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warn-1 tfiDo-ertilieelcom

[L Definitions

A. Active Excavation Area is the area where the edge of the disturbance is
within 25 feet of the centerline of existing facilities.

E. Crossing Agreement is the agreement entered into between the tner of

the existing facilityr and Crossing Company installing the new facility to specify the rights
and obligations of the parties during the Crossing Construction-

C. Crossing Angle is the angle measured between the existing pipeline and the
proposed location of pipe and is recommended to he as close to perpendicular as practical
[e-g- between 45 and 90 degrees)-

D. Crossing Clearance Distance is the vertical separation between the existing

pipeline facilities and where the new pipeline is being installed- The recommended
crossing clearance distance between the new pipeline and the existing facilities is two feet
[24 inches}- The minimum distance is one foot {111 inches)“; The new pipeline should be
installed at a level depth across the sow, if practicable-5

E. Crossing Company is the entity that intends to install, operate and maintain
a new pipeline that cmsses existing pipeline facilities- The Crossing Company may
designate a third party or parties to perform the taslrs necessary to accomplish a crossing
but remains responsible for the worlc perfomled by such third parties

I". Crossing Construction is construction of a new natural gas pipeline facility

by a Crossing Company that will cross lCtrwner’s existing natural gas pipeline(s}- The extent
of the Crossing Area is established by the beginning and ending of the Encroachment Area.
Crossing Construction begins with the first disturbance of soil in the Encroachment Area
and ends when the ED‘W has been restored.

C. Crossing Plan is the plan devised between the Clwner and Crossing Party to
specify the details and provisions under which the Crossing Construction shall occur-
Depending on the size and nature of the crossing, a Crossing Plan could be as simple as an
exchange of the Mechanical Requirements and an email agreeing to follow those
requirements- In more complex proj ects- the Crossing Plan include topics such as cathodic
protection requirements- a blasting plan (if any} support and baclrfill requirements, and
erosion control.

El. Designated Contact is the single point of contact identified within the
company of the Crossing Company and the lCttvner who has the responsibility to

Specific situations may cause the desired Crossing Clearance Distance to vary- These may include-
for instance, the presence of roclc, sugar sand soils- and the need to bore or directional drill the new
facilities into place.
I For instance, this would not be practicable where the new pipeline route follows a steep incline or
decline, or in cases where a bored crossing method is used.

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warn-1 lfiEle-ert'rfi-eelce-m

cemmunicate aheut and safely manage the Gressing- There will he a Gressing Gempany
Designated Gentact and an Dwner Designated l[Ilentact-

I. Due Diligence Gerrider is distance equal te the width ef the prepesed

survey cerrider plus fill feet en each side fer Gressings IEenstl'uctien invelving a survey
cerrider- The survey cerrider is the cerrider width typically used fer hielegical surveys,
fer example-

J. Entrenchment Area is the area where the greund dislurhance eccurs within
SID feet ef the centerlme ef the existing flcility, er within the existing facilityls right—ef—
way {HDTV} er ether easement, whichever is greater. Additienal distance may he required
fer ether censideratiens, such as tepegraphy, side—hill lays, cathedic pretectien,
envirenmental er engineering cenditiens, size ef pipe and eperating equipment, and

E. Escavalien Telel'ance Iene is the area in which seil must he remeved hy

nun—mechanical means (such as hand digging, pet—heling er hydre—vac} rather than
mechanical means- It is an area within twe feet [24 inches) ef the esistmg facilities, er the
distance mandated by state law where applicable, whichever is greater-1r

L. flwner is the entity that ewns er eperates the existing pipeline facilities.
The flwner may designate a third party er parties te perferm the taslss necessary te enable a
safe cressing ef its facilities by Cressing Gempany, but remains respensihle fer werl:
perfermed hut such third parties.

