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First Printing, June 1999 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary Most ACI Standards and committee reports are gathered together in the annually revised ACI Manual of Concrete Practice The several volumes are arranged to group related material together and may be purchased individually or in sets. The ACI Manual of Concrete Practice is also available on CD-ROM. ACI Committees prepare standards and Teports in the general areas of materials and properties of concrete, construction practices and inspection, pavements and slabs, struc- tural design and analysis, structural specifica- tions, and special products and processes. A complete catalog of all ACI publications is available without charge. American Concrete Institute P.O. Box 9094 Farmington Hills, Mi 48333-9094 ACI Certification Programs The final quality of a concrete structure depends on qualified people to construct it ACI certification pro- grams identify craftsmen, technicians, and inspectors who have demonstrated their qualifications The follow- ing programs are administered by ACI to fulfil the grow- ing demand in the industry for certified workers Concrete Flatwork Finisher Conerete Flatwork Technician Concrete Field Testing Technician—Grade ! Conerete Strength Testing Technician Conerete Laboratory Testing Technician—Grade | Concrete Laboratory Testing Technician—Grade I! Conerete Construction Inspector-in-Training Concrete Construction Inspector Concrete Transportation Construction Inspector-n-Training Concrete Transportation Construction Inspector This document may already contain reference to these ACI certification programs, which can be incorporated into project specifications or quality control procedures. It not, suggested guide specifications are available on Tequest from the ACI Certification Department. Enhancement of ACI Documents The technical committees responsible for ACI committee reports and standards strive to avoid ambiguities, omis- sions, and errors in these documents. In spite of these efforts, the users of ACI documents occasionally find information or requirements that may be subject to more than one interpretation or may be incomplete or incor- rect To assist in the effort for accuracy and clarity, the Technical Activities Committee solicits the help of indi- viduals using ACI reports and standards in identifying and eliminating problems that may be associated with their use Users who have suggestions for the improvement of ACI documents are requested to contact the ACI Engi- neering Department in writing, with the following infor- mation’ 1 Title and number of the document containing the problem and specific section in the document; 2. Concise description of the probiem, 3. If possible, suggested revisions for mitigating the problem ‘The Institute's Engineering Staff will review and take appropriate action on all comments and suggestions received. Members as well as nonmembers of the Insti- tute are encouraged to assist in enhancing the accuracy and usefulness of ACI documents, BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE (ACI 318-99) AND COMMENTARY (ACI 318R-99) REPORTED BY ACI COMMITTEE 318 ACI Committee 318 Standard Building Code James R Cagley Basile G Rabat ‘Chairman Secretary Craig E Barnes S K Ghosh Gary J Klein Jack P Moehle Florian @ Barth Hershell Gil Cary 8 Kopczynski Walter P Moore, Je Roger J Becker David P Gustafson James Lefter Glen M Ross John E Breen James R Haris, HS Lew Charles @ Salmon Anthony P Chrest NoilM Hawkins James G MacGregor Mete A Sozen W Gene Corley © Raymond Hays John A Martin, Jr Dean Stephan Robert A Epifano Richard E Holguin Leslie D Martin Richard A Vognild Catherine W French Philip J Iverson Robert F Mast Joe! $ Weinstein Luis E Garcia James © Jirsa Richard C Meininger James K Wight Loring A Wylie, Jr “Deceased Voting Subcommittee Members Kennet B Bondy Kirk Harman Joe Mattel Randall W Poston Stephen J Seguirant Ronald A Cook Terence C Holland Steven. McCabe Julio A Ramirez Roberto Stark Richard W Furlong Kenneth Hover. ©» Gorard J. McGuire. -—«GajananM Sabnis_ Maher K Tadros Wiliam L Gamble Michael E Kreger Peter Moza John R Saimons John W Wallace Roger Green LeRoy A Lutz Denis Mitchel! ‘Thomas © Schaeffer Sharon L Wood Consulting Members Richard D_ Gaynor Edward $ Hoffman Richard A Ramsey Jacob $ Grossman Francis J Jacques Irwin J. Speyer John M: Hanson ‘Alan H Mattock BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE (ACI 318-99) AND COMMENTARY (ACI 318R-99) REPORTED BY ACI COMMITTEE 318 The code portion of this document covers