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jrc1vmsudev04 /home/anirmala/bmsp:optdiag

usage: optdiag [binary] [simulate] statistics

{ -i input_file |
database[.owner[.[table][.column]]]] [-o output_file] }
[-U username] [-P password] [-T trace_value]
[-I interfaces_file] [-S server] [-v] [-h] [-s]
[-z language] [-J client_character_set] [-a display_charset]
jrc1vmsudev04 /home/anirmala/bmsp:optdiag statistics test1..table123 -Usa -Ptest
123 -Sqa1client908 -o table123.out
jrc1vmsudev04 /home/anirmala/bmsp:ls
_bmsprasad bcp1_table123 table123.out temp_sql test1_bcp
jrc1vmsudev04 /home/anirmala/bmsp:cat table123.out
OptDiag/12.5.3/EBF 13324 ESD#7/P/Sun_svr4/OS 5.8/ase1253/1951/32-bit/OPT/Fri Mar
24 02:42:15 2006
Adaptive Server Enterprise/12.5.3/EBF 13324 ESD#7/P/Sun_svr4/OS 5.8/ase1253/1951
/32-bit/FBO/Fri Mar 24 09:06:38 2006

Server name: "qa1client908"

Specified database: "test1"

Specified table owner: not specified
Specified table: "table123"
Specified column: not specified

Table owner: "dbo"

Table name: "table123"

Statistics for table: "table123"

Data page count: 1

Empty data page count: 0
Data row count: 20.0000000000000000
Forwarded row count: 0.0000000000000000
Deleted row count: 1.0000000000000000
Data page CR count: 1.0000000000000000
OAM + allocation page count: 2
First extent data pages: 0
Data row size: 76.0000000000000000

Derived statistics:
Data page cluster ratio: 0.0000000000000000
Space utilization: 0.7592407592407593
Large I/O efficiency: 0.1250000000000000

Statistics for index: "nf1d1_ind" (nonclustered)

Index column list: "f1d1", "f1d3"
Leaf count: 1
Empty leaf page count: 0
Data page CR count: 0.0000000000000000
Index page CR count: 0.0000000000000000
Data row CR count: 0.0000000000000000
First extent leaf pages: 0
Leaf row size: 61.0000000000000000
Index height: 1

Derived statistics:
Data page cluster ratio: 0.0000000000000000
Index page cluster ratio: 1.0000000000000000
Data row cluster ratio: 0.9999900000000000
Space utilization: 0.6093906093906094
Large I/O efficiency: 1.0000000000000000

Statistics for index: "f1d1_ind" (clustered)

Index column list: "f1d1"
Leaf count: 1
Empty data page count: 0
Data page CR count: 0.0000000000000000
Index page CR count: 0.0000000000000000
Data row CR count: 0.0000000000000000
First extent leaf pages: 0
Leaf row size: 11.0000000000000000
Index height: 1

Derived statistics:
Data page cluster ratio: 0.0000000000000000
Index page cluster ratio: 1.0000000000000000
Data row cluster ratio: 0.9999900000000000
Space utilization: 0.1098901098901099
Large I/O efficiency: 1.0000000000000000

Statistics for column: "f1d1"

Last update of column statistics: Nov 29 2010 1:18:21:453AM

Range cell density: 0.0000000000000000

Total density: 0.0500000000000000
Range selectivity: default used (0.33)
In between selectivity: default used (0.25)

Histogram for column: "f1d1"

Column datatype: integer
Requested step count: 20
Actual step count: 20
Sampling Percent: 0

Step Weight Value

1 0.00000000 < 1
2 0.05000000 = 1
3 0.05000000 <= 2
4 0.05000000 <= 3
5 0.05000000 <= 4
6 0.05000000 <= 5
7 0.05000000 <= 6
8 0.05000000 <= 7
9 0.05000000 <= 8
10 0.05000000 <= 9
11 0.05000000 <= 10
12 0.05000000 <= 11
13 0.05000000 <= 12
14 0.05000000 <= 13
15 0.05000000 <= 14
16 0.05000000 <= 15
17 0.05000000 <= 16
18 0.05000000 <= 17
19 0.05000000 <= 18
20 0.10000000 <= 20

Statistics for column group: "f1d1", "f1d3"

Last update of column statistics: Nov 29 2010 1:18:21:453AM

Range cell density: 0.0500000000000000

Total density: 0.0500000000000000
Range selectivity: default used (0.33)
In between selectivity: default used (0.25)

