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doi: 10.1111/joim.13004

Iron deficiency anaemia revisited

M. D. Cappellini1, K. M. Musallam2 & A. T. Taher3
From the 1Department of Clinical Sciences and Community, IRCCS Ca’ Granda Foundation Maggiore Policlinico Hospital, University of Milan,
Milan, Italy; 2International Network of Hematology, London, UK; and 3Department of Internal Medicine, American University of Beirut Medical
Centre, Beirut, Lebanon

Abstract. Cappellini MD, Musallam KM, Taher AT consequences and prevalence of iron deficiency
(University of Milan, Milan, Italy; International anaemia can aid early detection and management.
Network of Hematology, London, UK; American Diagnosis can be easily made by measurement of
University of Beirut Medical Centre, Beirut, haemoglobin and serum ferritin levels, whilst in
Lebanon). Iron deficiency anaemia revisited chronic inflammatory conditions, diagnosis may be
(Review). J Intern Med 2020; 287: 153–170. more challenging and necessitates consideration of
higher serum ferritin thresholds and evaluation of
Iron deficiency anaemia is a global health concern transferrin saturation. Oral and intravenous for-
affecting children, women and the elderly, whilst mulations of iron supplementation are available,
also being a common comorbidity in multiple and several patient and disease-related factors
medical conditions. The aetiology is variable and need to be considered before management deci-
attributed to several risk factors decreasing iron sions are made. This review provides recent
intake and absorption or increasing demand and updates and guidance on the diagnosis and man-
loss, with multiple aetiologies often coexisting in an agement of iron deficiency anaemia in multiple
individual patient. Although presenting symptoms clinical settings.
may be nonspecific, there is emerging evidence on
the detrimental effects of iron deficiency anaemia Keywords: anaemia, complications, diagnosis, iron
on clinical outcomes across several medical condi- deficiency, management, pathophysiology.
tions. Increased awareness about the

Introduction Aetiology
Iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) remains amongst There are multiple physiologic, environmental,
the five leading causes of years lived with pathologic and genetic causes of iron deficiency
disability in humans, and the top cause in (ID) that lead to IDA (Fig. 1). More importantly,
women [1]. Although it has been mainly regarded aetiologies may vary considerably or tend to coexist
as a public health concern affecting growing in different patient populations (children, women
children, premenopausal and pregnant women, and elderly), geographies (developing and devel-
it is also being increasingly recognized as a oped countries) and specific clinical conditions.
clinical condition that can affect patients pre- There is also a considerable complexity and a large
senting to various medical and surgical spe- repository of terminology for various subtypes of ID
cialties, especially those with chronic conditions which are commonly used interchangeably or in
and the elderly. Emerging evidence on the role of contradiction in the literature.
IDA in worsening clinical outcomes continues to
accumulate, which prompted careful considera-
Absolute iron deficiency anaemia
tion of IDA diagnosis and management in inter-
national practice guidelines. The multiple ‘Absolute ID’ refers to the reduction of total body
aetiologies of IDA and nonspecificity of symp- iron stores (mostly in macrophages and hepato-
toms, however, can challenge the diagnosis. cytes) which may or may not progress in severity
Moreover, the availability of different formula- leading to IDA [2]. Absolute ID may occur in
tions of iron supplementation can complicate instances of increased demand, decreased intake,
treatment decisions. These aspects are discussed decreased or malabsorption, or chronic blood loss.
in this Review using the best available evidence Increased demand is usually physiologic and com-
and experience of the authors. monly noted in infants, preschool children, growth

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Fig. 1 Various aetiologies of iron deficiency anaemia. CHF, chronic heart failure; CKD, chronic kidney disease; CPD, chronic
pulmonary disease; ESA, erythropoiesis-stimulating agents; IBD, inflammatory bowel disease; ID, iron deficiency; IRIDA,
iron-refractory iron deficiency anaemia; NSAIDs, Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; PNH, paroxysmal nocturnal
haemoglobinuria; PPI, proton-pump inhibitors.

spurts in adolescents and pregnancy (mostly sec- of decreased iron absorption, in most instances,
ond and third trimesters) [2–4]. Decreased iron render patients refractory to oral iron therapy [8].
intake can be a direct consequence of poverty and The use of proton-pump inhibitors may also con-
malnutrition as the case with many children and tribute to decreased iron absorption [9].
pregnant women in developing countries or attrib-
uted to iron-poor vegan or vegetarian diets [2–4]. Chronic blood loss can be physiologic as in men-
struating women. Frequent blood donors are also
Decreased absorption is recognized in certain known to develop ID [2, 10]. In developing coun-
dietary practices, with several inhibitors of iron tries, hookworm and schistosomiasis infections are
absorption recognized such as calcium, phytates very common causes of chronic gastrointestinal or
(present in cereals) and tannins (present in tea and systemic blood loss, respectively [11]. In more
coffee) [5]. It is also attributed to surgical proce- developed countries, chronic blood loss is mostly
dures including gastrectomy, duodenal bypass and observed in women with heavy menstrual bleeding
bariatric surgery (especially Roux-en-Y gastric or in men and elderly patients with chronic blood
bypass) which increase stomach pH and decrease loss from the gastrointestinal tract [2–4]. Chronic
conversion to ferrous iron. Certain medical condi- blood loss is also implicated in patients on dialysis.
tions are also known to be associated with Other rare causes could include intravascular
decreased iron absorption such as infection with haemolysis leading to urinary bleeding or other
Helicobacter pylori (competition for iron, increased systemic sources of chronic bleeding [2–4]. The use
PH and reduction of vitamin C), coeliac disease of salicylates, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
(gluten-induced enteropathy), atrophic gastritis drugs, anticoagulants and corticosteroids may also
(increased PH) and inflammatory bowel disease result in drug-induced blood loss due to direct
[2–4, 6, 7]. It should be noted that such conditions irritation of the gastric mucosa or the tendency of

