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4. Debt Position.

 Q2) What does not effect cash flows proposal

1. Salvage Value

2. Depreciation Amount

3. Tax Rate Change

4. Method of Project Financing.

 Q3) Which typpe of financial instrument does commercial paper is

1. Fixed coupon Bond

2. Unsecured short-term debt

3. Equity share capital

4. Government Bond

 Q4) What can be deduced by net profit ratio

1. Operational Profitability

2. Liquidity Position

3. Big-term Solvency

4. Profit for Lenders.

 Q5) Which of the following is used in trend analysis for comparing

performance of a company, with
1. With other firms

2. Over a period of firm

3. With other industries

4. None of these.

 Q6) Which of the folloowing will equal the present value of the real cashflows
which must be discounted
1. Money Discount Rate

2. Inflation Rate

3. Real Discount Rate

4. Risk free rate of interest

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