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Nam Vo Success Log/Walkthru

Start Sunday August 24
End Tuesday August 26th

*Basic tips*
Save after every successful training (Such as 4 OK's or higher)
Save after good RE's (Random Events), Reload after bad ones
Save when Vitality is low and injury rate is around ~20%.
Save after every successful gamble
Save before you go into Bison's shop to make sure you can reload if you don't see the item you want in
Basically saving before you progress or do anything is a smart thing to do in case anything happens,
even though it will probably double your amount of time playing.
Patience, Patience, Patience is the key to making a powerful player!

I didn't record everything like my vitality at the beginning of each week or the injury %. I feel it is
pretty self explanatory. Oh and if you are wondering how I am able to do so many commands per week
even when it seems my vitality is super low, I eat one candy and usually save then do the command.

Also, if you follow a similar path like me, you don't have to worry about scout or coach's evaluation :).
Also don't be afraid to experiment or try different things. This guide/walkthru is in NO way perfect but
simply just to show you how I did it.

Year 1: Feb, Week 1

Checked Data to see if I got Genius or Gd Sense or SOMETHING. Guess what I got. Nothing.
I progressed through the schedule (No commands)

Year 1:Feb, Week 2

I progressed through the schedule (No commands)

Year 1:Feb, Week 3

I have 3 weekly commands so I will use one right now to not let any go to waste.
I am practicing ARM STR because the coach is there and so I can raise my arm strength so I can
actually hit the thief later when I meet him :).
I will probably S/L on all my practices until I get 4 OK's or higher
Had to S/L 4 times to get it. I got 5 OK's!

Year 1:Feb, Week 4

I have 3 weekly commands and it is that important 4th week of every month where you get a bonus to
your practices to practicing at this time is really good.
I practiced once on Weight Training. Had to S/L 3 times. I got 4 OK's
I practiced again on Weight Training. Got 4 OK's on my first try
I practiced again on Weight Training. Got 4 OK's on my first try

Year 1:Mar, Week 1

I have very little vitality to the point where the Vitality bar is flashing. However, I am going to practice
this week and I'll explain in a little. Be sure to save before practicing with low Vitality.
I am practicing Run Speed
Had to S/L 4 times. I got 4 OK's
Year 1:Mar, Week 2
Tell Bison not interested so you can get a discount Coupon.
Alright, my vitality is completely empty so every practice option is a 99% injury rate. Since I am not
feeling lucky today, I feel I should recover some of that vitality. I visit the hot dog shop and the guy
gives me a free one and I recover half of the bar.

Year 1:Mar, Week 3

I progressed through the schedule (No commands)

Year 1:Mar, Week 4

2 Weekly commands on that all important week 4.
I practiced once on Weight Training. Had to S/L 6 times. I got 4 OK's
I practiced Running. I got 5 OK's on my first try!

Year 1:Apr, Week 1

It was the first game but you sit on the bench and do nothing. I can't remember if I inputted any
commands this week or it was just the game. Someone clarify!

Year 1:Apr, Week 2

Alright I have no vitality again! I am visiting the hot dog shop again to train so I can be the next Joey
Chestnut! Yeah you meet Pokinitem(Patty) and she says some stuff then you get two options. Pick Do
not work at the Ducks and then you'll recover 100 vitality for only $15!

Year 1:Apr, Week 3

I progressed through the schedule (No commands)

Year1:Apr, Week 4
Okay, this is the week before your first playable game. I have two weekly commands and I will use
them both to practice. HOWEVER, make sure you practice once, AND spend your points to boost your
guy before the game because if you use all of your commands you won't be able to boost until after the
game. Some people however may want to go to the shop now to buy a shiny fragrance so it can help
boost the scout EVAL quicker. I don't plan on doing that for the first game because I am waiting for my
money to go to around $500 and I will explain that in a bit.