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these agents to increase bleeding risk from other Table 1. Examples of populations and clinical conditions
causes [2, 4]. with multiple aetiologies for iron deficiency anaemia

Setting Aetiologies
Functional iron deficiency anaemia Children in • Decreased intake (malnutrition)
developing • Chronic gastrointestinal blood loss
‘Functional’ or ‘relative’ ID (and subsequent IDA)
countries (parasitic infections)
is a term used in the literature to describe two
• Decreased absorption (parasitic
main scenarios: (i) situations when iron is hardly
mobilized from stores to the circulation and infections)
erythropoietic tissue in view of chronic inflamma- • Inflammation (from chronic infections)a
tion and elevated hepcidin levels, such as in Endurance • Blood loss from haemolysis
patients with chronic kidney disease, chronic athletes • Chronic inflammationa
heart failure, inflammatory bowel disease, chronic Elderly • Decreased intake (malnutrition)
pulmonary diseases, cancer, obesity, other • Gastrointestinal blood loss (benign or
autoimmune diseases and chronic infections [4]. malignant conditions, drug-induced)
Absolute ID may manifest in later stages in view • Decreased absorption (atrophic
of decreased iron absorption signalled by high
gastritis, proton-pump inhibitors)
hepcidin levels [3]. (ii) Situations of increased
• Chronic inflammatory conditions
erythropoiesis mediated either by endogenous
(including cancer)
erythropoietin responses to anaemia or by ther-
apy with erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESA) Chronic • Chronic blood loss (dialysis, use of
creating a mismatch between iron demand and kidney anticoagulants)
supply [2, 4, 12]. It is also common to call disease • Decreased intake (malnutrition)
erythropoiesis in these instances as iron-re- • Decreased absorption (proton-pump
stricted or iron-poor erythropoiesis [2, 12]. From inhibitors)
a diagnostic standpoint, it is essential to realize • Chronic inflammationa
that indices of iron stores could be normal or • Decreased hepcidin clearanceb
high in these scenarios [13]. • ESA therapyb
Chronic heart • Decreased intake (malnutrition)
Iron-refractory iron deficiency anaemia failure • Decreased absorption (oedema)
• Gastrointestinal blood loss (antiplatelet
Genetic causes of IDA exist. Iron-refractory IDA
(IRIDA) is a rare recessive condition caused by a or anticoagulant)
mutation in TMPRSS6 leading to elevated hepcidin • Chronic inflammationa (in early more
levels and decreased intestinal iron absorption, a than late stages)
situation similar to the effects of chronic inflam- Obesity • Decreased absorption (bariatric surgery,
mation [14, 15]. IRIDA patients are particularly prior to positive effects on weight loss)
refractory to oral iron supplementation (as well to • Chronic inflammationa
ESA therapy) [8]. Anaemia in IRIDA is usually less Inflammatory • Decreased intake (malnutrition)
severe in adults than in children [16]. bowel • Chronic gastrointestinal blood loss
disease • Decreased absorption (surgical resection
Table 1 highlights patient populations and specific
in Crohn’s disease)
clinical conditions for which multiple aetiologies of
• Chronic inflammationa
IDA are commonly observed including children in
developing countries, endurance athletes, the Major • Blood loss
elderly, chronic kidney disease, chronic heart fail- surgery • Postoperative inflammation
ure, obesity, inflammatory bowel disease and fol-
lowing major surgery [2, 4, 6, 17–31]. Other The list includes the most commonly encountered aeti-
ologies although additional risk factors can still coexist
nutritional anaemias (folate or vitamin B12 defi- a
Contributing to iron-restricted erythropoiesis (functional
ciency) may also coexist with IDA, especially in the iron deficiency anaemia) from high hepcidin levels, and
elderly, children in developing countries or patients decreased iron absorption in the long term (absolute iron
with gastrointestinal disorders. Decreased levels of deficiency anaemia).
erythropoietin are also reported in elderly patients b
Contributing to iron-restricted erythropoiesis (functional
who may have anaemia in the absence of ID. iron deficiency anaemia).

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Additionally, tissue hypoxia in IDA increases levels

