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Marketing Plan

Dr. Saeed Badghish

KAU University 2019-2020

Dr. Saeed Badghish

Marketing Plan


Marketing Plan
Prepared: April 15, 2020

Marketing Plan
Dr. Saeed Badghish

Table of Contents
Marketing Plan Summary.....................................................................................3
The Business 3
The Future 3
The Market 3
The Business........................................................................................................4
Business overview 4
S.W.O.T. analysis 4
S.W.O.T. activity sheet 5
Products/services 5
Sales/Marketing Personnel 7
The Future............................................................................................................7
Vision statement 7
Mission statement 8
Goals/objectives 8
The Market............................................................................................................8
Unique selling position 8
Your target customers/clients 9

Customer demographics...................................................................................9

Key customers...................................................................................................9

Customer management.....................................................................................9
Your competitors 9

Competitor Details...........................................................................................10
Market research11
Marketing strategy..............................................................................................11
Advertising & sales Campaigns 12
Distribution strategy 13
Monitoring/measurement activities.....................................................................15
Social Report 15
Google Alerts 15


Marketing Plan
Dr. Saeed Badghish

Marketing Plan Summary

The Business

Clean-Well is a wholly-owned subsidiary of hand sanitizer, located in Pakistan.

With the new product concept, Clean-Well intends to operate diversely through its
market diversity and offer its unique products in personal care and antiseptics. The
business was established in January 2020, following a life-solving solution for a lady
who had a problem with her skin. As such, the company sought to initiate some
moisturizing products rich in vitamins for the lady. As the company developed these
products, research showed that besides being 95% effective, they helped in killing
germs and making people stay safe. So, amongst three refined products, Clean-Well
considers Cuticura and Dial as the most effective, designed, and targeted for
individuals in their everyday activities.

The Future

Vision statement:

Clean-Well’s vision is to create upgraded products that facilitate personal

hygiene to cater to the needs of all people, anywhere, and at any time, regardless of
social status. Also, Clean-Well intends to create a partnership with customers to
ensure that their health status is addressed through hygiene, and the products are
available at a friendly price.


The short-term goals and objectives of Clean-Well are to build an organization

that is dedicated to providing excellent hygiene and deliver its products and services
consistently while upholding quality. The long-term aim is to sustain a commitment to
continue innovating other ways to address the health needs of individuals to create a
sustainable context.

The Market

Target market:

Clean-Well’s products are specifically intended for students and travelers. This
target market has been considered to have problems with maintaining cleanliness
and issue that can improve their health

Marketing strategy:

The marketing strategy is using publications and catalogues to focus on

product features showing the power of antiseptic and skin mildness. Also, the use of
branding and artwork can help to emphasize the antibacterial power of Dial and
Cuticura. The use of print advertising can extend care to customers.

Marketing Plan
Dr. Saeed Badghish
The Business

Business overview

Clean-Well is a fully-owned subsidiary of hand sanitizer. The company

initiated Cuticura and Dial, as moisturizing products rich in vitamin. These products
were found to be effective in maintaining the skin, in killing germs and making people
stay safe. Clean-Well is situated in Pakistan. The choice of this location was
considered fit because of the increased number of students and travelers, which is
the target market of this business. Clean-Well is relatively new, given that it has been
in operation since January 2020. The main focus of this business is to provide quality
health products for skincare, which is a dire need, especially for students and
travelers. The departments of health in Pakistan reported an increased number of
patients as a result of skin diseases, resulting in unhygienic conditions. The majority
of them were university and college students, along with individuals with a history of
travel. Following this concern, Clean-Well came up with the idea of enhancing a
sustainable and healthy environment for such vulnerable groups.

S.W.O.T. analysis

Strengths Weaknesses

 Products are skin-friendly, so  The business is relatively new

they do not cause irritation  Consumers have not familiarized
 Ability to kill germs and bacteria fully with the products
within seconds  There is limited coverage of the
 The formula is non-sticky, market
therefore creates no difference
with natural water
 Gentle enough when frequently
used in the absence of water and

Opportunities Threats

 Creates the hygienic the most  Political instability in the country

conditions  Unpredictable economic
 Products have an appealing indicators
scent that allows them to be used  Similar products launch that can
anywhere confuse customers
 Portable and pocket-friendly  Threat from competitors
 Untapped market without many

Marketing Plan
Dr. Saeed Badghish
S.W.O.T. activity sheet

S.W.O.T Activity to address Activity completion

weakness/ threat weakness/threat date
Similar products Clean-Well intends to create unique 29-06-2020
launch that can designs of products for customers
confuse with its logo and brand names.
Consumers have Clean-Well will use different strategies 15-07-2020
not familiarized to facilitate the delivery of
fully with the services/products to the target
products markets.