I practiced Weight Training. Got 4 OK's on my first try


149 Strength, 64 Quickness, 13 Technique, 0 Breaking Ball, 34 Mentality
I boosted Arm Strength 2 times so it is now 4 (F)
I boosted Run Speed 1 time so it is now 5(F)
I boosted Power from 43 to 65 and it is still (F)
I trained Running. I got 5 OK's on my first try!
Year 1:May, Week 1
First game against the Burgers! I went 1 for 4 with 1 RBI
Strength went up 15
Technique went up 15
Quickness went up 15
Mentality went up 6
Now I know this wasn't a great game but I just decided to not S/L. You can however S/L until you have
a great game so you can get more experience points but since I still have the stitches in my left thumb,
batting still feels weird lol.

Year 1:May, Week 2

I progressed through the schedule (No commands)

Year 1:May, Week 3

I got the RE for the steak job but I am S/L to see if I can get Jaw's PI Job.
I got the RE where Marvin and I see Lucy and I chose the 2nd option and he ran away and she called
him four eyes or something. I also S/L again.
3rd S/L I got no RE
4th S/L I got no RE
5th S/L I got no RE
6th S/L I got no RE
7th S/L I got the steakhouse again
I got 3 weekly commands this week
I went to the lookout to workout with Frank
Chose play catch
Vitality down 30
Energy increased by 3
Strength up 16
Technique up 16
Throwing ability increased

I progressed with 2 weekly commands

Year 1:May, Week4

I got the Tom Pitching machine event and I said yes
Carryover points up 1
3 Weekly commands
I practiced weight training
Had to S/L 3 times. I got 5 OK's!
Alright I still have 2 commands this week but I have no vitality so practicing is out of the question.
I visit Bison's shop (Save the discount Coupon) and S/L until I get the recovery necklace
I buy a recovery Necklace, 1 carryover chocolate and 9 Candies. Candy's are good because when you
have no vitality, they give you just enough so the injury % goes down to a reasonable number like
around 20% instead of 99%.
70 Strength, 82 Quickness, 32 Technique, 0 Breaking Ball, 52 Mentality
I boost Arm Strength 2 times it is now 6(E)
I boost Contract 1 time it is now 2(G)
I boost Run Speed 1 time it is now 6(E)

I practiced weight training. Got 5 OK's on first try!

Year 1:June, Week 1

Game against WildJokers
I went 1 for 4
Strength up 23
Technique up 23
Quickness up 23
Mentality up 9
I decide to S/L however because my team lost the make-up game because it was tied 2-2.

When I S/L I still got 5 OK's on weight training :D and a RE with Frank taking me for Broast Ball. I
chose Sure Let's go.
Vitality up 20
Energy Increased by 2

Omg I suck so bad at batting now I went 0 for 4, S/L again...

I got the 5 OK's for weight training again. RE this time was Marvin with baseball tickets. I chose Let's
go. Energy Increased by 2

I went hitless again 0-3 but my team won 1-0 and I think that is more important for now for me to get
Lucy to like me more.
Strength up 22
Technique up 22
Quickness up 22
Mentality up 8

Year 1:June, Week 2

I progressed through the schedule (No commands)
Year 1:June, Week 3
Went to lookout where Frank is
Had coffee
Vitality up 10
Motivation up 1
Energy up 3
I went again to lookout where Frank is but I chose take a walk to go home and I don't know why I did
that. S/L

When I S/L I got the Tom pitching machine RE

STR up 6
Tech up 6

Went to lookout where Frank is

Had coffee
Vitality up 10
Motivation up 1
Energy up 3
Went to lookout again with Frank
Went for walk because vitality was low -.-
Vitality increased 10
Energy up 4

Year 1:June, Week 4

Practiced Weight Training. Got 5 Ok's on my first try!


