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Nationally Determined

→ Brief History

→ Provisions for NDCs

Tugba Icmeli, CGE/ETF Support Unit, Transparency Division, UNFCCC

Nationally Determined

1st NDC 2020

by April'16 Updated/new
2018 NDCs to be
COP 24/CMA 1 communicated
1st INDC 2016/2017 Katowice to the
communicated COP 22/23 climate secretariat
by March'15 2015
Paris package:
COP 21
Agreement Adopted
2014 Paris entered into
COP 20 Agreement - Guidance on
force (4/11/16).
2013 Lima call for adopted: ICTU and
COP 19 climate action: Decided each Continued accounting of
Warsaw Reiterated Party shall negotiations on NDCs
Outcome: invitation to all prepare, providing
Parties to further - Guidance on
Invited all communicate
Parties to communicate and maintain guidance on adaptation
prepare INDCs INDCs before successive NDCs. communication
and COP 21 and NDCs. - Public registry
communicate agreed on a brief Convened
before COP 21. set of information Talanoa Call - MPGs for ETF
to be provided. for Action.
NDCs under the Paris Agreement

Article 3
Global response to climate change
Nationally Ambitious efforts undertaken and communicated by all Parties
Efforts as defined in Articles 4, 7, 9, 10, 11 and 13
(NDC) With a view to achieving the purpose of Paris Agreement
Efforts of Parties to present progression over time

NDC Purpose of
Efforts on; the Paris
Mitigation Adaptation
Global → 2 C/1.5 C
Individual NDCs
Finance Technology Response → Resilience and low
Capacity building emission
→ Climate finance
Nationally Determined Contributions
Article 4 Mitigation measures

All Parties Developed Country Parties LDCs and SIDS

• Prepare, communicate and maintain successive NDCs • continue taking the lead by • may prepare and
and pursue domestic mitigation measures to achieve the undertaking economy-wide communicate
objectives of their NDCs absolute emission reduction strategies, plans
• Successive NDCs will present a progression and reflect targets and actions for low
highest possible ambition GHG emissions
Developing Country Parties development
• Mitigation co-benefits from adaptation actions and/or reflecting their
economic diversification plans can contribute to mitigation • continue enhancing their special
outcomes mitigation efforts and encouraged circumstances
• Provide information necessary to facilitate clarity, to move towards economy-wide
transparency and understanding emission reduction or limitation
targets in the light of different
• Communicate NDCs every 5 years national circumstances
• Account for their NDCs (emissions and removals • Support shall be provided to
corresponding to their NDCs) developing country Parties for
• May anytime adjust existing NDC to enhance its ambition implementing mitigation actions
NDCs under the Paris Agreement

Article 6 (Cooperative approaches) Article 7 (Adaptation)

• Parties can engage in cooperative • Each Party should submit and

approaches (Art.6) in the update periodically an adaptation
implementation of their NDCs to communication, which may
allow for higher ambition in mitigation include its priorities, needs, plans
and adaptation actions and actions
• and to promote sustainable • This communication can be
development and environmental communicated as a component of
integrity its NDC
Further provisions for NDCs
- 1/CP.21 (adoption of the Paris Agreement)
- 4/CMA.1 (guidance on ICTU and accounting)
- 9/CMA.1 (guidance adaptation communication, as a component of NDCs)
- 18/CMA.1 (MPGs for ETF, Section III, information necessary to track
progress in implementing and achieving NDCs)
- 1/CMA.2 (ambition for successive NDCs & 2020 NDCs)
Provisions for NDCs

Katowice Climate
Paris Decision Package (1/CP.24, Chile Madrid Time for
(1/CP.21) 4/CMA.1, 9/CMA.1, Action (1/CMA.2)

▪ Parties to communicate, by ▪ Reiterates the requests on ▪ Recognizes the emission gap

2020: communications of NDCs & between the aggregate effect of
new/updated NDCs Parties’ mitigation efforts and the
o An NDC, if not yet done so emission pathways consistent with
▪ The secretariat to prepare a 2/1.5 C
o A new NDC, for those with a synthesis report for COP 26
time frame up to 2025 ▪ Requests Parties consider this gap
▪ Provides further guidance on; when preparing their 2020 NDCs
o Updated NDC, for those with
a time frame up to 2030 o ICTU of NDCs and to reflect the highest possible
ambition, reflecting its CBDR&RC
▪ To develop further guidance for o accounting for NDCs
NDCs on ICTU and accounting
o tracking progress (MPGs)
▪ To develop MPGs for ETF
o adaptation comm.s
Provisions for NDCs

