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Energy 32 (2007) 875–882

Energy indicators for sustainable development

Ivan Vera, Lucille Langlois
International Atomic Energy Agency, Planning and Economic Studies Section, Wagramer Strasse 5, P.O. Box 100, A-1400 Vienna, Austria


Energy is an essential factor in overall efforts to achieve sustainable development. Countries striving to this end are seeking to reassess
their energy systems with a view toward planning energy programmes and strategies in line with sustainable development goals and
objectives. This paper summarizes the outcome of an international partnership initiative on indicators for sustainable energy
development that aims to provide an analytical tool for assessing current energy production and use patterns at a national level. The
proposed set of energy indicators represents a first step of a consensus reached on this subject by five international agencies—two from
the United Nations system (the Department of Economic and Social Affairs and the International Atomic Energy Agency), two from the
European Union (Eurostat and the European Environment Agency) and one from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development (the International Energy Agency). Energy and environmental experts including statisticians, analysts, policy makers and
academics have started to implement general guidelines and methodologies in the development of national energy indicators for use in
their efforts to monitor the effects of energy policies on the social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainable development.
r 2006 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Keywords: Sustainable development; Energy indicators; Energy use; Energy intensities; Energy accessibility; Environmental impacts

1. Energy and sustainable development the effects and impacts of energy and energy systems, a
developing country today can make the transition from an
The provision of adequate and reliable energy services at agricultural to an industrial economy with much
affordable costs, in a secure and environmentally benign lower costs and with less environmental damage than
manner, and in conformity with social and economic today’s developed countries were subjected to during their
development needs, is an essential element of sustainable transition.
development. Energy is vital for eradicating poverty, In 1997, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly
improving human welfare and raising living standards. formally recognized the need for more sustainable energy
However, most current patterns of energy supply and use patterns, and for the first time, an intergovernmental
use are unsustainable [1]. Many areas of the world have process was created to elaborate a common approach to
no reliable and secure energy supplies, which limits the sustainable energy development agenda. The 2000
economic development, while in other areas environ- World Energy Assessment publication [2] thoroughly
mental degradation from energy use inhibits sustainable analyses the relationships among energy, social issues,
development. About one-third of the world’s population health, and the environment; addresses issues of energy
still relies on the use of animal power and non- security, resource availability, end-use efficiency, renewable
commercial fuels. Some 1.7 billion people have no access and advanced supply technologies; pays special attention
to electricity. This lack of access to modern energy services to the fundamental problem of rural energy in developing
severely limits socioeconomic development—an integral countries and to the role of energy in economic prosperity;
part of sustainable development. Nonetheless, because of and depicts energy scenarios for the 21st century. In April
improved technology and an increased understanding of 2001, the Ninth Session of the Commission on Sustainable
Development (CSD-9) recognized the need for more
Corresponding author. Tel.:+43 1 2600 22773. sustainable patterns of production, distribution and use
E-mail address: (I. Vera). of energy.

0360-5442/$ - see front matter r 2006 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

