Chapter 8 Case Study - The Two Presidents

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Chapter 8 Case: The Two Presidents

1. Answer

Frances has supportive leadership style. He had this style because he manage to have a good

relationship with the most of the employees. Is streamlined the administrative components and

she was engaged in external issues and she does not have time to examine the day-to-day

operations at University. She also had a good image at Willard University. She had Charismatic

personality and she was mostly engaged with external functions of the University.

While on the other hand, AL had a directive leadership because he was more intended toward the

responsibilities. He had ambitious goals and high performance expectations and check out all of

the decisions in made in the university. He developed a complete planning system.

2. Answer

In order to become an effective leader Willard must adopt employee leadership style, incorporate

consideration and initiating structure. He must focus on the employees and keep motivating them

so that they but their focus on the working improvement and performance. Eastern must change

his leadership style to the supportive leadership, charismatic leadership, and participate

leadership. Supportive leadership word give him the advantage to get the work done from

employees. Charismatic leadership would give him the advantage to influence workers with

example. And participative leadership what give the opportunity to work with employees and

make collective decision. These are the factors that can make both of the leaders and effective


3. Answer
Frances’ Effectiveness AL’s Effectiveness
- High LPC - He has low LPC as compared to

- He has control over outcomes Frances.

- He has good external leader-members - He removed Eastern from AAUP.

relationships. - He developed planning system.

- He has increased number of libraries - He has no control over AAUP censor.

reached to 1,000. - He is good in maintaining

- He has good interpersonal relationships.

relationship. - He is good in task-achievement needs.

- He increased the employees’ salaries.

- In order to be more effective, he could - He could have worked on leader-

have become transformational leader. member exchange style.

- He could have met university faculty - Building mutual trust, commitment

and school needs. and satisfaction.

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