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Friday September 20, 1940

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Index Battle of the Somme

Page 1-2: article on the Battle of Of the two battles, the first battle of the
the Somme Somme had a larger number of casualties
Page 2: opinion: contribution to
than the second battle of the Somme. This
the L battle was the deadliest day in British
military History. Of the 57,470 casualties,
Page 2-3: Interview with Vladimir
19,240 men had been killed. The first day of the Somme
was incredibly tragic and the lives lost will never be
Page 3: Article about the battle of forgotten. This battle lasted from July 1st 1916, to
Verdun November 13th, 1916. The appalling massacre of the first
Page 3: information about day later transformed into a metaphor for futile and
propaganda indiscriminate slaughter. There were almost as many
casualties as British forces suffered when the Allies lost
Page 4: Interview with U.S.
President Woodrow Wilson the battle for France during World War II.
Prior to the attack, the Allies launched a week-long
Page 5: Political Decision: Why the heavy artillery bombardment using about 1.75 million
US entered the war and why the
wars were / are being fought
shells. The morning of July 1st, 11 divisions of the British
Army began advancing to the north of the Somme.
Page 5-6: Article: Countries with German machine gun and rifle fire took down thousands
the greatest reason for war and
analysis of the Brest-Litovsk Treaty
of the attaching British troops many of which were caught
in no man’s land. Over the following two weeks, the
Page 6: Nationalism among the British launched multiple small attacks on the German
participating countries
line putting increasing pressure on the Germans. This
Page 7: Result of the end of the forced them to draw some weapons and soldiers from
war and the political decision: 14 Verdun (more about Verdun is listed in the article above).
points Towards the end of August new commanders came in to
Page 8: affect on the people lead Germany. They built a new defense line behind the
Somme front.
Page 8: details on the Bolsheviks
In September, tanks joined the battle. This was the
and their creation
first appearance of tanks in battle. The British sustained an
additional 29,00 casualties and as October began, the
Allies made their final advance of the mid-November,
attacking the German positions in Ancre River Valley. The

Ava Fidalgo 1
Friday September 20, 1940

offensive came to a halt on November 18, ending the

battle of attrition of the Somme. Some extra
information includes the fact that most of the men who
fought volunteers as well as this battle is remembered
as the epitome of the brutal and seemingly senseless
What happened to the carnage that characterized trench warfare during World
Lusitania and which country War I.
was really to blame? Interview with Vladimir Lenin
The Lusitania was For today, I, Ava Fidalgo, interview Russian revolutionary
traveling near the Irish coast Vladimir Lenin and he will give his opinion on what he did for
when it was torpedoed by the Russia and how he influenced the rest of the world.
German’s. Of more than 1,900
passengers and crew members, Interviewer: For today’s interview, I, Ava Fidalgo
1,100 passed away, including am interviewing Russian Revolutionary Vladimir Lenin
120 Americans. This was 2 and he will be expressing his opinions on what he has
years before the U.S. would done for Russia and how he impacted the rest of the
formally enter the war. It was World. It is a great honor to have you here Mr. Lenin,
Germany’s idea to torpedo the how about we get into some questions if that is alright
ship because they wanted to with you?
relinquish Britain’s Lenin: Please, call me Lenin, and yes, I am here to
ammunition. It is said that the answer questions after all.
Lusitania was carrying about Interviewer: Great let us begin. Succeeding your
173 tons of munitions for exile, how did your views change on how you wanted to
Britain which is Germany’s way rule, if they changed at all?
of justifying the attack. Lenin: My exile certainly altered the way I did
Germany’s accusations things but not in a drastic way. I kept my ideals in that
are later debunked. Although the people were still a major priority to me and I knew
things have spread that the then that I needed to work harder to gain more power
Lusitania’s intent was to harm and for Russia to become stronger.
innocent civilians, later Interviewer: Who do you take as inspiration for
investigation shows no your ruling style?
explosives on the ship. This is Lenin: I developed some beliefs along the lines of
in turn Germany’s fault because revolutionary socialism from Karl Marx and his
of false accusations and readings. I like to think that if wiser, successful leaders
irrational acting. This killed have advice to give, it is best to listen.
many innocent lives even Interviewer: What was it like to be chosen as the
though the purpose was to save New leader of Russia at the All Russia
innocent civilians, how ironic. Congress of Soviets meeting? Did you
There is no doubt that Germany see it coming?
is to blame for the sinking of Lenin: In a way yes, I did see it
the Lusitania despite their coming because I had been working so
intentions supposedly being hard and it is true that hard work does
good. pay off. I was ecstatic to run the

