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Decision making the process of selecting one alternative from among a number of alternatives available.

Strategic plans are only made by top managers.

The long-term outcome must be considered in making quick decisions
Expert power is closely related to a climate of trust.
Reward works for excellent performance through opportunities.
Coercive power may lead to temporary compliance by subordinates
Monetary rewards include increase in pay, profit sharing, bonuses, staff discounts, company shares, etc.
Bruner’s first stage is enactive.
There are three levels of plans
Manager chooses inappropriate goals to pursue, but make good use of resources to achieve these goals high efficiency
and high effectiveness.
Job enlargement increases the variety of tasks a job includes
There are three types of organizational control. 1. Feed-forward 2. Concurrent 3. Feedback
Managers need to measure progress, offer feedback and direct their teams to succeed.
Input Standards measure work efforts that go into a performance task.
Storming characterized by competition and strained relationships among team members.
Motivation is the drives within a person that account for the degree, direction and persistence of the effort spent at
Budgeting is more of a bargaining game to acquire additional funding and less of a planning tool.
The main component of the communication model includes all of the following except premask principle.
Financial Budget includes cash budget, financial statement, projections other than P&L account
Operational Budget provides all the info necessary to prepare a budgeted P&L account
Performance Reports provide tools for monitoring and measuring success of the budget
budgeting is an important part of planning
Forming is the first stage of the team development.
Storming is the second stage of the team development.
Norming is the third stage of the team development.
Performing is the fourth stage of the team development.
Transforming is the last stage of the team development.
Effectiveness can be viewed in three ways.
Dysfunctional Conflict acts as a barrier to the performance of the group and frustrates the objectives of the org.
budget formulation has four basic steps.
Conflict Awareness Model 1 can be classified in four groups
False conflict Occurs when people have common interests, but antagonistic behavior.
Open conflict Occurs when people who have different interests demonstrate it with antagonistic behaviors.
Latent conflict When people have different interests, but do not respond with antagonistic behavior
No conflict Occurs when people have common interests and compatible behavior 56.
Human Relations View Was popular from 1940’s to 1970’s.
Interpersonal conflict refers to a conflict between two individuals.
Efficiency refers to the relationship of inputs and outputs relevant to the use of resources.
Economy is defined as “minimizing the cost of resources used for an activity having regard to the appropriate quality”

Finance management have broad term that defines two related activities.
Daniel Katz (1965), identified three sources of conflict.
a group with a common objective and one purpose is called a team.
Functional Conflict supports the goals of a group its presence within the organization actually improves performance.
A conflict is more than a mere disagreement - it is a situation in which people perceive a threat (physical, emotional,
power, status, belief system, etc.) to their wellbeing.
Forcing also known as competing.
Smoothing also known as accommodating.
Budget Monitoring is the continuous process by which we ensure the Action plan is achieved, in terms of
expenditure and income.
Win-Win (Collaborating) Also known as problem confronting or problem solving.
Value conflict involves incompatibility in ideologies - the preferences, principles and practices that people believe in.
Power conflict when each party wishes to maintain or maximize the amount of influence that it exerts in the
Psychological biases Decision makers do not always behave in an objective manner in the way they gather, evaluate,
and apply information in making their choices
Hierarchy and market focus on stability.
Pattern of shared values and beliefs that produce certain norms of behavior is called organizational culture.
Successful organizations simultaneously take up two types of planned change
John Kotter (1996) has outlined an eight-step model for effective change efforts.
Organizational Leadership represents the managerial style of the organisation’s senior executives
Organizational Structure defines the levels of hierarchy, the degree of rules and regulations and where decisions are
Factors that cause stress are called "Stressors"
Intergroup conflict When misunderstanding arises among different teams within an org.
“A situation that arises when one party perceives that another party has negatively affected, or is about to negatively
affect, something that the first party cares about” is called conflict.
Budgetary factors are of two types, resources and goals.
Restrict Expenditure develop ability to limit how much money is spent on certain operations.
Members brainstorm and share ideas, talk over the matters, make and then implement the agreed decision in
Consensus or group types of decision type of decisions.
This is the matrix Structure organizational structure.
As a science, decision-making requires knowledge of method, and rule or principle concerning the issue or problem.
To see event as inevitable once it occurs is hindsight bias.
Authority is centralized in a single person in the structure simple.
----- is an exercise in logic applied to situations in modern management theory. Management
The students and staff are deeply concerned about the---and precisely focused on how to get to that. future
Leadership is process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective.
According to Maslow, human can be arranged in a hierarchy of importance, from the lowest to highest.needs
To be a leader, a person must have a deep-rooted to the goal that he will strive to achieve it even if nobody follows
him! commitment
The seminal “bureaucracy” theory, a formalized and idealized view of organizations is based on -------major
principles. 6
“Principles of Scientific Management” was put forward by --. Fredrick Taylor
Leader is the sole decision maker in Authoritarian.
Belief bias – making decisions based on a routine knowledge
The mental process of making a wise judgment focusing on personal conviction and actions is called Critical
Thinking Skills.
Include the day-to-day operations of the org are called Operational Plans
Creates superb results, a clear catalyst in the transition from good to great.
Level 5 leaders look out the window to appropriate credit to factors outside themselves when things go well.
Contingent Decisions - Decisions that were already identified but were set aside until the suitable conditions are
available/ met with.
Operational plan specifically define necessary decisions and actions to be taken by functional departments.
Paradox Named after Admiral James Stockdale, winner of the Medal of honor who survived for 7 years in a Viet Cong
POW camp by holding on to two contradictory beliefs.
The leadership level immediately below the level 5 leadership is called effective leader and works towards reinforcing
follower's commitment to a compelling vision.
It is always difficult to take a quick decision on a sensitive issue.
The paradox relates with holding the combination of complementary in level 5 leaders.
In level 5 leader They will go everything they can to make sure the company will succeed after them by appointing a
successor with their same characteristics.
….leader seeks help when they need it. Level 5
Which type of leadership style focused on effecting revolutionary change in organization through a commitment to the
organization’s vision? Transformational Leadership
The effective school must build enough trust and communication to realize that teachers and parents have same…
Dealing with complexity is core of …. management theory. Modern
What do you call a style of leadership that takes account of others views opionins and ideas? demo
In which type of leadership style a leader uses a number of in direct patterns to help the group reach a consensus or
accomplish the task? Facilitative
Early forms of ……concepts have been applied throughout history in order to progress as a society. Management
A……is full of new ideas and believes in experimenting and creating new things. Leader
Effective teachers make a conscious effort to give ….for all students to respond during class. Equal opportunity
The manager likes actions
Loyal customers and employee form an integral part of. Resources
In which type of school there is clearly articulated mission? Focused
A measure of how productively resources are used to achieve a goal. Efficiency
People their skills machinery, raw materials computers and it patents financial capital are known as. Resources
Social systems work best a clear chain of command on Transaction
Reversible decision are temporary decisions.
Good to great leaders ……the most of their current reality with absolute faith that they will succeed in the end.
brutal facts
Management is frequently to be planning controlling and monitoring.
The syllabus must be Flexible to allow re-facing when the students are having trouble with certain key concepts.
The plans that allow resource allocation are called …plan. strategic
When max weber gave the theory of social and economic organization? 1905
The neo classical thought stressed upon the …. side of organization. Human
Joan woodward argued that technology and production system were critical aspects of organizational design.
management requires development of managerial principles. Administrative
In which leadership style vision is developed through understanding values of the followers: Transactional
A level 5 leader demonstrates strong professional will and is not discouraged from producing best long
term results against all difficulties
Directing, motivating, instructing and supervising workers assigned to the activity is: leading
Deciding upon business goals and the methods to achieve them is: planning
determining the best allocation of people and resources is: organizing
Willing to assume responsibility is an important trait of leadership
Laisez fair is a: French word
people, their skills, know-how and experience, machinery, raw materials, computers and IT, parents,
financial capital are known as: management
The fox knows a little about many things
Plans which covers briefer periods and include day to day operations of the organization are: operational
transformational leader envisions a: compelling future
according to Maslow’s for the learning: student must feel secure in their school community
there are two sides of level five leadership
As a science, decision-making requires knowledge of method, and rule or principle concerning the issue or
As an art, it requires skill for making the decision a success
A measure of how well or how productively resources are used to achieve a goal : efficiency
A measure of the appropriateness of the goals an organization is pursuing and the degree to which they are
A school is effective not because of the specific nature of what is taught (though it is important) but through
the manner in which a positive, supportive, richy and frequently interactive atmosphere
Plans specifically define necessary decisions and actions to be taken by functional departments: operational
Decisions are temporary decisions: reversible
Behavioural theorists viewd employes as individuals not as machines as in the past
The plans that Allow resource allocation : strategic
In the effective school ,who ensures parents understand and support the school’s basic mission : principal
Setting the vision involves :appealing to followers values
The research of these dedicated individuals refuted the notion that schools had no impact on learning
According to fayol, there are 14 principles of managements
leader must become strategic rather than: operational

