Report Edm Wire Cut

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In wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM), also known as wire-cut EDM and wire
cutting, a thin single- strand metal wire, usually brass, is fed through the work piece,
submerged in a tank of dielectric fluid, typically deionized water. Wire-cut EDM is typically
used to cut plates as thick as 300mm and to make punches, tools, and dies from hard metals
that are difficult to machine with other methods.

The wire, which is constantly fed from a spool, is held between upper and lower diamond
guides. The guides, usually CNC- controlled, move in the x-y plane. On most machines, the
upper guide can also move independently in the z-u-v axis, giving rise to the ability to cut
tapered and transitioning shapes (circle on the bottom square at the top for example). The
upper guide can control axis movements in x-y-u-v-i-j-k-l-. this allows the wire-cut EDM to
be programmed to cut very intricate and delicate shapes.

The wire-cut process uses water as its dielectric fluid, controlling its resistivity and other
electrical properties with filters and de-ionizer units. The water flushes the cut debris away
from the cutting zone. Flushing is an important factor in determining the maximum feed rate
for a given material thickness.

 Starting a CNC EDM wire cut machines.

 Write a CNC program
 Prepare and display graphics using application Autocad and Mycam cuts.
 Coordinate offset coordinate position of the wire cutting and die on the workpiece.
 Programming and cutting operations on the machine.
 Stop the machine CNC wire cut EDM.


 Make sure there are no leaks in the tank dielectric liquid tank hose and pipe
 Make sure the materials are installed in areas where the right job.
 Make sure the cutting wire is not touching things work.
 Make sure each cable there is no leakage.
 Clean all dirt in the tank desk and storage tanks.
 Wear appropriate clothing while using machines.


1) Make sure the work piece parallel with work table and screw tightly. The work piece also
must be enough for the size of product. E.S.P.E.R. (make sure the screen shows
MACHINING DATA)- to make sure the machining flow smoothly.
2) Make sure all the information needed and right was enter. (wire’s size, wire’s type, type
of work piece and others).
4) Enter the number of program 62~Y~NEXT(M8)~NEXT(M8)~CONTOUR~RE-
5) Observe the machining simulation.
7) Observes the machining simulation.


The EDM machine is used to cut sheet metal into desired shape by using the NC
programming. Before beginning process of cutting, we are required to create our own design
or shape to be cut by EDM. This machine is work G-Code program to cut the metal.

The desired objectives have been successfully implanted. Any guidance given by lectures is
useful and effective. We have been successfully EDM wire cut machine with skill and know
how to enter program and run machine for the design of the products made. In addition, we
also know how to apply the program to form the G-Code to get the result as above. All that
was taught to us was really helpful to our advantage ae we go into the working world later.

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