2020 Emerging Blood Gas Monitors

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Blood Gas Monitors

How they can help with COVID-19

Ulkuhan Guler, Ian Costanzo, and Devdip Sen

he world has been in tated almost every nation across the ration (SpO2)], even in patients who
combat with COVID- globe, from the Far East to Europe, appear to be breathing normally [2].
19 since December Latin America, Russia, and India. Under normal conditions, these lev-
2019. The United States Around the world, physicians have els are far below those that cause
has been paralyzed, been documenting their experiences death [3]. For most people, the nor-
with the highest number of cases and under the heavy siege of the pan- mal SpO2 $ 93% at sea level, requir-
more deaths than any other coun- demic, emphasizing the presence ing no therapy [4].
try. However, the disease has devas- of silent hypoxia and hypoxemia Silent hypoxia occurs after severe ac­­
[1]. This deceptive side of COVID-19 ute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2020.3021839 leads to deficient levels of oxygen (the strain of the coronavirus respon-
Date of current version: 18 November 2020 (O2) [e.g., 60% or less blood O2 satu- sible for COVID-19) attacks the lungs’

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licensed use limited to: Birla Institute of Technology & Science. Downloaded on April 09,2021 at 05:04:05 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
should not have to choose between
Physicians have been documenting their
a fear of getting sick and receiving
experiences under the heavy siege of the proper care.
pandemic, emphasizing the presence of silent Since the severity of COVID-19 var-
ies widely depending on the individ-
hypoxia and hypoxemia. ual who contracts it, we must respond
to the infection by personalizing the
cells, causing the air sacs to collapse insight into the individual’s well-being treatment. Roughly 30% of COVID-19
and leading to a decline in the O2 lev- [7], [8]. Patients with respiratory dis- patients have cloudy lungs, low lev-
els in the blood. However, since the orders, from mild issues to severe els of O2 in their blood, and shortness
lungs are not yet filled with fluids, complications requiring ­mechanical of breath [1]. These are indications
they can still expel carbon dioxide ventilation, are at risk for acute of the improper functioning of the
(CO2) [1]. Patients try to compensate res­­piratory failure [9]. Changes in a lungs. Surprisingly, a large number of
for the low O2 levels by breathing patient’s respiratory rate can also patients have normal-looking lungs
faster and deeper. This early phase indicate a critical medical event that but low blood O2 [2], each requiring
is called silent hypoxia because may require immediate intervention a unique treatment. Patients with
patients do not present with short- and admission to the intensive care shortness of breath require imme-
ness of breath caused by the buildup unit (ICU) [10]. Factors such as post- diate access to mechanical ventila-
of CO2 in the lungs. As the disease operative respiratory complications, tors. Those with only low O2 need
progresses, it is reported that fluid premature births, severe infection less-intensive therapy. In COVID-19
can start building in the lungs. The and trauma, certain psychiatric and treatment, a side effect of mechanical
lungs are unable to expel CO2, and psychological conditions such as ventilation, which fills the lungs with
the deadlier second phase of the claustrophobia and anxiety, and forced air to increase a patient’s intake
disease begins in 20 –30% of the diseases including chronic obstruc- of O2, is damage to the thin air sacs of
patients [1]. Unfortunately, by the tive pulmonary disease (COPD) and the lungs. Because air sacs are respon-
time this visible symptom presents, COVID-19 can cause abnormal respi- sible for O2 exchange, damaged air
the damage has already been done to ratory activity. Therefore, it is of the sacs simply exacerbate the situation.
the lungs. utmost importance to have the abil- As a result of the heavy use of ventila-
As in the COVID-19 example, respi- ity to sense and measure respiratory tors in the early phases of COVID-19
ratory failure is unpredictable in nature parameters in a continuous, reliable, treatment, death rates have reached
and can become life threatening in a and accurate manner across different 60% in some ICUs. Studies have shown
matter of minutes [5]. Changes in vital conditions [11], [12]. that mechanical ventilation takes its
sign parameters often reveal impor- The need for continuous and re­­ toll on the lungs [13]. Therefore, early
tant markers of the onset of a dete- mote monitoring is clearly e ­ vident detection and treatment could lower
rioration in health, leading to severe for COVID-19-infected patients as well the number of deaths from COVID-19.
consequences. Frequent alterations in as for the contact tracing of poten- On the other hand, the sheer num-
respiration parameters reflect com- tial patients. Due to the threat of the ber of patients requiring intervention
promised neurological and cardiopul- disease and the likelihood of getting has led to an acute shortage of ven-
monary functions [6]. Quantifying the infected, many patients are reluc- tilators and put tremendous strain
real-time dynamics and physiological tant to visit health-care centers. By on our fragile health-care systems.
distributions of blood gas measure- the time a patient starts to experi- Additionally, it has placed our health-
ments of CO2 and O2 are imperative to ence shortness of breath, indicating a care workers and first responders
both clinicians and researchers. These buildup of fluid in the lungs, it may be at high risk of contracting the virus.
data provide a detailed understand- too late. Many patients are admitted to Ventilating a patient is a complicated
ing of physiological and pathological hospitals only after COVID-19-related procedure, consuming considerable
conditions. In this context, long-term pneumonia has reached an advanced resources to administer and maintain
aggregation of the data from respira- stage. This significant delay in treat- care. Connecting intravenous and
tory parameters measurement may ing patients who enter the emergency arterial lines for infusing medicine via
offer novel insights into respiratory room has critically strained health- registered infusion pumps; admin-
diseases that are not fully understood, care systems throughout the world. istering sedatives to patients (who
such as COVID-19. This strain has led to a high mortality often accidentally remove the breath-
The ability to continuously moni- rate, especially in the early weeks of ing tubes), and inserting breathing
tor a person’s respiration rate and the COVID-19 breakout. A miniatur- tubes and bladder tubes are some
effort, coupled with his or her blood ized blood gas monitor attached to a of the examples of the medical pro-
gas content of O2 and CO2, would patient’s body can help with monitor- cedures that require an orchestrated
provide significant and invaluable ing individuals in their home. A person team of experts.


