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Khamilia Hanapi
Unity Secondary School
Humanities Teacher
Head of Department, Humanities

Dear Sir/Madam,
I have been privileged to know Donovan Lee Yang En for the past four years and it is with great
pleasure that I am writing this letter of recommendation for him. He is an inquisitive learner and
engaged student with a positive attitude throughout the years that I taught him. He is exceptionally
well prepared and is always willing to go an extra mile to improve on his quality of work. He welcomes
challenges and takes them head-on. His strong belief in acquiring new skills and improving through
studying and practice exemplifies his commitment as a learner.

Another strength that Donovan has would be his ability to communicate. During class discussion, he
contributes insightfully ideas and always took our discussions to another level. He is also supportive
and inclusive of others and always listen thoughtfully to the contributions of his peers. He is genuine
in his interactions with his peers which earns him the respect of others.

One of his greatest strength would be his ability to adapt and find the good in everything. I hope your
organisation would give him a chance to show his strengths and add value to him as a learner.

Best regards,

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