indonesia's economy is the largest in Southeast Asia. Tourism plays a big role in the
economy. In 2013 tourist sector contributed about US$9 billion. Indonesia. Singapore, Malaysia, Australia,
China, Japan are the top five sources of visitors to Indonesia.
__________ (3) Indonesia's sports are mainly male-oriented. The most popular sports are badminton
and football. Traditional sports include Sepak Takraw, and Pencak Silat.
__________ (4) Indonesia is a widely diverse nation with over 300 ethnic groups. Its culture is
influenced by Chinese, European, Indian and Malay cultures. The influences of Western cultures are seen in
science, technology, and modern entertainment.
__________ (5) Indonesia is famous for its islands and beautiful views. The most popular destinations
in Indonesia are beaches of Bali, Lombok, wonderful islands of Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan. Museums,
monuments and gardens in the capital are also famous tourist attractions.
II. Read and do the tasks below.
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, commonly referred to as ASEAN, is a geopolitical and
economic organization of 10 countries in Southeast Asia. It was established in Bangkok, Thailand by
Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. Since then, membership has expanded to
include Brunei, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar and Cambodia.
ASEAN has a population of about 600 million which makes up about 9% of the world's population. It
has an area of 4.46 million square kilometers, accounting for 3% of the total land area of the earth, and its
territorial waters cover an area about three times larger than its land mass does.
The region's principal aims include the acceleration of economic growth, social progress, and cultural
development among its members, as well as the promotion of regional peace. With these targets, 'One Vision,
One Identity, One Community is chosen as the bloc's motto.
In terms of economy, if ASEAN were a single country, it would already be the eighth largest economy
in the world, with a combined GDP of $2.4 trillion in 2013. The Governments of ASEAN countries have paid
special attention to trade. With regard to external trade, ASEAN as a whole represents the EU's third largest
trading partner outside Europe (after the US and China) with more than €246 billion of trade in goods and
services in 2014. It has been estimated that a free trade area will be established in the ASEAN region by 2020.
The ASEAN leaders have also adopted the ASEAN Vision 2020, which aims at forging closer economic
integration within the region. The Hanoi Plan of Action, adopted in 1998, serves as the first in a series of
planned actions leading up to the realization of the ASEAN Vision.

English 11

In addition, ASEAN is a region of diverse cultures. Therefore, ASEAN cooperation not only covers
economic growth but also in a variety of areas, including education, culture and sports activities. Student
exchange programs within the regional countries are encouraged. Regional sport competitions, such as the
Southeast Asian Games, the ASEAN Para Games, the ASEAN Schools Games and the ASEAN Football
Championship are held with the aim of strengthening friendship among ASEAN members.
Task 1. Write A, B, C, D or E next to the statement which contains the information from the paragraph.
1. ASEAN's sea area is about three times larger than its land area. _____________
2. In addition to economy, ASEAN countries cooperate in a variety of aspects. _____________
3. ASEAN organization consists of 10 countries in Southeast Asia. _____________
4. Maintaining regional peace is one of the bloc's principal aims. _____________
5. A free trade area is estimated to be formed within ASEAN by 2020. _____________
Task 2. Decide whether the following statements are True, False or Not Given.
True False Not given
6. ASEAN was founded in Bangkok, Thailand by Indonesia, Myanmar, the
Philippines, Singapore and Thailand.
7. ASEAN covers an area of over four million square kilometers.
8. The bloc's motto is: 'One Vision, One Diversity, One Community.
9. ASEAN is the EU's third largest trading partner outside Europe.
10. ASEAN Schools Games is a sporting event held every year by an
ASEAN state member.
III. Choose the best answer to fill in the blank.
Passage 1
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is an organization of ten Southeast Asian
countries: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, (1) ____ Philippines, Singapore, Thailand
and Vietnam. It promotes political, economic, cultural and social cooperation (2) ____ its members. Although
ASEAN works for peace and stability in Southeast Asia, it is not a defence organization.
The members of ASEAN cooperate in such fields (3) ____ population control, prevention of drug
abuse, (4) ____ research and combating terrorism. Teachers, students and artists of the member nations
exchange visits. In addition, the organization develops plans to promote tourism in ASEAN countries and to
encourage programs of Southeast Asian studies. It works to (5) ____ trade barriers among the members.
1. A. the B. a C. an D. Ø
2. A. between B. through C. among D. from
3. A. like B. as C. alike D. that
4. A. scientific B. science C. scientist D. scientifically
5. A. increase B. prevent C. develop D. reduce
Passage 2.
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations or ASEAN was (6) ____ on August 8 1967 in Bangkok by
the five original member countries, (7) ____, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand.
Brunei Darussalam (8) ____ on January 8, 1984, Vietnam on July 28, 1995, Lao PDR and Myanmar on July
23, 1997, and Cambodia on April 30, 1999.

English 11

As of 2006, the ASEAN region has a population of about 560 million, a total area of 4.5 million square
kilometers, a combined gross (9) ____ product of almost US$ 1,100 billion, and a total trade of about US$
1,400 billion.
The ASEAN Declaration states that the aims and purposes of the Association are to (10) ____ economic
growth, social progress and cultural development in the region and to promote regional peace.
6. A. established B. constructed C. rebuilt D. decorated
7. A. such B. like C. namely D. as
8. A. took up B. joined C. represented D. involved
9. A. home B. exotic C. domestic D. household
10. A. fetch B. endeavor C. poach D. accelerate
IV. Read the following information about Thailand. Choose the appropriate words or phrases given to
fill the gap.
agri-food production beautiful islands famous festivals
Thai boxing population
1. Land area: 513,120km; _______________________ :67,149,778 (2014 estimated), most speak Thai;
capital: Bangkok
2. based on ________________________; major exports: Thai rice, textile and footwear, fishery products and
electronic products
3. Ko Tarutao and Ko Chang as ______________________, with sandy beaches and clean water; Ayuthaya as
an old and beautiful city, with temples and palaces made of stone
4. shaped by many influences from Indian, Lao, Cambodian and Chinese cultures; ___________________:
Thai New Year ( water fights) and Loy Kratong, a festival of lights and lanterns
5. very popular ___________________________; others: rugby, golf, football, etc.
V. Read the passage and answer the following questions.
The Asian Games, officially known as Asiad, is a multi-sport event held every four years among
athletes from all over Asia. The Games were regulated by the Asian Games Federation (AGF) from the first
Games in New Delhi, India, until the 1982 Games. Since the 1982 they have been organized by the Olympic
Council of Asia (OCA), after the break-up of the Asian Games Federation. The Games are recognized by the
International Olympic Committee (IOC) and are described as the second largest multi-sport event after the
Olympic Games.
All 45 members affiliated to the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) are eligible to take part in the Games.
In history, 46 National Olympic Committees (NOCs) have sent competitors to the Games. Israel has been
excluded from the Games since 1976, the reason cited as being due to security reasons. Israel requested to
participate in the 1982 Games, but the request was rejected by the organisers due to incident in 1972 Summer
Olympics. Israel is now a member of the European Olympic Committees (EOC).
Due to its continuing ambiguous political status, Taiwan has participated in the Games under the flag
of Chinese Taipei since 1990. Macau is allowed to compete as one of the NOCs in Asian Games, despite not
being recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) for participation in the Olympic Games. In
2007, the President of OCA, Sheikh Ahmed Al-Fahad Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah, rejected the proposal to allow
Australia to participate in the Games. He stated that while Australia would add good value to the Asian
Games, it would be unfair to the other NOCs in Oceania.

English 11

Only seven countries, namely India, Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Singapore and
Thailand have competed in all editions of the games.
Medal count
Of the 46 National Olympic Committees participating throughout the history of the Games, 43 nations
have won at least a single medal in the competition, leaving three nations: Bhutan, Maldives and Timor-Leste
yet to win a single medal. 34 nations have won at least a single gold medal, while Japan and China became the
only two nations in history to emerge as overall champions.
Future changes
The number of competition events is scheduled to shrink down to just 35 sports at the 2014 Games to
be held in Incheon, South Korea. 2014 will also see the last Games hosted in even-numbered years, as the
Olympic Council of Asia pushed the subsequent Games to just one year ahead of the Olympic Games. This
means the 18th Asian Games which were originally planned for 2018 will be pushed to 2019.
1. How many nations have completed in the Asian Games?
2. Why was Irasel excluded from the Games?
3. How many countries have participated in all editions of the Games?
4. What year will be the last time to see the Asian Games be hosted in even numbered years?
I. Reorder the words to make complete sentences.
1. doesn't/ Trying/ to/ make/ people/ laugh/ sometimes/ work.
2. like/ Saturdays./ on/ doesn't/ getting/ Joe/ early/ up
3. much/ big/ was/ Giving/ our/ candy/ mistake./ babies/ so
4. my/ seeing/ joys/ in/ greatest/ day/ after/ work./ at/ hard/ is/ life/ love/ a/ of/ One
5. music/ is/ to/ a/ great/ pop/ to/ my/ way/ spirits./ Listening/ lift
6. recommends/ to/ hotels/ Linda/ reserving/ before/ travelling/ places./ new

English 11

7. losing/ short-term/ on/ money/ Her/ his/ risks/ father/ investment.
8. but/ helping/ me/ truth./ should/ don't/ tell/ I/ mind/ the/ she/ her
Test 2
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each
1. A. apologize B. absorb C. arrive D. absence
2. A. combine B. collect C. commerce D. correct
3. A. admiral B. adventure C. advertise D. adverb
4. A. club B. subtle C. climb D. doubt
5. A. boat B. both C. post D. lose
II. Pick out the words whose main stressed syllable is different from the rest.
1. A. farmer B. farewell C. factory D. fairy
2. A. cattle B. country C. canal D. cover
3. A. money B. machine C. many D. mother
4. A. borrow B. agree C. await D. prepare
5. A government B. condition C. parliament D. fortunate
1. Complete the sentences using the given words.
charter constitution bloc principles maintain
1. ASEAN Scholarship holder has to _________________ good academic performance to keep the
2. A _______________ is a written statement that describes the rights a particular group of people should
3. A __________________ is a set of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a
state or organization is governed.
4. The ASEAN Economic Community is an important example of a trading _________________, particularly
when you consider the countries involved in it.
5. She refused to lie about it; it's against her _________________.
II. Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. Development policy has a critical role to play in supporting ________________________ to reduce conflict
and violence over the long term. (STABLE)
2. CMA stands for The California Medical ________________________ which is a professional organization
representing the physicians of the state of California. (ASSOCIATE)
3. ________________________ is important because it allows people and groups to work together to achieve
a common goal or derive mutual benefits. (COOPERATE)
English 11

4. ________________________ is unity which produces or is based on unity of interests, objectives,

standards, and sympathies. (SOLID)
5. A ________________________ is an award of financial aid for a student to further their education.
III. Choose ONE INCORRECT WORD in each sentence.
1. Have you washed the car yet? - No, I didn't. But I have already mowed the lawn.
2. He denies take the cakes even though it is obvious that he took them.
3. Casy is considering bought a new bike because her old one was out of order.
4. I know listening is my weakest English skill, so I practise watch a lot of English-speaking shows.
5. How ridiculous it is! He always struggles to make ends meet, but he imagines buy a Ferrari one day.
6. Jucy spend all her money on buying clothes, so she can't pay her rent now.
7. A few days ago I learn that someone has planned to tear down the ancient building.
8. He feels like write since it is a great way to show his creativity.
IV. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the given word(s).
1. Prices (go) _________________________ up for a couple of months. Everything is more expensive this
2. Ben's responsibilities include (welcome) _________________________ Japanese guests at the airport.
3. Jack (become) _______________________ paralysed since he fell off in a horse racing competition in
4. She carries on (work) _________________________ on her project despite difficulties.
5. Have you ever baked your own cake? - Yes, I (try) _________________________ it when I was in high
school but I haven't baked any cakes since then.
6. I don't mind (go) _________________________ to the market if you accompany me.
7. Your parcel has arrived. The postman (bring) _________________________ it two hours ago.
8. I always (wish) _________________________ every woman in this world a happy life after marriage.
I. Decide whether the following statements are True, False or Not given.
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was formed in 1967 by Indonesia, Malaysia, the
Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand to promote political and economic cooperation and regional stability.
Brunei joined in 1984, shortly after its independence from the United Kingdom, and Vietnam joined ASEAN
as its seventh member in 1995. Laos and Myanmar were admitted into full membership in July 1997 as
ASEAN celebrated its 30th anniversary. Cambodia became ASEAN's tenth member in 1999.
The ASEAN Declaration in 1967, considered ASEAN's founding document, formalized the principles
of peace and cooperation to which ASEAN is dedicated. The ASEAN Charter entered into force on 15
December 2008. With the entry into force of the ASEAN Charter, ASEAN established its legal identity as an
international organization and took a major step in its community-building process.
Every year following the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting (AMM), ASEAN holds its Post-Ministerial
Conference (PMC) to which the Secretary of State is invited. In 1994, ASEAN took the lead in establishing
the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), which now has 27 members and meets each year at the ministerial level
just after the PMC.
1. ASEAN was formed in 1967 by four countries: Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines and Thailand.
A. True B. False C. Not given

English 11

2. Vietnam joined ASEAN in 1995 after Brunei 11 years.

A. True B. False C. Not given
3. ASEAN celebrated its 30 anniversary in 1997 when Laos and Cambodia became full memberships.
A. True B. False C. Not given
4. ASEAN charter helped this organization become an international organization in 2008.
A. True B. False C. Not given
5. Every year ASEAN has 3 meetings with the attendance of 27 members.
A. True B. False C. Not given
I. Complete each sentence with one of the given word(s). There are two extra words.
reducing own Filipino group
owing means increasing
1. Singapore or Singapura is a city or country in Southeast Asia. Singapura is a Malay word. Singa
____________________ Lion and pura refers to City. That is why Singapore is also known as Lion City.
2. Despite its small size, Singapore is seen as a multi-racial country. The largest ____________________ is
Chinese who made up of 75% of the population.
3. Another unique aspect of ____________________ culture is bayanihan, the practice of moving an entire
home to a new location.
4. The ASEAN Para Games aims at promoting sports for people with disabilities in the region and
____________________ public awareness of disabled sports.
5. It comes as no surprise that Brunei's population enjoys one of the highest per capita incomes in the world,
____________________ to its wealth of natural resources relative to the size of the country and its population.
II. Reorder the words or phrases to make complete sentences.
1. tourist/ tropical/ climate/ with/ an/ ideal/ Thailand/ is/ pleasant/ attraction
2. is/ ethnic/ 300/ Indonesia/ to/ over/ groups/ home
3. values/ family/ The/ Vietnamese/ appreciate
Exercise 1. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. athlete B. capital C. stalk D. talent
2. A. emblem B. member C. regret D. theme
3. A. August B. gerund C. purpose D. suggest
4. A. dream B. mean C. peace D. steady

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5. A. consist B. disable C. suggest D. vision

Exercise 2. Mark the letter A. B. C. or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position
of primary stress in each of the following questions.
6. A. assistance B. confident C. dynamic D. external
7. A. academic B. behaviour C. participate D. relationship
8. A. charter B. depict C. enter D. purchase
9. A. athlete B. continue C. principle D. regional
10. A. competition B. fundamental C. interference D. stability
Exercise 3. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
11. The government's interference in the strike has been widely criticised.
A. disapproval B. intervention C. limitation D. postponement
12. The emblem of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations was designed basing on rice - the most
important crop for the Southeast Asian people.
A. banner B. logo C. motto D. slogan
13. The scholarship is renewed annually and may be stopped if the students have poor academic records or bad
A every day B. every month C. every week D. every year
14. In Thailand, it's against the law to litter on the pavement. If you are caught, you can be fined up to $2000
A evil B. illegal C. immoral D. wrong
15 The beautiful sights in Sa Pa, Mui Ne and Ha Noi all contribute to the country's magic charm.
A. beauty B. fame C. image D. value
16. ASEAN organised different projects and activities to integrate its members.
A. combine B. interest C. separate D. upgrade
17. The major shortcoming of ASEAN as an organisation is the inability to go through many declarations,
agreements, and instruments that they have proliferated over the years.
A. advantage B. benefit C. drawback D. success
18. We have achieved considerable results in the economic field, such as high economic growth, stability and
significant poverty alleviation over the past few years.

English 11

A. achievement B. development C.prevention D. reduction

19. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989, the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Viet
Nam adopted a resolution to have ‘more friends and fewer enemies'.
A. breakdown B. decrease C. establish D . increase
20. He had dominated racing this year with six victories in seven starts.
A. overexcited B. overreacted C. overwhelmed D. overshadowed
21. It's often hard to find the right time to approach someone about a delicate issue, as well as being difficult to
say the words you need to say.
A. sensitive B. significant C. unconscious D. unfamiliar
22. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN, was established on 8 August 1967 in Bangkok,

Thailand, with Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand, joining hands initially.

A. basically B. firstly C. lastly D. officially

Exercise 4. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
23. Our survey also found that 75 per cent of those quizzed knew three or more of their neighbours.
A. interviewed B. asked C. replied D. examined
24. Viet Nam and Laos will closely cooperate to strengthen the solidarity of ASEAN and enhance the vital
role of the group in regional security structure.
A. agreement B. cooperation C. separation D. fellowship
25. Her graceful performance of this traditional art form in the evening session was a real source of pleasure.
A. attractive B. effortless C. inelegant D. sophisticated
26. Viet Nam is famous for World Heritage Sites like Ha Long Bay and Hoi An Ancient Town.
A. honoured B. popular C. well-known D. unknown
27. The country's continued prosperity is dependent on the opportunities and achievements of all its residents.
A. poverty B. inflation C. insecurity D. Wealth
28. The colour white symbolises a lot of things, and one is that it represents purity and innocence.
A. cleanness B. immorality C. honesty D. guiltlessness
29. All countries are obliged to maintain stability and peace in the world, because instability brings undesired
A. certain B. foreseen C. negative D. positive

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30. Many people afraid that the victory of US president-elect Donald Trump might affect stability in Asia,
more specifically in the ASEAN region.
A. failure B. insecurity C. poverty D. weakness
31. The 28th and 29th ASEAN Summits opened in Vientiane, Laos, late on Tuesday on the theme of “Turning
Vision into Reality for a Dynamic ASEAN Community".
A. energetic B. inactive C. innovative D. productive
32. Amanita argued that Indonesia would continue to play a role in maintaining peace and promoting
democratisation in ASEAN.
A. assisting B. lessening C. preserving D. upholding
33. Southeast Asian regionalism served to enable the member-states to focus primarily on their domestic
A. external B. internal C. local D. national
34. The Prince William made a brief working visit to Viet Nam from 17th - 18th November 2016, attending
the IWT Conference which was hosted in Ha Noi.
A. lasting B. public C. short D. secret
Exercise 5 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
35. ASEAN includes ten member states, but may get bigger because other countries have applied to join the
A. bloc B. group C. gang D. trôp
36. The ____ is a legal agreement among the ten ASEAN member states.
A. charter B. motto C. policy D. principle
37. The Japanese Government ____ 20 scholarships for international students coming from ASEAN member
countries to study in Japan.
A. affords B. demands C. offers D. provides
38. The 28th and 29th ASEAN Summits will be ____ at the National Convention Centre under the
Chairmanship of Lao PDR.
A. carried B. conducted C. held D. taken place
39. The ASEAN charter entered into ____ after ten members signed it.
A. action B. force C. influence D. order
40. Each deputy should be ____ for one ASEAN community council, supported by a team of competent and
able lawyers.

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A. blamed B. capable C. in charge D. responsible

41. Vietnamese athletes compete regionally and internationally and ____ high ranks in many sports.
A. hold B. keep C. mark D. score
42. Not all the winners will receive great prizes, but nobody leaves ____.
A. blank-handed B. clear-handed C. empty-handed D. white-handed
43. I ____ good about the race's outcome.
A. am B. feel C. look D. were
44. Do you ____ they will win?
A. believe B. involve C. promise D. suggest
45. I think the teacher was ____ with my speech.
A. appreciated B. involved C. measured D. satisfied
46. I still ____ a lot of money on my student loans.
A. consist B. deserve C. involve D. owe
47. Lao PDR stands ____ Lao People's Democratic Republic.
A. by B. for C. on D. with
48. ASEAN ____ of ten Southeast Asian countries, namely: Brunei. Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia,
Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Viet Nam.
A. consists B. contains C. includes D. involves
49. The member states will act in accordance ____ the law to set out in various ASEAN instruments.
A. for B. of C. to D. with
50. The 28th and 29th ASEAN Summits will focus ____ efforts to build the ASEAN Community.
A. at B. for C. in D. on
Exercise 6. Mark the letter A. B. C. or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
51. It is no use ____ a girl that she doesn't need to lose any weight.
A. convince B. convincing C. to convince D. to convincing
52. I have much homework that I ought ____.
A. do B. to doing C. doing D. to do
53. She did a funny little curtsy which Josh and Silver couldn't help ____ at.
A. laugh B. laughing C. to laugh D. to laughing
54. We are looking forward ____ out at the weekend.
English 11

A. go . B. going C. to go D. to going
55. You should give up ____ your sister.
A. being bullied B. bullied C. bullying D. to bully
56. She is used ____ to loud music.
A. listen B. listening C. to listen D. to listening
57. I'm in a difficult position. What do you advise me ____?
A. do B. doing C. to do D. to doing
58. It's a nice day. Does anyone fancy ____ for a walk?
A. having gone B. going C. to go D. went
59. I wish that dog would stop ____. It's driving me mad.
A. bark B. barking C. being barked D. to bark
60. He never says anything that is worth ____ to.
A. listen B. listening C. to listen D. to listening
61. Carol's parents always encouraged her ____ hard at school.
A. being studied B. study C. studying D. to study
62. They promised ____ me ____ for the party.
A. to help prepare B. to help/preparing C. helping/preparing D. helping/to prepare
63. All ____ were asked to list all the members of ASEAN that they could think of in a one-minute period.
A. participates B. participations C. participants D. participating
64. We will create a stable, prosperous and highly ____ ASEAN Economic community.
A. compete compete B. competition C. competitor D. competitive
65. Unfortunately, the solution to this problem is neither simple nor ____.
A. economy B. economic C. economical D. economicany
66. The members meet once a week to develop and adopt proposals on new ____ and legislation.
A. policy B. politic C. political D . politician
67. The children grew up with deep ____ for their parents.
A. respect B. respecting C. respectful D. respectability
68. As an ASEAN member, Viet Nam has actively participated in the group's programs and has also created
new ____ and cooperation mechanisms.
A. initiatives B. initiates C. initiations D. initiators

English 11

69. Over the past decade, Viet Nam-ASEAN ____ have been growing fast in all areas, particularly in politics
and the economy.
A. relates B. relatives C. relations D. relationships
70. With a population of over 237 million people, Indonesia is the world's fourth most ____ country.
A. popular B. popularly C. populous D. unpopular
71. She apologised ____ waiting so long.
A. for keeping me B. for me C. for me keeping D. to me for
72. Her mother prevented her ____ going out tonight.
A. about B. against C. at D. from
73. She insisted ____ talking to her lawyer.
A. in B. for C . on D. of
74. He is not good ____ maths. He is incapable ____ calculating.
A. at – of B. for – of C.on - for D. on - of
Exercise 7. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
75. The ten stalks of padi represent the hope for an ASEAN comprising all the ten countries in Southeast Asia
bound together in friendly and solidarity.
76. In the Rio Olympics 2016, Vietnamese sports delegation returned home with two medals both from "hero"
shooter Hoang Xuan Vinh, ranking the 48th in the final.
77. Viet Nam was the first Indochinese country joining ASEAN, and its move helped end confrontation
between the Indochinese party and ASEAN.
78. ASEAN was found in Bangkok, Thailand on 8 August 1967 when the five founding members signed the
ASEAN Declaration.
79. Viet Nam has remained committed to ASEAN since it joined in 1995 and the idea of an ASEAN
English 11

Community has increasingly accepted into Viet Nam's political lexicon.
80. Soon after becoming a member, Viet Nam signed the Treaty on the Southeast Asian Nuclear-Weapon-Free
Zone and being one of the founding members of the ASEAN Regional Forum.
81. ASEAN aims at promoting economic growth, regional peace as well as provide opportunities for its
82. Being influenced by Chinese, European, Indian, and Malay cultures, Indonesia is a wide diverse nation
over 300 ethnic groups.
83. Students from Viet Nam who wish applying for the ASEAN scholarship must be approved by the
Ministry of Education and Training.
84. Shaping like an elongated S, Viet Nam covers a surface area of 128,000 square miles, making it roughly
size of Italy or, in the U.S., New Mexico.
85. The MPAC is intended allowing the AEC and enhance ASEAN's inner integration with the help of
improved infrastructure development.
86. Not everybody prefers study abroad to studying in his or her home country.
87. Nowadays, more and more people are realising what it means to be a part of ASEAN and why it is
English 11

important to join in the association.

88. To participate in sport events, people with disabilities also have a chance to find their lifetime partner.

89. I have been listening to your speech, but I am doubting what you are saying. I don't feel that it is a good
90. John is having a clown birthday party. The clown is appearing. He always loves watching the clown. He
is looking happy.
Exercise 8. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following
exchanges. 91. “It's so stuffy in here." – “____”
A. Do I have to open the window? B. Must I open the window?
C. Shall I open the window? D. Would you like to open the window?
92. “Merry Christmas!" – “____”
A. Happy Christmas to you! B. Same for you!
C. The same to you! D. You are the same!
93. "I will pick you up around 7:30. The movie starts at 8:00." – “____”
A. No, you don't B. OK. See you then.
C. I don't like waiting. D. Thanks, no big deal.
94. "____ going on a picnic this weekend?" - "That's great!"
A. How about B. Let's C. Why don't we D. Would you like
95. "Mr Green had an accident. He's been in hospital for a week.” – “____”
A. How terrific B. Oh, is he? C. Poor it. D. Poor him.
96. “Do you really think that I should take the job?" – “____ Trust me. Take it. What do you have to lose?”
A. I doubt so. B. I don't think so. C. I hope so. D. I know so.
97. "Do you fancy a drink?" _ “____”
A. No, everything is OK. B . Oh! Of course not.
English 11

C. Sure, let's go and get one. D. Wow! I am so excited.

98. "What are you doing here, Tom? Do you want to join us?" – “____ Please continue. I'm just coming to find
my stuff.”
A. Don't mind me. B. Don't worry. C. Not at all. D. Not to mention.
99. "Take the second turning on the left and then go straight ahead until you see the cinema on the right." –
“____ Thanks."
A. I agree with you. B. I don't think so. C. I have got that. D. It makes sense.
100. “Do you mind if I turn on the volume?” – “____”
A. I don't think so. B. I'm sorry, but you have to.
C. No, please go ahead. D. Of course, you can't.
101. "Would you mind if I smoked?” – “____”
A. Don't mention it. B. I'd rather you didn't. C. Mind your head! D. You don't want
102. “Let's have a pizza.” – “____”
A. It doesn't matter. B. Not at all. C. Not really D. Sure thing!
103. "It's freezing outside! What happened to the weather report? I thought this cold front was supposed to
pass.” - “Yeah, ____”
A. I agreed with you. B. I thought so too. C. That's good point. D. You are right.
104. "Let's play Scrabble! I'm really good at spelling, too!" - "Oh, yeah? ____”
A. Does that make sense? B. I can't believe in that.
C. I worry about it. D. We'll see about that!
105. "I'm really excited for Aunt Mary's surprise birthday party this afternoon! Aren't you?" – “____”
A. Oh! I didn't know she was older. B. Really? What happened next?
C. Uh-huh! What then? D. Yeah! How old is she?
Exercise 9. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Asia's economic, political and cultural importance is growing (106) ____ a never-before seen rate.
Take China, for example: In terms of purchasing power, China is now the largest (107) ____ of the
world, having recently (108) ____ over the crown from the long time leader United States.

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Understanding the fundamental structural changes in the global economy and having studied abroad in
Asia is a huge asset on your (109) ____ when competing for jobs.
(110) ____ the increasing importance of the continent, many international with experience in
companies are expanding to Asia and need (111) ____ with experience in Asian markets and culture.
To get a (112) ____ of the action and business ideas flowing from Asia, visit Asia-Pacific Economic
Cooperation's (APEC) website.
One of the most important variables behind the miracle of the speed of growth and recovery in the
Asian economies is the (113) ____ of education. The competition for top schools and universities starts
from a very early (114) ____ . The point of education in Asia is to equip people to become productive
members of their given societies as (115) ____ as equip the students with the skills and mentality to be
(116) ____ to successfully compete against the masses of other applicants. Asian students and schools
receive continuously top marks in international rankings. This has been directly (117) ____in the
success stories of several Asian countries.
106. A. at B. by C. on D. with
107. A. economic B. economical C. economically D. economy
108. A. came B. passed C. kicked D. taken
109. A. summary B. profile C. resume D. requirement
110. A. Although B. Because C. Despite D. Due to
111. A. employees B. employers C. employment D. unemployment
112. A. glance B. glimpse C. look D. view
113. A. quality B. qualification C. quantity D. quantification
114. A. age B. period C. semester D. year
115. A. far B. long C. much D. well
116. A. able B. capable C. disable D. unable
117. A. allowed B. influenced C. provided D. reflected
Exercise 10. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions.
The 22nd Southeast Asian Games were held in Viet Nam from the 5th to 13th December, 2003.
Although it was the first time Viet Nam hosted such a big sports event, the Games were a great
success. The Games really became a festival that impressed sports enthusiasts with its spirit: solidarity,
co-operation for peace and development.

English 11

Athletes from 11 participating countries competed in 32 sports, and 444 gold medals were won. Some
teams such as table tennis, badminton, karate, volleyball, basketball and wrestling were composed of
top competitors in the region. Many Games records were close to international levels. Viet Nam won
158 gold medals to finish at the top of the Southeast Asian Games medal standings. Thailand ranked
second with 90 golds, and Indonesia was third with only 55 golds. Singapore and Viet Nam were the
two nations which had participants who were presented with the Most Outstanding Athlete titles in the
Swimming and Shooting events. The Vietnamese Women's Football team successfully defended the
SEA Games title. Viet Nam and Thailand played in the Men's Football Final. The Thai Team won the
gold medal. In other sports such as karate, athletics, bodybuilding and wushu, the young and energetic
Vietnamese athletes performed excellently and won a lot of gold medals.
Viet Nam's first place finish was not surprising. Firstly, to prepare for the 22nd SEA Games, Viet Nam
carried out an intensive programme for its athletes, which included training in facilities, both home
and abroad. Secondly, with the strong support of their countrymen, the Vietnamese athletes competed
in high spirits. The country's success has proved that Viet Nam can organise sporting events on an
international level. A plan has been proposed for Viet Nam to host the Asia Sports Games at some
point in the future.
118. It can be inferred from the passage that ____.
A. Viet Nam can organise sporting events better than other countries
B. Viet Nam had already planned for the next Sea Games in the future
C. Viet Nam prepared its athletes well for the 22nd SEA Games
D. Viet Nam protected its first place in SEA Games competition
119. The word "title" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ____.
A. power B. label C. headline D. trophy
120. According to the passage, what is NOT true about the 22nd Southeast Asian Games?
A. There were 11 countries participating in.
B. Many athletes had broken the world records.
C. Indonesia ranked higher than Singapore.
D. Vietnamese Women's Football team won gold medal.
121. The word "intensive” in paragraph 3 has OPPOSITE meaning to ____.
A. delicate B. flexible C. sensitive D. vigorous
122. What is the writer's main purpose in writing this passage?
A. To explain the reasons why 22nd Sea Games was organised in Viet Nam.

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B. To express the writer's love and how much he is proud of the country's success.
C. To introduce top competitors in the region and their ranking in the Games.
D. To show Vietnamese's ability in organising international sporting events.
Exercise 11. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions.
When Malaysia takes the ASEAN chair next year, it will face a huge challenge. Too few of us know
enough about this grouping we call the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. We do not know what
it means to be a part of ASEAN and why it is important to us. At the same time, pressure is mounting
to reinvent ASEAN to make it more people-centric and less government-centric. The Heat speaks to
Global Movement of Moderates CEO Saifuddin Abdullah on why ASEAN should mean more to us
than just acronyms.
ASEAN people do not feel like they are a part of the community of Southeast Asian nations. This
statement, backed up by survey findings, is pretty bizarre, and extremely hurtful too, considering that
ASEAN is 47 years old today. "Interview 10 persons on the street and you would perhaps get only one
of them who knows about ASEAN,” says Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah. This CEO of Global Movement
of Moderates (GMM) is not running down ASEAN; he's confronting the truth as it impacts the project
he has been entrusted with. Here's more, in 2012, the ASEAN Secretariat conducted a survey that
showed only 34% of Malaysians had heard of the ASEAN community. This compares with 96% of
Laotians. Malaysia chairs ASEAN next year, and GMM is a member of the national steering
committee organising the ASEAN People's Forum (APF), a platform designed to bridge the gap
between governments and civil society. Never heard of it? You're forgiven.
The APF actually started off life in the 1990s, except it was called the ASEAN People's Assembly
(APA). It was held back to back with the ASEAN Summit, which is held twice a year. The APA is the
forum where 10 leaders of government engage with 10 leaders of civil society in a half-hour meeting.
"It was going well until one year when the chairman decided not to hold the APA, so it was
discontinued until 2005 when Malaysia took the chairmanship of ASEAN again and founded the
ASEAN People's Forum (APF)," Saifuddin explains. In a perfect world, forums such as the APF or its
predecessor APA would have worked perfectly to bridge the gap between government and civil
However, as Saifuddin points out, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) often do not see eye to eye with
their governments. For instance this year, Myanmar is chair of ASEAN and in the APF, three member
nations - including Malaysia - decided not to recognise the CSO leaders chosen as representatives so

English 11

the APF did not take place. “This is where the GMM wants to play a role in ensuring that this situation
does not arise again," Saifuddin says.
123. According to the passage, in 1990s, APF was called ____.
A. ASEAN People's Assembly B. ASEAN People's Forum
C. Civil Society Organisations D. Global Movement of Moderates
124. The word “acronyms” in paragraph 1 probably means ____.
A. abbreviations B. antonyms C. enlargements D. synonyms
125. The phrase "backed up" in paragraph 2 has similar meaning to ____.
A. concluded B. introduced C. proved D. Supported
126. According to the passage, Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah was CEO of ____.
127. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the APF according to the passage?
A. APF consists of 20 leaders. B. APF is held every two years.
C. APF is reorganised in 2005. D. APF lasts for 30 minutes.
128. The phrase "bridge the gap" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ____.
A. avoid the conflict B. break down the wall
C. build a strong relation D. narrow the difference
129. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Discontinuing APF led to conflict between government and civil society.
B. Laotians show more interest in politics than Malaysians.
C. The APA was held twice a year until 2005.
D. CSOs do not always agree with their governments.
130. Which of the following would serve as the best title for the passage?
A. How important was the ASEAN People's Forum?
B. Who is going to be the ASEAN chair next year?
C. What does it mean to be a part of ASEAN?
D. Why do GMM play an important role in ASEAN?
Exercise 11. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.
131. I said that she should see a doctor.
English 11

A. I advised her seeing a doctor. B. I advised her should see a doctor.

C. I advised her to see a doctor. D. I advised to see a doctor.
132. Ireland doesn't allow people to smoke in bars.
A. Ireland doesn't enjoy smoking in bars. B. Ireland hates smoking in bars.
C. Smoking in bars is banned in Ireland. D. You should not smoke in bars in Ireland.
133. Working on the computer is not what she feels like.
A. She doesn't feel like work on the computer.
B. She doesn't feel like working on the computer.
C. She doesn't feel like to work on the computer.
D. She doesn't feel like to working on the computer.
134. California doesn't permit people to fish without a fishing license.
A. California can't stand fishing without a fishing license.
B. California doesn't allow fishing without a fishing license.
C. California doesn't encourage fishing without a fishing license.
D. California doesn't mind fishing without a fishing license.
135. “Why don't we go for a walk?" Mary said.
A. Mary advised to go for a walk. B. Mary asked going for a walk.
C. Mary suggested going for a walk. D. Mary would like going for a walk.
Exercise 12. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences
in the following questions.
136. Everyone was all so afraid. Nobody dared to speak anything.
A. Everyone was too afraid to dare to speak anything
B. Everyone was afraid enough to not to speak anything.
C. Everyone was such afraid that nobody speak anything.
D. Nobody was not afraid enough to dare to speak anything.
137. We cannot create a rule-based ASEAN. We don't have means of drafting, interpreting and enforcing
A. Having means of drafting, interpreting and enforcing rules, it is impossible to create a rule-based
B. It is impossible to create a rule-based ASEAN community with means of drafting, interpreting and
enforcing rules.

English 11

C. Not having means of drafting, interpreting and enforcing rules, we are unable to create a rule-based
D. To have means of drafting, interpreting and enforcing rules, we are able to create a rule-based
138. Indonesia was influenced by Chinese, European, Indian, and Malay cultures. It is a widely diverse nation
with over 300 ethnic groups.
A. To influence by Chinese, European, Indian, and Malay cultures, Indonesia is a widely diverse nation
with over 300 ethnic groups.
B. To be influenced by Chinese, European, Indian, and Malay cultures, Indonesia is a widely diverse
nation with over 300 ethnic groups.
C. Influencing by Chinese, European, Indian, and Malay cultures, Indonesia is a widely diverse nation
with over 300 ethnic groups.
D. Being influenced by Chinese, European, Indian, and Malay cultures, Indonesia is a widely diverse
nation with over 300 ethnic groups.
139. You come to Ha Noi. You are offered a large number of must-see tourist sites.
A. Come to Ha Noi, you are offered a large number of must-see tourist sites.
B. Coming to Ha Noi, you are offered a large number of must-see tourist sites.
C. Having come to Ha Noi, you are offered a large number of must-see tourist sites.
D. To come to Ha Noi, you are offered a large number of must-see tourist sites.
140. There isn't a culture of respecting and following the rule. The ASEAN community's present goal cannot
be achieved.
A. Even though there isn't a culture of respecting and following the rule, the ASEAN community's
present goal cannot be achieved.
B. Not being a culture of respecting and following the rule, the ASEAN community's present goal
cannot be achieved.
C. Owing to the a culture of respecting and following the rule, the ASEAN community's present goal
cannot be achieved.
D. The ASEAN community's present goal cannot be achieved unless there is a culture of respecting
and following the rule.



