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Crisis Report June 8 Newsletter

A publication of the Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition

Number 51 Longden Avenue, Belvedere, Harare
Twitter : @crisiscoalition
Facebook: Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition
Email: 1
Father of boy killed by Zanu PF
activists living in fear, appeals to ED

Zanu PF oiling its violence

machinery ahead of 2023 elections

Democracy, free and fair elections

hampered by judicial capture in Zim

Father Zimbabwe nation-building

dream betrayed / 6

Crisis Coalition calls for peace ahead

of elections in Zambia / 7

Set up SADC Humanitarian fund now


Corruption, illicit financial outflows

affecting development in Zim / 9

CRT urges residents to get Covid-19

vaccine / 10

DCCs: Zanu PF must stop violating

people’s rights / 11

ERC in voter mobilisation drive / 12

Chilonga evictions: The future is

bleak for the Shangaan people / 13

T Father of boy killed
HE father of a two
year old boy who was
abducted and mur-

by Zanu PF activists
dered by well-known
Zanu PF activists in a
suspected case of political vi-

living in fear,
olence in Glendale, Mashona-
land Central province in 2018,
has had to flee his home area

appeals to ED
following continuous threats
by his son’s murderers.

In an interview, Rambai
Lumbe, father to the late two-
year-old Professor Lumbe,
said he was living in fear of turned into a double victim tent of threatening me again.
his life. as I have had to move to Chi- I am making this passionate
weshe because Glendale was appeal to the President to en-
Professor was abducted no longer a safe place for me sure that the murderers are
and murdered in June 2018 as I was receiving threats on brought to book,” he said.
after his father left Zanu PF my life,” Lumbe said.
to join the National People’s “You will remember that
Party that was led by former Lumbe called upon President when my son was killed, the
Vice-President, Joice Mujuru. Mnangagwa to ensure his President sent us a condolence
son’s alleged murderers are message and said he had in-
Following his defection, Lum- brought to justice. structed the police to act and
be received numerous threats bring the perpetrators to book
by Zanu PF activists, who told “It pains me so much to but up to now, no single arrest
him that his move had put the know that the murderers of has been made despite the
lives of his family members at my son are walking scot-free fact that the perpetrators are
great risk. and they even go to the ex- well known in the area.”

Days later, Professor’s body

was found dumped away from
his homestead and the then
spokesperson of the Zimba-
bwe Republic Police (ZRP),
Charity Charamba, said that a
post-mortem had discovered
that Professor had been mur-

After this incident, President

Emmerson Mnangagwa in-
structed police to investigate
the crime as a matter of ur-
gency and ensure the perpe-
trators were brought to book.

However, up until now, the

alleged perpetrators are walk-
ing scot-free, with police say-
ing investigations are still un-
derway almost three years
down the line.

“I have been engaging the

police in Bindura, but they
keep telling me that investi-
gations are still ongoing and
I am losing hope that justice
will be served. I have been Mourners at the funeral wake of Professor Lumbe

AS Zimbabwe braces for the
2023 elections, the writing
is on the wall that the ruling Zanu PF oiling its
violence machinery
party, Zanu PF is gearing for a
bloody campaign.

ahead of the 2023

On May 25, 2021 thousands
of Zanu PF supporters (in di-
rect disregard of Covid-19

regulations) gathered in Zim-
babwe’s capital, Harare for
the unveiling of the statue of
long gone heroine, Mbuya Ne-

What was meat to be a na- armed forces as well as war porters and cases of abduc-
tional event was turned into veterans have been the ma- tion, rape and torture were
a party event with Zanu PF jor perpetrators of violence recorded with the army being
supporters threatening to un- against opposition supporters. the major perpetrators.
leash violence on opposition
supporters ahead of the 2023 During the bloody 2008 elec- It is quite apparent that vi-
elections. tion, around 300 opposition olence and electoral fraud are
supporters lost their lives as the key strategies by Zanu PF
Despite calls by Crisis in Zanu PF used violence to cling to retain power.
Zimbabwe Coalition for Zanu on to power.
PF to denounce the acts of Ahead of the 2023 elections,
thuggery by its supporters, Elections in Zimbabwe have the government has revived
the ruling party chose to re- often been associated with vi- the National Youth Training
main mum on the issue. olence and in 2018, despite Service and knowing the role
promises of a new dispensa- of youths from the Border Gezi
Given Zanu PF’s well-known tion; soldiers killed 6 people in Training Institute in unlashing
track record of using violence cold blood following protests violence, we have reason to
during election periods, Zim- over electoral fraud. fear for the worst.
babweans have every reason
to fear for yet another bloody The army killings attracted President Emmerson Mnan-
election. global condemnation but de- gagwa has also urged war
spite this, Zanu PF continued veterans, who are also noto-
Zanu PF youth militia, the to victimize opposition sup- rious for unleashing violence
against opposition support-
ers to campaign for Zanu PF
ahead of the 2013 ejections
and again, we should fear for
the worst.

