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The provided picture show how the hydro power for human use is
generated from nature .Overall, there are a number of consecutive stages,
ranging from first seawater evaporation to the final stage where produced
electricity is distributed to the households and public facilities.

First of all , the Sun heats up seawater to certain degree ,leading the water
evaporation . After that, these airdrops make the clouds and these cloud
saturated with water particles starts the raining, which fill the reservoir
with a dam by water. Subsequently, water flow is pumped to the rotary
turbine by means of the pipe connected with the dam ,while valves need to
closed or opened. The following step is that generated electricity is delivered
and agglomerated to the transformer stations by using the high-voltage
cables .Eventually, the once generated electricity is distributed to the public
places and downtown by means of the underground cables.

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