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Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number and title Unit 23. Integrated Marketing Communication

Submission date Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Duong Duc Thang Student ID GCH18600

Class GBH0809 Assessor name Nguyễn Phương Tú

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I
understand that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature

Grading grid

P5 M3 D3
 Summative Feedback:  Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

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I. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................4

II. Campaign Evaluation .........................................................................................................................4

1. Summary of campaign .......................................................................................................................4

a. Target audience .............................................................................................................................4

b. Communication objectives ..............................................................................................................4

c. Highlight Activities ..........................................................................................................................5

d. Result .............................................................................................................................................5

2. Critical evaluation of the campaign ....................................................................................................6

a. Communication strategy .................................................................................................................6

b. Channel choice ...............................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

c. Creative content ..............................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

III.Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................8
I. Introduction
Singles Day 11/11 this year, Shopee e-commerce focuses on promoting promotional activities
exclusively for mobile applications. Shopee's marketing strategies have shown the seriousness
and investment of the company's products. Therefore, to inform customers, Shopee has used
many different communication channels, namely online newspapers. Social/digital media,
website, apps and corporate billboard advertising. Furthermore will provide analysis, reviews
and for this campaign.

II. Campaign Evaluation

1. Summary of campaign
a. Target audience
Customers on Shopee are young people aged 15 to 35, such as students, office workers, and
people with active personalities who are keeping up with societal trends. Customers are people
that use social media or e-commerce sites on a regular basis, are open to new experiences, are
eager to try different sorts of online buying, and are eager to spend money on purchases.
Because this category of clients, particularly office professionals and students, spend a lot of
their leisure time surfing the web, shopping online, and using social networks and media. As a
result, when it comes to purchasing things, this demographic prefers to use a range of digital

b. Communication objectives
The purpose of Shopee's first campaign is to reach out to the global market, and the company is
running it with the slogan "Like shopping, surf shopee," which is short, witty, and catchy. The
brevity of shopee's phrases is mirrored in the lyrics seen in the company's TV commercials.
Furthermore, these are shopee's communications that the corporation want to deliver to users.
While other companies are eager to join the revenue race, Shopee has adopted its own brand
positioning strategy. Another purpose of this campaign is to build a new customer file, with a
heavy focus on young, dynamic clients from high school to university, the age when they are
beginning to learn finance and prefer to spend and buy. This is a prospective new client group
that emerges from the fact that e-commerce companies have been accepting losses for many
years in order to recruit customers.
c. Highlight Activities
Shopee in 2019 has had a brilliant year when from the beginning of the year until now, the
company has maintained its No. 1 position in the Vietnamese market in the context of other
brands with rapid growth. In addition, Shopee's marketing strategy is considered a successful
lesson when it can help the company bring outstanding reputation in the past 2 years in many
countries. In Vietnam alone, after surpassing Lazada, its biggest competitor in Southeast Asia,
Shopee has had stable growth rates to maintain its proud market share until the third quarter.
2019. In addition, in 2019, Shopee is also considered as one of the brands that spend the most
on their Marketing costs when inviting names like BlackPink to participate in their campaigns, or
maybe thanks to the stars. Grade A in the countries it invades to reach a certain number of

d. Result
Shopee is one of the leading e-commerce marketplaces in Vietnam that focuses heavily on
conveying the strongest marketing messages to customers during Singles' Day with the biggest
11/11 Shopee Super Sale of the year. Shopee has continued to create a new milestone in the e-
commerce market, encouraging customers to spend more through the 11/11 Super Shopping
Festival. This e-commerce platform recorded 10 times more orders and sales in just one day,
and completed many sales goals (Uyen, 2020) and records listed below:

Best-selling product categories: The strong increase in product categories such as health and
beauty products, smartphones and motorcycles has generated respectable revenue for Shopee.
Specifically, Vietnamese shoppers tend to shop for cosmetics on Shopee during flash sales with
more than 4,500 beauty products, 16,000 bottles of makeup remover sold in just the first 8
hours. Smartphones are also a popular choice with 8,000 Xiaomi phones sold. Finally, Shopee
buyers take advantage of attractive discounts to purchase high-value items such as motorbikes
with the highest recorded transaction worth VND100 million.

Some well-known brands at Shopee recorded a spike in sales with an average total order
increase of more than 1,731 times and an average total of visits of more than 1,626 times.
The total number of hours watched Shopee Live is over 20 million hours, approximately 2.5
billion plays on Shopee in-app games from users are recorded – this also marks the growing
popularity of the games. play on this shopping app.

