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- Tgl.Cetak : 29-Sep-2019

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No Faktur Tanggal No. SKU Nama Barang Sat Qty Penjualan Diskon HPP + PPN Profit %

1 RU1909000008 1-Sep-19 WAR00006 Raise The Victories XL Pcs 1 140,000 0 140,000 0 0

2 RU1909000011 2-Sep-19 WAR00005 Raise The Victories L Pcs 1 140,000 0 140,000 0 0

WAR00005 Raise The Victories L Pcs 1 140,000 0 140,000 0 0

3 RU1909000110 15-Sep-19 WAR00002 Golden Gate L Pcs 1 140,000 0 140,000 0 0
4 RU1909000155 20-Sep-19 WAR00002 Golden Gate L Pcs 1 140,000 0 140,000 0 0
5 RU1909000192 22-Sep-19 WAR00014 GMS Social White XL pcs 1 125,000 0 125,000 0 0

Total Faktur : 5 Total Cash : 40,119,900

Total : 6 825,000 825,000 0 0.00
Total Credit Card : 5,626,000
Total Debit Card : 26,022,500
Total Piutang : 0
Total Point : 0
Total Voucher : 0
Total Retur : 0
Grand Total : 71,768,400

Di Cetak Oleh : admin Hal 1

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