• Adaptation
• Information on
Preparation support
and Implementation

Consideration of and tracking
Outputs progress

Technical Reporting
Assessment (BTRs*) ETF
GST Review
collection and

*BTRs: Biennial transparency reports

** FMCP: Facilitative, multilateral consideration of progress
Provisions for NDCs - ICTU

➢ Based on: Article 4.8 of the Paris Agreement

• In communicating their NDCs, all Parties shall provide the information
necessary for clarity, transparency and understanding […]
Guidance for ➢ 4/CMA.1

ICTU of NDCs • All Parties shall provide the information necessary to facilitate clarity,
transparency and understanding (ICTU), while communicating their
(ICTU: the information
necessary to facilitate • Guidance is as applicable to the respective NDC (no one-size-fits all)
clarity, transparency
and understanding) • It is to be applied from the second NDC – but Parties are strongly
encouraged to apply the guidance for new/updated NDCs in 2020
• It is based on elaboration of information elements identified in paragraph
27 of the decision 1/CP.21
Provisions for NDCs - ICTU

1 Quantifiable information on the reference point (including, as

appropriate, a base year)

2 Time frames and/or periods for implementation

4/CMA.1 3 Scope and Coverage Information

elements to
provide as
Guidance for
4 Planning Processes applicable to the
ICTU of NDCs respective NDC
Assumptions and methodological approaches, including those for to facilitate clarity,

5 estimating and accounting for anthropogenic GHG emissions and, as
appropriate, removals
transparency and

6 How the Party considers its NDC is fair and ambitious in the light of its
national circumstances

7 How the NDC contributes towards achieving the objective of the

Convention as set out in its Article 2
Provisions for NDCs - ICTU

1. Quantified information on the reference

point, including, as appropriate, a base
➢ Understanding the quantified [mitigation]
year “target”. What is the character, nature of the
a. Reference year(s), base year(s), reference
period(s) or other starting point(s);
target and how is it constructed and what is it
b. Quantifiable information on the reference
‘measured against’
4/CMA.1 indicators, their values in the reference
year(s), base year(s), reference period(s) or
o Which year/period is your benchmark?
Guidance for other starting point(s), and, as applicable, in
the target year; o What is your indicator (absolute emissions, BAU
emissions, emissions intensity…)?
ICTU of NDCs c. For strategies, plans and actions referred
to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris
Agreement, or polices and measures as o If the [mitigation] “target” is not quantifiable, then
components of NDCs where paragraph 1(b) provide other relevant information.
above is not applicable, Parties to provide
Quantified other relevant information;
o What is your target – mitigation
information on the d. Target relative to the reference indicator,
expressed numerically, for example in
commitment/contribution (in percentage or
reference point percentage or amount of reduction; amount of reduction)?
e. Information on sources of data used in
quantifying the reference point(s);
o What are the data sources (e.g. national
f. Information on the circumstances under
which the Party may update the values of the
reference indicators. o When/how will you update the reference
indicators, given the circumstances?
Provisions for NDCs - ICTU

2. Time frames and/or periods for

➢ Understanding the time parameters of NDCs
a. Time frame and/or period for o What is the period for implementation?
implementation, including start and end
date, consistent with any further relevant o Do you have a single- or multi- year target?
4/CMA.1 decision adopted by the CMA;
b. Whether it is a single-year or multi-year
Guidance for target, as applicable.
➢ Understanding what is covered by the [mitigation]
ICTU of NDCs 3. Scope and coverage “target”
a. General description of the target;
o What is/are the [mitigation] “target(s)” in the NDC?
b. Sectors, gases, categories and pools
Time frames, covered by the nationally determined Conditional?
contribution, including, as applicable,
period for consistent with IPCC guidelines; o What are the sectors and gases that are covered? (IPCC
implementation c. How the Party has taken into sectors: energy, IPPU, agriculture, LULUCF and waste;
consideration paragraphs 31(c) and (d) of Gases: CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3)
& decision 1/CP.21;

Scope and d. Mitigation co-benefits resulting from o Para 31(c) is an “encouragement” for Parties to strive, over
Parties’ adaptation actions and/or
coverage economic diversification plans, including
time, to include all categories in subsequent NDCs
description of specific projects, measures
and initiatives of Parties’ adaptation
o Para 31(d) requires an explanation as to why certain
actions and/or economic diversification categories have not yet been included
o If mitigation co-benefits considered, these should be
Provisions for NDCs - ICTU