876 I. Vera, L. Langlois / Energy 32 (2007) 875–882

Energy was discussed in 2002 at the World Summit on efficiency, and population and economic growth, and to
Sustainable Development (WSSD) held in Johannesburg, identify the factors most responsive to policy changes.
South Africa [3]. At the WSSD, the international commu- Progress is then more easily monitored and policies are
nity reconfirmed that access to energy is important for the often more easily implemented by using these indicators
Millennium Development Goal of halving the proportion rather than focusing solely on the goal.
of people living in poverty by 2015 [4]. The summit also Indicators are thus useful tools for communicating
called for changes in unsustainable patterns of energy energy issues related to sustainable development to policy-
production and use. The agreement reached at WSSD, the makers and to the public, and for promoting institutional
Johannesburg Plan of Implementation (JPOI), places dialogue.
energy firmly on the agenda of sustainable development
as vital for both the eradication of poverty and changing 3. An international partnership initiative
consumption and production patterns.
In response to decisions taken by the United Nations
2. Need for energy indicators Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) and to
Chapter 40 of Agenda 21, in 1995 United Nations
The 1992 Earth Summit recognized the important role Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA)
that indicators can play in helping countries to make began working to produce an overall set of indicators for
informed decisions concerning sustainable development. sustainable development (ISD). This effort concluded with
This recognition is articulated in Chapter 40 of Agenda 21, a package of 58 ISD, of which only three were energy
which calls on countries at the national level, as well as related—annual energy consumption per capita, intensity
international, governmental and non-governmental orga- of energy use and share of consumption of renewable
nizations, to develop indicators of sustainable develop- energy resources [5].
ment. It was in light of the growing prominence of energy In order to complement the effort of the CSD, the
in the international debate and the importance of energy in International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) started a
efforts to implement the WSSD agreement at the national long-term programme on Indicators for Sustainable
level, that a number of international and regional Energy Development (ISED) in 1999 in cooperation with
organizations continued to work on the development of various international organizations and some Member
sets of indicators that could be used by countries, especially States of the IAEA. This international effort had two
developing countries, to measure progress on energy and major objectives: (1) to complement the overall UN Work
sustainable development at the national level. Programme on Indicators of Sustainable Development and
Energy indicators are not merely energy statistics; rather, (2) to foster energy and statistical capacity building needed
they extend beyond basic statistics to provide a deeper to induce energy sustainability. The project was presented
understanding of causal relationships in the energy–envir- at the CSD-9 in April 2001 [6].
onment–economics nexus, and to highlight linkages that In 2002, the indicators project led by the IAEA classified
may not be evident from simple statistics. Taken together, as an official partnership initiative of the WSSD. The
indicators can give a picture of the whole energy system, partnership was considered an effective initiative of
including interlinkages and trade-offs among various international scope aimed at supporting the practical
dimensions of sustainable development, as well as the implementation of Agenda 21 and of sustainable develop-
longer-term implications of current decisions and beha- ment activities at a country level and of particular interest
viour. Changes in the indicator values over time mark to developing countries. Furthermore, the partnership
progress or lack of progress towards sustainable develop- represented an example of a project with specific outcomes
ment. based on a series of tasks and action-oriented activities that
Policymakers need ways to measure and assess the would contribute in translating political commitments into
current and future effects of energy use on health, society, actions and consequently into tangible benefits.
air, soil and water. They need to know their country’s The international partnership initiative on ISED was
current status concerning energy and economic sustain- conducted by the IAEA in cooperation with UNDESA, the
ability, what needs to be improved and how these International Energy Agency (IEA), the Statistical Office
improvements can be achieved. Therefore, it is important of the European Communities (Eurostat) and the Eur-
for policymakers to understand the implications of selected opean Environment Agency (EEA). These organizations,
energy, environmental and economic programmes, policies which are recognized as world leaders in statistical analysis
and plans, and their impacts on the shaping of develop- and in the development of energy and environmental
ment and on the feasibility of making this development indicators, are actively involved in fostering the implemen-
sustainable. tation of principles of sustainable development at national
Indicators are useful for monitoring progress towards and regional levels. This harmonized endeavour was
specific country goals. For example, to monitor success in pursued to eliminate duplication of efforts by international
limiting emissions from the energy sector, it would be organizations and to provide users with a single set of
sensible to analyse indicators related to energy use and energy indicators applicable worldwide.
I. Vera, L. Langlois / Energy 32 (2007) 875–882 877

In 2005, the ISED initiative achieved two major studies conducted by national teams from a number
outcomes: development and publication of a set of energy of countries in Latin America, Eastern Europe and
indicators and corresponding guidelines and methodolo- Asia. The results of these case studies were to be published
gies that can be used worldwide by countries in tracking in a special edition of UN Natural Resources Forum
their progress toward nationally defined sustainable energy journal.
development goals; and a set of national case studies
testing and implementing the applicability, relevance and 4. Interagency report on guidelines and methodologies
utility of these indicators in a number of selected countries.
The publication Energy Indicators for Sustainable Devel- The interagency report identifies and describes 30 Energy
opment: Guidelines and Methodologies is a multi-agency Indicators for Sustainable Development (EISD) and
report [7] representing a unique collaboration by five major provides guidelines and specific methodologies on how to
international organizations with expertise in the field of construct them. The indicators are listed in Table 1 and
energy indicators. classified according to dimensions, themes and sub-themes
The case studies, developed under the aegis of a following the same conceptual framework used by the
Coordinated Research Project at the IAEA, included CSD. The indicators are classified into three major