English 11

Sự nóng lên của toàn cầu

1. absorb /əbˈzɔːb/(v): thấm, hút
2. atmosphere /ˈætməsfɪə(r)/(n): khí quyển
3. awareness /əˈweənəs/(n): sự nhận thức, hiểu biết, quan tâm
4. ban /bæn/(v): cấm
5. capture /ˈkæptʃə(r)/ (v): lưu lại, giam giữ lại
6. carbon footprint/ˌkɑːbən ˈfʊtprɪnt/ (n): lượng khí C02 thải ra hằng ngày của một cá nhân hoặc nhà máy...
7. catastrophic /ˌkætəˈstrɒfɪk/ (adj):thảm họa
8. clean-up /ˈkliːn ʌp/(n):sự dọn dẹp, làm sạch, tổng vệ sinh
9. climate change/ˈklaɪmət tʃeɪndʒ/ (n):biến đổi khí hậu
10. diversity /daɪˈvɜːsəti/(n):sự đa dạng
11. drought /draʊt/ (n): hạn hán
12. ecological /ˌiːkəˈlɒdʒɪkl/(adj): thuộc vể sinh thái
13. ecosystem /ˈiːkəʊsɪstəm/ (n):hệ sinh thái
14. emission /iˈmɪʃn/ (n):(danh từ không đếm được) sự phát (sáng), tỏa (nhiệt), xả (khí);
15. famine /ˈfæmɪn/(n): nạn đói kém
16. greenhouse gas/ˌɡriːnhaʊs ˈɡæs/ (n): chất khí gây hiệu ứng nhà kính
17. heat -related /hiːt - rɪˈleɪtɪd/(a): có liên quan tới nhiệt
18. infectious /ɪnˈfekʃəs/ (a): lây nhiễm, lan truyền
19. lawmaker /ˈlɔːmeɪkə(r)/ (n): người làm luật, nhà lập pháp
20. oil spill /ˈɔɪl - spɪl/ (n.p):tràn dầu

1. Perfect gerunds (Danh động từ hoàn thành)

• Hình thức having + pp (chủ động); having been + pp (bị động)
Chức năng:
Dùng thay cho hình thức hiện tại của danh động từ khi nhấn mạnh một hành động đã xảy ra trong quá khứ
trước hành động của động từ chính trong câu.
E.g: She denied having stolen the bike. (Cô ấy phủ nhận đã lấy trộm xe đạp.) nhấn mạnh hành động
"having stolen the bike - lấy trộm xe đạp" xảy ra trước hành động "she denied- cô ấy phủ nhận"
Danh động từ hoàn thành có thể được dùng trong các cấu trúc sau:
a. V + O + Prep + Perfect Gerund
Các động từ thường gặp là accuse sb of (buộc tội ai); apologize sb for (xin lỗi ai), admire sb for
(ngưỡng mộ ai), blame sb for (đổ lỗi cho ai), congratulate sb on (chúc mừng ai), criticize sb for (chỉ
trích ai), praise sb for (khen ngợi ai), thank sb for (cảm ơn ai), suspect sb of (nghi ngờ ai), ....
E.g: The police blamed him for having cut down the oldest tree in the park.
b. V + Perfect Gerund

English 11

Các động từ thường gặp là admit (thừa nhận), deny (phủ nhận), forget (quên), mention (đề cập),
remember (nhớ), regret (hối tiếc, hối hận), ....
E.g: I admit having stolen his money.
Lưu ý: Tùy vào ngữ cảnh chúng ta có thể sử dụng danh động từ đơn (gerunds) hay danh động từ hoàn
thành (perfect gerunds). Trong một số trường hợp chúng ta có thể thấy rõ hành động nào xảy ra trước và
do đó chúng ta chỉ cần sử dụng danh động từ đơn mà không cần dùng danh động từ hoàn thành để nhấn
E.g: She denied stealing the bag.
2. Perfect participles in clauses of time and reason (Phân từ hoàn thành trong các mệnh đề chỉ thời
gian và lý do)
a. Hình thức: having + PP (chủ động); having been + pp (bị động)
E.g: Having finished his homework, he went out with his friends. (Sau khi làm xong bài tập về nhà, cậu
ấy đã đi chơi với bạn.)
b. Chức năng
Chúng ta dùng phân từ hoàn thành để:
- Rút gọn mệnh đề khi hành động trong mệnh đề đó xảy ra trước hành động khác.
E.g: He finished his homework and then he went out with his friends.
Having finished his homework, he went out with his friends.
- Rút gọn mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian.
E.g: After he had got up, he brushed his teeth.
After having getting up/ Having getting up, he brushed his teeth.
- Giải thích lý do cho hành động trong mệnh đề chính.
E.g: Having lost the game, they cried a lot.
Lưu ý: Mệnh đề rút gọn được gọi là mệnh đề phân từ (participle clauses); hai hành động có cùng chủ
Bài 1: Complete the sentences with the perfect participle.
1. (park) the car, we searched for the ticket machine.
2. (drink) one liter of water, she really needed to go to the toilet.
3. (leave) the party too early, we couldn't see the fireworks anymore.
4. (finish) her phone call, she went back to work.
5. (lose) ten kilograms, Daisy finally fit into her favorite dress again.

Bài 2: Complete the sentences with the perfect participle. Decide whether to use active or passive
1. (stop) the car, the police officer wanted to see the documents.
2. (write) the test, we felt relieved
3. (work) all day, we were quite exhausted in the evening.
4. (send) to counter 20,1 had to return to counter 3.
5. (confess), he was accused of even more criminal offences.
English 11

6. (arrive) at the station, we called a taxi.

7. (type) by the secretary, the letter was signed by the boss.
8. (interrupt) several times, she was rather annoyed.
9. (live) in Oxford for two years, she spoke English like a native speaker.
10. (rescue), the injured man was taken to hospital.

Bài 3: Rewrite the sentences replacing the underlined part with a perfect participle.
1. We switched off the lights before we went to bed.
we went to bed.
2. The boy asked his mother's permission and then went out to play.
the boy went out to play.
3. As he had drunk too much, he didn't drive home himself.
he didn't drive home himself.
4. We have written two tests today, so we are very exhausted.
we are very exhausted.
5. She filled the washing machine and switched it on.
she switched it on.
6. She had been to the disco the night before and overslept in the morning.
she overslept in the morning.
7. We had worked in the garden all day and were sunburned in the evening.
we were sunburned in the evening.
8. She had not slept for two days and therefore wasn't able to concentrate.
she wasn't able to concentrate.
9. Since I had not seen him for ages, I didn't recognize him.
I didn't recognize him.
10. I had not ridden a horse for a long time and found it very difficult to keep in the saddle
I found it very difficult to keep in the saddle.

Bài 4: Change the underlined part of the sentence into a participle clause.
1. We are lying in the sun and we are enjoying life.
, we are enjoying life.
2. The boy had brushed his teeth. He was allowed to watch a few more minutes of television.
, the boy was allowed to watch a few more minutes of television.
3. The children sat on their beds and watched the thunderstorm.
the children watched the thunderstorm.
4. They were surprised by a sudden storm and had to seek shelter under a tree.
, they had to seek shelter under a tree.
5. When they had found the secret island, they started searching for the treasure.
, they started searching for the treasure.
English 11

Bài 5: Rewrite the sentences with participle clauses.

1. Mary left school early because he felt sick.

2. The teacher was impressed by Michael's work, so she gave him the highest score.

3. Because he hadn't studied hard enough for his exam, Tom couldn't pass it.

4. As I haven't received all the applications yet, I am not eager to hire anyone.

5. The golden ring, which was stolen weeks ago, was found.

6. As I have an assignment to finish, I cannot come with you.

7. When my sister heard the good news, she wanted to cry.

8. Because I didn't want to lose my passport, I gave it to my father.

9. After he had been told to wash the dishes, David entered the kitchen with a frown.

10. As I had been to New York before, I knew where to find a good hotel.


Bài 6: Rewrite the sentences beginning with an appropriate participle (present, past or perfect).
1. When she saw the dog coming towards her, she quickly crossed the road.
2. If it is looked after carefully, the plant can live through the winter.
3. As I don't have a credit card, I found it difficult to book an airline ticket over the phone.
4. Jim spent a lot of time filling in job application forms because he was unemployed.
5. Because I was walking quickly, I soon caught up with her.
6. The house was built of wood, so it was clearly a fire risk.
7. I was eager to catch the bus in good time because I had been told off the day before for arriving late.
8. She didn't know where the theater was, so she asked for directions at the hotel reception.
9. As she was a nurse, she knew what to do after the accident.
10. He had spent his childhood in Hue City so he knew the city well.
11. The fruit was expensive because it was imported.
12. We had spent nearly all our money so we couldn't afford to stay at a hotel.
13. As we didn't want to offend him, we said nothing about his paintings.
14. Although James is known mainly as a writer of novel, he has now written a successful biography.
15. Although it had been hunted close to extinction, the rhino is once again common in this area.
English 11

Bài 7: Choose the best answer.

1. He thought that such a trifle was not worth
A. being mentioned B. having mentioned
C. mentioning D. to be mentioned
2. I'm surprised at your this book so quickly. How did you manage to do it?
A. being read B. having read
C. having been read D. reading
3. I thought of Tim for help, but then I decided to ask Linda.
A. asking B. having asked C. my asking D. to ask
4. The fear for what he had done made him run away.
A. being punished B. of being punished
C. of punishing D. to be punished
5. This work should be no problem for him. He is used to it.
A. being done B. do C. doing D. having done
6. She was tired. She didn't feel capable anything.
A. doing B. about doing C. fordoing D. of doing
7. He apologized in advance for to see us during our visit.
A. being not able B. having been not able
C. not being able D. not having been able
8. It is no use it. He is not listening to you.
A. by repeating B. in repeating
C. of repeating D. repeating
9. We have no objection him.
A. for inviting B. of inviting C. to inviting D. to invite
10. I was reading a book when she burst into my room without
A. being seen B. knocking
C. saying goodbye D. turning on the light
Bài 8: Rewrite the sentences using participle clauses.
1. Susan was lying in the sun. She got sunburned.

2. Tim has just retired. He is now able to spend more time gardening.

3. They bought their tickets and went to find a seat.

4. The student sat in front of the computer and wrote his essay.

5. Some people argue against school uniforms. They feel children should wear what they want to.

English 11

6. Some students are disappointed in their progress at school. These students often do not go into further

7. Children do not have the maturity to make every choice themselves. They need a parent or guardian to
make decisions on their behalf.

8. I didn't want to break the law. I called the police instead.

9. John travelled overseas a lot as a teenager. He learns different cultures and customs.

Bài 9: Choose the best answer.

1. for twelve hours, I felt marvelous.
A. Having slept B. Have slept
C. Having been slept D. Have been slept
2. By the time their baby arrives, the Smiths hope painting and decorating the new nursery.
A. having finished B to have finished
C. having been finished D. to have been finished
3. She's angry about to the farewell party last night
A. not having invited B. not to have invited
C. not having been invited D. not to have been invited
4. We decided not to travel,
A. having heard B. to have heard
C. having been heard D. to have been heard
5. I'd love to the party, but it was impossible.
A. having gone B. to have gone
C. having been gone D. to have been gone
6. I don't recall him at the conference.
A. having seen B. to have seen
C. having been seen D. to have been seen
7. in dark colors, the room needed some bright lights.
A. Having painted B. To have painted
C. Having been painted D. To have been painted
8. The stockbroker denied of the secret business deal.
A. having informed B. to have informed
C. having been informed D. to have been informed
9. They now regret their son by providing too many material possessions.
A. having spoiled B. to have spoiled
C. having been spoiled D. to have been spoiled
10. to the party, we could hardly refuse to go.

English 11

A. Having invited B. To have invited

C. Having been invited D. To have been invited

11. Tom made a bad mistake at work, but his boss didn't fire him. He's lucky a second
A. having given B. to have given
C. having been given D. to have been given
12. Are you sure you told me? I don't recall about it.
A. having told B. to have told
C. having been told D. to have been told

English 11

I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. dinner B. disappear C. discover D. dinosaur
2. A. robot B. robe C. rock D. role
3. A. constant B. modern C. obvious D. robot
4. A. continue B. finish C. likely D. instant
5. A. annual B. basic C. average D. capacity
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
1. A. importance B. happiness C. employment D. relation
2. A. possible B. cultural C. confident D. supportive
3. A. office B. nature C. result D. farmer
4. A. difficult B. popular C. effective D. national
5. A. answer B. reply C. singer D. future
1. Choose the correct word in the bracket to complete the sentences.
deforestation heat-related emissions extinction absorb
catastrophic footprint diversity preserve infectious
1. Global warming has proved truly ______________________________________ for the environment.
2. Having measured the company's carbon _________________________________, they realised that the
amount of carbon dioxide (CO) it produced was great.
3. Rainforests have the highest species ________________________________ on the earth.
4. We need to ________________________________ the diversity of wildlife because each species has an
important role to play.
5. Scientists have warned about the relationship between climate change and the spread of
________________________________ diseases.
6. The alarming rate of ________________________________ results in damage to the quality of the land.
7. The increase in the earth's temperature can cause _________________________________ illnesses which
can be dangerous to people.
8. A large amount of carbon dioxide ________________________________ are released into the atmosphere
by burning fossil fuels.
9. Many species are threatened with _____________________________ due to deforestation and loss of habit.
10. More trees should be planted as they ___________________________ carbon dioxide and give off
IL. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form the word that fits in the gap in the
same line.
1. Global warming may lead to _____________________ weather events, including heat waves, floods, and
powerful storms, which could affect people's lives. (EXTREMELY)
2. Every one of us can help to protect and sustain our environment by _____________________ our
consumption habits. (CHANGE)

English 11

3. Even slight increase in the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere can cause a _____________________
rise in temperature. (SIGNIFICANCE)
4. There is a _____________________ between the recent droughts and climate change. (CONNECT)
5. Farming contributes more than 30 percent of the total greenhouse gas _____________________. (EMIT)
6. The overuse of chemical _____________________ is a serious threat to the environment. (FERTILIZE)
7. Global warming is the increase in the earth's average surface temperature due to the warming
_____________________ of greenhouse gases. (EFFECTIVE)
8. The main cause of _____________________ warming is the burning of fossil fuels, such as natural gas, oil,
and coal. (GLOBE)
9. The _____________________ of the earth's atmosphere causes sea-level rise. (WARM)
10. Many animal species are in danger of extinction due to the loss of their habitat and inability to
_____________________ to climate change. (ADAPTION)
III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
1. Developed countries are responsible for 80% of the ____ carbon dioxide that is already in the atmosphere.
A. man-made B. men-made C. man-making D. man-mades
2. The government must take ____ to cut vehicle emissions.
A. measures B. repeat C. discover D. ban
3. They didn't forget ____ a short vacation in Cuc Phuong National Park last year.
A. being spent B. having been spent C. to spend D. having spent
4. The effects of climate change on humans and nature are ____.
A. catastrophic B. temperature C. global D. risk
5. A layer of greenhouse gases – primarily water vapor, and carbon dioxide - acts as a ____ blanket for the
Earth, absorbing heat and warming the surface.
A. heat B. heating C. thermal D. hot
6. We admired the Japanese ____ the city of Fukushima after the disaster.
A. to being rebuilt B. for having rebuilt C. to rebuild D. of having rebuilt
7. We need to preserve the ____ of wildlife because each species has an important role to play.
A. diversity B. various C. population D. type
8. Most climate scientists agree the main cause of the current global warming trend is human expansion of the
greenhouse ____.
A. gas B. damage C. cause D. effect
9. ____ trees around the house on the south and west sides, they can save up to about $250 a year on cooling
and heating.
A. Having planted B. Being planted C. To plant D. To have planted
10. The increase in the earth's temperature can cause ____illness which can be dangerous to people.
A. heat-related B. heat-relate C. heat-relating D. heated-relate
11. Certain ____ in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, block heat from
A. gases B. layers C. effects D. emissions
12. Having developed green technologies with low-carbon emissions, ____ intends to get rid of coal.
A. that country B. the communities C. the effort D. the possibility

English 11

13. Carbon dioxide is one of the primary ____ gases that cause global warming.
A. greenhouse B. house C. plant D. home
14. Carbon dioxide is released through ____ processes such as respiration and volcano eruptions and through
____ activities such as deforestation, land use change, and burning fossil fuels.
A. man-made B. ordinary-man-made C. human natural D. natural-human
15. Vietnam has been named among the 12 countries most ____ for climate change by the World Bank.
A. at danger B. in risk C. at risk D. ready
I. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only one word in each space.
landslides biodiversity conditions temperature rainfall
economic farmland impacts agencies support
Vietnam Likely to Face Extreme Weather Conditions by 2050
Vietnam is likely to continue facing extreme weather (1) _____________________ such as higher (2)
____________________, lower summer rainfalls, stronger storms, and rising sea levels from now to 2050.
Temperature in northern Vietnam will rise by between 0.83 degrees Celsius by 2050 and continue its uptrend
during the late 21st century. Summer (3) ____________________ will decline in most areas. Meanwhile,
storms may become rarer but fiercer, causing possible flash floods and (4) _____________________ in flood-
prone areas of northern mountains, central and central highland provinces. The forecasts suggest sea level rise
of 100mm-400mm along the entire Vietnamese coast by the end of the 21st century, affecting marine (5)
_____________________ and coastal communities. The experts emphasize the unpredictability of climate
change and its potential (6) _____________________ to create a variety of dangerous extreme weather events
in the future.
To raise the public awareness of climate change impacts, the Vietnamese government urges concerned
(7) ____________________ to work together on devising worst-case scenario models and responses by 2020
and calls on international experts to further (8) ____________________ Vietnam in climate change
adaptation. Climate change is a real threat to Viet Nam's socio-(9) ______________________ development. If
sea levels rose one meter, five percent of the country's land, eleven percent of its population and percent of its
(10) ____________________ would be affects.
II. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following
Consequences of Global Warming on Wildlife
Increasing global temperatures are expected to (1) ____ ecosystems, pushing extinction to those
species that cannot adapt. The first comprehensive assessment of the extinction risk (2) ____ global warming
found that more than 1 million species could be extinctive by 2050 if the current rate continues.
A recent study of (3) ____ 2,000 species of plants and animals discovered movement toward the poles
at an average rate 3.8 miles per decade.
The latest climate change report found that approximately 20 to 30 percent of plant and animal species
assessed so far are likely to be at (4) ____ risk of extinction if global average temperature increases by more
than 2.7 to 4.5 degree Fahrenheit.
(5) ____ polar bears are drowning because they have to swim longer distances to reach ice floes. The
U.S. Geological Survey has predicted that (6) ____ of the world's polar bear populations will be extinct by the
mid-century due to melting of the Arctic ice cap.

English 11

The ocean will continue to become more acidic due to carbon dioxide emissions. (7) ____ this
acidification, species with hard calcium carbonate shells are vulnerable, as are coral reefs, (8) ____
are vital to ocean ecosystems. Scientists predict that a 3.6 degree Fahrenheit increase (9) ____ temperature
would (10) ____ out 97 percent of the world's coral feels.
1. A. endanger B. benefit C. harm D. use
2. A. to B. from C. off D. on
3. A. nearly B. near C. relatively D. wealthy
4. A. declined B. born C. presented D. increased
5. A. Some B. Few C. More D. Little
6. A. two-third B. two-thirds C. two-three D. two-thirdth
7. A. As B. Due C. Because D. Because of
8. A. that B. when C. which D. who
9. A. away B. in C. at D. of
10. A. send B. broke C. wipe D. lay
III. Read the passage and choose the best answer.
The world's oceans have warmed 50 percent faster over the last 40 years than previously thought due to
climate change, Australian and US climate researchers reported Wednesday. Higher ocean temperatures
expand the volume of water, contributing to a rise in sea levels that is submerging small island nations and
threatening to wreak havoc in low-lying, densely populated delta regions around the globe.
The study, published in the British journal Nature, adds to a growing scientific chorus of warnings
about the pace and consequences rising oceans. It also serves as a corrective to a massive report issued last
year by the Nobel-winning UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), according to the authors.
Rising sea levels are driven by two things: the thermal expansion of sea water, and additional water
from melting sources of ice. Both processes are caused by global warming. The ice sheet that sits atop
Greenland, for example, contains enough water to raise world ocean levels by seven metres (23 feet), which
would bury sea-level cities from Dhaka to Shanghai.
Trying to figure out how much each of these factors contributes to rising sea levels is critically
important to understanding climate change, and forecasting future temperature rises, scientists say. But up to
now, there has been a perplexing gap between the projections of computer-based climate models, and the
observations of scientists gathering data from the oceans.
The new study, led by Catia Domingues of the Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research, is
the first to reconcile the models with observed data. Using new techniques to assess ocean temperatures to a
depth of 700 metres (2,300 feet) from 1961 to 2003, it shows that thermal warming contributed to a 0.53
millimetre-per-year rise in sea levels rather than the 0.32 mm rise reported by the IPCC.
1. Ultimately, the new study should help scientists to ____.
A. lower water levels.
B. better predict climate change.
C. bury sea-level cities like Dhaka and Shanghai.
2. The rise in water levels is especially dangerous for small island nations and ____.
A. low-lying urban areas.
B. all coastal cities.
C. people who live on the beach.

English 11

3. What happens when the ocean's temperature rises?

A. It causes sea levels to rise.
B. It causes sea levels to remain constant.
C. It causes sea levels to decrease.
4. What was the main finding of the study?
A. not enough is being done about global warming.
B. ocean waters have warmed faster than scientists had previously thought.
C. the warming of the world's oceans is not a threat.
5. The new study ____.
A. shows that thermal warming contributed to a 0.32 millimeter-per-year rise in sea levels.
B. did not reveal anything that scientists didn't already know.
C. used new techniques to assess ocean temperatures.
I. Rewrite the sentences, using perfect gerunds.
1. Nam won a scholarship. We are excited about that fact.
→ We are
2. Entering the room, I was surprised at what I saw.
→ When
3. The volunteers couldn't mow the old lady's lawns because of the rain.
→ The rain prevented
4. Since we have become too dependent on the use of electricity, we have to find alternative sources of energy
before fossil fuels run out.
→ Having
5. Tonya had dumped a lot of rubbish on the beach. She was strongly criticised for that.
→ Tonya was
6. In the Tree Planting Competition, the students in Group 11G planted the most trees in the schoolyard. They
were praised for that.
→ The students in
7. After she replaced all the light bulbs in her house with LED lights, she same a lot of money on her
electricity bills.
→ Having
English 11

8. Sam had not worked hard enough in his previous job. He regretted it.
→ Sam regretted
9. Someone had cut down the oldest tree in the park. The police suspected Mike of doing it.
→ The police suspected
10. Since the farmers used too much chemical fertiliser on their farm, they now have to drink polluted water.
→ Having
11. Denis had taken an active part in the Green Summer activities. He was rewarded for that.
→ Denis was
12. After the students had learnt about the benefits of recycling and reusing, they started collecting waste
paper, bottles, and cans to recycle and reuse.
→ Having
II. Rewrite the sentences, using perfect gerunds.
1. David did his homework and they went to bed.
→ After having
2. It is easy for anyone to learn how to cook.
→ Learning
3. Tony had rescued the kids from the fire. People admired him for that.
→ People
4. He had dumped lots of rubbish onto the beach. He denied it.
→ He denied
5. After Ha had read some documents about Green Earth, she decided to join the organization.
→ Having
6. I have seen him before. I remember that.
7. You had saved the lives of hundreds of wild animals. Thank you for that.
→ Thank you
8. They had hunted and killed many wild animals. Later they regretted what they had done.

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→ They regretted
9. Since Mai had refused Nam's offer of a lift in his car, she had to walk home.
→ Having
10. 'You've lied to us, the villagers said. The politician denied it.
→ The politician
11. The factory had dumped tons of toxic waste into the river. It was heavily fined for that.
→ The factory
12. Thanh had forgotten to turn off the gas cooker before he left his house. He admitted that.
→ Thanh admitted
III. Rewrite the following sentences using Perfect Participle.
Ex: We switched off the lights before we went to bed.
→ Having switched off the lights, we went to bed.
1. Zoe had practiced a lot, so she was sure of her winning in the competition.
2. The boy asked his mother's permission and then went out to play.
3. As he had drunk too much, he didn't drive home himself.
4. We have done two tests today, so we are exhausted.
5. She filled the washing machine and switched it on.
6. She had been to disco the night before and she overslept in the morning.
7. We had worked in the garden all day and were sunburned in the evening.
8. She had not slept for two days and therefore she wasn't able to concentrate.
9. Since I had not seen him for ages, I didn’t recognize him.

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10. I had not ridden a horse for a long time and I found it very difficult to sit on the saddle.
IV. Rewrite the following sentences using After or Before.
1. I told him off. Then I realized I was wrong.
→ After having told him off, I realized I was wrong.
2. I worked very hard for the exam. Then I passed it.
→ Before
3. First I considered what to study. Then I decided to major in Maths.
→ After
4. She wrote a letter. Then she went to bed.
→ After
5. He bought a radio. First he checked the price.
→ After
6. They argued. Then they fought.
→ After
7. She went out for a walk. Then she had a fatal accident.
→ Before
8. She decided to go away. First she faced the matter.
→ After
9. We read the book, then we wrote the assignment.
→ Before
10. She watched the film, then she wrote a report.
→ After
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. sale B. serve C. sure D. sort
2. A. age B. altogether C. change D. college
3. A. mercury B. mermaid C. merriment D. servant
4. A. solar B. cost C. knowledge D. impossible
5. A. appear B. measure C. nuclear D. year
English 11

II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
1. A. commitee B. scientific C. pagoda D. computer
2. A. lotion B. escape C. prefer D. review
3. A. commerce B. consent C. access D. advent
4. A. mysterious B. historical C. heritage D. particular
5. A. discriminate B. accurate C. transparent D. benevolent
III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
1. Planting trees can contribute to reducing global warming as trees ____ and absorb CO in the air.
A. capture B. pasture C. calculate D. appear
2. A strong greenhouse effect will warm the ocean and partially melt glaciers, increasing ____.
A. sea level B. temperature C. sea water D. pollution
3. The next dry season will be extremely severe ____ further saltwater intrusion, water and rain shortages, and
heat waves.
A. due to B. thanks to C. because D. although
4. Climate change may lead to the extinction of many species and upset the ____ balance.
A. ecological B. biology C. geography D. technology
5. Ocean water also will expand if it warm, ____ further to sea level rise.
A. leading B. contributing C. getting D. making
6. Methane is a far more active ____ than carbon dioxide, but also one which is much less abundant in the
A. climate change B. emission C. greenhouse gas D. greenhouse effect
7. The government must take measures to cut ____ emissions.
A. vehicle B. transportation C. transfer D. convert
8. The cleaning of land for agricultural, industry, and other human activities have increased ____ of
greenhouse gases.
A. lots B. collections C. concentration D. attention
9. The low ____ in the Mekong Delta leads to acute saline instruction much deeper than the traditional 30 to
40 km of mainland that is contaminated with saltwater.
A. water level B. salt water C. water currents D. sea level
10. Buying organic food is better for the environment because it uses less ____.
A. fertilizer B. fertilize C. fertilizes D. fertilized
11. Humans ____ atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration by a third since the Industrial Revolution began.
A. had increased B. were increasing C. Increase D. have increased
12. All of the disasters resulted from ____ will continue to have a devastating effect on socio-economic
A. ecological balance B. carbon footprint C. floods D. climate change
13. The simplest way to reduce your ____ footprint is to cycle to school.
A. carbon B. chemical C. chemistry D. dioxide
14. ____ the desalination plant, the company could offer an effective solution to the problem of water scarcity.
A. Being built B. Having been built C. To build D. Having built

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15. Sea level rise is usually regarded as Vietnam's main ____: a one-meter rise would submerge 40 percent of
the country and make millions homeless.
A. concern B. disaster C. hope D. destruction
16. Replace all the light bulbs in your home with ____ bulbs.
A. energy-saving B. energy-save C. energy-saves D. energy-saved
17. The public praised the local farmers for ____ millions of trees of the surrounding hills.
A. being planting B. having planted C. plant D. being planted
18. Leaving your DVD player on standby produces the same carbon ____ each year as the average person of
A. emissions B. releases C. eruptions D. appearance
IV. Choose the correct word in the box to complete the sentences.
capture greenhouse illnesses ecological emissions
dioxide balance catastrophic climate energy
1. Carbon dioxide is one of the primary _______________________________ gases that cause global
2. Deforestation is one of the biggest environmental threats to the __________________________ balance in
the world.
3. There are many ways for us to reduce our carbon ___________________________ order to save our
4. The effects of climate change on humans and nature are ___________________________.
5. I believe that the only way for us to reduce global warming is to cut down on ______________________
6. Planting trees can contribute to reducing global warming as trees _________________________ and absorb
CO2 in the air.
7. As global temperature rise, there are more cases of heat-related ___________________________.
8. Motor vehicles running on petrol are responsible for a large amount of carbon dioxide
9. Climate change may lead to the extinction of many species and upset the ecological
10. Although global warming is causing changes in weather patterns, it is only one aspect of
V. Choose the word in the box to complete the text.
radiation networks overall flooding vulnerable
systems throughout sensitive increased urbanization
Global warming and cooling have occurred naturally (1) ___________________ history. But in the last
200 years, humans' uses of fossil fuels and clear cutting of forests have (2) ___________________ the amount
of carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere. These gases trap some of the (3) ___________________
from the sun which then increases the Earth's temperature. Given the current state of environmental pollution
caused by human activities, scientists believe the average temperature of the earth may increase 1-2 degrees
Celsius which put simply, means some places will get much hotter and some much colder. At the same time,

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this (4) ____________________ warming effect means more frequent and more intense weather systems,
especially in terms of flooding and drought.
Vietnam is one of the most (5) ___________________ environments due to its location on the planet.
It is already subject to some of the earth's most powerful weather systems and the increased frequency and
intensity of storms will affect it often and directly, especially in coastal areas where most people live.
Various estimates have been made as to the possible impacts. The most directly affected sector will be
agriculture, which is very (6) ___________________ to flooding and the effects of extreme weather.
Vietnam has the advantage of coming relatively late into the industrialization, (7)
__________________, and modernization process. This means it can avoid many of the mistakes made by
wealthier industrial countries. For example, wireless communication (8) ___________________ can be built
from the start rather than installing lines that can be destroyed in extreme weather. Cities can be designed and
located in less vulnerable locations. Climate-friendly building codes and standards can be created that are both
more efficient and less prone to heat stress, wind damage, and (9) ___________________. Climate friendly
transport (10) ___________________, especially public transport, can be adopted.
VI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following
Global warming is primarily a problem of too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, (1) ____ acts as
a blanket, trapping heat and the planet. (2) ____, the average surface temperature has increases more than one
degree Fahrenheit since the late 1800s. Most of that increase has occurred over the past three decades.
We are overloading our atmosphere with carbon dioxide, which traps heat and steadily drives up the
planet's temperature. Carbon dioxide comes from the fossil fuels we burn for energy, such as coal, natural gas,
and oil, and the loss of forests due to (3) ____, especially in the tropics.
Within the scientific community, there is no debate. (4) ____ scientists agree that global (5) ____ is
happening and that human activity is the primary cause.
Global warming is already having significant and costly effects- and these consequences will only
intensify as the planet's temperature continues to rise. Global warming is accelerating the (6) ____ of sea level
rise and dramatically increasing coastal flooding risk. Climate change has significant effects for our health,
including increased air pollution and a longer and (7) ____ intense allergy season.
We must significantly reduce the heat-trapping (8) ____ we are putting into the atmosphere. As
individuals, we can help by taking action to reduce our carbon footprint. Tropical deforestation accounts for
about 10 percent of the world's heat trapping emissions. Reducing tropical deforestation can significantly
lower global warming emissions and plays an integral role in a long-term solution to global warming.
Sometimes it is difficult to achieve meaningful (9) ____ to global warming because misinformation
about the truth of global warming misleads and confuses the public and makes it more difficult to carry (10)
____ effective solutions.
1. A. that B. which C. who D. when
2. A. Global B. Globaliness C. Globally D. Globe
3. A. deforestation B. culture C. relation D. afforestation
4. A. Most of B. Mostly C. Most D. Almost
5. A. wrapping B. proving C. offering D. warming
6. A. number B. rate C. amount D. part
7. A. more B. few C. less D. little
8. A. inclusions B. ceremony C. emissions D. creations

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9. A. factor B. stories C. problems D. solutions

10. A. out B. in C. on D. away
VII. Read a text about common wedding rituals in the USA and answer the questions that follow.
One of the factors in global warming is carbon monoxide. The more carbon monoxide in the
atmosphere, the less the atmosphere is able to clean itself. The result is a warming of the atmosphere, the so-
called global warming, and possibly ozone damage.
Earlier, it was found that carbon monoxide was concentrated in the Southern Hemisphere, and could be
attributed to deforestation. Huge areas of forest and grasslands in South America and Africa have been burned,
putting carbon monoxide into the atmosphere. Recently, however, the Southern Hemisphere has been found to
be clean, while the Northern Hemisphere is more polluted than expected.
The latest research was done during the northern winter. The high levels in the Northern Hemisphere
could be because of this. In winter carbon monoxide is destroyed more slowly. There are also more fires
burned in winter, and possibly industrial processes work harder. It could also reflect the ever-increasing
number of cars on the roads. Optimists hope that the reason why the North has overtaken the South as the
major area of carbon monoxide is that at last the burning has stopped, or at least slowed down.
1. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A Global warming. B. Carbon monoxide in the atmosphere.
C. The warming of the atmosphere. D. Ozone damage.
2. Which of the following is NOT a reason for carbon dioxide?
A. Ozone damage. B. Burning of forest.
C. Traffic. D. Industry.
3. According to the author which of the following is a reason why in winter there is more carbon-monoxide in
the atmosphere?
A. Fewer factories are working.
B. There is a decrease in the amount of traffic on the roads.
C. Central heating means there are fewer fires nowadays.
D. Carbon monoxide is not absorbed so fast.
4. Why are the optimists happy?
A. People are buying more cars.
B. There is more carbon dioxide in the North.
C. They are possibly burning fewer forests in the Southern Hemisphere.
D. Industry must be doing better.
5. What is the attitude of the author towards the new findings?
A. He is biased in favor of the South. B. He is neutral.
C. He agrees with the optimists. D. He is worried about the North.
VIII. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in the brackets
1. Having been told about the dangers of chemical fertilisers, they turned to bio - fertilisers. (Because)
2. Having spent the whole day cleaning up my room, I needed to take a shower and have a rest. (Because)
English 11

3. Having finished all my homework, I watched my favourite film on TV. (After)
4. Having watched the documentary about wildlife, I made a donation to an environmental society. (After)
5. Having read the stories about people who reduced their carbon footprint, we started to change our daily
consumption habits. (After)
6. Having eaten my evening meal, I decided to go for a walk. (After)
7. Having managed water resources irresponsibly, the authorities had to deal with water shortages in the
region. (Since)
Exercise 1. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. genius B. gorilla C. global D. gases
2. A. pollution B. poaching C. physical D. pesticide
3. A. warming B. warn C. walk D. wasn't
4. A. floor B. flood C. moorland D. door
5. A. increase B. release C. please D. grease
Exercise 2. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position
of primary stress in each of the following questions.
6. A. campaign B. global C. balance D. carbon
7. A. natural B. endangered C. dangerous D. habitat
8. A. rainforest B. tropical C. discover D. animal
English 11

9. A. pollution B. continue C. enormous D. disappear

10. A. devastated B. environment C. diversity D. ecology
Exercise 3. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
11. We need to cut down on the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
A. intake B. retake C. uptake D. discharge
12. Land erosion is mainly caused by widespread deforestation.
A. afforestation B. reforestation C. logging D. lawn mowing
13. In the past, a lot of countries denied having contributed to global warming.
A. agreed B. refuted C. approved D. avoided
14. Most people admit that they contribute to global warming.
A. be partly responsible for B. disapprove C. neglect D. cause
15. We must admit that people are heavily polluting the environment.
A. decline B. rebut C. deny D. accept
16. In the polluted environment, infectious diseases can be passed easily from one person to another.
A. fatal B. safe C. contagious D. immune
17. Global warming has severe impact on water supplies.
A. very good B. very bad C. normal D. long-lasting
18. Global warming occurs when the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trap the heat from the sun.
A. catch B. discharge C. dispose D. release
19. Such unhygienic conditions encourage the spread of diseases.
A. decline B. stability C. decrease D. increase
20. Deforestation is one of the biggest environmental threats to the ecological balance in the world.
A. sureties B. certainties C. dangers D. safety
21. As fossil fuel resources are running out, it is important for the government to find some types of alternative
A. irreplaceable B. substitute C. impossible D. practical
22. Local people have cut down the forests to make way for farming.
A. allow farming to take place B. lose way in farming
C. have a way of farming D. give way to farming
23. Because farmers had been informed about the bad effects of chemical fertilisers, they started using them
sparingly on their farms.
A. carelessly B. moderately C. recklessly D. irresponsibly
24. Global warming is one of the biggest issues facing humans nowadays.
A. causes B. factors C. concerns D. agreements
25. The biggest cause of global warming is carbon dioxide emissions from coal burning power plants.