4. Planning process ➢ Understanding the relevant planning

a. Information on the planning processes that the Party
undertook to prepare its NDC and, if available, on the
processes, institutional arrangements,
Party’s implementation plans; national circumstances or other contextual
b. Specific information applicable to Parties, including
regional economic integration organizations and their
matters that are “behind” a NDC
member States, that have reached an agreement to
o What are the relevant domestic or
4/CMA.1 act jointly under Article 4, paragraph 2, of the Paris
Agreement, including the Parties that agreed to act international planning processes that form a
jointly and the terms of the agreement, in accordance
Guidance for with Article 4, paragraphs 16–18, of the PA; basis/foundation for the NDC?

c. How the Party’s preparation of its NDC has been
informed by the outcomes of the global stocktake, in
o Thus far the only joint NDC is from the
accordance with Article 4, paragraph 9, of the Paris European Union, and this information only
needs to be provided by the EU.
d. Each Party with an NDC under Article 4 of the PA
Planning process that consists of adaptation action and/or economic o How has the NDC been informed by the GST.
diversification plans resulting in mitigation co-benefits
consistent with Article 4, paragraph 7, of the PA to o Providing this information (4d) is only for
submit information on:
- How the economic and social consequences of Parties whose NDC consists of adaptation
response measures have been considered in action and/or economic diversification (4.7).
developing the NDC
- Specific projects, measures, activities to be
implemented to contribute to mitigation co-benefits
and economic diversification actions…….
Provisions for NDCs - ICTU
5. Assumptions and methodological approaches,
including those for estimating and accounting for ➢ Understanding the estimating / accounting for
anthropogenic GHG emissions and, as appropriate,
removals: NDCs.
a. Assumptions and methodological approaches used for
accounting for anthropogenic GHG emissions and
➢ As of the second NDC, all Parties have to use the
removals corresponding to the Party’s NDC, consistent NDC accounting guidance (4/CMA.1, annex II)
with decision 1/CP.21, paragraph 31, and accounting
guidance adopted by the CMA; o What is the general accounting approach for your
4/CMA.1 b. Assumptions and methodological approaches used for
accounting for the implementation of policies and
Guidance for measures or strategies in the NDC; o If the NDC consists of/includes non-GHG targets, what
c. If applicable, information on how the Party will take into are the associated assumptions and methodological
ICTU of NDCs account existing methods and guidance under the
Convention to account for anthropogenic emissions and approaches (ideally comparable)?
removals, in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 14, of
the PA, as appropriate; o Information in case the accounting approach draws
Assumptions and d. IPCC methodologies and metrics used for estimating from an existing accounting method or framework (e.g.
anthropogenic GHG emissions and removals;
forest reference level guidance from KP, REDD+, etc.)
methodologies e. Sector-, category- or activity-specific assumptions,
methodologies and approaches consistent with IPCC o Which IPCC GL and GWPs or GTPs are used for the
guidance, as appropriate, including, as applicable:
i. Approach to addressing emissions and subsequent NDC accounting?
removals from natural disturbances on managed
lands; o For NDCs that use a sector/activity specific approach
ii. Approach used to account for emissions and
removals from harvested wood products;
(e.g. a special BAU for transport sector, or reference
iii. Approach used to address the effects of age-class levels for the land sector, etc.) what are the related
structure in forests;
accounting assumptions/ approaches/ methodologies?
Provisions for NDCs - ICTU

5. Assumption and methodological

approaches (cont’d)
➢ Information on other assumptions and
f. Other assumptions and methodological
methodological approaches that are relevant to
approaches used for understanding the NDC
and, if applicable, estimating corresponding
understand the estimations / accounting of NDCs
emissions and removals, including:
o Information on the construction of the baseline for the
4/CMA.1 i. How the reference indicators, baseline(s)
and/or reference level(s), including, NDC target, including information on how sector
where applicable, sector-, category- or
Guidance for activity-specific reference levels, are specific baselines/references/etc. contribute to that (if
constructed, including, for example, key applicable)
ICTU of NDCs parameters, assumptions, definitions,
methodologies, data sources and models o Information on any further assumptions for non-GHG
ii. For Parties with NDCs that contain non- approaches.
GHG components, information on
Assumptions and assumptions and methodological o Information on emissions and GWPs that are not in
approaches used in relation to those
methodologies components, as applicable; IPCC guidance (e.g. black carbon) how are those
iii. For climate forcers included in NDCs not estimated and what are the relevant values?
covered by IPCC guidelines, information
on how the climate forcers are estimated;
iv. Further technical information, as
o Any other technical information relevant for the
necessary; accounting of NDCs
g. The intention to use voluntary cooperation
under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, if
o Information on the intention to use Art 6, if applicable
Provisions for NDCs - ICTU

