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A Project Report


___________TITLE OF PROECT__________

A Project Report submitted for the award of degree of Bachelor of

Business Administration ( BBA) in Faculty of Commerce Under
Business Administration & Management BOS of
Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur.

MR/MIS (Name of Student)


(Name of Guide)

Dr. Prashant A. Manusmare Dr. Vikas P.Dhomne

HOD Principal


( 2020-21 )

This is to certify that Miss/Mr Name of Student has completed her

work titled “-------------------------------------------TITLE OF
PROECT------------------------” under the supervision of Name of
Guide and is of sufficiently high standard to warrant its presentation for
the award of B.B.A. Degree in the Faculty of Commerce, R T M Nagpur
University, Nagpur. 
This work is the own work of the researcher, complete in all respects
and has not been submitted for any other degree in any other University.
The assistance and the help rendered to the researcher during the course
of his research in the form of basic source material and information have
been duly acknowledged.

Place: Bhandara
Date: . .  

Name of Guide Dr .Prashant A. Manusmare

Guide HOD/Coordinator
I hereby declare that the research work presented in this Project Report
entitled: ““-------------------------------------------TITLE OF
PROECT------------------------” has been carried out under the
supervision of Name of Guide during the session 2020-21.

This work which or any part of this work is based on original research
and has not been submitted by me to any University/ Institution for the
award of any diploma or degree.

The source of material, data used in this research study have been duly

Place: Bhandara                           
Name of Student
Each steps in learning of life is an opportunity which adds to our
personality. A research project is usually never one man shows, but it is
very much the product of collectively efforts.
I would like to add a few heartful words for the people who
were the part of this work in numerous ways ,people who gave unending
support right for the stage the ideas was conceived.
Behind every successful work there are some sort of impetus
provided by some . my guide Name of Guide has help me immensely
on accomplishing this research project.
I knowledge my sincere thanks to Dr.V.P.Dhomne, Principal
J.M.P.C.Bhandara and Co. Ordinator –Dr. P. A. Manusmare for
providing me all possible help and facility which are available at their
This work could not have been complete without the active
support and encouragement of my professor and colleagues of J. M.
Patel College, Bhandara.
I express my sincere thanks to you all.

Place :- Name of Student

Date :-

Sr.No Chapter Page No.

( Introduction, Company Profile, Scope of Study )

2 Objectives

3 Research Methodology

4 Review of Literature

5 Data Analysis & Interpretation

6 Finding , Suggestions & Conclusion

7 Limitations

7 Bibliography

8 Appendix

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