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A. fauna B. flora C. trees D. factories

26. Global warming effects on people and nature are catastrophic.
A. destructive B. constructive C. evaluative D. creative
27. Coal burning releases a large amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
A. discourages B. reduces C. relaxes D. discharges
28. The demand for cars is increasing rapidly in the modern world.
A. need B. offer C . reply D. discovery
29. Forests absorb and capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
A. take up B. take in C. take over D. take to
30. The process of forests absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere has been disrupted by the current
alarming rate of deforestation.
A. discussed B. discovered C. disturbed D. distributed
31. Flood and drought are two major causes of famine.
A. family B. obesity C. hygiene D. hunger
32. Water shortages are likely to delay economic growth and damage ecosystems.
A. aid B. advance C. deter D. defer
33. It is important to maintain the biological diversity of the rainforests.
A. similarity B. identity C. variety D. compatibility
34. We may help if we cut down on energy use by using LED lightbulbs and unplug unused electronic
A. reuse B. reduce C. recycle D. reproduce
35. Reusing and recycling glass, plastic, paper and other products help to reduce waste and pollution, and
conserve natural resources.
A. preserve B. reserve C. converse D. reverse
36. The thick layer of global warming gases keeps more heat from the sun, which leads to the increase in the
earth temperature.
A. catches B. releases C. allows D. loses
37. Global warming results in climate change and extreme weather patterns.
A. results from B. causes C. originates D. is due to
38. Our city is going to ban supermarkets from using plastic bags.
A. reduce B. encourage C. prohibit D. allow
39. Many species are threatened with extinction due to deforestation and loss of habitat.
A. damaged B. spoilt C. treated D. endangered
40. It is important to raise money to help people who have to suffer consequences of global warming.
A. collect B. donate C. sponsor D. contribute
41. Everyone should remember to switch off the lights before going out.
A. go off B. turn off C. take off D. log off

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42. We may help to control global warming by reducing carbon footprints in our homes.
A. putting up with B. getting down to C. cutting down on D. going back to
Exercise 4. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
43. Cutting down on energy use is the best way to help reduce global warming.
A. Shrinking B. Declining C. Decreasing D. Increasing
44. We should grow more trees so that they can absorb more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
A. emit B. take in C. consume D . cut off
45. Releasing too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere can lead to global warming.
A. result in B. result from C. cause D. activate
46. Farmers turned to bio-fertilisers after they had been told about the dangers of chemical fertilisers.
A. trusted B. disbelieved C. counted on D. depended on
47. The factory owner denied having said that he should take responsibility for the damage that his factory
caused to the surrounding environment.
A. refuted B. rejected C. opposed D. accepted
48. Some scientists are accused of not having reported the effects of climate change.
A. exonerated B. blamed C. charged D. complained
49. They were criticised for having acted irresponsibly towards the environment.
A. blamed B. commended C. condemned D. denounced
50. The factory was fined for having dumped a huge amount of rubbish into the river.
A. penalised B. levied C. compensated D. punished
Exercise 5. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
51. With clear evidence, his company couldn't deny having dump a large quantity of toxins into the sea.

52. Humans now have to suffer the effects of global warming due to having treat the environment
53. Having denied the responsibility for the environmental it caused, the factory was forced to close down.
54. Having been warn about the relationship between climate change and the spread of infectious diseases,
everyone should get vaccinated.
55. These companies were accused on having released a large amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

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56. Having deciding on the topic of the presentation, he started finding relevant information for it.
57. Having known about the harmful affects the company had on our neighbourhood, we decided to boycott its
58. Having signed an agreement to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, we were determined to help reduced
global warming.
59. Having identified the most urgent environmental problems, they start working out all possible solutions.
60. Having spent all their saving money, they started do some odd jobs to make ends meet.
61. Having cutting down many trees in the area, now the people here have to suffer really hot summers.
62. Having decided to use public transport instead private transport, we were determined to reduce carbon
63. Having cycled to work every day, I become more responsibly for the environmental issues.
64. Having watched TV programmes about the farmers' careless use of chemical fertilisers on they crops,
citizen dwellers decided to grow their own vegetables.
65. Having suffered water shortage in the past, we are all very economic on using water.
66. Having change our attitude to nature, we started changing our behaviours as well.
Exercise 6. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
67. The president of the company officially apologised to the local residents ____ having dumped a large
amount of raw sewage in the area.
A. about B. with C. at D. for
68. The factory was accused ____ having caused higher level of pollution to the environment.
A. about B. on C. of D. for
69. We all admire him ____ having changed both his attitude and behaviours towards the environmental

English 11

A. about B. for C. with D. at

70. Human activities are also blamed ____ having contributed to global warming.
A. for B. on C. at D. with
71. We congratulated him ____ having invented an energy-saving device.
A. for B. at C. about D. on
72. He was criticised ____ not having put the elephant poachers in jail.
A. at B. about C. for D. on
73. His company was punished ____ not having dumped the rubbish properly.
A. by B. for C. about D. because of
74. The city mayor praised all voluntary students ____ having cleaned the playgrounds for the children.
A. for B. because of C. at D. due to
75. He thanked us ____ having contributed to cleaning the surrounding environment.
A. on B. to C. with D. for
76. He was suspected ____ having received presents from the local companies and ignored their violations of
the environmental law.
A. about B. on C. of D. for
77. Even when arrested, he denied ____ cut down that tree.
A. has B. having C. have D. have had
78. Those farmers admitted ____ having used more chemical fertilisers than needed.
A. on B. about C. for D. to
79. He forgot ____ promised to cut down on the carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere.
A. to promise B. have C. having D. had
80. I remembered having ____ off the lights before leaving home.
A. switched B. switch C. switching D. switches
81. He regretted not ____ registered for military service last spring.
A. have B. having C. having had D. having done
82. The local residents suspected the authorities ____ having kept the pollution level secret from the local
A. about B. on C. of D. for
83. He denied having polluted the environment, ____ no one believed him.
A. however B. despite C. but D. in spite of
84. Thank you for having ____ the information about global warming.
A. shared B. sharing C. share D. shares
85. He regretted ____ killed and eaten several rare species.
A. to have B. having C. have D. has
86. His company was fined ____ dumped tons of toxic waste near the residential area.
A. to have B. because of having C. for having D. of having

English 11

87. These students were rewarded ____ actively taken part in voluntary activities.
A. with B. before C. on having D. for having
88. She was praised ____ donated a lot of money to the wildlife protection organisation.
A. for having B. to have C. because of having D. due to having
89. I remember ____ advised you to stop hunting endangered animals.
A. to have B. having C. have D. had
90. The local authorities were blamed ____ ignored the pollution issues in the area.
A. about having B. on having C. for having D. before having
Exercise 7. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following
exchanges. Two friends Nam and Lan are talking about the topic of global warming.
91. Nam: What are the main threats to the environment today?
Lan: ____
A. Threats are possible dangers to the environment.
B. Probably deforestation and global warming.
C. Environmental pollution is a big issue for our planet
D. We need a clean environment to live in.
92. Lan: How can ordinary people help protect the environment?
Nam: ____
A. What can ordinary people do to help the environment?
B. Environment really needs our help.
C. We may use environmentally-friendly products.
D. Both governments and individuals are to blame on.
93. Nam: Do you do anything to protect the environment?
Lan: ____
A. I refuse to use plastic bags and try to recycle as much as possible.
B. I use a lot of plastic bags and containers to save the environment.
C. I'm not interested in the subject of environment.
D. I don't want to change my lifestyle.
94. Lan: What solution to air pollution can you suggest?
Nam: ____
A. Air pollution is really serious these days.
B. Smoke from factory chimneys pollutes the air.
C. Air pollution causes acid rain.
D. People should use public means of transport.
95. Nam: What is the biggest environmental problem facing our country?
Lan: ____

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A. Too much toxic sewage is dumped at sea.

B. All countries face environmental problems.
C. No one can help protect the environment.
D. Our country is facing the biggest environmental problem.
96. Nam: Is global warming a problem in our country?
Lan: ____
A. Global warming is getting more and more serious.
B. Governments are closely working together to solve environmental problems.
C. Global warming causes sea level to rise.
D. Probably. The temperatures are getting hotter year by year in the area.
97. Nam: What causes global warming?
Lan: ____
A. Changes in weather patterns resulting from global warming.
B. Too much carbon dioxide being trapped in the atmosphere.
C. Catastrophic consequences of global warming.
D. Common global warming consequences.
98. Nam: What are the consequences of global warming?
Lan: ____
A. Global warming causes many consequences.
B. Consequences of global warming is catastrophic.
C. Icebergs melt and low-lying areas are flooded.
D. More trees are being cut down.
99. Nam: Why is global warming a problem?
Lan: ____
A. People find it difficult to adapt to the changes in the weather patterns.
B. Global warming can benefit people in certain areas.
C. There's no need to worry about global warming.
D. Global warming is a very interesting topic for presentation.
100. Nam: What are global warming gases?
Lan: ____
A. Global warming gases are mainly man-made.
B. Global warming gases are everywhere.
C. The amount of carbon dioxide is increasing.
D. Carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane.
101.Lan: What can government do to punish factories that violate environmental law?
Nam: ____
A. So many of them are polluting the environment.

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B. Yes, I think a big fine would be relevant.

C. They may force those factories to close down.
D. There are no factories in this region.
102. Lan : Who has to suffer global warming effects the most?
Nam: ____
A. What are global warming effects?
B. Maybe poor people in low-lying areas.
C. All people suffer from global warming.
D. Only few people benefit from global warming.
103. Lan: How can we help to fight deforestation?
Nam: ____
A. We may recycle paper and buy recycled paper products.
B. We may cut down trees at an alarming rate.
C. We should only cut branches of big trees.
D. We should set up animal ranches near forests.
104. Nam: What will happen if the low-lying areas are flooded?
Lan: ____
A. Low-lying areas are often flooded.
B. Flood happens when water level rises.
C. Low-lying areas can never be flooded.
D. People in these regions will have to face a lot of problems.
105. Lan: What do you do to help the environment?
Nam: ____
A. It is the responsibility of the government.
B. I try to recycle more and reduce carbon footprint.
C. Everyone can protect the environment.
D. Environment helps people live comfortably.
Exercise 8. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
We are probably all (106) ____ at some point in our lives of not caring for the environment as much as
we should. Perhaps we drop litter without thinking, or cause (107) ____ by using our cars when it's not
necessary. However, the real environmental (108) ____ are those big businesses which ignore the law.
For many years now, (109) ____ have attempted to protect the environment by making businesses
responsible for making sure that the chemical they use don't add to the (110) ____ of the environment.
The problem for businesses is that the (111) ____ of the environment costs money, and businesses will
always try to (112) ____ their costs if they can. Some of them do this by simply putting chemical into
English 11

rivers when they have finished with them, leading to the (113) ____ of major problems. Although
government (114) ____ may try to catch them doing it, it can be very difficult to get (115) ____ that a
particular business is responsible for an environmental problem. It really depends (116) ____ not only
the government but also businesses and individuals as well. All people need to contribute to (117) ____
the environment.
106. A. guilty B. proud C. sorry D. tired
107. A. damage B. pollution C. . accidents D. trouble
108. A. agents B. crimes C. criminals D. doers
109. A. politicians B. politics C. parties D. residents
110. A. induction B. construction C. instruction D. destruction
111. A. production B. protection C. destruction D. deforestation
112. A. stabilise B. raise C. lower D. save
113. A. creation B. creativity C. creator D. creature
114. A. suspicion B. suspect C. inspection D. inspectors
115. A. improvement B. proof C. waterproof D. prove
116. A. over B. at C. on D. in
117. A. protecting B. protect C. protected D. protection
Exercise 9. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions.
The costs and benefits of global warming will vary greatly from area to area. For moderate climate
change, the balance can be difficult to assess. But the larger the change in climate, the more negative
the consequences will become. Global warming will probably make life harder, not easier, for most
people This is mainly because we have already built enormous infrastructure based on the climate we
now have.
People in some temperate zones may benefit from milder winters, more abundant rainfall, and
expanding crop production zones. But people in other areas will suffer from increased heat waves,
coastal erosion, rising sea le more erratic rainfall, and droughts.
The crops, natural vegetation, and domesticated and wild animals (including seafood) that sustain
people in a given area may be unable to adapt to local or regional changes in climate. The ranges of
diseases and insect pests that are limited by temperature may expand, if other environmental conditions
are also favourable.
In its summary report on the impacts of climate change, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change stated, "Taken as a whole, the range of published evidence indicates that the net damage costs
of climate change are likely to be significant and to increase over time.”
118. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Environment pollution is real. B. Reasons why low-lying areas are flooded.
C. Solutions to global warming. D. Reasons why global warming is a problem.
119. Which of the following is TRUE as the result of global warming?
A. All people suffer from global warming. B. All people benefit from global warming.
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C. Life is more difficult for the majority of people. D. Life is easier for most people.
120. In paragraph 1, the word “this” refers to ____.
A. harder life as a result of global warming B. easier life as a result of global warming
C. climate change on global scale D. flood in low-lying areas
121. In paragraph 2, the word “erratic” is closest in meaning to ____.
A. predictable B. unpredictable C. changeable D. unchangeable
122. According to the passage, all of the following are the results of global warming EXCEPT ____.
A. higher temperature B. coastal erosion C. increasing sea level D. stable rainfall
123. What may happen to diseases and insect pests as a result of global warming?
A. They will become extinct. B. They will increase in number.
C. They will not harm our planet. D. They will be under good control.
Exercise 10. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions.
The Amazon rainforest is home to more than a third of all the world's species of plants, birds and
animals. Twenty per cent of all the birds in the world live in the rainforest. Scientists have discovered
thousands of types of plants and animals that can only be found there. There are thousands - probably
millions more that we haven't discovered yet. There are at least 2.5 million species of insects there.
Imagine what would happen if they all lost their home? It couldn't happen, could it? Unfortunately, it's
happening right now. Yet, the rainforest is big. But it's getting smaller. The problem is that people are
cutting down the trees, mainly to make room for cows. These provide meat and make money for their
owners. This process of cutting down trees is called ‘deforestation'.
The good news is that it is slowing down. In 2004, for example, more than 27,000 square kilometres
were cut down. That's an area bigger than Wales. In 2006, because of all the campaigns to save
rainforest, it dropped to just over 13,000 square kilometres. The bad news is that it's not enough.
Scientists predict that by 2030, the rainforest will have become smaller by 40%. It's possible that by the
end of the 21st century, the rainforest will have completely disappeared. With deforestation, thousands
of the animals, birds, fish and plants that live in the Amazon rainforest lose their home, their natural
habitat. Some of them move to other areas, but most of them die. Many species have already become
extinct, and many more will if deforestation continues. That will change the balance of life in the
rainforest and could cause enormous problems to the region's ecosystem.
There's another problem too. Trees and plants are a vital source of oxygen. If we cut them down, we
lose that oxygen. But it's worse than just that. With deforestation, the trees and plants are burnt. This
sends gases into the Earth's atmosphere, which stops some of the Earth's heat escaping. That then leads
to the temperature here on the ground going up. This increase in the world's temperature is called
'global warming', and most scientists believe it's a very serious issue. If they stopped deforestation, it
might help prevent global warming.
124. Which title best summarises the main idea of the passage?
A. Chances for owners of cow ranches B. Threats to Amazon rainforest C. Global warming effects D.
Habitat destruction
125. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
English 11

A. A fifth of all the birds in the world live in the rainforest. B. 20% of all the animals in the world live
in the rainforest.
C. Nearly two million species of insects are found in the Amazon rainforest.D. Nearly half of the world's
species of plants grow there.
126. In paragraph 1, the word "room” is closest in meaning to ____.
A. chamber B. flat C. area D. studio
127. In paragraph 2, the word "it” refers to ____.
A. room B. process C. rainforest D. deforestation
128. According the passage, which of the following is TRUE about Amazon rainforest?
A. It has become smaller by 40%. B. The deforestation is decreasing.
C. 25% of animal species are extinct now. D. The deforestation is under control.
129. In paragraph 2, the word “enormous” is closest in meaning to ____.
A. serious B. important C. common D. insignificant
130. What might help to restrain global warming?
A. increasing deforestation B. stabilising deforestationC. ceasing cutting down trees D. clearing more
trees for farming
Exercise 11. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.
131. Having seen people suffer global warming consequences, we decided to reduce carbon footprints.
A. We decided to reduce carbon footprints before seeing people suffer global warming consequences.
B. We saw people suffer global warming consequences after we decided to reduce carbon footprints.
C. We decided to cut down on carbon footprints after we saw people suffer global warming
D. We decided to cut down on carbon footprints before we saw people suffer global warming
132. Climate change leads to numerous catastrophic consequences.
A. Numerous catastrophic consequences result in climate change.
B. Numerous catastrophic consequences result from climate change.
C. Climate change results from numerous catastrophic consequences.
D. Numerous catastrophic consequences cause climate change.
133. The increase in earth's temperature can cause heat-related illnesses.
A. Heat-related illnesses result from the increase in earth's temperature.
B. Heat-related illnesses result in the increase in earth's temperature.
C. Heat-related illnesses lead to the increase in earth's temperature.
D. Heat-related illnesses trigger the increase in earth's temperature.
134. Carbon dioxide is one of the primary greenhouse gases that cause global warming.
A. Carbon dioxide is the only greenhouse gas that causes global warming.
English 11

B. Global warming results in greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide.

C. One of the main greenhouse gases that lead to global warming is carbon dioxide.
D. Global warming causes greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide.
135. Planting trees can contribute to reducing global warming.
A. Global warming can't be controlled by planting trees. B. Planting trees is the only way to control
global warming.
C. Planting trees can accelerate global warming.D. Planting trees can help reduce global warming.
Exercise 12. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences
in the following questions.
136. He said that he would take responsibility for his company's damage to the area. But then he denied that.
A. Having denied his company's damage, he took responsibility for it.
B. He denied having damaged to his company's area.
C. He denied having taken responsibility for the damage to his company's area.
D. He denied having said that he would take responsibility for his company's damage to the area.
137. He donated a lot of money to environmental protection campaigns. He was admired for that.
A. Unless he donated a lot of money to environmental protection campaigns, he was admired.
B. He was admired for having donated a lot of money to environmental protection campaigns.
C. If he had donated a lot of money to environmental protection campaigns, he would have been
D. If he donates a lot of money to environmental protection campaigns, he will be admired.
138. They decided to cut down their carbon footprints. They were praised for that.
A. They were praised for having decided to decrease their carbon footprints.
B. They were not punished for having decided to decrease their carbon footprints.
C. Unless they decided to cut down their carbon footprints, they were praised for that.
D. If they decided to cut down their carbon footprints, they would be praised for that.
139. We have advised you on how to cut down your energy use. We remember that.
A. We can no longer remember having advised you on how to decrease your energy use.
B. We remember having advised you on how to maintain your energy use.
C. We remember having advised you on how to decrease your energy use.
D. We remember to have advised you on how to decrease your energy use.
140. Some scientists have distorted the effects of climate change. They were accused of that.
A. Some scientists were accused of having falsify the effects of climate change.
B. Some scientists were accused of having been honest about the effects of climate change.
C. Although some scientists have distorted the effects of climate change, they were not accused.
D. Some scientists were accused of having falsified the effects of climate change.


English 11


Giáo dục nghề
1. abroad /əˈbrɔːd/ (adv):ở nước ngoài
2. academic /ˌækəˈdemɪk/ (adj):thuộc vể hoặc liên quan đến giáo dục, việc học tập, mang tính học thuật
3. accommodation /əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃn/(n): phòng ở
4. achieve /əˈtʃiːv/ (v):đạt được
5. admission /ədˈmɪʃn/(n): sự vào hoặc được nhận vào một trường học
6. analytical /ˌænəˈlɪtɪkl/(adj):(thuộc) phân tích
7. baccalaureate /ˌbækəˈlɔːriət/(n):kì thi tú tài
8. bachelor /ˈbætʃələ(r)/(n):người có bằng cử nhân
9. broaden /ˈbrɔːdn/ (n):mở rộng, nới rộng
10. campus /ˈkæmpəs/ (n): khu trường sở, sân bâi (của các trường trung học, đại học)
11. collaboration/kəˌlæbəˈreɪʃn/ (n): cộng tác
12. college /ˈkɒlɪdʒ/ (n): trường cao đẳng hoặc trường chuyên nghiệp
13. consult /kənˈsʌlt/(v): hỏi ý kiến, tra cứu, tham khảo
14. coordinator /kəʊˈɔːdɪneɪtə(r)/ (n):người điều phối, điều phối viên
15. course /kɔːs/ (n): khoá học, chương trình học
16. critical /ˈkrɪtɪkl/(adj):thuộc bình phẩm, phê bình
17. CV/ˌsiːˈviː/ (n): viết tắt của curriculum vitae, bản tóm tắt quá trình hoạt động của một người (thường nộp
theo đơn xin việc); bản lí lịch
18. dean /diːn/(n):chủ nhiệm khoa (một trường đại học)
19. degree /dɪˈɡriː/ (n):học vị, bằng cấp
20. diploma /dɪˈpləʊmə/(n) : bằng cấp, văn bằng
21. doctorate /ˈdɒktərət/(n):học vị tiến sĩ
22. eligible /ˈelɪdʒəbl/(adj):đủ tư cách, thích hợp
23. enrol /ɪnˈrəʊl/ (v):ghi danh
24. enter /ˈentə(r)/ (v):gia nhập, theo học một trường
25. faculty /ˈfæklti/(n):khoa (của một trường đại học)
26. institution /ˌɪnstɪˈtjuːʃn/ (n):viện, trường đại học
27. internship /ˈɪntɜːnʃɪp/ (n):giai đoạn thực tập
28. kindergarten /ˈkɪndəɡɑːtn/ (n): trường mẫu giáo ( cho trẻ 4 - 6 tuổi)
29. major /ˈmeɪdʒə(r)/ (n): môn học chính của sinh viên, chuyên ngành
30. mandatory /ˈmændətəri/ (a):có tính bắt buộc
31. Master/ˈmɑːstə(r)/ (n): thạc sĩ
32. passion /ˈpæʃn/(n):sự say mê, niềm say mê
33. potential /pəˈtenʃl/(n): khả năng, tiềm lực

English 11

34. profession /prəˈfeʃn/ (n):nghề, nghề nghiệp

35. pursue /pəˈsjuː/(v):đeo đuổi
36. qualification /ˌkwɒlɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/(n): văn bằng, học vị, chứng chỉ
37. scholarship /ˈskɒləʃɪp/(n):học bổng
38. skill /skɪl/(n):kĩ năng
39. talent /ˈtælənt/ (n): tài năng, năng lực, nhân tài
40. training /ˈtreɪnɪŋ/ (n): rèn luyện, đào tạo
41. transcript /ˈtrænskrɪpt/(n):học bạ, phiếu điểm
42. tuition /tjuˈɪʃn/(n): tiền học, học phí
43. tutor/ˈtjuːtə(r)/ (n):thầy giáo dạy kèm
44. undergraduate /ˌʌndəˈɡrædʒuət/(n): sinh viên đang học đại học hoặc cao đẳng, chưa tốt nghiệp
45. university /ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsəti/ (n): trường đại học
46. vocational /vəʊˈkeɪʃənl/ (adj): thuộc vể hoặc liên quan đến học nghề, hướng nghiệp
1. Cấu trúc (Form)

Affirmative (Khẳng định) Negative (Phủ định) Interrogative (Nghi van)

S + have/ has + been + V-ing S + have/ has + not + been + V- Have/ Has + S + been + v-ing...?
She has been waiting here for 30 She hasn't been waiting here for Has she been waiting here for 30
minutes. 30 minutes. minutes?

2. Cách dùng (use)

Thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn được dùng để diễn tả:
- Hành động bắt đầu trong quá khứ, kéo dài liên tục đến hiện tại, vẫn đang tiếp tục ở hiện tại. Cách dùng
này thường đi kèm với giới từ "since" và "for"
E.g: They have been waiting here for over two hours. (They are still waiting here now.)
I have been reading for 3 hours. (I am still reading now.)
How long have you been learning English? (You are still learning now.)
- Hành động đã bắt đầu trong quá khứ, vừa mới kết thúc gần đây.

English 11

E.g: Why is the grass wet? Has it been raining?

I'm tired because I've been running.
3. Signal Words
Một số cụm từ thường đi kèm trong thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn như: all day, for 4 years, since 1993,
how long, the whole week, ...
4. Sự khác biệt giữa hiện tại hoàn thành và hiên tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn
- Thì hiện tại hoàn thành chú ý đến kết quả của hành động.Trong khi đó, thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn
nhấn mạnh đến hành động mà có thể chưa kết thúc.
E.g: I've been decorating the house this morning. (nhấn mạnh vào hành động -decorating- hành động
chưa kết thúc)
I've painted the living room blue. (nhấn mạnh vào kết quả của hành động. Bây giờ chúng ta có thể nhìn
thấy được kết quả)
- Thì hiện tại hoàn thành nói đến hành động hoàn thành được bao nhiêu (how many/ how much); còn thì
hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn nói đến hành động xảy ra được bao lâu (how long)
E.g: She's been writing letters for 3 hours.
She's written 5 letters.
- Thì hiện tại hoàn thành nói đến hành động mang tính chất lâu dài, còn thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn
chỉ hành động mang tính tạm thời.
E.g: I've worked here for ten years.
I usually work in Hanoi but I've been working in Ho Chi Minh City for the last 3 weeks.
Lưu ý: Trong một số trường hợp, ta có thể chia động từ ở cả thì hiện tại hoàn thành và hiện tại hoàn
thành tiếp diễn tùy thuộc vào ngữ cảnh.


Bài 1: Put the verbs into the correct form (present perfect continuous).
1. He (work) in this company since 1995.
2. I (wait) for you since two o'clock.
3. Mary (live) in Germany since 1990.
4. Why is he so tired? He (play) tennis for five hours.
5. How long (you, learn) English?
6. We (look for) the motorway for more than an hour.
7. I (live) without electricity for two weeks.
8. The film (not run) for ten minutes yet, but there's a commercial break already.
9. How long (she, work) in the garden?
10. She (not / be) in the garden for more than an hour.

Bài 2: Make sentences using the present perfect continuous.

1. (I / not/work today)

2. (you / not / eat well recently)

English 11

English 11

3. (we/not/exercise enough)

4. (she / not / study)

5. (they/ not/ live here for a long time)

6. (it / not / snow)

7. (he / not / play football for five years)

8. we / not / drink enough water - that's why we feel tired)

9. (I/ not/ sleep - I was reading)

10. (they / not / watch TV much recently)

Bài 3: Choose the best answer.

1. How long for?
A. are you waiting B. have you been waiting
C. have you waited D. do you wait
2. We in this street for twenty years.
A. are living B. have been living
C. live D. lived
3. He in the garden since morning.
A. is working B. work
C. worked D. has been working
4. It heavily yesterday.
A. is raining B. has rained
C. rained D. has been raining
5. I this laptop for three vears.
A. am using B. use C. have been using D. used
6. The workers higher wages for a long time.
A. has been demanding B. have been demanding
C. demand D. demanded
7. The girl her lessons for 2 hours.
A. has been learning B. have been learning
C. had been learning D. is learning
8. The children in the garden now.
English 11

A. has been playing B. have been playing

English 11

C. had been playing D. are playing

9. "You look tired". "Yes, I "
A. am running B. have been running
C. has been running D. was running
10. Who in my bed since 7 o'clock?
A. is sleeping B. has been sleeping
C. have been sleeping D. was sleeping

Bài 4: Choose the best answer.

1. I've (been writing/ written) to the bank twice, but I haven't had a reply.
2. We've (painted/ been painting) the bedroom. We've nearly finished.
3. They've (been knowing/ known) each other for ten years.
4. Have you (been seeing/ seen) the new James Bond film yet?
5. I've (been trying/ tried) to call you all morning!
6. How long have you (been waiting/ waited) for the bus?
7. We've (been having/ had) a dog for ten years.
8. I haven't (been working/ worked) hard recently.

Bài 5: Put the verbs into the correct form, using either the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect
1. How long Jerry? (you/to know)
2. You look dirty. What all day? (you/to do)
3. How many times New York? (Michael/to visit)
4. She French words for hours, but she still doesn't remember all of them, (to learn)
5. The children videos for two hours, (to watch)
6. hard today? (he/to study)
7. My father . (never/to smoke)
8. Sorry, I'm late. for long? (you/to wait)
9. We Lisa recently, (not/to see)
10. He his essay all day, but he yet. (to write) (not/to finish)

Bài 6: Put the verbs into the correct form, using either the Present Continuous or the Present
Perfect continuous.
1. It (rain) all week. I hope it stops by Friday because I want to go to the beach.
2. You look really great! (You, exercise) at the fitness center?
3. Mark, where have you been? We (wait) for you since 1 p.m.
4. Tim: What is that sound?
Daisy: A car alarm (ring) somewhere down the street. It(drive) me crazy - I
wish it would stop! it (ring) for more
than twenty minutes.

English 11

5. Johnson's English (improve, really) , isn't it? He (watch)

American television programs every day since he first arrived in San Diego. Soon he will be totally
6. Dave: You look a little tired. (You, get) enough sleep lately?
Michelle: Yes, I (sleep) relatively well. I just look tired because I (feel)
a little sick for the last week.
Dave: I hope you feel better soon.
Michelle: Thanks. I (take, currently; some medicine, so I should feel better in a couple of

Bài 7: Put the verbs into the correct form, using either the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect
1. Julia: How long (you, be) ;n Canada?
Clare: I (study) here for more than three years.
2. I (have) the same car for mere than ten years. I'm thinking about buying a new one.
3. I (love) chocolate since I was a child. You might even call me a "chocoholic."
4. Mark and Sarah (have) some difficulties in their relationship lately, so they (go)
to a marriage counselor. I hope they work everything out.
5. John (work) for the government since he graduated from Harvard
University. Until recently, he (enjoy) his work, but now he is talking about retiring.
6. Lately, I (think) about changing my career because I (become) dissatisfied
with the conditions at my company
7. I (see) Julia for more than five years and during that time I (see) many
changes in her personality.


Bài 8: Choose the correct form (Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect continuous).
1. We want to tell how we have spent our time:
A. We have played football.
B. We have been playing football.
2. The action is completed now:
A. Charles has sent the letter.
B. Charles has been sending the letter.
3. I want to tell how I have spent my time:
A. I have watched TV.
B. I have been watching TV.
4. I want to emphasise that the door is open now:
A. Elizabeth has opened the door.
B. Elizabeth has been opening the door.
5. I want to emphasise that the house is ready now:
A. My friends have built a house.
English 11

B. My friends have been building a house.

Bài 9: Put the verbs into the correct form, using either the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect
1. I (play) football for five years.
2. My team (win / only) two matches so far.
3. The others (be I always) _better.
4. Are we not there yet? We (walk) for hours.
5. But we (cover / only) an area of five miles so far.
6. I (finish/just) my homework.
7. I (work) on this essay since two o'clock.
8. Jane (go out) with Bob for seven years.
9. Peter (date) three girls this week.
10. How long (wait / you) for us?

Bài 10: Put the verbs into the correct tense (Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous).
1. A: (you / take) the dog for a walk yet?
2. B: I (work) all day. I (come / just) home from work and
I (have I not) the time yet to walk the dog.
3. A: How long (the dog / be) home alone?
4. B: For about 6 hours. You (walk I not) the dog for a long time. Don't you want to go?
5. A: Well, I (laze / not) about all day either, you know. I have a very important meeting
tomorrow and I still (finish / not) my report.
6. B: Okay, I will go then. Where (you / put) collar and leash?
7. A: They are in the kitchen. By the way, (you I eat) anything yet? If not, could you get us
something from the market?

Bài 11: Put these words into the correct order to make sentences with present perfect continuous.
1. morning / cleaning I these / been I dirty /. / all / I've I floors

2. three I office / for / has / Sarah / this /. / in / been / weeks I working

3. to I been / how / bus / long I this / ?/ waiting / we / come / have I for

4. been / hour./ we've /1 / understand I don't / and I document I reading / for / this I anything /an

5. I very / long I haven't / they / for / French / been / learning

6. weeks / been / with / sister / few /. / his / a / Martin / living I for I has

7. five I you / ? / have I been / doing / these I years / last / what

English 11

8. these / cleaning / all / you / do / been / ? / I've / know / glasses / why

Bài 12: Put the verbs into either the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.
1. I'm really tired. I since seven this morning, (work)
2. Peter at six schools in six years. He never stays in the same job. (teach)
3. Mr Hung since she left university in 2000. (teach)
4. Hoa English for nearly two years, (study)
5. This week he ten new verbs, (learn)
6. I over 40 resumes but I still can't decide who to give the job to. (read)
7. She can't still be thirsty! She three glasses of lemonade, (drink)
8. How long professional baseball? (play)
9. How many games ? (play)

I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. ago B. across C. about D. adult
2. A. language B. article C. partly D. hardly
3. A. but B. cut C. sun D. put
4. A. lake B. plane C. plan D. state
5. A. lecture B. medium C. inventor D. president
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
1. A. definition B. politician C. situation D. production
2. A. image B. purchase C. mislead D. deadline
3. A. extinction B. endangered C. business D. intention
4. A. cattle B. country C. canal D. cover
5. A. copy B. remove C. notice D. cancel
I. Put the verbs in the present perfect or the present perfect continuous tense.
1. I (try) _____________________ to learn French for years, but I (not succeed) _____________________
2. She (read) ____________________ all the works of Dickens. How many (you read)
3. I (wait) ____________________ here nearly half an hour for my girlfriend; do you think she (forget)
____________________ to come?
4. Mary (rest) ____________________ in the garden all day because she (be) _____________________ ill.

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5. Although John (study) ____________________ at the University for 5 years, he (not get)
____________________ his degree yet.
6. Jack (go) ____________________ to Switzerland for a holiday. He (never, be) ___________________
7. We (live) ____________________ here for the last six months, and (just, decide) ____________________
to move.
8. That book (lie) ____________________ on the table for weeks. You (not read) ______________________
it yet?
9. He (not be) _____________________ here since Christmas; I wonder where he (live)
___________________ since then.
10. He (lose) __________________________ his books. He (look) ____________________ for them all
afternoon, but they (not turn up) ____________________ yet.
11. She (work) ____________________ so hard this week that she (not have) ____________________ time to
go to the cinema.
12. Your hair is wet. (You swim) ____________________ for a long time?
13. Bill is still a bad driver although he (drive) ____________________ cars for six years.
14. You look very tired. (You work) ____________________ very hard ?
15. The phone (ring) _____________________ for 2 minutes, but I (not answer) ____________________ it
II. Put the correct preposition for the sentences below.
1. Academic courses should teach practical skills __________________________ addition to critical thinking.
2. When a student enters a college or university, he/she has to choose a main subject
______________________ study, which is called major.
3. Specialized vocational courses such __________________________ design and cooking are very popular.
4. Students _________________________ bachelor's degrees can pursue postgraduate education to get
master's or doctoral degrees.
5. It's difficult __________________________ find a place to park in the city centre.
6. Although Kevin did not have any academic qualifications, he had a lot _______________________
practical experience.
7. We have just attended a seminar __________________________ further education.
8. Students can choose to pursue further education which is generally divided
___________________________ higher education and vocational education and training.
9. I started the course two weeks ago, but I have already passed most __________________________ the
10. The academic year has just started and I have been living __________________________ the halls of
residence so far.
III. Choose the correct words in brackets to complete the sentences.

English 11

1. Prof. Wilson has given / has been giving the same seminar to students for the last 12 years.
2. She has never understood / has never been understanding why so many young people want to study
3. Nam has studied / has been studying English for two years.
4. He has attended / has been attending online vocational courses twice.
5. Have you applied / Have you applying for the scholarship to study in Singapore?
6. We have waited / have been waiting for the university's reply about entry requirements for the whole week.
We hope to receive it soon.
7. The British Council has used / has been using IELTS as an international standardised test of English for
non-native English language speakers for a long time.
8. The university has built / has been building a new campus since May.
9. We have read / have been reading three books on vocational training to complete this project.
10. They have read / have been reading a report on a further education since last Monday. I will finish it this
11. Mary has stayed / has been staying at a homestay for three weeks during her undergraduate programme.
12. I have applied / have been applying for a vocational scholarship three times.
IV. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form the word that fits in the gap in the
same line.
1. Can you explain what types of _______________________ are available for international students?
2. Are _________________________ students allowed to work part-time? (NATIONAL)
3. I'd like to consult you about the __________________________ differences (that) I should be aware of.
4. What __________________________ me most is the high cost of living in London as an international
student. (WORRY)
5. One of the reasons for Vietnamese students' studying abroad is the quality of the
_______________________ programmes in higher education. (ACADEMY)
6. Most of these students are interested in pursuing ___________________________ studies for bachelor's
degrees. (GRADUATE)
7. Some students decide to study in the United States or the United Kingdom to improve their language
__________________________, which can help them to get a better job. SKILLFUL
8. Some universities in the United States offer different _________________________ to international
students to help to cover tuition fees and living costs. (SCHOOL)
9. The higher education __________________________ gained at UK universities and colleges are
recognised worldwide. (QUALIFY)
10. Universities must better prepare students for their __________________________ careers.
V. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
1. We ____ him since he ____ married.
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A. didn't see/got B. haven't seen/got C. don't/get D. hadn't seen/got

2. I ____ the money yet.
A. not received B. didn't receive C. haven't received D. hadn't received
3. Today is Thursday and she ____ late twice this week. She ____ late yesterday and on Monday.
A. is/was B. has been/is C. has been/was D. has been/had been
4. We ____ what to do with the money yet.
A. not decide B. didn't decide C. haven't decided D. hadn't decided
5. My father ____ as a teacher for almost thirty years.
A. works B. is working C. worked D. has been working
6. He ____ to New York at least three times this year.
A. had been going B. was going C. has been going D. is going
7. They ____ to know each other for more than ten years.
A. get B. got C. have got D. had got
8. She ____ dishes already.
A. was washing B. washed C. has washed D. has been washing
9. I ____ you for ages.
A. haven't been meeting B. didn't meet C. wasn't meeting D. haven't met
10. Tom is still watching television. He ____ television all day.
A. has been watching B. was watching C. has watched D. watched
11. A Bachelor's degree is a three-year or four-year course you take in undergraduate higher education after
you ____ further education.
A. has finished B. had been finishing C. have finished D. have been finishing
12. At most institutions in the UK, the ____ starts in September or October and runs until June or July.
A. leap year B. gap year C. new year D. academic year
13. That university ____ the Advanced Programme with the aim to enrol around 500 international students for
a decade.
A. has been implementing B. will be implementing C. have implemented D. will
14. Further and higher education colleges offer courses and qualification wide range of vocational and
academic subjects at many ____.
A. levels B. positions C. standards D. qualities
15. Depending on your nationality, you may be ____ for a loan or financial support from the UK government.
A. keen B. eligible C. legal D. capable
16. The UK offers a wide range of work-based ____ for students seeking to build careers in specific industries.
A. exercising B. practicing C. learning D. training
17. University ____ in Vietnam can decide their own criteria for enrolling international students.
A. bosses B. leaders C. principals D. rectors

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18. A Bachelor's degree is also known as the ____ university degree or an undergraduate degree.
A. main B. ordinary C. first D. major
19. The teachers at Edinburgh College encourage students to ____ with others, experiment with arts and find
their own ideas.
A. solve B. collaborate C. support D. improve
20. With thousands of UK further education courses on offer, you can choose a course that ____ your goals
and interests.
A. watches B. appoints C. fixes D. matches
I. Fill the blank with a suitable word.
In the USA, further education generally refers to education undertaken by adults of all ages after
leaving full-time study. It doesn't include degree courses (1) ____________ at college or university directly
after leaving high school, which come under (2) ____________ education.
Further education includes everything from basic reading and writing skills for the illiterate to full-time
professional and doctorate degrees at university. On many university (3) ______________, more students are
enrolled in further education courses than in (4) ____________ degree programmes.
Often adult education students don't need to be high school or degree graduates or take any tests or
interviews, and they're generally (5) ____________ on a first-come, first served basis. A high school diploma
is (6) ____________ for some courses, although General Educational Development (GED) tests allow students
to (7) _____________ a high school equivalency diploma.
Adult education courses may be full-time or part-time and are provided by two and four-year colleges,
universities, community colleges, (8) ____________ schools, and elementary and high schools. Courses are
also provided by private community organizations, government (9) ____________, and job training centres.
More and more adult education programmes are becoming (10) ____________ on the Internet, including
courses which offer university or continuing education credits for completion.
II. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only one word in each space.
leading straight long fields education
higher offers persuade skilled qualifications
Further education in Britain means (1) ___________________ after GCSE exams taken around the age
of 16. It includes courses of study (2) ___________________ to A-levels which students do at their school or
college. Some students go (3) ___________________ to a college of further education which (4)
____________ a wide range of full or part-time courses. Further education also includes training for
professional (5) ___________________ in nursing, accountancy, and management and in (6)
___________________ such as arts and music. The term (7) ___________________ education is used to refer
to degree courses at universities.
The British government is keen on (8) _____________________ more young people to remain in
education as (9) ___________________ as possible in order to build up a more highly (10)
________________, better educated workforce.
III. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank in the following passage.