M. Right ef Way (30W) is the prep-erty in which a pipeline cempany and a

landewner heth have a legal interest- The EG‘W is usually established threugh a written
decument lenewn as an easement E The easement prevides that each entity has a right te he
there altheugh each is permitted diEerent uses ef the land- Pipeline cempfles are
typically granted permissien te install, eperate and maintain a buried pipeline [and
semetimes, with surface appurtenances) acress a certain pertien ef land witheut
interference with its rights te de se-SJ

E This is the same distance used fer Encreachr-nent Areas in the BIG-AA l-"eundan'en’s Parallel
Genstruclien Gm'deIi-nes.
T This distance is the same as in the fl'lGA-A Guidelines fer Parallel Gensh'uctien but is mere
censervalive than Gemmen Greimd Alliance {GGA} Praeiiee 5—19 er the MGM Feundatien
Trenching and Eacavatien Safety Guidelines which heth stipulate a teleranee aene ef 13 inches
(which were designed te apply te a hreader set ef circumstances than henching fer natural gas
pipeline cressings}.
E Permissiens granted in cases where the land is ewned lay the gevernnaent Elecal, state, er federal can
alse he called easements, licenses, er eccupancy agreements}.
5' Pipeline easements are typically nen-eaelusive easements- RGWs, hewever, may alse he defined in
eaclusive easements er en land ewned by fire eaisiing pipeline cempany. The presence ef an
eaclusive easement er an ewnelshrp ef the land likely prevides the Gwner legal rights te eaclude the
Gressing Gempany fi'em entering the RUN witheut 'rts eaplicit permissien- Nenetheless, these
Guidelines can previde an indush'y view upen which te hase these negefialiens-

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“v.1 lfifloertiiednsm

Attachment A
Crossing: Mechanical Requirements Summary

Crossing Company is the entity that intends to install. operate and maintain a new
pipeline that crosses existing pipeline facilities (the Crossing Construction). l[Ilwner
is the entity that owns or operates the existing pipeline facflities that will be crossed.
The mechanical requirements based on the H‘E'CAA Foundation Guidelines for Line
Crossings include:

Crossing Company and Dwner shall designate a single point of contact within
each company who has the responsibflity to communicate about and safely
conduct the Crossing. Each may also name a separate “on—site” representatiye.
Crossing Company shall not begin soil disturbance in an area within SCI feet

of the centerline of Cwnelfs pipeline or within the Cwner"s Eight of

“Jay {Rfl‘ilr'} whicherer is greater {the “Encroachment Area"} without first
contacting Cwner to discuss and agee upon a Crossing Plan for the
Crossing Construction. The Crossing Plan may consist solely of the terms
set forth herein. The Crossing Construction will be conducted in accordance
with the Crossing Plan.
Crossing Company shall contact the statewide fine—Call in accordance with
state law which generally requires contact to be made at least two or three
worlcing days prior to disturbing the soil in the Encroachment Area. Dwner
will locate and marl: the Property prior to any soil disturbance in the
Encroachment .Area.
Crossing Company shall not permit any soil disturbance within 25 feet of
the centerline of the existing pipeline facflities {the “Actire Ixcayation Area”)
without a representatiye of the Cwner being present.
Surface equipment crossing the existing facility shall only do so as dictated
"..F I

by flwner. Backhoe teeth shall be barred or curled each time the bnclcet
approaches the existing pipeline. Plowing or ripping on the RUN may only
occur if permitted by the lIIIIwner.
The Crossing Angle {the angle measured between the location of tbe
Ciwner’s pipeline and the Crossing Company’s new pipeline} shall be as
perpendicular as practical {e.g. between 45 and 9H degrees}
The Excayation Tolerance Eone {the area in which soil must be remoyed by
non-mechanical means} is 24 inches from the lCtHwner’s pipeline.
The recommended Crossing Clearance Distance {the yertical separation
between the existing pipeline and the new facilities} is 24 inches {but with a
minimum of 11 inches]: and to the extent practicable, shall remain Ierel across
the ECW.
The amount and type of coyer of the existing facilities shall be determined by
the flwner Company representatiye on site with any change in amount or
type of materials used for corn approyed by flwner Company in adyance.
ll]. Each party shall be responsible for cathodic protection of its own facilities
unless otherwise agreed.

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Attachment C
Drawing Illustrating Guidelines

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