Shopee has set a new milestone for the 11/11 Singles event with last year's record-breaking
sales and entered the map of Vietnam's e-commerce market. All of this is possible thanks to the
unwavering support of Shopee's sellers and consumers across 7 markets. The strong growth in
revenue, sales and number of orders has promoted the development of businesses in Vietnam's
e-commerce market, and opened up new opportunities for sellers as well as retailers. small and
medium enterprises when participating in the 11/11 event for the first time.

2. Critical evaluation of the campaign

a. Communication strategy
One of the factors that helps create the success of shopee's marketing strategy is to promote
communication channels. Shopee focuses communication on major and popular platforms in
Vietnam such as Facebook, Google. Along with that is appearing a lot on public transport, on
TV. Affiliate Marketing is also promoted by shopee to increase the number of large customers for
the company, this form not only helps marketing partners earn more commissions from
successful referrals, but also helps shopee save money. Significant marketing cost savings.

In addition, sales campaigns on important holidays and year-end occasions are also regularly
and regularly deployed by shopee to help increase the number of customers.

b. Channel choice
In terms of the platforms that Shopee chose to employ in its campaign, including television
commercials, social media, online newspapers, websites, apps, and billboard ads, I consider the
first two to be the most effective. incredibly fruitful Shopee has achieved one of its objectives by
airing advertisements on television and social media platforms.

When Shopee tries to promote their campaign on social media sites such as Facebook,
Instagram, Youtube, and Tiktok, it is always a very successful strategy that suits their target
customers. They spend a significant amount of time on social media and on the web. As a result,
Shopee has used social media to raise brand recognition and attract more customers, and the
use of social media not only promotes advertising to the target audience but also helps
businesses reach the market.

Partner channels include Channel 14, VN Express, AFamily, and others for opting to use online
newspapers to advertise and report on Shopee. The degree of interaction on official newspaper
websites is generally more than on other online newspapers, which is one of these online
newspapers' strengths. Furthermore, readers are drawn to the e-newspaper since it meets all of
the masses' needs for hearing, seeing, etc. and is not limited to the reach of readers. As a result,
the campaign will have a wide reach and will appeal to Shopee's target audience.

Every time you visit Shopee's website or app, the "San sale 11.11" campaign will spring up and
be advertised immediately on the homepage. This aids in attracting and retaining customer
attention. Both of these sites are excellent for attracting Shopee customers as well as attracting
potential consumers. Billboards can be used to attract a wide range of clients, even those who
have never visited Shopee before.

c. Creative content

Besides choosing the highlight is TVC with the participation of many famous artists such as Miss
Vietnam 2018 – Tran Tieu Vy and players Tien Dung, Dinh Trong, Van Toan, Duy Manh;
Interactive games like Coins Shake. Shopee has chosen to cooperate with Admicro - a leading
media solution provider in Vietnam to advertise this campaign on Admicro's "powerful"
Adnetwork system.

In the midst of a vibrant market full of year-end "strong" discount promotions, Shopee needs to
find an information platform with wide coverage, a suitable and optimal audience in terms of
images to promote its advantages. stands out with the target customer group: young people who
love to hunt for discounts and love to shop on e-commerce applications like Shopee. That
platform can only be Channel 14 - the number 1 news site for young people attracting more than
117 million Viewpages monthly. (Linh, 2020)

Admicro chose to use a new advertising solution - CPD Full Homepage on Channel 14 for 2
days to Booming Awareness in a short time to advertise information about promotions. CPD Full
Homepage ads with large and beautiful display features, covering the entire homepage of the
website. Moreover, with 100% SOV, the exclusive display of the identity of a single brand will
make Shopee ads impressive, completely "beating" other ads on Channel 14 in 2 days.

With Shopee's "11.11" tactics, the company has gradually met its objectives, controlled the
market, expanded its reach, and surpassed the e-commerce industry's "giants" to take first place
in Vietnam. To summarize, Tiki's "11.11" campaign was a success and serves as a model
marketing plan for any company wishing to create a unique and memorable branding campaign.

Linh, T., 2020. Shopee 11.11 – Không chỉ đơn giản là giảm giá. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 2020].

Uyen, D., 2020. Những con số kỷ lục ngày 11/11 của thị trường Thương mại điện tử Việt Nam.
Available at:
[Accessed 25 11 2020].

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