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Learning Area ENGLISH Grade Level FIVE

W1 Quarter FOUR Date

I. LESSON TITLE Using Verbal and Non-Verbal Cues in a TV Broadcast
II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING Use verbal and non-verbal cues in a TV broadcast
COMPETENCIES (MELCs) Infer target audience
Infer purposes of the visual media
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT Using Verbal and Non-Verbal Cues in a TV Broadcast
Inferring Target Audience
Inferring Purposes of the Visual Media

I. Introduction (Time Frame: 5 mins.)

To begin another milestone in English 5, this lesson will prepare you for your advance lesson in analyzing visual and
multimedia elements. Today, you will identify, distinguish and utilize visual media tools in terms of television broadcasting in
identifying and using various and appropriate verbal and non-verbal cues.

In this lesson, you are expected to:

1. Use verbal and non-verbal cues in a TV broadcast
2. Infer target audience
3. Infer purposes of the visual media
Whenever you watch TV for news broadcast, what do you observe about the presenters or broadcasters? Do they
make you understand the news clearly and effectively? Why?

Fill in the KWLH CHART below with concepts about verbal and non-verbal cues in a TV broadcast.
What do I know? What do I want to know? What have I learned? How can I learn more?

D. Development (Time Frame: 10 mins.)

Television is one of the most powerful tools in communicating information, especially in news broadcasting. TV news
Broadcast is considered the most frequent and trusted source of information. Communication is simply the act of transferring
information from one place to another. Communications can be spoken or verbal communication: face -to-face, telephone,
radio or television and other media or non-verbal communication: body language, gestures, how we dress or act our scent.
In a television broadcast, the director should use a series of standards, calls and set procedures to direct the efforts
of the video crew. A consistency of protocol allows the crew to anticipate their responsibilities by following standard
operating procedures with clearly defined and universally understood jargon[‘].

Verbal and non-verbal cues used in a television broadcast

❖ Standby Cue 4-minutes count down
❖ Speed up Come closer You are in camera
❖ Ok Go back Cut
❖ Stretch or slowdown 30 seconds
❖ Keep talking on time 15 seconds

Photo credit: Pamela P. Ricablanca, PEL 4


Learning Task 2
Directions: Use the appropriate verbal/non-verbal cues in the following television broadcast situations. Choose your answer
from the given choices. Do this in your notebook.

keep talking cut you are in camera standby 30 seconds

__________ 1. The director signals the anchor to look at the camera .

__________ 2. The director wants everybody in the set to standby in one minute.
__________ 3. The director signals to standby in 30 seconds.
__________ 4. There is remaining time in the set, the director wants the anchor to talk more and spend the time left.
__________ 5. This means over, cut the show and it is finished.

Learning Task 3
Directions: Have you ever watched a game or sports competition aired live on TV? Create a sportscast script, memorize and
practice delivering it. Be guided on the use of verbal and non-verbal cues in a TV broadcast. Use the following
rubric below as guide standard in writing a script.
Rubric for Sportscast Writing

CRITERIA 4 3 2 1

Content and The sportscast script The sportscast script The sportscast script The sportscast script
Relevance of Ideas is rich with ideas that contains lots of has many ideas, but lacks content, and
are all relevant to ideas that are most of these ideas the few that are
the theme. mostly relevant to do not show include are not
the theme. relevance to the relevant to the
theme. theme.
Organization of Ideas are logically Most of the ideas Some ideas are The ideas do not
Ideas presented. are logically logically presented. show logical
presented and most connection.
of the time they
engage the
Language Shows clarity and is Mostly clear and Somewhat clear and Is not clear and
effective in effective. a bit effective. effective.
delivering the There is an error or There are three to There are more than
message. two in grammar. four errors in four errors in
There is no error in grammar. grammar.

Persuasion Highly persuasive Most of the parts of Some parts of the The sportscast script
the sportscast script sportscast script are does not persuade.
are persuasive. persuasive.

A. Assimilation (Time Frame: 3 mins.)

Let us remember that…
❖ Speakers use verbal and non-verbal cues to convey meaning.
❖ TV broadcasting is the distribution of video or other messages to a dispersed audience via television.
❖ A verbal cue is a prompt that is conveyed in spoken language from one person to another or a group of people.
❖ Non-verbal cue includes all the communications between people who do not have a direct verbal translation. They
are body movements, body orientations, nuances of the voice, facial expressions, details of the dress and choice and
movements of objects that communicate.
❖ In TV broadcasting, verbal and non-verbal cues are used.

V. ASSESSMENT (Time Frame: 10 mins.)

(Learning Activity Sheets for Enrichment, Remediation, or Assessment to be given on Weeks 3 and 6)
Learning Task 4
Directions: Write a dialogue in your notebook about the current community quarantine status in your locality.
Choose and use verbal cues below and then continue the sentence, pretending you are a TV news anchor.
Make use of and guided by the given sample below.
Sample Dialogue
Lucenahin, Bida Ka!

Anchor: Today, we shall discuss about the current Community Quarantine Status in Brgy. Barra, Lucena City.
We are fortunate to have with us a very special guest for this morning segment, “Lucenahin, Bida Ka”.
To introduce, she is the Brgy. Captain of Barra, Hon. Amelia P. Sobreviñas.
Amelia: Good morning, Mr. B! It’s nice to be here in your program.
Mr. B: First of all, how is your locality responding to COVID-19 Pandemic? As the head of your barangay, what
measures and interventions do you employ as coping mechanisms?
Amelia: To recap, since the start of pandemic, we have been imposing stricter safety and health protocols in
our barangay. We have been implementing and monitoring curfew hours to limit local transmission.
So far, our constituents have been responding well to that campaign.
Mr. B: That is why, as a result, your barangay is one with the fewest covid cases in our city.
Verbal Cues

Today, we shall discuss… To introduce… First of all… Next…

In conclusion… To recap…. Our topic is… As a result…

To summarize… To review… In the following order… Then…

Rubrics for Writing Dialogue

Points Indicators

5 Most of the conversation show verbal/non-verbal cues and are legibly written.

4 Some of the conversation show verbal/non-verbal cues and are legibly written

3 Few of the conversation show verbal/non-verbal cues and but are not legibly written.

2 Most of the conversation do not show verbal/non-verbal cues and are not legibly written.

1 No written dialogue

VI. REFLECTION (Time Frame: 2 mins.)

❖ Communicate your personal assessment as indicated in the Learner’s Assessment Card.
Personal Assessment on Learner’s Level of Performance
Using the symbols below, choose one which best describes your experience in working on each given task. Draw it in the column
for Level of Performance (LP). Be guided by the descriptions below:
 - I was able to do/perform the task without any difficulty. The task helped me in understanding the target content/ lesson.
✓ - I was able to do/perform the task. It was quite challenging, but it still helped me in understanding the target content/lesson.
? – I was not able to do/perform the task. It was extremely difficult. I need additional enrichment activities to be able to do/perform this
Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP
Number 1 Number 3
Number 2 Number 4
VII. REFERENCES Joy in Learning English 5, pp. 295-296, 309
K to 12 Essential English 5, 2017 Edition Enhanced Version

Prepared by: BYRON M. RICABLANCA Checked by: AGNES S. GARCIA


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