Table 1
Energy indicators for sustainable development

Theme/Sub-theme Energy indicator

Accessibility SOC1 Share of households (or population) without electricity or commercial energy, or heavily dependent
on non-commercial energy
Affordability SOC2 Share of household income spent on fuel and electricity
Disparities SOC3 Household energy use for each income group and corresponding fuel mix
Safety SOC4 Accident fatalities per energy produced by fuel chain
Use and production patterns
Overall use ECO1 Energy use per capita
Overall productivity ECO2 Energy use per unit of GDP
Supply efficiency ECO3 Efficiency of energy conversion and distribution
Production ECO4 Reserves-to-production ratio
ECO5 Resources-to-production ratio
End use ECO6 Industrial energy intensities
ECO7 Agricultural energy intensities
ECO8 Service/ commercial energy intensities
ECO9 Household energy intensities
ECO10 Transport energy intensities
Diversification (fuel mix) ECO11 Fuel shares in energy and electricity
ECO12 Non-carbon energy share in energy and electricity
ECO13 Renewable energy share in energy and electricity
Prices ECO14 End-use energy prices by fuel and by sector

Imports ECO15 Net energy import dependency
Strategic fuel stocks ECO16 Stocks of critical fuels per corresponding fuel consumption
Climate change ENV1 GHG emissions from energy production and use per capita and per unit of GDP
Air quality ENV2 Ambient concentrations of air pollutants in urban areas
ENV3 Air-pollutant emissions from energy systems

Water quality ENV4 Contaminant discharges in liquid effluents from energy systems
Soil quality ENV5 Soil area where acidification exceeds critical load
Forest ENV6 Rate of deforestation attributed to energy use
Solid-waste generation and ENV7 Ratio of solid-waste generation to units of energy produced
ENV8 Ratio of solid waste properly disposed of to total generated solid waste
ENV9 Ratio of solid radioactive waste to units of energy produced
ENV10 Ratio of solid radioactive waste awaiting disposal to total generated solid radioactive waste
878 I. Vera, L. Langlois / Energy 32 (2007) 875–882

dimensions of sustainable development—social, economic 4.1. Indicators of the social dimension

and environmental. They are further classified into seven
themes and 19 sub-themes. Note that some indicators can There are major social issues linked to energy use,
be classified into more than one dimension, theme or sub- including poverty, quality of life, education, demographic
theme, given the numerous interlinkages among these transition, indoor pollution, health, and gender and age-
categories. related implications. The social dimension of sustainable
The EISD set is not comprehensive but addresses the energy development reflects the need for people all over the
most important energy-related issues of interest to coun- world to have access to basic energy services in the form of
tries worldwide. The energy indicators were selected based commercial energy at affordable rates. Energy indicators of
on consensus reached by the international organizations the social dimension are particularly important to many
participating in this partnership. The selection criteria developing countries that still have considerable shares of
included considerations about data availability in develop- population without modern energy services.
ing countries and the feasibility of collecting additional Two themes are considered under the social dimension—
data considered essential to the development of important equity and health. Social equity is one of the principal
indicators. values underlying sustainable development, involving the
Each of the energy indicators in this interagency degree of fairness and inclusiveness with which energy
publication is fully described by its corresponding metho- resources are distributed, energy systems are made
dology sheet. The methodology sheets make up the bulk of accessible, and pricing schemes are formulated to ensure
the report and were prepared to assist users in the both availability and affordability. Energy should be
elaboration, construction and implementation of the EISD. available to all at a fair price. The issue of equity is
They include main and alternative definitions (thus addressed under the sub-themes of affordability, accessi-
providing flexibility to suit specific circumstances), meth- bility and disparity. Lack of or limited access (accessibility)
ods, the components of each indicator, the units in which to energy services marginalizes poor people and seriously
they are measured, instructions on how to construct them, limits their ability to improve their living conditions, and
data issues and sources, data availability, and relevance to this is highlighted in the JPOI. Lack of electricity usually
sustainable development. means, among other things, inadequate illumination,
The EISD are useful for policy makers, energy analysts limited telecommunications, no refrigeration and limited
and statisticians for their assessment of current conditions possibilities for home or cottage-based industries. Limited
of energy systems, effectiveness of energy policies in place income (affordability) may force households to use
and in the definition of energy strategies for sustainable traditional fuel and inefficient technologies, and results in
development. The effort should eventually translate into disparities of both access and affordability. Health impacts
improved statistical analysis and to expansion of national are addressed under the sub-theme of safety. The produc-
and regional energy statistical databases. Also, by raising tion of energy can involve accidents at different steps of the
awareness of the need to follow a sustainable development fuel cycle. At the household level, families in poor
approach in the formulation of energy projects, pro- communities may be exposed to indoor air pollution from
grammes and strategies, it will help countries, particularly the combustion of traditional or non-commercial fuels used
developing countries, to define an integrated approach for cooking and heating. Fire accidents are also common
towards energy development and sustainability. from the use of candles for lighting.

