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Taxation – The power by which an independent state, through its 4.

4. Ways which the state interferes with private rights

lawmaking body (congress), raises and accumulates revenues 5. All exists independently of the constitution
from its inhabitants to pay the necessary expenses of gov’t. 6. Presuppose an equivalent compensation received
• As a state power – inherent power of the state 7. The exercise of these powers by LGUs may be limited
• As a process – process of levying taxes SCOPE OF TAXATION POWER:
• As a mode of cost distribution – state allocates tax on -Comprehensive, Plenary, Supreme (Generally; unlimited)
1. Sultan – buwis (Not Mandatory) P – Public purpose
2. Spaniards – tributo/ tribute (Mandatory) E – Exemption of Government
3. Katipunan – cedula (Mandatory) • Exemption: GOCCs -profit generating related
Theory of Taxation – Symbiotic Relationship (funding system) N - Non-Delegation of the taxing power (Congress)
PUBLIC SERVICES • Exceptions: LGU – Fiscal autonomy (poll tax)
• Exceptions: Tariff and Customs Code – President
GOVERNMENT BASIS OF • Exceptions: Other cases – for effective administration
TAXATION T - Territoriality of Taxation
• 2-Fold obligations of taxpayers: (1) Filling of returns
and payment of taxes (2) Withholding of taxes on
3 INHERENT POWERS OF THE STATE: expenses and its remittance to the government. These
1. Police Power – enactment of laws for general welfare. obligations can only be enforced within the Philippine
2. Eminent Domain – take private property for GW. jurisdiction with its residents and citizens.
• Resident Citizens and Domestic Corporations are
3. Power of Taxation – to enforce contribution.
taxable within and without (INCOME TAXATION)
• Residents and Citizens are taxable on transfers of
-How does the state allocate the burden (tax) on its people?
properties within or without (TRANSFER TAX)
1. Benefit Received Theory – more benefit=more taxes
I – International Comity
2. Ability to Pay Theory – capacity to pay of people
regardless of benefits received.
1. Due process of law
a. Vertical Equity – Base on Gross Income
• Substantive Due Process – legal basis, for public.
b. Horizontal Equity – Income net of expenses
• Procedural Due Process – Assessments- 3 years.
Collection- 5 years after assessment.
-Tax is the lifeblood of government, without it the gov’t would
2. Equal protection of the law
be paralyzed.
3. Uniformity rule – same class – taxed the same
4. Progressive system – Tax base increase = Tax rate increase
1. Taxed even without constitutional grant
5. Non-imprisonment for non-payment of poll tax (for basic)
2. Tax exemption are construed against taxpayers
6. Non-impairment of obligations and contract
3. Gov’t reserves the right to choose objects of taxation.
7. Free worship rule (tax exempt)
4. Courts are not allowed to interfere in collections of taxes.
8. Exemption of religious or charitable entities
• Properties actually, directly and exclusively used.
a. Unearned incomes are taxable
Doctrine of use not doctrine of ownership.
b. Capital expenditures and prepayments are non-deductible
9. Non-appropriation of public funds for religions
c. Lower amount of deduction is preferred
10. Exemption from taxes for non-profit, non-stock schools
d. Higher tax base is preferred
11. Concurrence of majority of all members of the congress
for a law granting tax exemptions
1. Raise revenue – fiscal and primary purpose
12. Non-diversification of tax collections (Public purpose only)
2. Reduce excessive inequality of wealth
13. Non-delegation of the power of taxation
3. Maintain high level of employment
14. Non-impairment of the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court
4. Control inflation
15. Bills should exclusively originate from House of
5. Implement other inherent powers.
16. Delegation of taxing power to LGUs
1. Legislative in nature
2. Inherent in sovereignty
1. Impact of taxation – Levy or imposition (legislative act)
3. Subject to inherent and constitutional limitations
• For public purpose
• Determining the object of taxation
• Territorial in operation
• Tax rate or amount to be collected
• Tax exemption of gov’t • Purpose (Public Purpose)
• Strongest among inherent powers (tax=most important, • Kind of tax to be imposed
police power=most superior) • Apportionment between national and local gov’t
• Inferior to “Non-impairment Clause” of the • Situs of taxation
Constitution – if there’s an existing contract, it will have • Method of collection
to be finished first before implementing new tax law. In 2. Incidence of taxation – Assessment and Collection
short, it is (administrative act)
prospective and not retrospective :)) SITUS OF TAXATION - Place of taxation
SIMILARITIES OF 3 INHERENT POWERS: 1. Business tax situs – where the business is conducted
1. They are all necessary attributes of sovereignty 2. Income tax situs on services – where they are rendered
2. All inherent to the state 3. Income tax situs on sale of goods – meeting of the
3. All legislative in nature minds