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In conclusion, remote and continu-
A miniaturized blood gas monitor attached
ous monitoring of blood gas content
with a miniaturized, noninvasive, and to a patient’s body can help with monitoring
comfortable device is essential, not individuals in their home.
only for known respiratory diseases,
including COPD and sleep apnea in
adults and babies, but for uprising more parameters, such as blood O2 desire for smart and connected medi-
diseases such as COVID-19. Moreover, and CO2 partial pressures, which cal tools and for giving individu-
offering personalized medicine for have medical significance and the als more control over their well-being.
patients experiencing the same disease potential for being measured nonin- During the past couple of years, uni-
in various conditions would be possi- vasively from the body. versities such as the University of Cali-
ble with remote and continuous moni- Currently, in the hospital setting, fornia, Berkley, Worcester Polytechnic
toring of blood gas content. In this respiration parameters are observed Institute, and Northwestern University
article, we cover emerging blood gas using bedside instruments with developed new and exciting respira-
monitoring devices and techniques to wired probes attached to the patient. tion monitoring devices [20]–[22].
create the sensors and IC structures to The invention of these instruments This research has been driven by
transform bulky benchtop instruments follows a pretty impressive history concerns about effective remote and
into miniaturized, next-generation bio- that begins just before World War continuous monitoring and patient
medical devices. We also explore cur- II and includes rapid technological comfort. Improving the quality of
rently available technologies, with a development after 1970. Figure 1 remote care has increased demand
short glance back to the evolution of offers a snapshot of the evolution of for hospital-grade wearable medi-
blood gas sensing systems. respiration monitoring technologies cal devices. These new instruments
from 1956 to 2020. would enable medical professionals
State-of-the-Art Blood Gas Before the late 1950s, blood gas to safely monitor patients from indi-
Monitoring Sensors analysis was performed using blood viduals’ homes, reducing long and
Today, many smartwatches and fit- samples drawn from an arterial or a expensive hospital stays and poten-
ness trackers come with sensors to venous line. Arterial blood gas moni- tially speeding up recovery. In this
measure physiological parameters and toring remains the gold standard for section, we briefly discuss the vari-
activity, such as heart rate and move- respiration assessment. During the ous types of state-of-the-art respira-
ment, and support software to track late 1950s, inventors John W. Severing- tion probes and electrodes that are
exercise and diet [18], [23]. Hospitals haus, A. Freeman Bradley, and Leland in use in the health-care industry.
are starting to use wearables that wire- Clark developed electrodes that would
lessly transmit data to a base station enable the revolutionary electrochem- Pulse Oximeters:
in a ward to monitor patients’ postsur- ical transcutaneous sensors still used Photoplethysmography
gery conditions [24], [25]. Research- today [27]. During the early 1970s, Photoplethysmography (PPG) is an opti-
ers are looking for ways to leverage Takou Aoyagi and Michio Kishi cre- cal method to measure the change
machine learning and artificial intel- ated the first practical pulse oximeter, in blood volume in a capillary bed. A
ligence to make these tools “smarter.” under the Nihon Kohden Company. pulse oximeter is an instrument that
These advancements have demon- They devised a mathematical formula illuminates the skin through LEDs,
strated exceptional promise in provid- that distinguishes O2 absorption data typically placed on a fingertip or an
ing an infrastructure for performing from pulse information. This way, pul- ear lobe, and it captures the transmit-
medicine in a futuristic way, where satile noise is removed [16]. Through ted and reflected light with a photo-
health-care providers and patients are the next two decades, noninvasive res­­ detector (PD). It measures changes in
better connected and informed. piration monitors became staples in light absorption by the tissue. The
However, amid this transforma- hospital wards around the world. In difference in light intensity is related
tion, there has been little progress particular, pulse oximetry began to to the change in the blood volume to
in miniaturizing respiration devices dominate through its relative simplic- the capillaries in the dermis and sub-
to a suitable form factor for long- ity and ease of use. cutaneous tissue. Two wavelengths
term wear and comfort. Research and Pulse oximeters are some of the of light, typically red and infrared,
development of wearables has heavily most widely used medical sensors and are harnessed due to the different
focused on pulse oximeters and elec- are becoming commonplace in wear- absorption spectra for oxygenated
trocardiograms (ECGs) [20], [26]. The able fitness trackers [18], [23]. During and deoxygenated hemoglobin. Some
respiration rate and blood O2 satura- the 2010s, companies including FitBit pulse oximeters use green or blue
tion, well-known respiration param- and Apple released high-quality health light instead of infrared [28]. The
eters, are only a subset of respiration and fitness trackers to the consumer ratio of these two waveforms is used
parameters. Beyond that, there are market. These products generated a to infer the percentage of hemoglobin


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loaded with O2, which is also called a
patient’s SpO2.