Product/Service Description Price ($)

Cuticura This product is made up of 100% 2
effective antibacterial formula.
It does not require continuous
application because, unlike other
hand sanitizers, Cuticura makes the
skin stay hydrated.
It has a sweet scent.

Dial The product is made up of 75% v/v 2.5

Isopropyl alcohol, which is one of the
most skin-protective formulae.
It usually repels germs by 88%.
It has a sweet scent.

Market position: Clean-Well identified that in Pakistan, a health and image-

cognizant market is needed. And so, with the application of Dial and Cuticura, this
place a high priority on building images and keeping people protected from skin
infections. Clean-Well has an idea that the market is still raw, and launching an
awareness campaign through its products can aid in reaching a diverse population.
These are budget products as they require customers to spend less, yet they offer
quality services. Compared to that of competitors’, Clean-Well’s products take less
time to eliminate germs effectively. This means that those using will only spend a

Marketing Plan
Dr. Saeed Badghish
little time to clean their hands. Besides, with the pressurized state of a product like
Dial, the cleaning chemical evaporates upon application on the skin.

Unique selling position: The positioning statement of Clean-Well is: “Let us protect
our health and that of our Families Comprehensively.” With the need to create
increased awareness of skin and health protection, Dial and Cuticura emphasize
improved quality power to deal with germs and bacteria. This way, there is a
comprehensive protection of families through cleanliness. Besides, through the
further extension of these products and differentiating them from other antiseptic
liquid, the products ensure the creation of a full hygienic context to the customers.

Anticipated demand: For the first three months of operation in this business, Clean-
Well will ensure that the image of the products has been upgraded in the customers'
eyes. So, this will need a considerable investment to launch the marketing campaign,
sale promotion, and product placement. The anticipated quantity of customers is,
therefore, dependent on all these operations. However, since the products are still in
the introductory phase, the return on investment is not a priority. Clean-Well seeks to
prioritize ROI during the third year of operations. In the first twelve months, Clean-
Well plans to manufacture around 1600 units of products equally. This will be the
right time to assess the behavior and frequency of target customers. But the
projections are to sell between 100 units every month, for the first year.

Pricing strategy: The most suitable pricing strategy for Dial and Cuticura is to use a
skimming approach. According to Spann et al. (2015), the skimming method is
appropriate for newly launched products (p. 239). By analyzing the recent market
trends with the antiseptic industry, one can quickly understand that hand sanitizers
are in demand, especially with the current pandemic. With this approach, it will allow
Clean-Well to integrate into the market and take advantage of its competitors. The
current need to stay safe can also make the demand for Dial and Cuticura to be
higher than any other antiseptic. In other words, with the increased need for people
to improve their hygiene, they are willing to pay less for new products.

Value to customer: With the dedication of Clean-Well to provide customers with

quality products, this will, in turn, enhance their satisfaction. The company flourishes
on the happiness and comfort of their customers. So, having that in mind, it is a
guarantee focusing on the primary concern of improving customers’ health, our
products will be a necessity for them. Customers will also stay loyal to our products,
and we will eventually extend our markets to other regions.

Future Growth Opportunities

 Clean-Well intends to use multiproduct branding with the two products.
Currently, the products do not have the name of the company, but in six
months, this issue will be sorted out. In three to five years of operation,
Clean-Well will start prioritizing on making profits and fetching extended
markets internationally. The plans will be to extend the services and open
other branches to facilitate secure purchase and delivery to our customers.
With the initial pricing of products made through the skimming approach,

Marketing Plan
Dr. Saeed Badghish
the company intends to understand the behavior and consistency of its
target market to be able to facilitate their needs diversely. As this is a
relatively new company, the cost of branding might cost about 55% of the
total expenses from July through September, as this is when the company
will be directing its operations to students and travelers.

 Growth potential: So, the potential for growth depends on how the
products will be manufactured. For the operating expense and the
payments of loans in the first two years of operations, the company
anticipates making a 30% profit. The growth is expected to come from
all the manufacturing services, including branding and pricing, which
will have been done.

