Cybercrime Complaints in The Philippines

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Cybercrime complaints in the Philippines

According to a press release from the Philippine National Police Anti-Cybercrime Group (PNP ACG), a total of 1,211 cybercrime
complaints were filed with them from 2013-2015. The top five complaints received were online scams (366), online libel (240),
online threats (129), identity theft (127), and photo and video voyeurism (89).Cybercrime, also called computer crime, is the
use of a computer as an instrument to further illegal ends, such as committing fraud, trafficking in child pornography and
intellectual property, stealing identities, or violating privacy. Cybercrime, especially through the Internet, has grown in
importance as the computer has become central to commerce, entertainment, and government. Through this days, many of
the persons that can use computer politely or mean to be a super good person in computer can use his/her advantage to begin
or do a crime.” Any criminal activity that uses a computer either as an instrumentally, target or a means for perpetuating
further crimes comes within the ambit of cybercrime” (12).

A scam is a term used to describe any fraudulent business or scheme that takes money or other goods from an unsuspecting
person. With the world becoming more connected thanks to the Internet, online scams have increased, and it's often up to you
to help stay cautious with people on the Internet. there are various examples of online scams like online survey scams. Online
survey scams are survey sites that say they offer money or gift vouchers to participants. Online scams in the Philippines are on
the rise, based on the latest data from the Philippine National Police Anti-Cybercrime Group (1). Most cybercrime complaints
that the PNP receives come from victims of online shopping scams. Trust your gut when it comes to the risk of being scammed.
Anything too good to be true and doesn’t involve any hard work should be treated with a grain of salt. As awful as these online
scams are, having the presence of mind to double-check whether everything is legitimate is the key to avoiding them.

The online libel is committed through text messages, emails, post on social media accounts, blogs, websites, or online news.
Elements of libel under article 355, RPC are infatuation/accusation of a discreditable act or condition to another; publication of
the infatuation; identity of the person defamed; and existence of malice. Web-based threats – or online threats – are malware
programs that can target you when you’re using the Internet. These browser-based threats include a range of malicious
software programs that are designed to infect victims’ computers. The main tool behind such browser-based infections is the
exploit pack – which gives cybercriminals a route to infecting computers that either: Do not have a security product installed;
Contain a commonly used operating system or application that is vulnerable – because the user hasn’t applied the latest
updates, or a new patch has yet to be issued by the software vendor.

Identity theft is the act of stealing another person’s personal identifying information in order to gain access to his financial
resources, or obtain access to other benefits, such as money, credit, or insurance benefits. Identity theft, sometimes referred to
as “identity fraud,” is a crime that carries serious consequences. To explore this concept, consider the following identity theft
definition R.A no.9995 section 3 (d) "Photo or video voyeurism" means the act of taking photo or video coverage of a person or
group of persons performing sexual act or any similar activity or of capturing an image of the private area of a person or
persons without the latter's consent, under circumstances in which such person/s has/have a reasonable expectation of privacy,
or the act of selling, copying, reproducing, broadcasting, sharing, showing or exhibiting the photo or video coverage or
recordings of such sexual act or similar activity through VCD/DVD, internet, cellular phones and similar means or device without
the written consent of the person/s involved, notwithstanding that consent to record or take photo or video coverage of same
was given by such person's. we already know that cybercrimes can affect a persons life and others ,although some peoples
make their life miserable when they are doing this type of crime because they will suffer by the laws and punishments that will
be given to them. always remember “Threat is a mirror of security gaps. Cyber-threat is mainly a reflection of our weaknesses.
An accurate vision of digital and behavioral gaps is crucial for a consistent cyber-resilience.” ― Stephane Nappo.

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