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Friday September 20, 1940

Russian government my way and creating a better life for the people of Russia has been a dream
come true.
Interviewer: Some people believe that Joseph Stalin had more realistic ideals than you
did especially with his 5-year-plans. What is your take on the matter?
Lenin: Well, I do not agree much with Stalin but his plans do seem promising. I still
believe that my ideals are superior to his and to others and I will stick to governing for the
people, for the most part.
Interviewer: So, going off of what you said in staying true to your ways, has anything
changed since the negotiation of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany?
Lenin: Well it definitely decreased the fighting and helped multiple countries come to a
peaceful agreement. I would say no it did not affect the way I governed things but it did indeed
alter the relations between the Soviet Union and the Central Powers.
Interviewer: And there it is folks. Thank you so, so much for answering these must know
Lenin: I had a great time, many thanks for the chance to talk about how and why I
choose to govern Russia.

Must know: The Battle of Verdun

The battle of Verdun began on February 21st, 1916. The French repulsed a major German
offensive in one of the longest and bloodiest battles of World War I ending on December 18th,
1916. French casualties consisted of 400,00 and German casualties were about 300,000. These
deaths consisted of innocent bystanders as well as soldiers. An immense amount of shells were
shipped to the front lines, about 2.5 million to be specific. Artillery caused an estimated 70
percent of the casualties and the war shed the blood of many.
Due to a lack of secure railways and constant bombardments from enemies, the French had to
rely on a lone, 20-foot-wide road to supply their stand at Verdun. This seems to be quite the
disadvantage and possibly one of the leading reasons as to why the casualties were so high,
protection was limited. Germany’s preparations for the Battle involved one of World War I’s
largest buildups of men and equipment. The amount of ammunition used in this war had more
than any engagement in history at this time. After ten long months of shelling, the city of Verdun
was left in shambles and resulted in the complete destruction of nearby towns. These town
consisted of Beaumont, Bezonvaux, Cumiéres, Douaumont, Fleury, Haumont, Louvemont,
Ornes, and Vaux. Rumbles from the barrage were heard as far as 100 miles away. This battle
caused great deterioration of the city of Verdun and the city will never be the same again.

Propaganda posters have been distributed around the
world to manipulate civilians. Often times these posters
tried to get you to volunteer for the war or to get women
to get jobs in factories while the men were at war. Some
posters were supposed to scare people into remaining
silent and not disclosing important information because
"we don't know who the enemy is".
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Friday September 20, 1940

Interview with Woodrow Wilson

Interviewer: I’m Ava that your military needed to States government or the
Fidalgo here with an become involved with the citizens as well?
interview for News Today. war? President: It started
Today I have with me President: There was with the government coming
Woodrow Wilson, the no exact time or reason but up with a plan and then
current President of the for the safety of our citizens, began the involvement of the
United States of America. we had to do something. people.
Pres: Hello all, I am Interviewer: When Interviewer: But
pleased to be here you conducted the 14 points, when you mean involvement,
Interviewer: We’re did you ever imagine not you mean forceful
glad to have you and with being in agreement with involvement, correct?
that, let us move onto some other countries and their Because of your small army
questions. To start, when views? a lottery needed to be
many citizens of the U.S. felt President: There is conducted for a larger force.
the pressure of propaganda always doubt and curiosity President: Yes, that
and began to worry about of whether or not a certain is correct and those troops
the need for involving the action will have the reaction came in to training and were
U.S. into World War I, how that is wanted but honestly, ready to protect their nation.
did you react? no. This document would Interviewer: Thank
Pres: Well originally, offer peace and confirmation you for the clarifications as
I was shocked a bit and that war needed to end and most other countries were
somewhat frustrated that the some ways that life would unsure about the details. I
propaganda would be turn into. would like to thank you for
worrying the citizens of the Interviewer: Does coming and it was a pleasure
U.S. I then quickly collected your involvement have to meet you. We wish you
my thoughts and had a good anything to do with the safe travels.
talk to decide how to Zimmermann telegram? President: Thank
proceed. We decided what President: you for having me and
was best was to shut down Somewhat yes because that allowing me to clear the air
all rumors and try our best to telegram is really what made on some topics.
calm everyone. the threat real. In order to Interviewer: You
Interviewer: And did protect the land and the heard it here first, this is how
this tactic work? people we had to proceed United States President
President: Yes, in with plan b which was to Woodrow Wilson addresses
fact most of our citizens join the war and fight for our his actions on behalf of the
came to their senses nation. United States government
although some are still a Interviewer: When and the people.
wry. you say ‘we’, do you mean
Interviewer: So, yourself and the United
when did it become clear

