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Writing as

Problem Solving
by Danica Chabot & David and clearly communicated, but my content approaching new writing tasks, which are
lacked substance; it was often redundant and explained in detail below. These five domains
Slomp borderline shallow. My struggle was rooted in are: Discourse community knowledge,
the way that I was taught to write: I was given rhetorical knowledge, genre knowledge,
outlines to follow that conveniently instructed subject matter knowledge, and writing process
Danica is a recent gradute with a combined
me where to put what. I became very efficient at knowledge.
Bachelor of Science Education and Biological
filling in the blanks, and all I had to do was rely
Sciences degree. on feedback to tell me what I missed and what Expert writers recognize that discourse
needed to be fixed to get it “right.” Although communities are groups that share a common
David Slomp is a former Board of Governors’ purpose or interest and that these communities
this method brought me success in meeting
Teaching Chair and Assistant Professor in use specific types of texts to communicate
academic standards, I failed to develop a sense
the Faculty of Education. amongst themselves as they work to achieve
for understanding the purpose of writing
beyond obtaining a praise-worthy grade. the purpose of the group. Expert writers are
Introduction able to analyze discourse communities, to
But hey – I am a science major. Why should I determine what values they share, what texts

O ver the past several years, the staff at the

Teaching Centre and the members of
the Teaching Centre Advisory Council have
be concerned with developing a deeper sense
of understanding for writing? All I have to
or genres they use to communicate amongst
themselves, and how those texts are designed
write are lab reports, and those are pretty to reflect those purposes and values. They
reported increasing concern by university straightforward, are they not? Just write down recognize, for example, that a successful
faculty about the quality of student writing at what happens in an experiment and call it a job history paper is necessarily different from
the University of Lethbridge. This concern, well done. It is mostly true that lab reports are a philosophy paper, because the discourse
of course, is not unique to our university. The the most complex writing tasks in science (as communities of historians and philosophers
quality and effectiveness of student writing they can go on to become publishable research bring different values and expectations to the
ability has long been a topic of concern (1). papers), and I have been able to get by using the texts that are valued within their communities,
The issue underlying this concern is that fill-in-blanks-of-an-outline method; but it took differences that are manifested in the features
traditional approaches to writing instruction me several experiences before I figured out the and structures of the texts themselves.
and curriculum have been designed to teach purpose of all the blanks that I was filling in.
localized skills and understandings about Genre knowledge involves the capacity to
writing (2). As a consequence, students in both This goes to show that practice does make understand that genres are tools used by
the K-12 and the post-secondary systems learn perfect, and repetition of a task eventually discourse communities to achieve the purposes
how to be successful in completing a narrow should lead to understanding. But, is it of those communities and that they are both
set of writing tasks that focus on mastering a reasonable to make students wait until a fifth context specific and complex. Recognizing this,
limited set of genres (3,4). When those students attempt before expecting them to develop an expert writers can identify how the genres used
move across contexts, for example from grade understanding of their task? I can imagine by discourse communities reflect the values
12 to university or from first-year writing to that a frustrating failed first attempt would be and purposes of those communities and how
second-year sociology, what they learned about enough to guarantee that a student loses the they are able to apply those understandings to
writing in the preceding context rarely applies motivation to even consider a second attempt their writing.
or transfers to the new context. Sommers and wholeheartedly; it’s likely easier to accept
Saltz’s (5) landmark study, for example, found defeat and move on to a different skillset. When drawing on rhetorical knowledge, expert
that the most important thing students learned writers also recognize that each text they
about writing in their first year at Harvard was Danica’s experiences are all too common. are crafting is designed to achieve a specific
that what worked for them in high school did Many students who drop out of university purpose. They know that there are multiple
not work for them in college. Similar findings or college in their first year do so because of ways that they can achieve that purpose in
have been reported about the limitations lack of preparedness in writing and reading each text, and they recognize that effectiveness
of traditional first-year writing courses for skills needed at the post-secondary level (6). of rhetorical choices or tools they employ
preparing students for writing in the disciplines. Successful students eventually figure out is mediated by the values and beliefs of the
Danica’s experience as an undergraduate what is required of them, but this journey of discourse community for whom they are
student at the University of Lethbridge, first in discovery is too often haphazard, marked writing.
science and then later in education, reflects this by happenstance and inefficiency. A decade
problem: ago, writing researchers began to rethink Expert writers draw on writing process
how writing is taught in post-secondary knowledge when they recognize that they have
Personally, I have been a student for more years environments (7). The question they focussed a range of processes and strategies available to
than I would like to admit. Overall, I am a on was: How do we teach for transfer; that is, them as they complete the writing task. They
well-rounded student. I’ll admit that I owe my how do we help students develop the capacity to understand that the effectiveness of these
general tendency for success to a personality apply knowledge about writing developed in one processes and strategies varies based on the
trait that continues to serve me well beyond context to tasks and rhetorical situations found contexts in which they are writing.
the challenges in education; that trait involves in other contexts?
the belief that every problem has a solution. Subject matter knowledge involves the ability to
Writing is one of those ‘things’ that I was never The key to answering that question is gather and use information needed to achieve
really great at, but I got by being good enough, understanding what knowledge and skills the intention of a text. Expert writers recognize
because I was always capable of finding a fitting expert writers draw on when they approach that discourse communities may understand
solution to whatever writing problem came my writing tasks that are new to them, and then content differently from one another, and so the
way. building a writing pedagogy that cultivates task of the writer is to employ that information
that set of knowledge and skills. In 2007, Anne in a manner that reflects the perspectives
However, a criticism that I often encountered Beaufort (8) synthesized decades of research and understandings of the community one is
in English-Language-Arts (ELA) writing was on this question and identified five domains of writing for.
that my assignments were well structured knowledge that expert writers draw on when