of hypoxia-inducible factor 2a (HIF-2a) which
Iron homoeostasis stimulates erythropoietin production by the kidney
leading to the expansion of erythropoiesis and
Iron homoeostasis is tightly controlled to avoid the
release of hypochromic, microcytic erythrocytes.
toxic effects of excess iron in the form of harmful
This increase in erythropoiesis during anaemia
reactive oxygen species. Thus, the human body
further suppresses hepcidin through the erythroid
evolved with no means for iron excretion (except for
factor erythroferrone (ERFE), released by erythrob-
those lost due to cell shedding amounting to
lasts [38]. HIF-2a also increases the expression of
around 1 mg per day), with daily absorption lim-
the duodenal divalent metal transporter 1 (DMT1)
ited to 1–2 mg to compensate for daily iron losses.
and duodenal cytochrome B (DCYTB) on the apical
However, the body requires around 25 mg of iron
surface of enterocytes, thus increasing iron
daily, mostly used for the production of haemoglo-
absorption from the gut lumen [39]. A role for
bin in erythrocytes. Iron is also a crucial element
erythrocyte ferroportin in maintaining plasma iron
for several cellular and tissue functions including
levels has also been recently reported [40]. Once
respiration, mitochondrial function, energy pro-
stores are depleted (macrophages followed by hep-
duction, especially in skeletal and cardiac muscles,
atocytes), plasma iron levels decrease since iron
as well as cell proliferation and DNA repair [3, 32].
absorption cannot meet the demand. The recycling
To achieve this aim, the body recycles most of the
of iron from hypochromic erythrocytes in macro-
required iron from the breakdown of senescent
phages also decreases in parallel with the severity
erythrocytes by macrophages in the spleen to make
of ID. Uptake of iron through transferrin receptors
it available to plasma transferrin. This tight control
is subsequently decreased across all body tissues.
of iron absorption and recycling is mediated
through the hepatic hormone hepcidin, but can
be easily disturbed leading to various forms of ID Mechanisms in chronic inflammatory conditions
and subsequent anaemia [2, 4]. Additional recy-
In conditions associated with chronic inflamma-
cling mechanisms also exist in skeletal muscle
tion, the mechanism of anaemia is more complex.
fibres and in hepatic macrophages (in cases of
Chronic inflammation, per se, can lead to a mod-
intravascular haemolysis) [33, 34].
erate anaemia through several iron-unrelated
mechanisms mediated by proinflammatory cytoki-
Adaptative mechanisms in absolute iron deficiency nes – this is called anaemia of chronic disease or
anaemia of inflammation which usually resolves
Adaptive mechanisms in ID aim to optimize the
when the underlying cause is treated [3, 41, 42].
usage of iron by erythropoiesis and increase its
absorption. Hepcidin mainly functions by binding
Chronic inflammation has also been linked to iron
and degradation of its receptor ferroportin on the
dysregulation in recent years [41]. The cytokines
basolateral membrane of enterocytes and macro-
interleukin (IL)-6, IL1b and IL-22 were shown to
phages and thus preventing iron export from these
increase hepcidin expression leading to ferroportin
cells into the plasma [35]. In absolute ID, hepcidin
degradation and sequestration of iron away from
is suppressed, leading to both increased iron
the circulation in intestinal enterocytes (eventually
absorption from the gut and release of recycled
being lost through shedding) and macrophages.
iron from splenic macrophages into the circulation
Stimulation of Toll-like receptors 2 and 6 in
[35]. Hepcidin suppression is triggered by
chronic inflammation also reduces ferroportin
decreases in levels of iron-bound transferrin (li-
expression in macrophages by hepcidin-indepen-
gand of transferrin receptor, noting that non-iron-
dent mechanisms [43]. This makes iron less avail-
bound apotransferrin is increased) and hepatic
able for use by body tissues in view of lower
iron stores (unknown mechanism) which lead to
amounts of plasma iron bound to transferrin and
increased activity of the inhibitor transmembrane
leads to a state of iron-restricted erythropoiesis
protease serine 6 (TMPRSS6 or matriptase-2) and
and anaemia in the presence of normal or
reduction in the levels of the activator bone mor-
increased iron stores [6, 12, 17, 29]. As mentioned
phogenetic protein 6 (BMP6) [2, 36]. Epigenetic
earlier, in the long-term, this also leads to absolute
factors such as histone deacetylase HDAC3 erase
ID in view of decreased iron absorption [3]. It
activation markers from the hepcidin locus which
should be noted that in a recent study, mild acute
also contributes to hepcidin suppression.[37]
inflammation did not increase serum hepcidin in