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Friday September 20, 1940

Political Decision: Why the US entered the war and why the wars were /
are being fought

When World War I first began in 1914, training wise, they still joined in with
United States President Woodrow full force. This decision was a bit
Wilson pledged neutrality for the U.S. in reckless to be frank because the U.S.
which they wanted no part in the war. should have been preparing for the worst
When several U.S. ships were damaged since the beginning but it is best to not
or sunk by German mines on their way dwell on what did not happen. When the
to their trading partner, Britain, tensions war finally ended on November 11th,
rose. In February 1915, Germany 1918, more than two million American
announced unrestricted Submarine soldiers had served and some 50,000 of
warfare and on May 7th, the British-own them had lost their lives.
Lusitania ocean liner was torpedoed and The wars were being fought for a
the U.S. became enraged. After constant number of reasons. To start, a few
submerging of ships and more between countries found pride in protecting their
the states and Germany, April 2nd is the nation and defeating as many other
day President Wilson appeared before competitors as they could. Other
Congress and called for a declaration of countries, like the United States was
war against Germany. mostly forced into joining the war and
The political decision of the U.S. almost had the decision made for them.
joining World War I was to help keep They joined to put an end to the violence
their people safe despite threats and to against their once neutral nation.
stand up for their country after all of the Additionally, a select few countries had
violence towards it. June 26th was the alliances with fighting countries. This
first of 14,000 U.S. infantry troops to meant that some nations were dragged
land in France and begin combat into the war because they needed to
training. Although the United States was show their trust for the allied countries.
not incredibly prepared supplies and

Countries with the greatest reason for war and analysis of the Brest-
Litovsk Treaty
The treaty of Brest-Litovsk was created on March 3rd, 1918, in the city of Brest-Litovsk.
Russia had signed a treaty with the Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria to
end their participation in World War I. Russia and the central powers had a hard time determining
a peace agreement and Trotsky felt the central power’s demands were too harsh and this
unacceptable. After a ceased fire in December of the year prior, fighting briefly resumed in
February leading both sides to realize negotiations must resume because at this rate, the fighting
would severely damage the already weakened armies. Once the treaty was signed, Russia
recognized the independence of Ukraine, Georgia, and Finland. Russia gave up Poland and the
Baltic stated of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia to Germany and Austria-Hungary and ceded Kars,
Ardahan and Batum to Turkey.

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Friday September 20, 1940

Total loses consisted of about 1 million square miles of Russia’s former territory and
around one third its population. Vladimir Lenin famously stated, “That abyss of defeat,
dismemberment, enslavement, and humiliation” as a reaction to the Treaty. The treaty was meant
to resolve the fighting in an attempt to aide some countries on their road to independence. To
sum it all, the treaty did work positively in the fact that multiple countries were, so to speak,
liberated. Lenin did not find the agreement ideal and genuinely hated it but as other leaders saw
it, the treaty of Brest-Litovsk was necessary for war to end and for peace to begin to spread.
Out of all of the countries involved, the country with the greatest causes and reasons to
go to war was the United States of America. Although the U.S. did not join the
war until a year before it ending, its involvement helped the settlement of
World War I. The U.S. declared themselves as a neutral party but we’re slightly
forced into joining the war because of threats and damage to their country and
property. If the U.S.A. was not antagonized through the German government,
their original plan to stay neutral and not involve themselves in the war would
have been stuck to.

Nationalism among the participating countries

Nationalism is pride in one’s country or nation, hence the name. Someone who shows
support for their nation and even the exclusion of other nations would make them a nationalist.
One reason some countries went to war was because of their nationalism. Countries such as
Russia, Austria-Hungary, and Germany showed nationalism during their time of war. The
country that shows the most nationalism was Germany. Germany showed nationalism through
ethic nationalism which states that the nation exists first, and the state created around it, is to
serve it. The Nazi party was a nationalist party that took control of many people’s lives. Despite
deeply understanding the severity of what was going on, Nazi supporters continually supported
the Nazi party and their country of Germany through nationalism.
Nationalism is one of the causes that countries went to war but not the leading cause for
most. Some countries were forced to join the wars because of public or secret alliances. If a
country had an alliance with a fighting country, they must join the war to show their support,
earn trust, and to keep up their end of the alliance bargain. There was also the possibility of
economical and territorial gain. The fighting could lead to the takeover of land and wealth which
was promising. Even so, some countries fought for revenge or vengeance for their country.
Nationalism was a large factor was to why some countries like Germany chose or were forced
into war, but many other reasons contributed as well.