6. How the Party considers that its

NDC is fair and ambitious in the light ➢ Understanding as to how an NDC is fair and
of its national circumstances: ambitious
4/CMA.1 a. How the Party considers that its NDC is
fair and ambitious in the light of its o Information as to how/why the NDC is fair and ambitious
Guidance for national circumstances;
o Further considerations relating to fairness, including on
b. Fairness considerations, including
ICTU of NDCs reflecting on equity; equity
c. How the Party has addressed Article 4,
paragraph 3, of the Paris Agreement;
o 4.3: How does the NDC represent a progression beyond
d. How the Party has addressed Article 4,
the Party’s then previous NDC and reflect its highest
Consideration of paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement; possible ambition
NDC as fair and e. How the Party has addressed Article 4,
o 4.4: Developing country Parties: Information on how they
paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement.
ambitious continue enhancing their mitigation efforts, and how they
& intent to move over time towards EWERLT in the light of
Contribution of 7. How the NDC contributes towards
different national circumstances.
NDC towards the achieving the objective of the
Convention as set out in its Article 2: ➢ How does the NDC contribute to the global objectives
objective of a. How the NDC contributes towards on climate change (Convention, Paris Agreement
Convention achieving the objective of the Convention
as set out in its Article 2; and decarbonization)
b. How the NDC contributes towards
Article 2, paragraph 1(a), and Article 4,
paragraph 1, of the PA.
Provisions for NDCs – Accounting
➢ Based on: Article 4.13 of the Paris Agreement
• Parties shall account for their NDCs. […]
➢ 4/CMA.1
• All Parties shall account for their NDCs in accordance with this guidance
• Guidance is as applicable to the respective NDC (no one-size-fits all)
4/CMA.1 • It is to be applied from the second NDC – but Parties may elect to apply the
Guidance on guidance for new/updated NDCs in 2020
accounting for • Key principles: TACCC*, environmental integrity, avoidance of double
• Provides guidance for common metrics and methodologies (IPCC), use of own
methodologies and for PAMs, rules for applying technical changes to reference
points, establishes the principle of “no backsliding”, requires Parties to explain
exclusion of any category corresponding to the NDC
• The information on accounting will be provided in the biennial transparency
reports, including through a structured summary

*TACCC: Transparency, accuracy, completeness, comparability, consistency

Provisions for NDCs – Accounting

Accounting for anthropogenic emissions and removals in

1 accordance with methodologies and common metrics

4/CMA.1 Ensuring methodological consistency, including on

Guidance on 2 baselines, between the communication and
implementation of NDCs
accounting for
NDCs Striving to include all categories of anthropogenic
3 emissions and removals in the NDC and, once a source,
sink or activity is included, continuing to include it

4 Providing an explanation of why any categories of

emissions or removals are excluded
Provisions for NDCs – Accounting
1. Accounting for anthropogenic emissions and removals in accordance
with methodologies and common metrics assessed by IPCC and
adopted by CMA
Parties account for anthropogenic emissions and removals in accordance with methodologies and
common metrics assessed by the IPCC and in accordance with decision 18/CMA.1;
4/CMA.1 Parties whose NDC cannot be accounted for using methodologies covered by IPCC guidelines
Guidance on provide information on their own methodology used, including for NDCs pursuant to Article 4,
paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, if applicable;
accounting for Parties that draw on existing methods and guidance established under the Convention and its related
NDCs legal instruments, as appropriate, provide information on how they have done so;
Parties provide information on methodologies used to track progress arising from the implementation
of policies and measures, as appropriate;
METHODOLOGIES Parties that decide to address emissions and subsequent removals from natural disturbances on
AND COMMON managed lands provide detailed information on the approach used and how it is consistent with
METRICS relevant IPCC guidance, as appropriate, or indicate the relevant section of the national GHG
inventory report containing that information;
Parties that account for emissions and removals from harvested wood products provide detailed
information on which IPCC approach has been used to estimate emissions and removals;
Parties that address the effects of age-class structure in forests provide detailed information on the
approach used and how this is consistent with relevant IPCC guidance, as appropriate.
Provisions for NDCs – Accounting

