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ANSI/ACI 308-92(11/24/93) (Reapproved 1997) Standard Practice for Curing Concrete (ACI 308-92) Reported by ACI Committee 308 Bryant Mather (Chairman Roger E. Carrer RW. Kriner (Owen Richards Richard H, Danforth AT. Livigood Arthur P. Seyler L. Blake Fentress" RH. Mills Lake M. Snell Jerome H. Ford Glenn E. Noble William L. Trimm Steven H. Gebler Dison OBrien, Jr Lewis H. Tuthill Gilbert Haddad H. Celik Onlin Robert J. Van Epps Richard E. Hay William S. Phelan Frank T: Wagner Samuel B. Helos Dest “Members ofthe committee voting on the 1991 revisions: Ronald L Di Jerome Hi, Ford Steven H. Gebler Richard W. Keiner ‘Chairman Kenneth C. Hover Leonard M, Johnion Ivin S. Kaufman, Je OO Gilbert Haddad Frank A. Kozelisk ‘Samuel B, Helms James A. Lee [Edward P. Holub Bryant Mather Curing isthe maintaining of a satisfactory moisture content and tem: ‘perature in concrete during its erly sages so that desired properties may develop. ‘Basic principle of ewing ae sated; commonly accepted methods, pro- cedures, and materials are described. Requirements are given for curing pavements and other slabs on ground; for sractures ard buldlings; and for ‘mass concrete, For each of hase categories, methods, materials, ime, and ‘amperanue of curing are stated. Curing requirement for precast products, shoterete, preplaced-egregate concrete, refracony concrete, plaster, and ‘other applications are given eymords: bridges (tructres)builigs: cewent-tase pats; eok-neatber ‘contraction concrete consreton concrete pavemen concrete: coring ciin curing fis ad sheets: botweaber construction itsulating Z inuition aoas vciete molt ering Paster: precat concrete Telatory concrete: relforod_ concrete sealers sb svete forms): ‘hort; sab-on ground consriton; ipform constuction standard ocog ace| ACI Committee Reports, Guides, Standard Practices, and ‘Commentaries are intended for guidance in designing, plan ring, executing, or inspecting construction and in preparing specifications, References to these documents all nat be made {nthe Project Documents If tems found ia these docaments are desired tobe a part ofthe Project Documents, they should bbe phrased in mandatory language and incorporated into the Project Documents Liverne R. Mertz HL Celik Onidiim Gary D. Plucker Wiliam, Phelan Ephraim Senbetta Like M. Snell CONTENTS Chapter 1—Introduction and referenced standards, pg. 308-2 1.1Seope 1.2Need for curing 1.2.1—Satisfactory moisture content 1.2.2—Favorable temperature 1.3—Referenced standards 1.3.1—ASTM Standards 1.3.2—ACI Standards and Reports 1.3.3—AASHTO Materials Standards Chapter 2—Curing methods and materials, pg. 308-4 ‘Adopicd ats standard of te Americ Conrete Insite August 196110 sspenede ACI Standard "Reconmended Practice for Curing Concrete (ACI 506-71) inaccrdsnce wth he nttate sandeizaion procedure. Reid by sgeied Staardzation Procedure eect J 1, 1986 and Mar. 1, 192. Copyright © 1980 American Concrete Inte. Al pts reserved incuing rights of eeproduction and wso ia ay frm oF by sy mean incdiag the mango open by ay photo proces, or) ance ‘nico mectzical dee pred of wren or oral rearing or ound oF Visual repreducion or for we ia aty Enowledge of reteal tem or devi, ‘les person in wring i ebaaed trom he copyright proper 08-1 300.2 2.1—Scope 2.2—Water curing 2.2.1—Ponding or immersion 2.2.2—Tog spraying or sprinkling 2.23—Burlap, cotton mats, and rugs 2.24—Earth curing 2.2.5—Sand and sawdust 2.2.6—Straw or hay 2.2.7—Termination 2.3—Sealing materials 23.1—Plastic film 23.2—Reinforced paper 23.3—Liquid membrane-forming curing compounds 24—Cold weather protection and curing 2.5—Hot-weather curing 2.6—High-pressure steam curing 2.7—-Low-pressure (or atmospheric-pressure) ( steam curing 2.8Evaluation of curing procedures 2.9—Criteria for effectiveness of curing 2.9.1—General 2.9.2—Strength basis 2.9.3—Maturity-factor basis 2.10—Minimum curing requirements Chapter 3—Curing for different constructions, pe 308-9 3.1—Pavements and other slabs on the ground 3.1.1—General 3.1.2Curing procedures 3.1.3—Duration of curing 3.2—Structures and buildings 3.2.1—Scope 3.2.2—Curing procedures 3.23—Duration of curing and protection | .33—Mass concrete 33.1—Scope 3.3.2—Temperature control 3.3.3—Methods and duration of curing 3.4—Other construction 3.4.1—Precast units 3.4.2—Verticalslipform construction 3.43—Shoterete 3.44—Refractory concrete 3.4.5—Cement paint, stucco, and plaster 3.4.6—Shell structures 3.4.7—Insulating concrete 3.4.8--Concrete with colored or metallic surfaces CHAPTER 1—INTRODUCTION AND REFERENCED STANDARDS 1.1—Scope ‘This standard describes practices to be followed in curing concrete. Since concrete is used for many pur- poses and under widely varying conditions of service, MANUAL OF CONCRETE PRACTICE requirements are given for curing according to curing methods and materials, according to method of construc- tion, and according to the use to be made of the hard- ened concrete. 