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women with IDA, suggesting low iron status and Taken together, these data alert to alarming figures
erythropoietic drive offset the inflammatory stimu- of IDA prevalence across high-risk populations,
lus on hepcidin expression [44]. further highlighting the importance of early detec-
tion and management in view of the negative
clinical implications.
Anaemia affects one-third of the world population
Clinical Implications
with IDA being the top cause [11, 45]. IDA is highly
prevalent in preschool children (<5 years), women IDA usually develops slowly from the progression of
in the reproductive age and pregnant women with ID. The full range of symptoms and signs associ-
prevalence rates, reaching up to 41.7%, 32.8% and ated with IDA at presentation and follow-up are
40.1%, respectively (2016 Global Health Observa- reviewed elsewhere [5, 60], whilst certain clinical
tory data) [45]. Reliance on a vegan diet, malab- consequences are described in this section and
sorption syndromes and heavy menstrual bleeding Fig. 2. It should be noted, however, that due to
are also high-risk categories in high-income coun- nonspecificity of symptoms and the cooccurrence
tries, with around two-third of women with heavy of IDA with multiple morbidities, confounding
menstrual bleeding having ID/IDA [2, 11, 46]. IDA effects of underlying diseases on the observed
is more difficult to treat in the elderly population association between IDA and outcomes cannot be
and only represents around 30% of anaemia cases, fully dismissed.
as other types of anaemia may exist [47]. Frequent
blood donation is also a poorly recognized cause of IDA is associated with decreased cognitive perfor-
IDA. In one study of 2425 individuals, 16.4% and mance and delayed motor and cognitive develop-
48.7% of frequent male donors showed the ment in children, decreased physical performance
absence of iron stores and iron-restricted erythro- and quality of life in adults, especially women in
poiesis, respectively, with the corresponding pro- the reproductive age group, and cognitive decline
portions of 27.1 and 66.1% for females [48]. in the elderly [61–63]. Although these symptoms
Although formal estimates on the prevalence of remain nonspecific, they can be attributed to low
genetic forms of IDA are lacking, IRIDA is thought delivery of oxygen to body tissues in IDA. They may
to represent less than 1% of the cases of IDA seen also occur as a direct effect of ID [64–67], probably
in medical practice [2]. due to reduced iron levels in muscle or brain
tissue, and impact on energy production, myo-
The reported prevalence of ID/IDA in chronic globin synthesis and brain development. Addi-
inflammatory conditions varies greatly amongst tional effects of ID attributed to the impact of low
different studies, depending on the thresholds of iron levels on DNA replication and cell cycle (oral
iron parameters used to define ID. ID affects lesions, hair loss, nail abnormalities), immune
anywhere between 37% and 61% of patients with response (increased susceptibility to infections),
chronic heart failure [49–53] and between 24% and myelogenesis and neurotransmission (restless leg
85% of patients with chronic kidney disease [54, syndrome) and inhibition of cytochrome P450
55] – higher rates being associated with advanced production (altered drug metabolism) are reviewed
disease. It is also documented in 13–90% of elsewhere [68].
patients with inflammatory bowel disease depend-
ing on disease activity and severity, and whether
Women and pregnancy
measured in the outpatient or inpatient setting
[54]. ID and IDA have also been reported in 42.6% In women with heavy menstrual bleeding, IDA is
and 33% of cancer patients, respectively, and associated with reduced quality of life and general
associated with advanced disease, close proximity well-being, and severe anaemia may lead to hospi-
to cancer therapy and poor performance status in talization [69, 70]. More importantly, it results in
patients with solid tumours [56]. In the surgical many women entering pregnancy with anaemia. In
setting, preoperative anaemia is present in around pregnant women, IDA is associated with an
one-third of patients undergoing major surgery increased risk of preterm labour, low neonatal
with over two-third of cases having IDA. ID is also weight and perinatal complications [69]. Severe
observed in over half of surgical patients without IDA is also associated with increased newborn and
anaemia [57, 58]. The prevalence of postoperative maternal mortality, due to lower tolerance to
anaemia can reach up to 90% [59]. excessive blood loss during delivery and increased

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Fig. 2 Clinical implications of iron deficiency anaemia. CHF, chronic heart failure; CKD, chronic kidney disease; IBD,
inflammatory bowel disease; QoL, quality of life.

risk of infections [71, 72]. Infants born to anaemic reduced survival as compared with patients with-
mothers are more likely to have IDA themselves out ID or those who receive iron replenishment
[73]. ID also carries a negative impact on the [20, 31, 49, 51, 52, 78–81]. This is supported by
mother–child relationship and the child’s cognitive animal studies which show that ID in heart
development, an effect measurable for up to muscles, irrespective of systemic iron levels, is
10 years despite iron repletion [74]. associated with decreased heart contraction, ven-
tricle dilation and heart failure, which can be
attributed to the decrease in iron-sulphur cluster
Chronic inflammatory conditions
synthesis and mitochondrial electron transport in
In patients with chronic inflammatory conditions, response to stress [82].
the impact of IDA can be severe leading to disease
exacerbation and deterioration. This is particularly In chronic kidney disease, anaemia is commonly
relevant in elderly patients with multiple morbidi- associated with reduced energy and diminished
ties, when even mild anaemia can be associated quality of life [83, 84]. In predialysis patients, there
with increased mortality [75]. is a cumulative increase in the risk of predialysis
mortality or development of end-stage renal dis-
IDA is a negative prognostic factor in chronic ease with decreasing haemoglobin levels (around
heart failure associated with disease progression, 2- to 3-fold for haemoglobin values <120 vs.
decreased quality of life and an increase in >130 g L 1) [85]. An association between the
cardiovascular mortality [76, 77]. ID without increased risk of mortality and anaemia was also
anaemia has also been associated with increased observed in long-term studies irrespective of dis-
fatigue, reduced exercise intolerance, diminished ease severity [86]. Anaemia is also recognized in the
quality of life, increased hospitalization rates and context of the cardio-renal anaemia syndrome, and