4. Property tax situs – location (real property tax) b. The Omnibus Investment Code – E.O. 226, tax
5. Personal tax situs – place of residence (residing) holidays for foreign investors
• Interest Income – Debtor’s Residence c. BMBE Law – assets less than 3,000,000
• Royalties – where the intangible is employed d. Cooperative Development Act SOURCES OF
1. Marshall Doctrine – The power to tax involves the 1. Constitution
power to destroy. Stop undesirable activities. 2. Statutes and Presidential Decrees
2. Holme’s Doctrine – Taxation power is not the power to 3. Judicial decisions and case laws
destroy while the court sits. Tax incentives. 4. Executive Orders and Batas Pambansa
3. Prospectivity of tax laws – future 5. Administrative Issuances
4. Non-compensation or set off - except, local taxes 6. Local Ordinances
5. Non-assignment of taxes 7. Tax Treaties and conventions with foreign countries
6. Imprescriptibility in taxation – deadlines 8. Revenue Regulations (AI)
8. Judicial non-interference 1. Revenue Regulations – signed by the Secretary of
9. Strict construction of tax laws – Taxation is the rule Finance, recommended by BIR Commissioner (CIR)
exemption is the exception. 2. Revenue Memorandum Orders (RMOs) – provides
• Vague tax laws – no tax law. Construed against the guidelines and procedures in all areas except auditing
government, in favor of the taxpayers. 3. Revenue Memorandum Rulings (RMRs) – rulings of
• Vague exemptions laws – no exemption law. CIR
Construed against taxpayers, in favor with 4. Revenue Memorandum Circulars (RMCs) – publish
government. amplifications of laws by the BIR and other
DOUBLE TAXATION – Taxed twice, same taxpayer. agencies/offices.
Elements: 5. Revenue Bulletins (RB) – periodic announcements of
1. Same object (Primary element) CIR
2. Same type of tax 6. BIR Rulings – queries raised by taxpayers.
3. Same purpose of tax TYPES OF RULINGS:
4. Same taxing jurisdiction 1. Value Added Tax (VAT) Rulings
5. Same tax period 2. International Tax Affairs Division (ITAD) Rulings
Types of Double Taxation: 3. BIR Rulings
1. Direct Double Taxation – all elements exist 4. Delegated Authority (DA) Rulings
2. Indirect Double Taxation – at least one (not the primary) GAAP vs Tax Laws
is missing. For recording transactions – GAAP
Double taxation is not prohibited, but discouraged. Filling of tax return – Tax laws
1. Provision of tax exemption – 1 taxed, 1 exempt. Civil not Political – Justice, not morality.
2. Allowing foreign tax credit – taxed abroad, taxed here. Not penal – Penalty is for mere compliance
3. Allowing reciprocal tax treatment – international comity ELEMENTS OF A VALID TAX:
4. Entering into treaties or bilateral agreements - 1. Levied (imposed) by the taxing power with jurisdiction
stipulation 2. Must not violate the inherent & constitutional
A. Those that result to loss of government revenue: 3. Must be uniform and equitable
1. Tax Evasion – tax dodging, illegal. 4. Must be for Public Purpose
2. Tax Avoidance – tax minimization, legal. 5. Must be proportional in character
3. Tax Exemption – tax holiday, immunity. 6. Generally payable in money. CLASSIFICATION OF
B. Those that do not result to loss of government revenue: TAXES:
1. Shifting – transferring tax burden a. As to Purpose:
• Forward Shifting – essentials (food) 1. Fiscal or Revenue Tax – for general purpose
• Backward Shifting – non-essentials • 2. Regulatory – to regulate business and transactions
Onward Shifting – mixed, in-betweens. 3. Sumptuary – to achieve social/economic objectives (lux)
2. Capitalization – adjustment of the value of assets b. As to Subject Matter:
3. Transformation – elimination of wastes and losses 1. Personal, Poll or Capitation – residency (people)
TAX AMNESTY – general pardon, absolute forgiveness, 2. Property tax – properties
retrospective, civil and criminal liability, clean slate, requires 3. Excise or Privilege Tax – enjoyment of privilege
payment. c. As to Incidence:
TAX CONDONATION – tax remission, prospectively, civil 1. Direct Tax – both impact and incidence rely on the
liabilities, no payment. payor
2. Indirect Tax – withholding. The ST is not the payor.
1. Tax Laws – assessment and collection of taxes
• Statutory Taxpayer – person named by law to pay tax.
a. The NIRC – R.A. 8424
• Economic Taxpayer – person actually pays the tax.
b. The Tariff and Customs Code – R.A. 9135
d. As to Amount:
c. The Local Tax Code
1. Specific Tax – per unit, fixed. (kilo, meter, liter and etc.)
d. The Real Property Tax Code
2. Ad Valorem – fixed proportion with the object
2. Tax Exemption Laws – certain immunity from tax
e. As to Rate:
a. The Minimum Wage Law