1,600 16%
Average Income 5250
1,400 14% Energy Expenditures 14%
Expenditure as share of Income
US$/month per household

1,200 12%

1,000 10%
800 8%
600 6% 6%

400 4%

200 2% 2%

0 0%
Low Low-Mid Middle Mid-High High
Income Levels

Fig. 1. Average income and monthly household energy expenditures by income levels, Brazil, 1996 [8].
I. Vera, L. Langlois / Energy 32 (2007) 875–882 879

Fig. 1 graphs the energy indicator ‘share of household sacrificing socio-economic growth, improvements in energy
income spent on fuel and electricity’ (SOC2) for Brazil. The efficiencies translate into progress towards sustainable
indicator addresses the issues of affordability and disparity development since investments in energy infrastructure
under the theme of social equity. Monthly income and and expenses in fuel costs can be reduced as well as
energy expenditures are shown for five different levels of environmental impacts. Efficiency improvements can be
income (bars). The figure also shows the share of income achieved by changes in energy-related technologies and
that is spent on energy services at each level of income. The processes. Improvements in energy intensities are realized
data for Brazil indicate that the segments of the society by higher energy efficiency and by shifts in economic
with lower incomes use a larger share of their monthly structures, in the fuel mix and in consumer behaviour.
income to satisfy their basic energy needs. Energy costs Three indicators related to fuel mix address the issue of
thus have an impact on how basic needs can be satisfied energy diversification. These indicators can provide de-
and may limit the amount of income available for tailed information about fuel shares in primary and final
education or health care, for example. This figure also energy use and in electricity generation and generating
suggests that where subsidies exist or are contemplated, capacity. The indicators are specified for overall, non-
they may not be sufficient or appropriately targeted to carbon and renewable energy shares.
improve this condition appreciably. The prices of end-use energy by fuel and sector have
obvious economic importance. Efficient energy pricing is
4.2. Indicators of the economic dimension key to efficient energy supply and use and socially efficient
levels of pollution abatement. Energy prices and related
The availability and reliability of energy services is subsidies and taxes can encourage efficiency of energy use
indispensable for securing economic growth. All sectors of or improve access levels, or they can generate inefficiencies
the economy—including the residential, commercial, trans- in the supply, distribution and use of energy. While
portation, service and agricultural sectors—depend on relatively high prices for commercial fuels can be seen as
secure and sufficient energy services. Job availability, a barrier to access, prices that cover the cost of delivery are
industrial productivity, urban and rural development and necessary for attracting investment in a secure and reliable
all major economic activities are strongly affected by energy supply.
energy input. Electricity particularly is an important and Addressing energy security is one of the major objectives
sometimes irreplaceable input to modern productive in the sustainable development criteria of many countries.
activities, dissemination of information and other service Interruptions of energy supply can cause serious financial
industries. and economic losses. To support the goals of sustainable
The energy indicators in the economic dimension development, energy supply should be reliable, sufficient,
consider two themes: use and production patterns, and and affordable. The monitoring of trends of net energy
security of supply. Within the theme of use and production imports and the availability of appropriate stocks of
patterns the following sub-themes are addressed: overall critical fuels are useful for assessing energy security.
use and productivity, supply efficiency, production, end Fig. 2 shows the decomposition of the overall aggregate
use, fuel mix and prices. The security theme includes energy intensity of Thailand. The graph shows an example
dependency on imports and strategic fuel stocks. related to ‘intensities’ (ECO1, ECO6–ECO10) and illus-
Overall use and productivity are issues addressed by the trates the advantages of disaggregating these indicators to
major aggregated indicators of energy use per capita and isolate the main factors affecting the aggregate energy
per GDP. Per capita energy use reflects the aggregate intensity. These include the activity effect, which refers to
energy intensity of a society. Energy use per unit of GDP is overall growth of the economy as measured by GDP; the
a marker of aggregate energy intensity of the economy. structural effect, which refers to changes in the structure of
Much attention is paid to aggregate intensities in defining the economy or the contributions of the main economic
the sustainability of consumption trends. However, caution sectors; and pure energy intensity, which refers to efficiency
is warranted in the interpretation of these indicators since effects resulting from changes in technology efficiency, fuel
aggregate intensities depend on the energy intensities of mix, energy-saving policies, etc. Decomposition analysis
economic sectors and activities and also on other factors allows the separation of the activity effect from structural
such as climate, geography and the structure of the and pure intensity effects.1 The changes in energy use from
economy. Supply efficiency is addressed by an indicator year to year are depicted in the chart by the bars. The
on efficiency of energy conversion and distribution, which overall effect of these factors is captured by the changes in
can be used to monitor energy efficiency in transformation the aggregate energy intensity with respect to 1990
processes such as power stations, and refineries. Production (1990 ¼ 1.0) as shown by the intensity index represented
indicators look at the energy being produced compared by the curve.
with the indigenous levels of energy resources.
End-use energy efficiencies and intensities are important
issues affecting energy systems and defining sustainability 1
The decomposition analysis is based on a Divisia Index approach
trends. By reducing quantities of energy consumed without [9,10].
880 I. Vera, L. Langlois / Energy 32 (2007) 875–882

250 1.2
Activity effect
Structural effect

Intensity Index (1990 = 1.0)

Intensity effect
150 1.1
Energy use changes, PJ Agg. EnergyIntensity

50 1

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
-50 0.9


-150 0.8

Fig. 2. Decomposition of aggregate energy intensity of Thailand [11]. Note: the term of interaction is not shown.

