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DocuSign Envelope ID: E6D6F0CD-0FBA-4A18-AAEF-9207F228507F


Erika Acosta Poveda 20091459

Client/Account Holder Name and Surname: __________________________ Account Number :____________________

Master 20090454
Master Account Holder Name:____________________________________ Master Account Number:_____________________

1. The account holder (the "Trader") hereby authorizes IronFX (the "Company") to replicate all trades executed on the Master
Account indicated above, on the Trader's account established with the Company indicated above, and any future trading accounts
registered in the Trader’s name established with the Company (the “Account(s)”), to the fullest extent permitted subject to and in
accordance with the Company’s terms and conditions with Trader, for the Trader's account and risk and in the Trader's name and
account. The Trader acknowledges and understands that further to the Terms and Conditions, the Company is upon receipt of this
MIRROR-TRADING AUTHORIZATION authorized to follow the instructions of the Master Account in every respect with regard
to the Account(s).

2. The Trader accepts the risks associated with the use of computers and data feed systems, which may include, but are not limited
to, failure of hardware, software or communication lines or systems and/or inaccurate external data feeds provided by third-party
vendors and the Trader further agrees to hold the Company harmless from any losses in the Account(s) associated with these risks.
Neither the Company nor any of its officers, directors, employees, associated persons will be liable for any such breakdown or

3. In consideration for the Master Account’s services hereunder, the Trader agrees to pay the Master Account the fees and expenses
per the Schedule hereto and it hereby authorises the Company to debit the Account(s) and pay such fees and expenses on the
Trader’s behalf to the Master Account. The Trader hereby agrees to pay the Company promptly on demand any Master Account
related costs, indebtedness and liabilities arising from this mirror trading authorization and authorizes the Company to debit any
balance(s) due thereon from the Account(s).

4. The Trader and Master Account holder each, jointly and severally hereby agrees to indemnify and hold the Company, its
employees, affiliates, successors and assignees harmless from and against all liabilities, losses, damages, cost and expenses,
including attorney's fees that arise directly or indirectly from the replication of trades executed on the Master Account on the

In Process
Trader’s account, including, without limitation all actions, instructions or omissions by the owner of the Master Account, its
employees and agents and any Losses related to required approvals or permits.

The Company will not be liable in any way for any actions taken or failed to be taken by the Master Account, or for any losses,
costs or expenses incurred by the Trader or any other third-party as a result of the Master Account’s actions. The Master Account
is not an employee or agent of the Company and the Company The Company and The Company does not guarantee the services
provided by the Master Account.

6. The Trader acknowledges that CFDs are complex financial products and trading CFDs carries a high level of risk and further
confirms that she/he understands the potential losses embodied in the aforementioned trading activities. The Trader is hereby
granting trading authority to the Master Account and acknowledges that the Account(s) remains his/her full responsibility.

7. This Authorization may be revoked by the owner of the Master Account, however, such revocation shall not take effect, and the
Company shall not be bound by such revocation, until the Company has been notified of such revocation by notice to (the
"Revocation Notice") and written confirmation has been issued by the Company to the Trader and the Master Account confirming
that the Revocation Notice has been received and duly processed (the "Revocation Confirmation"). The Revocation Notice shall
not affect any obligation or liability arising, whether directly or indirectly, from any transactions initiated before the Revocation

8. The Company shall not be under any obligation to make any inquiries as to the capacity or authority of the Master Account, or in
the case of a Master Account that is a body corporate, the capacity or authority of any person acting on behalf of that Master
Account, in relation to the Account(s).

9. The Trader acknowledges that the Company has not solicited, or in any other way recommended, his/her participation in trading
with the Company pursuant to any particular trading system including this MIRROR-TRADING AUTHORIZATION. The Trader
has made inquiries and conducted research sufficient to make an informed investment decision.

10. The Company shall not be under any obligation to make any inquiries as to whether or not this MIRROR-TRADING
AUTHORIZATION has been revoked, and all acts hereunder shall be valid and binding on the Trader unless express notice of
revocation of this MIRROR-TRADING AUTHORIZATION shall have been received and acknowledged in writing by the
Company pursuant to Clause 11 of this MIRROR-TRADING AUTHORIZATION.

11. The Trader and Master Account agree that they shall furnish this Mirror-Trading Authorization and schedule to The Company
upon execution. Trader acknowledges that, in accordance with the Terms and Conditions, The Company is thereby authorized to
debit the Account(s) in accordance with the schedule attached to this MIRROR-TRADING AUTHORIZATION. Trader and
Master Account acknowledge that fees are a matter between them and the Company shall not be liable for any miscalculation on
the said fees, and the Trader hereby agrees to frequently and closely scrutinize all activity in the Account(s).

12. The Trader hereby undertakes to ratify everything which the Master Account shall do or purport to do by virtue of this authorization.

IronFX is a trade name of Notesco Limited, a company registered in Bermuda with registration number 51491.
DocuSign Envelope ID: E6D6F0CD-0FBA-4A18-AAEF-9207F228507F

13. By signing this authorisation, the Trader understands and expressly certifies that he/she has the financial resources to enter into
this MIRROR-TRADING AUTHORIZATION and authorize the payments in accordance with the schedule hereto. Additionally,
the Trader acknowledges and confirms that he/she has read and understood this authorization letter and all of the terms and
conditions set forth herein.

Account Holder (Trader) Master Account Holder (Master Account)

Signature Signature

_______________________ Date:
/ / _________________________ Date: / /

In Process

IronFX is a trade name of Notesco Limited, a company registered in Bermuda with registration number 51491.
DocuSign Envelope ID: E6D6F0CD-0FBA-4A18-AAEF-9207F228507F

Schedule of Fees

This schedule sets forth the agreed basis under which the Trader shall be charged for the aforementioned mirror-trading services. Trader and
Master Account agree that upon receipt of this MIRROR-TRADING AUTHORIZATION and schedule, the Company is authorised to make
the deductions set out below from the Trader’s Account(s). The Company will not be liable in any way for any actions taken or failed to be
taken by the Master Account, or for any losses, costs or expenses incurred by the Trader or any other third-party as a result of the Master
Account actions. The Master Account is not an employee or agent of the Company and the Company does not guarantee the services provided
by the Master Account.

Profit Sharing:

The undersigned Trader hereby authorises the Company to deduct the Traders Account(s) and pay the Master Account/Attorney the following
fees: (Mark as appropriate)

For the purpose of this schedule, Period shall mean the period from the opening of business of the first day of each month until the close of
business of the last day of each month. The amount calculated shall be debited from the Traders account(s) during the next Period.

 Amount: _50_ % of the amount generated from one Period to the next, based upon the net equity positions at the end of each Period
minus the highest net equity position reached since the opening of the account (high watermark), excluding day to day
administrative adjustments to the account, deposits, withdrawals, rollover and premiums.
Should this amount be negative, no amount is due to the Master Account.

Account Holder (Trader) Signature Attorney (Master Account Holder) Signature

___________________ Date: / / _____________________ Date: / /

In Process

October 25, 2019 – 2019/004

IronFX is a trade name of Notesco Limited, a company registered in Bermuda with registration number 51491.

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