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is associated with a two-fold higher rate of cardio- outcomes, and have robust evidence on the clinical
vascular hospitalization [87]. benefit of iron treatment from clinical trials may be
warranted. This is mostly relevant in patients where
Iron deficiency anaemia is the most common extra- multiple causes of IDA may coexist such as in older
intestinal manifestation in inflammatory bowel patients with chronic inflammatory conditions [20,
disease and may affect the quality of life in the 47]. It is also applicable in the perioperative setting
same magnitude of other underlying disease-re- for patients undergoing major surgery [59, 92]. In
lated symptoms such as abdominal pain and young children, studies evaluating screening pro-
diarrhoea [88]. In fact, one study showed changes grammes have found problems with implementa-
in haemoglobin level are more likely to affect the tion, acceptability and follow-up of testing, and
quality of life than the underlying disease activity most international authorities do not support this
[89]. practice. A recent US Preventive Services Task
Force recommendation statement concluded that
the current evidence base was insufficient to deter-
Surgical setting
mine the overall net benefit of screening for IDA in
Preoperative anaemia, even to mild degrees, is asymptomatic children aged 6–24 months. This
associated with an increased likelihood of morbid- may not be applicable to infants with additional
ity and mortality in the 30-day postoperative period known risk factors (prematurity) or with symptoms
after major surgery [58, 59, 90]. It is also associ- of anaemia [93, 94]. The US Preventive Services
ated with a longer duration of hospitalization and a Task Force also does not recommend screening in
higher rate of readmissions [59]. These effects have asymptomatic pregnant women; however, common
been attributed to the direct effect of anaemia and practice and expert opinion continue to suggest
hypoxia, as well as to the increased risk of periop- routine screening for IDA in pregnant women
erative transfusions which themselves are inde- starting the first trimester [69, 71, 93–96]. Diag-
pendently associated with an increased risk of nostic workup should be done for both anaemia
postoperative morbidity and mortality [91]. Post- and ID simultaneously. When IDA is diagnosed, the
operative anaemia has also been associated with continued search for additional causes of anaemia
infection, poor physical function and recovery, may be necessary in patients with multiple mech-
subsequent increases in the length of stay in anisms of anaemia such as the elderly, chronic
hospital and mortality [59, 92]. Although studies inflammatory conditions or patients with malnutri-
in the surgical setting did not commonly qualify the tion [20, 47]. Evaluation of the cause(s) of IDA is
type of anaemia, the high prevalence of IDA sug- warranted since if it can be actively treated, it will
gests that it may be the main culprit [59]. aid in the resolution of IDA beyond iron therapy [2,
5]. Of course, if the diagnostic workup reveals
DIAGNOSIS anaemia but no ID, further assessment of alternate
causes should be made to establish the optimal
General considerations
course of therapy. However, in high-risk groups
Three key questions need to be asked when con- such as infants, preschool children, growing ado-
sidering the diagnosis of IDA: who should be lescents, young females and pregnant women,
tested, what tests should be used and what extensive diagnostic workup is not needed consid-
sequence and what laboratory thresholds deter- ering the cause of IDA is often physiologic in view of
mine if a patient has IDA? increased iron demand or loss and may be limited
to instances of lack of response to therapy. In
Since IDA remains the most common cause of patients determined to be eligible for diagnostic
anaemia, it should be prioritized in the diagnostic evaluation but show no laboratory evidence of IDA,
workup of patients presenting with anaemia unless reassessment can be done at subsequent visits
other mechanisms are suspected to be more preva- depending on the underlying condition and its
lent in a specific patient. Physicians may need to activity. Figure 3 provides an algorithm for the
actively ask high-risk patients about symptoms or diagnostic workup of IDA. Detailed diagnostic
signs suggestive of IDA; however, since those may workups in specific clinical settings and popula-
be nonspecific, silent or overlooked, testing tions such as women’s health and pregnancy [69,
patients with certain profiles or underlying diseases 71, 95], elderly [21, 22], children [54], chronic
known to have high prevalence of IDA, have an inflammatory conditions [20] and perioperatively
established association between IDA and adverse [59, 92] have been reviewed elsewhere.

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between guidelines (<50, <100 or <200 lg L 1) [20,

Laboratory tests and thresholds
54, 59, 69, 92], a recent international expert
The diagnosis of IDA can be readily made by consensus recommended using serum ferritin
assessing haemoglobin and serum ferritin levels. levels <100 lg L 1 to diagnose ID in chronic
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), inflammatory conditions [20], and the threshold
anaemia is defined as a haemoglobin level is also commonly recommended in the elderly and
<130 g L 1 in men, <120 g L 1 in nonpregnant postoperatively [4, 92]. Additionally, during inflam-
women and <110 g L 1 in pregnancy [97]. Specific mation serum iron is still reduced and total iron-
thresholds at various stages of childhood are also binding capacity is increased despite normal or
commonly used (Fig. 3) [97]. Further categorization high iron stores (functional ID), which leads to a
within the various stages of pregnancy is provided substantial reduction in transferrin saturation
by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (ratio of serum iron to total iron-binding capacity).
(CDC): first and third trimesters <110 g L 1, sec- A transferrin saturation <16% is commonly used to
ond trimester <105 g L 1 and postpartum diagnose ID in general and a threshold of <20% is
<120 g L 1 [98]. That said, it is worth noting that proposed in the presence of inflammation [5, 20].
a recent WHO technical meeting concluded that Thus, a practical approach during inflammation
there are minimal data to support haemoglobin would be to consider serum ferritin <100 lg L 1 as
thresholds to define anaemia. Future directions in diagnostic whilst for patients with values of 100–
assigning more evidence-based thresholds could 300 lg L 1 to check transferrin saturation and
have considerable implications on disease defini- diagnose ID in those with values <20%. Although
tion, epidemiology and management [99]. Serum this sequential approach is probably more costly, it
ferritin level is the most specific and effective test to may be more practical to test for serum ferritin and
reflect total body iron stores and is universally transferrin saturation at the same time to avoid
available and standardized [4]. Although a value repeated blood withdrawals and laboratory visits.
<12–15 lg L 1 is confirmatory for ID, a value of Although identifying a state of inflammation is
<30 lg L 1has higher sensitivity (92%) and similar straight forward in chronic inflammatory condi-
specificity (98%) and is more widely used [5, 100], tions or postoperatively, for example, confirmation
[5, 100]. Although widely implemented and cited, through evaluation of markers of inflammation
these cutoffs are based on qualitative expert opin- may be needed in equivocal scenarios or when the
ion and not a systematic appraisal of the published intention is to wait for acute inflammation to
work. Several projects are being coordinated by the resolve before relying on iron values. A C-reactive
WHO and CDC to address this evidence gap; until protein value of >5 mg L 1 is commonly used in the
then, clinicians can rely on laboratory standards at setting of acute inflammation, although not widely
their centre and local guidelines [101]. In the standardized [20, 54, 59, 69, 92]. Alpha glycopro-
presence of inflammation, interpretation of serum tein (AGP) may also be used as an indicator of
ferritin level is more challenging. First, ferritin, in chronic inflammation [102].
the form of apoferritin, is an acute-phase reactant
that increases in inflammation. Second and as
Other laboratory tests
explained earlier, in chronic inflammatory condi-
tions the increase in hepcidin levels leads to iron In IDA, red cells are microcytic and hypochromic,
sequestration in macrophages. This is reflected as shown by low mean corpuscular volume (MCV)
with normal or even high serum ferritin levels and mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH) and
despite decreased availability of iron in the circu- increased red blood cell distribution width (RDW).
lation. Although this has created considerable However, changes in red cell indices occur late in
variability in recommended serum ferritin thresh- the course of IDA in view of the red cell lifespan,
olds for the diagnosis of ID during inflammation and the usefulness of these tests may be limited.

