Podcast Brief From NY 110302

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For more information, please contact:

Digital Media Vanessa Raizberg, Video Producer
212 894.1154
Services Vanessa.Raizberg@sothebys.com

The Ullens Collection: The Nascence of Avant-Garde China

Hong Kong Spring Sales 2011
Single Owner Sale of Contemporary Asian Art Department (Auction Date: 3

English-language video with Simplified Chinese subtitles

• Evelyn Lin
• Patty Wong

• Baron Guy Ullens (tentatively scheduled for Saturday, March 12th

Target: 4:30 (no more than five minutes in length)

Shoot Date and Location

• March 11th - at Sotheby’s dinner in Beijing
• March 12th—Patti Wong to interview Baron Ullens in 798 district
• March 12th—Evelyn Lin to discuss collection, key works within

Hong Kong-based Vendor

Free Base Media: http://www.freebasemedia.com/index2.php#/info4/1/
Executive Producer: Becky Lee (Producer and point person for this video)

Mobile: +852 9862 0880

Email: becky@freebasemedia.com

Target Go-Live Date

First Cut to Mktg – March 15 EOD
First Cut to ATM – March 16 EOD
Go Live - March 18

• To drive awareness & create pre-sale enthusiasm for the Ullens
Collection to Sotheby’s clients worldwide.
• To illustrate the significance of the Collection in the history of the
market for Contemporary Chinese Art.
• To reinforce the perception that Sotheby’s is more deeply connected to
the art market in China and that we have a more recognizable name in
China (vis-à-vis Christie’s)
For more information, please contact:
Digital Media Vanessa Raizberg, Video Producer
212 894.1154
Services Vanessa.Raizberg@sothebys.com

• To showcase our experts who possess the most in-depth and intimate
knowledge of what is happening in the auction/art world. As a business
with a nearly 300-year history, we are positioned as the most reliable
source of trustworthy information.
• Create an engaging video that has a longer shelf life then a typical pre-
sale video.

The narrative focuses on the birth of contemporary art in China and the
crucial role Baron Ullens played in this birth as one of the field’s first avid
collectors. The video will serve as a portrait of a visionary (Baron Ullens)
whose passion for collecting had a tremendous impact on Contemporary
Chinese Art and who, as a result, has become a part of the story that he
initially set out to document through his collection. Viewers will learn about
how Baron Ullens became interested in Chinese Contemporary Art, how he
developed special relationships with the artists, and gain insights into his
personal experience during the formative years of Chinese Contemporary Art.
By creating in situ scenes in Beijing’s 798 district between Baron Ullens and
Sotheby’s experts, viewers and key clients will experience an intimate look at
a consigner whose collection documents the nascence of avant-garde China.

The video also will feature clips of Evelyn Lin discussing the Ullens works and
their enormous importance in the history and development of Chinese
Contemporary Art.

Footage from the gala dinner at the Ullens center in honor of Baron Ullens on
March 11 also will be included.

The video should be educational, friendly and conversational, conveying a
sense of intimacy between expert, consignor and the viewer.

Iconoclasts on Sundance and the American Express commercial with Diane
Von Furstenberg

Look & Style

Please note: We recommend that prior to the shoot, the vendor and producer
plan a walking route through the 798 district with stops agreed upon and
identified. We recommend stops that are familiar to Ullens. The route should
end at the Ullens Center where the Baron’s Collection (including works to be
sold at Sotheby’s) will be on view. During each stop in the 798 district and
inside the Ullens Center, Patti Wong will ask Baron Ullens questions from the
list below.
For more information, please contact:
Digital Media Vanessa Raizberg, Video Producer
212 894.1154
Services Vanessa.Raizberg@sothebys.com

• The video will open with special music and beautiful shots of Beijing
and the 798 Art District in order to create a sense of atmosphere. An
opening slate with proper attributions should appear here. Length: 10

• During these shots of Beijing, we hear Baron Ullens’ voice. He says

something along the lines of “I came to China in 19xx because _______
and I first started collecting because _______ ”
Length: depends on length of soundbite, but approx 3-5 seconds

• The viewer will see the Baron and Patti Wong walking through the 798
District and talking. They are both mic’ed. We hear their conversation
slightly and see them as they stop to look at things along the way.
Length: 15 seconds