The world would remember

that before the 2018 elec-
tions, a senior Zanu PF offi-
cial declared that President
Emmerson Mnangagwa is a
soldier who stands ready to
shoot for power- and events
that unfolded after the 2018
elections when soldiers shot
civilians in cold blood, testi-
fied to this.

As Crisis in Zimbabwe Co-

alition, we implore the ruling
party, Zanu PF to desist from
violence during election peri-

THE nature and process in
terms of how senior members
Democracy, free
and fair elections
of the judiciary in Zimbabwe
are now appointed as a result
of the Constitutional Amend-
ment Number 2 Act of 2021

hampered by
is a move meant to entrench
judicial capture while further-
ing authoritarianism.

judicial capture
The Constitutional Amend-
ment number 2 Bill passed
through Senate in May (2021)

in Zim
and Zimbabwe’s President,
Emmerson Mnangagwa hur-
riedly signed the controver-
sial Bill into law.

The Constitutional Amend-

ment Act Number 2 gives the
President the power to ap-
point the Chief Justice, Dep-
uty Chief Justice, the Judge
President and senior judg-
es without subjecting them
to public interviews, a move
that creates a subservient ju-
diciary and an imperial Pres-

According to Crisis in Zim-

babwe Coalition spokesper-
son Marvellous Khumalo, ju-
dicial capture has negative
implications on the rule of law
as well as the conduct of free
and fair elections.
President Emmerson Mnangagwa
This has further been wors-
ened by the fact that the system in the country. “In the event of a disputed
State has weaponised the ju- outcome, the courts will al-
diciary to clampdown on dis- “This has negative implica- ways rule in favour of the ap-
senting voices. tions on democracy and free pointing authority, who hap-
and fair elections. At the mo- pens to be the President and
Quite often, pro-democra- ment, the judiciary is being not in favour of the merits of
cy activists have been denied used as a weapon to punish the case before the courts.
bail and detained for long pe- opposition political activists That is why as the civil soci-
riods on flimsy charges only and civil society activists by ety we are saying a captured
for the upper courts to point way of denying them bail Judiciary will make it difficult
out to a miscarriage of jus- when they are brought before for Zimbabwe to have democ-
tice on the part of the lower the courts on politically moti- racy or to enjoy free and fair
courts. vated charges,” he said. elections.”

Khumalo said it is unfortu- “Again, if we check the 2018 Crisis in Zimbabwe coalition
nate that through the contro- elections it took the courts to is on record saying the cur-
versial Constitutional Amend- decide on the election out- rent constitutional crisis in
ment Act (No. 2) judges will come and if the chief justice Zimbabwe is a call to action
be accountable to the appoint- is now accountable to the for civic society organisations
ing authority and this acts President and not Parliament to hold the government to
against the independence of or the citizens of the country, account and defend constitu-
the judiciary and consequent- it becomes very tricky when tionalism.
ly affects the justice delivery we go for elections.

AS Professor Sabelo Gathseni
Ndlovu rightly puts it, Zim-
Father Zimbabwe’s
babwe lacked a blueprint on
nation building since the at-
tainment of independence in

The Gukurahundi massa-

cres, which resulted in the
death of an estimated 20 000
people in the Matabeleland
dream betrayed
and Midlands provinces in the Below we republish one of ral resources, we have human
1980s, dealt a huge blow to his most famous speeches resources as are not known
the concept of nationhood and on peace and nation building in many countries. We should
marked the beginning of state delivered after Zimbabwe at- come together and see that
sponsored violence against tained independence in 1980. Zimbabwe progresses. The
citizens. most important thing in that
“Now that Zimbabwe is free progress is to see that there
What followed after the and independent, the priority is peace and tranquility, the
Gukurahundi massacres was is now nation building, social observance of the rule of law,
a series of state brutality and eco progress. We can- the return to our people that
against citizens and hundreds not move forward if we are peace that they require for de-
lost their lives. divided. We have to work as veloping their country. To be
a nation together. Zimbabwe able to do so, our law enforc-
The late iconic Vice Presi- has people of various colours ing agents must be free. The
dent of Zimbabwe, Dr. Joshua but they are one. They speak army and the police must not
Nkomo was among the major different languages but they be interfered with. They have
proponents of nation building are one. They have different powers given them by the
but because of authoritarian backgrounds but they are one. constitution of the country. No
tendencies among some of his Once we all understand that, government must try and in-
fellow politicians, his passion- once we give our best to our terfere with those powers. It
ate calls fell on deaf ears. country Zimbabwe is a won- is not necessary therefore, to
derful country. We have natu- have the police answerable to
political parties.”

