Case Study 3

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Precious May N.

Undang BSHM-1B
Quality Service Management


1. What if anything, was wrong with Mr. Hartsell’s approach?
Ans: I think there was no wrong with Mr. Hartsell approach. Although the way he act and
what he said to the new hired employees give him the strict impression to them still he has
the right to act that way because he is the boss. I also didn’t see anything wrong on what Mr.
Harsell said to them, the way he describe his self is kind of conceited but it’s all true because
he is indeed a hard worker person. There is also no wrong on his expectation to his new hired
employees because as a boss he have the right to have that highly expectation because he is
also comes from scratch or low before he achieved everything he has now. It’s not Mr.
Hartsell’s fault if the employees are not consistent and hardworking enough to reach his
2. Were his expectations for his new employee unrealistic? If so, why?
Ans: I think that Mr. Hartsell’s expectation for his new employee is not unrealistic. Although
it would really be hard for the new hired employees because they are just new and still
learning and making adjustment still they can reach his expectations if they are really
consistent and hardworking just like Mr. Hartsell. If they really love their job and what they
are doing amidst of the hardship then just like Mr. Hartsell they can achieve it. As a new
employee consistency and hardship is really the key to achieve anything also with
determination. As what Mr. Hartsell said “act as if the business were your own” that words
are enough to make you determine to achieve something and reach his expectations because
that only means that he really treat you as a part of his company that would help him to make
progress on his company.

3. What incosistence, if any, do you see between the goals of the three new employees and
Mr. Hartsell’s goals?
Ans: The new employees who left after three months of working in Hartsell Hotel really did
show that they are not consistent enough to finish what they have been started. Also it did
show that they are not really that hardworking people because they easily give up after
working there for three months. They have been working there for three months it’s enough
for a person to say that he/she can endure more and last longer if she/he would really not give
up. It’s really hard to start from the lowest while still learning but if you are really a
hardworking and determine person then you can achieve something although it will takes
time but surely all your hardwork will be worth it. Consistency is really something that as an
employee should really have because if you are consistent enough then no matter how hard it
is to get what you want still you will get there by time.
4. Could those inconsistencies have been resolved? How?
Ans: Yes it could have been resolved if the new employees did endure more because they
have been there for three months and it’s more than enough for them to stay and be determine
to learn and do more because they did endure months already on working there. Also it could
have been resolve if Mr. Hartsell motivates them more between those months of working
there for them to stay. Mr. Hartsell also partly is in fault for those inconsistencies but if the
new employees is really consistent then they could have been endure more. In an
organization the employer also should really have a good relationship to his employees
because in that way he/she can motivate them. Lastly, being consistent is really hard but if
you really want to achieve something then enduring the hardship will just worth it for you.


1. Do you agree with the professor’s assessment of what went wrong?
Ans: Yes because Professor Andrew Stubbs is right. In order for a business to success
everyone must fulfill their job. Everyone should be given the exact work to be done for the
business to function well. Jubilee Hotel should consider the purpose of why manager are
there, JHC should give exact task to do for their employees. A business will only be success
if all employees are doing their job heartedly and with commitment. Middle managers should
also consider the feelings of their employee for them to do their job enthusiastically.

2. What does the Jubilee’s Hotel experience tell you about applying work team, enrichment,
and incentives principles in real life?
Ans: Jubilee’s Hotel experience taught me that applying work team, enrichment, and
incentives principles in a work place is very important. Work team provides an important
benefit to the employee, it provides a sense of worth and help you to grow and develop. Also
a way for one another to recognize achievements and failures, most importantly to value each
others values and beliefs. Team work is a very essential factor that can achieve success,
helping one another productively can make the work easily and being committed to your
purpose of work. It is important to value your employees because it’s a way of showing them
that they are also the part of your success.

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