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how to

read a
like a
Imagine if after reading a textbook,
you never have to revisit it and you
also were able to condense it into only
the most valuable points. No more
lugging around heavy textbooks for
midterms and finals. This study guide
will show you how to efficiently extract
information from your readings.
Exactly how we used to do it in
medical school!

Step 1
Skim (1-2 minutes max)
Quickly skim over the chapter,
page by page, to get an idea of
the big picture. Notice how short
the chapter is. Notice all the
pictures, charts, and graphs. You
want to mentally engage yourself
with the topic you are about to

Step 2
Author’s key points
(~5 minutes max)
Read the review questions at the
end of the chapter. This helps
you identify what the author
thinks are the most important,
testable concepts to know. Keep
these in mind for step 5…

Step 3
Bold Print
(1-2 minutes max)
This is how the author organizes
the information. Be on the
lookout for bold print on pictures,
graphs, tables, figures, etc. that
compare, contrast, and
FURTHER organize the

Step 4
Section Guidance
(~5 minutes max)
Read the first and last sentence
of the sections to even further
help you understand the way the
information is organized. The first
sentences usually tell you what
you will learn. The last sentences
usually wrap up the main idea.

Step 5
Now that you know what’s important to
look out for, it’s time to read! Read to
understand the main concepts. Read to
find the answers to the end of chapter
questions and review questions. If you
run into a lot of details, make note of it,
but don’t worry about memorizing the
details at this time. Keep moving! Focus
on comprehension.

At the end of every section, close your
textbook and pretend to teach back
what you just read to a 7th grade child.
Say it OUT LOUD or type it out. You
want to invoke the use of your head
voice to explain the points because this
is how you trigger your brain to process
the information in your own words! Do
NOT continue reading until you can do
this. After you have a good explanation,
write it down or type it into your notes.

If you were unable to explain the
concept in your own words, then go
back and review the section until you
can. Make notes of all the gaps in your
knowledge during this step because
these are your points to review before
the test. Continue this way until
completion of your reading, and you will
have an abridged, concise version of
your textbook written and explained by

Why this works - This might sound
painstakingly tedious to do for every single section.
But that’s why it’s so effective. You can’t read a
textbook like a novel (cover to cover). You have to be
strategic. This isn’t Harry Potter— you don’t need to
worry about spoilers. In fact, spoilers are your friends
as they can often help you connect information and
fill in the puzzle pieces.
This approach utilizes a KEY CONCEPT from our
Method to Mastery course: the more brain power you
use, the better the information will stick. Reading a
textbook straight through may seem easier. Sure.
And that’s why we like to do it. Human nature
gravitates towards the easier, more comfortable path.
But the only way to maximize your time and study
efficiently is to learn using very SPECIFIC learning
techniques that invoke the most cognitive effort and
brainpower; the ones that shove you out of your
comfort zone.

Want more content? Our online course, The
Method to Mastery, is a program we designed that dives
deep into maximizing the best scientifically proven study
strategies and integrating them with ANY lifestyle (no
matter how busy you are), for ANY exam (in any subject)
you might ever take. We have conquered traditional
education through University, Business school, Music
School, Medical School, Real Estate School, and more.
You could say that we are good students. But we are
NOT geniuses. We’ve spent years in tedious trial and
error to master the art of study so that you don’t have to.
And we’ve packaged it into a step by step process that
we would love to share with you!

Visit our study course

to learn more.

Mike and Matty


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