Events that unfolded after

Zimbabwe attained Indepen-
dence in 1980 show a betrayal
of Father Zimbabwe’s dream.

The Gukurahundi massa-

cres, party state conflation,
capture of the judiciary, the
police and the army by Zanu
PF, militarization of key state
institutions, corruption and
plunder of national resourc-
es by the political elite have
largely worked against nation

Due to the continued eco-

nomic meltdown, Zimbabwe
continues to suffer from brain
drain as citizens seek greener
pastures in other countries.

Zimbabweans need to pur-

sue the unfinished business of
nation building and fulfill the
dreams of the late iconic lead-
The late Vice-President Joshua Nkomo er, Joshua Nkomo.

Crisis Coalition calls for peace
ahead of elections in Zambia
CRISIS in Zimbabwe Coalition tality, clampdown on media, cern as they point to a sham,
calls for the observance of clampdown on opposition par- bloody election.
peace ahead of the Zambian ties, violence against govern-
elections set for August 2021. ment critics as well as viola- Free and fair elections are
tion of citizens’ fundamental a key component of a dem-
As the Chair of the South- rights among other ills ahead ocratic society and we urge
ern African People’s Solidar- of the elections. Zambian authorities to uphold
ity Network (SAPSN) Human key tents of democracy.
Rights and Governance Clus- We call upon Zambian au-
ter, we are concerned by the thorities to ensure that peace We further urge the South-
continued shrinking of the prevails and that citizens are ern African Development
democratic space in Zambia able to enjoy their fundamen- Community to ensure that
ahead of the elections. tal human rights. Zambian authorities uphold
peace ahead of the August
We have noted with huge Current events unfolding in 2021 elections.
concern, cases of police bru- Zambia are a cause for con-

ON May 29, 2021 volcanic
eruption in the city of Goma
in the Democratic Republic of Set up Sadc
humanitarian fund
Congo (DRC) left an estimat-
ed 32 people dead while thou-
sands where left homeless

after they were forced to flee
their homes for safety.

A total of 61 earthquakes
were also reported within 24
hours following the volcanic ty (SADC) to operationalise of humanitarian assistance.
eruption. The earthquakes the SADC Humanitarian and
caused damage to infrastruc- Emergency Operations Centre On May 27, 2021 during an
ture. Extraordinary Double Troi-
Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition ka Summit on Mozambique,
Tens of thousands were is on record imploring SADC to SADC Leaders noted progress
forced to flee their homes fol- urgently set up a humanitarian towards the establishment and
lowing fears of a second volca- fund that will assist member operationalization of the SADC
nic eruption in Goma. countries in times of disasters. Humanitarian and Emergency
Operations Centre which will
The volcanic eruption in the As a coalition of civic soci- aid efforts towards risk and di-
DRC has created a major hu- ety organisations operating in saster management within the
manitarian crisis and this has Zimbabwe, we are on record region.
been worsened by the low making calls for the setting up
supply of basic commodities of the humanitarian fund since As Crisis in Zimbabwe Coa-
as well as spiralling prices of November 2020. lition, we call upon SADC to
these basic goods. move with speed in operation-
Our position came following alizing the SADC Humanitari-
While the support from hu- the conflict in the Cabo Del- an and Emergency Operations
manitarian organisations and gado region of Mozambique Centre and prioritize humani-
other continental blocs is ap- which has led to the displace- tarian intervention and resto-
preciated, there is an urgent ment of an estimated 700 000 ration of livelihoods in coun-
need for the Southern Afri- people and left around 1.3 tries affected by disasters.
can Development Communi- million people in urgent need

CORRUPTION and Illicit fi-
nancial outflows are among
key factors that are working Corruption,
illicit financial
against development and do-
mestic resource mobilisation
in Zimbabwe, according to

outflows affecting
the Zimbabwe Coalition on
Debt and Development (ZIM-

development in Zim
Of late, cases of high level
corruption and gold smug-
gling have been on the in-
crease in Zimbabwe.