1. Proportional tax – flat/fixed rate. No Ability to Pay TAXPAYER CLASSIFICATION (Tax administration):
theory. 1. Large Taxpayers – Large Taxpayer Service of BIR N.O.
2. Progressive or Graduated Tax – both increasing, rate- Criteria: (to be considered large Taxpayers) A.
base As to Payment:
3. Regressive Tax – inverse relationship, tax base & rate. a. VAT – At least P200,000 per quarter
4. Mixed Tax – combination of any of the 3. b. Excise Tax – 1,000,000/yr.
f. As to Imposing Authority: c. Income Tax – 1,000,000/yr.
1. National Tax – tax imposed by the national government d. Withholding Tax – 1,000,000/yr.
Example: Income Tax, Estate Tax (mana), Donor’s e. Percentage Tax – 200,000/quarter
tax, VAT, Other Percentage Tax (non-VAT), Excise f. Documentary Stamp Tax – 1,000,000/yr.
Tax (bisyo), Documentary Stamp Tax. B. As to Financial Conditions & results of Operation:
2. Local Tax – tax imposed by local or municipal a. Gross receipts/Sale – 1,000,000 Annual
government Example: Real Property Tax, Professional b. Net Worth – 300,000,000 / year
Tax, Business Taxes, fees and charges, Community c. Gross Purchases – 800,000,000/yr.
Tax, Tax on Banks and other financial institutions
d. Top Corporate Taxpayers by SEC
2. Non-Large Taxpayers – Revenue District Office (RDOs)
Tax vs Revenue – amount imposed is tax, amount collected is
revenue. Tax is part of the revenue of gov’t.
Elements of Gross Income:
Tax vs License Fee – Tax is taxation power and a post-activity
1. Return ON Capital Not included (return OF
imposition while License Fee is a police power and pre-activity.
capital: a. Life
Tax vs Toll – Tax is demand of sovereignty; Toll is demand of
ownership (payment for the use of property) b. Health
Tax vs Debt – Tax arises from law; Debt arises from private c. Human Reputation
contracts. Non-payment: Tax, imprisonment; Debt, not. Tax vs 2. Realized Benefit - realized means earned.
Special Assessment – Tax is imposed upon persons, properties There’s a sacrifice to be entitled of the
or privileges while Special Assessments are imposed on the benefits.
additional improvements on lands (creating road). REQUISITES: (to be realized benefit) a.
Tax vs Tariff – Tariff is for export and import of commodities Exchange Transaction
Tax vs Penalty – Penalty is amount imposed to discourage an act TYPES OF TRANSFERS:
TAX SYSTEM: National & Local Tax Systems o Bilateral Transfers/exchanges –
-refers to methods and schemes of imposing, assessing and onerous transactions. (Sale, Barter) [Bi=2]
collecting taxes. Income tax, because the benefits received is
TYPES OF TAX SYSTEM: realized/earned
a. As to Imposition: o Unilateral Transfers – gratuitous transactions.
1. Progressive – imposed on income and transfers of (Succession, donation) [Uni=1] Transfer Tax,
individuals. because of the absence of earning process.
2. Proportional – imposed on corporate income and business o Complex Transactions – half/half
3. Regressive – not imposed in Philippines b. Transaction involves another entity
b. As to Impact: c. Increase the net worth of recipient
1. Progressive System – Direct taxes, impacts upon the rich. MODE OF RECEIPTS/REALIZED BENEFITS:
2. Regressive System – Indirect taxes, anti-poor. 1. Actual Receipt – actual payment of money/property 2.
TAX COLLECTION SYSTEM: Constructive Receipt – no actual physical taking
A. Withholding system on income tax -Offsetting of debt in exchange of service/sale of goods
• Creditable withholding tax 3. NOT EXEMPTED by law, contract or treaty (to be in Gross
a. Withholding tax on compensation – employer
b. Expanded withholding tax – taxpayers engaged
1. Citizen
in business (suppliers withheld)
a. Resident Citizen
• Final withholding tax – certain passive income
b. Non-resident Citizen (abroad 183 days)
B. Withholding system on business tax – business to b 2. Alien
(VAT) a. Resident Alien (1 year in PH)
C. Voluntary compliance system – self-assessment method b. Non-resident Alien Engaged in Trade or business
D. Assessment or enforcement system – non-compliant TP (more than 180 days)
PRINCIPLES OF A SOUND TAX SYSTEM: (Adam Smith) c. Non-resident Alien Not Engaged in Trade or
1. Fiscal Adequacy – funds is sufficient to meet gov’t exp. business (not more than 180 days, definite purpose)
2. Theoretical Justice – equity, taxpayer’s ability to pay 3. Taxable Estates and Trusts (Juridical personality)
a. Estate – Deceased (extrajudicial; taxable to heirs)
3. Administrative Feasibility – efficient & effective
b. Trust – if irrevocable, individual taxpayer.
TAX ADMINISTRATION – management of tax system (BIR) B. CORPORATIONS
OTHER AGENCIES: 1. Domestic Corporations – Philippine laws
1. Bureau of Customs (BOC) – regulatory, collection of 2. Foreign Corporations – Foreign law
a. Resident Foreign Corporations
tariffs, VAT on imported goods, under supervision of DoF.
b. Non-resident Foreign Corporations
2. Board of Investments (BOI) – investments, local and
3. Other Corporate Taxpayers
foreign. Attached in DTI.
a. Partnership – ‘Business’ partnership [not
3. Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) – professional (1 profession)]
investments in export-oriented manufacturing in PH. DTI.
4. Local Government Tax Collecting Units – locality.