1. When a bank robber points a gun at a bank employee, his base of

 Coercive*
 Punitive
 Positional
 Authoritative
2. ----- includes not only an increased variety of tasks, but also provides an employee with more
responsibility and authority.
 Job enlargement
 Job rotation
 job specification
 Job enrichment

3. Of the following, which is a purpose not served by communication in organizations?

 Coordination of actions
 Sharing of information
 Satisfaction of social needs
 All of the above are purposes served by communication

4. The manager's primary tool for determining whether instructions have been understood and accepted is:
 Noise
 Decoding
 Feedback
 Encoding

5. The group formed by an organization to accomplish narrow range of purposes within a specified time
are ---------.
 Formal Group
 Task Group
 Interest Group
 Functional Group

6. ------------ refers to the basic changes in the content and responsibilities of job so as to satisfy higher
motivational needs.
 Job enrichment
 Job enlargement
 Work relocation
 Process consultation

7. Mr. Aslam’s one-day salary was deducted because of his uninformed leave, as he was already warned
about this behavior. It is an example of which method of shaping behaviors?
 Reinforcement
 Positive Reinforcement
 Punishment
 Negative Reinforcement

8. Productivity is low during the ------ stage of team development.

 Forming
 Storming
 Norming
 performing

9. Selfishness in a manager such as using power for personal gain, is often associated with:
 Moral managers
 Moral managers
 Moral managers
 None of the above

10. ------- groups are voluntarily or spontaneously formed by its members rather than by the organization.
 Formal
 Informal
 Team
 None of the above

11. A is the one who will ask for the reasons as his job is to keep his vision on the company’s goals and
 manager
 leader
 organizer
 Supervisor

12. -----------suggested that successful organizations match their structure to the nature of the environment
 James Carlsmith
 Joan Woodward
 Richard C. Anderson
 Lawrence & Lorsch

13. The broader concept of leadership recognizes that leadership is always passed on from the in any
 head
 team
 followership
 Force

14. In contingency school, management techniques should be dependent upon the --.
 resources
 environment
 circumstances
 Employees
15. The principle of employment based on technical qualifications was introduced by --.
 Henri Gantt
 Henry Fayol
 Max Webber
 Frederick Taylor

16. Job-loss and wrenching change led to organizations and less security.
 failure
 leaner
 feeble
 Adverse

17. Those organizations will survive and flourish which have -----
 more money
 change leaders'
 large buildings
 large student body

18. The will create policies and teams for smooth functioning of the organization.
 manager
 leader
 organizer
 supervisor

19. Best way to organize all jobs in a business is a rule of management.

 scientific
 bureaucratic
 administrative
 Authoritative

20. Classical school of management is concerned with….

 Process
 people
 integrative
 Environment
21. Modern school of management is about….
 Process
 People
 Integrative
 Environment

22. According to……. theory every person is equally likely to be a good leader with proper training.
 Contingency
 Behavioral
 Trait
 Style

23. According Leader uses this style by directly stating the decisions without asking…….
 Heads
 President
 the team members
 Colleagues

24. Good leaders use all ……styles, depending on what forces are involved between the followers, the
leaders and the situation.
 2
 3
 4
 5

25. These contingency theories of leadership also known as theories of

 leadership
 Constitutional
 Situational
 Provisional

26. A leadership attribute that is universally liked is being…………

 Dynamic
 Egocentric
 Sensitive
 Irritable

27. ------ theories deal with behaviour of leaders.

