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Literature is one of the important components in learning language. Nowadays, many people

have started to overlook literature and it influence towards study and life. They think

literature is simply not important and tend to underestimate its abilities to provide us great

knowledge. In Malaysia, literature is a compulsory part in language subject. Either Malay

language or English, both subjects have their own literature materials to be learned. This

research was conducted to provide clear description on students’ experiences in learning

literature in ESL classrooms. Apart from that, the data collected from this research can help

to identify activities carried out in literature in ESL classrooms. In addition, this research also

helps in making suggestion of the activities that students considered as beneficial in learning

literature in ESL classrooms. The research was conducted on Form 3 students from SMK

Ayer Hangat, Langkawi Kedah. 20 questionnaires were distributed to 20 students from 3

Khaldun. The results from the questionnaire were collected and analysed.

Literature review

The inclusion of literature in ESL classes has been a matter of debate these recent years.

Some of those who devaluate teaching literature to non-native students in favor of employing

only the traditional methods of language teaching. For such a group, using other than the

well-known methods of teaching – including studying literary texts - is a waste of time and

effort. Nevertheless, there has appeared another group of teachers with another perspective:

why not using the rich language material of literature to achieve the best results as regards

language learning? Literature has a vital role in acquainting the learners with the ways by

which the target language can be expressed. [ CITATION Are13 \l 17417 ] The idea that literature

can be considered an integrated component in the FL curriculum has been around for several

decades. The position of literature teaching in FL education later moved from being a
‘welcome guest’ to an ‘unwelcome ghost’ and finally back to being regarded as a valuable

component of the FL curriculum.[CITATION Pul14 \l 17417 ]

Method of study

The research was conducted on students from SMK Ayer Hangat, a rural secondary school

situated at Langkawi Island in Kedah. The school consist of 1,000 students from Form 1 to

Form 5. The 20 questionnaires were distributed to Form 3 students. The results from the

questionnaire were collected and analysed. Due to the Covid19 pandemic, educational

institutions all round Malaysia were closed and the learning method changes for safety

purpose. Instead, online learning was introduced to prevent the virus from spreading as it

almost infected 10% of Malaysia population. It is had to distribute the questionnaires directly

to the student as there was restriction of movement. So, Google Form came in handy. The

questionnaire was converted into Google Form and with the help of the 3 Khaldun English

Teacher, Puan Anis, the questionnaires were successfully distributed to 20 students. The

study used a self-completed questionnaire as its main research tool as these are the most

frequently used tool in applied linguistics providing a large amount of statistically

processable information in the shortest time. The questionnaire consists of 3 sections with

different questions.

Analysis of data

There are 14 female students and 6 male students who participated in the survey. Based on

the data collected, 10 from 20 students stated that they have low level of proficiency in

English, 18 students stated intermediate, and another 2 students stated low level of
proficiency. Next, 15 students stated that they only speak English at school during English

classes. Another 5 students wrote that they often speak in English at home. Apart from that,

18 out of 20 students love to read while another 2 do not. In the student’s opinion of the

English Language section, 19 students stated that they love studying English while another 1

chose the opposite. 18 of the students strongly agree that studying English is important while

another 1 student agree, and 1 student disagree. 18 students enjoy studying English and think

English is important while another 2 students disagree. In the Students’ opinion about

Literature in ESL section, 18 out of 20 students like and enjoy studying Literature in English

Language. 19 out of 20 students also think studying Literature in English Language is

interesting and important.

For the question of “How often do you have Literature in English Language lesson? 20

students stated that once every 2 weeks during double period?” 18 students chose exciting

and interesting to describe their experience in studying Literature English Language, 1

student chose bored and another 1 chose confused. Students asked to the activities that they

did in Literature in English Language Classes. 18 students pick answer reading

comprehension questions, 15 chose reading aloud and group discussion, 13 chose pair work

and presentation, 12 chose word puzzle, listen to teacher’s teaching, and role play. While 3

chose drama activities and poetry recitation. The students also asked to choose the most often

activities you do in Literature in English Language lessons. 8 students answered reading

comprehension questions, 8 chose group discussion, and 4 students chose listening to

teacher’s teaching.

15 students rated short stories as the genre that enjoy the most in studying Literature in

English Language Short Stories while another 5 students chose novels. 20 students choose

Grammar as the most often language/literature skills carried out in literature in English

Language lessons. After that, 19 students think studying literature helps to improve English
Language Proficiency especially speaking, listening, reading, writing skills, creative thinking,

critical thinking skills and helps students to develop the higher order thinking skills while a

student chose the opposite. Moreover, 18 students think studying literature helps to

understand themselves, friends the world in general and other cultures better. Students also

think studying literature improves their interest in learning and reading English Language

materials and improve their motivation and confidence so that studying English Language

less stressful.


The data collected from 20 students of Form 3 students from SMK Ayer Hangat. The results

from the questionnaires to provide description on students’ experiences in learning literature

in ESL classrooms. 90% of the students stated that they have intermediate level of

proficiency in English, and another 10% of the students stated low level of proficiency. This

showed that the students basically understand and can use English Language to communicate.

70% of the students stated that they only speak English at school during English classes.

Another 25% students wrote that they often speak in English at home. This mainly because

English is their second language and the students are from rural area, mostly their parents

speak Malay. The data also showed that 90% of the students love to read while another 10%

do not. I think this is because of the current internet and modern lifestyle where most of the

reading materials in English and, also the reading materials for the students under the

syllabus is very interesting for the students to read.