188 Strength, 104 Quickness, 60 Technique, 0 Breaking Ball, 74 Mentality
Contact 1 → 4 (F)
Arm Strength 4 → 5 (F)
Run Speed 5 → 6 (E)
Strength 65 → 89 (E)

Even though it is week 4 and I have one command left, I decided to just progress through the schedule
to the game the next week because I hate having to S/L if I get all No's in training or if I get all OK's
and do poorly in the game.
Year 1: July, Week 1
I got the catch the baseball with bare hands RE and I chose try to catch it. I missed but my energy still
increased by 3
I S/L because of a bad game
I got a RE where Marvin and I meet Lucy, I picked don't say anything as the option when she asks who
is this. Vitality increased by 50. Lucy likes +3

In the game against the MachSocks I went 1-4 =/

I decided to S/L again to see if I can muster up something better lol

I went 2-4 this time

Strength up 14
Technique up 14
Quickness up 14
Mentality up 6

Year 1: July, Week 2

Okay I think I neglected not buying shiny fragrances long enough and I don't want to risk trying to see
if I can pass the scout's evaluation without them because I am not doing so well in the games right now
so I go to the shop and buy 3 shiny fragrances for the 2 games left and the scouting test.

Year 1: July, Week 3

Got the Marvin and cave event, I chose let's go
Carryover Points increased by 1
Energy increased by 3
Mentality increased by 2
I progressed through schedule with no commands.

Year 1: July, Week 4

3 commands so I plan on using them all on training. I use one shiny fragrance before training since it
will still be in effect for my next game
Practiced Weight Training. Got 4 OK's on my first try
Practiced Weight Training again. Had to S/L 3 times. Got 5 OK's!


Strength 88, Quickness 78, Tech 28, Breaking Ball 0, Mentality 96
Contact 4 → 5 (F)
Power 89 → 103(D)

I progressed through the schedule with 1 command left.

Year 1: Aug, Week 1

Game against Aegis
I went 1-4 with 1 RBI
Strength up 15
Technique up 15
Quickness up 15
Mentality up 6
Year 1: Aug, Week 2
By now, My scout's evaluation is over the clear bar! But that doesn't mean I can slack off in the next
few games and the Scout's test because the bar will carry over when you make it to the AAA.
At this moment, I am VERY surprised I have not seen Jaw yet, I remember in my other player I got him
a lot earlier so I was able to get a gambling ring very early. I hope he shows up soon.

I have 2 weekly commands so one of them I decide to do Sittch's ninja training.

Energy increased by 3
Tech increased 49
Mentality increased 21
Gained Hot Hitter ability
I'm going to the lake again to see Sittch for my last command of the week. He isn't there supposedly
and choose check the tree for your option.
Motivation decreased by 1
Energy increased by 6
Tech increased by 9
I think you can get Good Sense from this too but it might be very rare. Can anyone confirm?

Year 1: Aug, Week 3

I progressed through the schedule (No commands)

Year 1: Aug, Week 4

I have 2 commands
I practiced weight training – Got 5 OK's my first try!
I practiced weight training again – Got 5 OK's on my first try!

Year 1: Sept, Week 1

Week before championship game with the WildJokers! Make sure your shiny fragrance is still in effect
or just use another one.


122 Strength, 93 Quickness, 80 Tech, 0 Breaking Ball, 135 Mentality
Trajectory 1 → 2
Contact 5 → 6 (E)
Power 103 → 119(D)
Field 3 → 4 (F)
Error Resistance 3 → 6 (E)

Year 1: Sept, Week 2

Finally the PI Job shows up!
But first, the championship vs the Wild Jokers
I plan to S/L until I do super good in this game or until my team wins.
Ok, my first try I went 1-4 and my team lost 3-0 :(
2nd try I went 2-4 and it was a 1-1 tie
Strength up 25
Technique up 25
Quickness up 25
Mentality up 9
And we won the rematch!
Year 1: Sept, Week 3
I decide to visit the steakhouse to see if I could get anything good. I got the taste testing event and I
chose the first option, the new habernero steak and I got +2 to power