 Contingency
 Behavioural
 trait
 cognitive resource

28. TL (Transformational leadership) helps in setting clear and adequately high performance standards for
schools and teachers and Emphasizes too much of……………
 Lethargy
 Procrastination
 ill-discipline
 Memorization

29. When the leadership continuum becomes subordinate-centered.

 Manager permit subordinate to make decision
 Manager gets suggestions
 Manager invites questions
 Manager shares decisions

30. Great leaders were often from the -----, as few from ------- had the opportunity to lead.
 Lower class, aristocracy
 Commoners, masses
 Aristocracy, lower class
 Masses, aristocracy

31. ----- argues that leaders can and should be both transactional and transformational and that a
combination of these two is the most successful kind.
 Burns
 Bass
 Byzel
 bennis

32. Transactional leadership is based on the premise that people are motivated by reward and---
 Money
 Punishment
 Promises

33. ------ appears last in the list of key leadership traits, but is extremely important.
 Analytical skill
 Communication skill
 Ability to listen
 Aggressiveness

34. Selling the vision involves

 Creating an inspiring vision of future
 Conducting an analysis of the environment
 Understanding values of the followers
 Appealing to follower’s values

35. ---- is the best predictor for leadership

 Emotional intelligence
 Technical skills
 Intelligence quotient
 threshold

36. In paternalistic style leaders act as a ----- figure.

 Public
 Mother
 Father
 Brother

37. To prompt Idealized influence, transformational leader has to ….

 Interact positively with the followers
 Provide conductive environment
 Acts as strong role model
 Stimulate followers to be creative and innovative

38. democratic leader is ……

 Autocratic
 Consultative
 Despotic
 Dictatorial

39. Honesty is regarded to be the …… highest skill required as a leadership trait.

 First
 Second
 Third
 Forth

40. ----- vision is of no use on its own: it needs to ------.

 Become mission
 Become known
 Become identified
 Become reality

41. Tannenbaum and Schmidt (1958) identified ---- forces that led to the leader’s action.
 One
 Two
 Three
 Four

42. ----- can be achieved through transformational leadership

 Organization’s expansion
 Educational reforms
 Multiple objectives
 Effective budgeting

43. ------ (1978) was the first who identifies the transformational leadership.
 Bass
 Bennis
 Burns
 Byzel
44. Given the flaws of early state studies, researchers turned to examining the actions, ---- or that separated
the effective leaders from ineffective leaders.
 History
 Behaviours
 Events
 Genetics

45. Kurt Lewin and his co researchers developed a leadership framework based on ----- different styles of
 One
 Two
 Three ( Autocratic or Authoritarian, Democratic or Participative, Laissez Fair or Delegative)
 Four

46. In transformational decision making the decision reflects on the ----- good but not the individual good.
 Individual
 Organizational
 Common
 Managerial

47. A school with transformational leading teachers provides inspiration and motivation to the students to
express ------.
 Mutual trust
 Clear vision
 Hope for future
 Creative behaviour

48. A leadership style is a leader’s style of providing -----, implementing plans and motivating people.
 Education
 Direction
 Prescription
 Solution

49. The leader’s ability to lead is contingent upon various situational factors, including the leader’s -----, the
capabilities and behaviours of followers and also various others situational factors.
 Qualification
 Education
 Preferred style
 Choices

50. Democrative leadership improves the sharing of experiences and ----- within the business.
 Expectations
 Needs
 Ideas
 Objectives

51. CEO’s identity key leadership traits, and rate the ability to motivate people as…. Among the skills
 Highest
 Second highest
 third highest
 Lowest

52. In … style the leader does not take the advice of his employee.
 Paternalistic
 Democratic
 Laissez-fair
 Autocratic*

53. The leader allows free reign to the employees and let them make decisions.
 Paternalistic
 autocratic
 Democratic
 Laissez-fair topic 68

54. Human resource development is an essential part of business acumen of a transformational leader.
 Budget formulation
 Strategic planning
 Human resource development
 Strategy formulation
55. Brymen (1992) splits leadership research into----- phases.
 2
 3
 4
 5

56. Leadership need vision in

 Style
 Contingency
 Trait
 New leadership

57. Transcendent leadership identifies…

 Need to act openly
 Potential future leader
 Workforce dynamics
 Elements of motivation

58. A commitment to the …. Of the organization is the critical feature of Transformational leadership for
bringing revolutionary change in the organization
 Strategic plan
 Mission
 Vision
 Objectives

59. Theories relate to leadership in the context of specific situations.

 Situational
 Functional
 Integrated
 Contingency

60. ---------Leader Involves the groups in decision making

 Dictatorial
 Democratic
 Laissez-faire
 Autocratic
61. Transactional leader works through creating well defined structures and makes it clear as to what is
required of their subordinates and the reward what they get for following orders.
 Colleagues
 Government
 Followers

62. Leaders who are very effective at one place and time may become unsuccessful either when transplanted
to another situation or when the factors around them change.
 Operational
 Unsuccessful
 Effective
 Active

63. Behavioral theories of leadership do not seek inborn traits, rather they look at what leaders actually do.
 Say
 Preach
 Claim
 Do

64. Three major theories have emerged from a range of views on leadership
 2
 3
 4
 5

65. skilled team is created when people are helped by…..

