Total Quality Management: Submitted To

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Submitted to: -

Dr. Abdus Saleem

Submitted by: -


M. Aamir Mushtaq
Question # 1: -

Briefly describe Total Quantity Management (TQM)?

Answer: -

TQM is the management approach of an organization, centered on quality, based on me

participation of all its members and aiming at long-term success through customer satisfaction.
and benefits to all members of me organization and to society. It is an integrated organizational
approach in delighting customers (both internal and external) by meeting their expectations on a
continuous basis through everyone involved with the organization working on continuous
improvement in all products, services, and processes along with proper problem-solving

TQM is a people focused management system that aims at continual increase in customer
satisfaction at continually lower cost. TQM is a total system approach (not a separate area of
program), and an integral part of high-level strategy. It works horizontally across functions and
departments, involving all employees, top to bottom, and exceeds backwards and forward to
include the supply chain and the customer chain.

An organization’s quality management implementations are of two folds

a) Satisfying customer’s expectation and

b) Improvement in the overall business efficiency (Dale, et al (a) 1994)

Characteristics of TQM are: -

1. Customer Oriented

2. Long term commitment for continuous improvement of all process

3. Team work

4. Continuous involvement of top management

Question # 2: -

What do you understand from the word quantity?

Answer: -

The meaning of ‘Quality’ in Oxford Dictionary is ‘the standard of something when it is

compared to other things.’
ISO defines quality as ‘the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that
bears on its ability to meet a stated or implied need.’ The meaning of the quality could be
understood from two perspectives:

(i) Producer’s perspective

(ii) (ii) Consumer’s perspective.

From Producer’s Perspective the quality is to conform to the specifications with cost

Producer-based definitions:

Crosby defines quality as the means to conform to standards, specifications or requirements.

Parasuraman defines quality as the concerned with meeting or exceeding customer expectations.

Consumer-based definitions:

Edward defines quality in terms of the capacity to satisfy needs.

Gilmore defines quality as the degree to which a specific product satisfies the wants of a specific

Question # 3: -

Can the quality be quantified? If it is so, describe one way of quantifying it?

Answer: -

Quantity can be quantified as follow: -

Q= ⁄


Q= Quality

P= Performance

If Q is greater than 1 then the customer has a good feeling about the product or service. It should be noted
that based on perception P is determined by the organization and E determined by the customer.
Question # 4: -

Define quantity as per ISO 9000?

Answer: -

As per ISO 9000:2000 quality is the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfills a set
of requirements”.

The above-mentioned definition highlights some key points:

a) Quality is a relative measure - its level is determined in relation to the requirements that
constitute the gauge (benchmark) in quality assessment.

The concepts in the above scheme are used with the following meanings:

 Requirement: “a need, expectation or obligation. It can be stated or implied by an

organization, its customers, or other interested parties”. (ISO 9000, 2015)
 Customer: “anyone who receives products or services (outputs) from a supplier”
b) Quality is a complex concept - given by its broad content and the ensemble of
characteristics that defines it.

Question # 5: -

Name at least 5 dimensions of quantity along with meanings.

Answer: -
Sr. # Dimension Meaning
1 Performance How well the product performs in comparison to how it was
designed to perform
2 Perceived Quality Based on customer’s experience before, during and after they
purchase a product
3 Serviceability What is the ease of fixing or repairing the product if it fails
4 Features What different functions or tasks can the product perform
5 Durability The actual life expectancy of the product

Question # 6: -

What is operations function? Name 3 basic functions of a business organization and

briefly describe each of these.

Answer: -

Operation function is responsible for producing products and delivering services (Wolniak, 2019;
Wolniak and Skot-nicka-Zasadzień, 2014; Wolniak et al., 2017). But it needs support and input
from others areas of the organization. In the standard business organization, we can distinguish
three basic functional areas where we can include finance, marketing and operations.

Three basic functions of Business organization are: -

1) Finance

Is responsible for securing financial resources at favorable prices and allocating those
resources throughout the organization, as well as budgeting, analyzing investment
proposals, and providing funds for operations.

2) Operations

Is responsible for producing the goods or providing the services offered by the

3) Marketing

Is responsible for assessing consumer wants and needs, and selling and promoting the
organization’s goods or services. Marketing’s focus is on selling and/or promoting the
goods or services of an organization. Marketing is also responsible for assessing
customer wants and needs, and for communicating those to operations people (short
term) and to design people (long term). Marketing, design and production must work
closely together to success-fully implement design changes and to develop and produce
new products. Marketing can provide valuable insight on what competitors are doing.
Marketing also can supply information on consumer preferences so that design will know
the kinds of products and features needed; operations can supply information about
capacities and judge the manufacturability of designs.

Question # 7: -

Name some typical inputs which may be required in most of the process or the
production of goods or delivery of services.

Answer: -

 Capital
 Machinery
 Equipment
 Knowledge
 Time
 Labor
 Suppliers
 Facilities

Question # 8: -

Mention examples of certain outputs which may also be used as inputs.

Answer: -

 Capital
 Machinery
 Services
 Information

Question # 9: -

Briefly describe the following terms: -

Operations Management, Inputs, process, outputs, fluctuations and controls.

Answer: -

1. Operations Management
Operations Management is concerned with planning, organizing & supervising in the
context of construction, manufacturing or provision of services. It is delivery focused
ensuring that an organization successfully turns inputs into outputs.
2. Inputs
Something fed into a process in order to convert into valuable item which is then sold
to earn revenue or is further processed to finished goods.
3. Process
It is a transformation of inputs into outputs. Basically it is value addition to the inputs
to produce outputs.
4. Outputs
Anything coming out of a process having more value than the input.

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