A positive structural effect implies a structural shift to more precise determination of the reasons for the changes
more energy-intensive economic sectors like the industrial observed in the intensities.
sector or even more energy-intensive industries within the
manufacturing sector. It also means that the share of 4.3. Indicators of the environmental dimension
energy-intensive sectors to GDP has increased compared to
the base year. A negative structural effect indicates that the Energy production, transport and use lead to important
energy-intensive sectors have decreased their share of GDP anthropogenic pressures on the environment, ranging from
compared with that in the base year. climate change, deforestation, air, water and soil pollution.
The pure energy-intensity effect measures the improve- Many of the environmental effects from energy-related
ment in energy efficiency, changes in technology and fuel activities are long term. The environmental impacts from
mix, and other factors that are not related to activity or energy use can occur at all levels–household, workplace,
structure. A positive effect signifies a higher energy use per community and city, national, regional and global.
unit of GDP implying worsening energy efficiency while a Environmental impacts of energy activities vary greatly
negative pure intensity effect indicates an improvement in depending on how energy is produced and used, the fuel
energy use per unit of GDP. mix, structure of the energy system and related energy-
The activity and structural effects held positive values regulatory actions and pricing structures.
throughout the period, indicating the strong industrializa- The energy indicators of the environmental dimension
tion process of Thailand during this period and the shift of address the themes of energy-related impacts on the
the economy towards more energy-intensive sectors. In fact, atmosphere, water and land. For assessing the atmosphere,
during this period, the share of the manufacturing industry greenhouse gas emissions, linked to climate change, and
in GDP climbed sharply from 29% in 1990 to 36% in 2000. pollutants that degrade air quality are considered. The
A closer examination of the structural changes in the theme of water specifically covers water quality as
manufacturing sector shows that the share of energy- determined by contaminant discharges. The land theme
intensive sectors increased from 20% to 27% in the same addresses soil quality directly as well as deforestation and
period. This is a typical pattern of energy use and efficiency waste generation and disposal.
for developing countries in the industrialization stage. At the global level, the trend of increasing greenhouse
Pure intensity effect, on the other hand, maintained gas emissions is a major environmental consideration with
consistently negative values, indicating efficiency improve- potential long-term consequences for the earth’s climate.
ments with respect to the 1990 levels (the chosen base year) Fig. 3 shows carbon emissions from the power sector in
resulting from the very effective energy-efficiency policies France, Japan, Germany and the USA as a function of per
implemented by Thailand during the period. In fact, this capita electricity use for the 1971–2001 period. This figure
effect explains, in part, the net 4% decline in aggregate illustrates the implementation of the indicator ‘GHG
energy intensity between 1990 and 1994. However, over the emissions’ (ENV1).
whole 1990–2000 period, the activity and structural effects Even though electricity use increased at a rapid pace
dominated, leading to a net increase in aggregate energy during the 30-year period in these four countries (all
intensity during this longer period. members of the OECD), carbon emissions per unit of
Further investigation and implementation of disaggre- electricity produced have decreased considerably (20% in
gated energy-intensity indicators by sectors (industrial, the USA) or dramatically (36% in Germany, 45% in Japan
agricultural, service and transportation) would allow even and 89% in France). The decreases resulted from