Joint Venture – particular purpose (exempt; energy
operations under a service contract with Gov’t) BIR Form 0619F – Monthly remittance return of FIT withheld, 3
c. Co-ownership – joint ownership, reinvests. copies, 1st 2 months of the quarter, on or before 10 th day (2/10) BIR
Special Corporations – domestic/foreign, subject to special tax Form 1601FQ – Quarterly remittance return of FIT withheld, last
ACCOUNTING GENERAL METHOD: day of the month after each quarter. (1/30)
1. Accrual Basis – when - income, earned; expense, incurred.
2. Cash Basis – when – income, received; expense, paid. CAPITAL GAINS TAXATION
FORMULA: CAPITAL ASSETS – Personal assets & Business assets except;
Gross Income xxx inventories, Personal Property (movable) subject to AD, Real Property
Less: Deductions xxx (immovable), all 3 used in business.
Taxable Income xxx -ONLY Sale, exchange and other disposition of CAPITAL
1. Sale, exchange and other disposition of Domestic Stock – 15%
Cash Income xxx Cash Expenses x
of net capital gains. Requisites:
x a. Capital Asset
Accrued Income xxx Accrued x b. Sold directly to buyers (if not, 6/10 of 1% of SP
Expense x for OPT) If the seller of the DS is a Foreign Corporation the
x CGT is: 5% for the first 100,000 net capital gain 10% in the
Advanced Income xxx Amort./Depre. x excess of 100,000 ncg.
x 2. Sale, exchange and other disposition of Real Property – 6% of
x SP, FV, ZV whichever is higher.
Gross Income xxx Deductions x
x a. Capital Asset
Cash Income xxx Cash Expenses x
1. Sale of Principal Residence Requisites:
x a. Utilized proceeds for new principal residence (18
Advanced Income xxx Amort./Depre. x months)
x b. Commissioner is notified (30 days)
x c. Once in every 10 years (1/10yrs)
Gross Income xxx Deductions x d. 6% CGT – deposited an authorized escrow agreement,
If not utilized wholly:
FINAL INCOME TAXATION Tax due = Utilized/Selling Price * CGT due (should be) Tax
-Tax withholding at source, territorial imposition, certain passive inc. due = Utilized/Selling Price * Cost of old house (cost basis) If
Interest income (Short-term) 20% 20% *Interest income on banks only