Year 1: Sept, Week 4

2 commands
I practiced once on weight training and I am going for 5 OK's this week because it is at level 9 and I
heard when it is high like at level 9 or 10 and if you train and it is successful you will get power hitter. I
will try this and if anyone can confirm that would be helpful.
Had to S/L 3 times. I got 5 OK's but no power hitter ability. Maybe I have to get 5 more OK's, I don't
really know lol.
I visited the steakhouse and got the catch the cow with bare hands RE and it increased my hitting
power by 2

Year 1: Oct, Week 1

I progressed through the schedule (No commands)

Year 1: Oct, Week 2

I visited Sittch by the lake and it was the 3rd time so it was the Glove event. Choose neither for your
option and you will get a glove. Be sure to save before going to Sittch so if you get a glove you don't
want you can S/L. I settled for a Mizzoto Glove Pro which gives +1 to FLD and E RES.

Year 1: Oct, Week 3

Bare hand catch RE again, my guy missed but my energy inc by 3
Practicing weight training. S/L 1 time, got 5 OK's!

Year 1: Oct, Week 4

3 Commands this week
I got some RE where Marvin talks to me about some lady appearing as a ghost
Energy increased by 3
Mentality increased by 3
Practiced weight training. S/L 1 time got 5 OK's
Went to the street because Frank is there, went for Broast Ball and I said let's go
Vitality increased by 20 and Energy increased by 3. Be sure to S/L before you go here because
sometimes you might get error prone and/or insomniac
Practiced Weight Training again. Got 4 OK's on my first try

Year 1: Nov, Week 1

Scout just visited so that means in 2 weeks is the scout's test
I progressed through the schedule (No commands)
Year 1: Nov, Week 2
I am going to boost all of my abilities right now before the scouts test.
Also I am going to use my last shiny fragrance.
257 Strength, 93 Quickness, 27 Technique, 0 Breaking Ball, 129 Mentality
Technique is pretty low but I am not worrying about that now since all of these points are going into
power. Actually I'll just put one into trajectory.
Trajectory 2 → 3
Power 123 → 158 (B)
I then practiced weight training. Got 4 OK's on my first try.

Year 1: Nov, Week 3

I visit the lookout because Frank is there. He talks about his sister who is sick
Energy increased by 4
Mentality increased by 5
Gained Table Setter ability
Went to lookout again with Frank We practiced
Energy increased by 6
Strength up 32
Technique up 32
I asked him about that dream of his
Vitality increased 20
Energy increased by 7
Gained Tough Out Ability

For the scout's test, I chose I can do better than that for my option.
I bombed a home run off of Sittch :).
Vitality decreased by 10
Motivation up 1
Scout's evaluation inc 11
Strength up 9
Technique up 9
Quickness up 13
Mentality up 5

Year 1: Nov, Week 4

Practiced weight training. Got 4 OK's my first try

Year 1: Dec, Week 1

Got promoted to AAA!
My stats right now are : TRJ 3, CON 6, PWR 158, RUN SPD 6, ARM STR 5,
FLD 5, E RES 7
Abilities : Tough Out, Table Setter, Hot Hitter, Throwing 4
Not bad I suppose but if I got the PI job and was able to get a Gambling Ring, his stats would be a LOT

Practiced Batting. I am going to start going for 5 OK's for all of these trainings so I can level them up.
S/L 10 times. Okay this is getting ridiculous. I'm just going to take 4 OK's.
Year 1: Dec, Week 2
I went to Bison's shop (Save Coupon) Bought 2 shiny fragrances and 3 active drinks.

Year 1: Dec, Week 3

Practiced weight training. Got 5 OK's!