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British further education qualifications are respected by employers and (1) ____ worldwide. There are
two main types: academic courses, and vocational and professional courses. Academic courses help you (2)
____ for higher education at a university or college. They aim to develop your analytical skills, critical
thinking and knowledge. (3) ____ and professional courses give you the skills and qualification you need to
enter and succeed in your chosen career. They offer technical (4) ____ and skills for the workplace.
British (5) ____ education providers invest heavily in facilities - from libraries, computer centres and science
laboratories to sports centres, theatres and arts studios. Class sizes are (6) ____ to ensure that you have access
to equipment and enough time to talk to your tutors and lectures.
British qualifications are a great boost to your CV and to your earnings. Employers are increasingly looking
for (7) ____ with multicultural experience. Moreover, British colleges and universities have strong links with
industry - many courses are designed in partnership with, and taught by, industry professional. Many include
the option of a year in industry or a work placement, giving you real professional (8) ____.
English is widely regarded as the language of business. Studying in the UK helps you learn language
quickly, through your studies, friends and everyday life. If you need any additional support, (9) ____ are lots
of English language classes across the UK.
The UK is a truly multicultural society, with a wonderful mix of people from many different
backgrounds. As a student, you'll get to know people from all over the world and be inspired by many cultures.
Many colleges have international offices and advisers to ensure you feel welcome and are supported (10) ____
your time in British further education.
1. A. academics B. academy C. academical D. academically
2. A. get B. prepare C. make D. support
3. A. Occasional B. Vocational C. Optional D. Various
4. A. growing B. changing C. adding D. training
5. A. further B. each C. both D. every
6. A. bored B. restricted C. expensive D. attracted
7. A. joins B. enters C. arrives D. graduates
8. A. experiment B. factor C. experience D. problem
9. A. there B. that C. which D. they
10. A. in B. over C. throughout D. cross
IV. Read the passage and choose the best answer.
It's called 42 - the name taken from the answer to the meaning of life, from the science fiction series
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. 42 was founded by French technology billionaire Xavier Niel, whose
backing means there are no tuition fees and accommodation is free. Mr Niel and his co-founders come from
the world of technology and start-ups, and they are trying to do to education what Facebook did to
communication and Airbus to accommodation.
Students at 42 are given a choice of projects that they might be set in a job as a software engineer -
perhaps to design a website or a computer game. They complete a project using resources freely available
on the Internet and by seeking help from their fellow students, who work alongside them in a large open-plan
room full of computers. Another student will then be randomly assigned to mark their work.

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The founders claim this method of learning makes up for shortcomings in the traditional education
system, which they say encourages students to be passive recipients of knowledge. “Peer-to-peer learning
develops students with the confidence to search for solutions by themselves, often in quite creative and
ingenious ways."
Like in computer games, the students are asked to design and they go up a level by completing a
project. They graduate when they reach level 21, which usually takes three to five years. And at the end, there
is a certificate but no formal degree. Recent graduates are now working at companies including IBM, Amazon,
and Tesla, as well as starting their own firms.
"The feedback we have had from employers is that our graduates are more apt to go off and find out
information for themselves, rather than asking their supervisors what to do next," says Brittany Bir, chief
operating officer of 42 in California and a graduate of its sister school in Paris. Ms Bir says 42's graduates will
be better able to work with others and discuss and defend their ideas - an important skill in the "real world” of
work. “This is particularly important in computer programming, where individuals are notorious for lacking
certain human skills," she says.
But could 42's model of teacherless learning work in mainstream universities? Brittany Bir admits 42's
methods do not suit all students. "It suits individuals who are very disciplined and self-motivated, and who are
not scared by having the freedom to work at their own pace," she says.
Question 1: According to the passage, 42 is ____.
A. a kind of school B. a type of accommodation C. an innovation in technology D. a tool of virtual
Question 2: The word "them" in paragraph 2 refers to ____.
A. students at 42 B. projects C. resources D. software engineers
Question 3: The author mentions “to design a website or a computer game” in paragraph 2 to illustrate
A. a job that a French software engineer always does
B. a choice of assignment that students at 42 have to complete
C. a free resource available on the Internet D. a help that students at 42 get for their work
Question 4: What do 42's graduates receive on completion of their course?
A. a certificate B. a degree C. a project D. a design
Question 5: Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. The founders of 42 share the idea of providing free service on Facebook.
B. It normally takes 42's students at least five years to complete their course.
C. The students of 42 are required to play computer games during their course.
D. 42's peer-to-peer approach promotes active learning and working.
Question 6: According to Ms Bir, 42's graduates will be able to improve ____.
A. the skills of giving feedback B. the skills of searching for information
C. the skills of teamwork and debating D. the skills of software programming
Question 7: The word "notorious" in paragraph 5 can be best replaced by ____.
A. respectable B. incompetent C. infamous D. memorable
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Question 8: It can be inferred from the passage that ____.

A. 42 is a good choice for people of all ages and nationalities
B. all 42's graduates are employed by world leading technology companies
C. 42's students have to handle the task assigned without any assistance
D. 42 adopts project-based and problem-solving learning methods
I. Rewrite the sentences, using the present perfect or the present perfect continuous.
1. I started discussing my research proposal with my professor at the beginning of my course. We're still
discussing it.

2. Nam's still studying English. He started studying it two years ago. (for)

3. I started learning how to play the piano eight months ago. I'm still learning it.

4. He attended two online vocational courses: one in 2012 and the other in 2013. (twice)

5. They visited this college in 2009, 2012 and 2014. (three times)

6. The British Council established IELTS a long time ago. It still uses this test as an international standardised
test of English for non- native English language speakers. (for)


7. She started her research project last month. She's still doing it.

8. The university started building a new campus in May. They are still building it. (since)

9. The graduate students started arriving at four o'clock. They are all in the lecture hall.


English 11

10. Mary is staying at a homestay during her undergraduate programme. The programme began three weeks
ago. (for)


I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. business B. bustle C. hundred D. number
2. A. modern B. mother C. opera D. hobby
3. A. function B. assimilation C. question D. communication
4. A. thousand B. Thailand C. theatre D. think
5. A. French B. school C. mechanic D. chemistry
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
1. A. extinction B. furniture C. applicant D. wilderness
2. A. bamboo B. offer C. student D. minute
3. A. facility B. minority C. necessary D. priority
4. A. apply B. differ C. decide D. protect
5. A. charity B. accurate C. erosion D. dangerous
III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
1. I'm very hungry. I ____ all day.
A. didn't eat B. haven't ate C. haven't eaten D. have been eating
2. Their new kitchen looks fantastic. They ____ completely ____ it.
A. have /been redecorating B. have/redecorated
C. already /redecorated D. didn't/redecorated
3. Our kitchen's a mess. We ____ any cleaning for weeks.
A. didn't do B. haven't been doing C. have done D. haven't done
4. I think they are dating. They ____ each other a lot recently.
A. had seen B. haven't been seeing C. have been seeing D. have seen
5. We've discovered in this great café and we ____ there a lot.
A. have been going B. have gone C. are going D. have went
6. How's your Mum? I ____ her for ages.
A. had seen B. haven't seen C. haven't been seeing D. didn't see
7. You're covered in paint! What ____ you ____?
A. have / done B. were / doing C. did / do D. have / been doing
8. She's gone to the doctor's. She ____ well lately.
A. hasn't felt B. hasn't been feeling C. has felt D. doesn't feel

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9. I ____ for ages now.

A. have waited B. waited C. was waiting D. have been waiting
10. I have to write an essay. I ____ about half of it so far.
A. have written B. have been writing C. wrote D. have to write
11. As well as studying on ____ in the UK, you can also choose to study outside the UK - for example by
distance learning.
A. department B. dormitory C. campus D. accommodation
12. You can choose to study online or on ____, in the UK or even at an overseas site.
A. the move B. campus C. the ground D. board
13. IB students can select subjects so that they specialise in a particular academic field, but mathematics,
native language and theory of knowledge are ____ subjects.
A. compulsory B. certain C. optional D. elective
14. In England, most students in further education are adults ____ on part time programmes.
A. joined B. joining C. enrolled D. enrolling
15. In some institutions, A-levels can also be awarded in combination with other ____, such as International
Baccalaureate certificates.
A. courses B. levels C. examinations D. qualifications
16. Vietnam National University - Ho Chi Minh City ____ around 30 undergraduate courses in English since
A. have been setting up B. have been set up
C. has set up D. has been setting up
17. The International Baccalaureate is also now offered by more schools in the UK as a(n) ____ to A-levels.
A. alternative B. option C. choice D. substitution
18. Vietnam National University - Ha Noi, the country's largest ___ , has been carrying out a similar project
since 2008, setting up six undergraduate, three masters and a PhD programme taught in English.
A. school B. faculty C. institute D. institution
19. Further education courses are usually described as either ____ or vocational.
A. major B. partial C. academic D. practical
20. Academic ____ are official copies of your academic work.
A. transcripts B. reminds C. accounts D. statements
IV. Find and correct the mistakes.
1. How long has you been living here?
2. I has been living here for 2 years.
3. Have they working in this company since 1990?
4. She has been cried all day long.
5. I have waiting for my turn for 20 minutes.
6. She have been cleaning her house for 4 hours.
7. I'm tired because I worked very hard.
English 11

8. He has write his letter all the morning.

9. Jane is getting fatter because she has eating too much.
10. My mother has peeling potatoes all the morning.
V. Fill in the blank with a suitable word.
Like any other universities, the Open University can give you a degree. However, you don't have to (1)
_______________ working to study. It can also open up a whole variety (2) _______________ interest. If you
have (3) _______________ studied before, you will enjoy the special, new pleasure of (4) _______________
your knowledge. You will make friends of (5) _______________ kinds. You may also (6)
_________________ that your qualification provides new career opportunities.
You don't actually (7) ________________ to the Open University for lectures, but study at home,
using television, radio and computer software. You can (8) _______________ one class a month if you wish at
an Open University centre. Of course, there are exams to take, as in (9) _______________ university. If you
(10) _______________ like to know more, all you have to do is complete the form below. It could be the start
of a wonderful new period in your life.
VI. Choose the word in the box to complete the text.
professional instructions separation distant
subject individual systems courses
Distant education is a rapidly developing approach to (1) __________________ throughout the
business. The approach has been widely used by business, industrial, and medical organizations. For many
years, doctors, veterinarians, pharmacists, engineers, and lawyers have used it to continue their (2)
education. Recently, academic instructions have been using (3) __________________ education to reach a
more diverse and geographically disperse audience not accessible through traditional classroom instructions.
The distinguishing characteristics of distant education is the (4) ________________ of the instructor
and students during the learning process. The communication of the (5) ________________ matter is
primarily to individuals rather than groups. As a consequence, the course content must be delivered by
instructional media.
The media may be primarily printed, as in the case of traditional correspondence course.
Audiocassettes, videotapes, videodiscs, computer-based instructions, and interactive video (6)
_________________ can be sent to (7) ________________ students. In addition, radio, broadcast television,
telelectures, and teleconferences are utilized for "live" distant education. The latter two delivery (8)
________________ allow for interactive instructions between the instructor and students.
VII. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following
If you (1) ____ to go to a university, you usually apply during your last year at school, when you are
17-18. You can apply to (2) ____ at any university in Britain and most people choose a university that is not in
their own town. So, university students usually live away from home. Students get a grant from the
government to study. At the beginning of your last year at school, you (3) ____ an application form. On this
form you choose up to five universities that you would like to go to. The form is sent to those universities with

English 11

(4) ____ from your school about your academic (5) ____. If the universities are interested in your application,
they will offer you a place.
Any offer, however, is only conditional at this stage. Applications and interviews take (6) ____ several
months before students do their A-level examinations. These are the exams that you do at the end of your time
at school. So, when a university makes an (7) ____, it will tell you the minimum grades that you will have to
get when you do your A-level exams. If you don't obtain those grades, then, you will not be able to (8) ____
the place. It will be offered to someone else and you must apply (9) ____ to another university. You don't have
to accept your place immediately. Some students don't want to straight from school to university. (10) ____,
after they have taken their A-level, they take a year out to work or travel.
1. A. want B. make C. perform D. participate
2. A. lead B. link C. study D. lock
3. A. reply B. ban C. receive D. forward
4. A. problem B. information C. support D. present
5. A. degree B. diploma C. certificate D. record
6. A. out B. place C. in D. after
7. A. attempt B. offer C. secondary D. main
8. A. get B. make C. remind D. inquire
9. A. soon B. again C. against D. much
10. A. So B. But C. Because D. Then
VIII. Read a text about common wedding rituals in the USA and answer the questions that follow.
The system of higher education had its origin in Europe in the Middle Ages, when the first universities
were established. In modern times, the nature of higher education around the world, to some extent, has been
determined by the models of influential countries such as France and Germany.
Both France and Germany have systems of higher education that are basically administered by state
agencies. Entrance requirements for students are also similar in both countries. In France, an examination
called the baccalauréat is given at the end of secondary education. Higher education in France is free and open
to all students who have passed this baccalauréat. Success in this examination allows students to continue
their higher education for another three or four years until they have attained the first university degree called
a licence in France.
Basic differences, however, distinguish these two countries' systems. French educational districts,
called académies, are under the direction of a rector, an appointee of the national government who is also in
charge of universities in each district. The uniformity in curriculum throughout the country leaves each
university with little to distinguish itself. Hence, many students prefer to go to Paris, where there are better
accommodations and more cultural amenities for them. Another difference is the existence in France of
prestigious higher educational institutions known as grandes écoles, which provide advanced professional and
technical training. Most of these schools are not affiliated with the universities, although they too recruit their
students by giving competitive examinations to candidates. The grandes écoles provide rigorous training in all
branches of applied science and technology, and their diplomas have a somewhat higher standing than the
ordinary licence.

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In Germany, the regional universities have autonomy in determining their curriculum under the
direction of rectors elected from within. Students in Germany change universities according to their interests
and the strengths of each university. In fact, it is a custom for students to attend two, three, or even four
different universities in the course of their undergraduate studies, and the majority of professors at a particular
university may have taught in four or five others. This high degree mobility means that schemes of study and
examination are marked by a freedom and individuality unknown in France.
France and Germany have greatly influenced higher education systems 20cd the world. The French,
either through colonial influence or the work of missionaries, introduced many aspects of their system in other
countries. The German the first to stress the importance of universities as research facilities, and they also
created a sense of them as emblems of a national mind.
Question 1. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The nature of education around the world in modern times B. Systems of higher education in France and
C. The origin of higher education system in Europe
D. The influence of France and Germany on educational systems of other countries
Question 2. The word “uniformity” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ____.
A. proximity B. discrepancy C. similarity D. uniqueness
Question 3. The word "their" in paragraph 3 refers to ____.
A. schools B. universities C. examinations D. branches
Question 4. Which of the following about grandes écoles in France is NOT stated in paragraph 3?
A. Most of them have no connection with universities.
B. They have a reputation for advanced professional and technical training.
C. Their degrees are better recognized than those provided by universities.
D. They offer better accommodations and facilities than universities.
Question 5. According to the passage, a regional university rector in Germany is elected by ____.
A. the staff of the university B. the national government officials
C. the regional government officials D. the staff of other universities
Question 6. According to paragraph 4, what makes it possible for students in Germany to attend different
universities during their undergraduate studies?
A. The university staff have become far more mobile and occupied.
B. The university's training programs offer greater flexibility and freedom of choice.
C. University tuition fees are kept at an affordable level for all students.
D. Entry requirements to universities in Germany are made less demanding.
Question 7. The word “emblems” in the final paragraph is closest in meaning to
A. representatives B. directions C. structures D. delegates
Question 8. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A. Studying in France and Germany is a good choice for people of all ages and nationalities.
B. It normally takes longer to complete a university course in France than in Germany.

English 11

C. Universities in Germany can govern themselves more effectively than those in France.
D. The level of decentralization of higher education is greater in Germany than in France.

Exercise 1. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. degree B. doctorate C. graduate D. kindergarten
2. A. bachelor B. chapter C. chemistry D. teacher
3. A. culture B. student C. institution D. university
4. A. appreciate B. psychology C. programme D. respectively
5. A. academic B. apply C. apology D. achieve
Exercise 2. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position
of primary stress in each of the following questions.
6. A. biology B. geography C. education D. relationship
7. A. broaden B. provide C. pursue D. succeed
8. A. college B. degree C. language D. subject
9. A. analytical B. opportunity C. qualification D. university
10. A. bachelor B. diploma C. internship D. scholarship
Exercise 3. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
11. It is not easy at all to get a good job without any ____ qualifications.
A. academic B. social C. great D. favourite
12. At the ____ level, you can join three-year or four-year colleges.
A. primary B. secondary C. postgraduate D. undergraduate
13. Hugh is quite worried because he hasn't ____ for the end-of-term test.
A. examined B. researched C. studied D. read
14. Any pupil caught ____ was made to stand at the front of the class.
A. misbehave B. misbehaved C. misbehaviour D. misbehaving
15. They ____ sacrifices so that their only child could have a good education.
A. made B. did C. provided D. lent
16. A university is an institution of higher education and research, which grants ____ degrees at all levels in a
variety of subjects.
A. secondary B. optional C. academic D. vocational
17. You have to be highly ____ to do well in these subjects.
A. competitive B. competitor C. competition D. competed
18. I can't cope well ____ all the homework I've got to do!

English 11

A. on B. of C. about D. with
19. ____ education normally provides undergraduate and postgraduate education, as well as vocational
education and training.
A. Intermediate B. Primary C. Secondary D. Tertiary
20. You'll find plenty of books on the ____ of business studies in the library.
A. lesson B. subject C. curriculum D. schedule
21. I wonder if you could tell me who was awarded the ____.
A. scholar B. scholastic C. scholarship D. scholarly
22. My dad said that I'd better spend more time on my ____.
A. student B. studied C. studious D. studies
23. He has got a degree ____ Information Technology from Oxford University.
A. in B. for C. on D. of
24. I don't really ____ the point of taking the exam when you are not ready for it.
A. annoy B. have C. see D. take
25. If you're not sure what “something” means, look it ____ in the dictionary.
A. for B. out C. at D. up
26. Mrs Dawson said that we are ____ our lesson in the library next Monday.
A. going B. having C. making D. reading
27. My dad wants me to go to university, but I'm in ____ minds about it.
A. different B. my C. some D. two
28. Yesterday, we had a discussion ____ different cultures.
A. about B. around C. for D. from
29. I still have a lot ____ about the English language.
A. for learning B. of learning C. learning D. to learn
30. Belinda missed a few months of school because of illness and found it difficult to keep ____ with her
A. on B. off C. down D. up
31. If you need to ____ the teacher's attention, just put up your hand.
A. attract B. pay C. take D. pull
32. I did six hours of ____ for the test, but I still failed.
A. education B. survey C. revision D. training
33. Please, don't forget ____ your essays during Friday's lesson.
A. hand in B. handing in C. to hand in D. to handing in
34. Australians and New Zealanders often have a/an ____ year before going to college or after finishing high
school to travel overseas independently.
A. gap B. new C. busy D. graduation
35. It's my ____ ceremony next week; I think my parents are looking forward to it more than I am.

English 11

A. graduation B. graduate C. graduating D. graduates

36. Going to university is expensive because in addition to the tuition ____, there are expenses for
accommodation, books, living costs, etc.
A. grants B. fees C. fares D. scholarships
37. When I got to 16, some of my friends left school to get a job, but most ____.
A. dropped out B. moved back C. got in D. stayed on
38. The more ____ you have, the more chance you have of finding a better job.
A. courses B. contributions C. qualifications D. qualities
39. Next year, I have to decide which area of medicine I want to ____ in.
A. come B. focus C. hand D. specialise
40. I got a diploma in business administration, but still sometimes wish I had been able to go to university and
get a ____.
A. certificate B. diploma C. degree D. scholarship
Exercise 4. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
41. When you sit for the exam tomorrow, try to stay calm and relaxed.
A. answer B. take C. make D. write
42. If the examiner can't make sense of what your essay is about, you'll get the low mark.
A. declare B. estimate C. communicate D. understand
43. If you want to get a high mark on a test, review the material carefully beforehand.
A. performance B. score C. figure D. note
44. Some students only cram for tests when there is little time left, so their results are not satisfactory.
A. prepare in a short period B. prepare in a long time
C. prepare well D. prepare badly
45. My application for the scholarship has been turned down because the transcript of marks is not satisfactory
A. cancelled B. postponed C. reduced D. rejected
Exercise 5. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meanin the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
46. Students also have the opportunity to choose from a wide range of optional courses in the university.
A. mandatory B. selective C. free D. limited
47. Tom did miserably on the final test, which caused a shock to everyone in the class.
A. took B. sat for C. failed D. passed
48. Schools are more relaxed nowadays as discipline is less tough than before.
A. accurate B. severe C. strict D. loose
49. Well, Mrs Baker, you'll be pleased to hear that George has made a dramatic improvement in geography.
A. meaningful B. important C. insignificant D. steady
50. Most of the students in our country are interested in pursuing higher education to get bachelor's degrees.
English 11

A. following B. giving up C. trying D. interrupting

Exercise 6. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
51. I ____ English for five years. I study it at school.
A. have been learning B. have learnt C. learnt D. am learning
52. You can have your book back now. I ____ it.
A. have been reading B. have read C. had read D. read
53. You look upset. ____ you ____?
A. Are – crying B. Do - cry C. Have - been crying D. Have - cried
54. How many times ____ you ____ that international conference?
A. did – attend B. do - attend C. have - been attending D. have - attended
55. I ____ for my math textbook all day, but I ____ it yet.
A. have been looking/haven't found B. have looked/haven't found
C. have been looking/haven't been finding D. have looked/haven't been finding
56. Mum ____ all morning. She ____ lots of Christmas presents.
A. has shopped/has bought B. has been shopping/has bought
C. has been shopping/has been buying D. has shopped/has been buying
57. Kevin ____ his homework, but he ____ it yet.
A. has been doing/hasn't been finishing B. has done/hasn't finished
C. has been doing/hasn't finished D. has done/hasn't been finishing
58. Pete ____ at Midfield Secondary School since 2006, but he ____ music in his lessons twice.
A. has been teaching/has only played B. has been teaching/has only been playing
C. has taught/has only been playing D. has taught/has only played
59. I ____ the biography of Robbie Williams, but I'm on page 50.
A. have read B. have been reading C. had read D. was reading
60. Jimmy can go out when he ____ for the exam.
A. has been studying B. has been studied C. has studied D. studied
61.I ____ the latest Harry Potter book all day. I'm dying to know what happens in the end!
A. am reading B. have been reading C. have read D. had read
62. So far I ____ any of the exams at school.
A. haven't been failing B. hadn't failed C. didn't fail D. haven't failed
63. We ____ our classroom for the upcoming Teachers' Day, but there's still a lot to do.
A. are decorating B. decorated C. have been decorating D. have decorated
64. Margaret ____ in the school marathon for charity before.
A. has never run B. never runs C. never ran D. has never been running
65. My brother graduated from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology last month and ____ for a
job since then.

English 11

A. has been looking B. has looked C. was looking D. had looked

66. Tim ____ for the scholarship to study abroad in the USA at least twice.
A. applied B. is applying C. has been applying D. has applied
67. All the students ____ for their academic transcripts all this week, but they ____ them yet.
A. have waited/haven't received B. have been waiting/haven't received
C. have waited/haven't been receiving D. have been waiting/haven't been receiving
68. I ____ for the information about the differences between further education and higher education all this
A. had searched B. have been searched C. have been searching D. have searched
69. It's the first time you ____ an online course, isn't it?
A. had ever taken B. have ever been taking C. ever took D. have ever taken
70. The teacher ____ the speaking task on the board, so now the students are discussing it.
A. has already been writing B. has already written C. already wrote D. had
already written
71. Sandy ____ his sister since she ____ to university in 2014.
A. hadn't seen/went B. hasn't been seeing/went C. didn't see/has gone D. hasn't seen/went
72. They ____ to Spain for an educational exchange and won't be back until the end of this month.
A. have gone B. went C. have been going D. is going
73. Poor Tracy! She ____ that essay for hours now and she still ____.
A. has written/hasn't finished B. has been writing/didn't finish
C. has been writing/hasn't finished D. has written/hasn't been finishing
74. Tom and Mary are still discussing the math exercise with each other because they ____ how to do it.
A. aren't working out B. haven't worked out C. haven't been working out D. didn't work out
75. I ____ reading a wonderful book about space travel.
A. just finish B. just do finish C. have just finished D. have just been finishing
76. As a rule, you shouldn't argue with your hosts unless they ____ something openly offensive.
A. had said B. have been saying C. have said D. would say
77. Noah Webster an American Dictionary of the English Language in two volumes in 1828, and since then it
____ the recognised authority for usage in the United States.
A. published/became B. has published/has become C. published/was becoming D. published/has
78. She ____ of great help to us because she ____ for such a long time with us.
A. has been/had lived B. has been/has been living C. has been/lived D. was/has lived
79. I ____ the book yet so I can't tell you what happens.
A. haven't finished B. haven't been finishing C. didn't finish D. hadn't finished
80. Peter has been a junior clerk for three years. Lately he ____ for a better post but so far he ____ anything.
A. looks/hasn't found B. have looked/haven't found C. has been looking/hasn't found D. has looked/hasn't
English 11

Exercise 7. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
81. My brother has applied for that scholarship for months, but he has never succeeded yet.
82. I have been unable to make out what the lecturer was saying because we were right at the back of the hall.
83. I have found a lot of informations about the history of English language teaching recently.
84. Although there were a number of significant differences between the two systems, both countries share a
commitment to high quality education.
85. I have never been understanding why such a lot of people want to study abroad.
86. It is the first time the Internet has ever applied in English teaching and learning in this remote district.
87. Due to the geographical barrier, he has been deciding to choose distance education in order to get his
university degree.
88. Lily couldn't answer any questions in the end-of-term examination this morning, but she thinks she has
89. I have started doing my homework when I got home from school, but I stopped to watch my favourite
music show.
90. Prof. Daniel, who has been working in our faculty for almost 15 years, is giving a seminar on further
education to students on next Friday.
Exercise 8. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following
exchanges. 91. “Could you pass that book over to me, please?” – “____”
A. Yes, of course. B. No, why not? C. Actually, I'm busy. D. Yes, go ahead.
92. “If I were you, I would apply for the scholarship to the University of Melbourne.” – “____”
A. I'm not afraid so. B. No way! C. I guess I should. D. I hope so.
93. “I hear you've passed your exam. Congratulations!” – “____”
A. What a pity! B. You're welcome. C. I'm alright. D. Thank you.

English 11

94. “Why do you choose French as your second major?” – “____”

A. Because it's quite like English. B. Because they are friendly.
C. I don't really care. D. It's nice to say so.
95. “Can I have a quick look at your lecture notes?” – “____”
A. Of course not today. B. So far, so good!
C. No, I don't think so. D. Sorry, I'm using them myself.
96. - "Let's go to the Dr. Millet's seminar on learning styles this afternoon!”
- “____”
A. I wish I could but I'm busy then. B. Learning styles are really subjective.
C. Thanks, I won't. D. I would if I were you.
97. - "Mom, I've received an offer for a summer internship in Singapore!”
- “____”
A. Really? Good luck! B. Oh, that's great! Congratulations!
C. I couldn't agree more. D. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
98. “Sorry, I'm late! May I come in, Miss Millie?” – “____”
A. Yes, come in, please! B. Not right now. C. Let's do it! D. I guess so.
99. "What an imaginative essay you've written, Matt!” – “____”
A. That's the least I could do. B. Actually, I don't mind. C. Thanks, it's nice of you to say so. D. Sorry, just
my luck!
100.- “It was very kind of you to help me with the difficult homework!"
A. Oh, don't mention it. B. Sorry, I don't know. C. That sounds nice. D. Thanks a lot.
101. “Do you mind if I use your dictionary for a while?” – “____”
A. Yes, I don't mind. B. No, I don't think so. C. Yes, go ahead. D. No, go right ahead.
102. “Work harder or you'll fail the exam!” – “____”
A. Oh, that's fine for me! B. Thanks, I will. C. That sounds great! D. Sure, go ahead!
103. “I'm sorry, teacher. I've left my exercise book at home today!” – “
A. I'm afraid, you can't. B. Well, don't do that again next time.
C. No, of course not. D. I hope you won't.
104. "Shall I lend you a hand with the survey questionnaire?” – “____”
A. Yes, I'd love to. B. That sounds interesting!
C. Sure! That would be great help! D. How about tomorrow?
105. - “I’ll celebrate my graduation party this weekend. Could you come?"
- “____”
A. Yes, of course, I will. B. How can this be? C. The more, the merrier. D.
Great work! Keep up!

English 11

Exercise 9. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions.
One way of training for your future occupation in Germany is by pursuing a dual vocational training
programme. Such programmes offer plenty of opportunity for on-the-job training and work experience.
Programmes usually last between two and three and a half years and comprise theoretical as well as
practical elements. You will spend one or two days a week, or several weeks at once, at a vocational
school where you will acquire the theoretical knowledge that you will need in your future occupation.
The rest of the time will be spent at a company. There you get to apply your newly acquired knowledge
in practice, for example by learning to operate machinery. You will get to know what your company
does, learn how it operates and find out if you can see yourself working there after completing your
This combination of theory and practice gives you a real head start into your job: by the time you have
completed your training, you will not only have the required technical knowledge, but you will also
have hands-on experience in your job. There are around 350 officially recognised training
programmes in Germany, so chances are good that one of them will suit your interests and talents. You
can find out which one that might be by visiting one of the jobs and vocational training fairs which are
organised in many German cities at different times in the year.
Employment prospects for students who have completed a dual vocational training programme are
very good. This is one of the reasons why this kind of training is very popular with young Germans:
around two thirds of all students leaving school go on to start a vocational training programme.
106. Which of the following is probably the best title of the passage?
A. Employment Opportunities and Prospects in Germany B. Higher Education System in Germany
C. Dual Vocational Training System in Germany D. Combination of Theory and Practice in Studying
in Germany
107. The word "it" in the first paragraph refers to ____.
A. company B. machinery C. knowledge D. organisation
108. Which of the following statements best describes the dual vocational training programmes?
A. These programmes consist of an intensive theoretical course of two and a half years at a vocational
B. These programmes require you to have only practical working time at a certain company.
C. These programmes offer you some necessary technical skills to do your future job.
D. These programmes provide you with both theoretical knowledge and practical working experience.
109. The word "hands-on” in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to ____.
A. theoretical B. practical C. technical D. integral
110. How many German school leavers choose this vocational training programme?
A. well over 75% B. around one out of five
C. less than a third D. about 70%
Exercise 10. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions.

English 11

Do you think education is better now than it was in your grandparents' time? Many older people in the
UK believe the opposite. “Schools were better in our day,” they complain. “There isn't enough
discipline these days. Kids don't work as hard as we did, either. The syllabus isn't as challenging, so
clever students aren't being stretched enough. They need to study things in greater depth. Exams are
much, much easier now as well.”
Were schools better years ago? Some British teenagers travelled back in time to a 1950s boarding
school. They got a big surprise! The first shock came when the teenagers met their new teachers.
Dressed in traditional black gowns, they look so frosty and uncaring! They were really authoritarian,
too, so anyone caught breaking the rules - talking in classes, mucking about in the playground or
playing truant – was in big trouble! Punishments included writing 'lines' or staying after class to do
detention. The naughtiest kids were expelled.
Things were just as bad after class. At meal times the students had to endure a diet of plain, no-
nonsense, healthy food. Homework was obligatory and it took ages! Copying essays off the Internet
wasn't an option, as personal computers didn't exist in the 1950s!
At the end of 'term' everyone sat 1950s-style exams. The old exams were much longer than their
twenty-first century equivalents and involved learning huge amounts of facts by heart. History papers
were all dates and battles. Maths papers were trickier, too; calculators weren't around in the 1950s, so
the students had to memorise multiplication tables and master long division. Our candidates found this
really difficult.
The exam results surprised a lot of people. Students predicted to do well in their real-life, twenty-first
century exams often got low grades in the 1950s exams. Does this prove modern exams are too easy?
Do twenty-first century kids rely too much on modern technology, like calculators and computers?
The TV series of That 'll teach 'em! focused on a 1960s vocational school. UK school-kids study a
range of academic subjects these days. But in the 1960s, children judged to be less ‘able' went to
vocational schools. These helped them learn job skills. Boys studied subjects like metalwork,
woodwork or gardening. In some classes, they even learned how to milk goats! The girls' timetables
included secretarial skills. They also learned to cook, clean and sew - probably not much fun for most
111. What criticism is sometimes made about modern education in the first paragraph?
A. Teachers aren't strict enough. B. The syllabus is out of date.
C. There's too much stress on exams.D. The teaching methods are not good enough.
112. The word "authoritarian” in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to ____.
A. inexperienced B. impolite C. unreasonable D. strict
113. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the food the students ate at school?
A. It wasn't cooked properly. B. It wasn't delicious.
C. It wasn't nutritious. D. There wasn't much of it.
114. The word "obligatory” in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to ____.
A. compulsory B. difficult C. long D. complicated
115. According to the passage, how did exams in the 1950s differ from those in the twenty-first century?
A They covered more subjects. B. It took students less time to do them.
English 11

C. There was more to remember. D. They were less difficult.

116. What was surprising about the students' results after taking the 1950s-style exams?
A. All the students found the exams difficult. B. Students didn't do as well as expected.
C. Students who were predicted to fail did rather well.D. Students did better than twenty-first century
117. The word “these” in the last paragraph refers to ____.
A. school-kids B. subjects C. series D. vocational schools
118. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Vocational schools provided poorer children with equipment.
B. Vocational schools took children who were good at studying.
C. Vocational schools prepared students for employment.
D. Vocational schools were a complete waste of time.
Exercise 11. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
In the professional or career world, a gap year is a year before going to college or university and after
finishing high school or (119) ____ a year off before going into graduate school after completing a
bachelor as an undergraduate. (120) ____ this time, students may engage in advanced academic
courses, extra-academic courses and non-academic courses, such as yearlong pre-college math courses,
language studies, learning a trade, art studies, volunteer work, travel, internships, sports and more. Gap
years are sometimes considered a way for students to become independent and learn a great deal of
(121) ____ prior to engaging in university life.
Australians and New Zealanders have a tradition of travelling overseas independently (122) ____ a
young age. In New Zealand, this is known as “doing an OE” (Overseas Experience). Sometimes, an
OE is (123) ____ to one year, but often Australians and New Zealanders will remain overseas for three
to five years, with many working short-term in service industry jobs to fund their continuing travels.
Europe and Asia are popular destinations for doing an OE. In Australia, through exchange programmes
and benefits for youth, there are so many opportunities for a young person to broaden their (124) ____
through travel in a gap year.
119. A. calling B. going C. taking D. turning
120. A. During B. When C. While D. By
121. A. responsible B. responsibility C. irresponsible D. irresponsibility
122. A. at B. on C. in D. for
123. A. distributed B. used C. spent D. limited
124. A. head B. mind C. brain D. memory
Exercise 12. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

English 11

How do you feel when you sit an exam? Do you always succeed in getting all your ideas down on
paper, or do you sometimes feel that you're (125) ____ a mess of it? (126) ____ from those lucky few
who sail through exams, most secondary school pupils find them very stressful. Many teachers are
(127) ____ of the problems their students face and use a different method for measuring their progress:
continuous. With continuous assessment, students are given (128) ____ tasks to do throughout the
year. All their marks are added together to produce a total mark (129) ____ the end of the year.
Students have to (130) ____ more responsibility for their education because they can't rely on doing
well on just one day. Also, they have more time to think over their work, meaning that they are able to
do their best.
125. A. doing B. having C. making D. taking
126. A. Apart B. According C. Except D. But
127. A. aware B. intelligent C. recognisable D. knowledgeable
128. A. variety B. various C. vary D. variably
129. A. at B. on C. in D. from
130. A. do B. get C. make D. take
Exercise 13. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.
131 It's only her second time in an international conference about further education.
A. It was the second time she had been in an international conference about further education.
B. She has only been in an international conference about further education once before.
C. She has never been to any international conference about further education before.
D. She has already got used to being in an international conference about further education.
132. I started writing this essay hours ago and it's still not right.
A. I have been writing this essay for hours and it's still not right.
B. It's hours ago since I last wrote this essay correctly.
C. The last time I started writing this essay was hours ago, which is still not right.
D. I didn't stop to write this essay hours ago and it's still not right.
133. “You'd better work harder if you don't want to retake the exam!” the teacher said to Jimmy.
A. The teacher advised Jimmy to work harder if he didn't want to retake the exam.
B. The teacher ordered Jimmy to work harder if he didn't want to retake the exam.
C. The teacher reminded Jimmy to work harder if he didn't want to retake the exam.
D. The teacher warned Jimmy to work harder if he didn't want to retake the exam.
134. Lisa has never studied abroad before.
A. It's the first time Lisa has ever studied abroad. B. It's the last time since Lisa studied abroad.
C. It was the first time Lisa had ever studied abroad.D. Never before Lisa has studied abroad.
135. The last time my friend wrote a letter to me was in February.
A. I haven't never received a letter from my friend since February.

