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DepEd Form 18-E1 REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES Due the day after the

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION last day prescribed for regular

Region VII


Division: CEBU PROVINCE GRADE: TWO Date : April 07, 2011


TOTAL General
SCHOOL taken
(Surname first, listed alphabetically)
1 Barbero , Rey Tag-ubi, Compostela, Cebu 9 1/4 198 76 Prom. E 06-15-11
2 Batican , Aljohn Tag-ubi, Compostela, Cebu 10 1/4 187 76 Prom. E 06-15-12
3 Batican , Edzel Arn Tag-ubi, Compostela, Cebu 9 1/4 200 76 Prom. E 06-15-13
4 Batucan , Algen Tag-ubi, Compostela, Cebu 8 1/4 203 84 Prom. E 06-15-14
5 Codizar , Santi James Tag-ubi, Compostela, Cebu 10 3/4 195 76 Prom. E 06-15-15
6 Garces , John John Tag-ubi, Compostela, Cebu 9 1/4 200 79 Prom. E 06-15-16
7 Gomez , Colyn Tag-ubi, Compostela, Cebu 8 3/4 200 80 Prom. E 06-15-17
8 Jupia , Henry Jr. Tag-ubi, Compostela, Cebu 8 3/4 200 78 Prom. E 06-15-18
9 Naquines , John Mark Tag-ubi, Compostela, Cebu 9 3/4 189 76 Prom. E 06-15-19
10 Puebla , Jesson Jr Tag-ubi, Compostela, Cebu 8 3/4 205 90 Prom. E 06-15-20
11 Tolin , Mark Tag-ubi, Compostela, Cebu 8 3/4 201 78 Prom. E 06-15-21
1 Barbero , Jessa Tag-ubi, Compostela, Cebu 8 1/4 195 82 Prom. E 06-15-23
2 Batucan , Jennifer Tag-ubi, Compostela, Cebu 8 3/4 203 84 Prom. E 06-15-24
3 Bohol , Marry Mae Tag-ubi, Compostela, Cebu 8 1/4 201 83 Prom. E 06-15-25
4 Gomez , Hazel Tag-ubi, Compostela, Cebu 8 3/4 200 80 Prom. E 06-15-26
5 Lauron , Jay-Ann Tag-ubi, Compostela, Cebu 7 1/4 202 83 Prom. E 06-15-27
6 Monsanto , Cyrillene Tag-ubi, Compostela, Cebu 9 3/4 202 76 Prom. E 06-15-28
7 Paras , Anna Marie Tag-ubi, Compostela, Cebu 7 3/4 202 82 Prom. E 06-15-29
8 Vilar , Frencis Tag-ubi, Compostela, Cebu 7 1/4 200 83 Prom. E 06-15-30


TOTAL AGE OF PUPILS          167.75

1. This form will be made out in duplicate at the close of the school year by which the promotion was made. Indicate all Grade I pupils who enter the
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES each teacher who is in charge of the enrolment and attendance records of grade for the first time during the school year by writing the words "Entered
any class in Grades I, II or III. The original copy should be retained on fiel school " giving the date on which the pupil entered.
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION in the office of the principal of the school and the duplicate sent to the
division office for filiing. 10. When the blanks under "Summary of Pupil Enrolled" are filled in the
following points should be borne in mind.
REPORT ON PROMOTIONS 2. In the first column will be written the names of all pupils who have been
(GRADES I - III INCLUSIVE) enrolled during the year in the register fo the class for which this report is (1) The march montly-enrolment figures gives on the first line
made. List names of boys first. should agree with the monthly enrolment figures given on Dep Ed Form 2
for March.
Division: CEBU PROVINCE 3. Under "Years in School"; write 1, 1-1/2, 2, 2-1/2, 3, 3-1/2, etc. to indicate
the exact lenght of time the pupil has been in school form the first time he (2) The data for the second line should include all pupils promoted
Municipality: COMPOSTELA entered any school to the date accomplishing this form. to the next higher grade before the end of the school year.
4. The age of the pupil as reported on this form should be his age as of (3) The date for the third line may be found by adding the figures
Grade TWO on the first line to the figures on the second line.
March 1. To find his age as of April 1, add to his age as of the begging of
Year Ending: April 07, 2011 the school year, recorded in Dep Ed Form 1- School Register.
Date Submitted April 07, 2011 11.Data for the "Summary of Pupils Promoted" may be obtained from the
5. Under "Home Address" Should be written the actual residence of the face of the form.
pupil, not a temporary residence which he may have taken up while
Teacher MS. LAARNI B. SASING attending school. 12. The sum of the ages of all pupils concerned should appear where 'Total
Age of Pupils" is called for. For example: Total age in a class of 40 pupils is
6.A pupil who is promoted during the year will be reported in each grade in 380 Average age, 380/40 = 9.5
Date: MARCH 31,2010 which he is enrolled.
13. in indicating action taken on this form use only the word "promoted' and
7. In the column for "Final Rating" should be indicated the final rating the word "retained" and abbreviated them to Prom., and Ret., respectively.
(MRS.) JASMIN F. MOJADO received by the pupil during the months he was enrolled in the grade for
School In-Charge which the report is made. For example, if a pupil is enrolled in Grade I in REFERENCES:
July and is promoted to Grade II in September, he should be reported on
Dep Ed Form 18-E -1 both for Grade I and Grade II. His final rating for Circular: Nos. 50, s. 1928; 45, s. 1930; 13, s.1932, 23; s. 1933; 48, s. 1934
(MR.) ALBERTO Y. MELENDRES Grade I will be based upon his work form July to September. His final
rating for Grade II will be based upon his work form October to March, and Memorandum: No. 36, s. 1940
District Supervisor
not on those months in which he was studying in Grade I. The term "final
rating" signifies either the average of all the periodic ratings according to General Instructions: No. 13, s. 1925
APPROVED: the averaging system of grading or the last periodic rating, after the first, is
obtained by dividing 3 the sum of twice the tentative rating and the periodic Service Manual: Secs. 99:100-101 ;112-113
rating immediately preceding: and the last periodic rating becomes the
ARDEN D. MONISIT, Ph.D. final subject rating.\
Schools Division Superintendent
8. Great care should be exercised to make sure that the total number of
days the pupil has attended the grade in both present and past school Percentage of Promotion
Summary of Pupils Enrolled Boys Girls TOTAL years is correctly recorded. BOYS GIRLS Total
March monthly enrolment 12 8 20 9. Under "Remarks" indicate all pupils promoted during the school year to Corrected Monthly Enrolment 12 8 20
Pupils promoted from grade during year 0 0 0 the grade for which the report is made by writing the words "Promoted Yearly 11 8 20
from Grade" giving the number of the grade and the date on which the
Corrected Enrollment 12 8 20 promotion ws made. Likewise indicate all pupils promoted to a higher
No. of Pupils Promoted 11 8 19
Total age of Pupils 113.00 66.00 167.75 grade from the grade for which report is made by writing the words % Monthly Promotion 92% 100% 95%
"Promoted to Grade" giving the number of the grade and the date on
Average age of Pupils 9.42 8.25 8.39
% Yearly Promotion 92% 100% 95%
Summary of Promoted During Year In March TOTAL
Pupils Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls
Number promoted 0 0 11 8 11 8 19
Total age of pupils 0 0 101.75 66.00 101.75 66.00 168
Average age of pupils 0 0 8.48 8.25 8.48 8.25 8.39

NOTE: The person making this report shall also fill in the blank spaces under "Report on
Promotions" on this side of the form.

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