Repetition Quiz Units 7 - 8

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NAME: ___________________________

CONTRACT: ____________________ YOUR SCORE: ________/50

DATE: ____________________________


Situation: Imagine that your planet is now a deserted place and now you are living in Mars.
Read the news article!

The Mars Planet Times

OCTOBER 31ST, 3014


A century ago, planet Earth was the most

beautiful place in the galaxy. 10 years ago,
however, the human race stopped living there.
Air pollution and contamination in general were
the most serious problems the planet had, and
people had to find another place to live. The
planet had the most beautiful landscapes; there
were rivers, mountains, deserts, seven seas and
five huge oceans. Rivers, seas and oceans were
composed by a substance that existed just in that planet: H2O, or as humans called it, Water!

Is there any river or sea here in Mars? We all know that there are similar natural places, but
there isn’t any water on this planet. Although there are some mountains and trees in the
artificial-nature reserve, we didn’t have the opportunity to save a single drop of water from

Now, as our community already knows, human beings are living among us, and we want to
know more about Earth from them. “What was the planet like?” is the question that we still
have. If you are a human being and lived in Earth 10 or more years ago, you can visit our
website and post your comment with a description of your country, your city or even your
neighborhood! Tell us: What was it like? What interesting places were there in the area where
you lived? Were there many shopping malls, parks, cafés or restaurants? Post your comment
and let us know more about Earth; the planet we want to remember!
1. Post a comment on “The Mars Planet Times” website where you give a description of
your neighborhood. Remember that you are living in Mars, so use always the simple
past tense! (25 points)

Clue: For the simple past of “there is” and “there are”, just think about the simple past
of be (was/were).

 What was your neighborhood like?

 Were there any cafés, shopping malls, parks?
 Where was your neighborhood located? Give directions!

The Mars Planet Times Website

Click here to post!


Situation: “The Mars Planet Times” liked your post with the description of your neighborhood.
Now they want to know more about you and the time when you lived on Earth. Read the
comment they posted!
The Mars Planet Times Website
Greetings, Human!

Two days ago we read your post and were you like living on your Home-planet? Post
impressed with the description of your as soon as you can and you will
neighborhood. Now, we would like to receive a 10 million Mars-
know more about that beautiful place and Dollars prize!
its inhabitants. Please post on our website
and tell us about the time when you lived
on Earth. What did you do to spend your Click Here to Post a Reply
free time? What places did you visit? Did

Click Here to Delete the Post

2. Reply to “The Mars Planet Times” post. Tell them about your life on Earth and don’t
forget to answer all their questions! (25 points)

The Mars Planet Times Website

Click here to post!


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