 Providing solution when needed
 Keeping them engaged
 Communication vision
 Letting them find their own solution

66. Researchers therefore turned to examine how leadership is affected as the situation varies.
 Location
 Position
 Situation
 station

67. Using a ----- style with a worker who knows more about the job than you. You cannot do everything and
the employees need to take ownership of her job! In addition this allows you to be more productive.
 Authoritative
 Autocratic
 Delegative

68. Laissez-faire style is not ideal in situations where group members lack the knowledge or the experience
they need to complete tasks and make decisions
 Courage
 Knowledge
 Capability
 Urge

69. An autocratic leader uses this because there is not enough time and the members ran out of ideas.
 Money
 Motivation
 Time
 drive

70. The …. leader includes one or more employees in the decision-making process, but retains the final
decision-making authority.
 Laissez-faire
 Autocratic
 Democratic
 Paternalistic

71. Inspirational motivation can be achieved by transformational leaders by…

 Stimulating followers
 Providing support
 Interactive environment
 Communicating high expectation

72. leadership attribute that is universally disliked is being..

 Decisive
 Dependable
 Subdued
 dictatorial

73. Trait theory and behaviorism both see leadership as an objective set of qualities or actions that must be
 Learned
 Mastered
 Acquired
 owned

74. Transparent leadership ….

 Envisions future clearly
 Treats people equally
 Puts people at ease
 Acts ethically

75. The leader knows the problem, but does not have all the information, uses a participative style with a
team of workers who know their jobs
 Autocratic
 Authoritative
 participative
 democratic

76. Laissez-faire or lais-ser faire) is a French word and stands for ------ in the affairs of the others.
 Interference
 Interruption
 Non-interference
 Infiltration

77. transformational leadership enables to achieve higher levels of staff development by training teachers to
take the leadership in more…. Ways
 practical and realistic
 creative and innovative
 supportive and helpful
 demonstrative and open

78. Leadership is affected by the situation in .. approach

 Contingency
 New leadership
 Trait
 Style

79. Focuses on the basic management process of controlling, organizing and short-term planning.
 Transactional
 Laissez-faire
 Democratic
 autocratic

80. Transformational leadership empowers

 Group networking
 Professional development
 Followers interaction
 Team dynamics

81. Delivery of vision demands management by

 Motivating people
 Staying ahead of event
 Walking around
 Clear headedness

82. ------- determine alternatives & evaluate for best option

 Processing phase
 Creativity
 Problem solving

83. The individual’s thinking patterns based on his/ her observations and conclusions that may sometimes
lead to false assumptions, wrong judgments, and faulty reasoning.
 Cognitive biases
 Past experience
 Contingent decision
 None of the above

84. Group decision are also known as…..

 Consensus
 Planning
 Authority
 All of above

85. The plan that directly support implementation of strategic plans are called…… plan
 Strategic
 Tactical
 Operational
 Multilevel

87. specific result to be achieved; the end result of a plan.

 Goal
 Plan
 Administration
 Action

86. ---Decision Involves certainty and assurance of the initial results before a final decision is made.
 Reversible
 Conditional
 Trial and error
 Experimental decision

87. Plans are usually developed at three levels (Strategic, Tactical, Operational)
 2
 3
 4
 5

88. The process of setting goals and courses of action, developing rules and procedures, and forecasting
future outcomes.
 Planning
 Organizing
 Controlling
 Influencing

89. The ------- management theory is also known as the human relations movement because it addresses the
human dimension of work.
 Social
 Behavioral
 Human
 Physiological

90. An effective mission emphasizes innovation and improvement in providing learning for all – students
and educators of all backgrounds.
 Innovation
 Expansion
 Elaboration
 Motivation

91. leader who uses fear and threats to get the jobs done – bossy.
 Paternalistic
 Laissez-faire
 Democratic
 Autocratic

92. The mangers at different levels are given specific functions which are properly coordinated.
 Resources
 Locations
 Functions

93. The effective school allocates and protects a significant amount of for instruction of the essential
curricular areas.
 Space
 Money
 Time
 Personnel
94. If anything goes wrong them it will be who will ask the question in what and why as s/he answer the
higher ups.
 Manager
 Leader
 Organizer
 In vice versa

95. Which type of school successfully achieves the target set by the stakeholders by showing high grades
and good result in exams?
 Good school
 Effective school
 Private school
 Public school

96. The basic component of effective school include

 Peaceful and quite corridor
 Collegial & collaborative staff
 Clean & committed environment
 All of the above

97. Leadership is strictly a------centered work. The role of a leader is to get others to achieve an objective
 People
 Self
 Group
 Leader

98. Articulation and----of specific principle of management are the core ideas of the classical school of
 Circulation
 Publication
 Application
 Admiration

99. The new leadership approach includes charismatic and leadership.

 International
 Transformational
 Professional
 Organizational

100. Which option of the following is the set of research based characteristics of a school’s climate
associated with improved and better student learning?
 Correlates
 Effectiveness
 Efficiency
 Success

101. The ability to understand alter, lead and control the behavior of others individuals and groups.
 Conceptual skills
 Human skills
 Technical skills
 Job-specific skills

102. leader cannot lead in a way that is not --. Followers will see right through and will not find
what they need in him as a leader.
 Durable
 Natural
 Forthright
 Transparent

103. The leader has to be practical and , yet must talk the language of the visionary.
 Realist
 Idealist
 Optimist
 Romantic

104. In---approach knowledge effectiveness is to do with how the leader behaves.

 Contingency
 Style
 New leadership
 Trait
105. Leaders give solution while the-----create action plans.
 Managers
 Teachers
 Administrators
 Supervisor

106. measure of how efficiently and effectively mangers use available resources in an organization.
 Efficiency
 Performance
 Effectiveness
 Achievements