Institute Integrated Circuits and

2020: Worcester Polytechnic
Pulse oximeters are valuable tools,

FIGURE 1:  A timeline of advancements in respiration monitoring from 1956 to 2020 [14]–[22]. PtcO2: partial pressure of O2; PaO2: arterial partial pressure of O2; PPG: photoplethysmogra-
Systems Lab demonstrates
as they enable medical practitioners

2020: Berkley demonstrates

an ASIC for a wearable

an ASIC for an implantable
and nonprofessionals, who have only

PtcO2 sensor [22].

minimal basic training, to easily moni-

PtcO2 sensor [21].

tor O2 saturation and heart rates. Pulse
oximeters measure peripheral O2
saturation. O2 saturation and O2 par-
tial pressure (or tension) are related

sensor with pulse oximetery

2019: SenTec introduces a
through the dissociation curve, given

combined PtcO2 and PO2

in Figure 2, which in many cases
enables O2 saturation to be used as
demonstrates a wearable pulse
2019: Northwestern University

a surrogate measurement of O2 par-

(OxiVent) [41].
tial pressure.
oximeter on a flexible

Pulse oximeters are not perfect,

organic photodiodes and LEDs [19].

and they do have some drawbacks.
substrate [20].

2018: Lim et al. publish flexible Many factors, such as acidity (pH),
PtcO2 monitoring optode using
temperature, hemoglobin count,
and the partial pressure of CO 2 ,
can shift the dissociation curve on
an individual basis. Additionally,
pulse oximeters have been found
with a PPG heartrate
2015: Fitbit releases

to provide inaccurate results and

the charge HR,

to have limited performance in cer-

fitness tracker

phy; ASIC: application-specified IC; pH: acidity; OLED: organic light-emitting diode; OPD: organic photodetector.
a wrist-warn

tain settings. Different skin colors

2007: Eberhard publishes a method

can affect the absorption of the

1993: Larsen, Linnet, and Vesterager propose

sensing photons; t his ca n cause

a solid-state glass pH electrode for PtcCO2.
to optically measure PtcCO2.

erroneous readings if not corrected

[29]–[31]. Low blood pressure and
vasoactive drugs can also cause
algorithms to reduce errors
1995: Masimo introduces

in pulse oximeters due to

motion artifacts and poor

false readings [31], [32]. Another

issue related to poor perfusion is
that SpO2 readings from finger-tip
pulse oximetry change with limb

temperature, particularly if the fin-

gers and hands are too cold [33].
Motion artifacts from movement, a
1976: First commercial

widely studied problem, can cause

sensors are available.
values match PaO2 values

the American Physiological Society.)

1956: Clark invents a 1972: Aoyagi and Kishi develop
demonstrates that PtcO2

transcutaneous gas

pulse oximetery. (Source: [16];

when the skin is heated

reprinted with permission from

false readings and interrupt con-

HP OLV-5100 Ear Pulse Oximeter
1972: Lübbers group

tinuous measurements [34]–[36].

One major issue involves the pres-
ence of carboxyhemoglobin and
to 43–44°.

methemoglobin, such as in carbon

invent a CO2 and O2 monitoring device.

monoxide poisoning and methemo-

globinemia. These molecules have
1958: Severinghaus and Bradley

permission from The American

a bs or b a nce patterns similar to

(Source: [15]; reprinted with

oxyhemoglobin and therefore cause

platinum-based O2

falsely elevated readings [31].

Physiological Society.)

electrode [14].

The relative ease of use and abil-

ity to measure SpO2 and heart rate
make the pulse oximeter a valuable
tool from the operating room to the
ambulance and the home environ-
ment. However, some physicians have
concerns about overreliance on this


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surrogate measurement. It should be reference silver (Ag)/Ag chloride elec- loss. This is known as retinopathy
noted that oxygenation is not ventila- trode. The potential difference caused of prematurity. Transcutaneous O2
tion. In many cases, patients have a by the pH can be related to the CO2 electrodes, such as those developed
reasonable O2 saturation level but still concentration with the Henderson– by Clark [14] and later improved
have a breathing problem due to high Hasselbalch equation [42]. by Severinghaus [15], enable the
CO2 levels. These high CO2 levels can Historically, transcutaneous O2 accurate measurement of O2 with-
be caused by underlying conditions has been measured using Clark elec- out having to take an arterial blood
that prevent the patient from exhaling trodes. During the 1950s, concerns sample from infants.
correctly. Therefore, in current prac- grew over O2-related blindness in The Clark-style O2 electrode works
tice, the invasive blood gas measure- premature infants. If premature infants on the reduction reaction on a plati-
ment has not been entirely replaced. receive excessive O2, the underde- num cathode coupled with oxida-
Considering this need, we claim that veloped blood vessels in their eyes tion on an AG anode. The reduction
noninvasive multimode blood gas mon- could be damaged, and the result- reaction generates a current that is
itoring solutions should be explored ing scar tissue can cause vision proportional to the concentration of
[22], [38], [39].