I. Vera, L. Langlois / Energy 32 (2007) 875–882 881


Germany USA
Grams C / kWh 2001

France 2001

2,000 5,000 8,000 11,000 14,000
kWh per capita

Fig. 3. Carbon emissions from power sector and per capita electricity use [12].

improvements in environmental features and efficiencies of policies geared to attaining priority goals related to
technologies and from changes in the generating fuel mix sustainable development. The goal of the exercise was
towards low-carbon-based fuel use. Therefore, this figure twofold: to test the adequacy of national statistics and
shows the different paths followed by these countries to statistical capabilities for the implementation of the EISD,
achieve a relative reduction in carbon emissions while and to test its utility for specific policy analysis. This effort
continuing to satisfy an increasing demand for electricity. ended early in 2005 with final reports summarizing the
The indicator illustrates, to a certain extent, the effective- findings.
ness of policies implemented in the power sector of these Although most of the teams encountered problems with
countries to reduce carbon emissions per kWh. The data availability and consistency for a number of
situation for these countries reflects a relative decoupling indicators, all of the teams were able to construct case
between an environmentally negative parameter (carbon studies using the EISD and were able to prepare reports
emissions from power sector) and the corresponding energy with useful information and analysis.
use. This represents a desirable trend for the society from a Moreover, the seven-country case studies have already
sustainable energy development point of view. sparked a number of national initiatives that correspond
to the goals of Agenda 21 and the JPOI, including
5. Implementation in selected countries improvements in national energy statistics progra-
mmes and joint ventures among energy or statistical offices
The procedures and processes to be followed in to develop or expand databases incorporating the EISD.
developing and using EISD vary from country to country, In particular, Cuba, Brazil and Mexico have reported
depending on country-specific conditions, national energy changes already in the national statistical procedures or
priorities and sustainability and development criteria and databases resulting from this experience or ongoing plans
objectives. In addition, the implementation process de- for the future incorporation of relevant energy indicators in
pends on the existing statistical capability, expertise and their national energy and environmental statistical pro-
the availability of energy data and other related informa- grammes.
tion for decision making. Because the process requires the It is important to understand that each country needs to
allocation of human and financial resources, a pragmatic select the energy indicators within the proposed core set
and cost-effective approach is essential. that are most relevant to the country’s particular energy
It was therefore important, before publishing a manual system or to the policy priorities and that might be useful in
on EISD implementation, to test their applicability under a assessing and monitoring the status and progress of specific
variety of national circumstances. To this end, a set of strategies towards a more sustainable energy future.
coordinated case studies testing the effective implementa- Furthermore, additional energy indicators specifically
tion of the EISD were developed by national teams from designed to address conditions or priorities unique to a
Brazil, Cuba, Lithuania, Mexico, Russian Federation, given country might need to be developed. Also, the
Slovak Republic and Thailand. These country teams extension of the analysis into the future by the use of likely
defined relevant energy and sustainable development scenarios developed with modelling tools allows a more
priorities, selected appropriate sets of energy indicators comprehensive monitoring and analysis of sustainability
and applied these indicators to the analysis of energy trends and objectives.
882 I. Vera, L. Langlois / Energy 32 (2007) 875–882