Students enjoy studying English and think English is important


Next is the student’s opinion of the English Language section, where 95% of the students

stated that they love studying English while another 5% chose the opposite. Moreover, 90%

of the students strongly agree that studying English is important while another 5% of the

students agree, and 5% disagree. Next, 90% of the students enjoy studying English and think

English is important while another 10% students disagree. This may because of the

upbringing and the exposure of English Language that the student had received. But we can

see that most of the students understand the importance and able to value the influence of

English Language in their life and study.

Next section in the questionnaire is the Students’ opinion about Literature in ESL section,

90% of the students like and enjoy studying Literature in English Language, they also think

that studying Literature in English Language is interesting and important. This is because

they understand and able to enjoy the literature materials that they are learning. This due to

the effective of the method and lesson carried out the teacher.
Student preference in studying Literature in English Language

Like and enjoy studying Literature in English Language Dislike studying Literature in English Language

The result from the survey also stated that the Form 3 students of SMK Ayer Hangat learns

literature once every 2 weeks during double period. The teacher can increase the frequency of

literature class to increase the student’s interest in literature. 90% of the students chose

exciting and interesting to describe their experience in studying Literature English Language,

5% of the student chose bored and another 5% chose confused.

Students asked to the activities that they did in Literature in English Language Classes. Most

of the students pick answer reading comprehension questions, chose reading aloud and group

discussion. Some had chosen pair work and presentation, chose word puzzle, listen to

teacher’s teaching, and role play. While the east activity is drama activities and poetry

recitation. The students chose the most often activities that they do in Literature in English

Language lessons is answering reading comprehension questions and group discussion. I

think the teacher can vary the technique to avoid students from getting bored and increase the

excitement in learning English language. Most students rated short stories as the genre that

enjoy the most in studying Literature in English Language. This is because short story is not

as thick as novel and suitable for beginner.

What is the most often language/literature skills carried out in your
literature in English Language lessons?

Grammar Listening Speaking Reading Writing Literature

Next, all 20 students who involved in the survey answered Grammar as the most often

language/literature skills carried out in literature in English Language lessons. This is because

the Form 3 students are lower level in secondary school, the teacher focuses on grammar to

improve the students basic before moving to other aspect. But teacher can use their creativity

in varying and combine some of the approach that teaches more than one skill. This can help

the teacher to increase the lesson effectiveness and save more time. 95% of the students think

that studying literature helps to improve English Language Proficiency especially speaking,

listening, reading, writing skills, creative thinking, and critical thinking skills. They also

believed that studying literature helps students to develop the higher order thinking. This is

because of the exposure and the materials selected by the teacher had managed to attract the

students and, also in making the lesson more relatable.

From the survey, we can say that majority of the students think studying literature helps to

understand themselves, friends the world in general and other cultures better. This is because

of the content and the description usually use to portray a situation or an event in the

literature text helps the students to imagine the situation in real-life. It will make them
understand and able to relate with the subject better. Most of the students also think studying

literature improves their interest in learning and reading English Language materials and

improve their motivation and confidence so that studying English Language less stressful.

This is because students often feel stress in the subject or lesson that hard to understand. This

will cause the student to lost interest in the subject but the colors and the fun in literature has

been one of the most important elements in English language.


The survey was held to investigate the importance of Literature in learning English language.

Literature is one of the most important elements in language and it has been giving colors and

depth in learning English language. Almost all language has their own literature materials

that can be use as learning materials to stimulate the understanding of the student on the

lesson. However, teacher needs to analyse and look for the most suitable materials according

to the student level and interest. In Malaysia, the government has decided that literature is a

compulsory part in language subject in Malay and English language subject. In addition, This

research was conducted to help in understanding the students’ experiences in learning

literature in ESL classrooms. It also can list the activities carried out in literature in ESL

classrooms. This is very important because some activities if often repeated, will cause the

students to lose interest and fade from the lesson. By listing the activities, it can help

generates idea in improving the activities for more effective lesson.


Based on the analysis of the data and the discussion, the survey has shown that literature does

help the student in learning and understanding English language better. It can be derived from

the results that the students are well aware of the importance of learning English language in

their study. The students also able to learn literature though only twice a month. The students

also stated some activities conducted by the teacher is always the same which cause some of

the student interest to fade. A good teacher needs to use different activities to increase the

excitement in classroom. Literature texts and materials help the students by tapping to their

prior knowledge to understand the lesson. In conclusion, learning literature in the English

language lesson for Malaysian secondary students help them to increase their understanding

and the effectiveness of the lesson.


There are some recommendations that can be consider and apply for improvement. Firstly,

from the survey, we can see that the teacher always uses comprehension question as activity

for the students. The teacher needs to vary their activities to attract the students. There are

many interesting activities that can be use and developed in learning English. Sing-along,

debate and many more. Apart from that, teacher needs to look for a suitable literature

material that comply and appropriate for the student’s level. Teacher can start from a low-

level version such as Penguin Reader and move to higher level. This will increase the

student’s level of motivation to read and to learn English language. Last but not least, the

teacher can incorporate technology in the literature lesson. There are many online

applications such as Tik Tok that offers learning and entertainment at the same time. This

will increase the student’s participation and motivation in learning English.


Muhammed, A. A. (2013). The Effect of Teaching Literature on Learning English Language: A Study on EFS

(English as a Foreign Students) and EFL Classes. International Journal of Advanced Research in

Literature and Education, 2348-2346.

Pulverness, A. (2014). The Ghost at the Banquet: the use and abuse of literature in the language classroom. E-

merging Forum 4.


Questionnaire link:

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