Writer Pushes 'Home Movie' Through MPAA Ratings System

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4 Mantegna doing HBO's ‘Summer’; Dern in ‘Afterburn’ Joe Mantes wil arin he 1B) Pare hall comedy "Cora Sommer” hgh ptogn show ine Sete pen “Arbre iggasstADern. wise pobetre Bihas Tommy: Lee Wallace *Stephen King’s >) wil iret “Comes for Grombat/ Barnet, wi Rober Markawit (A Dangerous Lie) helming “After or the Stee Tisch co Mantegna will undertake the ole (ian Arvricanbuschall raanape fredforhisoutrageousancrolsa be ied bythe Rasa to build an lyme team. Joan Barrett and Sek Groban wil exeutve pro duce, with Tim Braine and David Pritchard producing the project. ‘hic wil nein Vancouver the Soviet Union. wll dbut on 1180 Giemes oa ral incident, “Af Sirs Dee asthe widow of fihterplot who ses out clear tet Isang’ nme afte ofits baths fatalrash toapit err isabeth Chander (-Renegate) sed the dorama. wich it fort 2 deta on HBO. Slee Tisch Si exctve produce, with Paul Kis producing Aussie rockers put up imports fight 1 DOMINICOGRAIN SYDNEY, Anirala A. public row has eruped between the Prices Sorvellance Authority and a group rock performer led by Peer Cat. ret of Midnight Oi over proposals {o remove Atsralian port rene {ionson CDs, castes und records The exchange fllows the failure Monday of three-hour mectingbe- fsveen musicians, federal cabinet members andthe PSA designed to rece controversy satounding changes recommended bythe PSA tocopyright lawson recorded music ‘oninued on page 66 CBS wants in on kids ad rule delay WASHINGTON — CBS, seeking the same treatment given to barter contracts, has asked the FCC to Waive the implementation of com- mercial limits for ntwork children’s television from Oct. 110 Jan. 1 ‘On Thursday the FCC extended the deadline for implementation of ‘commercial limits for children's pro {gramming to Jan. | for shows ae «wired through barter contracts ‘CHS wants the rules to apply to network children’s programming” ao cyuired by bartering. — David Kelly i THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER. AUGUST 6, v0 FCC makes fines system automatic By DAVID KELLY WASHINGTON — The ECC has UhroyaPOUt its traditional case- ‘ease method of assessing fines and has adopted hat to expect if law i violated Broadcasters and cablers Wola. ing FCC reguatians face fines upto $25,000 9 day with a limit of ore specific standards $250,000 to make sure all violators ate pun Edward re pun- Edward Fritts, president and ished equally CEO ofthe National Association of The FCC said tast week that it Broadcasters, soll lhe es ee Was implementing this new proce- method of’ levying. ines dure because Congress in 1989 al. "“Uisturbing lowed the commission to asses sub: “The NAB has always encour stantially increased penaltis. The aged stations to adhere te FCC ok Fegulatory body suid that because it and regulation, and we are cont {Ean assess such slecp fines it must dent that all staions take comp Imakesure those who commit similar ance seiouny” rite suid "Ilo Violations are treated equally fr, when enforcement procedures The FCC also believes the now have been intited. thee borane fine method wil provide guidance system has enabled the common the public 30 everyone will know — stall to take into acount extensat Writer pushes ‘Home Movie’ through MPAA rating system By DORIS TOUMARKINE part of Lovece's article on straight NEW YORK ~ Along with such to-ideo movies, teyuired Lovece to summer szzlers a Magnum Enter- submit video of his infant son Vin tainment’s “Camal Crimes" and cent alongwith the correct form and Cannon Pictures’ “The Human acheck for $40 Shield." the classication arm of the Lovece, who stated to the Motion MPAA handed down a rating in ils Picture Association of America that Jatest bulletin to a three-minute he was an “amateur filmmaker home movie ofa haby shot on Simm submitted. “Home. Movie tape bumped up tothe required inch Titled "Home Movie." the “short in July. Although he gota phone call subject” was the work of New York several weeks later informing. him rite Frank Lovecs out to doabitof that the film gota G rating. he's still good undereover journalism” and waiting for hs MPAA certificate prove that “anything can get rated” Asked if the MPAA would have The exceution ofthe prank, men- rated "Home Movie” if they had tioned in_a sidebar in the current known it was home movie, Joan tae of Estertsinment Week) as eotaeet ted NAB states case for lawyer ads WASHINGTON. Propsed r- "The vate rstcon ince co sto lpn arin (ot suring tha ll advertncpont abot lawyers in Arno and New Mexico lawyers service be predaraaaly thas brought aswit response from the informational and ll imperson National Association of Broadcasters, ations, dramalizations and e-cre- which say the restrictions would vio” ations be designed tofu Tate the First Amendment Formational- purpose of the In petition tothe Arizona and advertisement New Mexico supreme courts, the "AUlorneys have the NAB said proposed amendments to the advertising vchicle that wil de. the Arizona ethical rules governing liver thei message mos effectively. lawyer advertising wouldinfringeon the NAB said. “The broadcast ro an alomey’s right to use the le. ~ continued on page 70 Serbians merge three broadcasters sy NENAD DUKIC Cites said the new law is ot of BELGRADE, Yugoslavia — The ine with the democratization pro- Serbian Parliament has recently cessin Yugoslavia hecause the main passed a new broadcasting law that TV and radio stations will be under will merge the Belgrade, Novi Sad direct government contr and Pristina radio and TV compa- Similar mefgers of TV and radio nics into one company, RTV Serbia. systems have alfeady been carted The state of Serbia will own at out in Yugoslavia’ ober republics, least 51% of the new company’s Under the new law, other loc shares and will havea decisive say in and regional TV and radio stations RTY Serbia's management and pro- in Serbia can be state-owned or set ‘gram policy —cominued on page 70 Frits sai the FCC has taken te human clement oat of responding human mistakes This move to what looks ikea FE schedule is disturbing,” he side ft ‘appears the commission has relegate ‘onuinued on page 65 Thee ReporTER cael a caper ena 018 Soe i en en 98 ane nen, samen Gia aagaeo soso eae oe 19) 0575708 ROBERT J DOWLING ALEX BEN BLOCK rete Eaton Specie ‘MicHAEL ¥ LEONARD AR ‘Geanlinocger Lyne Sean steiner KELLY Jones PEGGY RAPLERE. 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