2. Ensuring methodological consistency between communication and

implementation of NDCs
4/CMA.1 Parties maintain consistency in scope and coverage, definitions, data sources, metrics,
Guidance on assumptions and methodological approaches;
accounting for Any GHG data and estimation methodologies used for accounting should be
consistent with the Party’s GHG inventories, pursuant to Article 13, paragraph 7(a), of
NDCs the Paris Agreement, if applicable;
Parties strive to avoid overestimating or underestimating projected emissions and
CONSISTENCY removals used for accounting;
BETWEEN For Parties that apply technical changes to update reference points, reference levels
COMMUNICATION or projections, the changes should reflect either of the following:
AND i. Changes in the Party’s inventory;
IMPLEMENTATION ii. Improvements in accuracy that maintain meth. consistency;
Parties transparently report any methodological changes and technical updates made
during the implementation of their NDC.
Provisions for NDCs – Accounting

3. Striving to include all categories of anthropogenic emissions

4/CMA.1 and removals in the NDC, and, once a source, sink or activity is
Guidance on included, continuing to include it:
accounting for Parties account for all categories of anthropogenic emissions and removals
corresponding to their NDC;
NDCs Parties strive to include all categories of anthropogenic emissions and
removals in their NDC, and, once a source, sink or activity is included,
INCLUDING ALL continue to include it.
EXPLAINING 4. Providing an explanation of why any categories of
EXCLUSIONS anthropogenic emissions or removals are excluded.
Provisions for NDCs – Adaptation communication
Aspect Provisions

Purpose - Visibility and profile of adaptation, balance with mitigation

- Strengthen action and support
- Input to global stocktake
- Learning and understanding
Principles Country-driven, flexible, no additional burden or basis for comparison or review
9/CMA.1 Process Submitted together with other documents (NAP documents, NC, NDC, BTR)
Guidance in => registry maintained by UNFCCC secretariat => synthesized for global stocktake
relation to Timing Parties invited to submit in time to inform each global stocktake
adaptation Content - Include information on elements (a-d), and additionally on (e-i), or the annex
communication, as - May “tailor” information, considering document used for submitting
- Invited to include ex ante information
a component of Linkages If submitted together with:
NDCs - NDCs: use guidance in 9/CMA.1 + invited to include information on mitigation co-benefits
- NCs or NAP-documents, consider existing guidelines (FCCC/CP/1999/7, 17/CP.187 and 5/CP.17 )
Support - Invites GEF, under existing mandates, to support preparation and submission of adaptation
- Encourages GCF, GEF, AF, CTCN and PCCB to support implementation of adaptation in
accordance with priorities and needs outlined in adaptation communications (GCF is
mandated to support formulation and implementation of NAPs as per decision 1/CP.21)
Provisions for NDCs – Adaptation communication

(a) National
circumstances, (c) Adaptation priorities,
(b) Impacts, risks,
institutional strategies, policies,
arrangements, legal plans, goals, actions

9/CMA.1 (e) Implementation of

(f) Adaptation actions
adaptation (progress,
(d) Implementation and and/or economic
Information results, cooperation,
support needs, provision diversification plans,
barriers, gaps, good
elements, Parties of support including those resulting
practices, monitoring and
in mitigation co-benefits
may include evaluation)

(g) How adaptation (h) Gender-responsive

actions contribute to adaptation and traditional
(i) Any other information
other international knowledge, knowledge of
related to adaptation
frameworks and/or indigenous peoples and
conventions local knowledge systems
Adaptation information under UNFCCC arrangements
Type of information BTR AdCom NAPs NatComs NatComs
(ex post) (ex ante) of AIs of NAIs
National circumstances, institutions, legal frameworks X X X X
Impacts, risks, vulnerabilities X X X X X
Priorities and barriers related to adaptation X X X X
Strategies, policies, plans, goals, steps to integrate adaptation into other
Support needed/support received X X X
Progress in implementation of adaptation X X X X X
Monitoring and evaluation X X X X X
Information related to averting, minimizing and addressing loss and damage
associated with climate change impacts
Cooperation, good practices, experiences, lessons learned X X X
Adaptation-related economic diversification/ mitigation co-benefits of
Contributions to other international frameworks X X
Gender perspective and/or traditional, indigenous and local knowledge X X X
Provisions for NDCs – Tracking of progress as per MPGs

➢ To provide clear understanding of climate action including clarity

18/CMA.1 and tracking progress towards achieving Parties’ individual NDCs
MPGs for ETF under Article 4, to inform GST
➢ Tracking of progress is directly linked with the accounting for
(MPGs: Modalities, NDCs
Procedures and
➢ Each Party shall provide information to track progress through a
structured summary in their BTRs
Thank you!

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