English 11

B. I last received a letter from my friend in February.

C. It was in February since I first received a letter from my friend.
D. My friend last wrote a letter to me when in February.
Exercise 14. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences
in the following questions.
136. Marie prepared her homework carefully. She could answer all the questions and got good marks.
A. Although she prepared her homework carefully, Marie could not answer all the questions and got
good marks.
B. Having prepared her homework carefully, Marie could answer all the questions and got good marks.
C. If she had prepared her homework carefully, Marie could have answered all the questions and got
good marks.
D. It was because of her careful preparation for the homework, Marie couldn't answer all the questions
and got good marks.
137. We have been trying to learn English for years. We haven't succeeded yet.
A. Although we have been trying to learn English for years, we haven't succeeded yet.
B. After we've been trying to learn English for years, we have succeeded.
C. We haven't succeeded yet since we have been trying to learn English for years.
D. We have been trying to learn English for years, so we haven't succeeded yet.
138. The teacher was giving the lesson. The lights went out.
A. The lights went out as soon as the teacher started giving the lesson.
B. If the teacher had been giving the lesson, the lights wouldn't have gone out.
C. The teacher was giving the lesson, so the lights went out.
D. While the teacher was giving the lesson, the lights went out.
139. Our school started building a new canteen in June. They are still building it now.
A. Our school have started building a new canteen from June till now.
B. Our school have been building a new canteen since June.
C. Our school have built a new canteen now since starting in June.
D. Our school are building the new canteen which started in June.
140. Henry only started learning English last year. However, he can now speak it like a native.
A. If he had started learning English last year, Henry could now speak it like a native.
B. After starting learning English last year, Henry can now speak it like a native.
C. Although he only started learning English last year, Henry can now speak it like a native.
D. Henry, who has only started learning English since last year, can now speak it like a native.



English 11

abundant /əˈbʌndənt/ (adj) dồi dào, nhiều

acknowledge /əkˈnɒlɪdʒ/ (v) chấp nhận, công nhận, thừa nhận
archaeological /ˌɑːkiəˈlɒdʒɪkl/ (adj) thuộc về khảo cổ học
authentic /ɔːˈθentɪk/ (adj) thật, thực
breathtaking /ˈbreθteɪkɪŋ/ (adj) đẹp đến ngỡ ngàng
bury /ˈberi/ (v) chôn vùi, giấu trong lòng đất
cave /keɪv/ (n) hang động
citadel /ˈsɪtədəl/ (n) thành trì (để bảo vệ khỏi bị tấn công)
complex /ˈkɒmpleks/ (n) quần thể, tổ hợp
comprise /kəmˈpraɪz/ (v) bao gồm, gồm
craftsman /ˈkrɑːftsmən/ (n) thợ thủ công
cruise /kruːz/ (n) chuyến du ngoạn trên biển
cuisine /kwɪˈziːn/ (n) cách thức chế biến thức ăn, nấu nướng
decorate /ˈdekəreɪt/ (v) trang trí
demolish /dɪˈmɒlɪʃ/ (v) đổ sập, đánh sập
distinctive /dɪˈstɪŋktɪv/ (adj) nổi bật, rõ rệt, đặc trưng
dome /dəʊm/ (n) mái vòm
dynasty /ˈdɪnəsti/ (n) triều đại
emerge /iˈmɜːdʒ/ (v) trồi lên, nổi lên
emperor /ˈempərə(r)/ (n) đế vương, nhà vua
endow /ɪnˈdaʊ/ (v) ban tặng
excavation /ˌekskəˈveɪʃn/ (n) việc khai quật
expand /ɪkˈspænd/ (v) mở rộng
fauna /ˈfɔːnə/ (n) hệ động vật
flora /ˈflɔːrə/ (n) hệ thực vật
geological /ˌdʒiːəˈlɒdʒɪkl/ (a) thuộc về địa chất
grotto /ˈɡrɒtəʊ/ (n) hang động
harmonious /hɑːˈməʊniəs/ (a) hài hòa
heritage /ˈherɪtɪdʒ/ (n) di sản
imperial /ɪmˈpɪəriəl/ (a) thuộc về hoàng tộc
in ruins / ɪn ˈruːɪn/ (idiom) bị phá hủy, đổ nát
intact /ɪnˈtækt/ (a) nguyên vẹn, không bị hư tổn
irresponsible /ˌɪrɪˈspɒnsəbl/ (a) thiếu trách nhiệm, vô trách nhiệm
islet /ˈaɪlət/ (n) hòn đảo nhỏ
itinerary /aɪˈtɪnərəri/ (n) lịch trình cho chuyến đi
landscape /ˈlændskeɪp/ (n) phong cảnh ( thiên nhiên)
lantern /ˈlæntən/ (n) đèn lồng

English 11

limestone /ˈlaɪmstəʊn/ (n) đá vôi

magnificent /mæɡˈnɪfɪsnt/ (a) tuyệt đẹp
masterpiece /ˈmɑːstəpiːs/ (n) kiệt tác
mausoleum /ˌmɔːsəˈliːəm/ (n) lăng mộ
mosaic /məʊˈzeɪɪk/ (adj) khảm, chạm khảm
mosque /mɒsk/ (n) nhà thờ Hồi giáo
outstanding /aʊtˈstændɪŋ/ (adj) nổi bật, xuất chúng
picturesque /ˌpɪktʃəˈresk/ (adj) đẹp, gây ấn tượng mạnh
poetic /pəʊˈetɪk/ (adj) mang tính chất thơ ca
preserve /prɪˈzɜːv/ (v) bảo tồn
preservation /ˌprezəˈveɪʃn/ (n) việc bảo tồn
relic /ˈrelɪk/ (n) cổ vật
respectively /rɪˈspektɪvli/ (adv) theo thứ tự lắn lượt
royal /ˈrɔɪəl/ (adj) thuộc về nhà vua, hoàng gia
sanctuary /ˈsæŋktʃuəri/ (n) thánh địa, địa điểm thẩn thánh
scenic /ˈsiːnɪk/ (adj) có cảnh quan đẹp
subsequent /ˈsʌbsɪkwənt/ (adj) tiếp theo, kế tiếp
tomb /tuːm/ (n) lăng mộ
worship /ˈwɜːʃɪp/ (n) thờ cúng, tôn thờ

Participle and to - infìnitive clauses (Mệnh đề bắt đầu bằng một ngữ phân từ và động từ nguyên
mẫu có TO)
❖ Mệnh đề quan hệ có dạng: who/ which / that + V có thể được rút gọn bằng những cách sau:
1. Dùng hiện tại phân từ V-ing (present participle)
Dùng V-ing khi mệnh đề quan hệ ở chủ động: who / which / that + V (active) →V-ing
E.g: The girl who is talking to Mr. Huy is my younger sister→The girl talking to Mr. Huy is my
younger sister. (Cô gái đang nói chuyện với Thầy Huy là em gái tôi.)
2. Dùng quá khứ phân từ V-ed/V3 (past participle)
Dùng V-PP khi mệnh đề quan hệ ở bị động: who / which / that + V (passive) →V-PP
E.g: The lamp which was made in China is five dollars. =The lamp made in China is five dollars. (Chiếc
đèn được sản xuất ở Trung Quốc có giá 5 đô la)
3. Dùng động từ nguyên mẫu có TO (to -infinitive)
Dùng to V khi:
- Danh từ phía trước đại từ quan hệ đứng trước một số từ như: the first, the second, etc., the next, the
last, the only; và đôi khi trước hình thức so sánh bậc nhất như the oldest, the most beautiful ....... (the

English 11

only, the first...) + N + relative pronouns (who/ which/ that) + V → to V (chủ động); to be PP (bị
E.g: He was the first person who came here yesterday. → He was the first person to come here yesterday
(Anh ấy là người đầu tiên đến đây vào hôm qua.)
She is the only person who is called for the interview. → She is the only person to be called for the
- Động từ phía trước là HAVE/HAS để diễn tả mục đích,
E.g: He had something that he had to do. → He had something to do. (Anh ấy có một số việc phải làm.)
I have a lot of homework which I have to do now. → I have a lot of homework to do now.
+ Đầu câu có HERE (BE), THERE (BE)
E.g: There are ten messages which are sent today. → There are ten messages to be sent today.
4. Dùng cụm danh từ/ giới từ
Dùng cụm danh từ/ giới từ khi mệnh đề quan hệ có dạng:
S + BE + Noun/ Noun phrases /Prepositional phrases
Cách làm: ta bỏ who, which và be
E.g: Football, which is a popular sport, is very good for our health.
Football, a popular sport, is very good for our health.


Bài 1: Choose the best answer.
1. The students for the bus are good ones.
A. waited B. waiting C. which is waiting D. to wait
2. This is the last person late.
A. coming B. to come C. come D. all are correct
3. The woman next door is a famous actress.
A. lives B. who live C. living D. that living
4. The house in the storm has now been rebuilt.
A. destroyed B. destroying C. which destroyed D. that is destroyed
5. The man in front of the blackboard is our teacher.
A. stood B. stands C. standing D. to stand
6. Tom was the last student the classroom yesterday.
A. to leave B. leaving C. left D. leaves
7. Sally was the last student in the final exam.
A. to be asked B. asking C. asks D. to ask
8. The bridge by French architects is very nice.
A. was designed B. designing C. to design D. designed
9. The ring is made of gold and diamond.

English 11

A. she is wearing it B. he gave it to her C. she like D. she is wearing

10. 1 have a message for people by the traffic chaos.
A. to delay B. who delay C. delayed D. who delaying

Bài 2: Use a participle clause to reduce relative clauses.

1. They called a lawyer who lived nearby.
2. We broke the computer that belongs to my father.
3. The man who is wearing a blue jumper is in the garden.
4. We found a doctor who works at a hospital in Hanoi City.
5. People who have arrived late will not be allowed to enter.
6. Don't wake the baby who is sleeping in the next room.
7. Who is that boy who is walking in the forest?
8. The man who wants coffee is over there.
9. The television which was bought 20 years ago was stolen.
10. I often buy cheese which is imported from Paris.

Bài 3: Replace the Relative Clause by a Participle Construction while keeping the rest of the
sentence unchanged

1. The boy who was waiting in the hall expected a phone call.
2. Passengers who wanted to go to Liverpool had to change in Manchester.
3. The girl who was picked up by her brother was very nice.
4. The house that stands at the end of the road will soon be sold.

English 11

5. The conference which was planned by non-governmental organisations was about globalisation.
6. Irish people who live in Great Britain have the right to vote in British elections.
7. A friend who helps you in need is a good friend indeed.
8. A picture that shows the image of a person is a portrait.
9. The problems that were discussed will be essential for your exam.
10. Animals that eat plants are called herbivores.

English 11

Bài 4: Rewrite the sentences using reduced relative clauses.

1. The present that was given to me last night must have been very expensive. It certainly is beautiful.
2. Claire Baktne, who was born in 1843, was a true representative of the hopes of hundreds of
3. Frequently, computers which are considered obsolete at large companies are donated to charity
institutions or community centers in poor neighborhoods.
4. The mall which was built in the downtown area of the city has affected traffic considerably.
5. The children who were selected for the team will start training in a couple of weeks.
6. The new construction company promises to hire all the engineering students who will have graduated
from MIT by the end of next year.
7. Alexander G. Bell, who was considered the inventor of the telephone until recently, simply obtained
the patent that belonged to an Italian inventor.
The stamp which is on that envelope is a rare collector's item.

Bài 5: Shorten these sentences without changing the order. Where it's not possible to shorten them,
write "Cannot be shortened".
1. I've just read a book that was called Life without limit.
2. Save electricity by reducing the number of computers that are left on overnight.
3. Did you watch the film which I recommended to you?
4. I met Jeff last week, whom I believe you know from the office.
5. I thought the man who was walking down the street was my neighbour.


English 11

Bài 6: Choose the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.
1. (A) The waiter (B) whom served us yesterday (C) was polite and (D) friendly.
2. This class (A) is only (B) for people (C) who's first language (D) is not English.
3. This is (A) the boy (B) who sister (C) studied (D) with me at high school.
4. He (A) is moving to Lang Son city, (B) that is (C) in the north-east (D) of Vietnam.
5. The girl (A) whom is standing (B) over there (C) is (D) from Vietnam.

Bài 7: Choose the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.
1. He likes the dress. Linda is wearing it.
A. He likes the dress which Linda is wearing it.
B. He likes the dress Linda is wearing it.
C. He likes the dress who Linda is wearing.
D. He likes the dress Linda is wearing.
2. What was the name of the boy? You met and talked to him this morning.
A. What was the name of the boy who you met and talked to him this morning?
B. What was the name of the boy you met and talked to this morning?
C. What was the name of the boy you met and talked to whom this morning?
D. What was the name of the boy whose you met and talked to this morning?
3. The church is over 200 years old. Our class visited it last summer.
A. The church which our class visited it last summer is over 200 years old.
B. The church that our class visited it last summer is over 200 years old.
C. The church which our class visited last summer is over 200 years old.
D. The church our class visit last summer is over 200 years old.
4. The song says about the love of two young students. She is singing the song.
A. The song which she is singing it says about the love of two young students.
B. The song she is singing says about the love of two young students.
C. The song says about the love of two young students which she is singing.
D. The song says about the love of two young students that she is singing it.
5. The man is my teacher. I am grateful to him.
A. The man whom I grateful to him is my teacher.
B. The man whom I am grateful to is my teacher.
C. The man is my teacher who is grateful.
D. The man to him I am grateful is my teacher.

Bài 8: Rewrite the sentences using reduced relative clauses.

1. Do you know the woman who is coming toward us?

English 11

2. The students who have been waiting for the bus in the rain are getting wet.
3. I come from a city that is located in the southern part of the country.
4. They live in a house that was built in the 1990s.
5. He was the first man who left the burning building.
6. The couple who live in the house next door are both professors.
7. The cat which is on the table is mine.
8. The students who left school early yesterday have to explain their reason to the teacher.
9. Did you get the message which concerned the special meeting?
10. Lan is the only person who was given a special gift this morning.

English 11


I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. government B. borrowing C. program D. promotion
2. A. possession B. access C. property D. American
3. A. language B. Wales C. Australia D. pronunciation
4. A. print B. Indian C. China D. mingling
5. A. English B. French C. American D. West Africa
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
1. A. beautiful B. terrific C. wonderful D. marvelous
2. A. conical B. different C. symbolic D. careful
3. A. cultural B. mischievous C. interesting D. responsible
4. A. finance B. service C. order D. company
5. A. interview B. agency C. addition D. customer
I. Choose the correct words in brackets to complete the sentences.
1. If you buy stolen relics, you will help to create a black market, to lead / leading to further destruction of the
heritage site.
2. The final thing to remember / remembering is to admire the corals from a distance and not to break off
any pieces to take home as souvenirs.
3. The tour guide taking / to take us to Ha Long Bay can speak three languages.
4. At the end of this corridor there is a gate leading / leaded to the main door of the temple.
5. The Taj Mahal complex, recognized / recognizing as a World Heritage Site in 1983, includes the tomb, the
mosque, the guest house, and the main gate.
6. Here are some of the things to avoid / avoiding when visiting a heritage site.
7. Many of the items such as rings, key chains, or souvenirs are made of unusual shells or unique stones
illegally removed / to remove from the protected areas.
8. The pagoda damaged / damaging in the storm has now been rebuilt.
9. That man was selling unusual relics illegally removed / removing from the protected area of this heritage
10. Visitors should avoid shops to sell / selling unusual relics from the area.
II. Put the correct preposition for the sentences below.
preservation archaeological complex cultural intact
heritage relics excavations dynasties attraction
1. A lot of ancient houses in Ho An remain ________________________ even after several hundred years.
2. A lot of _____________________ from ancient times are on display at the national heritage museum.
English 11

3. During the different _____________________, the Thang Long Imperial Citadel was expanded.
4. What is special about Hoi An Ancient Town is that it is in a good state of _____________________.
5. The old houses have been pulled down in order to build a modern residential _____________________.
6. These historic buildings are an important part of Hanoi's ______________________ and should be
7. The archaeological _____________________ that led to the discovery of the ancient city lasted several
8. The tour of the cave and grotto system is the main _____________________ for tourists in Phong Nha - Ke
Bang National Park.
9. At the Central Sector of the Imperial Citadel of Thang Long, visitors can see the _____________________
site at 18 Hoang Dieu street and several famous monuments.
10. In December 1993, UNESCO recognised the Complex of Hue monuments as a World
_____________________ Heritage Site - the first site in Vietnam to be added to the World Heritage list.
III. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form the word that fits in the gap in the
same line.
1. Cuc Phuong National Park is also a(n) ____________________________ zone of fauna. (ABUNDANCE)
2. A number of caves in Huong Son Complex are ________________________ sites belonging to the Hoa
Binh Culture dated back to over 10,000 years. (ARCHAEOLOGY)
3. Set in a quiet environment, Hoi An is _______________________ by peaceful villages that have crafts such
as carpentry, bronze making, and ceramic. (SURROUNDING)
4. Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park is one of the finest and most _______________________ examples of
a complex limestone landform in Southeast Asia. (DISTINCT)
5. The _________________________ work in Con Moong Cave area has been carried out for several years.
6. Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park can be compared to a huge _________________ museum.
7. Last year, we came to the heritage site and beautiful ____________________ of West Yen Tu. (LAND)
8. The Champa Kingdom was vividly _____________________ by the ruins of My Son. (ILLUSTRATE)
9. The basic architectural and landscape features of the Complex of Hue Monuments have been maintained
intact since their original _____________________ in the early 19t century. (CONSTRUCT)
10. Yen Tu is a complex of _________________ masterpieces located in a beautiful landscape.
IV. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
1. The guest on our show is the youngest golfer ____ the Open.
A. won B. to win C. being won D. winning
2. I have a message for people ____ by the traffic chaos.
A. to delay B. who delaying C. delayed D. who delay
3. The ____ items in Con Moong Cave are now kept in Thanh Hoa Museum for preservation and displaying
English 11

A. excavating B. excavated C. excavation D. excavator

4. The Citadel of the Ho Dynasty is the only stone citadel in Southeast Asia ____ of large limestone blocks.
A. constructing B. which constructed C. to construct D. to be constructed
5. Emma Thompson is the most famous actress ____ on the stage here.
A. appeared B. appear C. appearing D. to appear
6. Have you visited the pagodas ____ on Tran Phu Street in Hoi An.
A. to lie B. lying C. lain D. lie
7. The Temple of Preah Vihear in Cambodia is composed of a series of sanctuaries ____ by a system of
pavements and starcases over an 800 metre long axis.
A. linked B. linking C. to link D. being linked
8. Cat Ba is also rich of cultural festivals and traditions that are highly potential for ____ and development.
A. research B. growth C. conservation D. promotion
9. Irresponsible tourists damaged the archaeological site and some of the relics ____ back to the last ruling
A. to date B. dating C. to be dated D. date
10. The ancient houses ____ by the fire are now under reconstruction.
A. to destroy B. destroying C. destroyed D. destroy
11. The boy ____ in the accident was taken to hospital.
A. injuring B. being injured C. have injured D. injured
12. Hoi An Ancient Town is preserved in a remarkably ____ state.
A. damaged B. unspoiled C. intact D. unharmed
13. Son Doong Cave, ____ in 2009, is believed to contain the world's largest cave passage.
A. first explored B. to explore first C. exploring first D. was first explored
14. The captain was the last ____ the sinking ship.
A. to leave B. that leaving C. left D. whom to leave
15. Son Doong Cave is the largest cave in the world ____ in Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park.
A. which discovered B. discovering C. to discover D. to be discovered
16. The Thang Long Imperial Citadel was built in the 11th century by the Ly Dynasty, ____ the independence
of Dai Viet.
A. marking B. offering C. commemorating D. bringing
17. Melanie was the only person ____ a letter of thanks.
A. wrote B. written C. to write D. writing
18. No fluorescent lights, no motorcycles, no television, on the 15th day of each lunar month, the riverside
town of Hoi An ____ modern life the night off.
A. gives B. lets C. brings D. turns
19. We came to the temple dedicated to King Dinh Tien Hoang, ____ Hoa Lu to build the citadel.
A. to choose B. choosing C. chosen D. which chose

English 11

20. Who were those people ____ outside?

A. waited B. to wait C. who waiting D. waiting
V. Choose the correct word in the box to complete the sentences.
attractive mysterious combination preservation exceptionally
excavation settlement harmonious architectural geological
1. In 1805, King Gia Long requested the building of a new, smaller citadel called Hanoi Citadel with a new
____________________ style.
2. The Complex of Hue Monuments is a ____________________ of many royal monuments from the Nguyen
3. As for me, the Citadel of the Ho Dynasty is one of the most ____________________ destinations in
Vietnam because of its value.
4. Due to its special ____________________ constitution, Ba Be Lake has very original and special features.
5. The ____________________ site in Con Moong Cave is also one of archaeological sites that contain the
thickest cultural layer Vietnam at present.
6. Cat Ba Archipelago bears the ____________________ natural values with its tropical forests which cover
the limestone system and the mangrove wetlands.
7. The Complex of Yen Tu Monuments and Landscape is a vivid illustration of human interaction with the
environment and traditional human permanent ____________________.
8. Besides the historical value of geology, Phong Nha - Ke Bang is also favoured with the
_________________ and majestic landscapes by nature.
9. Management and ____________________ in Hoi An are further strengthened through master planning and
action plans.
10. The architecture of Hoi An is a ____________________ blend of Vietnamese, Chinese and Japanese
I. Fill in the bank with a suitable word.
Hoan Kiem Lake is an attractive body of water right in the (1) ___________ of Ha Noi. Legend has it
that in the mid-15th (2) ____________, Heaven gave Emperor Le Thai To (Le Loi) a magical sword which he
used to fight (3) ____________ the Chinese, the Ming aggressors, out of Viet Nam. After that one day when
he was out (4) ___________ in the lake, a giant (5) ___________ tortoise suddenly grabbed the sword and (6)
___________ into the depths of the lake. Since then, the lake has been known as Hoan Kiem Lake (Lake of
the Restored Sword) (7) _____________ it is believed the sword was taken to its original divine owners.
The tiny Tortoise Pagoda, topped with a red star, is (8) _____________ a small island in the middle of
the lake; it is often used (9) ____________ an emblem of Ha Noi. Every morning around 6 a.m., local
residents can be seen around Hoan Kiem Lake (10) ___________ their morning exercise, jogging or playing
II. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word in the box.
guardians sacred intricate dilapidated
mainland chiseled bridge archaeologists

English 11

Hidden away in the tropical forest near the port city of Da Nang and the very popular World Heritage
town of Hoi An is the Champa civilization’s (1) ____________________ valley of My Son, or “Beautifal
Mountain”. I joined the full day package tour from Hoi An, which was quite very convenient as it included all
transportation, ticket fee. lunch and guide. I arrived in My Son around 10 o’clock. After walking for a while, I
found the complex of tourist facilities, and one of them is the performance hall. Our guide insisted us keeping
going into the forest. Within few minutes, I started to see the complex of ancient Hindu temples made from
At first, the (2) _______________________ state of the complex was quite shocking, and almost
nothing was left to see. I decided to discover the site by myself and I started to be impressed by the amazing
quality of brick carving details. The image of Hinduism (3) _________________________ and angels are
truly beautiful and reminded me about Angkor in Cambodia. For me, My Son is the great evidence of how
Southern Indian art expanded to Southeast Asia since ancient Cham people came from Java where Indian art
flourished, and later expand to modern day Vietnam and later Cambodia and Thailand. The construction
method of My Son is also very unique: Cham people built a whole block of bricks then burned them to make
the whole brick block very solid and strong then (4) ____________________ into the temple. I walked around
the complex many times to enjoy its (5) ___________________ motifs until the guide informed that there are
more complex to see.
I went to see another complex, this one is located on the hill and recently partial rebuilt by a group of
Italian (6) ___________________, and they are planning to rebuild more, which is a very good news for My
Son preservation. The rebuilt complex is very lovely and illustrates the original layout very well even though
the new brick really contrasts with the old ones. After that, the guide took me back to the bus and back to Hoi
An, it was exactly 3 hours inside My Son. Despite the bad state of preservation, I really enjoyed my visit to
My Son, the place has exceeded my expectation and even small complex can clearly show its value as a (7)
___________________ of cultural exchange between India - Java and (8) _________________ Southeast
III. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, Cord that best fits the blank space in the following passage.
Recognized as a World Heritage Site in Vietnam, Ha Long Bay attracts thousands of visitors every
year, who come to enjoy its magnificent natural (1) ____. However, the bay is also facing a number of threats
that may lead to serious damage to the site.
Wildlife in Ha Long Bay is being (2) ____ by overfishing as this is the only job to support most of the
inhabitants here. As a (3) ____, rare sea creatures may become extinct soon.
(4) ____ problem is deforestation of mangrove forests. The mangroves, known as the plants native to
Ha Long Bay, provide protection during storms, preserve the shoreline, and act as a natural filter that keeps the
sea environment clean and healthy. Numerous wildlife species (5) ____ plants and fish also depend on the
What is more, some markets in Ha Long Bay sell unusual relics and natural (6) ____, such as coral
pieces, sea shells, or unique stones, probably illegally removed from the (7) ____ areas. Many of these items,
converted into rings, key chains, and other souvenirs, are purchased by unsuspecting tourists. Buying these
items creates a black market (8) ____ to further destruction of Ha Long Bay.

English 11

As eco-tourists, we can help to protect Ha Long Bay for future generations in several ways. For
example, by sailing or fishing with the fishermen, we can share the benefits of tourism with the local (9) ____.
This will help them to increase their income and reduce excessive fishing. We can also help local people to
learn about the significance of the mangrove forests and help them to replant the mangroves. We should also
avoid purchasing unusual souvenirs. As responsible tourists, we can (10) ____ suspected traders or vendors by
refusing to buy their illegal goods.
1. A. middle B. main C. landscape D. point
2. A. destruction B. destroyed C. destructing D. destroy
3. A. instant B. example C. accident D. result
4. A. Others B. Other C. Another D. One
5. A. making B. including C. getting D. creating
6. A. objects B. dangers C. lost D. escapes
7. A. protective B. protection C. protecting D. protected
8. A. allowing B. leading C. appointing D. sending
9. A. community B. people C. society D. human
10. A. do B. discourage C. compare D. contrast
IV. Read the passage and choose the best answer.
A rather surprising geographical feature of Antarctica is that a huge freshwater lake, one of the world's
largest and deepest, lies hidden there under four kilometers of ice. Now known as Lake Vostok, this huge
body of water is located under the ice block that comprises Antarctica. The lake is able to exist in its unfrozen
state beneath this block of ice because its waters are warmed by geothermal heat from the earth's core. The
thick glacier above Lake Vostok actually insulates it from the frigid temperatures on the surface.
The lake was first discovered in the 1970s while a research team was conducting an aerial survey of the
area. Radio waves from the survey equipment penetrated the ice and revealed a body of water of indeterminate
size. It was not until much more recently that data collected by satellite made scientists aware of the
tremendous size of the lake; the satellite-borne radar detected an extremely flat region where the ice remains
level because it is floating on the water of the lake.
The discovery of such a huge freshwater lake trapped under Antarctica is of interest to the scientific
community because of the potential that the lake contains ancient microbes that have survived for thousands
of years, unaffected by factors such as nuclear fallout and elevated ultraviolet light that have affected
organisms in more exposed areas. The downside of the discovery, however, lies in the difficulty of conducting
research on the lake in such a harsh climate and in the problems associated with obtaining uncontaminated
samples from the lake without actually exposing the lake to contamination. Scientists are looking for possible
ways to accomplish this.
Question 1: The word "hidden" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ____.
A. undrinkable B. untouched C. unexploitable D. undiscovered
Question 2: What is true of Lake Vostok?
A. It is completely frozen. B. It is saltwater lake.
C. It is beneath a thick slab of ice. D. It is heated by the sun.

English 11

Question 3: Which of the following is closest in meaning to "frigid" in paragraph 1?

A. extremely cold B. easily broken C. quite harsh D. lukewarm
Question 4: All of the following are true about the 1970 survey of Antarctica EXCEPT that it ____.
A. was conducted by air B. made use of radio waves
C. could not determine the lake's exact size D. was controlled by a satellite
Question 5: It can be inferred from the passage that the ice would not be flat if ____.
A. there were no lake underneath B. the lake were not so big
C. Antarctica were not so cold D. radio waves were not used
Question 6: The word "microbes" in paragraph 3 could best be replaced by which of the following?
A. Pieces of dust B. Tiny bubbles C. Tiny organisms D. Rays of light
Question 7: Lake Vostok is potentially important to scientists because ____.
A. can be studied using radio waves
B. may contain uncontaminated microbes
C. may have elevated levels of ultraviolet light
D. has already been contaminated
Question 8: The purpose of the passage is to ____.
A. explain how Lake Vostok was discovered
B. provide satellite data concerning Antarctica
C. discuss future plans for Lake Vostok
D. present an unexpected aspect of Antarctica's geography

I. Rewrite the following sentences using present participle, past participle or to-infinitive.
1. Maxicorp were the only company which replied my letter.
2. Do you know the man who is talking to my father?
3. Applications which were sent after 23rd will not be considered.
4. We have a lot of exercises which we have to do tonight.
5. Studies of her son are the most important thing that she cares about.
English 11

6. The equipment which belongs to the club is insured.

7. George is the first person that we will interview.
8. Meetings which are held every month are called monthly meetings.
9. The most excellent students who were rewarded the scholarship would have a two-week holiday in Vung
10. The trees which were planted last week are growing well.
II. Rewrite the following sentences using present participle, past participle or to-infinitive.
1. The man who is talking to John is from Korea.
2. The ideas which are presented in that book are interesting.
3. Ann is the woman who is responsible for preparing the budget.
4. English has an alphabet that consists of 26 letters.
5. The books that are on that shelf are mine.
6. The children who attend that school receive a good education.
7. The psychologists who study the nature of sleep have made important discoveries.
English 11

8. The sunlight which comes through the window wakes me up early every morning.
9. John Quincy Adams, who was born on July 11th 1767, was the sixth president of the United States.
10. These are the ancient houses which were built a long time ago.
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. study B. business C. function D. number
2. A. soft B. modern C. communication D. technology
3. A. love B. box C. hobby D. problem
4. A. gone B. go C. hot D. long
5. A. houses B. glasses C. horses D. studies
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
1. A. inaccurate B. illegal C. positive D. domestic
2. A. confident B. eternal C. dangerous D. healthier
3. A. independent B. academic C. compulsory D. unexpected
4. A secondary B. immediate C. miraculous D. domestic
5. A. simple B. polite C. formal D. instant
III. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1. Scholars believe that there are still relics buried under the tomb and awaiting excavation / heritage.
2. Lack of preservation / customer of this heritage building has resulted in damage to its walls.
3. The best part of our trip to the national park was the tour to many ancient / antiques ruins.
4. Phong Nha - Ke Bang has a complex geological / biological structure with different varieties of stone
5. The ruling scholar / dynasty was responsible for reuniting the kingdom.
6. Exploring / Destroying the caves and grottos in Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park is the most popular
activity for visitors
7. This heritage site is famous for its beautiful scenes / scenery.
8. Visiting the Tomb of Khai Dinh, tourists will notice a mix of eastern and western dynasties / architecture.
9. Scientists working on the site found many ancient tools, tombs and pottery, and made some important
archaeological / technological discoveries.
10. The tombs are part of our historical heritage / traditions.
IV. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
1. We noticed a pile of stones ____ in the road.
A. left B. leaving C. to leave D. having left
English 11

2. The vegetation layers in Cat Ba Archipelago from spectacular and scenic landscapes and make the site
become ____ to all Vietnam's typical ecosystems.
A. home B. house C. scenery D. basis
3. The monuments of My Son are the most important constructions of the Champa Kingdom, ____ coast of
Central Vietnam from the 4th to the 13th centuries.
A. to flourish B. flourished C. flourishing D. to be flourished
4. A lorry ____ concrete pipes has overturned.
A. carried B. being carried C. carrying D. to carry
5. Most tourists like buying clothes, lanterns, and other handicraft ____ by local craftmen in Hoi An. C. made
A. to make B. making C. made D. make
6. The only thing ____ at the Citadel of the Ho Dynasty is the stone walls.
A. to see B. seeing C. sees D. see
7. The Complex of Hue Monuments was the first site in Vietnam ____ as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
A. to be recognized B. be recognizing C. recognizes D. recognize
8. Located in Hoang Dieu Street, Hau Lau has ____ architecture of the Eastern and Western styles
A. abundant B. authentic C. mixed D. complex
9. The limestone in Phong Nha is not continuous, which has led to a particularly ____ shape.
A. distinctive B. similar C. genuine D. diverse
10. Near the White House is another famous landmark ____ the Washington Monument.
A. is which B. which call C. called D. it is called
11. The distinction of the Khai Dinh Tomb is the unique architecture ____ the art of Rococo and the
Vietnamese style.
A. combined B. combining C. to be combined D. which combine
12. Although some of the structures are now ____, most of the significant existing monuments have been
partially restored.
A. in danger B. at risk C. in ruins D. at war
13. The food ____ in this supermarket is very good.
A. selling B. which sold C. to sell D. sold
14. My Son Sanctuary is an area ____ with Hindu-like architecture and art.
A. covering B. covered C. which covered D. to cover
15. Most houses in Hoi An are of ____ architecture dating from the 17th to the 19th century.
A. tradition B. traditional C. ancient D. customary
16. To plant rice, farmers, ____, set young plants in the mud.
A. they wade with bare feet in the water B. who water wading in their bare feet
C. wading in the water with their bare feet D. whose bare feet wading in the water
17. The nearly 4-hour ____ from Ha Long Bay to Cat Ba Island afforded us visits to well-known caves and
A. travel B. vacation C. boating D. cruise
English 11

18. Another thing that I was really impressed with Hoi An is the preservation of the whole town which is very
amazing and very ____.
A. correct B. exact C. authentic D. original
19. A fine tomb, ____, marks the grave of the poet Chaucer.
A. which in the fifteenth century was erecting B. erected in the fifteenth century
C. erecting in the fifteenth century D. being erected in the fifteenth century
20. I live in a pleasant room ____ the garden.
A. to overlook B. overlooked C. overlooking D. which overlooking
V. Fill in the gap with a suitable word to complete the passage.
The area of old carved stones in Sa Pa lies mainly in the Muong Hoa Valley, (1) __________________
there are settlements of ethnic minority people in Sa Pa District. Lao Cai Province. Carved stones here have
been discovered since a long time (2) _________________. In 1925, a French scholar coming here discovered
more than 30 pieces of stone that had been carved with various images, scattered along the Hoa Spring bank.
Later, other scientists have come here to (3) ________________ the carved pieces of stone. Until now,
researchers have discovered more than 200 (4) ________________ of stone carved with different images,
among them are the big ones which have complicated designs.
The (5) _________________ common patterns are images of mountains, hills and fields. In one pieces
of one, we can find images of houses, following the patter of house on site with the form of bond with curved
roof, reminding the image of here on the Dong Son bronze (6) ________________.
Particularly, a (7) ________________ of researchers have raised the hypothesis of traces of 3 kinds of
writing system, following the pattern of pictorial writing with straight and curved lines. There are writing
systems almost (8) ________________ to the writing systems found on amulets of Tay ethnic group and Dao
ethnic group, but they are not Tay characters. The discovery of 3 above kinds of writing system on carved
pieces of stones makes more complicated the determination of the author of those works. Maybe those authors
(9) ________________ to many different ethnic minorities and have achieved their works in different times.
There are opinions underlining that those pieces of stone have been carved by the old Viet people. At
present, there remain a number of (10) ________________ about the “Father piece” and “Mother piece” of
stone related to inhabitants of the areas lying at the mountain foot coming here to find new settlements.
However, the problem of determination of the real authors of those works is still to be solved.
VI. Choose the word in the box to complete the text.
performs meeting nature skill attacked
set sessions rocky construction considering
The citadel of the Ho Dynasty was built according to the Feng Shui principles, (1)
the flowering of neo-Confucianism in the late 14th century in Vietnam and its spread to other (2)
____________ of East Asia. According to these principles, it was located in a landscape of great (3)
________________ beauty on an axis (4) ______________ the Tuong Son and Don Son Mountains in a plain
between the Ma and Buoi Rivers. In terms of architectural history, the citadel of the Ho Dynasty (5)
________________ an important role in the planning and building of urban areas in Vietnam. It shows the
English 11

uniqueness in the (6) _________________ of a citadel in general and a stone citadel in particular, and a
breakthrough in Vietnam's tradition of citadel building.
Thanks to the unique construction techniques, all the (7) _________________ stone sections are intact
and have not been (8) __________________ by time and weather or by recent urban encroachment. The
citadel of the Ho Dynasty is an architectural (9) _________________ of the 14th century with impressive
architecture of the walls and other parts. The citadel buildings represent an outstanding example of a new (10)
________________ of Southeast Asian imperial city with a combination between the Vietnamese architecture
and the unique building techniques of Southeast Asia and Eastern Asia.
II. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following
Arriving in Hoi An around 9 p.m, I was really relieved when I discovered that the (1) ____ town was
peacefully quiet, something I am really (2) ____ is that Hoi An at night may become crazy club scenes. In the
next morning, I woke up very early, and walked around the town admiring waterfront areas where local
fishermen were ready to go out for day fishing, the very lively market and extremely ring and empty streets.
(3) ____ there was no tourist, only locals then and the souvenir shops were still close, I felt that Hoi An at that
moment was an extremely gorgeous place to visit.
The yellowish Chinese styled houses along the street together with decorative bushes of bougainvillea
flower are lovely sights and very (4) ____. The layout of houses was claimed to be unique for not strictly
complied with Feng Shui but for benefit of better ventilation in tropical region. Another thing that I am really
(5) ____ is the preservation of the whole town which is very amazing and very authentic, which is a thing that
cannot be found in Melaka, Singapore or Macao. The Japanese Bridge is maybe the only sight that I found
very interesting for its stories that the Japanese built this bridge in (6) ____ to calm evil serpent spirit
"Namazu" that caused earthquake in very faraway Japan since they believe Hoi An is located on the back of
the serpent. I strangely found that there are still many nice temples, (7) ____ the one dedicate to Confucius
which has more unique and interesting Vietnamese elements more than the preserved one in the core zone.
I also (8) ____ that Hoi An is not only popular with European tourists but also Korean, Japanese,
Australian and New Zealander. After sunset, the whole town waterfront becomes a night market with many
local foods. And at that time Hoi An is very charming with hundreds of paper and (9) ____ lanterns. Hoi An at
night seems to be a very popular place for pre-wedding photo shooting, as I saw many Vietnamese couples in
their traditional dresses with their photographer teams everywhere especially around the Japanese Bridge, so a
great place to see local contemporary weeding cultures.
All in all, I really enjoyed my time in Hoi An for its lovely (10) ____ nice townscape.
Note: - bougainvillea flower = hoa giấy
- townscape = cảnh quan thành phố
1. A. middle B. mainly C. whole D. major
2. A. neglected B. concerned C. noticed D. protected
3. A. Because B. As C. For D. Since
4. A. photograph B. photographer C. photogenic D. photography
5. A. impressing B. impressed C. impressive D. impression