Interest income (Foreign) 15% 15% ➢ Non-residents are exempt

Interest income (Pre-terminated-less 3 yrs) 20% 20% ➢ 5 years is considered
Interest income (Pre-terminated-less 4 yrs) 12% 20% long-term, therefore,
Interest income (Pre-terminated-less 5 yrs) 5% 20% exempt.
➢ NRA-ETB – 20%
Dividends (Domestic corp.) 10% Exempt
➢ NRFC – 15% (tax sparing rule )

Dividends (Foreign corp.) RIT RIT

➢ 10% of fees collected/1,000,000 - lower
Informer’s Reward 10% 10%
Royalties (literary works, basta sulat) 10% 20%
➢ Cinematographic, NRA
Royalties (other sources, in general) 20% 20%

Prizes (exceeding 10, 000) 20% RIT

Prizes (10,000 and below) RIT RIT

Winnings (in general) 20% RIT

Winnings (PCSO/LOTTO exceeding 10, 000) 20% 20%

Winnings (PCSO/LOTTO 10, 000 & below) EXEMPT EXEMPT

➢ NRA-NETB & NRFC – 30%

Dividends (Tax Free Covenant Bonds) 30% RIT
EXEMPT ➢ Preferential Tax rates – 10%
Dividends (Real Estate Investment Bonds) 10%
➢ Non-withstanding, 25% -
30% rule

A. Proceeds of life insurance policy
B. Amounts received by the insured as a return of premium
Property Insurance- any excess of the insurance proceed
over the tax basis of the asset is a taxable income.
C. Gift, bequest, devise or descent – transfer not income tax
D. Compensation for personal injuries or sickness
E. Exempt Income under treaty – international comity
GENERAL FINAL TAX RATE: NRA-NETB – 25%; NRFC – 30% utilized wholly:
DON’T FORGET: NRA-NETB – 25%; NRFC – 30% (Unless adjusted :))

