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 release housing.

 Closely monitor incidences of sexual abuse of female workers, and take fast action to
rectify any issues that occur.
 Counseling workers to ensure they are not mentally upset by any situations and
monitoring their progress.
 Communicate the needs of the workers in the workplace.

From File1)

 Hearing and addressing prisoners' problems, as well as general prison welfare duties
 Coordination of the welfare unit's work
 Assisting prisoners in overcoming institutional adjustment issues
 Assisting inmates in dealing with issues that affect their family and dependents.
 Connecting inmates' custodial needs with resources accessible both inside and outside
the prison
 Engaging in the orientation, classification, and reclassification program 
 Facilitating communication between inmates and administration 
 Assisting prison officials in upholding prison security discipline
 Participating in the pre-release program and assisting convicts in establishing
relationships that will be helpful to them after release 
 Identifying resources for prisoner rehabilitation

Records to be maintained by the Welfare Officer

The Welfare Officer shall maintain the following records –
(a) Statistical returns and periodical reports;
(b) Case sheets of welfare activities of prisoners;
(c) Daily diary or Report Book;
(d) Correspondence with the Social Welfare Department and non-governmental organizations;
(e) Any other record as may be instructed by the Superintendent.

Maintenance of Appeals Register by the Welfare Officer

The Welfare Officer/Prison Officer shall maintain an Appeal Register. He shall cause the
register to be placed before the Superintendent of Prison or Deputy Superintendent as
frequently as may be necessary. Starting from the date on which the prisoner expresses his
desire to file an appeal, till the date of receipt of the order of the appellate court disposing of the
appeal, all such dates on which action is taken during the entire process shall be entered in the
Appeals Register and attested by the Superintendent or Deputy Superintendent. This would
include dates on which requisition for judgment copy is sent, the date of the receipt of judgment
copy; the date of delivery of the judgment copy to the prisoner or other nominated party, and
date of receipt of appeal from the prisoner.
 The Superintendent or Additional Superintendent shall ensure that there is no delay in the
process of disposing of appeals/petitions. The Welfare Officer is directly responsible to the
Superintendent or Additional Superintendent/ Deputy Superintendent-I in these matters.
Functioning of Probation/Welfare Officer
The Probation/Welfare Officer should contact the inmate during his admission –quarantine
period. Such an early contact will be helpful in planning over all help for the inmate and his
family. The Welfare Officer should meet the inmate at least once a month throughout his stay in
the institution.
The Probation/Welfare Officer should extend all possible assistance in maintaining the inmate’s
continued relationship with his family, employer and community. The welfare of the family
members and dependants of offenders as well as of their victims should be looked after.
The Probation/Welfare Officer should be associated with the prisoner’s welfare services at the
headquarter level.

From file 2)
Welfare Officer’s functions shall include. —
(a) coordinating the work of the welfare unit;
(b) helping inmates in overcoming problems of institutional adjustment;
(c) assisting inmates in dealing with problems faced by their families and dependents;
(d) connecting correctional needs of prisoners with the resources available within and outside
the prison;
(e) participating in the orientation, classification and reclassification programme;
(f) facilitating understanding between the inmate and administration ;
(g) assisting prison authorities in maintaining prison security and discipline;
(h) participating in the prerelease programme and helping the inmate establish contacts useful
to him after release;
(i) identifying the resources for rehabilitation of prisoners;
(j) looking after pre-mature release or furlough and parole leave and to report the
(k) liasioning with None Government Organisations for undertaking welfare and philanthropic
(l) liasioning with medical personnel for better treatment of prisoners; and
(m) looking after and liasioning with teachers for educating the inmates.

 The prison welfare officer and legal aid counseling staff, or literate prisoners, shall be
utilized to assist illiterate prisoners in recording their complaints.
 Every interview with a convicted prisoner shall take place in the presence of a prison
officer or Prison Welfare Officer, who shall be positioned at a place from where he can
see and hear what passes between the prisoner and his interviewer and he shall prevent
any article being passed between the two parties.
 Facilities for appeal shall be explained .— All relevant rules about appeals, and the
facilities available in the prison for preparing and sending appeals, shall be explained by
the Welfare Officer to the prisoners at the time of their admission.
  Welfare Officer shall record the desire of the prisoner to prefer an appeal .— (1) The
Welfare Officer shall ascertain whether the prisoner desires to file an appeal or not and
record it in the convict register and on the History Ticket of the prisoner and the prisoner
shall be required to sign the History Ticket or affix his left thumb impression thereon.
 Maintenance of Appeal Register by the Prison Welfare Officer .— (1) The Prison Welfare
Officer shall maintain an Appeal Register which shall be placed by him before the
Superintendent as frequently as may be necessary.
 Three days before the meeting the Prison Welfare Officer should note down the
grievance of the prisoners (including under-trial Prisoners) if any and put up the
Grievance Register in the meeting along with the office notes or comments obtained
from the relevant sections for discussion, the concerned prisoners shall be called to the
meeting for personal hearing and all such grievances of the prisoners shall be heard,
analysed and solved as far as practicable.
 The Prison Welfare Officer shall prepare quarterly reports of welfare activities being
conducted in the prison and submit the same to the Superintendent for onward
transmission to the Inspector General of Prisons.
 The Prison Welfare Officer should every day record his observations of a prisoner under
sentence of death. Such record may prove useful for psychological study and research
 the Prison Welfare Officer shall take initiative for collection of books for prison library.
 It shall be one of the primary responsibilities of the Prison Welfare Officer that the
programme of education is implemented in its proper spirit and the success or failure of
the programme, and the extent of the educational activities in each institution, shall be
one of the principal factors on which the performance of these officers shall be

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