English 11

6. A. order B. that C. as D. other

7. A. specially B. contrarily C. partly D. especially
8. A. destroyed B. noted C. wrote D. ruined
9. A. silk B. clothes C. shirts D. shoes
10. A. weather B. atmosphere C. tent D. villager
VIII. Read a text about common wedding rituals in the USA and answer the questions that follow.
The rules of etiquette in American restaurants depend upon a number of factors the physical location of
the restaurant, e.g., rural or urban; the type of restaurant, e.g., informal or formal; and certain standards that are
more universal. In other words, some standards of etiquette vary significantly while other standards apply
almost anywhere. Learning the proper etiquette in a particular type of restaurant in a particular area may
sometimes require instruction, but more commonly it simply requires sensitivity and experience. For example,
while it is acceptable to read a magazine in a coffee shop, it is inappropriate to do the same in a more luxurious
setting. And, if you are eating in a very rustic setting it may be fine to tuck your napkin into your shirt, but if
you are in a sophisticated urban restaurant this behavior would demonstrate a lack of manners. It is safe to
say, however, that in virtually every restaurant it is unacceptable to indiscriminately throw your food on the
floor. The conclusion we can most likely draw from the above is that while the types and locations of
restaurants determine etiquette appropriate to them, some rules apply to all restaurants.
Question 1: With what topic is this passage primarily concerned?
A. Instruction in proper etiquette B. Rules of etiquette
C. Variable and universal standards of etiquette D. The importance of good manners
Question 2: Which of the following words is most similar to the meaning of "rustic"?
A. Ancient B. Urban C. Unsophisticated D. Agricultural
Question 3: The author uses the phrase "safe to say" in order to demonstrate that the idea is ____.
A. somewhat innocent B. quite certain C. very clever D. possible
Question 4: What does the word "it" in bold and underlined refer to?
A. Knowing the type of restaurant B. Clear instruction
C. Learning the proper etiquette D. Sensitivity
Question 5: According to the passage, which of the following is a universal rule of etiquette?
A. Eating in rustic settings B. Tucking a napkin in your shirt
C. Reading a magazine at a coffee shop D. Not throwing food on the floor
Question 6: The word “manners” in bold could best be replaced by which of the following?
A. Tact B. Ceremony C. Experience D. Character


Exercise 1. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

English 11

1. A. scholar B. technique C. archaeology D. achievement

2.A. ancient B. concern C. associate D. special
3. A. itinerary B. abundant C. elegance D. landscape
4. A. tomb B. dome C. mosaic D. poetic
5. A. numerous B. luxury C. perfume D. mon ment
Exercise 2. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position
of primary stress in each of the following questions.
6. A. archaeology B. itinerary C. unforgettable D. authenticity
7. A. magnificent B. associate C. mausoleum D. harmonious
8. A. religious B. masterpiece C. prestigious D. abundant
9. A. intact B. nightlife C. relic D. complex
10. A. cultural B. heritage C. memory D. represent
Exercise 3. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
11. I'd like to book a room with a/an ____ of the sea.
A. outlook B. sight C. view D. scenery
12. When I'm on holiday, I enjoy ____.
A. getting sunburnt B. getting sunstroke C. having a sunbath D. sunbathing
13. The most popular destinations for ____ holidays are Spain, Italy, and Greece.
A. charter B. package C. packed D. packet
14. When you are staying at a popular resort, there are plenty of ____ to go on.
A. excursions B. expeditions C. pilgrimages D. sightseeing
15. One day when I'm rich and famous, I'm going to go on a round-the-world ____.
A. cruise B. sail C. self-catering D. survival
16. You can save money by choosing a ____ holiday.
A. do-it-yourself B. self-catering C. self-study D. survival
17. My favourite part of England is Cornwall. There's some absolutely beautiful ____ there.
A. nature B. signs C. scenery D. views
18. There's a pretty little fishing village ____.
A. by the sea B. on the sand C. on the beach D. by the shore
19. There's a path that ____ out of the village to a beautiful 14th-century church.
A. follows B. moves C. takes D. leads
20. Costa Rica is one of the most beautiful places I have ever visited. Wherever you go, you can see the ____
of volcanoes, some of which are still alive.
A. tops B. heads C . mouths D. ends
21. The beaches were absolutely ____. Sometimes we were the only two people there.
A. unspoilt B. deserted C. natural D. romantic

English 11

22. Sri Lanka has some fantastic beaches – miles after miles of golden sand and ____ water.
A. crystal clear B. crystal clean C. light blue D. navy blue
23. The travel agent wasn't to ____ for the overbooking.
A. accuse B. charge C. blame D. claim
24. When I worked as a waiter, the hotel manager found ____ with everything I do.
A. blame B. complaint C. fault D. criticism
25. It can be quite busy here during the tourist ____.
A. period B. phase C. stage D. season
26. I always enjoy our school ____ to France.
A. excursion B. journey C. trip D. travel
27. Captain Cook discovered Australia on a ____ to the Pacific.
A. voyage B. cruise C. travel D. tour
28. The sunset over Niagara Fall is really a magnificent ____.
A. look B. sign C. view D. sight
29. The hotel where we are ____ is quite luxurious.
A. staying B. existing C. remaining D. living
30. Passengers requiring a special meal during the flight should inform the airline in ____.
A. ahead B. advance C. front D. forward
31. We usually do go by train, even though the car ____ is a lot quicker.
A. travel B. trip C. voyage D. journey
32. The area near the palace gates was ____ with tourists.
A. full B. crowded C. flooded D. covered
33. From the top of the cathedral tower there are some spectacular ____ of the surrounding countryside.
A. sights B. sites C. views D. scenery
34. She didn't enjoy the Mediterranean ____ at all; she was seasick most of the time.
A. cruise B. tour C. voyage D. trip
35. Known as 'Ha Long Bay on Land', Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex is famous for its mountains,
caves, and archaeological ____.
A. excavations B. sites C. relics D. heritages
Exercise 4. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s)in each of the following questions.
36. The balance and harmonious blending of various elements contribute to Taj Mahal's unique beauty.
A. successful B. agreeable C. tasteful D. fitting
37. My Son Sanctuary is a large complex of religious relics comprising more than 70 architectural works such
as towers, temples, and tombs.
A. royal B. precious C. holy D. valuable

English 11

38. In addition to exploring the caves and grottos, and seeing its flora and fauna, visitors can also enjoy
mountain climbing.
A. flowers and plants B. plants and animals
C. plants and vegetation D. flowers and grass
39. Ha Long Bay has attracted millions of visitors who come to enjoy its breathtaking views and experience
other activities.
A. unbreathable B. heartbreaking C. awe-inspiring D. unforgettable
40. They can enjoy the -comfort and elegance of five-star hotels and luxury cruise ships.
A. style B. convenience C. standard D. grace
41. Most of the Imperial Citadel of Thang Long was demolished in the early 20th century.
A. rebuilt B. pulled down C. put up D. pulled up
42. Taj Mahal is a giant mausoleum of white marble in Arga, India. It is considered to be an outstanding work
of art.
A. noticeable B. attractive C. brilliant D. significant
43. Recognised as a World Heritage Site in 1983, the Taj Mahal Complex, including the tomb, mosque, guest
house, and main gate, has preserved the original qualities of the buildings.
A. initial B. ancient C. unique D. perfect
44. As visitors explore this magnificent place, there are always new surprises for them.
A. interesting B. strange C. impressive D. unusual
45. The mausoleum represents the greatest architectural and artistic achievement of Muslim art.
A. contains B. includes C. claims D. embodies
Exercise 5. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
46. Though built almost five hundred years ago, the church remained practically intact.
A. in perfection B. in ruins C. in chaos D. in completion
47. Tourists can do and see a lot in Ha Long Bay at a reasonable price.
A. inexpensive B. affordable C. cheap D. exorbitant
48. The major stone sections of the Citadel of the Ho Dynasty remain intact thanks to the unique construction
A. special B. common C. excellent D. ancient
49. The Imperial Citadel of Thang Long was first built during the Ly Dynasty and then expanded by
subsequent dynasties.
A. following B. successive C. preceding D. next
50. Visitors with more abundant travel budgets can enjoy the comfort of five-star hotels and luxury cruise
A. huge B. plentiful C. mean D. tight
Exercise 6. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

English 11

51. The best way ____ London is by taking a guided tour.

A. of which to see B. to see C. seeing D. in which you see
52. With its thousands of rocks and caves ____ out of the water, Ha Long Bay has won international
A. emerge B. to emerge C. emerging D. being emerged
53. Hoi An Ancient Town is a well-preserved example of a Southeast Asian trading port ____ from the 15th to
the 19th century.
A. to date B. dated C. that date D. dating
54. We can also see the stone dragons of Kinh Thien Palace and relics associated with many Vietnamese royal
families, ____ during archaeological excavations.
A. discovered B. being discovered C. to discover D. discovering
55. John F. Kennedy was the last US president ____.
A. to assassinate B. assassinated C. assassinating D. to be assassinated
56. The Complex of Hue Monuments was the first site in Viet Nam ____ to the World Heritage List.
A. adding B. to add C. to be added D. added
57. The archaeological excavation ____ to the discovery of the ancient city lasted several years.
A. led B. leading C. to lead D. being led
58. Though ____ many centuries ago, the palace remains practically intact.
A. building B. to build C. built D. people built
59. I picked up some holiday brochures ____ around the table at the travel agency.
A. to lie B. lying C. to be lying D. being lying
60. Situated on Cam Khe Hill, Tomb of Minh Mang is one of the most interesting royal tombs ____ in Hue.
A. to visit B. visited C. visiting D. being visited
61. You may choose one from the five World Heritage Sites in Viet Nam ____ in this leaflet to visit on your
next field trip.
A. includes B. including C. included D. to include
62. ____ UNESCO criteria for outstanding universal value to humanity, Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex
was added to the World Heritage List in 2014.
A. Meeting B. Met C. To meet D. Having met
63. The most magnificent feature of Taj Mahal ____ is the central dome.
A. noticed B. being noticed C. to notice D. noticing
64. Scientists ____ on the site found many ancient tools, tombs and pottery, and made some important
archaeological discoveries.
A. worked B. working C. to work D. to be working
65. ____ with an average of 320 days of sunshine a year, the coastline offers the perfect holiday destination for
anyone ____ to switch off and unwind.
A. Blessed/wanting B. Blessing/wanting C. Blessed/wants D. Blessing/wanted

English 11

66. Southern Spain's Costa del Sol, ____ from Nerja in the east to Manilva in the west, is one of the most
fascinating tourist areas in the world.
A. stretches B. stretching C. stretched D. being stretched
67. As well as its beautiful sun-soaked beaches and excellent gastronomy, the region boasts no fewer than
thirty golf courses, ____ amateurs and professionals alike with year-round golfing opportunities.
A. provides B. provided C. providing D. is provas
68. The Saga Rose is a good-looking ship. ____ in 1965, she is highly regarded by marine experts for her
elegant lines.
A. Launching B. Was launched C. To launch D. Launched
69. I took up salsa, ____ by dance teacher, Thabo, who made us believe we were good enough to perform in
front of passengers and crew.
A. was inspired B. inspiring C. inspired D. was inspiring
70. The electromagnetic fields can also cause responses in the brain, ____ observers into thinking they are
seeing even more vivid impressions.
A. tricking B. tricks C. trick D. tricked
71. Henry VIII of England was the only king ____ six times.
A. to marry B. married C. was married D. marrying
72. Travellers are faced with a lot of destinations ____ from.
A. choosing B. choose C. to be choosing D. to choose
73. I think China will be the next country ____ the Olympic Games.
A. who host B. hosting C. to host D. hosted
74. At 24, William Pitt was the youngest person ____ Prime Minister.
A. becoming B. to become C. became D. was become
75. Tourists ____ the train from London to Stratford have to change at Coventry.
A. take B. taking C. to take D. who takes
76. The capital city of Ecuador was the first city in the world ____ a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
A. to declare B. declared C. declaring D. to be declared
77. Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex is the 8th World Heritage in Viet Nam ____ by UNESCO.
A. to be recognised B. to recognise C. recognising D. recognised
78. The London Tower Bridge, ____ 244 metres long, is a World Heritage Site.
A measures B. measured C. measuring D. is measured
79. Scholars believe that there are still relics ____ under the tomb and awaiting to be excavated.
A. burying B. buried C. are burying D. are buried
80. ____ the email - supposedly from Boyd's Bank - to be genuine, she was tricked into disclosing her credit
card details.
A. Believe B. Being believed C. To believe D. Believing
Exercise 7. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
English 11

81. Breaking her leg the last time she went, Laura decided not to go on the school trip this year.
82. Lived here for seven years, my friend volunteers to act as tour guide for us all on our city break.
83. We found a hotel, we looked for somewhere to have dinner.
84. ‘Wait a minute,' said Tom, ran through the door.
85. Amy seems like a bright student. She's always the first to be finished her work.
86. Annoying by the receptionist's behaviour, they decided not to stay in that hotel.
87. We decided not to travel, having been heard the terrible weather forecast.
88. Having imported from America, the fruit was expensive.
89. Barbara has now written a successful biography though know mainly as a novel writer.
90. The book publishing last week is her first novel about a World Heritage Site in Viet Nam.
Exercise 8. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following
exchanges. 91. “I'm not hot. I'm absolutely roasting” – “____”
A. You lucky thing! I'm sure you'll enjoy it. B. Let's go and cool down in the sea.
C. You'll get a lovely suntan. D. Maybe you've got a sun stroke.
92. “Why don't you take your T-shirt off?” – “____”
A. That sounds like a good idea. B. Yes, let's take it off.
C. No, of course not. It's boiling here. D. Because I don't want to get sunburnt.
93. “____” – “That's a good idea! Then we'll still have a couple of hours left.”
A. I'd like to suggest we see the Imperial first. Then we'll have more time for the second attraction.
B. Why don't we see the Imperial first? Then we'll have more time for the second attraction.
C. What do you think about we see the Imperial first? Then we'll have more time for the second
D. How about see the Imperial first? Then we'll have more time for the second attraction.
94. “____” – “I'd like to see a cultural one.”
A. Would you like to visit a natural or a cultural world heritage site?
B. Which site is worth visiting in Hue? The Citadel or the Royal Tombs?

English 11

C. Would you like to go to Tomb of Minh Mang or the Citadel of the Ho Dynasty?
D. Do you prefer seeing the Citadel of the Ho Dynasty or Tomb of Minh Mang
95. “Can you recommend a good guest house in this area?” – “____”
A. I know. I prefer a B&B round the corner. B. Yes, there's a nice B&B round the corner.
C. Wow! It's very kind of you to ask me. D. Let's stop at the first hotel we find.
96. “____” – “Why don't we thumb a lift?”
A Where shall we stay? Can you recommend a good place in town?
B. How can we carry all this luggage by ourselves? It's too heavy for us.
C. Poor us! We've spent a whole day on the road.
D. How are we going to get home? We haven't got enough money for a taxi.
97. “Last year, we went to one of those resorts where everything - food and drink - is free.” – “____”
A. Wow! I didn't realise you were such snobs!
B. Really? I prefer to go somewhere a bit quieter.
C. It sounds great. I've never been on an all-inclusive holiday.
D. If you want all your meals and drinks included, you can stay on an all-inclusive basis.
98. “My back feels sore. Does it look a bit red?” – “____”
A. Yes, it does. I think you'll get a lovely suntan.
B. Yes, it does. Probably you should go for a swim.
C. Yes, it does. It's important to go for a paddle.
D. Yes, it does. Perhaps you should keep out of the sun for the rest of the day.
99. “____” – “No, not yet. I might call in at the travel agent's on the way home and pick up a few brochures.”
A. Have you decided where you're going on holiday this year?
B. Have you booked the flight tickets for your holiday this year?
C. Have you discussed whether or not to go on holiday this year?
D. All are correct.
100. “I'm really fed up with work at the moment. I need a break.” – “____”
A. Why shouldn't you take next Friday off and have a long weekend in Paris or Amsterdam?
B. I would advise you to take next Friday off and have a long weekend in Paris or Amsterdam.
C. Why don't you take next Friday off and have a long weekend in Paris or Amsterdam?
D. You're highly recommended taking next Friday off and have a long weekend in Paris or
101. “Are you going to Wales again this year?” – “____”
A. I'm going somewhere abroad where I can be sure of some sun.
B. Not likely! I'm going somewhere abroad where I can be sure of some sun.
C. Sure! I'm going somewhere abroad where I can be sure of some sun.
D. Actually, I'm going somewhere abroad where I can be sure of some sun.
102. “____” – “Glorious! Warm and sunny every day.”

English 11

A. What was the beach like? B. What was the weather like?
C. What was the hotel like? D. What were the people like?
103. “____” – “Well, most of the citadel was demolished in the early 20th century.”
A. Is it still intact or in ruins? B. Has it been pulled down?
C. Is it a significant geological site? D. What has happened to it?
104. “____” – “Let's go to the Citadel.”
A. Is the Citadel of the Ho Dynasty a natural or cultural world heritage site?
B. Shall we go to the Citadel of the Ho Dynasty or do you want to see another site?
C. When is the best time to visit the Citadel of the Ho Dynasty? In spring or summer?
D. Why do you recommend the Citadel of the Ho Dynasty? Is there anything special?
105. “Why is Taj Mahal considered to be an outstanding work of art?” – “____”
A. Because it was built by order of the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his favourite wife.
B. Because legend has it that Shah Jahan made a promise to build his wife the most beautiful tomb ever
C. As acknowledged by UNESCO, it represents the greatest architectural and artistic achievement of
Muslim art.
D. Because the Taj Mahal Complex, including the tomb, mosque, guest house, and main gate has
preserved the original qualities of the buildings.
Exercise 9. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Tourism is a big business. Millions of people around Europe spend their winters planning their
destinations for the following summer, and their summers (106) ____ to foreign climes for two weeks
in the sun. They are the modern-day descendants of the aristocrats and the wealthy who would (107)
____ months to complete the “Grand Tour” of Europe. But unlike their forefathers, tourists these days
get a bad press. They're not (108) ____ in the local culture, we're (109) ____; they're just after the
chance to behave a bit more wildly than they do at home. What's more, they damage the local
environment and don't respect the locals and their (110) ____ of life.
But are tourists really to (111) ____? Or is it the (112) ____ of the tourist industry, which has (113)
____ to provide reasonably-priced alternatives? And if the local resort only offers a succession of bars
for the tourists to visit, can we really (114) ____ them for not doing more cultural activities?
One holiday company, Far and Away, (115) ____ that tourists are crying out for more cultural holidays
and believes that it has (116) ____ to come up with a range of package holidays which are affordable,
culturally interesting, and environmentally friendly. Their brochure, which is to be (117) ____ later this
month, offers 200 holidays based on cultural themes, including history and architecture, learning the
language, meeting the locals.
106. A taking away B. moving away C. taking off D. jetting off
107. A. spend B. make C. take D. pass

English 11

108. A. devoted B. eager C. keen D. interested

109. A. told B. informed C. convinced D. said
110. A. way B. manner C. standard D. means
111. A. criticise B. fault C. blame D. accuse
112. A. criticism B. fault C. blame D. accusation
113. A. avoided B. lost C. missed D. failed
114. A. accuse B. charge C. criticise D. arrest
115. A. claims B. mentions C. informs D. persuades
116. A. succeeded B. managed C . achieved D. resulted
117. A. brought up B. brought out C. brought off D. brought around
Exercise 10. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions.
One of the seven wonders of the ancient world, the Great Pyramid of Giza was a monument of wisdom
and prophecy built as a tomb for Pharaoh Cheops in 2720 B.C. Despite its antiquity, certain aspects of
its construction make it one of the truly great wonders of the world. The thirteen-acre structure near the
Nile River is a solid mass of stone blocks covered with limestone. Inside are a number of hidden
passageways and the burial chamber for the Pharaoh. It is the largest single structure in the world. The
four sides of the pyramid are aligned almost exactly on true north, south, east, and west – an incredible
engineering feat. The ancient Egyptians were sun worshipers and great astronomers, so computations
for the Great Pyramid were based on astronomical observations.
Explorations and detailed examinations of the base of the structure reveal many intersecting lines.
Further scientific study indicates that these represent a type of timeline of events – past, present, and
future. Many of the events have been interpreted and found to coincide with known facts of the past.
Others are prophesied for future generations and are currently under investigation. Many believe that
pyramids have supernatural powers, and this one is no exception. Some researchers even associate it
with extraterrestrial beings of the ancient past. Was this superstructure made by ordinary beings, or one
built by a race far superior to any known today?
118. The word “intersecting” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ____.
A. crossing B. aligning C. observing D. cutting
119. What do the intersecting lines in the base symbolise?
A. Architects' plans for the hidden passages.
B. Pathways of the great solar bodies.
C. Astrological computations.
D. Dates of important events taking place throughout time.
120. The word "prophesied” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ____.
A. affiliated B. precipitated C. terminated D. foretold
121. Extraterrestrial beings are ____.
A. very strong workers B. astronomers in the ancient times
C. researchers in Egyptology D. living beings from other planets
English 11

122. What is the best title for the passage?

A. Symbolism of the Great Pyramid
B. Problems with the Construction of the Great Pyramid
C. Wonders of the Great Pyramid of Giza
D. Exploration of the Burial Chamber of Cheops
Exercise 11. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions.
The coaches at the Uluru Sunset Viewing Area were parked three deep. Guides were putting up tables
and setting out wines and snacks. Ten minutes to go. Are we ready? Five minutes, folks. Got your
cameras? OK, here it comes ...
Whether an American backpacker or a wealthy traveller, Danish, British, French, we all saw that sunset
over Uluru, or Ayer Rock, in what seems to be the prescribed tourist manner: mouth full of corn
chips, glass full of Château Somewhere, and a loved one posing in a photo's foreground, as the all-time
No 1 Australian icon behind us glowed briefly red.
Back on the coach, our guide declared our sunset to be 'pretty good', although not the best she'd
witnessed in her six years. Behind me, Adam, a student from Manchester, reinserted his iPod
earphones: 'Well, that's enough of that rock.' Indeed. Shattered from getting up at five in order to see
Uluru at dawn, I felt empty and bored. What was the point? What made this rock the definitive sunset
rock event? Why had we come here? Well, I suppose my sons would remember it always. Except
they'd missed the magical moment while they checked out a rival tour group's snack table, which had
better crisps.
So now I've visited four of the “25 Wonders of the World", as decreed by Rough Guides. And I think
this will be the last. While in my heart I can see myself wondering enchanted through China's
Forbidden City, in my head I know I would be standing grumpily at the back of a group listening to
some Imperial Palace Tour Guide. At the Grand Canyon I would be getting angr with tourists watching
it through cameras – eyes are not good enough, since they lack a recording facility.
As we become richer and consumer goods are more widely affordable, and satisfy us only briefly
before becoming obsolete, we turn to travel to provide us with 'experiences’. These will endure, set us
apart from stay-at-home people and maybe, fill our lives with happiness and meaning, Books with
helpful titles like 1,000 Places to See Before You Die are bestsellers. I'd bet many backpacks on the
Machu Picchu Inca Trail are filled with copies, with little tieks penciled in the margins after each must-
see sight has been visited. Travel is now the biggest industry on the planet, bigger than armaments or
pharmaceuticals. And yet viewing the main sight of any destination is rarely the highlight of a trip.
Mostly it sits there on your itinerary like a duty visit to a dull relative. The guilt of not visiting the
Sistine Chapel, because we preferred to stay in a bar drinking limoncello, almost spoilt a weekend in
In Queensland, the Great Barrier Reef reproached us. How could we travel 15,000 miles without
seeing it? How would we explain back home that we were too lazy, and preferred to stay playing a ball
game in our hotel pool? In the end, we went to the reef and it was fine. But it won't rank highly in the
things I'll never forget about Australia. Like the fact that the banknotes are made of waterproof plastic:
English 11

how gloriously Australian is that? Even after a day's surfing, the $50 note you left in your surfing
shorts is still OK to buy you beer! And the news item that during a recent tsunami warning, the surfers
at Bondi Beach refused to leave the sea: what, and miss the ride of their lives? Or the stern warning at
the hand luggage X-ray machine at Alice Springs airport: "No jokes must be made whilst being
processed by this facility' - to forestall, no doubt, disrespectful Aussie comments: 'You won't find the
bomb, mate. It's in my suitcase.’
The more I travel, the clearer it seems that the truth of a place is in the tiny details of everyday life, not
in its most glorious statues or scenery. Put down your camera, throw away your list, the real wonders
of the world number indefinitely more than 25.
123. What does the author mean by ‘the prescribed tourist manner’ in paragraph 2?
A. They are all backpackers.
B. They are all wealthy travellers.
C. They are all interested in seeing the wonders of the world.
D. They all eat, drink and do the same things at the sites of the world wonders.
124. What did the author think or feel after seeing the sunset over Ayer Rock?
A. She thought it was pretty good.
B. She felt exhausted, empty, and bored.
C. She thought that was enough.
D. She thought this rock was the definitive sunset rock event.
125. Why does she think that Uluru is probably the last 'wonder of the world' she will see?
A. She doesn't like wandering around the wonders.
B. She doesn't enjoy the Imperial Palace Tour Guide.
C. She doesn't like watching the wonder through a camera.
D. She doesn't want to explore the sites the way people around her do.
126. What kind of tourists is she criticising when she says 'eyes are not good enough' in paragraph 4?
A. those who stand grumpily at the back of the group
B. those who wander enchanted through the site
C. those who look at the wonders through their cameras
D. those who lack a recording facility
127. According to the author, what do a lot of backpackers carry with them nowadays?
A. books with helpful titles B. books that are bestsellers
C. copies of must-see sights D. little pencils
128. The author compares visiting the main tourist sights to ____.
A. armaments B. Pharmaceuticals
C. a trip highlight D. a duty visit to a dull relative
129. What does she mean by `the Great Barrier Reef reproached us' in paragraph 6?
A. The Great Barrier Reef is worth visiting if you are in Australia.
B. It is fine to visit the Great Barrier Reef when you are in Australia.
English 11

C. It seems wrong not to visit the Great Barrier Reef once you are in Australia.
D. The Great Barrier Reef is an unforgettable sight in Australia.
130. All of the following are mentioned in the article as memorable aspects of Australia EXCEPT ____.
A. banknotes made of waterproof plastic
B. the fine visit to the Great Barrier Reef
C. the surfers at Bondi Beach refusing to leave the sea despite tsunami warning
D. the stern warning at the hand luggage X-ray machine at Alice Springs airport.
Exercise 12. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.
131. Visitors come to admire the relics that were excavated from the ancient tombs.
A. Visitors come to admire the relics excavating from the ancient tombs.
B. Visitors come to admire the relics excavated from the ancient tombs.
C. Visitors come to admire the relics being excavated from the ancient tombs.
D. Visitors come to admire the relics to be excavated from the ancient tombs.
132. The Citadel of the Ho Dynasty, which is located in Thanh Hoa Province, was added to UNESCO's World
Heritage List in 2011.
A. Locating in Thanh Hoa Province, the Citadel of the Ho Dynasty was added to UNESCO's World
Heritage List in 2011.
B. Located in Thanh Hoa Province, the Citadel of the Ho Dynasty was added to UNESCO's World
Heritage List in 2011.
C. The Citadel of the Ho Dynasty, that is located in Thanh Hoa Province, was added to UNESCO's
World Heritage List in 2011.
D. The Citadel of the Ho Dynasty, locating in Thanh Hoa Province, was added to UNESCO's World
Heritage List in 2011.
133. The Complex of Hue Monuments, which lies along the Perfume River in Hue City, is a good example of
a well-designed capital city.
A. The Complex of Hue Monuments, laying along the Perfume River in Hue City, is a good example
of a well-designed capital city.
B. Laying along the Perfume River in Hue City, the Complex of Hue Monuments is a good example of
a well-designed capital city.
C. Lying along the Perfume River in Hue City, the Complex of Hue Monuments is a good example of
a well-designed capital city.
D. Laid along the Perfume River in Hue City, the Complex of Hue Monuments is a good example of a
well-designed capital city.
134. He has been living with his cousin for two months, but he's looking for a place close to his university.
A. Living with his cousin for two months, but he's looking for a place close to his university.
B. Being lived with his cousin for two months, but he's looking for a place close to his university.

English 11

C. Has lived with his cousin for two months, but he's looking for a place close to his university.
D. Having been living with his cousin for two months, but he's looking to a place close to his
135. After we had chosen a destination for our holiday, we began preparing for the trip.
A. Chosen a destination for our holiday, we began preparing for the trip.
B. Choosing a destination for our holiday, we began preparing for the trip.
C. Having chosen a destination for our holiday, we began preparing for the trip.
D. Having prepared for the trip, we chose a destination for our holiday.
Exercise 13. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences
in the following questions.
136. A picture was stolen by art thieves. It was painted by Munch.
A. Stolen by art thieves, a picture was painted by Munch.
B. Painted by Munch, a picture was stolen by art thieves.
C. A picture painted by Munch was stolen by art thieves.
D. All are correct.
137. You can see Velazquez in this painting. He is standing in the background.
A. Standing in the background, you can see Velazquez in this painting.
B. You can see Velazquez, who is standing in the background, in this painting.
C. You can see Velazquez standing in the background in this painting.
D. Both B and C are correct.
138. The sculpture represents the biblical King David. It was carved in the early 1500s.
A. The sculpture carved in the early 1500s represents the biblical King David.
B. The sculpture, carved in the early 1500s, represents the biblical King David.
C. Represented the biblical King David, the sculpture was carved in the early 1500s.
D. Being represented the biblical King David, the sculpture was carved in the early 1500s.
139. Cats is one of the longest-running musicals in Britain. It was written by Andrew Lloyd Webber.
A. Written by Andrew Lloyd Webber, Cats is one of the longest-running musicals in Britain.
B. Cats, written by Andrew Lloyd Webber, is one of the longest-running musicals in Britain.
C. Cats, one of the longest-running musicals in Britain, was written by Andrew Lloyd Webber.
D. All are correct.
140. The Matrix was released in 1999. It stars Keanu Reeves.
A. Releasing in 1999, The Matrix stars Keanu Reeves.
B. Released in 1999, The Matrix stars Keanu Reeves.
C. The Matrix released in 1999 stars Keanu Reeves.
D. Both B and C are correct.

English 11


Thành phố trong tương lai
1. city dweller/ˈsɪti - ˈdwelə(r)/ (n):người sống ờ đô thị, cư dân thành thị
2. detect /dɪˈtekt/(v): dò tìm, phát hiện ra
3. infrastructure /ˈɪnfrəstrʌktʃə(r)/ (n): cơ sở hạ tầng
4. inhabitant /ɪnˈhæbɪtənt/ (n): cư dân, người cư trú
5. liveable /ˈlɪvəbl/ (a): sống được
6. optimistic /ˌɒptɪˈmɪstɪk/(adj):lạc quan
7. overcrowded /ˌəʊvəˈkraʊdɪd/(adj): chật ních, đông nghẹt
8. pessimistic /ˌpesɪˈmɪstɪk/(adj): bi quan
9. quality of life (n): chất lượng sống
10. renewable /rɪˈnjuːəbl/(adj):có thể tái tạo lại
11. sustainable /səˈsteɪnəbl/(adj): không gây hại cho môi trường, có tính bển vững
12. upgrade /ˈʌpɡreɪd/(v): nâng cấp
13. urban /ˈɜːbən/(adj): thuộc về đô thị
14. urban planner (n): người / chuyên gia quy hoạch đô thị
1. Type 0: Câu điều kiện diễn tả thói quen hoặc một sự thật hiển nhiên.
a. Habit (Thói quen)
If + simple present tense ..., + simple present tense...
Ex: I usually walk to school if I have enough time.
b. Command (Mệnh Lệnh).
If + simple present tense ..., + command form of verb + ...
Ex: - If you go to the Post Office, mail this letter for me.
- Please call me if you hear anything from Jane.
2. Type 1: FUTURE POSSIBLE (Diễn tả một khả năng có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai).
If + S + V (simple present), S + will / shall + V (nguyên thể)
Ex: If I have time, I will go.
3. Type 2: PRESENT UNREAL (Diễn tả tình huống không có thật ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai)
If + S + V (past subjunctive/ simple past), S + would / could / might + V.
Ex: I don't win a lot of money, so I can't spend most of it travelling round the world.
→ If I won a lot of money, I could spend most of it travelling round the world.
4. Type 3: PAST UNREAL (Diễn tả tình huống không có thật ở quá khứ)

English 11

If + S + had + Vp2, S + would / could / might + have + Vp2

Ex: I didn't tell her any good news because I wasn't here early.
→ If I had been here earlier, I would have told her some good news.
5. Type 4: Câu điều kiện pha trộn:
Form 1: Type 3 và Type 2
If + S + had + Vp2, S + would / could / might + V.
Ex: He isn't a rich man now because he didn't take my advice.
→ If he had taken my advice, he would be a rich man now.
Form 2: Type 2 và Type 3
If + S + V (past subjunctive simple past), S + would / could / might + have + Vp2
Ex: If I were him, I wouldn't have got married to her.


1. Câu hỏi đuôi là một phần nhỏ được thêm vào sau mỗi lời phát biểu. Chúng ta sử dụng câu hỏi đuôi để
xin phép sự đồng ý hoặc kiểm chứng xem thông tin có đúng không.
Ex: There is no milk in the fridge, isn't there?
2. Quy tắc chung:
- Lời phát biểu khẳng định + câu hỏi đuôi phủ định
- Lời phát biểu phủ định + câu hỏi đuôi khẳng định
Ex: She likes chocolate, doesn't she?
He doesn't go to school on weekends, does he?
3. Phần câu hỏi đuôi phủ định thường được viết rút gọn. Chủ ngữ của câu hỏi đuôi luôn luôn là một đại
1. Phần đuôi của “I am....., aren’t I”.
Ex: I'm going to do it again, aren't I?
2. Imperatives and Requests (Câu mệnh lệnh và câu yêu cầu):
+ Có phần đuôi là “Won't you?” khi cầu phát biểu diễn tả lời mời
Ex: Take your seat, wont you? (Mời ông ngồi).
+ Có phần đuôi là “will you?” khi cầu phát biểu diễn tả lời yêu cầu hoặc mệnh lệnh phủ định
Ex: Open the door, will you? ( Xin vui lòng mở cửa)
Don't be late, will you ? (Đừng đi trễ nha)
3. Phần đuôi của cậu bắt đầu bằng “Lets ..” là “shall we?”
Ex: Let's go swimming, shall we?
- Nhưng phần đuôi của “Let me, ..... will you”
4. Đại từ bất định:

English 11

- Khi chủ ngữ là Đại từ bất định chỉ vật: Nothing, anything, something everything được thay thế bằng “It” ở
câu hỏi đuôi.
Ex: Everything will be all right, won't it?
- Khi chủ ngữ là Đại từ bất định chỉ người: No one, nobody, anyone, anybody, someone, somebody,
everybody, everyone được thay thế bằng “They” trong câu hỏi đuôi.
Ex: Someone remembered to leave the messages, didn't they?
Note: Nothing, Nobody, No one được dùng trong mệnh đề chính, động từ câu hỏi đuôi sẽ phải ở dạng khẳng
định. (Vì Nothing, Nobody, No one có nghĩa phủ định)
Ex: Nothing gives you more pleasure than listening to music, does it?
5. This/ That được thay thế là “It”.
Ex: This won't take long, will it?
6. These/ Those được thay thế là “They”.
Ex: Those are nice, aren't they?
7. Khi trong câu nói có từ phủ định như: seldom, rarely, hardly, no, without, never, few, little... phần
đuôi phải ở dạng khẳng định.
Ex: He seldom goes to the movies, does he?
8. Nếu câu phát biểu có dạng:
- You’d better → câu hỏi đuối sẽ là: hadn't you?
- You’d rather → câu hỏi đuôi sẽ là: Wouldn’t you?
- You used to → câu hỏi đuôi sẽ là: didn’t you?
- S + ought to + V, oughtn't + S?
9. Câu đầu là “wish’ thì ta dùng “May” trong câu hỏi đuôi.
Ex: I wish to study English, may I?