Statistics for column: "f1d3"

Last update of column statistics: Nov 12 2010 12:51:53:100AM

Range cell density: 0.0000000000000000

Total density: 0.0550000000000000
Range selectivity: default used (0.33)
In between selectivity: default used (0.25)

Histogram for column: "f1d3"

Column datatype: char(50)
Requested step count: 20
Actual step count: 20
Sampling Percent: 0

Step Weight Value

1 0.00000000 < "anoop

2 0.05000000 = "anoop
3 0.05000000 <= "basdkj
4 0.05000000 <= "bms
5 0.05000000 <= "dgogada
6 0.05000000 <= "geetha
7 0.05000000 <= "khanna
8 0.05000000 <= "krishna
9 0.05000000 <= "lavanya
10 0.05000000 <= "laxmipra
11 0.00000000 < "mohan
12 0.10000000 = "mohan
13 0.05000000 <= "nirmala
14 0.05000000 <= "prasad
15 0.05000000 <= "regry
16 0.05000000 <= "santhosh
17 0.05000000 <= "shiva
18 0.05000000 <= "shyam
19 0.05000000 <= "sqwkj
20 0.10000000 <= "vbabu

No statistics for remaining columns: "f1d2"

(default values used) "f1d4"

Optdiag succeeded.
jrc1vmsudev04 /home/anirmala/bmsp:bash
jrc1vmsudev04 /home/anirmala/bmsp:optdiag statistics test1..table123 -Usa -Ptest
123 -Sqa1client908 -o table123.out
jrc1vmsudev04 /home/anirmala/bmsp:vi table123.out
"table123.out" 152 lines, 7472 characters
OptDiag/12.5.3/EBF 13324 ESD#7/P/Sun_svr4/OS 5.8/ase1253/1951/32-bit/OPT/Fri Mar
24 02:42:15 2006
Adaptive Server Enterprise/12.5.3/EBF 13324 ESD#7/P/Sun_svr4/OS 5.8/ase1253/1951
/32-bit/FBO/Fri Mar 24 09:06:38 2006

Server name: "qa1client908"

Specified database: "test1"

Specified table owner: not specified
Specified table: "table123"
Specified column: not specified

Table owner: "dbo"

Table name: "table123"

Statistics for table: "table123"

Data page count: 1

Empty data page count: 0
Data row count: 20.0000000000000000
Forwarded row count: 0.0000000000000000
Deleted row count: 1.0000000000000000
Data page CR count: 1.0000000000000000
OAM + allocation page count: 2
First extent data pages: 0
Data row size: 76.0000000000000000

Derived statistics:
Data page cluster ratio: 0.0000000000000000
Space utilization: 0.7592407592407593
Large I/O efficiency: 0.1250000000000000

Statistics for index: "nf1d1_ind" (nonclustered)

Index column list: "f1d1", "f1d3"
Leaf count: 1
Empty leaf page count: 0
Data page CR count: 0.0000000000000000
Index page CR count: 0.0000000000000000
Data row CR count: 0.0000000000000000
First extent leaf pages: 0
Leaf row size: 61.0000000000000000
Index height: 1

Derived statistics:
Data page cluster ratio: 0.0000000000000000
Index page cluster ratio: 1.0000000000000000
Data row cluster ratio: 0.9999900000000000
Space utilization: 0.6093906093906094
Large I/O efficiency: 1.0000000000000000
jrc1vmsudev04 /home/anirmala/bmsp:ddlgen
bash: ddlgen: command not found
jrc1vmsudev04 /home/anirmala/bmsp:bash
jrc1vmsudev04 /home/anirmala/bmsp:exitddlgen
bash: exitddlgen: command not found
jrc1vmsudev04 /home/anirmala/bmsp:ddlgen
bash: ddlgen: command not found
jrc1vmsudev04 /home/anirmala/bmsp:cd ..
jrc1vmsudev04 /home/anirmala:echo