Electrochemical Transcutaneous 100

Electrodes 2.3 DPG
Transcutaneous sensors have been a 90 Temperature
mainstay in the medical field since PtcCO2
the 1970s. Severinghaus invented the pH
% Oxygen Saturation (SO2)

70 FHbF
first stable electrode for measuring FCOHb
CO2 in the blood in 1953, improv- 60 FMetHb 2.3 DPG
ing on Richard Stow’s electrode [27]. Temperature
Lelend Clark introduced the plati- PtcCO2
num (Pt)-based O2-sensing electrode 40 pH
in 1956 [14]. It has been used with
good success, especially with neonate
patients and in wound treatment. 20
Severinghaus would later improve
on that design and combine it with
his CO2 sensors. In 1993, Larsen and 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Linnet published findings on a solid-
Partial Pressure of Oxygen (PtcO2) (mmHg)
state CO2 electrode that was more sta-
ble and reliable than previous designs
[40]. Electrochemical electrodes are FIGURE 2:  The relationship between blood saturation and blood partial pressure. Param-
eters that can shift this relationship are highlighted. Adapted from [37]. mmHG: millimeters
still the standard for transcutane- of mercury; DPG: disphosphoglycerate; HbF: fetal hemoglobin; COHb: carboxyhemoglobin;
ous measurements today. However, MetHb: methemoglobin.
newer optical methods may begin to
replace the 60-year-old technology
[17], [41]. An example cross section
Ag/AgCl Reference Electrode
of an electrochemical transcutane- Pt Electrode (O2) or
ous sensor is illustrated in Figure 3. pH Electrode (CO2)
The basic concept for the electro- Housing
chemical transcutaneous CO2 elec- Heater Adhesive
trode is as follows. The CO2 diffuses Membrane
from the tissue through a CO2-perme-
able membrane to an electrolyte-cov- 42–45° C
ered glass electrode. The CO2 reacts Blood Gas Diffusion Epidermis
with the water in the solution, forming
carbonic acid and changing the elec- Derma
trolyte solution’s pH. The change in
the pH of the solution is related to the
concentration of CO2, which causes Subcutaneous Tissue
a potential difference to develop
between the glass electrode and the FIGURE 3: An electrochemical transcutaneous gas sensor. Ag/AgCl: silver/silver chloride; Pt: platinum.


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O2. Clark electrodes measure the
transcutaneous partial pressure of O2
150 (PtcO2). The PtcO2 is linearly related
to the arterial partial pressure of O2
(PaO2) at an increased temperature
of ~44° C, typically with a small dc
PtcO2 (mmHg)

offset due to O2 consumed by the tis-

sue and other metabolic processes
[43], as exhibited in Figure 4. Other
50 factors can impact the relationship
between the PtcO2 and PaO2, such as
the temperature to which the skin is
heated. A higher temperature brings
the partial pressure of O2 in the tissue
50 100 150 200
PaO2 (mmHg) closer to the arterial tension; however,
it also increases O2 consumption by
cells in the tissue.
Electrochemical sensors have a lag
FIGURE 4:  The relationship between the PtcO2 and PaO2. Adapted from [43].
time between a change in the arterial
tension and the value measured at
the sensor. The lag is approximately
15–30 s, with transcutaneous CO2
diffusing faster than transcutane-
ous O2 [44]. Electrochemical sensors
also suffer long stabilization periods
(minutes) and drift; therefore, they
require regular recalibration [8], [41],
[44]. The accuracy and measurement
Luminescent Sensing Film times of electrochemical transcu-
Epidermis taneous monitors can be im­­ proved
through local heating with tempera-
Blood Gas Diffusion
tures between 42 and 45° C. How-
ever, this heating creates local hot
spots, which can potentially damage a
patient’s skin.

Subcutaneous Tissue Photophysical O2 Probes

Luminescent O2 sensors for transcu-
(a) taneous sensing have been explored
0.12 since the 1980s. However, they fell
out of fashion with the popular-
Exciting ity and success of pulse oximetry.
Intensity (a.u.)

0.08 Recently, luminescent O2 sensors



have begun reemerging as a compact


Emission 0.06

Less O2 way to monitor transcutaneous O2,



0.04 which will help overcome some of


More O2 40 mmHg

the limitations of using pulse oxim-

450 650 0.02 120 mmHg
etry alone [22], [38], [39], [41]. Lumi-
Wavelength (nm) nescent O2 sensors are also finding
(b) 0 10 20 30 40 50 use in wound treatment to assess tis-
Time (µs)
sue oxygenation [21].
(c) Photophysical O2 sensors rely on
luminescence to detect O2. The sen-
sor consists of luminescent dyes sus-
FIGURE 5:  (a) A cross section of a luminescent O2 sensor. (b) A Stokes shift of luminescent
O2 sensing dye. (c) The luminescent lifetime of the sensor versus the O2 concentration. pended in a polymer matrix and is
a.u.: arbitrary unit. excited with an LED; the response is