107. Understanding what is needed in term of human and other resources, to achieve success and
developing the plan to achieve
 Position
 Strategy
 Situation
 Planning

108. Leadership is the process by which a person influence other to accomplish-----

 Role
 Procedure
 Activity
 Objective*

109. Modern, classical, Neo classical are schools of ------

 Drama
 Language
 Management
 Literature

110. The leader is an and the manger is an administrator.

 Creator
 Visionary
 Designer
 Planner

111. The principle can make a mission effective by being and energetic in sharing her vision with faculty.
 Flexible
 Accommodative
 Persistent
 Correct

112. Manager chooses the right goals to pursue, but does a poor job using resources to achieve these
 Low efficiency/ high effectiveness
 High efficiency /high effectiveness
 Low efficiency / low effectiveness
 High efficiency / low effectiveness

113. Student must feel in their school community so that their energies can be applied to learning.
 Secure
 Energized
 Pressurized
 Compelled

114. skills are frequently considered to be planning, controlling and monitoring.

 Management
 Managerial
 Leadership
 Supervisor

115. Theories imply that leaders can be trained.

 Behavioral
 Scientific
 System
 Information

116. The neo classical thoughts stressed upon of jobs, processes and technologies to maximize
economic yield.
 Administration
 Managements
 Stabilization
 Standardization

117. Know that------is about today, and leadership about tomorrow

 Organization
 Process
 Progress
 Management

118. leaders who are people oriented will increase employee satisfaction and performance when
 subordinates
 experience
 excessive
 pressure

119. The effective school practices that the principal is the

 Leader of followers
 Leader of Leaders
 Follower of leaders
 Follower of followers

120. Skills are defined as providing vision and strategy, as well as leading transformational change
 Management
 Managerial
 Leadership
 Supervision

121. The person responsible for supervising the use of an organization’s resources in fulfillment of the
 Management
 Leader
 Manager
 Organizer
122. When individuals do not have the knowledge or skills to do the job, the leaders have to be-oriented
 People
 Task
 Power
 Production

123. Teachers at effective schools genuinely believe that every kid has the raw materials to be a
 Teacher
 Student
 Businessman
 Parent

124. Job-specific skills required to perform a particular type of work or occupation at a high level
 Conceptual skills
 Human skills
 Technical skills

125. Results are used to improve both individual student performance and
 Grades
 School
 Instruction
 System

126. The core ideas of----school of management include application of science to practice of management
 Classical
 Neo-classical
 Modern
 Neo-modern

127. A leader must understand his own----as he also brings unique gifts to his role as leader.
 Strengths
 Shortcomings
 Weaknesses
 limitations
128. According to Fayol---need specific roles in order to manage work and workers.
 Administrators
 Leaders
 Government
 Managers

129. Every-----must understand that when an organizational goal is achieved it leads to fulfillment of their
personal needs
 Managers
 Leader
 Employer
 Worker

130. Those you are leading bring their own unique gifts to the situation, and are called
 Traders
 Sellers
 Leaders
 Followers

131. The----creates a “community of shared values”.

 Leader
 Community
 Society
 Government

132. The system school of management was put forward by

 Wiliam Du Bois
 Auguste Comte
 Ludwig von Bertalanffy
 James Carismath

133. According to Burke and------(2004) management is now based around knowledge workers
 Kotter
 Buckingham
 Bloom
 Cooper
134. In which theory we transform inputs into outputs and receive feedback?
 Scientific management
 Operations management
 Behavior management
 System management

135. In the level of management, the supervisors belong to the

 Top level
 Middle level
 Lower level
 No level

136. Collegial and collaborative staff; clean and committed environment are the basic components of
 Good
 Effective
 Independent
 Grammar

137. Choosing to “lead from”------is the only way to create the optional/optimal chance for leadership
 Strength
 Success
 Chance
 Front

138. A mnemonic for leadership is person, people and_

 Purpose
 Property
 Parents
 Planning

139. Leaders carry out this process by applying their leadership knowledge and skills This is called
 Trait
 Process
 Quality
 Reliable

140. Rather than focus on production, situations, or technology, the neoclassical theory was concerned
with the
 Employer
 Manager
 Follower
 Employee

141. In----style the leader allows free region to the employees and let them make decisions
 Autocratic
 Laissez-fair
 Paternalistic
 Democratic

142. The Hawthorne Effect states that care about self-fulfillment, autonomy empowerment, social
status and personal relationships with co-workers.
 Administrations
 Leaders
 Workers
 Managers

143. A leader who is bossy and uses fair and threats to get the job done is using style
 Paternalistic
 Laissez-fair
 Democratic
 Autocratic

144. Good-to-great leaders confront the most----of their current reality. with absolute faith that day will
succeed in the end
 Prominent truths
 Brutal facts
 Practical aspects
 Immediate features
145. Process of generating new ideas, views and systems to solve problem and arrive at decision
efficiently is called
 Processing phase
 Problem solving
 Creativity
 Critical thinking

146. Transformational leaders realize that nothing significant happens unless they----their people.
 Accommodate
 Influence
 Encourage
 Force

147. The concept of transformational leadership was introduced by in 1978.

 Bass
 Bennis
 Burns
 byzel

148. According to the behaviorist school of thought, becoming a leader is just a matter of proper
 Education
 inheritance
 luck

149. The autocratic leader uses this style when s/he directly states the decision without asking the
 Heads
 president
 colleagues

150. Transformational leadership may be a personality trait rather than---that can be developed.
 style
 Practice
 system
151. Being-----is an important trait of a leadership.
 leadership
 Relaxed
 joyful
 inguist tolerant

152. Behaviorism is a----theory as it holds the leaders must show certain common personality markers
 contingency
 style
 new leadership

153. He further states that leadership styles are based on the specific----situation and the people the
individual deals with the most
 organizational
 employees
 strategic

154. A family that is weak willed and known for letting people take advantage of them will develop the
habits of
 leadership
 aggressiveness
 control