Sales/Marketing Personnel

Job Title Name Responsibilities

 Bones – To act as a mediator between the
 SKU Agents
Mikey manufacturer and the distributor of
 Steve products. The company has already
Andrew established the warehouse, where
 Mercy all the products will be stored and
Cherie distributed by SKU agents into the
– To provide local help by observing
the market trends and providing a
response to the company regarding
the demand of the distributor.
 Ann – The distributor will create a link
 Distributors
Lawrence between manufacturer and retailer.
 Jackie An expert will be required here to
Yam create a robust response to the
 Noman manufacturer.
Moray – They will be the company’s advisor
for how future growth is anticipated.
They should help the company in
saving the logistics cost.

The Future

Vision statement

Clean-Well’s vision is to create upgraded products that facilitate personal

hygiene to cater to the needs of all people, anywhere, and at any time, regardless of
social status. Also, Clean-Well intends to create a partnership with customers to
ensure that their health status is addressed through hygiene, and the products are
available at a friendly price.

Marketing Plan
Dr. Saeed Badghish
Mission statement

Clean-Well’s mission is enhancing the manufacturing and sourcing of products

that facilitate personal hygiene that meets the highest level of quality and efficiency.
When any hygienic need arises, Clean-Well wants to be there to enhance health
safety. This will be possible through sensitizing individuals about the new products.
Clean-Well will form a respected brand identity within the industry. It will also create
unique selling points to capture as many buyers as possible. The mission will be to
create an innovative environment where hygiene is the priority through efficient and
affordable hand sanitizers. Clean-Well will also keep the costs of the products in line
with the current models.


The short-term goals and objectives of Clean-Well are to build an organization

that is dedicated to providing excellent hygiene and deliver its products and services
consistently while upholding quality. The long-term aim is to sustain a commitment to
continue innovating other ways to address the health needs of individuals to create a
sustainable context.

Clean-Well will focus on achieving these goals by accomplishing various

activities. First, the company will create an innovative solution system to ensure
students and travelers prioritize hygiene. These systems will, however, be aligned to
the current standards in the national and international markets. Second, Clean-Well
will be seeking both internal and external advocates to help in stepping towards the
line of success and innovation. Lastly, the company will try to build a respected and
reputable brand of hand sanitizers. This will, there will be an opportunity of exposing
the products even in other regions in the future.

The Market

Unique selling position

Clean-Well is a unique business that focuses on internal strengths that resides

in its brand identity. There is a possibility that customers find Clean-Well as a highly
recognizable company and associate their products with affordability, consistency,
and safety. The researchers and consumers both agree that Clean-Well’s products
are superior to that of its competitors, which is an opinion held from the large relative
market the company has experienced. The company has proved to have the ability to
control sales and achieve a significant market share. This makes Clean-Well the
most competitive business in the antiseptic industry. These specific products by the
company encourage customers to be loyal to the brand. And unlike other companies,
Dial and Cuticura are positioned in such a way that they make up the majority of the
company’s profits. With these products, Clean-Well intends to provide customers with
quality services and have business-to-business sales and operations they have
never experienced before. The company targets buyers from all areas but wants to
work mainly through bulk distribution.

Marketing Plan
Dr. Saeed Badghish
Your target customers/clients

Customer demographics

The target customers are urban young college and university boys and girls
within the age of 14 and 25 years who live in Pakistan. Also, travelers who belong to
urban areas from every age group are the target clients of Clean-Well. Usually,
students experience the challenge of staying clean, especially in their busy sessions,
where time is the critical factor. With such considerations, Clean-Well provides them
with hand sanitizers that are easy to use and carry anywhere. Besides, with how they
are made with fancy descriptions, they will be suitable for this age group. Also, the
price is friendly for them, given the majority of them are not earning. Thus, the
products are affordable. For travelers, the products are portable and pocket-friendly.
They also come in many colors and styles, which is appealing to the variety of

Key customers

The key customers are students of both genders and travelers from all the age
groups. Clean-Well will target products to them by ensuring that they are specifically
designed for them. In other words, these products will meet all the preferences and
qualities that these target customers need. More so, delivery will be done through full
channels of distribution to increase the usage and dependability of the customers.
For travelers, for instance, products will be distributed through all shopping malls and
local stores at different locations. For students, the products will be available at key
shopping centers, malls, and areas where they are located or near private and public
education institutions.

Customer management

Managing customers, especially for new businesses, is always a challenge.