The cartels are mostly linked This points to excessive

to government officials and revenue leakages and poor This figure has steeply gone
other powerful politicians. public resource management up from at least US$50 billion
especially following anoth- annually which was reported
Below, we publish a state- er incident where Henrietta in the High-Level Panel on il-
ment by ZIMCODD that out- Rushwaya in October 2020 licit financial flows from Africa
lines how corruption and illicit was caught at the Robert Ga- Report led by the Mbeki Com-
financial outflows are disen- briel Mugabe International mission in 2011.
abling effective domestic re- Airport whilst trying to smug-
source mobilisation in Zimba- gle 6kg of gold to Dubai1. An adverse irony is that Af-
bwe. rica is losing more through il-
The Rushwaya’s case in- licit financial flows than what
ZIMBABWE SHOULD LIFT volved an estimate of US$333 it receives annually as Official
ITSELF OUT OF POVERTY 000 worth of gold. Development Assistance.
GOVERNANCE Illicit financial flows in Afri- Evidence in the case of Zim-
ca and Zimbabwe continue to babwe shows that the illic-
The case that Zimbabwe erode potential revenue that it financial flows are fuelled
has adequate resources to can lift the continent and the through State capture and
finance its own development country out of the economic rent-seeking.
has persisted with various ar- situation that it finds itself in.
guments presented. Zimbabwe has lost approx-
Economic Development in imately US$32,179 billion to
One side of the argument Africa Report of 2020 notes illicit financial flows in the
which this edition of the week- that Africa losses approxi- last two decades and approx-
end reader is considering is mately US$89 billion to illicit imately US$1,5 billion in gold
that Corruption and Illicit fi- financial flows per year which smuggling in 2020 against
nancial outflows are the key is equivalent to 3,7 per cent US$800 million official Fidel-
factors that are disenabling of the continent’s gross do- ity exports.
effective Domestic Resource mestic product.
Mobilisation in the country.

On the 9th of May 2021,

social media was awash with
news of a man who was sus-
pected to be coming from
Zimbabwe who was arrested
at OR Tambo International
Airport with 23 pieces of gold
worth R11 000 000.

Using the ZAR1:

USD0,0711255 or the US$1:
ZAR14,0597 exchange rate,
the value of the gold is
US$782 380,37.

CRT urges residents
THE Chinhoyi Residents Trust
(CRT) has embarked on a pro-
gramme meant to mobilise

to get Covid-19
residents to get vaccinated
against Covid 19.

CRT Coordinator, Peter Le-
wanda said they had equipped
their community leaders with
knowledge on Covid 19 and
the vaccination programme as
part of community mobilisa-
tion efforts. vaccinated) by some sections because of opinions from reli-
of the community. gious leaders as well as pseu-
He said CRT embarked on do scientists in our commu-
the sensitisation programme “Most people have hesitat- nities who have likened the
following resistance (to get ed getting the vaccination vaccination with anti Christ.
We had a meeting last month
where we brought in experts
on health to try and unpack
the vaccine; its effects and
why getting vaccinated is the
way to go. We were target-
ing CBO leaders and opinion
leaders in the community”, he

Lewanda said that as a re-

sult of the sensitisation pro-
gramme by CRT there has
been notable change of be-
haviour among Chinhoyi res-

On another note, Lewanda

said that informal traders in
Chinhoyi ha been hard hit by
the Covid 19 pandemic after
their stalls where destroyed
by council.

“The informal sector has

been most hit by the advent
of the pandemic. Firstly they
had to endure the destruction
of infrastructure that was be-
ing used by vendors in town
at the start of the lock downs
with the council promising
state of the art infrastructure
but nothing has been done
yet,” he said.

Lewanda added that the

Covid 19 pandemic has also
stalled the operations of Res-
idents’ Trusts as people are
still prohibited from picketing
at council offices or meet with
council leaders for account-
CiCZ director Blessing Vava getting the Covid-19 jab

DCCs: Zanu PF must
HEAL Zimbabwe express-
es concern over the manner
in which the Zanu PF dis-

stop violating
trict co-ordinating committee
(DCC) exercise is being rolled
out in rural communities.

In the month of May 2021

alone, Heal Zimbabwe re-
ceived verified reports where
traditional leaders (mostly
people’s rights
village heads), teachers and
school development commit- establishing these structures rights of citizens such as polit-
tees (SDCs) have been forced have been threatened with ical rights.
to set up Zanu PF structures. dismissal and further action.
The issuing of threats such
The ongoing Zanu PF DCC While Heal Zimbabwe ap- as denial of food aid or dis-
restructuring exercise targets preciates the importance of missal must not find expres-
a total of five million voters by citizen participation in poli- sion in a society that has laws
2023. tics, forcing citizens to do so that respect and protect fun-
against their wish is a gross damental human rights and
In Gutu and Zaka, village violation of their rights such freedoms of citizens.
heads have been directed to as political rights that are ex-
convert village household reg- clusively provided for in sec- Heal Zimbabwe has facilitat-
isters into structures for Zanu tion 67 of the Constitution. ed for affected communities to
PF. report cases of human rights
In light of the above, Heal violations to the police and
The same directive is be- Zimbabwe implores politi- the Zimbabwe Human Rights
ing issued every Wednesday cal parties to respect human Commission.
during DCC meetings.

