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Lesson Plan Science IV

I. Objective
1. To identify the 4 phases of water cycle
2. To show the stages of water cycle through hand
*To develop awareness on the proper consumption
of water.
II. Subject Matter: Water Cycle
Materials: PPT, Cartolina, etc.
Reference: Science A closer look IV

III. Procedure
A. Drill/Review of the previous lesson.
Encircle the names of bodies of water in the puzzle.

-what is our lesson yesterday?

(water sources)
B. Developmental Activities

1. Motivation
The story of walter the water drop.

Story Sequencing.

1. Presentation:
The teacher will show a globe and will explain the ff.
-75% of earth’s surface is covered with water.
-Water covers a wider area of the earth
-Do you think the amount of water on earth decrease
since it’s existence?
-The amount of water in earth does not change. Why?
Today we will find out.
2. Discussion: PPT- water cycle is the movement of water
from the earth surface to the air.
*Insert hand mnemonics

4. Generalization
What is the water cycle?
Can you name and explain the 4 stages of water cycle with
the help of your hands?

5. Valuing
- When do use water?
- Can we survive without water?
- Water is very important what can we do to save water?

6. Application:
Group Activity
- The teacher will group the class into 4.
- Direction: Using the cut-out names and arrows, trace each
step in the water cycle and label them correctly.
IV. Evaluation:
Directions: Identify the cycle phase describe in each
sentence. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space
before the number.
Water cycle
____________1. It is the process wherein the water
falls back to earth, it may go into the oceans, lakes or rivers.
____________2. The sun heats up water in seas, rivers,
lakes and oceans and turns it into water vapor and rises
up into the air.
____________3. The water vapor in the air gets cold and
changes back to liquids into tiny drops of water forming
____________4. The water moves from place to place
above, on and below the earth surface.
____________ 5. The clouds get heavy and water falls

Make a collage of a water cycle illustrating its 4 phases

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