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measured with a PD, as depicted in analysis. Transcutaneous blood gas setting. The SoC is designed in a
Figure 5. When the dye is exposed to monitoring using electrochemical 55-nm technology node that provides
a short wavelength (i.e., blue light), it probes and bedside units has been an optimum solution for the cointe-
reemits light at a longer wavelength quite successful in the past. However, gration of advanced low-power ana-
(red/orange). The intensity and life- the presence of a heating element log/radio frequency (RF) and digital
time of the luminescence are depen- has negatively affected the transi- blocks. A system diagram of the PPG
dent on the concentration of O2. In tion of the technology from bedside readout is presented in Figure 6. The
low-O2 environments, a large num- monitoring to a long-term wearable. PPG readout consists of a current-
ber of photons are emitted by the Designing a heating element on a sensing stage and a fully differential
film. In the presence of O2, the light wearable will drastically increase the transimpedance stage. A 16-b analog-
is quenched as energy is transferred device size and power requirements, to-digital converter (ADC) with a digi-
to the O2 molecule instead of being limiting the ­wearable’s use for con- tal-assisted dc-current-cancellation
emitted as a photon. A PD circuit tinuous, long-term monitoring. In loop follows the amplifier to maintain
measures the emitted photons’ life- this section, we discuss emerging a high dynamic range. The dc-can-
time (or intensity) to determine the next-generation blood gas monitor- cellation loop helps to reduce the dc
O2 concentration in the surrounding ing systems, including transcutane- component (the ambient component)
environment of the dye. ous and PPG, particularly monitoring in the signal, facilitating a higher ac
O2 content. gain and more dynamic range.
Emerging Next-Generation The SoC was integrated into a
Blood Gas Monitors Featured PPG-Based Monitors disposable medical-grade encapsula-
Despite the massive efforts demon- tion, as presented in [26] and shown
strated in creating a new portfolio PPG-Based Monitor in a System-on- in Figure 7. The wearable health patch
of next-generation smart and con- Chip With Bluetooth Low Energy incorporates a pulse oximeter, a bio-
nected biomedical devices, limited Work presented in [45] proposed an impedance sensor, a thermometer,
studies have been presented for all-in-one, battery-powered system- and an ECG. The system integrates the
wearable/implantable ­technology on-chip (SoC) health-monitoring patch SoC, external electrodes, LEDs, PDs,
in the critical field of blood gas for continuous evaluation in a home Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) antenna,

LED Readout FE
Driver –
+ – +
Current TIA / PPG
Sensing INT
– + –
5 mA × 32 +

5b dc Filter/
IDAC Register

M1 M2 N1 Signal N2
N1 N2
– Signal –A VREFO
A1 + + A
+ 2 A4 +

VBIA SP Local Current – 3 –

Feedback Feedback VONCM
N3 N4
Main Main
Feedback l1 l2 Feedback

Current-Sensing Stage TIA Stage With CMFB

FIGURE 6:  A system diagram of the PPG readout front end (FE). Adapted from [26]. TIA: transimpedance amplifier; ADC: analog-to-digital
converter; CIC/FIR: cascaded integrator-comb/finite impulse response; IDAC: inter-digital analog converter; CMFB: common-mode feedback;
INT: integer.


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and other matching circuitry on a demanding design specifications that achieves the reported dynamic range
flexible printed circuit board (PCB). are necessary for any wearable de­­ with no dc–serve loop requirement
vices. Work presented in [47] pro- in a dc-cancellation digital-to-analog
Digital PPG-Based Monitor posed a multimodal biosensing SoC (DAC) converter. Its noise components
As opposed to a well-controlled medi- that enables a reliable PPG-based are akin to a conventional TIA, with-
cal setting, biosignal acquisition in monitor sensor for live-use scenar- out added ADC noise. The conversion
a dynamic environment, such as a ios. The PPG readout has a dynamic is processed in the digital domain,
home or an office, has been quite chal- range of 130 dB, which, according to enabling relatively easy digital sig-
lenging. The signals degrade due to the authors’ best knowledge, is 11 dB nal process of the acquired data. The
many hard-to-control factors, includ- higher than any reported contempo- architecture of the front end (FE) is
ing motion artifacts, poor sensor rary device; hence, it is capable of tol- presented in Figure 8.
interfaces, environmental noise such erating strong ambient light.
as power line coupling, and ambient The digital transimpedance ampli- PPG-Based Monitor Dedicated to
light. These external artifacts place fier (TIA)-based approach in this article Neonatal ICU Babies
A battery-free, wireless vital sign
monitoring system, with a soft and
noninvasive interface, has been pro-
PPG LEDs and Photodiode posed in [20]. The so-called epider-
Low Number of
Components mal electronic system (EES) uses a
binodal pair of ultrathin modules, a
PPG sensor, and an ECG sensor. The
SoC PPG EES consists of a pair of LEDs
(red and infrared), a PD, wireless
power circuits, an LED driver, an
inverting amplifier, analog circuits,
and a near-field communication
(NFC) SoC. A 14-b ADC digitizes the
captured signals. The RF capabili-
ties serve the dual purpose of data
communication and power transfer.
One should note that all the elec-
tronic components deployed in [20]
are off the shelf. The system dia-
gram is exhibited in Figure 9.