Cost of new house + cost of old house – SP of old house = new P90k o Gains from sale of bonds, debentures, or
cost certificates of indebtedness with maturity of more than 5
2. Alternative Taxation Rule – eminent domain, taxpayer has years
the option to choose between; 6% CGT or RIT Section 24(A) o Gains from redemption of mutual funds
a. Sale of land to Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program LAWS:
(CARP) 1. Minimum Wage and certain benefits of minimum wage laws
b. Sale of Socialized Housing Unit by National Housing 2. Income of Barangay Micro-Business Enterprises under the
Authority (NHA) BMBE Act (RA 9178)
INSTALLMENT PAYMENT OF CGT: 3. Income of Cooperatives (RA 9520) – registered operations to
Requisites: non-members not exceeding 10M, unregistered r fully taxable.
1. Sold in installment 4. Income of non-stock non-profit entities
2. Selling Price exceed P1,000 5. Income of qualified employee trust funds – for employee’s
3. Initial Payment does not exceed 25% of SP (1st year benefit only, and; out from entity’s reach.
FILLING FOR CGT RETURN (Domestic Stocks) Compensation income can only arise from an employer-employee
BIR Form 1707 – 30 days after sale/installment relationship
BIR Form 1707-A – 15th day of the 4th month of next taxable year Types of Employees as to Function:
FILLING FOR CGT RETURN (Real Properties) ▪ Managerial – management
BIR Form 1706 – 30 days after sale/exchange ▪ Supervisory – recommending managerial actions
DOCUMENTARY STAMP: ▪ Rank and file – not managerial and supervisory Types of
1. Domestic Stocks – P1.50/P200 PAR (1st time/original issuance Employees as to Taxability:
– P2.00/200 PAR) ▪ Minimum Wage Earners – exempt
2. Real Property – P15/P1,000 [7.5% = 6% CGT + 1.5% D.S.] ▪ Regular/Ordinary – RIT (progressive) EXEMPT:
REGULAR INCOME TAX: (Compensation Income)
Gross Income – inclusions xxx A. Benefits exempt under NIRC & special laws
Less: Allowable Deductions xxx I. Remuneration received as incidents of employment - RIT:
Taxable Income xxx EXCLUSIONS (F)
II. Employee mandatory contribution: GSIS, SSS, PHIC, HDMF
Compensation Income: &
Gross Compensation Income xxx Union Dues
Less: Non-Taxable compensation xxx III. Minimum Wage Earner
Taxable Compensation Income xxx IV. De Minimis Benefits (FB) w/in threshold
F. Retirement benefits, pensions, gratuities, etc.
Monetized unused vacation leave (private employees) 10 days
a. Retirement benefits (RA 7641) Monetized unused vacation & sick leave (gov’t ) WHOLE
Requisites to be exempted: o At least Medical cash allowance to dependents P3,000/yr.
10 years in service o Employee at least Rice subsidy P2,000/month
50 y/o o Can only be claimed once o Uniform and clothing allowance P6,000/yr.
Retirement Benefit Plan – Trusteed Actual medical allowance P10,000/yr.
Laundry allowance P300/mo. 3,600/yr.
Achievement award (tangible personal property) P10,000/yr.
b. Separation or Termination benefits Gifts (major celebrations) P5,000/yr.
Requisites to be exempted: Meal allowance (overtime & graveyard) 25% of BMW
o Must be due to job-threatening sickness, death, or CBA and productivity incentive bonus P10,000/yr.
other physical disability V. 13th month pay & other benefits: P90,000
o AND; must be due to beyond the control of the B. Benefits exempt under treaty or international agreements
employee C. Benefits necessary to trade, business, or conduct of profession of the
c. Social Security Benefits, retirement gratuities, and employer – necessity of the employer rule
other similar benefits from foreign government D. Benefits for the convenience or advantage of the employer –
agencies and other institutions, private or public convenience of the employer rule
received by residents and citizens. REGULAR INCOME TAX
d. United States Veterans Administration (USVA) Regular Taxable Compensation Income – Fixed remuneration
e. Social Security Systems (SSS) benefits under RA 8282 a. Basic salary
f. GSIS benefits under RA 8291 G. Miscellaneous Items: b. Fixed allowances every payroll period
o Income in the Philippines of foreign government or i. Cost of living allowance (COLA)
foreign government owned and controlled corporations ii. Housing allowance
o Income of the government and its political subdivision iii. Representation and transportation allowance (RATA)
o Prizes and awards in recognition of religious, iv. Paid Vacation and Sick leave (used)
charitable, scientific, educational, artistic, literary, or * not taxable: Government employee’s RATA and personnel
civic achievements Requisites: economic relief allowance (PERA); (Fees, commission, tips)
a. Pinili ng ‘di nagpilit or walang ginawa c. Excess of de minimis benefits, exceeding 90K threshold (RnF)
b. Wala ng gagawin, tatanggapin lang yung Supplementary Taxable Compensation Income – additional
binigay. performance-based compensations (not-included in 90kk threshold)
o Prizes and Awards in Sports Competition granted to i. Overtime pay, hazard pay, night shift differential, and holiday
athletes - sanctioned by accredited sports associations. pay ii. Commission iii. Fees (including director’s fee if employee)
o Contributions to GSIS, SSS, HDMF, PHIC and union iv. Emoluments and honoraria
v. Taxable retirement and separation pay
vi. Value of living quarters and meals
o Contributions to Personal Equity
vii. Gains on exercise of stock options
viii. Profit sharing and taxable bonuses
Account (PERA) o PERA investment income and
PERA distributions o 13th month pay and other benefits
Substituted Filing of Tax Return for Employed Taxpayer