155. Trait theory holds that a leader must have certain _ qualities
 learnt
 hidden
 innate
 acquired

156. In a-----leadership, leader is not expected to know everything, and this is why s/he employs
knowledgeable and skilled.
 Laissez-fair
 autocratic
 democratic
 paternalistic

157. Great leaders will arise when there is a great

 Revolution
 Need
 Revolt
 Uprising

158. Transformational leader enables inspired action through

 example
 teams
 activity
 accommodation

159. To motivate employees, transformational leadership appeals to the employees’

 sense of dignity
 sense of righteousness
 self-motivation
 self-interest

160. Transactional leaders ensure followers’ loyalty through

 Coercion
 Rewards
 need fulfilment
 promise for future

161. Hay McBer Advises that leadership----are the ways in which the leader interests set goals and
Standards develops action plans, directs others, and gives feedback.
 training
 style
 qualities
 characteristics
162. argues that leaders should strive for a transformational leadership only.
 Byzel
 Burns
 Bennis
 Bass

163. The leaders who is competent and a good coach uses---style on a new employee who is just learning
a job.
 Participative
 authoritative
 autocratic
 delegative

164. In Laissez-fair, project can go off-track and deadlines can be missed when team members do not Get
enough----from leaders
 motivation
 guidance/feedback
 support
 patronage

165. leadership comprises strict discipline and authority paternal kindness and moral integrity within a
ruling atmosphere
 Laissez-fair
 Autocratic
 Democratic
 paternalistic

166. The focus is gradually shifting from individual learning to-----learning.

 group
 organizational
 Team
 band

167. A democratic leader helps improve----and involvement.

 engagement
 Desire
 motivation
 happiness

168. an attribute of being a motive arouser is

 universally liked
 universally disliked
 mostly in disagreement
 never discuss

169. People who make good leaders have the right combination of
 Inheritance
 behavior
 style
 traits

170. Paternalistic style lies between the----- and -----.

 Autocratic, democrative
 authoritative, participative
 participative, Autocratic
 democrative ,authoritative

171. The Y-axis of leadership style matrix defines the of the mask
 Acceptability
 programmability
 authenticity

172. when it is clear how to perform the task, leaders who are-----oriented will increase dissatisfaction
 People
 task
 power
 production

173. leaders give the group complete freedom.

 Laissez-fair
 autocratic
 democratic
 dictatorial

174. people are born with-----traits.

 Twisted
 inherited
 unknown
 known

175. A leader can build trust with people by being _ in the interactions.
 open and honest
 objective
 kind and accommodating
 partial

176. Being a provocateur is a leadership attribute which is

 universally liked
 universally disliked
 mostly in disagreement
 never discuss

177. Transformational leadership is needed in educational institution on which a moral foundation of

legitimate values must rest
 Moral foundation
 Mission and vision
 Set
 Programs

178. With reference to responsibility center, middle level management is treated as:
 Cost center
 Revenue center
 Profit centers
 Investment center

179. For any given time period t, ----- means the actual value less the forecast value.
 Forecast missing
 Forecast imprecision
 Forecast error
 Forecast inaccuracy

180. A possible solution to overcome Forecasting challenges is to:

 React quickly to changes
 Evaluate the forecast
 Forecast items individually
 Set no tolerance level

181. A firm would normally undertake a project if net present value of a project is:
 Greater than zero
 Less than zero
 Greater than minus one
 Less than minus one

182. The assumption that recent past is the best indicator of the future is used in ---- technique.
 Naïve
 Moving average
 Smoothing
 All of the given

183. All of the following are advantages of decentralization EXCEPT:

 It ensures all company’s decisions to be taken by the top-level management
 It encourages the use of specialization
 It increases employees’ motivation
 It helps to make innovation in the organization

184. Which of the following techniques assumes data as stationary with a slowly varying mean?
 Naïve
 Simple average
 Moving average
 Exponential smoothing
185. Zero Net Present Value (NPV) implies that the project’s cash flows are:
 Unable to break-even
 Exactly sufficient to repay the invested capital
 Not enough as to the owner’s desire
 Not providing the required return of return on capital

186. If the probability index of a project is equal to 1, it means the present value of project’s cash inflows
 Greater than the present value of cask outflows
 Less than the present value of cask outflows
 Equal than the present value of cask outflows
 Equal or greater than the present value of cask outflows

187. The major concern of which leadership theory is focused on how a leader can increase employees’
motivation to attain organizational goals?
 Situational leadership
 Vroom and Yetton Decision Tree
 Fiedler's Contingency
 House’s Path-Goal

188. Some research seems to indicate that individuals who are highly flexible in adjusting their behavior
is response to different situations possess the characteristic of:
 Dominance
 Low self-monitors
 Dominance and power
 High self-monitors

189. Motivating employees to perform beyond expectations, question established views, and aspire to
higher level goals is linked to which style of leadership?
 Transactional
 Transformational
 Charismatic
 None of the above

190. All of these are characteristics of a company with a simple structure, EXCEPT:
 Few people are employed
 Owner's direct supervision coordinates work activities
 Narrowly defined roles
 Minimal hierarchy

191. Top management works on ------.

 Strategic plan
 Corporate plan
 Budgeting
 Both a and b

192. Jeffrey inspires leaders to seek------through evidence-based management

 Culture
 Power
 Support
 All of the above

193. Maslow's “basic needs” are also known as ------.

 Social needs
 Esteem needs
 Safety needs
 Physiological needs

194. A threatened strike action by a Labour union to force the management to accept their
demands is an example of which of the following power?
 Referent power
 Legitimate power
 Reward power
 Coercive power

195. There are ---- ways of comparing results with objectives and standards.
 2
 3
 4
 5

196. Regulatory process that directs the activities of an organization to achieve anticipated goals
and standards.
 Organizational management
 Management control
 Power in organization
 Managerial grid

197. While managing political behaviors in organization, the manager requires discouraging.
 Negotiation
 Relationships
 Self interest
 Dialogue

198. Factors in the work environment such as job security, working conditions, quality of
supervision and adequacy of pay.
 Motivator factors
 Satisfiers
 Hygiene factors
 None of the Above

199. Process of thinking about and organizing the activities required to achieve a desired goal.
 Planning
 Organizing
 Controlling
 Influencing

200. Level 5 leaders' practice ------ to ensure that their organizations become even more successful
in the next generation.
 Succession planning
 Continuous professional development
 Strategic planning
 Careful recruitment

201. ------- is a play-safe method before committing to anything.

