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The language centre is a very successful division of the Estate University of Cajamarca, and
throughout the years has been taken part in the formation of new professionals in this region.
To continue maintaining the prestige of the institution, the main director needs with a lot of
precision how the students feels when they start a new course, they feelings about the
develop of these courses and the satisfaction of the pupils, this is the aim of this proposal.

The develop of the topics

In general, the develop of the topics is very accurate, in all the cycles you have specific topics
to learn. However, in some cycles, especially in advance level, they encompass more than a
single unit and this made these cycles quite intricate. We propose that in all the cycles, the
students have to learn only one unit, to give them some facilities to develop correctly the
topics and the rest of their extra activities.

The distribution by levels

The levels follow an internationally regulated structure, and this is a very strong point for the
people that study here. Despite this, some teachers are changed with the advance of the
cycles and we believe that this is a disadvantage for the pupils, because they do not finish
adapting to a single methodology. We suggest that the students should have only one teacher
per level.


Overall, many students who have developed their English skills here, including me, has positive
thoughts about the process of learning. We strongly believe that if these suggestions are taken
into account, students from different universities will come to learn here.

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