Year 1: Dec, Week 4

Practicing weight training. S/L 3 times. Got 5 OK's!
Practicing weight training again. Got 4 OK's my first try
Practicing Batting -.-. S/L 1 time OMG I GOT 5 OK's! IT'S A MIRACLE.
After I got the 5 OK's I got the RE where Marvin tells me about the all you can eat hamburger contest
The contest was actually yesterday
Motivation decreased by 1
Quickness increased by 6

Year 2: Jan, Week 1

234 Strength, 112 Quickness, 84 Technique, 0 Breaking Ball, 167 Mentality
Power 158 → 180 (A)
Contact 6 → 7 (E)
Field 5 → 6 (E)
Error Resistance 7 → 10 (C)
Alright my guy has 180 Power at the beginning of the second year. That's okay I guess but I probably
could have gotten it sooner. Now I will focus on his other skills. I don't want to increase contact
without gambling now because it cost too much technique. Pretty much all of the skills now are pretty
costly without gambling except RUN SPD, ARM STR, FLD, and E RES. I might just got a couple
more levels in those stats then I really need to S/L to get the P.I. RE so I can get the gambling ring.

I progressed through the schedule

Year 2: Jan, Week 2

I got the RE where I found out Frank's sister was sick
Vitality down 4
Motivation down 1
Base running ability increased
I progressed through the schedule

Year 2: Jan, Week 3

Visited Bison's shop bought 4 active drinks
Year 2: Jan, Week 4
I got the “ghost” RE which happens to be the girl
Carryover points increased by 1
Energy increased by 3
Mentality increased 3

Practicing weight training. S/L 3 times got 4 OK's

Practicing weight training again. Got 4 OK's my first try
Practicing Weight training again. Got 5 OK's my first try!

Year 2: Feb, Week 1

I used one shiny fragrances so I will get more boost for coach evaluation when I train. My coach
evaluation bar and scout's evaluation bar are very close to the starter and clear line respectively.
Practicing Batting since coach is there. S/L 2 times got 5 OK's

Year 2: Feb, Week 2

Practicing Running because coach is there. S/L 1 time got 4 OK's
Got Joey RE after and I choose 100 push-ups to hear him read it
Strength increased by 10

Year 2: Feb, Week 3

Practicing Batting because coach is there. S/L 2 times got 5 OK's
Alright, now the coach's bar is passed the Starter mark and the scout's evaluation is almost touching the
clear line so after the first game, this guy will clear it.
I am going to try to S/L to see if I can come up with the Jaw job RE.. S/L 1 time no RE
S/L 2nd time got the thief RE of course I'm looking for him!
Energy Increased by 3

Year 2: Feb, Week 4

Time to find that thief.... well not really. I didn't see a bubble with Sittch or Marvin in the street or
vicinage. Oh well, Maybe he'll pop up next week. In the mean time, I'll train batting
S/L 4 times got 4 OK's
I progressed and got a Terry RE and chose to practice with him.
Motivation increased by 1
Carryover points increased by 2
Energy increased by 2
Mentality up by 4

Year 2: Mar, Week 1

Thief is still not here
Practicing Batting. S/L 2 times got 4 OK's
Practicing Batting again. S/L 5 times finally got 5 OK's
YEAH! My scout's evaluation bar is cleared! So now all I have to worry about is making this guy
After I progressed, I got a Terry RE where we workout with him I chose the safe option and only got
+10 strength. I will try the other option if I get the RE again. I am S/L because I didn't see the thief
anywhere. Maybe I have to get one more week in before he shows up. Oh, I just read in the forum that
someone found him after 4 weeks so I'll wait for 4 weeks.
Year 2: Mar, Week 2
I'll try Sittch's Ninja training again. It was the walking on water one
I passed barely lol
Vitality decreased by 2
Motivation increased by 1
Energy increased 3
Strength up 16
Technique up 16
Quickness up 16

I'm going for Sittch's training again. It was same as the first one
Energy increased by 4
Technique up 39
Mentality up 18
Then I got Frank RE where his sister got better and he got cut from the team
Motivation increased by 1
Baseball sense improved
Gained Rally Hitter Ability

Year 2: Mar, Week 3

Alright now that I got Good Sense. I can boost contact because it is fairly cheap now. I am still looking
for that darn thief though lol.