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Result of the end of the war and the political decision: 14 points

Certain battle within the war toward freedom. To be exact, the

ended through agreements made Fourteen Points were fourteen
between a set number of countries. On strategies to ensure national security
the other hand, some countries simply and hopefully, world peace. It is
battled until they could not and we’re evident that each part of the world is
ultimately taken over. In World War II, not exactly totally in peace with
the war finished six years and one day themselves or other countries, but the
post Germany’s invasion of Poland. Fourteen Points did greatly help
Following the Battle of the Bulge and achieve the end of the first world war.
Germany’s repel against two fronts, Wilson was said to have
Germany finally surrenders. The foreseen the international relations that
firebombing of Dresden and some other could only become more important to
German cities killed tens of thousands American security and global
of civilians and as they closed in on the commerce. He advocated the idea of
capital, allied troops discovered the equal trade conditions, arms and
horror of the Holocaust. The troops weapons reductions, and national
liberated concentration camps but sovereignty for former colonies of
found out Adolf Hitler had committed Europe’s ever weakening empires.
suicide. He was the driving force Wilson’s purpose in delivering this
behind the fighting throughout World proposition was to present practical
War II and by him being stripped of his alternatives to the traditional notion of
power and dying, the war could finally an international balance of power that
end. would be preserved by the alliances
Backtracking to World War I, among nations. Wilson had hoped to
most believe that U.S.A.’s President keep a conflict-ridden Russia in the war
Woodrow Wilson ultimately ended or on the allied side but this effort was
helped the ending of World War I. The met with failure as the Bolsheviks
Fourteen Points were created and sought peace with the Central powers
presented through a speech by Wilson at the end of 1917, shortly after taking
on January 8th, 1918. His proposal power after the Russian Revolution.
called for the Allies to det unselfish When the speech traveled worldwide
peace terms with the then vanquished and was translated for all to hear and
Central powers of WWI. These peace understands, Germany and Austria-
terms included freedom of the seas, the Hungary contributed to their decision
restoration of conquered territories to agree to an armistice in November of
during the war, and the right to national 1918.
self-determinations for further steps

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Affect on the people

Depending on where someone In Germany, the people’s economy
lived, their leaders treated them differently. failed greatly. The industrial output fell by
If a country was in the middle of battle, a over forty percent between 1914 and 1918.
leader could determine fighting grounds Many times, machinery was run by ill
and possible evacuation of its people. For trained people because of the effect the war
example, within its 6-year duration, World had on training new employees and the
War II generated the highest human death violence that was seen everywhere.
tool of any war with a total amount of 70 Millions of working men had been killed in
million people. That is equal to about 4% the war which is why jobs needed to be
of the worlds’ population that became filled quickly with anyone who was willing
deceased throughout the fighting. The to take it. Over in France, World War II
major impact on the people were the deaths was nearly a total war. France’s
and casualties that affected everyone. infrastructure and economy were ruined
Many soldiers and bystanders suffered and its cities destroyed. Innocent people
from post-traumatic stress disorder, or were killed in crossfires as well as terrifies
PTSD, which affected them negatively for recruits. Even then, the French that had
the rest of their lives. Citizens and soldiers survived the German occupation had little
lost very important people in their lives and to eat and often less money. The people
watched as the world erupted in disaster suffered all over the world during each
causes by fighting and an ever-declining World War and for a long time after.
economy. Bolsheviks
Furthermore, trade routes were The Bolsheviks were a
taken over and since most countries were revolutionary party that started out as a
fighting with one another, trade stopped. radical faction of the Social Democrats.
This meant that some countries were not They formed after a split from the
making money from selling their goods Menshevik faction because of an issue of
and some countries were suffering due to party membership and organization. This
lack of import of goods, some of which group was led by Vladimir Lenin and his
were necessities. In World War I, theories of revolution. The Bolsheviks
ownership of stocks and bonds from other carried out the overthrowing of the
countries shrank dramatically. Germans Provisional Government and went on to
were not even allowed to involve govern the New Soviet republic.
themselves in trade on the London Stock Lenin criticized the broad
exchange for years after the war had ended. membership of the Social Democrats and
Post-World War II, many countries saw rallied against the party’s democratic
devastation both economically and decision-making processes. Lenin called
physically. A system of free trade was for the creation of the Bolsheviks where its
created among states to maximize the membership would be restricted and
possibilities of voluntary exchange and decisions would be made by an intellectual
overall wealth. This was to create powerful elite. This party would then become the
inducements to peace meaning the vanguard of the revolution and lead the
problems with trade did not all end terribly. way towards socialism.

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