the proper design and construction of buildings of structural concrete. The code has been written in such form that it may be adopted by reference in a general building code and earlier editions have heen widely used in this manner. ‘Among the subjects covered are: drawings and specifications; inspection; materials; durability requirements; concrete quality, mixing, and placings formwork; embedded pipes; and construction joints; reinforcement details; analysis and design; strength and serviceability; flexural and axial loads; shear and torsion; development and splices of reinforce- ment; slab systems; walls; footings; precast concrete; composite flexural members; prestressed concrete; shells and fold- ed plate members; strength evaluation of existing structures; special provisions for seismic design; structural plain concrete; an alternate design method in Appendix A; unified design provisions in Appendix B; and alternative load and strength reduction factors in Appendix ‘The quality and testing of materials used in construction are covered by reference fo the appropriate ASTM standard specifications. Welding of reinforcement is covered by reference to the appropriate ANSVAWS standard. Because the ACI Building Code is written as a legal document so that it may be adopted by reference in a general build~ ing code, it cannot present background details or suggestions for carrying out its requirements or intent. Itis the function of this commentary to fill this need. ‘The commentary discusses some of the considerations of the committee in developing the code with emphasis given to the explanation of new or revised provisions that may be unfamiliar to code users. References to much of the research data referred to in preparing the code are cited for the user desiring to study indi- ual questions in greater detail. Other documents that provide suggestions for carrying out the requirements of the code are also cited. Keywotds: admixtures agvezate sum Supports); combined ses: nchosage (struct); team-colomn Games beams (suppns; building codes: cements; cold weather constuction rmposite constriction (eoneete and sel) conapoieconsriclion conseteto coetets);complesive tena; eanerete construct cts; concete slabs onsrastion joints; contin (sacral; coaction joins cover, cing: deep bears; elections; drawings: eth (Gone resistant stctoes: embedded service duct; lexatel strength; floor folded ples: footings forwerk constocdon); anes; hot weathes eonsntion; inspection solaton jst junctions, joss: Hhiweight contetesbads (oes); lod tess soctural; mates; mixing: ix proportioning: modulus tt elastic: monet pipe columns pipes hing): pci; pln concrete, precast concete;peseessed concrete; pestessing sees; quality contol; reine forced concrete: rinfrcing sles; ons: servceaitys hea slong, sharwalls shel (sb uctral fos) pans specications pling tenth: stengtb Shalysissstsots; structural analyl; st uctoral concrete; struetual design: svuctra inerity Teams, torsion; walls; water; welded wite fabtic ACI 38-99 was adopted as astandatd ofthe Amesican ConcreteTasttte all esponsiility fr the stated piciples The Inst shall nt be ible for Marci 8, 1999 to supersede ACT 318-95 in aoordance with the Tastut's standadzation procedure ‘Vertical ines in the margins india the 1999 code and commentary changes ‘A complete mete companion ts ACI 3IB/3I8R fas been developed 318M/318RM hee no metic eguveents ar included in his document [ACI Commitee Repsts, Gide, Standard Prectives, and Cosomenaies ‘ne intended fr guidance in planing, designing, eXecting, ad inspecting ‘constuction This Coramentry i intended forthe us of individals who far competent evaluate the significance and tons ofits content and rosommendations an who will accept expoosibility fo the application of the material it contins The American Conetete fosttut dislains any and ‘nyse damage ising thetefion Reference to this eommontary sall at be ade in contact documents 1f tems found inthis Commentary are de- sired by the Arcitec/Engineerw be apa of the contact documents, ty shal be ested in ands Language for inconprttion by the Architect! Baginoet Copytight © 19, American Conetete lstinte ‘llights esevedinlading rights of tepreduction and ue in any Form cory my misns nelodng the making of copies by any photo proses, ot bby any electronic o sehanical device, printed or writen oo, ean ing for sound r visu eproduction fr us in any knowledge os setoval system ot device, unless pessssion in wing is obtained fom the copy right proprietors ACI 318 Building Code and Commentary

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