Writing for Life critical-thinking approach, because I strongly preliminary writing process through which
believe in the power of enhancing student we were guided. Its stages were paramount
In 2008, when David was Special Advisor engagement and quality of learning through to my developing an in-depth understanding
on the Writing Initiative to the Deans of Arts critical-thinking skills. Little did I know that I of a task that I had never encountered before.
and Education at the University of Alberta, was going to be just as much of a student in this The pre-writing process was metacognitive,
he worked with the University of Alberta’s course as I was a student-teacher. and through it I learned to think about the
Writing Task Force to develop a vision for task even before attempting to complete it. It
The objective was clear: Learn how to analyze involved four key stages:
writing program development and support that
and successfully complete writing tasks never-
would help students develop the transferrable
before encountered, specifically grant writing. 1) Discourse Analysis – determine the values
knowledge about writing that seemed to be
A unique twist to this course involved linking of my community group and the agency
lacking. An important piece of this puzzle was
the task to a community organization, which I would be applying to, and consider how
the development of a new first-year writing
enabled me to quickly forget that the purpose those values were reflected in the way they
course, Exploring Writing, designed to help
of completing this course was to gain credit. used language;
students develop awareness of and capacity
My motivation for completion instead became
for each of the five knowledge domains
driven by a desire to succeed on behalf of 2) Genre Analysis – identify how grant
described above. In 2014, the Conference on
the organization. This real-life application applications are structured;
College Composition and Communication
provided the kind of purpose to the task that
recognized this course with a writing program
I think students (myself included) are often 3) Rhetorical Analysis – determine what the
certificate of excellence, making it one of only
searching for when learning, but it is not often purpose of a grant application is, and
three Canadian programs to have received
met with much discovery. how authors of grant applications achieve
this distinction. This same year, David began
those purposes in the way they shape their
working with high school teachers in Southern
I chose to be paired with Kids Help Phone proposals;
Alberta to develop a writing-as-problem-
(KHP). Kids Help Phone provides a free 24-
solving pedagogy, focussed on helping students 4) Core Content Outline – identify the core
hour counselling service to children. Children
learn to independently analyze and complete content of a grant proposal through a
can access KHP either by phone or online
new writing tasks. The goal of this approach review of the previous three analyses.
through a chat feature. Because I believe in the
is to help students develop and apply the
value of the KHP, and because I wanted to see
knowledge on which expert writers draw when For me, this was a very different approach to
them get the funding, I was given meaningful
creating text, thereby positioning students for learning a new writing style. Rather than being
motivation for successful completion of my
greater success when faced with new writing handed an outline, much of the preliminary
writing task.
tasks in post-secondary or workplace writing work involved the analysis of sample grant
contexts. In 2017, David adapted this writing- applications. The focus of the analyses was
That’s not to say that the writing I did in school
as-problem-solving pedagogy for the post- discourse, structure, and content of grant
and university wasn’t meaningful. I was very
secondary context, creating an applied studies proposals. Deconstructing these facets of
conscious of my academic standing; however,
course titled Writing for Life. the task made it possible to identify the key
I was just as happy with a grade of 80% as I was
with a grade of 90%, so my effort level relied elements of the content, and how the they
The goal of Writing for Life was to help students could be structurally organized to best serve
on which grade I was more in the mood for.
learn how to analyze writing tasks that are new the intention of the writing task.
More often than not, I just wanted to meet the
to them so that they can independently and
deadline and get it over with. In other words,
successfully complete these tasks. The course
was structured around students developing
the meaningfulness in many of my writing Discourse Analysis
assignments was not deep enough to truly
strategies for acquiring and applying knowledge
motivate me. As an athlete, I was taught to learn the rules,
and skills related to each of the five knowledge
domains discussed above. terminologies, and acceptable behaviour of a
When we finally do get to writing outside the sport just as much as I was taught to develop
confines of our institutional walls, meaningful the sport-specific skills; therefore, as a writer,
The core activity in this course was for
writing is what we are faced with: Our tasks are learning the values and expectations embedded
students to write a grant proposal for a
no longer linked to a summative grade but to in a writing task was just as important as
community agency with which they were
an outcome that affects our personal lives. At learning how to put the words together to
partnered. Students conducted an analysis
that point, we likely find ourselves questioning complete it. And so, the first step in grant
of both the grant agency and the community
whether or not we actually have the skills to writing involved the analysis of two discourse
group, examined sample grant proposals,
successfully complete the writing task: Who is communities: The community organization
deconstructed the rhetorical structure of grant
going to confirm our uncertainties? How will we itself and the targeted granting agency.
proposals, and crafted their own proposal for
determine criteria for success? And: How will we
submission to the granting agency.
enact a plan to meet those criteria? It was crucial for me to sufficiently familiarize
myself with my partner organization so that
Writing for Life: A Student’s It seems that as students, we get so used to I could appropriately represent it through
Experience being told what to do and how to do it that we writing. Therefore, I analyzed all available
seldom learn to ask why it should be done a information associated with the organization
Admittedly, I enrolled in the Writing for Life certain way. The ‘why’ matters, though, because to get to know KHP in terms of its purpose, its
course to meet elective requirements for my it guides our understanding of purpose in the history, and its values and ambitions. I also had
undergraduate degrees, and I was intrigued things we learn. to familiarize myself with the granting agency
by the hands-on nature of an applied study. to which I was applying. Both of these analyses
Initially, I saw it as an opportunity to gain A Student’s Experience: The Process involved identifying the types of language
competency in teaching writing should I each party used, the types of information
ever have to teach an ELA class in my future What surprised me most about the Writing they provided, and the values each one held.
career. I was especially drawn to the proposed for Life course was the magnitude of the The purpose of this was to ensure alignment