 Trial and error decisions
 Experimental decisions
 Quick decisions
 Conditional decisions

202. Human Relations Theory of Management discusses ----- problems of an industrial

 Cultural
 Social
 Human
 Physiological

203. The leader should be the source of possibility ------.

 Action
 Thinking
 Plan
 Process

204. Hierarchy of Needs Theory was put forward by

 Max Webber
 Fredrick Taylor
 Abraham Maslow
 Fredrick Herzberg

205. The ------of effective schools are means to achieving high and equitable levels of student
 Correlates
 Performance
 Level
 Result

206. Workers are more receptive to ---- forces of peer groups than monetary incentives and
management cont...
 Social
 Cultural
 Physiological
 Human

207. Levels of management are the convenient platforms created to ---- the activities of the
 Lead
 Manage
 Organize
 Control

208. A school climate that is free from physical or verbal aggression harassment or discrimination
is known as a ------ environment.
 Clear
 Pure
 Safe
 Free

209. In ----- what managers do depends on or is contingent on the situation at hand, it emphasizes
on “if-then” relationship
 Classical school of management
 Contingency school of management
 The systems school of management
 The quantitative school of management

210. He works in an autocratic, consultative and/ or democratic way

 Supervisor
 Leader
 Organizer
 Manager

211. Fayol named ---- functions/roles of management, in the Administrative School of

 4
 5
 6
 7

212. The ------management school was scientific, administrative and bureaucratic

 Classical
 Neo-classical
 Modern
 Neo-modern

213. The ability to analyze and diagnose a situation and distinguish between cause and effect is called:
 Conceptual skills
 Human skills
 Technical skills
 Special skills

214. In the effective school, staff ---- that all students can master the essential school skills
 Says
 Believes
 Declares
 Proves

215. The characteristics of instructional effectiveness are applied in ----- the instructional programme.
 Dislodging
 Managing
 Removing
 Displacing

216. Teacher may let a student coming late to enter the class on a particular day but may not allow
him/her on another day is the example of …
 Situational decision
 Voluntary decision
 Group decision

217. The first step-in decision-making process is ----

 Identify the problem
 Evaluate the choices
 Make a decision
 Implement the decision

218. ----- decision is based on personal values and preferences.

 Group
 Authoritarian
 Individual
 None of the above

219. ----- decisions are permanent choices.

 Irreversible
 Reversible
 Quick
 Contingent

220. Transformational leader envisions a:

 compelling future
 Clear vision
 Strategic plan
 Significant profit

221. -----is the means, or specific activities, that are planned to achieve the objectives
 Actions
 Goals
 Plans
 Aims

222. Critiques of transformation leadership consider it to be -----.

 impractical
 Damaging
 Elitist
 Counter-productive

223. The plan that includes day to day activities of organization is called ….plans.
 Strategic
 Tactical
 Operational
 Multilevel

224. Which type of leader focused on the future of the followers and pus them towards it?
 Visionary
 Charismatic
 Transformational
 Autocratic

225. Trait theory and behaviorism are two ----- approaches to questions about effective
 Similar
 Opposite
 Parallel
 Separate

226. Which of the following word stand for non-interference in the affair of the others?
 Autocratic
 Charismatic
 Lassiez-faire
 Bureaucratic

227. ------Organization are unable to sustain the breakthrough momentum.

 Many
 Some
 Mediocre
 Good

228. Leadership is a long term process, the leader needs to work constantly to build -----earn trust and
help the people grow as individuals
 Future vision
 Relationships
 Historical base
 Objectives

229. What does situational theory of leadership emphasizes?

 Personality traits
 Events
 Environmental
 Political situation

230. The first step in the process of transformational leadership is:

 development of the visions
 Leading the change
 Delivery of the vision
 Selling the vision

231. Leadership directs the organization in a way that makes it more -----and coherent.
 Cohesive
 Varied
 Diversified
 Popular

232. The Neo-classical thought emerged in reaction against the ------ Theory of Management.
 Scientific
 Administrative
 Bureaucratic
 Executive

233. Which type of leader makes unilateral decisions?

 Autocratic
 Democratic
 Laissez-faire
 Instructional

234. The key difference between a leader and manager is manager is an administrator and leader is---
 Innovator
 Initiator
 Organizer
 Influencer

235. Analyzing metrics during business activities to ensure completion of tasks and identify areas for
 Planning
 Organizing
 Leading
 Control

236. An organization combines functional and divisional chains on command in grid so that there
are two command structures vertical and horizontal used for project: this is -----organizational structure.
 Divisional
 Simple
 Matrix
 Network

237. The staff shares an understanding of and a commitment to the instructional goals, priorities
assessment procedures and accountability through a …….
 Notice
 Letter
 Mission
 Meeting

238. The leader wants ------

 Results
 Outcomes
 Products
 Achievements

239. The------Management school dealt with human relations.

 modern
 Neo-classical
 Neo-modern
 Classical

240. In decision making the alternatives are compared to each other against a set-----.
 Plan
 Criteria
 Goal
 None of the above

241. Making decisions based on a routine knowledge is the characteristic of ----- bias.
 Omission
 Hindsight
 Belief
 Confirmation

242. ----Leadership, Leaders follow rules rigorously and ensure that their people follow
procedures preciously
 Transactional
 Bureaucratic
 Democratic
 Autocratic