10. Chủ ngữ là ONE ta dùng “you” hoặc “one”.

Ex: One can be one's master, can't you/one?
11. Câu cảm thán: Lấy danh từ trong câu đổi thành đại từ, [to be] dùng “is, am, are”.
Ex: - What a beautiful dress, isn't it?
- What a stupid boy, isn't he?
- How intelligent you are, aren't you?
12. Câu đầu có “It seems that + mệnh đề” ta lấy mệnh đề làm câu hỏi đuôi.
Ex: It seems that you are right, aren't you?
13. Chủ từ là mệnh đề danh từ: Dùng “it”
Ex: - What you have said is wrong, isn't it?
- Why he killed himself seems a secret, doesn't it?
14. Câu đầu có I + các động từ sau: think, believe, suppose, figure, assume, fancy, imagine, reckon,
expect, seem, feel + mệnh để phụ: Ta lấy mệnh phụ làm câu hỏi đuôi.
Ex: - I think he will come here, won't he?
English 11

- I don't believe Mary can do it, can she?

Note: - Mệnh đề chính có not thì vẫn tính như ở mệnh để phụ.
- Cùng mẫu này nhưng nếu chủ từ không phải là I thì lại dùng mệnh đề đầu làm câu hỏi đuôi.
Ex: She thinks he will come, doesn't she?
Test 1
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. book B. look C. floor D. good
2. A. hate B. mate C. cake D. manage
3. A. thank B. than C. month D. youth
4. A. noon B. good C. soon D. food
5. A. chorus B. cheap C. child D. change
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
1. A. podium B. title C. notice D. pioneer
2. A. nature B. marriage C. value D. belief
3. A. police B. spirit C. banquet D. culture
4. A. determine B. maintain C. sacrifice D. apologize
5. A. inversion B. miserable C. pleasant D. difficulty
I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms.
1. If I didn't feel so tired, I (go) _______________________ out with you.
2. If you (not pass) _______________________ the exam, would you take it again?
3. If I (be) _______________________ you, I would apply for the job.
4. I could repair the car if I (have) _______________________ the right tools.
5. If I (study) _______________________ hard, I would have passed the exam.
6. If I (not be) _______________________ busy yesterday, I would have visited you.
7. She (go) _______________________ to the university if she had had the opportunity.
8. Suppose they had offered her a job, do you think she (take) _______________________ it?
9. If she hadn't been ill yesterday, she (go) ________________________ to work now.
10. If I (be) _______________________ you, I wouldn't have told him the truth yesterday.
11. If today were Monday, I (not go) _______________________ to work yesterday.
12. What would happen if you (not go) _______________________ to work tomorrow.
13. If I had gone to your party last night, I (be) _______________________ very tired now.
14. She must apologize to me or I (never speak) _______________________ to her again.
15. If he hadn't stayed up late, he (not finish) _______________________ his task yesterday.
II. Add question tags to the following statements.
1. Everyone can learn how to swim, ____________________?

English 11

2. Nobody cheated in the exam, ____________________?

3. Nothing went wrong while I was gone, ____________________?
4. I am invited, ____________________?
5. This bridge is not very safe, ____________________?
6. These sausages are delicious, ____________________?
7. You haven't lived here long, ____________________?
8. The weather forecast wasn't very good, ____________________?
9. He'd better come to see me, ____________________?
10. You need to stay longer, ____________________?
III. Choose the correct words in the bracket to complete the sentences.
innovation availability urbanization detectors inhabitants
sustainability developments investment creation optimistic
1. Songdo is unique, offering city ____________________ something they have never had access to before.
2. The city officials are __________________ that the downtown will continue to be a green population
3. The information will be collected through the ____________________.
4. Cities need to make full use of land in order to achieve urban ____________________.
5. Some of the other problems predicted for the near future include limited and diminishing arable land,
deforestation, ____________________, and degradation of land and water.
6. For South Korea, Songdo is more than a hi-tech business district, but a temple for future
7. Songdo is the prototype for the green ____________________ the Korean government wants to build the
economy on in the future.
8. The pace of ____________________ is happening fast in the United States.
9. I think the cities of tomorrow also need to consider the ____________________ of open space.
10. Cities at their best are social environments where ____________________ and human developments go
hand in hand.
IV. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form the word that fits in the gap in the
same line.
1. The rapid growth of the population has caused daunting problems for city planners, such as
_______________________ roads. (CROWDED)
2. It comes as no surprise that Seattle is the gold standard of ______________________ city living.
3. New York City is expected to increase its __________________ energy capacity by 50% by 2050.
4. Our communities will be ________________________ and more sustainable, so our quality of life will be
better. (CLEAN)

English 11

5. The government is making plans to _______________________ sensors and cameras in the city centre to
detect traffic problems and help drivers to avoid traffic jams. (INSTALLMENT)
6. It's urgent to upgrade the city's transport ________________________ because almost all the roads get
flooded after heavy rain. (INFRASTRUCTURAL)
7. We can improve the quality of life of the inhabitants by _______________________ pollution. (REDUCE)
8. City dwellers can enjoy better health care than people living in the _______________________, but they
are usually busier and more stressed because of the city's fast pace of life. (COUNTRY)
9. They are building a new waste ________________________ plant to treat wastewater before it is reused or
discharged into rivers. (PROCESS)
10. Be _______________________ for overcrowded streets and shopping malls when you visit big cities like
Hong Kong and Beijing. (PREPARE)
V. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
1. ____ there are some more ideas, we can end the meeting now.
A. Unless B. If C. As if D. In case
2. "It's really raining." - "Yes. If the weather ____, we'll have to camp somewhere else.”
A. would get worse B. might get worse C. get worse D. should get worse
3. If anyone ____, ____ him I ____ back at 9 o'clock.
A. calls / tell / will be B. called / telling / would be
C. is calling / tells / am D. will call / to tell / am
4. If she asks for money, I ____ her.
A. will give B. gave C. would give D. would have given
5. If I ____ this exam, I'll go to the university next summer.
A. pass B. to pass C. had passed D. passed
6. As we move toward 2050, we are facing the consequences of ____ urbanization and population growth.
A. promoting B. improving C. moving D. accelerating
7. Studies reveal that food production will need to increase by 70 percent to ____ the over 9 billion people on
A. give B. supply C. provide D. feed
8. New York has invested substantially in improving the ____ of its waterways in recent years.
A. quality B. quantity C. level D. feature
9. China has already been experimenting with ways to make its cities more ____ for the last two decades.
A. sustainable B. harmless C. continued D. natural
10. China has already been experimenting with ways to make its cities more ____ for the last two decades.
A. sustain B. sustainable C. survival D. available
11. Don't leave anything behind, ____?
A. do you B. don't you C. will you D. shall we
12. That isn't Bill driving, ____?
A. is it B. is that C. isn't that D. isn't it
English 11

13. Nobody likes the play, ____?

A. do they B. don't they C. didn't they D. did they
14. The children can read English, ____?
A. can't they B. can they C. they can D. they can't
15. Your grandfather was a millionaire, ____?
A. was he B. is he C. wasn't he D. isn't he
16. I think the cities of tomorrow also need to consider the availability of open space, ____?
A. do I B. don't I C. do they D. don't they
17. We will need new technologies to generate energy and use it in clean and safe ways, only from fully ____
A. replaced B. controlled C. renewable D. endurable
18. Across the globe, nations are preparing for water scarcity, ____?
A. are they B. aren't they C. will they D. won't they
19. Copenhagen has been voted the most ____ city in the world several times.
A. ecological friendly B. ecologically soundly
C. eco-friendly D. friendly ecologically
20. This is your essay on smart cities by 2050, ____?
A. is this B. isn't this C. is it D. isn't it
VI. Complete the sentences with the correct question tags.
1. Berlin ties green spaces beautifully into the urban landscape, _______________________?
2. Chicago is dedicated to being a green building leader, _______________________?
3. All new cars sold in the country will be emissions free in less than 35 years, _______________________?
4. Tianjin, the eco-city in China, has focused on ensuring all its structures qualify as green buildings,
5. There is lack of the formation necessary for making urban progress, _______________________?
6. The Mayor of London did not believe an electric double decker was technically feasible,
7. Your life will be organised by a domestic computer, _______________________?
8. The global population is growing towards nine billion by 2050, _______________________?
9. There will be electric, driverless cars, ________________________?
10. Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer banned telecommuting, _______________________?
11. The start of the 21st century in China and the Arab world was marked by the creation of new, energy-
consuming cities, _______________________?
12. By 2050, between 70 and 80 percent of the world's population will live in cities,
13. Tomorrow's cities are managed by a computer, _______________________?
14. The global conference provides us with the occasion for looking more closely at several solutions,
English 11

15. We do not oppose the urban situations as they exist today, _______________________?
16. One billion children are deprived of one or more services essential to survival and development,
I. Fill in the blank with a suitable word.
Silicon Valley is (1) ____________ to hundreds of technology companies, so it comes as no surprise
that San Jose has partnered with technological giant Intel to transform itself (2) ______________ a smart city.
San Jose and Intel will work (3) ____________ to further the city's Green Vision initiative - a 15-year plan for
economic growth, and improve (4) ____________ of life - which it launched in 2007.
Intel expects to help San Jose create 25,000 clean-tech jobs, drive economic growth, and improve the
city's environmental (5) _____________. To achieve this (6) ____________ Intel will work with the city to
track real-time data on air quality, noise pollution, traffic flow, and other environmental and (7)
_____________ concerns which it will then use to encourage (8) _______________ to reduce emissions by
using public transportation or bicycles to get to work or school.
Smart cities may sound like something of the distant future (9) ____________ many people thought
the same thing about smartphones and smart homes. Up to now, over 70 percent of American adults have
owned a smartphone and 1.9 billion smart home devices have been installed. If smart cities are (10)
____________ like these other smart innovations, we will see them appear in our communities sooner rather
than later.
II. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only one word in each space.
self-driven decrease estimate circuits intelligent
booming technology digitization non-renewable advancements
The cities of the future will see a large number of (1) __________________ homes that can
communicate with their owners. In fact, things that were earlier considered science fiction are already coming
to life in smart cities such as Masdar in the United Arab Emirates, where an automated underground transport
network fully by solar power is already running (2) __________________.
With smart (3) __________________, the possibility of having huge savings on electricity and power
is within our reach. Sensors are being developed so that street lights of the future will switch on only when
you are close by. The smart technology in (4) ___________________ cars will enable you to save on gas and
other (5) __________________ energy sources. In fact, smart cities will aim to neutralize the use of fossil
fuels completely.
The cities of the future will have to adapt quickly to rapid technological (6) __________________
in IT and engineering. The gap between technological leaps is going to (7) __________________ over time.
Technology will help bridge the current gap between the government and public in the cities of the future,
given that IT and (8) __________________ will make these cities more open and social.
Another thing that we can all agree on is that the cost of building in these smart cities is going to be
considerable. An (9) ____________________ can be derived based on the latest smart city developments in
India. With the (10) ___________________ population, the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is pushing
to attract investments to fuel rapid development projects in the country.

English 11

III. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following
Cities are built to (1) ____ and prosper. Over the years, we have learned to transform our surroundings
according to our needs. We have (2) ____ through mountains to make more land and created artificial islands
to make skyscrapers. City planning, as an organized profession, has existed for less than a century. (3) ____, a
considerable (4) ____ of evidence (both archaeological and historical) proves the existence of fully planned
cities in ancient times. Over the years, humans have made some mistakes in terms of using an excessive
amount of resources for cities. This gives rise to the question of (5) ____ sustainable the cities of the future
would be.
We might be (6) ____ at smart cities in which street lights would only switch on when you are close
(7) ____ traffic light would be eliminated by smart driving. The cities of the future would try to save our
resources (8) ____ than deplete them.
An example of an advanced city is Kansas. Plans are in place to make Kansas a smart futuristic city in
the future. Planners are considering introducing sensors to monitor the water mains. Warning would be issued
to city officials when the (9) ____ requires repair or replacement. In this way, the city would never be at risk
of having broken pipes.
While the idea sounds fantastic, a large amount of rational critique has called this plan an oversold
dream. Amy Glasmier is an urban planning professor at MIT. She is a smart city skeptic who believes that all
the research and talk is great but gravely (10) ____.
1. A. find B. act C. survive D. celebrate
2. A. experience B. cut C. decrease D. pollute
3. A. But B. Therefore C. Although D. However
4. A. number B. amount C. percent D. static
5. A. what B. how C. when D. which
6. A. looked B. look C. looking D. looks
7. A. at B. by C. of D. from
8. A. rather B. more C. would D. less
9. A. requests B. research C. infrastructure D. dependence
10. A. consider B. future C. urban D. oversold
IV. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Today's urban cities are practically bursting at the seams. According to research from the United
Nations, 54 percent of the world's population lives in urban cities areas, a percentage that is expected to
increase to over 66 percent by 2050. In fact, India alone is projected to add 404 million urban dwellers to its
population by 2050.
This rapid growth of the urban population has caused daunting problems for city planners, such as
overcrowded roads, excessive energy consumption and unemployment. Therefore, to build more sustainable
cities and accommodate the growing number of residents, many city leaders are turning to the Internet of
things (IoT).
The IoT has forever changed the way urban cities operate. Cities that were once detached and
inaccessible are now intelligent and highly connected. From Amsterdam to Seoul, cities are launching smart
English 11

city projects to help improve quality of life residents and better support the environment. According to
research from IHS Technology, there will be at least 88 smart cities globally by 2025, up from 21 in 2013.
San Francisco, for example, provides more than 100 charging stations in various locations to promote
the use of hybrid and electric cars to reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions. Copenhagen is also taking
advantage of the lot to improve environmental protection and reduce road traffic by developing smart bikes
equipped with sensors that generate date on air contamination and traffic congestion.
The possibilities afforded by the IoT are endless; however, designing smart cities quires
comprehensive technology infrastructure that is capable of capturing and processing large amounts of data
quickly and securely - which is where 4G LTE comes into play.
The future looks bright for urban cities. Soon they will be able to do things that only sci-fi enthusiasts
could dream of before, like monitoring bridge conditions using intelligent sensors and conserving energy by
automatically dimming street lights when no one is around.
1. Some cities which follow this trend of the new technology ____.
A. introduce smart bikes to escape air contamination and traffic congestion
B. provide charging stations in various locations for cars and bikes
C. make transportation more eco-friendly and more convenient
D. only allow the use of hybrid and electric cars to reduce pollution
2. All of the following are the advantages of the IoT EXCEPT that ____
A. the Internet of Things will be applied in several cities around the world
B. the number of smart cities decreases but the quality is much better
C. cities around the world become more intelligent and connected
D. we may improve quality of life and better support the environment
3. Today's urban cities ____.
A. are in fact extremely crowded B. are bursting around the world
C. account for 66 percent of the world's population D. have more 404 million dwellers by 2050
4. The potential of the IoT includes all of the following EXCEPT that ____.
A. intelligent sensors can help watch and check bridge conditions carefully
B. energy conservation can be done by automatically controlling street lights
C. things that only sci-fi enthusiasts could dream of before come true
D. comprehensive technology infrastructure to support the IoT is endless
5. The Internet of Things allows the city planners and leaders ____.
A. to develop the broadband Internet connectivity in urban cities
B. to forget daunting problems, such as overcrowded roads, and unemployment
C. to stop the rapid growth of the urban population in most cities
D. to make cities more sustainable and provide enough accommodation
I. Rewrite these sentences, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same.
1. I don't buy it because I don't have enough money.

English 11

→ If I
2. I didn't buy it because I didn't have enough money.
→ I would
3. There was a test yesterday. I didn't know that, so I didn't study for it.
→ If I
4. I'm busy right now, so I can't help you.
→ I could
5. He's very thin, that's why he feels so cold.
→ If he
6. I didn't eat breakfast several hours ago, so I am hungry now.
→ If I
7. If John had played for our football team, we would not have lost the game.
→ Unless
8. If I won a big prize in a lottery, I'd give up my job.
→ Unless
9. If you don't like this one, I'll bring you another.
→ Unless
10. I'll only help you if you promise to try harder.
→ Unless
11. If she doesn't work harder, she'll lose her job.
→ She'll
12. You can use my car, but have to keep it carefully.
→ Provided
13. If the work is finished by lunch, you can go home.
→ Get
14. Keeping calm is the secret of passing your driving test.
English 11

→ As long as
15. You must work harder or you won't pass the exam.
→ You won't
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. Italy B. Spanish C. Italian D. Japanese
2. A. say B. day C. pay D. saw
3. A. poor B. floor C. moor D. boor
4. A. sky B. Indian C. China D. mile
5. A. English B. empty C. medicine D. West
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
1. A. prisoner B. difficult C. exercise D. disaster
2. A. improvement B. occasion C. believe D. interest
3. A. influential B. opportunity C. temperament D. expectation
4. A. picture B. number C. water D. advice
5. A. organize B. embarrass C. discourage D. surrounding
III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
1. Your brother's here, ____?
A. is he B. are he C. isn't he D. aren't he
2. That was Ann on the phone, ____?
A. was it B. was that C. wasn't that D. wasn't it
3. Tom didn't see her, ____?
A. did Tom B. did he C. do Tom D. does he
4. Mary wasn't angry, ____?
A. was she B. is she C. wasn't she D. was Mary
5. Susan doesn't like oysters, ____?
A. did she B. does she C. doesn't she D. she does
6. Nothing serious will be expected in the process of building our smart city, ____?
A. will it B. won't it C. will they D. won't they
7. Since 2007, Boston police have been using Shotspotter, a system that allows them to ____ the location of
shots fired immediately.
A. detect B. select C. collect D. realize
8. I'm not old enough to understand the master plan of our city by 2050, ____?
A. am I B. am not I C. aren't I D. are you
9. By 2050, seven out of every 10 people on Earth will be a(n) ____.

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A. shelter B. urban residence C. city developer D. city dweller

10. Study after study has shown that nature improves human health and well-being, ____?
A. has it B. hasn't it C. doesn't it D. does it
11. If someone ____ into the store, smile and say "May I help you?"
A. comes B. came C. will come D. would come
12. If you ____ all of my questions, I ____ anything to help you.
A. don't answer / can't do B. didn't answer/ won't do
C. wouldn't answer / can't do D. wouldn't answer/ couldn't do
13. "Here's my phone number." - "Thanks, I ____ you a call if I ____ some help."
A. will give / will need B. would give / needed
C. give / need D. will give / need
14. The teacher was absent today, so class was canceled. If she ____ absent again tomorrow, the class ____
tomorrow, too.
A. is / will cancel B. is / will be canceled
C. was / would be canceled D. was / would cancel
15. I won't lend you this money ____ you promise to pay it back.
A. in case B. if C. otherwise D. unless
16. Many scientists are cautiously ____ that the earth can feed more than nine billion people.
A. interested B. pessimistic C. optimistic D. negative
17. Vancouver is often considered to be one of the most ____cities in the world.
A. fit B. liveable C. endurable D. suitable
18. The Saudi government is investing billions in ____ to support the enormous influx of people in Mecca.
A. streets B. roads C. bridges D. infrastructure
19. Telecommunications and cloud computing will ____ transportation for moving ideas and intellectual
A. change B. replace C. remove D. eliminate
20. ____ structure in Hanoi will be changed with the development of satellite areas.
A. City B. Downtown C. Urban D. Town
IV. Identify the underlined word or phrase that must be changed to make the sentence correct.
1. If I had known English better, I would apply for that job.
2. His English friend told him that he would help him to learn English if he has time.
3. If you were a fish, what kind of fish will you be?
4. Frank would have passed the test if he studied more often.

English 11

5. Unless Mary could be an animal, she would like to be a dolphin.

6. Unless we had more rain, our crop would grow faster.
7. The thief would steal money if he were rich.
8. If I were to have a lot of money, I will buy that building.
9. If were I in your position, I would have another check.
10. I couldn't possibly go there if my parents gave me some money.
V. Choose the word in the box to complete the text.
mini-urban liveable housing running together
transforms urban core commute connections neighbourhoods
Helsinki already ranks as one of the world's most (1) _____________ cities, but by 2050, it may top
the list. Over the next few decades, Helsinki expects to add around 250,000 new residents. But the more the
population grows, the fewer cars will be on city streets as Helsinki (2) _____________ itself into a network of
(3) _______________ that are virtually car-free.
Right now, like many cities, Helsinki has a compact (4) _____________ linked to far-flung suburbs by
expressways. As the city grows, each suburb will change into a (5) ______________ center surrounding tram
or trail stations.
Helsinki expects its busy expressways to become boulevards lined with new (6)
___________________, sidewalk cafes, bike lanes, and trams and buses. Residents will run everyday errands
on foot or by bike; the city hopes that homes, businesses, schools, and stores will all be close enough (7)
________________ that many people might not even have to (8) ______________ anymore.
Helsinki is described as a green network city which has five green fingers (9) _____________ through
the city from sea to surrounding forest network. Most of the new development will be located on brownfield
areas, and on transforming motorway corridors. The city also plans to add parks along the shoreline and add
new (10) _____________ to nearby islands.
VI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following
I find it (1) ____ fascinating thinking about the future, as technology is rapidly advancing and in 40
years' time, who knows what we'll be able to do with it. Scientists have recently predicted that (2) ____ 2050
the population of the world will be over ten billion and technology will have advanced so greatly (3) ____ we
will have far more information about all known diseases and possibly cures), we will all be living in eco
houses and will no longer face high electricity bills and we may even be able to make a holiday to Mars.

English 11

Our daily lives will definitely be filled with all kinds of new technologies that help us do the things we
hate nowadays. House Robo's will be a likely feature in all homes and will help run the family home, take out
the rubbish, prepare food and hoover the house from top to bottom. Our kitchen gadgets (such as your fridge,
cooker, microwave and dishwasher) will also be 'robotic' and will email or text us, the users, when a food item
has gone out of date or has been used up. (4) ____, the fridge has a built-in camera so that when you are at the
supermarket, you can log in to your fridge and (5) ____ what you need to stock up on.
It is predicted that by 2050 we will all have 'weekly digital health checks' in our homes, which run
sensors over our bodies to check for signs of ill (6) ____ and any abnormalities. Conditions can instantly be
(7) ____ by the ‘virtual doctor’ inside the health machine and treated immediately, and if you need a
prescription - it will be ordered and sent out automatically. If the digital health check picks up on a person
being overweight, they will send a signal to the (8) ____ house computer to (9) ____ their diet and book in for
gym sessions. Because of all this immediate treatment, people will live far longer and won't be (10) ____ out
by disease or forms of cancer. Medical conditions that are considered rare today will be far more known about
and will be able to be cured quickly and efficiently.
1. A. absolutely B. extinctively C. disappeared D. absolute
2. A. in B. at C. by D. since
3. A. that B. what C. which D. when
4. A. Finally B. Contrarily C. Differently D. Similarly
5. A. give B. find C. check D. connect
6. A. disease B. health C. ruin D. tiredness
7. A. recognizing B. recognized C. recognition D. recognize
8. A. national B. town C. domestic D. international
9. A. modify B. recycle C. conclude D. make
10. A. blown B. wiped C. broke D. went
VII. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
The Rise of Robots
As kids, our grandparents frequently scared us by talking about how difficult life was when they were
growing up. They mentioned walking miles to school in the snow, or doing hours of manual labour for little
pay. Life has changed greatly since then, and it seems to get easier year by year. In fact, with the help of robots
we soon might have to do much at all. But is this a good thing?
By 2030, it's estimated that robotics will be a $10 billion business worldwide. Companies are already
starting to integrate them into the workforce. The electronics manufacturer Foxconn is drawing up plans to
launch a factory within the next 10 years that's completely staffed by robot workers. Meanwhile, an American
company Briggo has invented a robot that serves gourmet-quality coffee to customers. With the push of a
button it will crush coffee beans, measure exact quantities of water, and even wave a steam wand to ensure
customers get the perfect cream on top. Unlike human baristas, it can serve multiple drinks at once and work
all day and night without a break.
Robots are also invading our homes. The Rooma is a mini-robot that vacuums rooms automatically
according to a schedule. The Robomow is a device that will cut the grass for you while you sit in the shade.
Then there's the Nanda clocky, an alarm clock that makes sure that even the deepest sleepers get up on time.
English 11

The clock is attached to a pair of wheels, and it will randomly move around the room. Once you finally catch
it, you're probably too awake to hit the snooze button. Although these early home robots are somewhat basic,
they will likely become more capable as times goes on.
Although robots certainly help us to eliminate tedious tasks, many people are concerned about a future
filled with robots. Some fear that humanity will start to decline if machines do everything for us. Others have
even warned about the robot rebellion, in which robots become so smart that they may decide to turn on their
masters. These ideas may seem a bit far-fetched, but there are certainly lots of questions that need to be
answered before everyone opens up to the idea of a robotic future.
Question 1. How is Briggo's invention superior to human workers?
A. It is more knowledgeable about coffee-making. B. It is better at conversation.
C. It requires no break D. It can operate machinery.
Question 2. What would happen if you pressed the snooze button?
A. You would have to wake up immediately B. The alarm clock would turn off forever
C. The alarm would stop, but go off again soon D. Nothing would happen at all
Question 3. Which of the following is NOT true about the concerns over robots?
A. It takes some time for people to accept robots. B. Robots may do some harm to humans.
C. The idea of robotics may seem far-fetched. D. Robots may be dominant at the
Question 4. The word "tedious" in the last paragraph mostly means ____.
A. boring B. difficult C. intelligent D. expensive
Question 5. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A. Some reasons why people don't accept robots yet. B. A very amusing science-fiction story about
C. How people in local communities are supporting robots. D. A few of the latest robots on the market
Question 6. According to the first paragraph, how is the life changed since our parents time?
A. The education system has got much worse
B. Things aren't as hard as they once were
C. Children have to walk longer distance to school
D. It hasn't changed much at all
Question 7. All of the following are true about robots EXCEPT that ____.
A. they can work all day and night without break B. they have greater capabilities
C. they can draw up plans to launch a storyD. they can do boring tasks for human
Question 8. We can infer from the passage that ____.
A. present domestic robots can work without any programs
B. the communication will decline with the use of robots
C. a robot rebellion can happen daily
D. robotics will have been a major business by 2030

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be attributed to /əˈtrɪbjuːtɪd / quy cho
boost /buːst/ (v) đẩy mạnh, nâng lên
dietary /ˈdaɪətəri/ (adj) thuộc về chế độ ăn uống
immune system /ɪˈmjuːn ˈsɪstəm/ (n) hệ miễn dịch
life expectancy /ˈlaɪf ɪkˈ spektənsi/ (n) tuổi thọ
meditation /ˌmedɪˈteɪʃn/ (n) sự suy ngẫm, sự trầm mặc suy tưởng
natural remedy /ˌnætʃrəl ˈremədi/ (n.p) phương pháp trị liệu dựa vào thiên nhiên
nutrition /njuˈtrɪʃn/ (n) sự dinh dưỡng
nutritious /njuˈtrɪʃəs/ (adj) bổ dưỡng, có chất dinh dưỡng
prescription medicine /prɪˈskrɪpʃn - ˈmedsn/ (n) thuốc do bác sĩ kê đơn
stress-free /stres - friː/ (adj) không bị căng thẳng
workout /ˈwɜːkaʊt/ (n) luyện tập thể lực
1. Tường thuật câu điều kiện loại 1:
- Nếu trong câu nói trực tiếp có câu tường thuật cầu điều kiện tiếng Anh loại 1, khi chuyển sang dạng tường
thuật sẽ lùi 1 thì thành câu điều kiện loại 2.
Ex: Jim said "If I catch the bus, I'll be home by six".
=> Jim said that if he caught the bus, he would be home by six.
(Jim nói rằng nếu anh ta bắt kịp xe buýt, anh ta sẽ về nhà vào lúc 6 giờ.)
Khi chuyển thành câu tường thuật phải lùi 1 thì: catch thành caught, will be home thành would be
2. Tường thuật câu điều kiện loại 2:
- Khác với cầu điều kiện loại 1 trong cấu tường thuật, cầu điều kiện loại 2 khi chuyển từ câu nói trực tiếp sang
tường thuật không cần thay đổi về thì.
Ex: My mom said to me "If you had a permit, you could find a job".
=> My mom told me that if I had a permit, I could find a job.
Mẹ tôi nói với tôi là nếu tôi có giấy phép, tôi có thể đi tìm việc. Không có sự khác biệt về thì giữa câu
nói trực tiếp và câu tường thuật.
3. Tường thuật câu điều kiện loại 3:
- Tương tự như tường thuật cầu điều kiện tiếng Anh loại 2, ở câu điều kiện loại 3 khi chuyển câu nói trực tiếp
sang tường thuật cũng không cần thay đổi về thì.
Ex: Tom said "If Jenna had loved me, she wouldn't have left like that"
=> Tom said that if Jenna had loved him, she wouldn't have left like that.

English 11

Tom nói rằng nếu Jenna yêu anh ta, cô ấy đã không bỏ đi như vậy. Không có sự khác biệt về thì giữa
nói trực tiếp và cấu tường thuật.
4. Tường thuật câu điều kiện: If + mệnh đề yêu cầu, đề nghị
Chúng ta hãy cùng xem xét ví dụ sau:
Jack said "If you have time, clean the living room"
=> Jack told me to clean the living room if I had time. (Jack bảo tôi dọn phòng khách nếu tôi rảnh.)
Hoặc Jack said "If you have time, would you clean the living room?"
=> Jack asked me to clean the living room if I had time.
(Jack hỏi tôi rằng tôi có thể dọn phòng khách không nếu tôi có thời gian rảnh?)
3. Tường thuật cấu điều kiện: If + mệnh để mang ý nghĩa lời khuyên
Xem xét thử ví dụ sau:
The doctor said "If you are ill, you should go to bed earlier".
=> 'The doctor advised me to go to bed earlier if I was ill.
=> The doctor advised that if I was ill, I should go to bed earlier.
(Bác sĩ khuyên tôi nên đi ngủ sớm nếu tôi bị ốm.)
Nhận xét:
- Một khi chuyển câu trực tiếp có ý nghĩa khuyên nhủ, bạn nên lùi như tường thuật cầu điều kiện tiếng Anh
loại 1, 2, 3 thông thường. Nên thay động từ said bằng advised để thể hiện ý nghĩa đưa ra lời khuyên và sử
dụng cấu trúc advise somebody to do something (khuyên một ai làm việc gì đó) hoặc cấu trúc advise that +
mệnh đề.
- Tương tự như cầu đề nghị, yêu cầu, trong trường hợp này chúng ta cũng chuyển mệnh đề if xuống cuối câu,
đứng sau mệnh đề chính khi dùng advise somebody to do something.
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. studies B. business C. functions D. numbers
2. A. nurse B. films C. stops D. coughs
3. A. language B. program C. England D. applicant
4. A. English B. French C. American D. Celtic
5. A. China B. Latin C. skin D. pronunciation
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
1. A. happen B. visit C. travel D. develop
2. A. offer B. listen C. precede D. follow
3. A. interview B. appropriate C. employ D. describe
4. A. support B. fascinate C. accept D. believe
5. A. inform B. appeal C. attempt D. hesitate
I. Use the words given in the box to complete the sentences.

English 11

anti-ageing anti-acne prescription immune nutritious

expectancy meditation healthy sugar - free stress - free
1. My doctor said that these natural remedies can boost my __________________________ system.
2. One of the main responsibilities of a dietitian is to promote ________________________ and balanced
3. ________________________ drinks are better for your teeth and general health.
4. In addition to a nutritious diet, a _________________________ lifestyle can boost your health and increase
your life expectancy.
5. The development of effective medicines has contributed to the increase in the average life
________________________ in some countries.
6. An hour of ________________________ can help you to relieve your stress.
7. Some people believe that ________________________ foods can make them younger.
8. Home-made ________________________ masks based on fruits are completely natural and inexpensive.
9. Doctors should use more legible handwriting when giving _________________________.
10. Some people believe that keeping a diary of daily activities is one simple way to help you to stay
II. Choose the correct words in brackets to complete the sentences.
1. Antibacterial / Meditation takes many forms, but its core is the ability to control the mind and quieten it
2. Learning is the most fundamental brain workout / cholesterol-free - and the more you do it, the more you'll
3. Research for more recent periods shows a surprising and continuing improvement in life expectancy / oil-
free among those aged 80 or above.
4. Many individuals through the ages realised there was a very important link between health, exercise, fitness,
meditation, intelligence and longevity / anti-glare.
5. A research suggests that Tai Chi may also slow ageing / fat-free by boosting a certain type of stem cell.
6. Bird's nest soup brings overall benefit to the immune system / alcohol-free and it gives you glowing skin.
7. Widespread gardening provides an opportunity for exercise, sunlight and nutritious / consumption food for
people in Okinawa, Japan.
8. The first step in boosting / continuing Nagano's life span was a campaign to reduce salt consumption and
promote a healthier diet and lifestyle.
III. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form the word that fits in the gap in the
same line.
1. In the United States, if a food contains less than 0.5 grams of fat in a ________________________, it can
be labeled fat-free. (SERVE)
2. Try to avoid glaring on your computer from windows and lights, and use an anti-acne screen if
________________________. (NEED)
3. It's all about their diet and ________________________ that people in the Longevity Hot Spots have
already found the secrets of the anti-ageing process. (LIFE)

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4. Men should drink no more than four units in any one day and have at __________________________ two
alcohol-free days a week. (LESS)
5. Studies have shown that our overuse of _________________________ ingredients has helped to create new
resistant bacteria. (BACTERIAL)
6. Although it's impossible to control all the factors involving your skin, you can take measures to reduce the
problem with the anti-glare _________________________ at home. (TREAT)
7. After rinsing your face, if your face feels dry, apply a(n) oil-free _______________________.
8. Perhaps the key to a stress-free ________________________ is not to remove the cause of the stress, but
rather to improve one's response to stress. (EXIST)
9. Kidney beans, almonds, sunflower seeds and walnuts are all ________________________, cholesterol-free
sources of protein, fiber and magnesium. (EXCELLENTLY)
10. Sugar-free foods can be helpful if you have diabetes and it is best to support overall wellness and blood
sugar ________________________. (REGULAR)
IV. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
1. She's going to the photographer's ____.
A. that her photograph be taken B. to have her photograph taking
C. to have her photograph taken D. to have taken her photograph
2. The director has promised that ____ finds a solution to this particular problem will be well awarded.
A. who B. the one C. whoever D. anyone
3. In order to avoid bad eating habits, you'll have to replace unhealthy fat with more ____ food.
A. nutrition B. nutritional C. nutritious D. nutritive
4. If you're tired, even if you feel that you need to get more done, give yourself ____ to sleep.
A. request B. requirement C. permission D. permit
5. Bahrain's ____ closed up 10.09 points today at 2160.09.
A. stockbroker B. stock index C. stock exchange D. stock option
6. The student failed to meet the necessary ____ for admission to the course.
A. fulfillments B. qualities C. aptitudes D. requirements
7. ____ cholesterol is a byproduct of the fat that are found in animal-based foods like eggs, dairy products and
A. Diet B. Dietary C. Meal D. Food
8. After ____, people feel more refreshed and alert.
A. meditation B. attention C. determination D. prescription
9. Come and see me when you ____ your report.
A. finish B. finished C. will finish D. had finished
10. ____ my great surprise, almost everyone agreed ____ him.
A. For - to B. At - from C. To - with D. In - of
11. Living to an average of 83 years old, Japan is the nation with the highest ____ in the world.
A. lifetime B. lifework C. life force D. life expectancy

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12. Make sure the ____ for your glasses or contact lens is up-to-date and adequate for computer use.
A. medicine B. prescription C. size D. introduction
13. By cutting down trees we ____ the natural habitat of birds and animals.
A. hurt B. harm C. damage D. injure
14. The doctor has advised ____ less coffee.
A. me drink B. I will drink C. me drinking D. me to drink
15. Whole grains are high in fiber and contain a variety of ____ that support healthy blood sugar levels.
A. nutrition B. nutrients C. nutritionists D. nutritious
16. Good ____, controlling calorie intake and physical activity are the only way to maintain a healthy weight.
A. nutrient B. nutrition C. malnutrition D. nutritionists
17. The High Street is so narrow that the council have decided to ____ it.
A. extend B. widen C. increase D. lengthen
18. I'm very glad to hear that you share my ____ in Spanish music.
A. enjoyment B. listening C. interest D. liking
19. My own ____ for health is less paperwork and more running barefoot through the grass.
A. routine B. treatment C. medicine D. prescription
20. The university graduates one of the highest percentages of registered dieticians and ____ in the world.
A. nutrition B. nutritious C. nutrients D. nutritionists
I. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only one word in each space.
reach emphasis fraction traits adding
purpose active socializing almost lifestyle
Longevity hot spots are located in regions of different countries where people commonly lead (1)
________________ lives past the age of 100. A blue zone is considered to be a "longevity oasis" and the
people who live there are believed to have the longest life expectancy on Earth.
The longest living women were found in Okinawa, Japan. Another blue zone was discovered in the
mountains of Sardinia, Italy where even men (2) ________________ the age of 100 at an amazing rate,
another was discovered on the Nicoya Peninsula of Costa Rica in 2007. Only one of the blue zone is located in
the United States. It was found when researchers who were staying in Loma Linda, California discovered they
suffered from a (3) ________________ of the diseases that commonly kill people in other parts of the United
States and throughout the developed world. The final blue zone was found on an expedition to the island of
Ikaria, Greece where they have 50% lower rates of heart disease, 20% less cancer, and (4) ________________
zero dementia - loss of memory.
What's their secret formula for (5) __________________ another 10 healthy years? Scientists focused
on these longevity hot spots to answer that question and found that while it helps to have good genes, that's
less than 30% of the equation. If you adopt the right (6) ________________, they concluded the other 70%
can be up to us. Other (7) ________________ the people living in the blue zones have in common include less
stress and more (8) ________________, strong (9) __________________ on family, a fresh natural plant

