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BIOL122 – Human Biological Sciences 2

Australian Catholic University

BIOL122 Exam format and case study

Instructions To Students:
There are three parts in the BIOL122 end-of-semester examination: Part A, Part B and Part C
Part A consists of 65 multiple choice questions (1 mark each; 65 marks total)
Part B consists of questions relating to a pre-sighted case study (4 questions; 15 marks total)
Part C consists of short-answer questions (6 questions; 20 marks total)
There are 100 marks total

Part B – Pre-sighted Case study (15 marks total)

Case study
Noel Munro is a 62-year-old male who works in accounts at his local council. He has had mild asthma since
childhood and uses a reliever medication when necessary. Noel is 169 cm tall, weighs 103kg, and has an
‘apple’ type fat distribution. He admits that his diet has never been great and he eats takeaway meals at
least 4 times a week. He has a history of hypertension for which he is prescribed an ACE inhibitor. He has
been reasonably well until last year when he began to develop chest pain on exertion. His local GP
prescribed 100 mg of aspirin per day and 10 mg of atorvastatin per day.
Whilst running to catch the bus one morning, the chest pain suddenly became much worse than ever
before. Noel felt sweaty, nauseous, had a crushing sensation around his chest and up into his jaw. An
ambulance was called and Noel was taken to the Accident and Emergency (A & E) department where the
following results were also noted:

On examination at A & E
Blood pressure 111/56 mm Hg
Heart rate 121 bpm
Respiration rate 29/min
Oxygen saturation 93%
ECG ST elevation
General appearance Distressed, overweight, diaphoretic, complaining of a central, crushing chest pain
(8 out of 10) that has only mildly subsided with 3 doses of his glyceryl trinitrate
GTN spray (sublingual).

Noel’s blood test results showed:

Result Units Reference range
Glucose 15.2 mmol/L (3.5 – 6.0)
HbA1c 7.9 % (3 – 7%)

Lipid Studies
Triglycerides 6.8 mmol/L (0.2 – 4.8)
Total Cholesterol 8.01 mmol/L (4.45 – 7.69)
HDL Cholesterol 1.18 mmol/L (0.98-2.38)
LDL Cholesterol 6.01 mmol/L (2.59-5.80)

Cardiac markers
cTnI 1.4 µg/L (< 0.03)

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