243. ----- designed a project scheduling model for increasing the efficiency of project execution
and completion.
 Henri Fayol
 Fredrick Taylor
 Henry Gantt
 Max Webber

244. A school is effective not because of the specific nature of what is taught, but through an atmosphere
which is:
 Positive and supportive
 Richy and frequently interactive
 Just a
 Both a and b

245. Transactional leadership was first described by Max Webber in-----

 1946
 1947
 1948
 1949

246. Which type of leaders have ambition not for themselves but for their organizations?
 Autocratic
 Level 5
 Laissez fair
 transparent

247. ---- theories are concerned with the personal characteristics of the leaders.
 Trait
 Role
 Contingency
 behavioral

248. The failure of trait and behavioral theories to have ----- in their predictions of effectiveness
led to the conclusion that leadership involves other factors too.
 Consistency
 Certainty
 Accuracy
 Precision

249. Risky information is excluded in ----- bias.

 Hindsight
 Omission
 Confirmation
 Belief

250. Managers’ use of math and statistics for problem solving is called -----
 Scientific management
 Operations management
 Management information system
 Systems management theory

251. In an effective school the ----- acts as an instructional leader.

 Student
 Teacher
 Parent
 Principal

252. The style of a leader is

 Transactional
 Transformational
 Transgressional
 Transcriptional

253. Situational theory tends to focus more on the---- that the leader should adopt, given
situational factors (often about follower behaviour).
 Behaviors
 Actions
 Contexts
 Conditions

254. These roles evolved into ---- principles of management.

 14
 15
 16
 17
255. The study of factors which profoundly affect how people and groups act, think, feel, and
respond to work and organizations is called -----
 Organizational behavior
 Team work
 Organizational model
 Cooperative learning

256. In the effective school, student academic progress is measured frequently using a variety of---
 Reporting
 Display
 Measurement
 Assessment

257. The stones for these monuments were found, cut, and moved efficiently due to effective ----
 Direction
 Plan
 System
 Administration

258. ---- school believes that there must be a union between human needs and organizational
 Traditional
 Behavioural
 Modern
 Physiological

259. In an effective school the ---- acts as an instructional leader.

 Student
 Teacher
 Parent
 Principal

260. Good-to-great transformation is----- process and gradually builds up momentum, till there is a
 An evolutionary
 A slow
 A relaxed
 A technical

261. What are the key characteristics of transnational leaders?

 Guiding, mentoring and motivating
 Guiding, commanding and motivating
 Guiding, mentoring and demonstrating
 Guiding, demonstrating and motivating
262. Level 5 leaders believe in-----
 Avoiding risk taking
 Building abilities of team members
 Putting employees before the company
 Coming together for individual’s cause

263. ---- is a necessary element for taking an organization from good to great-but it’s not the
 Level 5
 Manager
 Resource
 Goal

264. Who identified the transformational leadership style?

 Kotter
 Burns
 Piaget
 Bloom

265. Risky information is excluded in ----- bias.

 Hindsight
 Omission
 Confirmation
 Belief

266. When things go right, a level 5 leader apportions credit to -----.

 Others
 Self
 Both
 Nobody

267. The most critical step in decision-making process is ------.

 Identify the problem
 Create a choice
 Make a decision
 Implement the decision

268. In the effective school, student academic progress is measured frequently using a vision.
 Reporting
 Display
 Measurement
 Assessment

269. Strategic plans are set by

 Top management
 Top and middle management
 Middle- and first-line management
 First line management
270. Manager is the one who has ----- formed authority and the position.
 Followers
 Supporters
 Devotees
 Subordinates

271. Managerial grid model was developed in-----

 1962
 1963
 1964
 1965

272. The approach of a manager is to

 Set direction
 Plan details
 Bring change
 Use passion

273. Which one of these is characteristic about the Authoritarian leadership style?
 Leader accepts power and knowledge of the members
 Leader relies less on authority more on themselves
 Leader tells others what to do
 Leader take cooperative decision

274. We know that we have qualities that can influence our actions. This is called ----- Leadership.
 Quality
 Trait
 Process
 Reliable

275. Formal structure, legitimate authority and competence of management is a part of ----
 Authoritative
 Scientific
 Bureaucratic
 Administrative

276. How many leadership styles are suggested by lowa?

 6
 5
 4
 3

277. A structured unit of people who work together and coordinate their actions to achieve a
collective goal is
 Management
 Organization
 Manager
 Resources

278. In an effective school, who ensures that the parents understand and support the school’s basic
 Principal
 Teachers
 Students
 Managers

279. When leaders devote all their energy to pursue the one thing to make it best, which concept
they are following?
 The hedgehog concept
 Level 5 leaders
 Flywheel
 None of these

280. Knowledge, concepts and skills are expected to learn by all children are considered as:
 Functional
 Essential
 Dysfunctional
 Unessential

281. ---- oriented leadership puts structure in place, plans, organizes and monitors.
 Place
 People
 Task
 Product

282. The factor which is not effected by some other facotrs is known as:
 Independent variable
 Dependent variable
 Productivity
 None of these

283. Bureaucratic school of management was developed by -----

 Max Weber
 Cooper
 Kotter
 Bukingham

284. Level 5 leadership is ---- element for taking an organization from good to great.
 Most effective
 The only
 Not the only
 Very competitive
285. When things go right, a level 5 leader apportions credit to -----.
 Others
 Self
 Both
 Nobody

286. The leader must recognize that success is not about -----, it is about progress.
 Perfection
 Situation
 Followers
 Leaders

287. The failure of trait and behavioural theories to have ---- in their predictions of leader
effectiveness led to the conclusion that leadership involves other factors too.
 Consistency
 Certainty
 Accuracy
 Precision

288. He has to be the one who can appropriately set the tempo.
 Manager
 Leader
 Organizer
 Supervisor

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