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based diet, very little red meat and daily exercise. Leading their lives with a sense of (10)
__________________ was a big factor. It insures they look forward to getting up in the morning,
II. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following
In China, it is believed that tai chi can delay ageing and prolong life, increase flexibility, strengthen
muscles and tendons, and aid in the treatment of heart disease, high blood (1) ____, arthritis, skin diseases,
depression, cancer, and many other (2) ____.
(3) ____ of the research on tai chi has been done in older individuals in the area of balance and fall
prevention. This area of (4) ____ is important because fall-related injuries are the leading cause of death from
injury and disability among older adults. Because tai chi movements are slow and deliberate (5) ____ shifts of
body weight from one leg to the other in (6) ____ with upper body movements, it challenges balance and
many have long assumed it helps improve balance and reduce fall frequency.
In a similar tai chi study of older adults, 54% of the subjects who practised tai chi attributed their
improved (7) ____ of confidence to improved balance. One study looked at adults in their 60s and 70s who
practised tai chi three times a week for 12 weeks (60-minute classes). After (8) ____ six weeks, statistically
significant improvements were observed in balance, muscular strength, endurance, and flexibility measures.
Improvements in each of these areas increased (9) ____ after another 12 weeks.
The demands of living are stressful for adults of all ages. Although one cannot directly point to studies
showing a reduction in stress from practising tai chi, the breathing, movement, and mental concentration
required of individuals who practise tai chi may be just the distraction you need from your hectic (10) ____.
1. A. pressure B. ceremony C. request D. telling
2. A. bride B. regulations C. diseases D. notes
3. A. Almost B. Most C. The most D. Mostly
4. A. research B. boxe C. present D. war
5. A. through B. for C. in D. with
6. A. respect B. coordination C. stopping D. refusal
7. A. sense B. common C. marriage D. divorce
8. A. then B. as C. just D. that
9. A. father B. further C. farthest D. more
10. A. troubles B. problems C. lifestyle D. rounds
III. Read the passage and choose the best answer.
Psychologists have debated a long time about whether a child's upbringing can give it the ability to do
outstandingly well. Some think that it is impossible to develop genius and say that it is simply something a
person is born with. Others, however, argue that the potential for great achievement can be developed. The
truth lies somewhere between these two extremes.
It seems very obvious that being born with the right qualities from gifted parents will increase a child's
ability to do well. However, this ability will be fully realized only with the right upbringing and opportunities.
As one psychologist says, “To have a fast car, you need both a good engine and fuel”.
Scientists have recently assessed intelligence, achievement, and ability in 50 sets of identical twins that
were separated shortly after birth and brought up by different parents. They found that achievement was based
on intelligence, and later influenced by the child's environment. One case involving very intelligent twins was

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quoted. One of the twins received a normal upbringing, and performed well. The other twin, however, was
brought up by extremely supportive parents and given every possible opportunity to develop its abilities. That
twin, though starting out with the same degree of intelligence as the other, performed even better. This case
reflects the general principle of intelligence and ability. The more favorable the environment, the more a
child's intelligence and ability are developed. However, there is no link between intelligence and the
socioeconomic level of a child's family. In other words, it does not matter how poor or how rich a family is, as
this does not affect intelligence.
Gifted people cannot be created by supportive parents, but they can be developed by them. One
professor of music said that outstanding musicians usually started two or three years earlier than ordinary
performers, often because their parents had recognized their ability. These musicians then needed at least ten
years' hard work and training in order to reach the level they were capable of attaining. People who want to
have very gifted children are given the following advice:
- Marry an intelligent person.
- Allow children to follow their own interests rather than the interests of the parents.
- Start a child's education early but avoid pushing the child too hard.
- Encourage children to play, for example, playing with musical instruments is essential for a child who
wants to become an outstanding musician.
Question 1: The upbringing of highly intelligent children requires ____.
A. an expensive education B. good musical instruments
C. parental support and encouragement D. wealthy and loving parents
Question 2: The word "others" used in the first paragraph refers to____.
A. other people B. other scientists C. other children D. other geniuses
Question 3: When scientists studied intelligence and ability in twins, they found that ____.
A. ability depends mainly on intelligence and achievement
B. intelligence and development are irrelevant to ability
C. ability depends both on intelligence and on environment
D. different twins generally have different levels of ability
Question 4: Scientists chose twins for their study because ____.
A. each twin has the same environment as his/her twin
B. they are born into the same family, hence the same upbringing
C. they have the same economic background and hence the same opportunities
D. they have the same genetic background, usually with similar intelligence
Question 5: How were great musicians different from ordinary musicians in their development?
A. Their ability was realized at an early stage and then nurtured.
B. They practice playing their instruments for many years.
C. They concentrated on music to the exclusion of other areas.
D. They were exceptionally intelligent and artistic.
Question 6: The remark: "To have a fast car, you need both a good engine and fuel." in the passage means that
in order to become a genius ____.
A. you need to have good health and good nourishment

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B. you need intelligence and you need to develop it

C. you should try to move quickly and efficiently
D. you must nourish your brain and train your muscles hard
Question 7: All of the following statements are true EXCEPT ____.
A. a child's intelligence is influenced by that of his/her parents
B. to become successful, a child needs both native intelligence and development
C. studying different twins is a useful scientific procedure
D. educational development depends completely on economic well-being.
I. Change the following sentences to Indirect speech.
1. Mark said, "I went camping 5 days ago."
2. "If Brain doesn't train harder, I won't select him for the team" said the manager.
3. "Our correspondent in Paris sent this report some days ago" said the editor in-chief.
4. "How long have you been waiting here?" the girl asked me.
5. "Do not write on the wall" said the teacher to the boys.
6. “Take your place in the queue" the nurse said to the old man.
7. "How many jobs have you had since you left school?" the interviewer asked Jack.
8. "Why didn't you report the incident to the police last week?" the officer asked the frightened witness.
9. "Why hasn't Peter phoned?" she wondered.
10. "If I were you, I wouldn't trust Peter" she told John.
English 11

II. Change the following sentences to Indirect speech.

1. "I'll take you to the zoo tomorrow" my mother said to me.
2. Jane said to Bill "When do you expect to finish your assignment?"
3. The man said to the boy "Can you show me the way to the bank?"
4. The man asked the postman "Are there any letters for me today”
5. Henry said to the librarian "How many books can I borrow at a time"
6. John asked his friend "How did you manage to know my telephone number? “
7. Rose said "I was just leaving for the office"
8. Ann asked her brother "What are you planning to do tomorrow?"
9. She asked her boyfriend "Is it true that your father fought in the last war?"
10. He said "I don't understand why she has refused to join us on the trip"
III. Change the following sentences to Indirect speech.
1. Tom said to me "If I have spare time, I will go fishing with you".
2. The teacher told us “If it doesn't rain tomorrow, we can go for a picnic."
3. "Unless you study harder, you will fail the exam" said his parents.

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4. "If she goes to the party, she will have a lot of fun." said Peter.
5. "If you need help, I will be willing to help you with the difficult exercises" my sister said.
6. Linda said "I would have come to the party if I hadn't been so busy last week."
7. Tom told me "If I were you, I would look for another job."
8. My friend said to me "What would you do if someone gave you a million pounds?"
9. The gardener said "If I didn't water these plants yesterday, they could die."
10. The doctor said to the patient "You won't feel better unless you takes these medicine."
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. recognize B. medium C. Japanese D. seat
2. A. spontaneous B. official C. control D. work
3. A. carry B. battle C. day D. hat
4. A. near B. bear C. hear D. dear
5. A. said B. brain C. drain D. train
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
1. A. swallow B. survive C. digest D. finish
2. A. product B. satisfy C. pleasure D. however
3. A. happiness B. rewrite C. eject D. oblige
4. A. compare B. compose C. company D. consist
5. A. manage B. recognize C. argue D. discriminate
III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
1. The government proposes to increase the excise ____ on tobacco
A. fee B. money C. obligation D. duty

English 11

2. When I was a boy we had no ____ in this village.

A. electric B. electricity C. electrify D. electrical
3. Baking soda is considered the best home ____ for acne as it sooths itching and inflammation around spots.
A. dealing B. medicine C. remedy D. substance
4. Most ____ is caused by wishing things that you are unable to achieve them right now.
A. disease B. injury C. stress D. wound
5. Ann could not speak Chinese and ____ could John.
A. either B. also C. neither D. so
6. By tomorrow morning everything ____ set up in time for the performance.
A. will have been B. will be C. had already been D. have already been
7. By paying attention to your hunger signals and switching to healthy snacks, you can ____ nutrition, control
cravings, and lose weight.
A. succeed B. boost C. stimulate D. request
8. Reducing saturated fat is the single most important ____ change you can make to cut blood cholesterol.
A. life B. food C. menu D. dietary
9. He was very ashamed ____ his friend's bad manner.
A. at B. of C. on D. through
10. HIV is listed as one of the most life-threatening ____ diseases.
A. antibiotics B. infectious C. nutritious D. check-up
11. The acid in nonstick pans is associated with birth and developmental defects, ____ system problems, and
A. immune B. immunity C. immunization D. immunized
12. Whey protein may account for many of the health benefits ____ to dairy products.
A. believed B. attributed C. resulted D. dietary
13. Not only my son but also I ____ tired from walking so far.
A. is B. are C. am D. were
14. Many doctors recommend ____ as a way to reduce stress.
A. medication B. thinking C. silence D. calmness
15. Chocolate and cakes cause our blood sugar to rise and give us a quick ____.
A. boost B. power C. action D. success
16. They all laughed because the film was very ____.
A. amuse B. amusement C. amused D. amusing
17. 'Which of these two men is Chinese?' – ‘____ is.’
A. Both of them B. All of them C. Neither of them D. None of them
18. A ____ makes the body more efficient and enhances the body's ability to respond to stress.
A. fitness B. morning exercise C. training D. workout
19. Tobacco not only affects you and the people around you, but can ____ to serious health conditions
including lung and heart disease.
A. go B. influence C. lead D. point
English 11

20. The committee ____ among themselves for hours.

A has been arguing B. have been arguing C. has been argued D. have been argued
IV. Put the correct preposition for the sentences below.
immune dietary nutritious expectancy
boost remedies prescription attributed
1. Obese patients should strictly follow health experts' _______________________________.
2. Science has shown that many types of chronic diseases are _________________________ to people's bad
eating habits.
3. My doctor gave me a _________________________ for antibiotics.
4. You can _________________________ your health by leading a stress-free life, eating low-cholesterol
food and exercising every day.
5. In general, Japanese people having higher life _________________________ than people in other countries
because their diet is rich in fish.
6. Lack of exercise and fatty food consumption can weaken our _________________________ system.
7. Honey and lemon juice are often used as natural _________________________ for coughs.
8. School canteens should provide only highly _________________________ meals to young children.
V. Choose the word in the box to complete the text.
conscious well-being endorphins balance well-balanced
obligations dealing refers Take properly
Having a healthy lifestyle is not just about eating healthily and exercising. It often (1)
to having a balance between work and life.
To start with, make sure you get plenty of sleep. Some research suggests that teenagers need more sleep than
adults, however, it's often the case that they get less than they need. With homework and social (2)
________________, you can be staying up late still have to get up early to get to classes, work or other
activities. To function (3) _______________, your body and mind need a minimum of eight hours of sleep
each night.
Eating a (4) _______________ diet can sound much easier than it is. A lot of people are really (5)
_______________ about what they eat, and try and make healthy choices. If you think you have too much
junk food and want to make some changes to your diet, don't try and eliminate all junk food. You should drink
plenty of water, eat a balance of protein, whole grains, fruit and vegetables daily, and don't skip breakfast - eat
something for breakfast every day.
Exercising regularly is part of having a healthy lifestyle. Physical activity helps build a strong body
and mind. Doing physical activity releases (6) ________________, which are a chemical your body produces,
which gives you a good feeling. Physical activity is also an effective way to manage moods and is a really
good lifestyle choice to improve your overall (7) _______________.
Having friends and family that you can confide in is really important. To be a healthy person, you need
to have people around you that you can talk to about what's happening to you, rather than (8)
with them alone.

English 11

Another important part of having a healthy lifestyle is remembering to "play". Just taking time to
laugh, have fun and being around people who make you feel good is part of having (9) _______________ in
your life.
(10) _______________ time to learn about what makes you feel good and remember to include some
of those things in your day.
VI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following
Yoga is a healthy lifestyle. One of the (1) ____ of yoga is that you can choose a yoga style that is
suitable for your lifestyle, such as hot yoga, power yoga, relaxation yoga, etc. If you are a yoga beginner,
Hatha Yoga, (2) ____ focuses on basic postures at a comfortable pace, would be great for you. If you want to
increase (3) ____ through using more of your own body's resistance, Power Yoga may be right for you.
Whether you prefer you're at home, in a available to suit your goals and needs.
Improved (4) ____ is one of the first and most obvious benefits of yoga. During your first class, you
probably won't be able to touch your toes. (5) ____ if you stick with it, you'll notice a gradual loosening, and
eventually, seemingly impossible poses will become possible. Each of the yoga poses (6) ____ to (7) ____ the
muscles around the spine, the very center of your body, which is the core from which everything else operates.
When the core is working properly, posture is improved, thus (8) ____ back, shoulder, and neck pain.
Strong muscles do more than look good. They also protect us from conditions like arthritis and back
pain, and help prevent falls in elderly people. And when you build strength through yoga, you balance it with
flexibility. If you just went to the gym and lifted weights, you might build strength at the (9) ____ of
Yoga gets your blood flowing. More specifically, the relaxation exercises you learn in yoga can help
your circulation, especially in your hands and feet. Yoga also gets more oxygen to your cells, which function
better as a result. Twisting poses are thought to wring out venous blood from internal organs and allow
oxygenated blood to flow in once the twist is related.
Many studies found that a consistent yoga practice improved (10) ____ and led to greater levels of
happiness and better immune function.
1. A. disadvantages B. ritual C. benefits D. differences
2. A. that B. which C. who D. when
3. A strong B. strongly C. strengthen D. strength
4. A. flexibility B. shell C. union D. gratitude
5. A. As B. But C. Even D. On
6. A. was built B. builds C. is built D. are built
7. A. weaken B. release C. increase D. reinforce
8. A. alleviating B. ceremony C. approaching D. creation
9. A. life B. depth C. expense D. death
10. A. trouble B. problem C. confliction D. depression
VII. Read a text about common wedding rituals in the USA and answer the questions that follow.
Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles through the patient's skin at specific points on
the body, and the needles are inserted to various depths. The medical community is not in conclusive
agreement about how acupuncture works scientifically. However, we know that it does have some therapeutic
benefits, including pain relief.
English 11

According to WHO, acupuncture is effective for treating 28 conditions, while evidence indicates it may
have an effective therapeutic value for many more. People with tension, headaches or migraines may find
acupuncture to be very effective in alleviating their symptoms. Another study found that twice weekly
acupuncture treatments relieve debilitating symptoms of zerostomia - severe dry mouth - among patients
treated with head and neck cancer.
Traditional Chinese medicine explains that health is the result of a harmonious balance of the
complementary extremes of yin and yang of the life force known as chi or qi. Qi is said to flow through
pathways in the human body. Through 350 acupuncture points in the body, these pathways and energy flows
may be accessed. Illness is said to be the consequence of an imbalance of the forces. If needles are inserted
into these points with appropriate combinations, it is said that the energy flow can be brought back into proper
In Western societies and several other parts of the world, acupuncture is explained, including concepts
of neuroscience. Acupuncture points are seen by Western practitioners as places where nerves, muscles and
connective tissue can be stimulated. Acupuncture practitioners say that the stimulation increases blood flow
while at the same time triggering the activity of our own body's natural painkillers.
1. The word “triggering” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ____.
A. making something happen suddenly B. making something develop very quickly
C. causing a device to start operating D. causing something to explore
2. With the practice of acupuncture, it is believed that ____.
A. patients can get proper balance between yin and yang B. illness causes the imbalance of qi
throughout the body
C. the energy flow can be brought back to patientsD. energy can go through acupuncture points in the
3. It is thought that acupuncture is effective in treating all of the following symptoms EXCEPT ____.
A. migraines B. nervousness C. headaches D. cancer
4. According to Western medicine, the insertion of needles through acupuncture points in the body may ____.
A. help to explain where nerves and muscles can be stimulated
B. increase blood flow and stimulate our instinct of pain relief
C. stimulate the effect of painkillers in our bodies for treatment
D. be used only in China and the Far East not the Western countries
5. In acupuncture, the insertion of the very thin needles involve with ____.
A. agreement from scientists B. the locations, and the depths
C. the thinness of needles and skin D. therapeutic benefits of pain relief

Exercise 1. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. sugar B. consume C. trans-fat D. obesity
2. A. vitamin B. mineral C. diet D. fitness
3. A medicine. B. remedy C. exercise D. obesity
4. A balanced B. yoga C. fatty D. natural
English 11

5. A. vegetable B. hygiene C. sugary D. longevity

Exercise 2. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position
of primary stress in each of the following questions.
6. A. prevent B. injure C. sugar D. fitness
7. A. healthy B. consume C. diet D. headache
3. А. уора B. fatal C. immune D. careful
9. A. infectious B. essential C. precaution D. properly
10. A. unhealthy B. vitamin C. mineral D. natural
Exercise 3, Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
11. Children often get vaccinated in order to be immune to fatal diseases.
A. susceptible B. vulnerable C. allowed D. resistant
12. This kind of fruit helps to boost the immune system.
A. decrease B. reduce C. increase D. maintain
13. Life expectancy for both men and women has improved greatly in the past twenty years.
A. Living standard B. Longevity C. Life skills D. Lifeline
14. Here are some principles for people to stick to if they want to stay healthy.
A. rules B. principals C. laws D. duties
15. We should consume healthy food and exercise regularly.
A. store B. purchase C. buy D. eat
16. There are several ways to exercise and stay healthy.
A. apply B. exploit C. keep fit D. operate
17. We should take prescription medicine only when other methods fail.
A. decline B. not succeed C. break D. fall
18. If you take this medicine, you will recover quickly.
A. get well B. get on C. get up D. get in
19. The doctor warned his patient not to take too much sugar.
A. shouted B. threatened C. punished D. cautioned
20. In order to stay healthy, make sure you have a balanced intake of vitamins and minerals.
A. take-off B. take-away C. consumption D. digestion
21. Too much fast food consumption can increase the risk of obesity and heart disease.
A. being underweight B. being overweight C. malnutrition D. fitness
22. A popular way to relieve stress in today's busy lifestyles is practising meditation.
A. reduce B. relax C. repeat D. require
23. People can fight infection more easily if they have an adequate diet.
A. injection B. disease C. hygiene D. each other

English 11

24. We should drink a lot of water to prevent water loss.

A. boost B. stimulate C. avoid D. trigger
25. In order to avoid sunburn, many people wear protecting clothes when they go out.
A. continue B. encourage C. facilitate D. block
26. Remember to wash your face twice a day with warm water and mild soap to remove dirt.
A. light B. destructive C. strong D . protective
27. Squeezing pimples can lead to swelling, redness, and infection.
A. falling B. declining C. shrinking D. becoming bigger
28. Eating a wide variety of fruit and vegetables provides you with vitamins and nutrients.
A. broad B. narrow C. limited D. certain
29. She gave us some tips for keeping our skin healthy and preventing common skin problems.
A. particular B. normal C. infrequent D. accepted
30. Having healthy skin is especially essential to women to maintain their beauty.
A. trivial B. meaningless C. vital D. contributory
31. If you stare at a computer screen for too long, it may damage your eyesight.
А. peep B. look C. glance D. gaze
32. The increase in life expectancy can be attributed to health lifestyle, better nutrition, and advances in
medical science and technology.
A. activities B. advisers C. delays D. breakthroughs
33. Mass media have helped to raise people's awareness of lifestyle choices.
A. stabilise B. reduce C. lift D. encourage
34. John Keith has been a fitness instructor for more than ten years.
A. practitioner B. trainer C. learner D. intern
35. Here are some precautions for us to take when doing different types of physical activities.
A. safety measures B. safety levels C. safety rules D. safety factors
36. If you do workout outdoors in the hot and sunny weather, your body can overheat and lose a lot of fluid.
A. liquid B. vitamins C. minerals D. nutrients
37. Losing a lot of fluid can lead to heat stroke.
A. result from B. result in C. originate D. be due to
38. You should drink a glass of water before a workout and then pause regularly to drink more.
A. break up B. break down C. break off D. break in
39. You should also exercise early in the morning when it's not too hot.
A. have a rest B. do housework C. do homework D. work out
40. Make sure you have warmed up your body by stretching or jumping before swimming.
A. exercised B. put on warm clothes C. had a warm bath D. rested
41. If you are swimming and lightning strikes, you risk serious injury or death.
A. trivial B. bad C. important D. minor

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42. If yoga is not done properly, it can do more harm than good.
A. socially accepted B. morally accepted C. correctly D. easily
Exercise 4. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
43. You need to do some warm-up exercise such as stretching before you start your yoga practice.
A. remaining B. declining C. developing D. shrinking
44. Stretching will relax your muscles and prevent any damage to your joints.
A. allow B. avoid C. limit D. protest
45. When you walk, don't look at your feet. This will slow you down and cause back pain.
A. result in B. result from C. lead to D. activate
46. After hundreds of rejections by the employers, I decided that I need to do something about my obesity.
A. denial B. approval C. refusal D. rebuttal
47. I found a website advertising an effective way to lose weight in one month.
A. drop B. waste C. maintain D. gain
48. I have followed a special diet and joined a fitness class for overweight people for over six months.
A. refused B. obeyed C. adhered to D. carried on
49. My family totally supported me during my fight against obesity.
A. aided B. discouraged C. assisted D. promoted
50. I have just received my first job offer after having been unemployed for two years.
A. got B. gained C. rejected D. acquired
Exercise 5. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
51. We need some cholesterols to help our skin, brain, and other organs grow, but too much of it can cause
health problems.
52. People who eat lots of red meat are at risk of develop heart diseases. A B C D
53. Your body may not be able to fights infections naturally if your immune system is weakened.A B
54. I told him that if I drank coffee before bedtime, I can't sleep.
55. Dr Lam said that we'd boost our immune system if we have a healthy lifestyle.
56. Nam’s wife told him that it would be nice if he spends more time with the children.
57. Peter explained to us that if Ann called him back, he'll arrange an appointment for her.

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58. The travel agent explained to us that if we travelled to a foreign country, we need a valid passport.
59. My grandmother keeps to tell us that if we catch a cold, we should try natural remedies before taking any
60. John told me that if he were rich, he'd donate money for charity.
61. Mira's father said that she would recover quickly if she follows the doctor's advice.
62. Khanh's father promised buying her a pair of Nike shoes if she passed her English test.
63. Lan's mother reminded her to turn off the lights before leaving a house.
64. The doctor advise him not to exercise too hard because it was not good for his heart. A B C
65. Mai invited me spend my summer holidays on her grandparents' farm. A B C
66. Jack's father advised him not eating fast food every day.A B C D
Exercise 6. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
67. Hoa reminded Lan ____ some groceries on the way home.
A. buying B. to buying C. buy D. to buy
68. My friend suggested ____ on a yoga course to lose weight.
A. enrolled B. enroll C. enrolling D. to enroll
69. Tom and Ken admitted ____ to submit the assignments the day before.
A. to forget B. to forgetting C. forget D. forgot
70. The mother told her two daughters ____ too much fast food.
A. not to eat B. to not eat C. to eat not D. not eat
71. The doctor said to Mr Black that if he ate lots of fatty food, he ____ increase his chance of developing
heart disease.
A. will be B. will C. would be D. would
12. My yoga instructor asked me to close my eyes, breathe slowly and deeply, and ____ about my problems.
A. not thinking B. to think not C. not to think D. not think
73. The patient admitted ____ his doctor's advice.
A. to not follow B. not to following C. to follow not D. to following not
74. Le's friend suggested ____ some games to relax because they had studied for three hours.
A. playing B. play C. to play D. played
75. Nam's mother advised ____ some ginger tea if he wants to feel better.

English 11

A. to him drink B. to drink him C. him drink D. him to drink

76. Lan said that if I wanted to try natural remedies, I ____ find useful information on the Internet.
A. will B. can C. could D. am able to
77. Huong told me that if she ____ strong tea, she usually starts feeling dizzy.
A. drank B. drinks C. will drink D. has drunk
78. Lan's doctor advised ____ a yoga class to relieve stress.
A. her taking B. her take C. to take her D. her to take
79. Kim's father reminded ____ to his fitness class.
A. to him going B. him go C. him to go D. he goes
80. Our fitness instructor warned ____ work out more than two hours a day.
A. us not to B. us to not C. us not D. not us to
81. Tom's father told him if he goes to bed on an empty stomach, he ____ be able to sleep well.
A. doesn't B. won't C. wouldn't D. hasn't
82. My mother warned me that if I work too much and ____ rest, I will weaken my immune system.
A. didn't B. won't C. don't D. wouldn't
83. Ann's doctor told her that if she ____ his advice, her health will be much better.
A. followed B. will follow C. follows D. would follow
84. My doctor explained that if children ____ enough calcium, they won't grow strong and healthy bones.
A. don't get B. get C. got D. will get
85. Anna said that if she ____ a lot of fast food, she could become overweight.
A. consumes B. consumed C. will consume D. would consume
86. Lan's father reminded ____ her medicine regularly.
A. to take B. her take C. her to take D. her taking
87. Her yoga instructor insisted ____ those relaxation techniques every day to improve her health.
A. her practise B. her to practise C. on her practise D. on her practising
88. My doctor warned me ____ out if air pollution levels are very high.
A. not to go B. to not go C. not go D. go not
89. John apologised ____ his doctor's instructions.
A. not for following B. for not following C. to follow D. to not follow
90. The swimming instructor told the children ____ into the pool.
A. to not jump B. not jump C. not to jump D. not jumping
Exercise 7. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following
exchanges. Two friends Nam and Lan are talking about the topic of healthy lifestyle and longevity.
91. Nam: What do you personally do to keep fit?
Lan: ____
A. I think keeping fit is necessary for everyone.

English 11

B. As far as I know, more and more people exercise to keep fit.

C. Fitness centres are mushrooming.
D. I just do morning exercise and maintain a balanced diet.
92. Lan: Do you think it's important for young people to keep fit?
Nam: ____
A. Why do they need to keep fit?
B. It's very important for old-aged people to have a healthy lifestyle.
C. I do think so. As the main labour force of the country, they must be strong.
D. It doesn't cost much to work out in the gym these days.
93. Nam: Do you do any sports ?
Lan: ____
A. More and more people are talking about sports events these days.
B. I used to, but now I don't. I'm too busy.
C. There are different types of sports.
D. Sportsmen should be highly paid.
94. Lan: What do people do to keep fit?
Nam: ____
A. Everyone wants to keep fit these days.
B. So many people do harm to their health by smoking or drinking.
C. They combine exercising and having a balanced diet.
D. Not many people can afford to eat healthily.
95. Nam: Do young people you know get enough exercise?
Lan: ____
A. Not really. They are a little bit lazy.
B. Getting enough exercise is very important.
C. They tend to eat too much junk food.
D. Fast food is the young people's favourite food.
96. Nam: What could we do to encourage them to exercise more?
Lan: ____
A. Exercising in the morning is really encouraging.
B. What about forming some sports clubs after school hours?
C. Young people tend to exercise less than before.
D. Lack of exercise will weaken your body.
97. Nam: Do you think we are healthier today than people were fifty years ago?
Lan: ____
A. People always want to live long and stay healthy.
B. Life fifty years ago was much harder than nowadays.

English 11

C. People in the past had to overcome lots of hardship.

D. Not really. People nowadays live in a more polluted environment.
98. Nam: What are the main health problems young people face?
Lan: ____
A. There are so many health problems these days.
B. Young people tend to eat a lot of convenience food.
C. Diabetes and obesity are the biggest threats to them.
D. It is easy for young people to overcome their health problems.
99. Nam: Do you think all medical care should be free?
Lan: ____
A. I think it should be. People's life must be protected.
B. Medical equipment is very expensive.
C. Public schools are also free in many countries.
D. Not all people can get access to free medical care.
100. Nam: What is a healthy diet?
Lan: ____
A. All people need to eat healthily.
B. Healthy diets are getting more expensive.
C. Fast food is not healthy food.
D. It must be a balanced, nutritious and healthy diet.
101. Lan: In your opinion, do you have a healthy diet?
Nam: ____
A. I prefer to cook my own meals.
B. Sometimes I eat out with my family or my friends.
C. In general, I do. I have a balanced and healthy diet.
D. My friends eat a lot of fast food.
102. Lan: How many hours a day do you spend watching TV?
Nam: ____
A. TV programmes are various. There are so many of them.
B. Not much. Just about thirty minutes after dinner.
C. My mother spends hours watching soap operas.
D. Sports channel is my favourite.
103. Lan: Do you ever eat junk food?
Nam: ____
A. Sometimes I have a snack for my breakfast. B. Junk food is not nutritious enough.
C. Junk food is also addictive.D. We should discourage children from eating junk food.
104. Nam: What exercise do you do?

English 11

Lan: ____
A. I go jogging in the morning and aerobics in the afternoon. B. My teachers ask us to do so many
C. I hate doing too much homework. D. Exercising is time-consuming.
105. Lan: What could you do to make your lifestyle healthier?
Nam: ____
A. People need a healthy lifestyle. B. I do need to exercise more.
C. I don't care much about my diet. D. I prefer to eat out at the weekends.
Exercise 8. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Millions of people today are overweight and out of shape. This is due in part (106) ____ their diet,
which is often high in sugars and fats. Another (107) ____ is that too many of us spend our evenings
gluing (108) ____ the television, instead of doing something to keep (109) ____ fit. Today hectic
lifestyles also prevent us (110) ____ spending as much time as we should on staying in shape.
Long hours at school and work don't (111) ____ much time for healthy eating. Convenience food, such
as (112) ____ meals and canned vegetables, saves time but is often (113) ____. Fast food and
takeaways are also (114) ____ for many health problems.
In order to enjoy good health, a regular programme of (115) ____ is essential. This can be anything
from gentle forms of yoga (116) ____ body building. Doing a little exercise every day so as not to
develop (117) ____ problems is something that all of us should consider, young and old. If you don't
practise any form of exercise now, it is for you to choose one and start today and get in shape!
106. A. of B. to C. in D. at
107. A. reason B. effect C. result D. consequence
108. A. in B. on C. to D. at
109. A. them B. themselves C. us D. ourselves
110. A. from B. against C. about D. with
111. A. take B. leave C. spend D. waste
112. A. freeze B. freezing C. frozen D. unfrozen
113. A. health care B. healthful C. healthy D. unhealthy
114. A. responsive B. reacted C. responsible D. irresponsible
115. A. exercises B. exercise C. homework D. housework
116. A. to B. but C. and D. with
117. A. healthy B. unhealthy C. health care D. health
Exercise 9. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions.

English 11

Super Size Me is a 2004 film by Morgan Spurlock, in which he documents his experiment to eat only
McDonald's fast food three times a day, every day, for thirty days.
Spurlock made himself a short list of rules for the experiment, including an obligation to eat all of the
three meals he ordered. He also had to ‘Super Size’, which means accepting a giant portion every time
the option was offered to him. He ended up vomiting after the first Super Size meal he finished, after
taking nearly twenty minutes to consume it.
After five days Spurlock put on almost 5kg, and he soon found himself feeling depressed, with no
energy. The only thing that got rid of his headaches and made him feel better was another McDonald's
meal, so his doctors told him he was addicted. More seriously, around day twenty, he started
experiencing heart palpitations and one of the doctors detected liver problems. However, in spite of his
doctor's advice, Spurlock continued to the end of the month and achieved a total weight gain of 11kg.
His body mass index also increased from a healthy 23.2 to an overweight 27.
It took Spurlock fifteen months to recover from his experiment and return to his original weight, but
the film also had a wider impact. Just after its showing in 2004, McDonald's phased out the Super Size
option and healthier options like salads appeared on the menu. Unfortunately, McDonald's denied the
connection between the film and the changes, but it is interesting to note how closely they coincided
with the release of the film.
118. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A. An experiment with McDonald's fast food B. Putting on weight due to eating fast
C. Connection between fast food and heart diseases D. How fast food trigger liver damage
119. Which of the following is TRUE about Morgan Spurlock?
A. He had to eat Super Size meal once a week. B. He had to eat Super Size meal twice a day.
C. He had to eat Super Size meal three times a week.D. He had to consume Super Size for three meals
a day.
120. In paragraph 2, the word "giant” is closest in meaning to ____.
A. light B. balanced C. big D. healthy
121. Which of the following could get rid of Spurlock's headaches?
A. salad B. a McDonald's meal C. a pain killer D. nothing
122. According to the passage, all of the following are the results of the experiment EXCEPT ____.
A. Spurlock put on weight B. the experiment affected his heart
C. the experiment affected his liver D. he became fairly relaxed and energetic
123. The word “its” in paragraph 4 refers to ____.
A. McDonald's B. the experiment C. the film Super Size Me D. the menu
Exercise 10. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions.
In 2002, several obese teenagers in the USA sued McDonald's, claiming that the company was
responsible for making them fat. They argued that McDonald's deliberately misled them into thinking
that their cheeseburgers and other products were healthy and nutritious food. They claimed that the

English 11

company had not warned them about the health problems that can result from eating too much salty,
high-fat food and drinking too many sugary drinks: diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity. The
mother of one of the children, who at the age of 15 weighed more than 180 kilograms, said in her
statement: ‘I always believed McDonald's was healthy for my son.'
McDonald's rejected the claim that they were responsible for these teenagers’ health problems.
‘People don't go to sleep thin and wake up obese,' said McDonald's lawyer, Brad Lerman. 'The
understanding of what hamburgers and French fries do has been with us for a long, long time,’ he
added. The judge agreed, and dismissed the case, saying: 'it is not the place of the law to protect people
against their own excesses.' In other words, if people choose to eat a lot of unhealthy food, they can't
blame the company that sold it to them.
Other similar lawsuits against fast food companies in the USA have also failed. In 2005, the US House
of Representatives passed a bill which became known as the 'Cheeseburger Bill'. It made it much
harder for obese people to take legal action against the food industry. However, the bill has not ended
the arguments about responsibility. There is some scientific evidence to suggest that fast food is
addictive, and harmful too. So is selling fast food the same, in a way, as drug-dealing?
124. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A. Obesity - who is to blame? B. Is fast food addictive?
C. Is fast food really healthy? D. How to get rid of fast food?
125. According to the obese teenagers in the USA who sued McDonald’s, which of the following health
problems was NOT mentioned?
A. diabetes B. hypertension C. obesity D. heart disease
126. In paragraph 2, the word “rejected” is closest in meaning to ____.
A. accepted B. denied C. ignored D. agreed
127. In paragraph 2, the word “it” refers to ____.
A. law B. healthy food C. unhealthy food D. bill
128. What happens if people choose to eat a lot of unhealthy food?
A. The company will be responsible for their health problems. B. They may get financial support from
the company.
C. They will surely succeed in lawsuits.D. They can't force the company to be responsible for them.
129. In paragraph 3, the word “failed” is closest in meaning to ____.
A. not famous B. not important C. not successful D. not proud
130. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about fast food?
A. salty and high-fat B. addictive C. nutritious D. harmful
Exercise 11. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.
131. ‘I'll buy you a new bicycle if you stop eating junk food,' said Lam's mother.
A. Lam's mother promised to buy him a new bicycle if he stopped eating junk food.
B. Lam's mother promises to buy him a new bicycle if he stops eating junk food.
English 11

C. Lam's mother will promise to buy him a new bicycle if he stops eating junk food.
D. Lam's mother had promised to buy him a new bicycle if he stopped eating junk food.
132. 'You will boost your immune system if you exercise regularly,' said Tam.
A. Tam says that we'll boost our immune system if we exercised regularly.
B. Tam said that we'd boost our immune system if we exercised regularly.
C. Tam said that we'll boost our immune system if we exercised regularly.
D. Tam said that we boost our immune system if we exercised regularly.
133. 'Mai will recover quickly if she follows the doctor's advice, said Mai's father.
A. Mai's father said she would recover quickly if she follows the doctor’s advice.
B. Mai's father said she will recover quickly if she followed the doctor's advice.
C. Mai's father said she would recover quickly if she followed the doctor's advice.
D. Mai's father says she would recover quickly if she followed the doctor's advice.
134. 'You should exercise more in order to keep fit,' said Anna.
A. Anna urged us to exercise more to keep fit. B. Anna demanded us to exercise more to keep fit.
C. Anna forced us to exercise more to keep fit.D. Anna advised us to exercise more to keep fit.
135. ‘You should eat lots of fruit so as not to get colds all the time,' said my doctor.
A. My doctor advised me to eat lots of fruit so as not to get colds all the time.
B. My doctor advised me not to eat lots of fruit so as to get colds all the time.
C. My doctor forced me to eat lots of fruit so as not to get colds all the time.
D. My doctor demanded me to eat lots of fruit so as not to get colds all the time.
Exercise 12. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences
in the following questions.
136. I thought I should ask the doctor about going on a diet. I went to the surgery.
A. Having been on a diet, I went to the surgery.
B. I went to the surgery, so I asked the doctor about going on a diet.
C. I asked the doctor about going on a diet, so I went to the surgery.
D. I went to the surgery in order to ask about going on a diet.
137. I had to lose some weight. I went on a strict diet.
A. I had to lose some weight after I went on a strict diet. B. I went on a strict diet in order to lose some
C. I had to lose some weight before I went on a strict diet.
D. I had to lose some weight even when I went on a strict diet.
138. People want to keep fit. Many people take up sports.
A. Many people take up sports so as to keep fit. B. Many people want to keep fit so as to take up
C. Many people want to keep fit in order to take up sports. D. Although people want to keep fit, they
take up sports.

English 11

139. I want to stay healthy. I try to eat lots of fruit.

A. Although I try to eat lots of fruit, I stay healthy. B. I stay healthy though I eat lots of fruit.
C. I try to eat lots of fruit in order to stay healthy.D. I eat lots of fruit, but I stay healthy.
140. I didn't want to catch a cold. I wore a warm coat and a scarf.
A. I wore a warm coat and a scarf though I didn't want to catch a cold.
B. I wore a warm coat and a scarf, so I didn't want to catch a cold.
C. I wore a warm coat and a scarf, but I didn't want to catch a cold.
D. I wore a warm coat and a scarf in order not to catch a cold.

English 11

English 11

English 11

English 11

English 11

English 11

English 11

English 11

English 11

English 11

English 11

English 11

English 11

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