Fig. 3 Diagnostic workup for IDA. *Although widely implemented and cited, these cutoffs are based on qualitative expert
opinion and not a systematic appraisal of the published work. Several projects are being coordinated by the WHO and CDC
to address this evidence gap; until then, clinicians can rely on laboratory standards at their centre and local guidelines.
CHF, chronic heart failure; CKD, chronic kidney disease; ESA, erythropoiesis-stimulating agents; IBD, inflammatory bowel
disease; ID, iron deficiency; IDA, iron deficiency anaemia; NYHA, New York Heart Association; Q, every; TSAT, transferrin

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Reticulocyte haemoglobin content (RHC) indicates supplementation to prevent ID/IDA in instances

the amount of iron available for erythropoiesis in where the prevalence of anaemia is 40% or higher:
the previous 3–4 days and is an early index of ID; children 6–23 months (10–12.5 mg elemental iron
the rapidity of changes makes it a potentially daily – drops/syrups, three consecutive months in
useful marker to identify responders to iron sup- a year), 24–59 months (30 mg elemental iron daily
plementation. The percentage of hypochromic red – drops/syrups/tablets, three consecutive months
cells (% HRC) also reflects recent iron reduction, in a year), 5–12 years (30–60 mg elemental iron
yet the value of these tests in long-standing IDA is daily – tablets/capsules, three consecutive
limited and they are not extensively used in clinical months in a year). In malaria-endemic areas, the
practice for the diagnosis of IDA [3]. provision of iron supplementation in infants and
children should be done in conjunction with
Serum soluble transferrin receptor (sTFRC) levels public health measures to prevent, diagnose and
are increased in ID (and normal/low in inflamma- treat malaria [109]. Although iron repletion can
tion). A meta-analysis showed a high sensitivity reverse the protective effect of ID on malaria
(86%) and specificity (75%) for sTFRC in the infection, it is less of a concern in areas where
diagnosis of ID, but this remained lower than that preventive services are provided [110, 111]. The
of serum ferritin [103]. The ratio between sTFRC WHO also recommends iron supplementation in
and log ferritin (sTFRC–ferritin index) may help in the same setting for menstruating adult women
recognizing IDA in the setting of chronic inflam- and adolescent girls (nonpregnant females in the
mation, although lack of standardization between reproductive age group) with 30–60 mg elemental
available assays limits wide use in clinical practice iron daily tablets for three consecutive months in
[41]. a year [112].

Hepcidin level is decreased/undetectable in IDA,

Iron supplementation for iron deficiency anaemia
but it is affected by several factors including
circadian rhythm, hepatic and renal function [3]. General considerations
Hepcidin assessment may be useful to confirm Management of the underlying cause of IDA should
IRIDA, because levels are constitutionally high or always be considered. For example, treating H. py-
normal [18]. Few studies also suggested that high lori infection or introduction of gluten in coeliac
hepcidin levels may be useful in predicting disease can restore iron absorption [8, 113]. Inves-
response to oral iron supplementation [104, 105]. tigation and management of the source of gastroin-
Although a good correlation between different testinal blood loss are also warranted in men and
methods of hepcidin level assessment is observed postmenopausal women. These measures not only
[106], it is still not routinely or widely used in prevent further iron loss or improve iron absorp-
clinical practice. tion, but also aid in prompt diagnosis of potentially
serious underlying diseases.
In patients with IRIDA, typical findings include a
striking microcytosis and extremely low transferrin An important question in IDA management is
saturation in the presence of normal or borderline whether oral or intravenous iron therapy should
low serum ferritin levels [4]. be used. Comparison of both modes of adminis-
tration is summarized in Table 2 [20]. Generally
MANAGEMENT speaking, factors that should be considered in
decision making include patients’ age and sex,
the underlying condition and cause of IDA, the
Efforts to increase access to and consumption of severity of anaemia or ID and their symptoms,
iron-rich foods should always be in place. Iron and the time frame available or acceptable for
absorption enhancers (ascorbic acid) or inhibitors correction. Intravenous therapy can be generally
(calcium, phytates [cereals], tannins [tea and considered when response, tolerability or adher-
coffee]) should also be considered when supplying ence to oral iron therapy are not ideal or when
iron-rich meals. Enrichment of food (rice, maize anaemia or ID is severe. Unless contraindicated,
flour, cornmeal) with iron is also practiced in some oral iron therapy can be started and patient
countries, such as in Asia, Africa and Latin evaluated with haemoglobin and iron indices;
America, and recommended by the WHO [5, 107, the frequency of monitoring and duration of
108]. The WHO recommends iron therapy should rely on the underlying condition

