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Inaugural Meeting of the ETS Ontario/Quebec Region

The Authority of the Bible for Today

Heritage Theological Seminary, Cambridge, Ontario
14 September 2013

9:00 Registration ($10.00; students: $5.00)
9:30 Plenary Address (David Robinson)
11:00 Parallel Sessions
12:15 Lunch
1:45 Parallel Sessions
3:15 Plenary Address (Stanley Porter)
4:30 Concluding Words

9:30 Plenary Address
“Vox Domini: The Bible in Early North African Christianity, from Tertullian to Tyconius”
(David Robinson, Westminster Chapel)


Hermeneutics I (Room A)
(Chair: David Robinson)
11:00 Allegory, Authorial Intent and Reading Scripture: Why Evangelicals Should Embrace
Patristic Exegesis (Craig Carter, Tyndale University College)
11:25 James Wm. McClendon Jr.’s “Baptist” Doctrine of Scripture (Spencer Boersma, Wycliffe
11:50 The Imaginative Spirit (Adam Z. Wright, McMaster Divinity College)

Ecclesiology and Church Polity (Room B)

(Chair: Michael Haykin)
11:00 C. F. W. Walther’s Thesis VIII on Ministry: Is it (still) Scriptural? (Jennifer Shack, McMaster
Divinity College)
11:25 Baptism and Church Membership: John Piper’s Proposal (Stanley K. Fowler, Heritage
Theological Seminary)
11:50 Corporation or Jazz Jam? A Scriptural Evaluation of Two Contemporary Models of
Ecclesiology (Bradley K. Broadhead, McMaster Divinity College)
Old Testament Exegesis / Biblical Inspiration and Translation (Room C)
(Chair: Joel Barker)
11:00 Does Inspiration Favour a Certain Translation Philosophy? Assessing Grudem’s Linguistic
Assumptions (Andrew Rozalowsky, McMaster Divinity College)
11:25 Joseph’s Enslavement of the Egyptians in Gen 47:13-26 in the Context of the Pentateuchal
Slave Laws (David J. Fuller, McMaster Divinity College)
11:50 The Messianic Motif in the Abraham Narrative and a Suggested Implication for
Conditionality/Unconditionality in the Abrahamic Covenant (Byron Wheaton, Bay Park
Baptist Church)

12:15-1:45 Lunch


Hermeneutics II (Room A)
(Chair: Stan Fowler)
1:45 Confessional Hermeneutics: Old Testament Biblical Studies within Broader Christian
Theology (Adam Stewart Brown, McMaster Divinity College)
2:10 The Disciplinary Necessity of Biblical Theology for the Study of the New Testament and
Early Christianity: A Proposal (Phillip David Strickland, McMaster Divinity College)
2:35 Theological Interpretation of Scripture and the Authority of Scripture: An Examination of
the Communal Constraint (Benjamin J. Montoya, McMaster Divinity College)

Stromata (Room B)
(Chair: Barry Howson)
1:45 Arnold Dallimore and the Writing of the Whitefield Volumes
(Ian Hugh Clary)
2:10 The Semantic Fallacies of Annihilationism: Rethinking the Biblical Evidence for Eternal
Punishment (David I. Yoon, McMaster Divinity College)
2:35 Layman’s Lapse: On an Incomplete Moral Argument for Theism (Richard B. Davis and W.
Paul Franks, Tyndale University College)

The Bible in Africa Today (Room C)

(Chair: Gene Haas)
1:45 Biblical Christianity and the African Church: Prospects and Challenges (Jeffrey Salako,
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary)
2:20 Biblical Authority and the Practice of Contextual Theology by Expatriate Lecturers in Africa
(Andrew G. Wildsmith, Scott Christian University)

3:15 Plenary Address

“TBA” (Stanley Porter, McMaster Divinity College)

4:30 Concluding Words

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