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Suggested Approch:

Our suggested approach to give prediction about the customer buying behavior
lies in the combined usage of many different fields of technology, to create
model which can produce more accurate results then previous systems. That’s
why our proposed system is a combination of technologies like cloud
computing, machine learning and deep learning, data mining. The only aim of
combining all these terminologies is to achieve better results.

Work flow:

The workflow of the system, we have proposed for prediction about the
customer behavior that can help the market owners to increase their business
and fulfill the customer demands.
For the initial phase when the customer visits the e- commerce store and he tries
to select his favorite product after spending time on time. Then, customer is on
data layer which consists on the different features like, product choice, value,
description, time span, session, device, source, geo-location all these data are
observed and stored on the cloud. All the information about the customer will be
stored on cloud where our data collection phase and data train system to remove
redundant information from data will be implemented, then we start from data
that will be placed on the cloud, where we will export the dataset into BigQuery.
After exporting dataset in BigQuery, we will extract some information about the
customer that how much time has he spent on e-commerce store. At this point,
we have collected the information related to visitor and product with
unnecessary information removed; now we have the data in pure form at the
stage. Now, we will move towards our main task that is the Binary classification
model of Logistic Regression. Hence, we will use Logistic Regression model as
our base model from which we start to achieve our main objective. LBy
applying our base model in BigQuery, we will be able to predict whether a
visitor purchase anything in future or not. Linear Regression is such type of
machine learning in which the end results always come between 0 and 1. Then,
we will evaluate the performance of our model that can predict and decide about
the visitor. Once, we have implemented and train our model by using data set
that will be on cloud platform, we have gained the accuracy about 0.7% with
only two parameters like bounce time and customer stay. To improve our
accuracy, we have to increase the parameters for that purpose. S, we have
increased and add the parameters like gender, location and source of being used
like mobile phones, laptops computer etc. After retraining the models with
increased parameters, we have gained the result about 0.9% that is quite enough
to predict about customer with best accuracy and performance. Finally after
evaluation, we will use feature engineering to improve the performance of our
project and gives the final decision about the customer purchasing behaviour
whether the customer will buy anything in future or not.

1.1 Algorithms/Architecture
The algorithms and architectures which will be used in our proposed system are:
 Firstly, the data set that is publicly available that will be used.
 Secondly, export the dataset into BigQuery and remove unnecessary
information about the user.
 Cloud computing will be used for data storing in which we will use a
 Further, we will use machine learning techniques, intelligence
techniques, bigquery, bigdata, and data mining.
 For classification purpose, which is the main part of our project we will
use machine learning algorithm. The algorithm will be from supervised
learning type of machine learning because we will use labeled data in
our project. The algorithm which will be used depends on accuracy of
each algorithm in test session. The algorithms of machine learning.
 For classification purpose, as already stated that we are planning to use
machine leaning algorithms to get better classification of waste items.
Therefore, the machine learning model which will be used will be a
Binary Classification model of Logistic Regression.
 Finally, by implementing the Logistic Regression Model we are able to
predict about customer purchasing behavior of the customer for future
System implementation:

This is the main module of the architecture and where all the algorithms will be applied like
machine learning, artificial intelligence, bigquery, bigdata, data mining, cloud computing. Now,
as we have already discussed that it is prediction model and it will predict us about the
customer intentions to shop online. Dataset will be on cloud where we perform our
classification task. We will train our model of Logistic Regression to predict by using dataset
placed on cloud. The classification is the main part of our project we will use machine
learning technology. The algorithm will be from supervised learning type of machine
learning because we will use labeled data in our project. The algorithm which will be
used depends on accuracy of each algorithm in test session. As already stated, we are
planning to use machine leaning algorithms to get better classification for prediction.
Therefore, the machine learning model which will be used named as Binary
Classification model of Logistic Regression. Finally, by implementing the Logistic
Regression Model, we are able to predict about customer purchasing behavior of the
customer for future visit.

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