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Table 2. Comparison of oral versus intravenous iron therapy

Parameter Oral Intravenous

Absorption and • Ingested iron absorption is low (10– • Not affected by inflammation
bioavailability 20%)• Reduced in inflammation
Administration • Easy • Requires expertise and facility for cardiopulmonary
ease resuscitation• Administration site reactions•Potentially
fatal hypersensitivity reactions (especially iron dextran)•
Recurrent dosing
Dosing • Daily up to three times per day • Single high-dose or multiple
Response • Can be limited • Higher efficiency and shorter duration to improve
haemoglobin levels and iron indices
Gastrointestinal • Higher • Lower
side effects
Other side • Skin discoloration • Headache and joint pain• Hypophosphataemia and
effects of osteomalacia with some formulations
Adherence • Lower • Higher
Cost • Lower • Higher
Overdose • Accidental overdose possible with • Variable complex stability, can induce oxidative stress at
ferrous salts high doses

and specific treatment goals. In cases of intoler- local guidelines and product prescribing informa-
ance or when signs of nonresponse are noted tion.
despite efforts to improve tolerance (low or alter-
nate day dosing, use of newer oral formulations Pregnancy
[4, 114, 115]), adherence (modification of dose In pregnant women with IDA, recent guidelines
and frequency) or absorption (eradication of recommend use of intravenous iron in the second
H. pylori infection or introduction of gluten-free trimester if haemoglobin level is <105 g L 1 and
diet in coeliac disease), intravenous iron can be anytime in the third trimester [71]. Earlier studies
considered with appropriate dosing. Continued indicated comparative effects of intravenous and
monitoring of haemoglobin and iron status every oral iron in pregnant women, with respect to
1–3 months should be ensured until normaliza- haematologic, maternal and foetal outcomes
tion of laboratory values; whilst further investi- [118]. More recent trials, however, showed the
gation for alternate causes of anaemia is superiority of intravenous over oral iron during
warranted in case of nonresponse [5]. More pregnancy [119, 120]. A single dose of intravenous
specific indications for intravenous iron therapy iron was also more effective than oral iron in
are summarized in Table 3 and relevant data is improving fatigue after postpartum haemorrhage,
further discussed in this section. Six intravenous and was as effective as blood transfusions in
iron formulations are available: ferric gluconate, management of severe anaemia; although the latter
iron sucrose, low-molecular-weight iron dextran, would be needed in cases of haemodynamic insta-
ferumoxytol ferric carboxymaltose and iron iso- bility [121, 122]. Risk-benefit and cost-effective-
maltoside. Details of various formulations, their ness considerations should always be taken into
dosing and pivotal data on efficacy, safety and consideration before the decision to use intra-
adverse event management are reviewed else- venous iron therapy is made, especially in
where [2, 4, 5, 116, 117], but use should follow resource-poor countries.