determined that I was still missing key
Big Argument: You should fund KHP so we can help kids’ needs. information, which I was able to obtain for the
benefit of the application. This was better to
Says-Does Analysis discover in the pre-writing process rather than
after the funding request was possibly declined!

Says Does Drafting and Revising

1. KHP is there for kids who are 1. Establishes need. Established that
suffering. KHP helps these kids. By the time I got to actually writing the grant
application, I was not stressed about having
2. ONLY professional counselling 2. Establishes who organization is, less time to write than I had to prepare. The
support lines. how they address the need, what key was that I already knew what was going
makes them unique. to constitute the first draft, so the first draft
3. 24/7 connects kids to community. became a process of organizing, editing, and
3. Establishes the problem related enhancing content rather than generating
4. Only 1/2 kids in Canada know to the need that the funding will content. This also meant fewer drafts between
what KHP is. address. the first one and the final product. Moreover,
edits were much more minor, and they
mostly included spell checking, improving
organization, and enrichment via vocabulary
between the organization and the granting 4) How is it feasible? and/or rhetorical details. In summary, the
agency; it was about making the shoe fit the work in the preliminary process gave me the
foot, not the foot fit the shoe. Furthermore, it 5) What is the value to the donor? confidence to put together a quality first draft
served to identify the foundation on which to of something I had never written before.
build the argument that ‘this agency should The answers to these five questions provided
fund this community organization.’ the premise for the arguments that the grant
Writing For Life – Implications for
applications were making: ‘X granting agency
Writing in the Disciplines
Genre Analysis should fund Y organization for Z project.’

