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Writing Task 1

The bar graph illustrates the average number of various dishes sold daily at the Vista Café, differentiated
by winter and summer. Overall, hot coffee is shown to be the most popular food item on winter while
iced coffee is sold the least. On the other hand, the latter is famous among patrons during summer,
while soup and salad recorded the lowest sales during this season.

During winter, servings of hot coffee rises up to more than 70 servings sold daily, which is then followed
by soup, with 50 servings sold. In contrast, iced coffee only served less than 10 daily. This shows that
during freezing conditions, patrons prefer warm, scalding beverages or dishes.

However, in summer, iced coffee proved to be popular among the food items, with 40 servings sold
daily, followed closely by ice cream who has sold just above 30 servings. In contrast to this, salad and
soup are the least popular item during this time, with above 20 servings sold daily. This echoes the
sentiment that people change their preference of food according to season, with customers preferring
cold dishes during the summer.

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