But in this case, Clean-Well intends to create a good connection with their
consumers through promotion. This way, the company can enhance innovative and
aggressive campaigns directed towards improving the awareness of the brand. For
travelers, the products will be easy to locate at any joint. Through the media, it will be
easy to communicate with them, along with other channels like hoardings, ads, and
billboards. For students, the price will be the key. And since most of them use social
media platforms, this will be the most effective channel to communicate with them,
provide insights, and get feedback from them.

Your competitors

There is no other competitor that has created products that are effective in
killing bacteria and germs at the same time upon skin contact. Clean-Well has proved
to be a standout among them, with the creation of Dial and Cuticura used in
disintegrating the frequent contact of germs and bacteria in everyday activities. Still, it
is possible to improve these products further. Clean-Well can get the attention and
feedback from the customers to understand what they want. With knowledge from

Marketing Plan
Dr. Saeed Badghish
social media platforms, they can sensitize the correct usage of the products to
enhance the maximum satisfaction of the products. More to this is lowering the price
to ensure that the products are affordable to all customers. Clean-Well can also
create a testing point for the physical application, and testing of the products is done
in the presence of customers. This way, trust, satisfaction, and reliability of
customers can improve.

Competitor Details
Competito Establishe Siz Market Strengths Weaknesses
r d date e share
Hillyard 2007 56 6% Have innovative Unable to handle
products with increased
sleek design competition
Provide discounts Products are not
during main appropriately
events positioned in the
Proctor 2013 44 4% The products Their products do
have been proved not last for long
to be effective by They lack a
most customers brand identity
Has a large target
market both
nationally and
Gamble 2016 35 7% It well-defined in Upgrading their
the market; thus, products has
easy for been a problem
customers to Some customers
locate complains that
Their brand is the products are
highly recognized not effective
Purell 2015 31 3% Products are No feedback
properly from customers
positioned in the to help them
market advance their
Has determined prototype
and focused team Weak
of innovators communication
hierarchy of

Marketing Plan
Dr. Saeed Badghish
Market research

With the use of digital tools and analytics in assessing the behavior of the
antiseptic industry, this has offered critical information concerning the number of
competitors around. With these tools, it is easier to evaluate and understand the
bigger picture of each competitor and how the market trend is. With Google Trends
for a case, it has been possible to follow the long-term direction of the niche market
(Ellery et al., 2008, p. 447). With Google Keyword Planner, searching for the
business needs and building them as part of an advertising campaign has been
possible. While the customers of Clean-Well from different locations, their behaviors
and incentives are similar. Among the essential quality shared by these customers is
their education level. They can understand the necessity of using quality products
like Dial and Cuticura to direct contamination with germs and bacteria. Students tend
to use phones and computers mostly, which are the enormous sources of
contamination. With these products, it will help them even disinfect their accessories
and be free from contamination.

Marketing strategy
Marketing Person Date of Cost Success indicator
activity/milestone responsibl expected ($)
e completion
Using Print Jayden 24-05-2020 $250 The pictures of students
Advertising to extend and Travelers are
care to our shown to depict that the
customers effectiveness of the
antiseptic is focused on
students and travelers.
Using Branding and Joel 16-06-2020 $230 The sign of a bacteria
Artwork to Simpson image is shown to
emphasize the emphasize the power of
antibacterial power the antiseptic to kill
of Dial and Cuticura germs. The narrative
script should also show
the position statement,
“Let us protect our
health and that of our
Using Publications Juliet Ray 09-05-2020 $240 The critical message is
and Catalogues to portrayed with bold
focus on the product letters and is eye-
features showing catching to capture the
power of antiseptic attention of consumers.
and skin mildness.

Marketing Plan
Dr. Saeed Badghish
Advertising & sales Campaigns

Advertising and promotional strategy

Planned Promotional strategy Expected business Cost Target
promotion / improvement ($) date
Print Media Enlarging the key The conventions of the $14 August
Advertising message and advertisement should 2020
portraying it in a help in spreading the
manner that attracts the awareness for students
attention of consumers. and travelers to be
Magazines to be printed convinced of the need
every day with the to have one of these
advertised products for products in the pocket
travelers and students every time.
to see.
Media With the advent of By seeing the $12.5 July
Release articles showing the challenging implications 2020
effects of the pandemic, of the pandemic, the
it is the right time to idea would be to coerce
include information travelers and students
about Dial and to ensure they thrive in
Cuticura. Putting a a safe environment.
picture and illustrations And safety can only be
next to the report on the achieved by using Dial
epidemic would and Cuticura.
influence students and
travelers to purchase
the products.
Online With online shopping Making customers $13 August
Advertising growing every day, understand and be 2020
most people find it aware of the products
easier to have their and persuade them to
products delivered at think of making
their doorstep. The idea purchases through
of online advertisement Clean-Well.
aligns with regular
publications through
Social Media Wholesalers and To create a simple $15 August
Campaign retailers mostly sell platform that attracts 2020
Clean-Well products. more customers to
With a simple Google purchase from Clean-
search of Dial and Well. Through one-click,

Marketing Plan
Dr. Saeed Badghish

Cuticura, the customers can make

consumers should have purchases and have
different information their orders delivered
concerning the right where they are or
purchase and delivery. understand the retail
points where they can
make purchases on
their own.