216 Strength, 123 Quickness, 178 Tech, 0 Breaking Ball, 162 Mentality
Contact 7 → 10(C)
Arm Strength 5 → 6 (E)
Run Speed 6 → 8 (D)
Power 180 → 193 (A)
Field 6 → 8 (D)
Error Resistance 10 → 11(C)

Okay time to do super good in this next game :D.

Year 2: Mar, Week 4

Game against Guava Strawberries
First try I went hitless lol. Time to S/L!
2nd try I went 2-4 with a 2 run HR!
Strength up 25
Technique up 25
Quickness up 25
Mentality up 9
Year 2: Apr, Week 1
6 weeks and got $1200, could've been more though... I don't know what I was thinking waiting for a
Marvin or Sittch bubble to pop over the street or vicinage when I could've easily just chose an option in
the streets then they'll show up. Man, not a good success play through for me this time around lol.
Strength up 11
Technique up 11
Quickness up 22
And wow no cannon arm. I think you have to catch him after 4 weeks to get cannon arm cause I got it
on my CF. Oh wait, I'm an SS, why would I need cannon arm lol. My thinking is not straight today
I went to Bison's shop, bought 4 active drinks, 5 gambling tickets, 1 carryover chocolate
Then I got the Marvin cave RE

Year 2: Apr, Week 2

Okay my energy bar is now full so I will be getting 1.5 commands a week
And now I start gambling for more abilities.
Gambling for power hitter
1 S/L got it
Went to Sittch for ninja training
Dodged all the stars
Strength up 11
Technique up 11
Quickness up 35

Year 2: Apr, Week 3

Gambling for contact 38%. 5 S/L finally got it, 11 CON now
Practicing Batting. 1 S/L got 3 OK's but it brings my contact gambling success rate to 35% and i'm
more than happy with that.
Gambling again for contact. 4 S/L got it now 12 Contact(B) 2 more gambles and i'll have 14 contact
which is an A
I went to Bison's shop to buy 5 candies and 5 more tickets
Then I got the Marvin RE where he asks me to go to the mountain to watch the sunset. If anyone else
asked me that I would've said no, but how can you refuse Marvin?
Strength up 11
Mentality up 3

Year 2: Apr, Week 4

Practicing Batting. Got 4 OK's on my first try, Contact gamble success rate is 64%
Sweet, got it on my first try. Contact is now 13.
Practicing Batting . Got 3 OK's
Then the Marvin and Cave RE happened again and I agreed to explore it again with him
Strength up 6
Technique up 6
Mentality up 3
Year 2: May, Week 1
Game against Galaxy Sharks
We won 6-4
I went 2-4 with 3 R.B.I.
Strength up 31
Technique up 31
Quickness up 31
Mentality up 11

Year 2: May, Week 2

I went to train with Sittch
Hit him with the Shruiken
Strength up 39
Technique up 39
Quickness up 39
Error Resistance +1
Contact Hitter


86 Strength, 163, Quickness, 92 Technique, 0 Breaking Ball, 142 Mentality
Okay I'm boosting abilities since I have a bunch of points
Stealing 4
Consistency 4
Durability 4
Tough Runner
Now I'm going to gamble for that 14 contact 79% got it now I have 14 contact which is an A!
Okay now my next focus is to get Run Speed up
Practicing Weight Training to get those strength points since I have 118 quickness points
Got 4 OK's my first try
Boosting Run Speed 8 → 10(C)
Now I am gambling another Run Speed 36%. 1 S/L Got it, now 11 Run Speed
Practicing running. 4 OK's my first try