The PPG EES is mounted on an

Sensors Readouts for Storage Interface infant’s foot. The patch is designed
Data Collection
such that van der Waals forces are
Wired strong enough to adhere to the deli-
Temperature cate infant skin, with a minimal ther-
ECG ECG BIOZ mal load and mechanical strain. The
Sound encapsulation is water resistant,
PPG PPG improving system robustness. Water
resistance is necessary, as neonatal
ICU incubators have a humidity set-
Wireless ting of 80% to maintain temperature
homeostasis and prevent the dehy-
Power Management dration of premature infants.
Data and Harvesting Charging Featured Fluorescent-Based
Single Power
dc–dc Monitors
Source Converters
Minimally Invasive O2 Monitor
The Lumee O2 platform has been
designed and developed to monitor
FIGURE 7:  The wearable health patch developed by the Interuniversity Microelectronics subcutaneous tissue O2 in the body,
­Center. Adapted from [26]. BIOZ: bioimpedance; LDO: Low dropout regulator. based on the principles of optical


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spectroscopy and the phosphores- tion channel. The data transmis- the external piezo during the receive
cence quenching of metalloporphy- sion is performed by the amplitude mode after two times of flight follow-
rins [48], [49]. The system consists modulation of the ultrasound back- ing the transmission. The received sig-
of a hydrogel sensor, a pen injector, scattering, which is then received by nal is filtered, ­demodulated, amplified,
a console, and a spotlight reader
(Figure 10). The sensor implanted in
the subcutaneous tissue consists of
soft hydrogel with dimensions of 0.5
× 0.5 × 0.5 mm. The sensor is bio- LED Driver Timing Control
compatible and suitable to remain
permanently in the body. The pen
Digital TIA Integration Ambient Cancellation
is a sterile, single-use, disposable
injector to place the hydrogel at an
approximate depth of 2–6 mm from
the surface of the skin. A handheld Digital TIA
device is placed on the skin over the Resistive DAC
implanted hydrogel. The spotlight in VREF
this instrument uses optical signals
to communicate with the sensor to
receive the O2 data. The data from
the O2 are transmitted to the console RDAC Linearized
for postprocessing and analysis. by DEM

Implantable Deep-Tissue O2 Monitor

A fully wireless, implantable, real-time
deep-tissue O2 monitoring system is
presented in [21]. The monitor oper-
ates using a single ultrasound link for – Digital
INT Signal
both the uplink/downlink data trans- + ADC DOUT
VREF Process
mission and power. A high-voltage I=
RDAC Oversampling
driver excites an external piezo, Gin-band (SAR ADC)
sending ultrasound pulses into the
tissue when the system is in trans-
mit mode. These pulses arrive after
one time of flight. The monitor uses
these pulses for powering up the FIGURE 8:  The architecture of the Mediatek PPG FE with a digital TIA. Adapted from [47].
system and creating a communica- DEM: dynamic element matching; SAR: successive approximation register.

Electrode NFC

Inst. ISO 15693

Amp Reader
Electrode ADC
LED Trans
PD 15693 BLE Host
Driver Z Amp GPIO Interface Interface

FIGURE 9:  A system diagram of Northwestern University’s medical sensor system. Adapted from [20]. ISO: International Organization for
Standardization. Inst: instrumentation; IR: infrared; Temp.: temperature; Trans Z: transimpedance; Amp: amplifier; GPIO: general purpose


Authorized licensed use limited to: Birla Institute of Technology & Science. Downloaded on April 09,2021 at 05:04:05 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
and decoded to provide real-time experiment. The initial results show 0.18-μm, 5-V CMOS process, excites
data. The miniaturized monitor, de­­ promise. A comparison of the pro- the O2-sensing luminescent film
monstrated in Figure 11, employs a posed O2 monitor and a commercial with a blue LED and measures the
lead zirconate–titanate piezo and a O2 probe is given in Figure 12(c). resulting current flowing through
luminescence sensor that consists of a photodiode. Figure 13 shows the
a μLED for optical excitation, a bio- Noninvasive Transcutaneous top-level block diagram. The read-
compatible O2-sensitive ruthenium O2 Monitor out IC consists of two power man-
(Ru) luminescent sensor, and an in­­ An integrated readout dedicated agement blocks, an analog FE (AFE),
tegrated chip designed in a 65-nm, for sensing the partial pressure of and an LED driver block. The system
low-power CMOS process. The sys- transcutaneous O2 is presented in has two identical power manage-
tem has been tested in an in vitro [22]. The readout IC, designed in a ment blocks to isolate the power



630 nm

(a) (b)
800 nm

Lumee Oxygen

(c) (d) (e)

Baseline Occlusion Recovery
[O2] (µM)


–300 –200 –100 0 100 200 300 400 500
Time Relative to Start of Occlusions (s)
Baseline Occlusion Recovery
PtcO2 (mmHG)




–300 –200 –100 0 100 200 300 400 500
Time Relative to Start of Occlusions (s)

FIGURE 10:  The Profusa sensor system with (a) a hydrogel implantable sensor, (b) an injector device, (c) a console, and (d) a light source and
PD module. (e) A cross section showing the basic working principle. (f) Data showing the Profusa system detecting changes in the blood O2
status. Adapted from [48] and [49].


