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IEEE Sponsored 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Information Embedded and Communication Systems


Development of an RFID Based Access Control System

in the Context of Bangladesh
Md. Kishwar Shafin1, Kazi Lutful Kabir2, Nazmul Hasan3, Israt Jahan Mouri4, Samina Tasnia Islam5,
Lazima Ansari6, Md. Mahboob Karim7 and Md. Afzal Hossain8
1-3, 5-8
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Military Institute of Science and Technology,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Stamford University Bangladesh,
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Email: kishwar.shafin@gmail.com1, mlutful.02526@gmail.com2, nazmul_mist@yahoo.com3, mouri_mist@yahoo.com4,
saminatasnia113@gmail.com5, lazima.22@gmail.com6, mahboob4146@yahoo.com7, ayonarnab@yahoo.com8

Abstract—Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology In fact, the levels of security provided by RFID technologies
utilizes the electromagnetic fields for data transfer in order to are reasonably efficient [2]. Enhancement in the usage of this
perform automatic detection and tracking of tags or tags of emerging technology is being traced in the fields of business,
objects. It can provide ways to design and implement relatively industry and logistics support in particular due to its capability
inexpensive systems particularly for security aspects. In this to detect, track, classify and manage the flow of information
paper, we have proposed a digital access control system that can
systematically [3]. An ideal RFID system comprises of RFID
be employed to a protected area where none but people with
authenticated credentials can enter. In fact, we have implemented
tag, RFID reader, application software at back-end for
the system in the server room of an educational Institute to test management, computing hardware for operation handling and
its efficiency as well as expenditure. The implemented system middle-ware to cover up any incompatibility among the
comprises of digital door lock which is unlock able in real time to components regarding the data formats [4].
ensure secured access specifying activation, authentication and
validation of users prior to bringing the RFID card close to the In our proposed system, a magnetic door lock is
reader. The entire system is associated with a central client- administered via RFID reader that initiates the authentication
server sub-system to ensure and maintain the overall system as well as validation of the user or controls the access in short.
integrity. Associated sub-system also generates a log report to The systems also maintain evidences regarding the access and
maintain check-in and check-out status of visitors in accordance exit records of each user in the form of a log report against
with the primary credentials of each. This system will certainly every access. The administrator of the central sub-system can
provide an idea about the design and installation of a relatively terminate the validity of any user at anytime to avoid
inexpensive security system which is suitable in the perspective of unexpected situations. In fact, a double layer of security has
a developing country like Bangladesh.
been applied. First, the user needs to get permission from the
Index Terms—Authentication, Credentials, RFID Card, Secured system administrator to access and then comes the combined
Access. process of authentication and validation. The events of access
and log report generation take place at real time. The system is
I. INTRODUCTION more convenient to install and implement as access security
solution of a particular arena due to its cost effectiveness with
RFID in congregation with biometric technologies has respect to the satisfactory level of protection provided.
gained immense popularity for security issues. Identification Another advantage is that the system consumes considerably
of individuals is always prioritized in secured places like bus less space for installation and maintenance purposes.
and train stations, national and international airports,
commercial complexes, movie theaters and so on [1]. The prime objective of this paper is to describe how to
Undoubtedly, associated expense is an important factor to be design, develop, implement and install a comparatively
considered while promoting security solutions for such inexpensive security solution with considerable scale of
locations. In that sense, RFID is a relatively inexpensive security assurance. The remaining of the paper has been
technology which is capable of transmitting data without the arranged in the sequence: System Architecture in Section II,
usage of any guided media. Section III explains Working Mechanism of the System,

978-1-4799-6818-3/15/$31.00 © 2015 IEEE

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IEEE Sponsored 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Information Embedded and Communication Systems