A. Purely compensation income Inland travel expenses (foreign travel) EXEMPT
B. Only one employer in the Philippines Lodging costs $300/Day – EXEMPT
C. Correct tax withheld Economy and business class ticket EXEMPT
D. Spouse also complies First-class ticket 30% TAXABLE, 70%
E. Employer files 1604-CF (1601C – monthly) EXEMPT
Educational assistance TAXABLE
F. Employer issues 2316: proof if not substituted filing EXCEPTION: for
employer’s convenience
Consolidated / Annual / Adjustment Income Tax Returns
A. Concurrent employment – sabay sabay
B. Successive employment – not sabay, but many
C. Receipts of income subjected to RIT – other than compensation D.
Mixed Income Earners – mixed :))
For A & B: BIR Form 1700, For C & D: BIR Form 1701
Procedure for the Withholding table:
1. Segmentation of incomes, either; Regular TCI, Supplemental
TCI or Nontaxable income
2. Use the computed Regular TCI to find the compensation level
bracket where the compensation belongs.
3. Compute for incremental tax:
Regular TCI
Less: Compensation level
Multiply by: Rate
Incremental Tax
4. Compute for Total Withholding Tax on Compensation:
Base Tax (given on the table)
Add: Incremental Tax (computed on 3)
Total Withholding Tax on Compensation
Gross Compensation Income
Less: Non-Taxable Income (exempt)
Taxable Compensation Income – subject to progressive tax table

Taxable Compensation Income * Prescribed Rate = Tax due

Income Tax Due
Less: Tax Credit (Withholding Tax on Compensation, #4 computation)
Income tax due and payable


- Final Withholding Tax
- Imposed on gross-up monetary value
- For managerial and supervisory employees
- Quarterly, BIR Form 1603
- Generally: 35% NRA-NETB: 25%
Fringe Benefits Expense = 35% FBT + 65% Benefits received
= 25% FBT + 75% FB (for NRA-NETB) How
to compute FBT?
1. Compute for gross-up monetary value:
Monetary Value
Divided by: 65% (75% for NRA-NETB)
Gross-up Monetary Value
2. Compute for FBT: Gross-up Monetary Value
Multiply by: 35% (25% for NRA-NETB)
Fringe Benefit Tax

Fringe Benefits Monetary Value
Given or paid in cash Amount paid
Rental payment of residence 50% of rental payment
Given in kind FV/BV, higher
Usufruct of property (rights to enjoy) 50% of the rental value or
50% of the depreciation
Useful life: Real – 20 yrs. Personal – 5 yrs. value
Aircraft / Helicopter EXEMPT
Yacht depreciation value,
UL of 20 years, NO
50% rule
Household expenses Amount paid
Interest forgone difference between
12% and actual
Reasonable business expense EXEMPT

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