The proposed core set of energy indicators represents a advantages of using this integrated approach in the
quantitative tool necessary but not sufficient for monitor- formulation and implementation of EISD.
ing progress and for defining long-term strategies. There
are a number of issues that are difficult to quantify or are
more qualitative by nature and that need to be taken into
consideration in any decision-making process and in the
final formulation of major energy policies. These relate [1] United Nations WEHAB Working Group, A framework for action
especially to the institutional dimension of sustainable on energy. New York, UN, 2002.
development and to the energy infrastructure of the [2] United Nations Development Programme, et al. World energy
country. Additionally, a comprehensive analysis of a assessment. New York; UNDP, 2000.
[3] United Nations, Report of the world summit on sustainable
country’s energy sector should be part of an integrated
development. New York, UN, 2002.
national programme or strategy for sustainable energy [4] United Nations, United Nations millennium declaration. General
development. Therefore, the analysis resulting from the use assembly, A/RES/55/2, 2000, New York, UN, 2000.
of the ESID tool needs to be put into a larger political and [5] United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs.
policy perspective for effective decision making. Indicators of sustainable development: guidelines and methodologies,
Second ed. New York: UNDESA; 2001.
[6] International Atomic Energy Agency, International Energy Agency,
6. Conclusions Indicators for sustainable energy development. A report prepared for
the ninth session of the United Nations commission on sustainable
The EISD represent an effective tool for policy makers development, New York, UN, 2001.
to evaluate and design programmes and strategies and to [7] International Atomic Energy Agency, United Nations Department of
monitor progress towards a more sustainable future at a Economic and Social Affairs, International Energy Agency, Eurostat,
European Environment Agency. Energy indicators for sustainable
national level. The indicators can assist countries in their development: guidelines and methodologies. Vienna: IAEA; 2005.
efforts to assess progress made in implementing sustainable [8] Schaeffer R, Szklo A, Machado G, Cunha L. ISED coordinated
development strategies in the area of energy and can research project, second year report for Brazil. Technical report
further identify specific areas in which focused measures prepared for IAEA. Rio de Janeiro. COPPE/UFRJ, 2003.
[9] Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre. Energy efficiency indicators: a
and policies should be directed. They are designed to be
study of energy efficiency in APEC economies. Tokyo: APERC;
used with least-cost data available, but it is hoped that this 2001.
paves the way for more concerted efforts at data collection [10] Ang BW. Decomposition analysis for policymaking in energy: which
and coordination among relevant institutions at the is the preferred method? Energy Policy 2004;32(9):1131–9.
national level. The examples provided in this paper are [11] Todoc J, Todoc M, Lefevre T. ISED coordinated research project,
limited illustrations of the applicability of energy indicators final report for Thailand. Technical report prepared for IAEA.
Bangkok: CEERD; 2005.
for specific issues and areas, but do not reflect the benefits [12] Vera I. ISED coordinated research project, case study in selected
of a more complete indicator-based analysis. The case OECD countries prepared for the first research coordination meeting.
studies developed in seven countries demonstrate the Vienna: IAEA; 2002.

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