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Date : 16 August 2010

Time : 7.45 am – 8.45 am

Class : 1 Anggerik

Enrolment : 26 students

Learning Theme : Learning about The World Around Us.

Learning Area : About Different Shapes

Pre-requisite knowledge : Students have already known some shape

Learning Outcome : At the end of the lesson students will be able to:

1. Identify different shapes

Science Process Skills (SPS) : Observing, Communicating, Inferring

Thinking Skills : Observing, Identifying

Scientific Attitudes and Noble Values : Appreciating God’s creations, Co-operation

Teaching and learning resources:

1. Model

2. Power Point

3. Flash card
Stage/ Time Content Teaching and Learning Remark

Orientation Different 1. Teacher shows a picture Teaching aids

(10 minutes) shapes from the power point. 1. Power point
2. Teacher asks questions SPS
regarding the picture shown. 1. Observing
Questions: TS
a) What is this? 1. Attributing
b) Have you seen this
picture before?

Eliciting idea Basic shapes: Teacher asks student about Teaching aids
(10 minutes) - circle what are the basic shapes 1. Power point
- rectangle they have seen based on the SPS
- triangle picture shown earlier. 1. Observing
- square Questions: 2. Attributing
a) From this power point, TS
could you tell me the 1. Relating
basic shape you’ve seen Morale Value
in the picture just now? 1. Co operation
b) Where do you usually
see the shapes? Is it
around you?

Giving the Teacher shows the student Teaching aids
basic shapes: flashcards about the basic 1. Flashcards
( 10 minutes) shapes. 2. Power point
- circle
- rectangle
1. Observing
- triangle
- square
Teacher explains and 2. Communicati
corrects the misconception ng
about the shape. TS
1. Attributing
2. Relating
3. Analysing

Application of Teaching aids

Pupils Activity 1 (Station game)
understand 1. Play dough
( 20 minutes) 1. Teacher makes a simple
basic shape. 2. Worksheet
game and it’s involving all
3. Flashcard
pupils in the class.

2. Pupils are divided into four

1. Observing
3. Each group will be given
2. Communicati
flash card of one of the basic ng
shape. 3. Classifying

4. Based on the shape, they

have to find the pictures in TS
the envelope provided which 1. Relating
have the same basic shape 2. Attributing
as the flashcard.
3. Grouping and
5. Then, the students have to
paste the correct picture on
the cardboard provided.

6. After finish it, the teacher

check the correct answer
together with students.
Activity 2

1. Teacher gives pupils play


2. Teacher asks pupils to

create a model of animal
based on the basic shape
they have learnt before.

3. While pupils making the

animal’s model, teacher
plays the music to enlighten
the atmosphere.

4. Lastly, teacher gives the


Reflection SPS
1. Teacher asks students to
(10 minutes) . present the model they have 1. Communicati
2. Teacher reminds the
1. Relating
student to appreciate the
2. Generating
friends’ creation. ideas

3. Teacher recalls back what Morale value

they have learnt today by 1. Appreciating

showing the flashcards. creations

4. Teacher closes the lesson 2. Being

by giving the worksheet. and well-

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