Other areas where this prac-

tice is rampant include Mu-
tasa, Nyanga, Muzarabani,
Maramba Pfungwe and Bikita.

Heal Zimbabwe notes that

forcing traditional leaders
to engage in partisan poli-
tics goes against the grain of
section 281(2)(c) of the Con-
stitution that highlights that
“traditional leaders must not
further the interests of any
political party or cause”.

Added to this, such a prac-

tice also compromises the
constitutional obligation of
Traditional leaders to respect
the fundamental freedoms
and human rights of citizens
in compliance with section

In Gutu and Nyanga, teach-

ers at most schools togeth-
er with SDCs have also been
directed to set up Zanu PF
structures at most schools.

Those who have delayed

ERC in voter
AHEAD of the 2023 Zimba-
bwean elections, the Election
Resource Centre (ERC) has

mobilisation drive
embarked on a massive voter
mobilization exercise.

The Crisis Report spoke to the

ERC’s Legal and Advocacy Offi-
cer, Takunda Tsunga and below
we publish Tsunga’s presenta- zens could engage around vot- Secondly the ERC is work-
tion on the ERC’s ‘Register to er registration and the impor- ing with corporates who want
Vote Campaign’. tance of voter registration and to assist with the mobilisation
through these engagements, drive.
“The Register to Vote Cam- the ERC provides the shuttle
paign is an online campaign service which assists citizens Corporates by nature have
which seeks to address issues who would like to register to a larger following, they have
around the importance of voter vote. a large loyal backing there-
registration, issues around en- for they should be in a posi-
suring that the youths, women One of the biggest concerns tion where they are using their
and marginalized groups ac- around voter registration was platforms to assist citizens to
tively participate in the voter issues around the distance. mobilize to register to vote.
registration process.
The ERC introduced the shut- The ERC has been working
As you have noticed in the tle service, which had been with Joys Pizza in Harare which
2019 Zimbabwe Electoral available in 2018. has been providing us with piz-
Commission report, approxi- zas to ensure that we are able
mately 1 444 people registered When people call our call to use the pizzas in an innova-
to vote nationally which was a centre, we take them to the tive way to mobilize citizens to
very appalling and alarming nearest registration centres register to vote.
figure in terms of voter reg- and wait for them to register
istration in a year when over and return them to where they Therefore, we had targeted
500 000 youths reached the would have been picked up. University of Zimbabwe and
age of 18. Harare Polytechnic students
This has proven to be a very where we had been providing
Therefore the ERC sought to effective tool in getting citizens pizzas to students who actual-
create platforms where citi- out to vote. ly registered to vote.

Chilonga evictions:
THE planned evictions of the
Chilonga community from
their ancestral land in Chiredzi

The future is bleak

will worsen the plight of the
victims due to loss of liveli-
hoods, low adaptive capacity

for the Shangaan

and the tendency by the Zim-
babwean government to pay a
blind eye to the plight of dis-
placed populations.

In an interview with the

Crisis Report, the firector of
Masvingo Centre for Research
Advocacy and Development,
Ephraim Mtombeni bemoaned
that despite resistance from cestral land and the looming have solid examples of people
the Chilonga community, the evictions,” said Mtombeni. who were evicted and forgot-
state is adamant to imple- ten. The other fear is on the
ment the evictions. The eviction of the Chilonga loss of accessing basic ame-
community is set to pave way nities after relocation. Is the
An estimated 13 840 people for a lucerne grass project. government going to provide
will be affected by the evic- them with adequate schools,
tions. Mtombeni said history has clinics, hospitals roads or oth-
taught that government often er critical infrastructure after
“The displaced people have neglects displaced people who relocation?” said Mtombeni.
low adaptive capacity in re- often are relegate into abject
sponding to the government people following eviction from In February 2021, Presi-
induced evictions. Painful- their ancestral lands. dent Emmerson Mnangagwa
ly, the Shangani people ex- gave notice of eviction of the
pressed that they were never “The fears of the Chilonga Chilonga community through
consulted or involved in the community are not isolated or Statutory Instrument 50 of
processes relating to their an- emanating from space. They 2021.


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