jrc1vmsudev04 /home/anirmala:echo $sybase

jrc1vmsudev04 /home/anirmala:echo $SYBASE

jrc1vmsudev04 /home/anirmala:cd /opt/syb1253
jrc1vmsudev04 /opt/syb1253:ls
@LongLink RUN_sybase archives jConnect-5_5 shared-1_0
ASE-12_5 SQLRemote charsets jConnect-6_0 suite
ASEP SYBASE.csh collate lib sybcent41
JS-12_5 SYBASE.env config locales uninstall
JVM data log.txt
OCS-12_5 SYSAM-1_0 installed media.inf
RPL-12_5 _jvm interfaces setup
jrc1vmsudev04 /opt/syb1253:cd ASEP
jrc1vmsudev04 /opt/syb1253/ASEP:ls
ASEPRegister.log bin lib
ASEPlugin.jpr help
jrc1vmsudev04 /opt/syb1253/ASEP:cd bin
jrc1vmsudev04 /opt/syb1253/ASEP/bin:ls
aseplugin ddlgen registerASEP
jrc1vmsudev04 /opt/syb1253/ASEP/bin:ddlgen
IP1: Parameter missing : User name

Usage: ddlgen [Option1][Option2][Option3].... where options are..


Option Parameter Required Default Description


-U <user name> Yes NA User Name

-P <password> Yes NA Password for Server

-S <Server Name | Yes NA Server Name OR Host

host name:port no> name and port number
seperated by a colon

-T <object type> No DB Type of the object

Refer Docs for this

-N <object name> No Default DB Object Name

-D <database name> No Default DB Database in which

for the login the object specified
in -N option exist

-X <extended object type> No NA Used in conjunction

with some -T option
Refer Docs for this

-F <filter object type> No None Used in conjunction

with some -T option
Refer Docs for this
-J <client charset name> No Server's Character set used
character set by the ddlgen client

-I <interfaces file name> No Default Interfaces File to

be used for decoding
the Server's Host
Name and Port Number

-O <output file name> No stdout File to be used for

writing the
DDL Output

-E <error file name> No stdout File to be used for

logging the errors

-L <progress log file name> No No Logging File to be used for

logging the progress

-V <version no.> No NA Prints the Version

of the DDLGenerator


jrc1vmsudev04 /opt/syb1253/ASEP/bin:ddlgen -Usa -Ptest123 -Sqa1client908 -TI -Nt

est1..table123.% | tee temp.out
tee: temp.out: Permission denied
-- DGP5: null

-- DDL for Index 'nf1d1_ind'
print 'Creating Index nf1d1_ind'

create unique nonclustered index nf1d1_ind

on test1.dbo.table123 ( f1d1, f1d3)

-- DDL for Index 'f1d1_ind'
print 'Creating Index f1d1_ind'

create unique clustered index f1d1_ind

on test1.dbo.table123 ( f1d1)
jrc1vmsudev04 /opt/syb1253/ASEP/bin:ddlgen -Usa -Ptest123 -Sqa1client908 -TI
-Ntest1..table123.% | tee /home/anirmala/scripts/tmp/temp.out
-- DGP5: null

-- DDL for Index 'nf1d1_ind'
print 'Creating Index nf1d1_ind'

create unique nonclustered index nf1d1_ind

on test1.dbo.table123 ( f1d1, f1d3)

-- DDL for Index 'f1d1_ind'
print 'Creating Index f1d1_ind'

create unique clustered index f1d1_ind

on test1.dbo.table123 ( f1d1)

jrc1vmsudev04 /opt/syb1253/ASEP/bin:clear
jrc1vmsudev04 /opt/syb1253/ASEP/bin:cat /home/anirmala/scripts/tmp/temp.out
-- DGP5: null

-- DDL for Index 'nf1d1_ind'
print 'Creating Index nf1d1_ind'

create unique nonclustered index nf1d1_ind

on test1.dbo.table123 ( f1d1, f1d3)

-- DDL for Index 'f1d1_ind'
print 'Creating Index f1d1_ind'

create unique clustered index f1d1_ind

on test1.dbo.table123 ( f1d1)

jrc1vmsudev04 /opt/syb1253/ASEP/bin:ls
aseplugin ddlgen registerASEP
jrc1vmsudev04 /opt/syb1253/ASEP/bin:ls -ltr
total 20
-rwxr-xr-x 1 bin bin 1171 Nov 30 2005 registerASEP
-rwxr-xr-x 1 bin bin 3514 Nov 30 2005 ddlgen
-rwxr-xr-x 1 bin bin 3838 Nov 30 2005 aseplugin
jrc1vmsudev04 /opt/syb1253/ASEP/bin:ls
aseplugin ddlgen registerASEP
jrc1vmsudev04 /opt/syb1253/ASEP/bin:cd ..
jrc1vmsudev04 /opt/syb1253/ASEP:cd ..
jrc1vmsudev04 /opt/syb1253:

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