Distribution strategy

Sales and distribution channels

Channel Products/service Percentage Distribution strategy
type s of sales
Wholesale Dial 26% This provides customers with an
Cuticura opportunity of making bulk
purchases on the products for a
lower price. In today’s market,
customers would not think twice
about making purchases that they
are sure of in terms of quality and
safety. If anything, the majority
would purchase and have a bulk of
stocks with them during this
Shopfront Dial 24% Some customers look towards a
Cuticura place where they can make
purchases of something they are
guaranteed. Having a shopfront
with these products will allow
customers to see the size and
quantity of the solution inside;
thus, decide on whether to
purchase or not. Most buyers
cautious of fraudulent activities
would prefer making purchases in

Marketing Plan
Dr. Saeed Badghish

Internet Dial 33% The idea of making adverts

Cuticura through websites allows the
majority of people to understand
the effectiveness of the product.
Most people, in this era, are
focused on technology where they
can get news, be informed, and
persuaded on why they should
purchase a product. So, this would
be a significant opportunity for
Export Dial 17% Clean-Well products are being sold
Cuticura locally only. But with the future of
advancing to international markets,
exporting products in other
countries would be a huge
opportunity. The company
imagines a touchable world where
everyone is benefitting, especially
their target markets. So, with
exports, Clean-Well would do
perfectly well in terms of
maximizing profits and minimizing

Marketing Plan
Dr. Saeed Badghish

Monitoring/measurement activities

[Reviewing the impact of your marketing should be a periodic activity. List the details
of each review in the table below.]

Marketing Date of Monitoring Review outcomes

activity review methods
October KnowEm Using it to assess the instances when
Print 2020 the brand name of the products has
Advertising occurred. Also, check whether people
are talking about the brand name of the
Media September  Using it to send email reports every day
Release 2020 Social concerning the media activity from
Report various networks, tags, mentions, or
Online September Using it to help stay alert on the
Advertising 2020 Google competitors’ tricks and monitoring the
Alerts names of the products and other related
keywords. Through RSS, for instance, it
is possible to reduce the number of
alerts to receive every day.
Social October Go Fish With this tool, it would be possible to
Media 2020 Digital see what other people are saying about
the brand on social media sites. The
feedback will help to strengthen the
positioning of the products.

Marketing Plan
Dr. Saeed Badghish


Ellery, P.J., Vaughn, W., Ellery, J., Bott, J., Ritchey, K. and Byers, L., 2008.
Understanding internet health search patterns: An early exploration into the
usefulness of Google Trends. Journal of Communication in Healthcare, 1(4),

Spann, M., Fischer, M. and Tellis, G.J., 2015. Skimming or penetration? Strategic
dynamic pricing for new products. Marketing Science, 34(2), pp.235-249.

Marketing Plan
Dr. Saeed Badghish


Channel – a way of delivering something to its destination, whether it is a message

to be communicated or a physical product to be delivered.

Contract – a legally enforceable agreement made between two or more parties. A

contract may be a verbal contract or a written contract (or may be partly verbal and
partly written).

Demographics – the characteristics of a segment of the population, e.g. customers.

Domain name – a name that identifies an organisation's address on the internet,

either a website address (the domain name follows the 'www') or an email address
(the domain name follows the '@' symbol in the email address).

High-end – usually refers to expensive or high quality products/services.

Market position – refers to the position an organisation, product or service has in

the market, usually in relation to its competition.

Milestone – a goal or objective with a target date.

Mission statement – is a statement outlining how an organisation intends on

achieving its vision.

Social media – a group of technology including Blogs, online networks (e.g. Twitter,
Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn) and online collaboration tools often used to expand
your network/market reach or collaborate on a large scale.

Unique selling position – a characteristic of a business or a product/service that

sets it apart from the competition.

Vision statement – an inspiring statement that expresses an organisation's main



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