I have this vague memory of a conversation I

The next step was to understand how to Rhetorical Analysis
had with my organic chemistry professor back
develop the above-mentioned argument in in college; he commented on how I preferred to
the context of a grant application; to do this, Analysis of the rhetorical features was necessary work with problems that involved determining
samples of successful grant applications were for determining how the elements of the core the reactants from the products rather than
analyzed. As I mentioned earlier, instead of content were strategically organized to produce vice versa. My response was that I found it
being given a specific outline to follow, I was a compelling argument. A says-does-analysis easier to work backwards once I knew where
taught how to create one myself, which was of each section was conducted. Paragraph by I needed to end up. Beginning with the end in
paramount to my overall understanding of the paragraph, I summarized what the content mind is a philosophy and a strategy that we
task’s intent. It is one thing to be told that the ‘said’ prima facie and then thought critically are highly encouraged to incorporate into our
purpose of writing a grant proposal is to try to about what purpose the content served (i.e., teaching methods. For me, it won’t be a hard
convince the agency to fund you, but it is so how it was propagating the argument). philosophy to adopt, and the problem-solving
much more to have to figure out for yourself writing approach is very conducive to fulfilling
how a grant proposal functions. Understanding Conducting a rhetorical analysis allowed me this philosophy in terms of writing.
the ‘how’ set the foundation for the confident to formulate an outline to guide the writing
development of my own request. of my own grant application. At this point, I Gretzky said ‘We miss 100% of the shots we
discovered what I needed to include and how don’t take.’ In other words, it’s best to take a
By way of genre analysis, I identified which to best present it, which lent itself to organizing shot in the right direction than to not shoot at
elements were commonly present, and how the application so that it was conducive to all. Generally, it’s a healthy philosophy to live
those elements were strategically organized producing a compelling argument. by, but a masterful coach won’t just train their
within the application. The content of each players to shoot the puck in the right direction
sample grant was deconstructed paragraph Core Content Outline in hopes of getting it in the net. Instead,
by paragraph, and each paragraph was players will be taught to find the sweet spots
summarized in a simple phrase or sentence. of the target; this is where the goalie will have
The final preliminary stage involved outlining
Analysis of the paragraph summaries provided a harder time cutting off the angle to block the
my own core content based on the previous
a visualization of what kind of content was shot. With this knowledge, players can shoot
three analyses. By knowing beforehand what
present and how it was structured. with a comprehensive intent to score rather
I needed for the content, I found direction for
examining my KHP documents. The first time than with blind hope. Similarly, students need
This portion of the writing process concluded
I looked through all the provided documents, I to understand the sweet spots of their writing
with the production of a core content analysis.
felt overwhelmed by all the information. Going targets, but just like the hockey player must
In collaboration with my cohort members,
through them the second time, knowing what I work at developing the ability to judge the
we deduced that the core content of a grant
needed made it easy to identify both purposeful best shooting angle. The student too needs to
application was guided by five major questions:
and expendable information. develop the ability to judge the best approach
1) Why the project? to a writing task depending on its nature. It isn’t
The core content outline also helped me enough for students to simply see the target to
2) Why the organization? determine if any important information was aim for; students need to understand the target
missing. Although KHP willingly provided as well.
3) What is the project?
me with a plethora of material, my outline