• At one point they stop (outside a location identified prior to the shoot)
and Patti asks the Baron several questions. They are heading towards
the Ullens Center.
Length: one minute

o Questions for Patti Wong to ask at 1st stop (tbd) in 798:

 What first brought you to China? Tell me about your
arrival to this country.
 We are standing in the 798 Art District, a place that in
2007, you saw could be the beating heart of Chinese
contemporary art. Talk about this.
 How did you start your collecting journey? What inspired

o Questions for Patti Wong to ask at 2nd stop (tbd) in 798:

o It has been said that your collection encapsulates the
evolution of creative ideologies and the artistic dialogues
between some of the greatest artists in Contemporary art
history. Talk about your collection in this context.
o Who are the major artists featuring in this sale? Which
ones are dear to your journey? (The Baron should
name specific lots and artists)

• At this point, they will have arrived at the Ullens center. The viewer
should clearly see signage. They will walk inside and continue their
conversation and perhaps sit somewhere side by side where Patti will
ask more questions. Length: 1:10 min.

o Questions for Patti Wong to ask once inside the Ullens

For more information, please contact:
Digital Media Vanessa Raizberg, Video Producer
212 894.1154
Services Vanessa.Raizberg@sothebys.com

 What makes you love Contemporary Asian Art so much?

Especially mid-1980s Chinese avant-garde?
 Did you visualize amassing a kind of collection that was
in a sense a narrative of Chinese social and political
 How long does it take to complete this special collection?

• We next see them walking past key lots in the sale pointing and
• This is the section of the video where Evelyn Lin’s commentary re: the
significance of the collection should be included and interspersed with
Patti’s questions and the Baron’s answers.
• During this time, Patti will ask questions about the upcoming sale.
Length: One minute

o Additional Questions for Patti Wong inside the exhibition:

 How did you put together this collection of 106 works?
These are works that have rarely been seen by the public.
Talk about this and how you think people will respond.

 How did you come to know the artists so well?

 What's your personal relationship with these
Contemporary artists now?
 Did you stop collecting other art to focus on this or did
you integrate other works into your collection?
 What are you collecting now, where is you new focus?

• The next shot is Beijing at night followed by imagery from the gala
• This imagery is accompanied by a final voiceover from the Baron about
his life as a collector and/or what’s next for him.
Length: 30 seconds

Video Elements
• Hi-res images of the key lots discussed by Patti and the Baron, plus
others (Pinky Tam to send to Becky Lee)
• Hi-res images of the artists we discussed in the video (Pinky to send to
• Hi-res archival images of Baron Ullens in China with artists and/or
works of art (Pinky to arrange and provide to Becky)
• Footage of Beijing’s 798 District as well as Beijing beauty shots
• Hi-res images of the Ullens Center (Pinky to send to Becky)
• Simplified Chinese subtitles (Pinky to coordinate translation and supply
necessary titling to Vendor)
For more information, please contact:
Digital Media Vanessa Raizberg, Video Producer
212 894.1154
Services Vanessa.Raizberg@sothebys.com

Proposed Schedule
March 10: HK Crew arrives in Beijing; Internal Meeting wecce & location scout
at in 798 and at
The Ullens Center

March 11
(morning) General shots of UCCA & 798 (Establishing)
(evening) Shoot at Gala Dinner

March 12
(morning) Patti Wong and Baron Ullens conduct interview whilst walking
through 798 and Ullens exhibition
(afternoon): Evelyn Lin is interviewed in Ullens exhibition featuring shots of
key lots

March 13
HK crew departs from Beijing

March 14
digitization of footage and begin off-line edit

March 15 Send first cut to Shannon, Mitra, Maureen, Pinkyand

Josephine for comments. Make comments.
March 16 Second cut to ATM for review
March 17 Changes
March 18 Final cut delivered to Sotheby’s
March 18 Maureen, Shannon, Daryl & Amy give final approval

Target Audience
• Existing clients—both buyers and consignors—in CTP (Chinese and
regular CTP)
• Industry leaders and opinion formers (dealers, press, gallery owners)
• Potential new clients through new distribution channels

• Email blast
• Homepage placement
• Artron.net
• ITunes

Filming & Editing: $15,000 (overage supplemented by web budget)

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