1.2—Need for curing Curing is the maintaining of a satisfactory moisture content and tempersture in concrete during its early stages so that desired properties may develop. Curing is essential in the production of concrete that will have the desired properties. The strength and durability of cou- crete will be fully developed only if it is cured. No action to this end is required, however, when ambient con- ditions of moisture, humidity, and temperature are sufficiently favorable to curing. Otherwise, specified curing measures shall start as soon as required. Tem- perature control must be exercised to prevent freezing of the concrete until it develops a compressive strength of, at least $00 psi (3.4 MPa).* Following this the concrete must be kept sufficiently warm so as to produce the required strength at a specified age. Other aspects of favorable temperature are given in Section 1.2.2 12.1 Satisfactory moisture content—The amount of ‘mixing water in the concrete at the time of placement is, normally more than must be retained for curing. How- ever, excessive loss of water by evaporation may reduce the amount of retained water below that necessary for development of desired properties. The potentially harm- ful effects of evaporation shall be prevented either by applying water or preventing excessive evaporation. Fig. I shows the effect of air temperature, concrete tem- perature, relative humidity, and wind velocity, on surface evaporation rate, When these factors combine to cause excessive evaporation of some of the mixing water, shrinkage cracks may occur in the plastic concrete. Fig. 1 will aid in evaluating these effects and guidance on evaporation rate levels is given in its caption. Failure to prevent such excessive evaporation frequently causes plastic shrinkage cracks and loss of strength in the material near the surface. 1.2.2 Favorable temperature—The rate of cement hydration varies with temperature, proceeding slowly at cooler temperatures down to 14 F (-10 C) and more rapidly at warmer temperatures up 10 somewhat below 212 F (100 C). Concrete temperatures below 50 F (10 C) are unfavorable for the development of early strength. Below 40 F (5 C) the development of early strength is greatly retarded and at 32 F (0 C) little strength develops. There is some evidence that curing for a shorter time at a higher temperature will not be as beneficial as longer curing at a lower temperature terms of final strength (see Fig. 2). Autoclaving at temperatures above 325 F (163 C) greatly accelerates hydration and may produce strengths ina few hours TE Foren 7c, Prevention of Frost Damage to Groen Concrete” Reon Invernatinale des Laboratoves Exist de Recherches st es Matern les Comitions RILEM Ballin 14, 120124 (Mare, 1962). (PCA Res il Not), degC Syenee co) cf , Relative _| Ihumidity 100 percent SB. a6 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Air temperature, deg F 08 To use this chart: 307 1. Enter withaictemp- = erature, moveupt0 = og relative humidity 2.Move right toconcrete 0.5 temperature 8 Move don to wind — 3° velocity Zo3 4 Move left; read approx. rate oF evaporation $024 Fig. L—Effect of concrete and air temperatures, relative humidity, and wind velocity on the rate of evaporation of surface ‘moisture from concrete. This chart provides a graphic method of estimating tte loss of surface moisture for various weather conditions. To use the chart, follow the four steps outlined above. When the evaporation rate exceeds 0.2 Ibife'thr (1.0 gin? Ihr), measures shall be taken to prevent excessive moisture loss from the surface of unhardened concrete; when the rate exceeds 0.1 lbflhr (0.5 kglm’/hr) such measures may be needed. When excessive moisture loss is not prevented, plastic shrinkage cracking is likely to occur equal to those obtained at 28 days of curing at 70F (21 The jemperature of the concrete during its early C). However, autoclaving is a special case, since at such stages is affected by various factors such as: the ambient clevated temperatures and pressures there are chemical temperature, the absorption of solar heat, the heat re- reactions which produce products that are not formed at leased by the hydration of the cement, and the initial lower temperatures (see Methods of accelerated temperature of the materials. Evaporation of mixing or curing of concrete compression test specimens are given curing water at the surface of the concrete can produce in ASTM C 684 ( 2 significant cooling effect, which is beneticial as long as

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