Year 2: May, Week 3

Practicing Weight Training. 5 OK's first time

Year 2: May, Week 4

Gambling for Run Speed 57%. 1 S/L Got it, now 12 Run Speed, only two more gambles!
Practicing Running. 1 S/L 4 OK's
Gambling for Run Speed again 54%. Yeah, got it on first try! Run Speed now 13 and only need 1 more
until it is an A!
Going to Bison's shop to buy more tickets and a couple more candies
Year 2: June, Week 1
Game against Gigantes
I went hitless in my first try, how surprising -.-. S/L!
2nd game, I went 2-4
Strength up 22
Technique up 22
Quickness up 22
Mentality up 8

Year 2: June, Week 2

Gambling for Run Speed 44%. 1 S/L got it now I have 14 Run Speed (A)!
Practicing Fielding. Got 4 OK's my first try
Now gambling for FLD 95%, gee wonder if i'll get it. Got it, 9 Fielding now
Practicing Fielding again, got 2 OK's

Year 2: June, Week 3

Gambling for FLD again,this time it's 49%. 1 S/L got it, now 10 FLD(C)
Practicing Fielding. 6 S/L got 3 OK's
Gambling for FLD again, 50%. Got it
Going to hot dog place to work for money.

Year 2: June, Week 4

Progressed even though I planned to work this week for money. Game is next week.

Year 2: July, Week 1

Game against MonMonMonkeys! We won 5-3
I went 2-4 with one HR
Favorite hitting course changed
Strength up 24
Technique up 24
Quickness up 24
Mentality up 9

Year 2: July, Week 2

Boosting my stats now
Error Resistance 12 → 14 (A)
Arm Strength 6 → 7 (E)
Gambling for FLD which is 38%
Sweet, got it the first try. 11 FLD(C) now.

Okay, I have 3 commands, I need more money for gambling tickets and I only have $282. So I plan on
working cause the stupid PI won't show up -.-.
I go to the steakhouse for my first command. I got the Terry event and that netted me $60.
I'm going to the hot dog stand for my 2nd command, but all I saw was talk to patty or have a hot dog...
so I'm S/L'ing.
Okay I went to the hot dog stand to see if I could work but I couldn't so I chose the option ask patty on
a date but she was busy so she just recovered my vitality to full bar. Than I went to the steakhouse
twice and increased my money to $414 and hitting power increase.
Year 2: July, Week 3
I'm going to the Steakhouse and Terry was there and that girl talked about the mega steak. I got $45 and
hitting power increase

Year 2: July, Week 4

Went to Bison's shop, bought more gambling tickets and one carryover chocolate
Practicing FLD
Year 2: August Week 1
Game against Galaxy Sharks
1-4 with one HR and one R.B.I
Favorite hitting course changed
Strength up 27
Technique up 27
Quickness up 27
Mentality up 10

Okay so the player is finally finished. He isn't as great as I hoped for him to be but I guess he's okay
since I never got the gambling ring or did that well in games. I wasn't able to get him that many
abilities to bring him over the top or even max out every skill =/. I hope you learned a few things from
this log though. Please post feedback on what you thought that I should improve on cause I know I
probably did a lot of dumb things :P.

Ways to improve:
Go for perfect hitting games like 4-4, 5-5 so you can get a boost and abilities.
Finish Frank's Arc as soon as possible if your player does not have Good Sense.
I would try to S/L to get the P.I Job because it makes making a GREAT player so much easier with
gambling rings and all those books. On my previous guy, I got a gambling ring as soon as possible and
it lasted me through the whole game.
Getting Energy up to full bar may be a good idea too but I haven't tried rushing it up so I don't really
have an idea on it's effectiveness.
Also dating the girls may be good too but again I never dated them so I wouldn't know how to go about
it. Maybe I'll try on my next guy!
One other thing that might be better is to buy shiny fragrances for all of your games in the first year and
the scouting test so you don't have to worry as much when you get to AAA.

Pictures of abilities and stats


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