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O2-Sensing Film LED
Optical µLED
Holder Thickness = 1.2 mm
Flex 4.5 mm
Piezo IC Board
3 mm

Volume ~4.5 mm3


(a) (b)

FIGURE 11:  (a) An exploded view of (b) the implantable O2 sensor designed by University of California, Berkeley. Adapted from [21].

path between the LED driver and

the AFE. The power management Sensor IC
blocks consist of 5-V CMOS devices Piezo Vrect
to withstand a wide range of battery φmod Active Rectifier Cstore
voltages for regular silicon LEDs and
Voltage Doubler

organic LEDs. The AFE consists of


Power on Reset RO
two stages: a TIA and a variable-gain Clock
Bias and Reference
amplifier (VGA). The purpose of the Clock
LDOs Division
TIA is to sense the current gener-
φref φref
ated by the photodiode and convert ILED
OOK Demod. LED
it into voltage. The VGA provides the Driver
additional tunable gain required to CLK
VOOK φmod
measure low-intensity input signals. POR 10-bit
The film’s fluorescence can be Analog
Data φref
measured in terms of either inten-
sity or lifetime, as presented in [39].
The performance of the two tech- (a)
niques was analyzed and compared
1.96 mm
in [38]. The lifetime (decay time) NEOFOX O2 Probe
Wireless Sensor
O2 Concentration (mmHg)

and intensity (amplitude) were mea- 80

sured for different concentrations
of O2, ranging from 0.5 to 500 mm 60
of mercury. Figure 14(a) and (b) con-
1.96 mm

veys the result for both the low and 40

high reflectance, respectively. This
simulates the real-world example of 20
the instrument being used on indi-
viduals with different skin tones. 0
0 10 20 30 40
While both the intensity and the
Time (min)
lifetime are inversely proportional
(b) (c)
to the concentration of O2, which
can be observed from Figure 14(c),
the intensity of the reemitted light FIGURE 12:  (a) A system diagram of an implantable O2 sensor. (b) A micrograph of an SoC
in a 65-nm, low-power-CMOS process. (c) The system response to alternating streams of O2
varies strongly with the differences
and nitrogen. Adapted from [21]. AFE: analog FE; FSM: finite state machine; RO: ring oscillator;
in the optical path. The differences OOK Demod.: on/off keying demodulation; POR: power on reset; Ref.: reference; TDC: time-to-
in the lifetime measurement are digital converter; D-LDO: digital low-dropout regulator; A-LDO: analog low-dropout regulator.


Authorized licensed use limited to: Birla Institute of Technology & Science. Downloaded on April 09,2021 at 05:04:05 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
significantly smaller for the two Discussion skin integrity is critical to the moni-
reflecting surfaces, as seen in Fig- As discussed in the previous section, tors’ essential requirements of safety.
ure 14(d), which is an indicator that emerging fluorescent-based O2 moni- For any wearable/implantable tech-
this method is less susceptible to tors demonstrate promising results. nology, power consumption by the
skin color differences. However, there are many challenges communication system is the main
The performance of the readout associated with the design, develop­­ culprit. Different energy harvesting
chip was tested on the human body by ment, fabrication, and implementation schemes will need to be explored
placing a fingertip on the sensor head, of such devices. These difficulties to meet the power demands, as the
as demonstrated in Figure 15(a). The are present in the form of software presence of a continuous and robust
output was sampled every 5 s. Dur- and hardware constraints, form fac- power supply is the main require-
ing the first 90 s, O2 values were tors, weights, low power require- ment for constant monitoring.
measured with normal blood circu- ments, battery life, and wireless
lation. After that, for the following operation. The biocompatibility of Beyond the Requirements of the
90 s, blood circulation was restricted encapsulation, water resistance, and Food and Drug Administration
by wrapping a string around the a device’s shape and size all play For any wearable/implantable device
finger to create an occlusion. The vital roles in users’ experiences and to be considered and evaluated as a
average lifetime during normal cir- the equipment’s effectiveness. These medical-grade instrument, a certain
culation was 51.7 μs, whereas it was emerging instruments should be degree of accuracy is expected, reduc-
62.5 μs during the occlusion period. small and lightweight to prevent inju- ing the rate of false positives and, even
The measured results are presented ries to patients. For externally applied worse, false negatives. According to the
in Figure 15(b). devices, the effect of materials on U.S. Food and Drug Administration,

Power Management

IIND Current Σ VCO
VLED Sense

Driver Q R
Pt-Porphyrin Film

LED Driver
+ – – + VAFEOP

– + + –


FIGURE 13:  A block diagram of the readout IC designed by the Worcester Polytechnic Institute Integrated Circuits and Systems Lab [22]. VCO:
voltage-controlled oscillator; PWM: pulsewidth modulation; BGR: bandgap reference; VAFE: output voltage of the analog FE; REFOSC: oscillator
reference voltage; REFCOMP: comparator reference voltage; EN: enable signal.


