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Discrete Mathematics, 1ma462, spring 2021

Discrete mathematics is according to the mathematical dictionary a collection of a

number of mathematical subjects that have the following in common: Only finite
processes (no limit arguments) and they take mainly place in the set of integers. The
subject can be said to play the same role for computer science as analysis do for
physics. Topics that are generally included into discrete mathematics are theory of
sets, combinatorics, relations, graph theory and algorithm theory.

The two parts of the course. The written exam is about graphs & trees, relations and
counting techniques and gives 4 hp. A project on recurrence relations and cellular
automata gives 3,5 hp. On campus the project consists of problem solving using
Mathematica and is presented in a written report. Distance students can choose
between Mathematica problems or paper and pen problems.

Book and recordings: Selected parts of Kenneth H. Rosen's book Discrete

Mathematics and Its Applications. I use 8:th edition ISBN 978-1-260-09199-1. But
you can also use 7:th edition ( a sunflower on the front) , ISBN 978-0-07-131501-2.
Even the sixth edition works fine, ISBN 978-0-07-124474-9. The chapters and
sections are the same in the 7:th and 8:th editions but the numbers of the exercises
can differ somewhat.
You find nine recordings from last year here on Moodle (under Documents and
Recordings). First two recordings prepare you for the project. Two lectures is about
combinatorics. Relations is the subject for the next one and then follows three
recordings about graphs. In the last one I solve some of the weekly problems.

As an extra resource there are also some old lectures in folders. For each lecture there
is a sound file and a pdf. Open the sound in one tab and my notes in another. The
recordings are 6 years old and then I used the 6th Edition so the numbering does not
match. Sometimes I take up more than needed for the exam.

Another good book is Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics by R. Grimaldi. You

can rent it as an e-book at In swedish there are books by Kimmo
Eriksson and Hillevi Gavel (Diskret Matematik och Diskreta Modeller 2 volymer)
and Lars-Christer Böiers (Diskret Matematik).

Plan for lectures: The two first weeks I give an introduction to graphs, prepare you
for the project and mention some things from chapter 1-6. Then we dig into chapters
8-11 for 7 weeks. This is the new stuff that will be exmined.
Problem solving: For each week there is a set of of problems to work with. You find
them in the folder Weekly Problems. Start directly with the problems for week 12 and
then we discuss them second week. Maybe you want to start with more basic
problems. Then use the course book. Go to the link Plan and Exercises where I
suggest some problems. Later on you can check the folder Old Written Exams for
typical exam questions.

Examination:Exam 25/5. Next try 11/6 and then one in August, 27/8. It will be
online exams also this year. They take place 9am to noon for campus students and
5pm-8pm for distance students. 50% is needed to pass exam.
A project on recurrence relations and cellular automata is also part of the
examination. The project will be delivered 7:th of April. The final grade is a
weighted average of the grades on the two parts.

Lectures with Hans Frisk. All will be on Zoom. Mondays 13-17 in swedish. In
english Tuesdays 13-15 and Thursdays 13-15 and some Wednesdays 15-17. Distance
students meet me on Zoom on Wednesdays 6pm. On Wednesdays 3pm to 5pm
week 12-17 we focus on LaTeX and Mathematica. You will get license for the cloud
version of Mathematica.

Structure here on Moodle. On top there is the Latest News where I publish
important things for everyone.
Then we have different forums. One for Kalmar-students, one for Växjö-students and
one for the distance students. There are also forums for the different topics in the
In section Documents and Recordings you find folders with course information,
information about the project et cetera.
In section Useful Links there are som links that can be useful for you.
In Project Reports you put your reports.
Last section, Zoom Meetings, you find the icons for the meetings week by week.

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