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Table 3. Indications when intravenous iron therapy should In inflammatory bowel disease, gastrointestinal
be considered side effects, increased local inflammation from iron
and alterations in gut microbiota can mitigate the
use of oral iron therapy [128]. Laboratory or
Intolerance, nonresponse, poor adherence to oral iron
imaging studies may be needed to determine dis-
Rapid or significant correction of anaemia and/or iron ease activity and decide on the choice of oral or
deficiency needed intravenous iron therapy. In patients with active or
Medical and surgical conditions with decreased advanced disease or those with haemoglobin val-
absorption (cause cannot be treated) ues ≤100 g L 1, intravenous iron is recommended
over oral iron for the management of IDA [20, 129].
Iron-refractory iron deficiency anaemia (IRIDA)
Unfortunately, the need for iron replenishment in
Chronic heart disease (systolic, NYHA class II–IV) these patients is poorly recognized with one study
Chronic kidney disease (dialysis, or with ESA showing that over 50% of patients with inflamma-
treatment) tory bowel disease and IDA did not receive treat-
Inflammatory bowel disease (active disease or ment [130].
haemoglobin <100 g L 1
In patients with chronic kidney disease, oral or
Preoperatively (surgery scheduled in <6 weeks)
intravenous iron may be used, although data from
Postoperatively clinical trials show better haemoglobin response
Pregnancy (second trimester if haemoglobin <105 g L 1
in patients with IDA who took intravenous com-
and third trimester) pared with oral iron [131]. Normalization of
haemoglobin levels is associated with significant
ESA, erythropoiesis-stimulating agents; NYHA, New York physical function improvement, but the effect on
Heart Association. the risk of cardiovascular events is not clear.[111]
Intravenous iron is recommended front line in
patients on dialysis [20]. A recent trial showed
Chronic inflammatory conditions that in patients undergoing haemodialysis, proac-
In patients with chronic inflammatory conditions, tive administration of high-dose intravenous iron
response to oral iron therapy may be limited by the is superior to reactive administration (triggered by
hepcidin-mediated decreased absorption. In iron- a diagnosis of ID) of a low-dose regimen and
deficient patients with heart failure and reduced resulted in lower doses of ESA being used [132].
ejection fraction, high-dose oral iron did not ESA therapy is not always associated with clinical
improve exercise capacity over 4 months [123]. In benefit in patients with chronic kidney disease,
placebo-controlled trials, intravenous iron therapy and anaemia and may be associated with
significantly improved symptoms, functional increased risk of stroke [133]. When administered,
capacity and quality of life in patients with chronic ESA therapy should always follow iron treatment
heart failure [New York Heart Association (NYHA) since it may worsen ID, and in this setting
class II or III] and ID, irrespective of the presence of intravenous iron is more effective than oral iron
anaemia [77, 124]. A reduction in hospitalization [20]. Iron therapy may also delay or abolish the
rate by up to 61% was also observed in other trials need for ESA in the first place [19]. In cancer
[125]. A recent meta-analysis of randomized trials patients, iron therapy is recommended for IDA or
concluded that intravenous iron therapy in following a lack of response to ESA [19]. An
patients with systolic heart failure and ID improves increased risk of infection with the use of intra-
outcomes, exercise capacity and quality of life, and venous iron, especially in haemodialysis patients,
alleviates heart failure symptoms [126]. This has has been a subject of debate. A recent meta-
led to wide recommendation of compulsory screen- analysis concluded that high-dose parenteral iron
ing and intravenous iron treatment in chronic does not seem to be associated with higher risk of
heart failure patients even in the absence of infection or all-cause mortality on analysis of
anaemia [20]. It should be noted, however, that randomized trials. Observational studies show
the previously mentioned thresholds to define ID increased risk for all-cause mortality, infections
(using ferritin and TSAT) which are also commonly and hospitalizations that were not statistically
used in these trials have rarely been prospectively significant and were associated with significant
validated [127]. heterogeneity [134].

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Iron administration to anaemic cancer patients can
increase the level of haemoglobin probably inde- Iron deficiency anaemia is a significant public
pendently from the specific mechanism of anae- health concern that can cause debilitating clinical
mia, which may help reduce the need for blood consequences across age groups, genders, geogra-
transfusions and ESA therapy [135]. There is a lack phies and clinical conditions. Early diagnosis and
of consensus on the specific indication for iron effective management are thus needed to avoid
supplementation, although most guidelines rec- associated sequelae. This can only be achieved
ommend use when ID is documented, and a with increased awareness of the prevalence and
preference towards intravenous iron therapy espe- causes of IDA, as well as the benefits of treatment,
cially in cases of functional IDA or with planned amongst healthcare professionals. Although effec-
use of ESA [136, 137]. tive means for iron supplementation exist, making
the right and timely choice between oral and
intravenous iron formulations is essential to avoid
Surgical setting
unnecessary delays in iron repletion and correction
In surgical patients, the concept of patient blood of anaemia. The development of new oral iron
management is widely recognized [138], and relies formulations with fewer gastrointestinal side
on the idea of early detection of anaemia and effects may result in more patients receiving and
management prior to major surgical procedures to tolerating therapy. Moreover, many studies of
avoid the need for blood transfusions periopera- intravenous iron have limited follow-up duration
tively, the latter being strictly reserved to patients or small sample sizes, and large, randomized trials
with severe anaemia and haemodynamic instabil- with standardized end points are needed to better
ity. The consensus is that IDA needs to be establish the role of intravenous therapy across
identified and treated as soon as the decision to indications. Ongoing research aiming to better
perform an elective surgery is taken, otherwise, understand iron metabolism and the role of hep-
surgery may be delayed if possible until IDA is cidin as a diagnostic tool and treatment target
effectively managed. International guidelines rec- could bring more novel diagnostic and therapeutic
ommend that preoperative IDA can be treated with interventions in future years.
oral iron therapy, whilst intravenous iron can be
used in case of nonresponse or intolerance, or
front line if surgery is scheduled within less than
six weeks [59]. Recent data from clinical trials, We apologize to those authors whose work could
however, show superiority of intravenous over oral not be cited in this review due to space limitations.
iron in improving haemoglobin level and iron
indices [139], and effectiveness of intravenous
Conflicts of interest
iron in decreasing the duration of hospital stay,
postoperative anaemia and need for blood trans- MDC, KMM and ATT received honoraria from Vifor.
fusions [140–142]. Safety was also established in
such trials. This may suggest that the use of
Funding source
intravenous iron in the preoperative setting could
be prioritized, not only when the time available for None.
correction of IDA is short, but also in patients
with severe IDA or patients that are known to be
Authors contributions
less responsive to oral therapy such as older
patients with chronic inflammatory conditions. In MDC, KMM and ATT participated in literature
the postoperative period, early intravenous iron search, manuscript drafting and review. All
therapy is recommended as a single high dose authors approved the final manuscript prior to
unless otherwise contraindicated, especially in submission.
view of postoperative inflammation [92]. In
patients with IDA, intravenous iron therapy was
associated with improvement of anaemia and ID,
fewer blood transfusions and lower risk of severe
infections in the four weeks following surgery 1 GBD 2016 Disease and Injury Incidence and Prevalence
[143, 144]. Collaborators. Global, regional, and national incidence,

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