Authorized licensed use limited to: Birla Institute of Technology & Science. Downloaded on April 09,2021 at 05:04:05 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
­ edical devices are categorized as
m with stretchable printed antennas minimizes pulling and skin damage
class 1, 2, and 3 depending on the and small, high-density capacitors through newly developed patch mate-
amount of risk, with class 1 pre- and compact power transmitters and rial that bonds to the skin using van
senting the least danger. While it is receivers [20], [21]. In addition to adhe- der Waals force. Microfluidic channels
extremely important and necessary sives, materials, in general, that are further reduce the forces needed to
to meet regulatory requirements for used to attach medical devices to the remove the patch [20].
safety and efficacy, designers should body will play a key role in creating
keep in mind the basic needs of the comfortable and practical wearables/ Artificial Intelligence
end user. The monitor should be easy implantables. Researchers at North- In current practice, collecting biosig-
enough to use that it does not require western University have presented a nals from many patients for a cer-
the intervention or interpretation stretchable and flexible substrate that tain amount of time faces multiple
of medically trained personnel. It
should be comfortable to handle
and not cause any additional harm 0.6 0.6
and discomfort to the patient. Next- AFE Output (V)

AFE Output (V)

generation flexible electronics and 0.4 0.4
PCBs need to be explored to facilitate Increasing Increasing
more comfortable devices.
0.2 0.2

Next-Generation Materials
0 0
Past attempts at medical wearables/ 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100
implantables have been bulky, with Time (µs) Time (µs)
rigid PCBs embedded in silicon foam (a) (b)
or rubber housings [26], [50]. Medical 70
device designers should take advan- Data 1 Data 1
AFE Output (mV)

Fit 1 60
Fit 1

Fall Time (µs)

tage of new flexible PCB technology
500 Data 2 Data 2
and even flexible devices. Organic 50
Fit 2 Fit 2
devices, such as LEDs and PDs, have 40
been demonstrated to provide effective 400
FEs for medical sensors with improved
patient compliance [19], [28]. New 300 20
0 200 400 600 0 200 400 600
stretchable and flexible substrates will
Oxygen Partial Pressure (mmHg) Oxygen Partial Pressure (mmHg)
also facilitate more comfortable and
(c) (d)
reliable medical wearables [20]. One
of the significant problems is stability
FIGURE 14:  The fluorescence-based O2 sensor response. Fluorescence decay transients for dif-
with temperature and humidity, which
ferent O2 pressures (PO2) with (a) lower reflectance and (b) higher reflectance optical paths. The
is mainly limited by the encapsulation (c) intensity and (d) lifetime measurements for different O2 concentrations for both cases [38].
of the devices [19], [28]. Forming reli-
able connections between terminals
and flexible substrates is a significant
Normal 75
challenge and needs careful consid-
eration [51]. Researchers at the Geor- 70
gia Institute of Technology present 65
Lifetime (t) [µs]

stretchable copper and gold traces and

flexible connectors that can interface 60
with traditional IC packages [46]. 55
Truly flexible battery cells are an
emerging technology and not yet 50
widely available. There are small, 45 Normal Occlusion
semirigid lithium polymer cells avail-
able, but they cannot withstand much 40
0 50 100 150 200
bending and movement. Additionally, Ribbon Sample Time (s)
interfacing these batteries with a flex- (a) (b)
ible substrate is a challenge, as with
most ridged components. Wireless FIGURE 15:  (a) The test setup for transcutaneous measurements. (b) Transcutaneous O2 mea-
charging offers a possible solution surement on the human body [22].


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[41] W. van Weteringen et al., “Novel transcu-
taneous sensor combining optical tcPO2 her Ph.D. degree from Bogazici Uni- Lab. His research interests include bio-
and electrochemical tcPCO2 monitoring versity, Istanbul. She worked at the medical instrumentation; sensors and
with reflectance pulse oximetry,” Med.
Biol. Eng. Comput., vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 239– National Research Institute of Electron- systems; low-power analog/mixed-
247, Feb. 2020. doi: 10.1007/s11517-019- ics and Cryptology, Gebze, Turkey, signal circuits and systems; wireless,
[42] M. J. Sinclair, R. Ann Hart, H. M. Pope, from 2006 until 2015 as a principal autonomously powered embedded
and E. J. M. Campbell, “The use of the design engineer. In 2015, she joined systems for biomedical applications;
henderson-hasselbalch equation in rou-
tine medical practice,” Clin. Chimica Acta, the Georgia Institute of Technology and low-power data converters. His
vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 63–69, Jan. 1968. doi: as a postdoctoral research fellow. She Ph.D. research includes the develop-
[43] D. C. Hutchison, G. Rocca, and D. Hon- is currently an assistant professor at ment of wearable, wireless sensors for
eybourne, “Estimation of arterial oxygen Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Massa- monitoring respiratory functions in
tension in adult subjects using a transcu-
taneous electrode,” Thorax, vol. 36, no. chusetts. Her research interest is ana- premature infants and wearable, wire-
6, pp. 473–477, June 1981. doi: 10.1136/ log/mixed-signal IC design for sensing less alert systems that would prevent
[44] S. Kesten, K. Chapman, and A. Rebuck, interfaces, bioelectronics, and security painful pressure ulcers (bedsores). He
“ Re sp on s e c h a r ac te r ist ic s of a du a l for health-care applications. She is a serves as a reviewer for various IEEE
transcutaneous oxygen/carbon dioxide
monitoring system,” Chest, vol. 99, no. 5, Senior Member of IEEE and serves as a conferences, the ASEE student divi-
pp. 1211–1215, June 1991. doi: 10.1378/ reviewer for IEEE Journal of Solid-State sion, and IEEE Transactions on Bio-
[45] M. Konijnenburg et al., “22.1 a 769µw bat- Circuits and on the technical program medical Circuits and Systems. He is a
tery-powered single-chip SoC with BLE for committee of the IEEE Custom Inte- Student Member of IEEE.
multi-modal vital sign health patches,”
in Proc. 2019 IEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits grated Circuits Conference. 


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