Observations and Discussion are in Section IV, Section V with The system has been implemented with passive RFID
conclusion followed by Acknowledgement. tags. Detection of RFID tag from a particular RFID card is
being done by the reader module when the card is taken in a
II. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE range of 200 millimeters. After RFID tag detection, obtained
information is passed to the central sub-system via serial port.
In the proposed security system, we have controlled a The central database remains acquainted with the registered
magnetic door lock after processing of the information user via certain credentials. Cross checking of the transmitted
obtained from RFID cards. The entire system can be splitted information is performed locally as well as centrally to ensure
into hardware as well as software components. The hardware proper authentication and validation of visitors. Matching of
components include RFID cards, micro-controller information initiates the event to unlock the magnetic door
(PIC16F877A), LCD (16 2), keypad (4 4), MAX 232 module, lock. Meanwhile, a log (along with a time stamp) is generated
L293D (motor controller), buzzer, connection cables etc. The in accordance with the details of the user. Log records are
schematic block diagram of Figure 1 provides an outline of the preserved by the central server. It is possible to generate
major components involved. In fact, the system completes the weekly or monthly reports for a particular user or even for
entire operation in a number of steps: multiple users with their time and frequency of access. RFID
reader module communicates with the system via USB port
 Step-1: Information contained within the RFID tag is while the generated output is transmitted through parallel port
retrieved by RFID module when the card is brought that manipulates the unlocking of magnetic lock. The technical
in the readable range. identifications of the RFID reader module (RFID Reader ID-
 Step-2: The visitor has to type the password assigned
20, Model: SEN-00013 [5]) are:
earlier by central sub-system against a particular
RFID card upon receipt of RFID tag information
(Authentication).  5V supply
 Step-3: The central sub-system also checks the  125 kHz read frequency
database to ensure whether the credentials are correct  EM4001 64-bit RFID tag compatible
or not (Validation).  9600bps TTL and RS232 output
 Step-4: For valid credentials, micro-controller takes  Magnetic stripe emulation output
the responsibility to unlock the magnetic door lock.  Read range of 200mm
 Step-5: At the same time, a log is generated having
the record of time and date with credentials against
the RFID card.

Fig. 1. Block diagram of System Architecture denoting the Major Components

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IEEE Sponsored 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Information Embedded and Communication Systems

III. SYSTEM WORKING MECHANISM components. An LCD display has been used to inform the user
visually about the next state to be initiated by the system. A
beep sound from buzzer ensures that RFID reader has read the
information stored in the RFID card prior to bringing the card
in readability range. LCD also assists a user for providing
accurate password that is eventually subjected to transmission
to the system. In case of matching of transmitted information
along with the particular valid user credentials, the process of
unlocking gets instantiated via a stepper motor. L293D has
been used as motor controller.

The door remains open for a pre-specified time and then

the door closing event initiates. In case of information
mismatch, the door remains closed to prevent unauthorized
access. That’s how security is preserved.

Required information regarding authorized users

credentials has been stored in the central sub-system. It is to
be noted that the central sub-system software that maintains
and tracks the user information has been designed entirely by
us for the intranet of the institute. If an authorized user comes
to the access point and punches the card issued against his
credentials then transmission of accurate information invokes
Fig. 2. Flow diagram of the System authentication and validation process to be executed
successfully. At the same time, a log report is recorded in the
database against the user to store check-in as well as check out
Power requirements for the RFID reader module is status with time.
+5v. The system is initiated upon providing the power supply.
Module MAX232 is used to avoid any inconvenience
regarding data or information compatibility among the

Fig. 4. Access request waiting to be processed

Fig. 3. A portion of valid user list

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IEEE Sponsored 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Information Embedded and Communication Systems


The system was installed in the server room of Military

Institute of Science and Technology (MIST), Dhaka,
Bangladesh at first for testing purpose and then as the entrance
security system of that room. The central sub-system software
was hosted to a computer that acts as the controller and
maintains every single entry record. Authorized users with
valid RFID cards can only access the room as the door is
protected with a magnetic door lock. Information detection
from RFID cards by RFID reader module plus opening and
closing of the door take place in real time. Central database
assists the system in user authentication and validation. Fig. 6. Initiation of report generation
However, installation and management of the proposed system
costs reasonably less in comparison to the security scale
provided by it.

Our implemented system can be applied effectively in

universities to record and maintain students’ attendance in a
particular class room. Similarly, it can also be used in office
rooms to keep track on arrival time of employees at
workplace. Not only classrooms or office-rooms, even though
the system can also be adapted to any secured zone that only
allows authorized access. Central database keeps record of
every entry thus capable to generate the frequency of access
for each and every user. This system helps to reduce the Fig. 7. Report generation process (ongoing)
technical human error plus manual paperwork related to such
controlled accesses. V. CONCLUSION
We have implemented a RFID-based digital access
control system in the server room of Military Institute of
Science and Technology (MIST) campus which is cost
effective and suits increase the scale of security provided.

The authors are extremely grateful to Authority of
Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST) for
providing them the opportunity to design, develop and install
such a system in the server room of the Institute. The authors
would like to acknowledge also the endless assistance
provided by Department of Computer Science and
Engineering (CSE), Military Institute of Science and
Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh in form of laboratory and
logistics support plus constant coordination throughout the
Fig. 5. Summary of processed requests at an instance
system development.

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IEEE Sponsored 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Information Embedded and Communication Systems


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