Core Content Analysis In science, students encounter writing mostly
in the form of lab reports; yet, they don’t appear
Information on the organization seeing funding to be taught how to properly write one formally
Need for the organization until 30-level courses in preparation for post-
KHP only national porfessional counselling
• Reason for the project that is in need of secondary endeavours. However, when students
service (FREE)
funding get to the post-secondary stage, professors
• 3:1 Live Chat Drop Rate due to lack of
• Social or community issue/population don’t spend time teaching how to write a lab
counsellour resources (2015) - (need to
organization addresses report as a writing task. It is expected of us to
confirm a more recent numbers)
already know which components are included
• Youth mental health issues *suicide* &
in a lab report, and the professor’s job is to help
Youth awareness of available resources
you enhance each component to achieve post-
secondary-quality end products.
Organization’s impact *2017 Stats and summary of long term
Personally, in high school, I wasn’t made to
• How it addresses the issue/need significant impact (especially number of crisis
understand the components of a lab report; I
population interventions)
was just expected fill them in as instructed to
• Specific evidence detailing impact (stats • Provides 24hr, Free one-one-one,
make sure I got a point for each component
or narratives about the successes/services ANONYMOUS, professional counselling
present. And I was only expected to understand
the organization provides) services; maintains up-to-date
the experiment insofar as it confirmed the
communications platforms for youth to access
claims made in the textbook. So, when I got to
• Evidence: 2017 Alberta Stats AND
the post-secondary stage, there was a huge gap
Narratives (pre-made from KHP)
between my lab report writing experience and
the new lab report expectations.
History and credibility
• Past projects (ties to impact) • Evolution of community role I don’t think it unreasonable to be expected
• when/why organization was established • Focus on content from Fulfilling our Promise to have an in-depth understanding of lab
• purpose/vision/mandate/values or the • ACCESS - What other methods has KHP report writing coming out of high school: The
organization evolved to keep in touch with youth? science curriculum includes the development
• recognition received/awards recieved • Is there a measurable outcome in terms of inquiry skills that involve planning, data-
• Future plans/directions linked to of DROP RATE that is trying to be recording and analysis, and communication
purpose/vision/mission/mandate acheived for next year’s evaluation? within the scientific community; all of which
can be accomplished through formal lab

This presents a cross-curricular opportunity! but to test it, students can learn to appreciate those requirements reflect the values and
If the problem-solving writing approach was the value of scientific experimentation to expectations of the disciplines in which they
taught as an English skill, it could then be put scientific knowledge. are writing, and to construct and execute a
into practice as students complete specific plan to successfully meet those requirements.
writing tasks in their other subjects. As a result, We should remember that language is The writing-as-problem-solving pedagogy
students are given meaningful opportunities to fundamental to all subjects in (western) developed and implemented in the Writing for
apply a learned writing skill, and their subject- education systems. Science could take time to Life course is designed to teach students how
specific writing tasks can be confidently teach students its language so that they can feel to understand the rhetorical problems they
completed at higher levels of quality. As an comfortable applying it. Having students go face in new writing tasks and teaches them
ideal consequence, literacy in all other subjects through the process of conducting discourse the skills required to independently analyze
could be improved. analysis, genre analysis, and rhetorical and complete these new tasks. As such, it is a
analysis of lab reports could provide them pedagogical model designed to provide the
From my experiences, students struggle with opportunities to develop the necessary foundation for students’ writing across the
to make connections between the sections understanding of the scientific language. The disciplines; enabling them to be successful
of their lab reports; specifically, the results more opportunities students are provided with, in writing tasks faced not only across their
and analysis sections. This prevents them the more experience they will gain with the university programs, but also throughout their
from contemplating the implications of the language; likewise, the sooner the opportunities writing lives.
experimental inquiry beyond the purpose of are presented, the more opportunities they
confirming what they are told by a textbook. experience and the better prepared they are for
Students fail to engage in critical thinking, post-secondary transfer.
which diminishes the quality of learning that
is meant to result from experimental inquiry. Implications for Writing Across the
Disciplines and Beyond
By gaining a comprehensive understanding of
each lab report component, students should
be able to find purpose in each step of their Reviewing decades of research into the
experimental procedure. For example, rather cognitive process of student writers, Hayes
than just documenting observations to fill (9) observed that many weak writers assign
in the section, they can be prepared to make themselves the wrong rhetorical problem
observations with the intent of applying when faced with a writing task that is new
them later on in an analysis. Additionally, by to them. Often, this struggle is perpetuated,
understanding that reporting on an experiment because rarely are students taught how to
is not meant to simply confirm proposed theory, deconstruct a writing task, to determine what
is being required of them, to understand how


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